The Huron Expositor, 1984-01-11, Page 4v A4 - THE ,HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 11, 1984 rIl • goo BY HARRY L. MA.RDON •It is important to have a good credit NOV, ss you intend to go through life Zvi ..out borrowing money or ,buying any thing on credit. ' The very rich and the very poor don't have a problem with credit, the former because 'theydon't need it and the latter because they're too pRoor, to obtain credit. The vest majority of Canadiana fit;rbetween these two extremes, and•many of thosepeople at one time. .or antler will apply for credit in one form or another. • Whether you like it or not, once you have opened a credit account. or obtained a credit card. a file will be opened on you at a ,credit bureau, From then On your perforfttanice AS'A promppt,.or lardy rep els ;of edit Twill be, reoorded by your.IIocai credit bureau. A word• of explanation•:, rabout. credit bureaus. They are strictly,a business. They collect information 'about.'. the payment performance of individuals who• ltave.ttsed credit, and provide 'this information' o credit lit •, .. (`8ranf rs • , far a #'ee 'Jt used tri bei! ;secretjve business. Wever, viola 'now have legislation cedttbu aus,to:di$ lose 1R,°users, Ilan contained in;010,111ggi optpil: e . f't� .e is inaccurate nfocc �,ata e� t-edfiit: burg aus are re. wired to ea,t T 't'nti know whether, the tpfor biityou is a. urate or f ilsie (toil t{tuftegus.don t volunt9er atlat��7tt• s 4'n(oye ,dro lanai the aft.da, Biutypurctditle,ilDhowyou 0er aa, itliuI credit at finds, out;*tnere you have moved. "to. Please turn .tF page A• 1 MASTER OF Britannia Lodge No. 170 G.R,C„ A.F. & A.M. Is J. Douglas Smale, 5eaforthhF'e aµrr eds _Kenneth. _Camp bel, of RRt Dublin. .CATELILI MACARONI SPAGHETTI > P GHTTINI Provincial budget is disappointing dual 'g Sagtfingo Liberal ,Finance Critic Patrick Reid (Rainy River) has responded t to the Provincial Treasurer's Statement of Dec, 15, 1983. Members of the Liberal Caucus had been eagerly awaiting this statement because opening up the budget -making process had long been a goal of our party. As David Peterson stated in a speech on the topic in June 1982, "The budget process is not just another academic problem. It is an area where practical politics makes reform imperative." Asa first step, we had been pressing for this type of mid -year update of budget estimates and forecasts, given the inaccuracies which have been observed in the past. The Treasurer's statement on December 15th was a bitter disappointment. Rather than an objective overview of the recent economic climate and a review of options for the future, it was little more than on exercise in government propaganda intended to gloss over the harsh realities of our times. We had been promised "projections which set the stage for major policy decisions to be taken in the spring budget", but received few of substance. On the major issue of the day, the statement said only "unemployment rates are projected to remain high' , a self-evident Enanity which tempts one to paraphrase Calvin Coolidge and add, "therefore, people win be out of work". Especiallyinting was the (act that tttestatement did -not fulfil its potential of establishing a valuable precedent in public policy decision making in Ontario, If the goal was really to lift 'the veil of secrecy surrounding the development of budgets much of value could have been achieved. First. a review of the economic climate over the past several years could have been provided to enable all, citizens to see where we were, where we areinow. and how we got here. Second, a range of policy options could have been detailed, along with a discussion of the pros and cons. Those options would include various taxation changes, reductions er increases In guve:ruuiemt ssppen�ding. privatization of Crown Corporations or gaYeniment services, etc. Thfirrdd• a' set of forecasts could be given for important indicators such as employment and unem- ployment. GNP growth retail sales. etc. assuming various policy changes. Against a no change scenario, econometric projections would allow individuals to weigh the effects of. say. an increase in the retail sates tax versus the elimination of the policy secretariats. While the pre -budget state- ment touched on each of these areas, it touched only selectively, leaving out the essential elements. A SELECTIVE REVIEW The economic review covered only four and a half pages. with only the final page and a half related directly to Ontario. We were told that "retail sales. housing starts and employment growth have all been stronger in the provinces". but we were not told how much stronger. or compared with when...Was this a year-to-year change. or siace the onset. or perhaps thetrougb of the rece55io,h9 was the d's Undoubtedly. ssioe area oemploymentost d unemployment... We were told that stem November 1932. 196.000 jobs had been cre ted...Batt we were oat mid how many jolas had been last up to November 1982 (216.000 since September 1931) and thus how far we still retrained from pre -recession levels (20,000)...We were not told how crutch Montt jab recovery had been for young pempte...or haw unemployment had con- tinued in 1933 at intolerable levets...or haw much of the growth in etnployment was in t time work, where Dace there had been full-time jobs_ in short. the peopteof Ontario were not given the whole story. The glowing outlook for the auto industry trade no mention of the thousands of jobs which have disappeared forever from the industry. Production and sales figures were related to the depressed 1982 levels. rather than the peaks in 1979..one would never know that there are currently 3,500 fear. markers at Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. Marie than were employed in January 1932_ SLmdarly. in agriculture, yehu1e the Treasurer tells us that realized net farm income for 1943 is expected to increase by 10.6 per cent over 1982. he fails to meetian that this will merely b'r'ing farm incomes back to the /ere! of 1981 or that Ontario farms continue to lead the =entry in farm bankrn$tcies with 140 in 1981. 176 in 1932 and 1S7 m the first eleven meeths of 1933. LACK OF POLICY OPTffJ The desotiptlohi of policy options was utmost ion-emstent...no new sternums were proposed or even hinted atr, Readers were left with only platitudes such as "new skulls traditionalwill be required end growth in employanmst will fall' Where werethe government programs to develop these new skifli and replace the traditional eiri lay- • More on our response to the Tteastiser•s Sieterumentt of Dezember 15th in neat week's celuratu. 51"1 1 KG PKG. CLOVERLEAF P114K SALMON 73'40Z. TIN SOFT PURE VEGETABLE MOM'S MARGARINE BUDGET ILEe�°c�na1 �� TIS E 1. jt FARili1-= 4 ROLL PACK .89 .99 PROCESSED -CHEESE SPREAD KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ -MAPLE LEA TiNNED HAM LIBE Y'S ALPHA-GETTI ZOODLES SPAGHETTI & CHEESE JUICE 500 G JAR 1.5 LB. TIN 14 OZ. TIN 48 OZ. TIN 2.99 3179. .59 FANCY -DEL MONTE VEGETAiBLES WAX OR GREEN BEANS WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM CORN 14 OZ. OR 12 OZ. TINS • .69 STUFFEDMANZANILLA 375M1. MCCORMICK'S clue HOUSE WAGON LIVEs �1HEEL ' NABISCO SHREDDIES 675 G BOX ■ SIERRA BY CLUBHOUSE 350 GM. 9 ASSORTED VARIETIES HABITANT SOUPSit I MARASCHINO CHERRIES • SEAFORT11 STORE ONLY 250 ML. SIERRA BY CLUBHOUSE DISHWASHER 0 RGENT 2802. , PURE1(t9ETABE=. CRISCO D1 i9 MCCORM1CK-s 200GBOX MANZANILLA SNACK 391OLIVES +"RR� 375 ML. 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