The Wingham Times, 1903-12-03, Page 6}.s,
• finest beef
tierce's Hca
There is health and strength
in every drallbi:t of
it contains inthe smallest
possible bull: all the strengthening
and stimulating properties of the
and is so palatable, refreshing
jo and invigorating that thousands are getting
• THE BOVRIL HABIT—because thev like it
—because it is the ideal cold weather beverage.
Wcnlri;. Sr"1g-'-NOC3ivsh€IIla—c°'.tim::sa^i%lLri'g.
10(N Q6Qc2
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
'Walkerton Christmas Fair will be held
man Dec. 10th and 17th.
Mrs. Neil Cameron, con., 12, Bruce,
Itas sold her farm of 150 acres to Mr.
Waring for $0,500.
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly
recommended by the medical profession as
a safeguard against infectious diseases. _z
Miss Ellen Perki. s of Gorrie fell while
descending the stairway at her residence
and sustained a severe fracture in her
right shoulder.
Sixteen Chinamen ranging in ages
from 50 years to 10 years paid their tax
sof $500 each at Sarnia recently, for com-
ing into Canada, and proceeded to Mon-
Mr. Thomas F. Cain, who has been in
the hotel business in Lucknow for many
years, has sold. the business of the Cain
Souse to Mr. Win. Fogarty of Lucan,
who is now in possession.
Ono of the oldest residents of Culross
passed away on Monduy of this week in
the person of Euphemnia Kerr, beloved
wife of Mr. James Goodfellow, aged 77
years, 0 months and 5 days.
Owen Sound Orangemen are already
malting preparations for the celebration
ref July 12 next yeer. The counties of
' Grey, Bruce, Huron, Dufferiu and Sim -
coo are all expected to join in the cele-
The experiment of lighting passenger
trains with acetylene gas, which has
been tried by the C. P. R. for some time,
bas proved so successful that the order
bas gone forth naming acetylene as the
illumination to be used in the future.
CA Td'G►�.=
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
A little girl, whose parents were mem-
hers of the Presbyterian ehureh, came
house one day in a state of bewilderment
because her teacher had told the . class
that Jesus was a Jew. "Well, my dear,
so He was," said the nioth.r. "But,
mother," retorted the girl, "how eau
Ow son of God be a Jew, when God is a
Dr, John N, Gunn, eldest son of Mr.
Hester Gunn, of Ailsa Craig, has won
membership in the Royal. College of Sur-
geons, of England, and becomes a Lie•
entiate of the Royal College of Pity'
siciaus, also of London, England. He is
a graduateof Toronto.
The telepboue system between Blyth
and Auburu is now an working order.
Mr. ani Mrs. Geo. Rawn of Egremont
township celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary on the 21st ult.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of e�.t,?..(4 e//f.
Last week Mr. Thos. Bennett disposed
or his 150 farm on the corner of the 12
con. and the B. line for $3400 to Mr. W.
J. Montgomery, of the 15th con.
Mr. John Hey, Jr., of Hay, has a
Baldwin apple which grew in his orchard
this year and which measures no less
than 113,4 inches in circumference.
The Stratford board of trade has de-
cided to petition the city council to have
the name hoards placed on the streets
and the government for a free mail de-
i A
fs s'nt direct to thdiditiseased
parts by the Improved blower."
Heals the ulcers, clean the air
passages. sups :Iroppings In the
throat and permanently tura
y Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower
yr,�/ tree. Ail dealer,, or Dr. A W Chase
Sdt•rlicinn Co.. 'Comma and Bural..
The highest salary raid to a public
school teacher in a town or village in the
West Bruce inspectorate this year is
$700 and the highest in a rural school is
$500. The average salary paid to a male
teacher is $300, female $206.
A gentleman living in Palmerston
sold a cow a few days ago for beef, but
the purchaser, instead of getting the
animal intended to be sold, took by
mistake a valuable thoroughbred Dur-
ham cow and slaughtered her. The
mistake caused a loss about fifty dol-
lars. 8
On Monday of last week, Gideon
Doupe, formerly of the 10th Concession
of Huron, died at Blyth, leaving a wid-
ow and two grown up children. He was
a brother of Samuel and Joseph Doupe,
well known residents of Huron; Adam
Doupe of London and Levi of St. Louis.
The funeral took place on Thursday at
A timesaving method of handling
baggage has been adopted by the Michi-
gan Central railway. Instead of throw-
ing out the baggage on a truck and load-
ing from another truck at each station,
the truck is carried in the baggage car
and loaded in transit. At each station
the loaded truck is run off on the plat.
form, and another, loaded and waiting,
is run on.
By an explosion of acetylene gas in a
crowded Sunday school at Kippeu on
Tuesday night, 24th, many persons, most-
ly children, were injured, several of them
seriously'. The pastor, Rev. Mr. McLen-
nan, and Caretaker Moore, were badly
burned. Others injured were Mrs.
James McLean, Nellie Cooper, Ella Algie,
Alice Taylor, Flora Taylor and Linn
A farmer, residing near Wiarton, in
company with his son, a boy apparently
about fifteen years of age, for whom he
purchased a half fare ticket, recently
boarded a train that is scheduled to jog
by Milverton daily. The conductor,
when doing his duty collecting tickets,
protested against a boy of his size travel-
ling at half rate, when ho was met with
the rejoiner: "Yotr must remember that
that boy has grown since the train start-
ed." The con. passed aft while all the
passengers ttrinned..
F'or infant' • and Children.
Mir Kind You Have Always Bought
Rims the
Signature of
Mrs. James Clark, Commands,
writes: "I was greatly troubled with
Headache and Constipation. I tried
Lasa -Liver Pills and they did nme more
good. than anything I ever took,"
The remains of Mrs. Hodder, a former
resident of the 2nd con. of Morris, were
brought from Blue Island, a suburb of
Chicago, for interment at Brussels on
Tousday of last week, Mrs. Hodder
four months ago went to Chicago to live
with her son. She was aged about 80
NormanbyCouncil paid Miss Canovan,
of Nenagh, $40 for damages. She claims
to have bad three ribs broken and was
otherwise seriously injured in a fall
while walking along a dilapidated side-
walk in Ayton, one Sunday about three
months ago. Miss Cauovan had a good
claim for damages, but rather than go to
trouble accepted $80 in full settlement of
her claim.
Mrs. Hibbert Beck, Newburn, N. S.
writes: "I was in bed for weeks with
Rheumatism and could not move with-
out help. I began using Milburn's
Rheumatic Pillsand one box relieved
the pain and six boxes completely cured
Voting on the proprosal to unite the
municipalities of Peterboro' and Ash-
burnham was held in both places on
Thursday last, and in each a majority of
votes was cast for the union, which will
consequently take place on January 1,
1904. The total population of the united
municipalities will be 13,588, making
Peterboro' rank next to Kingston and
Brantford in the list of Ontario cities.
After a lingering illness Mr. Wm. Orr
of con. 8, Kinloss joined the great major-
ity on Saturday morning, Nov. 21st, at
the age of 66 years. Mr. Orr was highly
thought of by all who knew him and he
will be missed in the community in
which he has so long resided. The fun-
eral on Monday afternoon to Tiffin's
cemetry was largely attended.
Mrs. E. W. Le Gallais, St. Godfroy,
P. Q., says: "I have used Milburn's
Sterling Headache Powders for sick
headache. After taking two powders
I fell better and was able to get up
and go on with my work."
E. Brown, of Hullet, has bought the
50 acre farm of Mr. Albert Weymouth,
paying therefore $2,100. As it joins Mr.
Brown's farm of 100 acres, it gives him
a good large farm, conveniently situat-
ed, with good buildings.
Owing to the resignation of Miss Shan-
non as teacher of the Ethel public school
the trustees have engaged the services of
Miss Laura Nichols, of Brussels, who is
attending the Clinton Model School at
present, as her successor for 1904.
Mr. P. R. Crews, of Kingston, formerly.
a Clinton jeweller, recently sustained
i quite a lona in a strange manner, In
DDone of the cases iu his well-appointed
store be had a lot of heavy cut glass•
ware and fancy china ou a shelf. Above
tl i l had other well laden shelf
Energy, Snap and Ambition aoap—
You Need a Bracing Tonle to.
Ironize the. Blood, Try
I''errezone will make you strong and
capable of doing a hard day's work
without fatigue. . It is a marvellous
remedy, aud dons marvellous thiugs,
a$. the following testimony proves:
"After filmy baby was born, I was left
in a weak, sickly condition, totally un.
fit for a mother's household duties. I
somehow did not gain strength although
I took 'nail extracts and tomos all the
time. A lady friend recomtneuded Per.
rozoue, which I used with splendid re-
sults. The first hos helped me quite a
littlA, and wheim I had taken six boxes
my former health, ruddy cheeks and
good spirits, wore fully restored." ---Mrs.
Newlands, Swansea.
You can't spend 50o. to a better ad-
vantage than on a box of Ferrozone,
and the sooner you get Ferrozone, the
sooner you will get well. Don't accept
a substitute, but insist on your drug-
gist supplying the genuine Ferrozone,
which sells for 50c. a box, or six boxes
for $2.50. Brinell from The Ferrozone
Company, Kingston, Out.
For Ov..r Sixty rears,
An Old and Well-TriedRemedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays. all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists iu every part of the
world. Twentyfive cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Mrs. Win. Beavers of Bayfield Road,
has a chrysanthemum plant on which
there are 425 blossoms by careful count.
It's tolerably certain the County "of
Grey will not'bo noted for au overplus
of hawkers and peddlers. The County
Council at. the last session raised the
licenses as follows:—For two -horse con-
veyance $1(0; single horse $60; hand
cart $40; basket $20; and a reward of
from 1510 to $20 will bo paid any person
for the conviction of any who may be
found peddling without license.
The windmill bas become a necessity
on farms. In proportion to cost it gives
more power and service than any ma-
chine or inplemeut on the farm. Not
ouly will a windmill pump water, but
it will also grind, saw wood, cut the
coarse food and furnish power for many
other purposes. They have been greatly
improved, and are capable of doing
much more than many suppose.
Mrs. Homeleigh—"Your husband is
at his club a good deal, isn't he?" Lady
Gadabout—"Yes. The poor boy hates be-
ing at home alone, you know,—Punch.
The advice of friends is a good thing
to listen to in matters of business, but it
is a very sorry prop for one's support.
"Each man buildd his own house and
lives in it." Success comes of self-reli-
ance. No two friends will advise
precisely alike as touching any one
thing. He succeeds best who with ax in
hand cuts his own way.
On Wednesday of last week a very
pretty marriage took place in the Cath-
olic church, Brussels. The contracting
parties were Mr. Daniel Quinn of the
township of Ashfield, and Miss Minnie
Gaynor, daughter of John Gaynor, of
Elma township, The bride was assisted
by ger sister, Miss Elizabeth Gaynor
and the groom by his cousin Mr. William
Worms affect a child's health too
seriously to neglect. Sometimes they
cause oonyulsions and death. If you
suspect them to be present, give Dr.
Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
destroys the worms without injuring
the child. Price 25o.
He that will not permit his wealth to
do any good while he is alive prevents
it doing any good to him self when he
is dead: and by an egotism that is sui-
cidal, and has a double edge, cuts him-
self off from the truest pleasure here and
the highest pleasure hereafter.
The last crop report of the province
of Ontario has been issued by the De-
partment of Agrieulture, and shows a
satisfactory year. The farmers are lay
gely turning to live stock, and thus be-
coming independent of fluctuations in
the grain market.
An ingenious statistican finds that
an average titan of 50 years of age has
slept 6,000 daye, worked 6,500 days,
walked 800 days, amused himself 4,000,
has been eating 1,500 days, and has been.
111500. In this time he has eaten '70,000
pounds of bread, 10,000 pounds of meat,
4,000 pounds of vegetables, eggs, and
fish, and drunk "x,000 gallons of liquid.
Haw's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co, Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F.3.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out aur obligations made by their Arm.
WEST & TRUAK, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. 0. WAtt xxG, KINNA:V & MAB-
viv, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern•
a11y, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi.
monials sent free. Price 750. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
We fully guarantee the genu-
ine quality of our rings and have
a special value
. Dimon
The diamond is pure white in
color and perfectly cut and proms•
Is set in either the above solid
14 K. gold rings.
Money returned if ring is not
Mailed prepaid to any address
on receipt of price.
John S. Barnard,
John Tutt met instant death last
T'hur'sday morning at Goderich by com-
ing in contact with a coupling t}n a
a tmill ak
fete of shafting a the of the Lake
Huron & Manitoba Milling Company.
Mr. Tutt and about a dozen others were
at work at the time on a large pile of
grain, shovelling the grain back. Part
of his clothing was torn off and the
unfortunate Iran thrown over the shaft•
ing. lie leaves a widow and two step-
118 le a au
which gaveway, resulting in the smash,
ing of goods below to the value of $100.
The goods destroyed were not insured
against such a contingency, so Mr. Crews
had to stand the entire loss,
C011(ILI OF QIUL'1'X;.
In theSpring when Grippe was raging
Iliad a balattack and the cough was so
severe that I thought I would cough
myself to death. I got a bottle of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and it.
cured rue in a surprisingly short time.
Mrs, J. H. Myers, Isaac's Harbor, N, S.
Two farmers in Bruce township have
been neighbors for many years in so far
as a feud which existed between them
would permit. The story of how the
feud started is interestiug, Farmer No
1 had collected a lot of stone which he
had piled iu the panels of the snake
fence wbioh separates his farm from his
neighbor's, expecting to use them to put
a stone foundation under his barn.
Farmer No 2 wanted stone for the same
purpose and offered to buy his neighbors'
collection, but the offer was declined.
What then did he do but change that part
of the line fence which belonged to him,
so that the panels included the stone
piles belonging to his neighbor! Then
he used the stone to build the founda-
tion and it cost him nothing.
Oue In Four Persons,
Oue person in every four sriffers more
or less from itching'piles, Some do not
know the nature of their ailment, and
others have not heard of Dr. Chase's
Ointment as the only absolute and guar-
anteed cure for this distressing disease.
If you are a sufferer ask your neighbors
about this great preparation. It has
grown popular as a result of its merits
being passed from friend to friend.
Inspector Paisley, as one of the execut-
ors of the late Satuuei Sloane, of Goder-
ich, in company with Mr. C. Garrow,
the solicitor, was iu Chatham last week,
defeurling a suit, involving some $90.
It was au action brought by the execu-
trix of the last will and testament of the
late Samuel Sloane. It was said to be
money paid by Robt. Sloane 1901 to
Samuel Sloane, to renumerate him for
attending the said Robt. Sloane's funeral
whenever it might occur. In view of
Mr. Samuel Sloane's wellknowu wealth,
the case was peculiar, to say the least.
The case was triad before Judge Woods,
in time first division court, Chatham, he
holding that from the evidence submitted
there was no case established, and .dis-
missed the action with costs.
WANTED—A trustworthy gentleman or lady
in each county to manage business for an old
established .mouse of solid financial shining. A
straight; bona fide weeklysalary of 918.00 paid
by check each Monday with all expenses direct
from headquarters. Honey advanced for ex•
Menses. Enclose addressed envelope. Manager,
300 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
Oldest, Largest, Most Widely
Circulated and Only National
Agricultural Hoene Paper in
Canada. '
After Januaryiilst, 1904,
PRICE�p .50Num5bers.
New subscribers get balance of this year free,
including magnificent Christmas number. Send
in your subscription at once. Don't miss a
single issue. Agents wanted everywhere;
liberal terms given. Sample copy free.
The Wm. Weld Co., Limited,
London, Ont.
TIMES and Farmers' Advocate for 92.25, ba-
lance of 11:03 free to new subscribers.
Seal Jackets
Alaska Seal
Jacket made or
the best of
selected fur,
with any sleeve
Twenty' -four
inches in length;,
lined with best
satin, high
collar and full
lapels, like the
above design,
Electric Seal Jacket of Splendid
fur, well tailored and lined with satin,
any sleeve desired,
twenty - four inch ^e s
long, same as above
Write for particulars and new
catalogue and self measuring card
of latest fashions. Money refunded
if not satisfactory.
The W. &D, DINEEN CO.„Limited
Cor. 't`onge and Temperance Sts.
For Profit...
, i ; ..-,, 1:r..':
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They
are made of a cornbination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in treed. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn -
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is ,enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bttle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
, •�' .-' �, ,,..,•
a• '
� ... ▪ ��K. � psi t? � ! • K �'`'' Cured To
rgh▪ L� �t Stay Cured
re•AStric urea, no matter where located, are apt to involve the
surrounding structures. If neglected or improperly treated, ,
urethral stricture will produce distressing symptoms. Cut -
4? ting, stretching and tearing are the old barbarous methods of "I'
,ty treating this disease. The strictly modern and original meth- WY
rekods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and '
• �t•ti are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal stricture tis- di
sue is dissolved ant. leaves tho channel free and clear. All un-
natural discharges cease, anv irritation or burning sensation
disappears, the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate Gland and other
Surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood
returns. Our ABSORI'T1Vi; TR1.ATAi$NT will positively
We Cure Varioocelo, Blood end ;kin Diseases.
Nervous Debility. Striotures, Bladder. Kidney and
Urinary Diseases.
CONSULTATION FREE. Question List For Home
Treatment Sent Free.
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
Y *4 CO.
�B' 1
Clubbing Ofl!ers - 4903-94-
TIMES announces the following
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:—
Every Farmer should keep
these three words constantly
in mind and conduct his farm
on strict business principles.
Guess work and haphazard
methods are no longer used by
successful and up-to-date far-
By reading THE WEEKLY
SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, you will get the very
latest and most accurate in-
formation regarding your busi-
THE SUN'S market "reports
are worth many times the sub-
scription price to you. '
Every Farmer in Canada
should realize the full value of
the service THE SUN has ren-
dered him in a public way. It
was due to the action of nig
SUN in giving voice to the
opinions of the farmers that
the law relating to cattle
guards, drainage across rail+
ways, and farm fires caused by
railway locomotives has been
We will send THE WEEKLY
SUN from now to lst January*
1905, in combination with
The Wingham Times, for $175
low -rate •
Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated.
supplement 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario ` 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.. 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly Sun. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe 4 35 •
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25•
Times and Toronto Daily Star 1 80
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald..'1 15
Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for any nevi;spaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to admit of no'reduction. Therefore there is no use •
asking for cheaper rates.
• In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the BALANCE OF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted
are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers •
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Give the Times a trial. subscription.
From now to Jan. lst, 1904, for 10c.
Call at the office, or address