The Wingham Times, 1903-12-03, Page 22
THE W1NUICA.M 'TIES, 1)ECE IBEI1 3, 1903,.
tliotioe of changes be left at this
omee not later than Saturday noon,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Qasual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
H. B.EiLLIOTT, PITSLIetfEa ANA PitorR areli
THURSDAY, DEO.3, 1903,
Sir W. Holland, referring to his recent
visit to Canada, said; "It is morally car
tain that under the able guidance of the
men of character and enterprise whom
we had the honor to meet, Canada is des-
tined to play in the future a bigger role
than that we have hitherto seen iu the
development of our common Empire."
The Globe has beau collecting the
opinions of business men in the indus-
trial centres of Canada, on the question
of whether the period of financial de-
pression which is felt to be approaching
in the Uuited States will not react dis-
astrously on conditions in this country.
The general trend of the views expressed
is that Canada is more than ever before
industrially inderendent of the United
States, and that depression there does
not neeest:arily involve a similar situa-
tion here.
Accordiug to Mr, Snow, the statisti-
cian of the International Apple Shippers'
Association, Outarho is the largest apple
°growiug province or state in North Amer-
ica. Her product for this year is put at
12,800,000 barrels. Tbo next best record
is giveu to Virginia, and is55,000,000bar-
rels, New York State being credited
with only 4,088,000 barrels. The total
apple product of Canada is estimated at
13,450,000 barrels, This is well up to
one-third of the crop of the United
States which is put at 46,614,000 barrels.
New Zealand has passed a preferen-
tial tariff measure, which will go into
effect immediately, A. duty of 20 per
cent, is imposed on a number of articles
when imported from non -British terri-
tory, now on the free list. On cement
the duty is doubled, and 54 per cent. is
added to a long list of items when impose.
ported from other than British territory.
.Canada it is expected will reap consider-
able benefit from the new tariff schedule.
Last year New Zealand imported from
Canada goods to the value of $450,567,
while Canada in turn imported products
valued at $41,903.
In view of the fact that coal oil has
been advancing steadily in price month
by month until it has now reached near-
ly' the highest point in the history of the
oil industry in Canada, it is interesting
to know that the Standard Oil Company
"recently declared a dividend of 12 per
cent., or $12,000,000 on its capitalization
of $100,000,000. Of this John D. Rocke-
feller will receive $4,800,000, and his
brother William will receive $2,400,000.
This Iatest dividend, which is payable
Dec. 15, makes a total of 44 per cent„ or
$44,000,000, for the year. against $45,000,-
000 in 1902, $48,000,000 in 1901 and 1900,
$33,000,000 in 1899, $30,000,000 in 1898,
$33,000,000 in 1897, $31,000,000 in 1896
and $12,000,000 each in 1891, 1892, 1893
1894 and 1895.
Headaches, Pains Easily Accounted rex-
'oraid .Functional Derangements. Make
Life Miserable.
Throughout the length and breadth of
Canada there are thousands and thous-
ands of grateful people who admit that
they owe health and strength to the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi1ls,and who al-
ways speak -as they should do -in ternis
of warmest praise of this medicine.
Among the many friends Dr. Williams'
Piuk Pills have made there is perhaps
uor',e more euthnsiastio in speaking of
the pills than Mrs. Edward Atcbesou, of
Orangeville, Ont., who for two ye :.*s suf-
fered Intensely, but at last found a cure
through the use of this remedy, To a
reporter of the Oraugeville Sun, Mrs.
Atcheson said: "Three years ago I be-
came very much ruu down. My appetite
almost vanished, I grew pale, was sub
ject to headaches, dizziness, palpitation
of the heart and a ringing noise DI the
ears. I tried several medicines, but
they did not help me, and I was conse-
quently much depressed and feared I
was doomed to go through life a chronic
invalid. One day I read the cure of a
woman whose symptoms were almost
identical with my own, through the use
of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills. I sent for
a box, and by the time it was finished I
sufficiently encouraged to send for an-
other, and so on natal I had taken six
boxes, when I was in every sense of the
word a different person. Every symp-
tom of my late illness had vauished, and
I was once more enabled to look atter
my household duties with old-time
health and vigor. I feel that I owe all
this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
cheerfully recommend them to other
weak and suffering women."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a real
blessing to all weak, weary women.
They build up the blood and care all the
fuuctional ills from which 8o many wo-
men suffer in silence. These pills may
bg had from any druggist or will be sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Med-
icine Co., Brockville, Ont. Remember
that substitutes cannot cure, and see that
the fall name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People," is printed on the wrap-
per around each box.
Pointers for Politicians
He is a wise legislator who knows his
own amended Bill.
It is always much easier to explain
away what you didn't say.
When in real doubt never ask the
other side to enlighten you,
A shut mouth and a sympathetic ear
catch a lot of confidences.
It is to be hoped that the recording
angel will be more merciful to soma
politicians than the Hansard man has
Self -praise is said to be no recom-
mendation; therefore, see to it that
your friends don't forget to tout you.
In kissing the baby during a cauvaes,
always remark that the dear little thing
has the beautiful month of its mother.
Never praise the Pope's encyclical to
a Twelfth of July crowd.
Thos. McGillicuddy
FOR 1003.
The oantinued Investigation into the
conditions under which agricultural
seeds are' eeld in Canada has been giv-
en a „rather extensive scope during
1903. The, report of the, w,ark done
by the Seed Division during 1902 was
published in Bulletin No. 8, ea the
sprung of the current year on. !boa -
sand one bu:nd,red,znd twelve samples
of grass, clover, flax, cereal, root Drop
and garden; vegetable seeds were se-
cured from mereh"ants in all parts of
Canada and tested in the Seed Labor
ataxy. Ottawa. Iii addition to these,
awe. hundred and 'twenty-five samples
GI grass and ciovir seed were analyz-
ed for farmers and seed merchants.
With cath same& obtained for in-
vestigation, information was enclosed
giving the name of the dealer mind the
place where it w,aii sold, the prase per
pound or per bushel, and the origin
cif the seed. In this connection, it is
inte,re:sting to note that the prices
paid by farmers (star ,grass and clover
ids avere no "guide to the actual
value of tlhc samples. The average
retail prices per one hundred pounds
of timothy, alsike 'and, ',red clover
seeds, as trbowtt by the information
cards received with the samples, have
been. calculated and the results are
somewhat surprising. If these are to
be taken as a fair average, we ,f.ind
that in Ontario ;first grade, timothy
sold for $5.89 pct• hundred ;•. second
grade tar :36.24 '.i'nd lower, grade for
55.52. In quebecc first grade clover
averaged 515.50 ; second grade 512.22
and lower grades $15.15. In the Mar-
itime 1',rovinces Lalsike et the, best
grads+ sold for an average of 517.00 ;
second grade, 516.25, and lower grades
516.45 per hundrbd pounds.
In. these calculations the nature ,of
the impurities contained in the sam-
ples was, of course, not taken :nto
consid,exation. Samples gen taining 90
per cent. or ova of good seed were
rated as first grade; samples contain-
ing .between' 80 and 90 par cent. as
second grade ; and samples containing
less than; 80 per cent. as low grade.
It may be pointed atnt that no sample
of alsike c,antainink, `90 per, cent. or
over of pure and gelrminable seed was
obtained in the pr;gviace of Quebec.
Twio hundred anti six samples of
timothy seed were dnalyscd and of
these eighty-four contained 90 per
cent. of pure and germianble seeds.
Seventy -twee of these simplest con-
tained fewer than 1000 seeds 'per
pound, one hundred and sixty-two
contained fewer than 5,000, and: six-
teen contained, more than 10,000.
Aaet of oxho *hundred and thirty-six
samples of alsike that were analyzed.
only six contained; 90 per cent. or
over left pure and germinable seed.
Eighteen' of them contained, fewer
than 1000 weed seed,s per pound ; sixty-
seven contained fewer than 5,000, and
twenty-two Contained more than 10, -
A Proper Safeguard
(Stratford Beacon.)
Much attention has been directed to
New Ontario during recent years, and
the Government must be creeited with
a good share of the interest. Its policy
is resulting in a large influx of settlers
and in developing the other resources of
that 'portion of the Province. The spec-
ulator as well as the actual settler has
been attracted by the fertile lands espe-
cially in the Temiscaming district,
and complaints have been made that
land is being held without being set-
tled, in order that it may be disposed
of at a profit resulting from the settle-
ment of adjoining lands. It is not
in accordance with the law and regula-
tions of the Crown Lands Department
that this should be done, but it has been
found difficult to prevent it and to can-
cel the holding of lands which appear
to be held for speculative purposes.
.The Government has decided to meet
the difficulty by appointing an impartial
officer to be known as iuspector of home-
steads, who will inquire into complaints,
and if he finds that the law and the reg-
ulptions as to settlement are being vi-
olated he will report to the department
and the laud will revert to the Province
and be available for others who will oc-
cupy and settle it. The Government
has taken a proper course which should
receive general commendation. The
evils of large tracts of laud being held
for speculative purposes in Old Ontario
were felt for years, and we do not want
them repeated in New Ontario,
Application For Money paid Under
an Agreement.
much of our best recleaned 9lsike area
red clover seed is exPerted. While
it is d sira'blo that the reputation of
CY,nadiale grown seeds be maintained
in European nhari3ets, it is no less itn-
•portant the'. Canadians farnis .sltould
not be further contaminated by the
weed seeds Arculatning in the, screen-
lags and loaver grades of seeds which
are lett for the home trade.
Ruch' McCauley and airs wife Jessie
lived at Kincardine thirty years ago.
In 1874 an agreement of separation
was drawn between them, and he put
several hundred dollars in the bank
far the benefit of herself and their son
Angus McCauley, now 20 years old,
and doing business in Buffalo, N.Y.
This money was put into the, hands
of Rev. John Fraser as trustee. Mr.
Pains in the 'hackMcCauley and. Mr. Fraser are dead,
and the woman its an inmate offlee
Twp hundred and six samples of red
clover were obtained from smallelea1-
ers and of these eighty, samples con-
t.ained090 per cent. or, over of pure
acid germinable seed. Sixty-five of
them contained! fewer. than 1000 weed
seeds per pound, one hundred and
twenty-4fiv' contained( fewer 'than 5,•-
000, and forty-four contained.
thin 10,000.
It is well to note thrat- a large pro-
partion of these saxnples obtained for
investigation' were purchased from ir-
respolnsible dealers' in villages and
small towns. Th'e reliable seed houses
:retail large; quantities of high class
seeds, but. al .,cohnpa,ratively small
number of samples were obtained di-
xect from these large firms. The per-
centage of samples 'of good; quality
would have been much greater if this
hate been. done.
T.AIN:Seven s»mples cd a),s•ke and d'our-
teen, of xed clover seeds were. obtain-
ed ,from retail .seedsmen in, Great Bri-
tain. Of these, th,ree off alsike and
five of redieloVer eeere said to be Caa-
edi,an grown. 'The analysis off the
Canadian alsika showed an average of
95.6 per cent. of pure and germinable
seeds. The average of the three sam-
ples of Alsike whlah were said, to be
English grown was 94.27 per cent., and
the ono German grown sample includ-
ed In. the lot contained 84.72 per cent.
df pure and germinable seeds. The
latter sample oointeined thirteen spe-
cies elf foreign seees.
The average purity elf the fourteen
samples of xed clover seed obtained
in Great Britain was 98.0 and the av-
erege germination. "92.3 per. cent.
The Canadian growin samples were
slightly lower 'in, per cent, of purity
than, those which, were said to have
been grown. in England and, Chili. The
average eller• cent. of purity! of the five
Canadian grown samples was 96.7 and
the average per cent. orf vitality 93.6.
Comparing the q city of the Can-
adieu r fined from r
n g aiwrre sae�,d to c
Can -
tall dealers in Great Britain: with the t
of the salnplcs purchased from retail
riealere in. Canada, it would seem that
and 1sadacbe l asylum, art Landon, oat. 'The Inspee-
{ for of Prisons in this province applied
Were entirely, cured and health greatly' to Judge 'W.inchester at Toronto Tues -
improved be Dr. Chase's Kidney-
Liver ruts. E day to get they accumulated interest
MRS. J. LA1tTER, 123 Cross St., Charlotte- I of the money for the benefit of MTS.
town, P,E.I., and whose husband is a con- t McCauley, but the eon, applies for the
tractor, states :-"I had suffered a great deal principal.
with pains in the small of the back, my diges-
tion was bad, and I was frequently troubled According to the original agreement
with spells of racking headache. T have been the interest of the Money is to be ap-
entirely cured of these .distressing symptoms 1 plied for the benefit of the 'Wife dux. -
by the Ilse a Dr.P lisChase'snd inglife and `thee principal is for be
Kidney -Liver Pills and '
find that my general givens tel the son where of age. That
health is greatly improv I Vas the problem. before the judge. The
ed since I Have been +
son agreed to take his mother tot B;uf-
using this preparation. t
"I can also testify to , fain if lie Were given( the money, but
the merit of Dr. Chase's : the Inspector objected to that lest,
Syrup of Linseed and i eventually, she should be sent back
urpentine as I was
;a cured of a tevere attack t lucre aid then have no means of sup -
't of bronchitis by the use port. The judge enlarged the matter
Mr*. Leiter of this remedy. with the hops thw,tt it wenld be aania-
Pains in the smsll of the back are an en-
ifiriititakalsle ssyniptent of kidneydisease, and ,Ably adjusted,
should be sufficient warning of te approach of
ihis dreadfullyinful and fatal ailmnt. eThere Iiagyard, s 'Ycllory Oil takes brit pain,
s no treatmet so prompt to bring relief and reduces awelling and allays inflamme.
EGOS so y
Iaatin 1 beneficial ad Dr. Chase's : tion. Cures Rheumatism, Stiff Jointtt,
b,tatIf •Liver Pills, one 'it at dose, 2$ cerin a I Contracted Chords, Sore Threat, Croup,
all dealers, or Edtzlatsson0 Batei and Oninsey, etc. It does not slain the
Co.,. Tomato.
How it Spreads.
The first package of Hein-Roid (the in
fallible Pile cure) that was put out went
to a small town in the State of Nebras-
ka. ;•• •�
It made the cure Of a case of Piles that
was considered hopeless,
The news spread and although this
was only two years ago thedemand
prompted Dr. J. 5..Leonhardt of Lin-
coln, Nub., the disetfverer, to prepare it
for general use. Now it is being sent
to all parts of the world.
It will cure any case of Biles. There
is a months treatment in each box. '
Sold for $1,00, with absolute guarantee.
It is for sale by druggists.
Sold in. W inghani ,by Walton McKib-
I skin nor soil the clothing. price `JWC
For cash Damages for Slander by
Tha ilucstion as to whether a man
i$ liable fir the wrongful sols of his
wife is settled, as far as Chief Justice
Meredith and two other Supreme
Court Judges can 'settle a matter of
that kind.
In the case of T,raviss against Rich-
ard Bales and his wife, who were sued
by a Mr. Traviss for defamatory
words said to have been mean public
by the wife, the action, was tried at
:Peterbaro and a verdict was given. :in
favor of Mr. Traviss.. The husband
appealed, ani judgment was given on
Saturday at Osgoode, Rall sustaining
Lim judgment at: the trial.
The judges 'held that the Act merea
ly meant that a wife could be, sued
alone for her wrongful doings, and did
not release the husband. The Act
merely gave an additional clans of
remedy against a husband i;o a. per-
son wronged by n Wife.
If you knew positively that
you could purchase a Dia-
mond of guaranteed quality
at a reat saving in price,
would ou invest ?
That is precisely what we
offer in our No. 947 Solitaire
Diamond Ring, No. 916
shown here.
Price, $i00.
Order by mail. If on receipt it does
not fully satisfy you, your money
will be refunded wtihout question.
49 years of honorable dealing
speak for the reliability of
our house, "Diamond Hall."
Write for our new catalogue.
Ready Nov. 15th.
1I8. I20. I22 and 124.
Yon$e St.. Toronto
;R,4'TIST Oneenen --Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:80 p in. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mc-
I.+ean, B.A., pastor, Abner .Cosens, S.S.
METHODIST Cnunoa-Sabbath services
at 11 a In, and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. R.
Gundy, D.D., pastor, Dr. Towler, S. S.
PRESBYTERIAN Canaou-.Sabbath ser-
vices at 1,1 a in and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday'evenings. Rey.
D, Perlia, pastor ,#rad S S. i3uperinten-
dent, P. S. Lieklnter and L. Harold,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
ST. PAUL'S Cennicie, EPISCOPAL -Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:3 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed.
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
SALVATION AneiY-Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 1 m on Sunday, and
every evening curing the week at 8
o'clock at the, barracks. •
POST Orme-In Macdonald Block
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p in.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
A Kidney Sufferer
Fourteen Years.
Towel CovxouL-R. Vanstone, Mayor;
A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc-
Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VauStone,
S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer,; J. B. Ferguson:
Meetings second Tnesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
Baena of HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone,
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer:
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Rooms in Stone Block, Wingham.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Ladies, Favorite,
Ts tush only safe, reliable,
regulator on which woman
oan depend. "in the tour,
and trine of need.
Prepared in two degrees of
strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. L -For ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar
medicine known.
No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees
rtronger-three dollars per box.
Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Root compound. Take no other
as all pi11s, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold• and
recommended by all,druggists in the DO.
;Minion of Canada. Mailed to any address
on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage
Stamps. Whe COWL Windsor,' Ont.'
No. 1 and No 2 are sold in Wingham
by Colin A. Campbell, W. MoKibbon,
A. L. Hamilton, and R. A, Douglass,
BSTaleldei1E11 1872.
^AT -
The Times Mee, Beaver Bioek
Teams or SUBSOaxrTION-$1 Jd per annum in
advance, $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon-
tinued tall all arrears ars, paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AnvenTIanso RAZES. - Legal and other
casual advertisements So per Nonppariellinu for
first insertion, So per lane for each subsequent
Advertionertisements in local columns are charged
10 ots. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar $L00 for
first month and 50 cents for each sulsequent
Cosmica. ReTE$-The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for apecifled periods:-
SRAOE. 1 rR. 6 MO. 8 MO, fart+
One Column $60.00 $85.00 $15.00 $0 M
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00
quarter Column 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertisements without Specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance,
THE JOB DEPARTMENT is Stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print•
Proprietor and Publisher
E:iiney Pins
Mr. Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Bros.,
the well•known Contractors and Builders,
Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increased in severity
the last five years. My most serious attack
was four years ago, when 1 was completely
incapacitated. I had terrible pains across
my back, floating specks before my eyes
and was in almost constant torment, 1
could not sit or stand with eate and was &
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly in flesh. I had taken snedicine
from five different doctors and also
numerous other preparations to so pur-
pose. I finally began to take Doan's
Kidney Pills and before I bad taken five
boxes the trouble left me and I now feel
better than I have for twenty years. Those
who know me know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to believe
that I have been cured yet they know it
is to. I have passed the meridian of life
but I feel that 1 have taken on the Posy
flue of boyhood."
Price ,so ats, per box, or 3 fol 1¢1,.25, ttU.
dialers or
T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. 0
t • Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. nus ; 7 to 0 p. m
London 6.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m.
Toronto & East ..9 a.m6.53 a.m.... 3.05p.m.
Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 pan.. 8.38p.m.
Kincardine ....6.50 a.m9.00 a.m.... 8.05 p.m.
London 11.10 a.Ita.... 7.55 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 a.m.
Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8. 'pan.
L. HAROTD,Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 0.37 n.m.... 8.48 p.m.
Teeawatur 1.17 p.m ....10.48 p.m.
Teeawater... ARRIVE PROM6.57 a.m.... 8.48 p. m.
Toronto and East .... ,. 1 17 p.m....10.48 p. m.
J. H. BEEIIEI, Agent, Winghafa'
'Mary Ann's."
When, you get time sit down an!d,
f igure out these "Mary Ann's" : If
Anna was sixteen when .Sam Was 10,
bow, is it that when Same ib• 25 Ann
is telly 221 If Mary and, Ann ~were
bothi brunettes. when Mary. was Ann'
age how; and if Anne is a blonde whim
sire is es old as' Mary; was then, lie
Much does it cost ie bottle f' If
goes to the theatre in a carriage,
carries a bunch 6f roses and has
supper afterward, what does Charlc
get a week'?
An Unexpected Objection.
An incident occurred at One of On.
tario's country` schools the other day
that shows the average youth knows no
sneh word as impossible. The; teacher
was eicplaining that the thing subtract-
ed mast be Of the redid as the thing sub -
traded front, Elbe said: "' °on pan -
not take five peaches from five apples,
five Iemone from "five oranges." Said
(Johnny: "please, can't you take five
'quarts of milk from five cows."'
41tty.f he P,iuing. ombard•d 4i7 I
San Domingo, Republic of San
Domingo, Nov. 25. The peace nego-
tiations have been suspended, owing
to tho impossibility of an under:
Standing between the Government
officials and the leader of *the rebel-
lion. Firing on the city was gesum,-
ed at $ o'clock Monday night, re-
sulting in further damage to houses
here, and the bombardment was con-
ontinued yesterday morning. The Gov-
ernment refuses to surrender tho
capital, and the situation is growing
Sae Dealing* Surrendered.
Cape Haytien, Nov. .25, --Despatch
es received here from Puerto Plata.
say that the City of San Domingo
was surrendered to the revolution-
ists y'gsterday morning, and that
President 1'Vos y` Gil and his Ministers
took refuge on board a German war-
ship. The despatches furthf r Ray
that great enthusiasm prevails.
throughout the country.
Desperate lighting.
London, .Nov. 25.-A despatch to
a news agency reports .desperate fight-
ing at Warmbad, Great Manauqualand,
German Southwestern Africa. Thet.
rebels captured the town, killing. folr
Germans. Subsequently the Germ .
field force of 150 men succeeded, af-
ter a severe struggle, in expelling the
rebels and re -occupying the town,
Clilttese Ready For War.
London, Nov. 25. -Private advices
from Pekin aro to the effect that
Gen. Yuan Shi Kai, Governor of Chi
Province, has informed the Em-
peror that he is prepared to declare
ver against the Russians in Mann-
huria, General Ma is said to be
eady to march into Shan Hai ICwala
at the head of 6,000 men.
'Centre Street c
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc. f
Office -Macdonald Block, over T. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
M.$., M.D., C.M., M.O.P.s.O, MB, MD,0M., M O vs o.
Orden-Ohisholm. Block, Josephine street.
REstDENaE-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
Privateaud Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged .Mort-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham,
Wingham, Ont.
Orirn=E: Meyer Brock, wingham.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. 6.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
g D.D. S. -Toronto University.
L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Wingham, Ont.
ALES. KELLY, Winghau , Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
T�� S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
1 •
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farm stock
and amplements.
Dates and orders can always be arranged at
the TIMES office. Wingham.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Trams. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tiaras and try this
ia clef disposing of your stook and other
;+ 'S0 YEARS' .
'}�� •
•,� a " _ T RADE MARKS
Anyone sending a sketch and description map
gytckly ascertain our opinion free whether ay
invention is probably patentable. Communist"
tions strictly confdontlal. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest a enay for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
roma stake, without charge, in the
Scientific Rmercane
A handsomelt ilhwtreted weekly. fmrgest etr:-
eulatton of any scientific Journal. Terms, 11 a
cart four months, SL Sold by all nowsdeslers.
& CO.3618roadrray, Ne u York
Branch office. 125'Ir Ft.. Wnehfngtcn. D. aa.
ineluding Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &e., &a., exteouted in the best
style of the art, at moderate .prices, and on
short notice.
Boor, txnrlro.--We ere pleased to sainounce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our -prompt attention
Prises for Binding in any style will be -given on
application to THE TIMES OFFICII.
onvention of Grocers and Others inter-
ested in WVaterloo's Capital.
Berlin, Nov. 25. -Berlin is the
Mecca of the sugar beet growers of
Ontario, and their feet aro turned
thitherward. The Ontario Sugar.
Company has called a convention.
The invitations were sent to the beet
growers and grocers of Ontario to
visit their sugar plant, and see pure
granulated sugar manufactured from
Canadian grown beets., The invite.-,
tions have been heartily responded
to, and the convention opened at 2
o'clock yesterday in the Berlin street.
railway's pavilion near the sugar fac- ;
tory, in Grand River Park. The
beet sugar men were welcomed bar
Mayor Eden, and the afternoon tak-
I up by the giving of addresses by
C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Ag
riculture; Dr. James Mills, Ontario-
College, Guelph; Prof. Harcourt.
Guelph; George C. Creelman, Toron-
to, and others.
hen Austria and Bassin Will Proceed to
Enforce Demands.
London, Nov. 25.-A despatch to•
The Central News from Vienna says
it is authoritatively announced Alerts
that if Turkey does not accept forth-
with the Austro -Russian demands the
two powers will proceed with their:
own forces to establish order in
Macedonia. All the signatory powers
of the treaty of Berlin, it is added.,
will first be asked to co-operate.
Still Practising Barbarity.
London, Nov. 25. -The correspoal
dent of The Times at Sofia reports
that, while negotiations aro dragging
at Constantinople, there is no remis
sion of the severities practiced upon.
the unfortunate population of Mace-
donia, under the guise of a search
for arms, but it even worse than
during the insurrection.
Wife of sargt.-Mglor Galloway Arrested
on This Serious Charge.
Toronto, Nov. 25. -Mrs. Galloway.
the wife of Sergeant-Major Galloway„
of Stanley Barracks, was arrested
yesterday afternoon on a warrant
charging her with shooting at her
son, a boy of thirteen or fourteen
years of age, with a revolver, with
intent to do bodily harm. It is al-
leged that the offence occurred when
Mrs. Galloway was in a condition.
which rendered her not responsible
for her actions, and that the proceed-
ings have been taken as a precau-
tionary measure. The bullet from
the revolver went through the boy's
Stamp Experts Assemble For Discuss's*,
at Leamington.
Leamington, Nov. 25. -The Ontario
Fruit Growers' Association's annual:'
meeting opened here yesterday morn-
ing, and already representatives of
this important industry from sill•
of t r i
parts homtP ov ace, as well as ex-
perts from Ontario and the adjoininio.
States, are arriving to take part.
In the afternoon the directors held a,
meeting, at which each presented a
report on the work done in his dis-
trict during the year, and the Secre-
tary, George C. Creelman, presented
his report on the general work of
tho Association.
Pounder at Deseronte Dead.
Deseronto, Nov. 25.-E. W. Rath-
bun, head of the Rathbun Co., died
suddenly yesterday niorning of heart
trouble in his 62nd year. Mr. Rath-
bun, who was the last surviving son.
of his father. the late sH, 13, Rath-
bun, had been 111 with heart trouble
for some time and had latterly been'
confined to his bed. Ho was prac-
tically the founder of Descronto, the
business having been begun by hist
father, Hugh 11. Rathbun.
rive Sadie* 'Washed Ashore.
St. Avanger, Norway, Nov, .25.--A
Norwegiatt steamer was stranded'
during Monday night's storm off this
port. Five bodies have been washed
*whore and sortie parsons aro etIIL
clinging to the touts 01 the vessel„