The Wingham Times, 1903-10-01, Page 3.11 FOSTERED BY BIYkLS Opposition to Grand Trunk Pao,r. fie More Pronounced. ADOPT BORDEN'S GOESTION That the Gotarnrpent Shen .4 !Yet Geary antee 7$ Pee Cent of Coe$ of Western Section Tlll the Company NOS Ugdertaken to Yrov$4S .B,,lanle nsautrod seer Conetrpotlou of the Euud. MAY Headache, Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Heart Burn, Water Brash, or any Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable; neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy is take and prompt to act. ' _ NEW NEW PATENTS. •tDelow will be found h list of patents recently granted by the Canadian ,rend. Americacn governments through the agency g Alessrs. Marion & Mar- ion, Patent Attorneys, Montreal, Que., send 'Washington,'1). C. ;Information _regarding any of the patents cited will Be supplied free of charge by apply•] ing to the above-named firm, • ` I • Canada. ; Pio, 81,670, Felix IVresnard, New Glas- gow, P. Q., vehicle wheel; 82,150, Phil- •las Belk, Montreal, P. Q., process for making pasted leather stock ; 8.2,151, Whilias Belle, Montreal, machine for snaking pasted leather stock. United States. TIIE WINGL&M TINES, OGTQBER l',; 1943. THE PRACTICE QF UNDER - DRAINING, en a previous article some of the ads vantages of under draining were pointed out ; in tins case an outline of tele method of draining practised by our bet farmers will be given. Te secure ,satisfactory ` results careful ,study fshouldi first of all be given to. the best manner of laying out a syse tem of drains.; the aim belnag, to !SCOOP) the (greatest fall, the least outlay for tile, the least amount of bidding, ani the 'mast perfect drainage. c (eile.-For underdrainiog there is nothing hotter than. the ordinary round drain tile. The size to be Used can only be decided by a.study of the conditions 'under which the drain is, to work. ,'They' should be large en- ough to carry off in twenty-four to forty; -eight hours' the .surplus water from the heaviest rain's, but it is im- portant that they, rehould not be too large, as the cora of underdraining is. governed largely by the size of the tile used, It may' be metnioned that the capacity of round water pipe is in proportion to the squares of *their di- ameteas. That 19, under the same conditions, a two -incl' pipe will carry four time ale much water, and a three inch pipe nine time% as much water Ottawa, Sept. 22. -rho House spent the whole .day Monday in considera- tion of the clause of tbe national transcontinental railway bill, which deals with the financial relations of the Grand Trunk Railway with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany. Early yesterday morning the Government accepted the suggestion by the Opposition leader, by which the evident intention that the Gov- ernment should not be required to guarantee 75 per cent. of the cost of the western section of the pro- posed railway until the Grand. Trunk Railway had undertaken to provide the balance required to construct the road was 'Moro specifically set forth. The debate, however, dragged along all day upon a further amendment I. 1 vantage for. the last ten or fifteen feet 'to prevent Lnjit'ry by' frost, ,in closing it may be. Weil to recall the foot that trees should not he allowed to gro}v near a line of tile, through which water flows the greater part of tho year, as the roots aro apt to enter at the aint5 in ,search of water, and In course of time close the. drain. tic- W.illows, Poplars. and elms t this res . , o i heC a b n 0 l ob' .ti n ua1 4 1 r de . k CITY QF STRANGE DISAPPEAR- ANCES, proposed by Mr. Borden, which the as a one -inch pipe. In fact, the larger Government declined to uacrintoe all plexi will carry even more than this the ige G. I. R. deto guarantee c rtion because of the 'greater the• obligations undertaken by the p'r Po G. T. Pacific. Hon, Mr. Fielding.,pointed out that the amendment went altogether be- yond the scope of the present agree- ment, but the debate proceeded. It was apparent that the Opposition to this particular clause was organized, and tho arguments so persistently advanced by the Opposition indicated that the members had derived in- spiration from a common source. It is reported that there aro twen- ty amendments yet to be moved by the Opposition, and the feeling is strong in the Government ranks at the obstruction is being fostered feby nls who construction of the road. o to t was after midnight before the amendment was voted down only yntbo imme- diately succeeded by oh Blame the Weather dean. the river,, which low aeceible to the iluioida). impulse, Raab year the Thatues swell up several hundreds of dead, •paany, of whom go to their graves futlidentified. ( t r r !feting girls often take Offence at the parental interference in their )ove affair'% and leave their homes for the ,'sweet _revenge" of knowing that the home circle will be eeddened. xt Hoes without eaying:that poverty. drives many. to despair and disappear,- once; isappear*once; 'but persons 10 Position have been known to conceive a 'fierce die- gust cif their supposed advantages. t ;An heir to. a Sctottieh earldom dusap- peaeed for scare and was found work- ing as 'a common Nailer before tbe mast, genie scars' ago all England seemed to have joined the hue and cry, after a cleogyxnan. Ilio was discovered at 'last dre'esed in a drover's smock andliving up to it, 1. 1 'Sorely pressed debtors have been known ero laow to have depogsited art - ides of their own clothing by, the seashore and to have •decamped to America or Auistrali, leaving this country in the earnest hone that their nuemrous creditors would think that they, had been drowned. fin a well known case It mare leftelliis coat, boots and troulsers at the edge of h cliff and disappeared for a long time. Mee fiuppased widow obtained a ,sum of money on an insurance policy an 'the presumption of leer husband's. death: but that gentleman himself wail Some yeare after met walking in Fleet (street; by, a clerk of the inaur- ancu office that bad paid the money, and was given over to the police. London the Place Where Mystery is' Man's Plaything. London, Sept. 25. -- 'The aI apia Peerr- arce of a lady doctor, Sop cee Rickman, mase brought to light the straeige (stories of other mysterious disaplieU7aiices,, and it fume out thee London > a city of many seals fair;%. friction in the (maller pipe. in ordin- ary canes, five or six inch tile are re- commended for the lower part of a main drain and four inch for the up- per portion; for the branches two and a 'half to throe inch are preferable. , (Depth and distance apart. --It is sel- dom nece9sary to lay drains more then four feet below the tsurfaao, and in most 'casein two and a half to three and a'"hal£ will be found .sufficient. The proper distance between branch drains 'depends on the quantity of wa- ter to be carried and the nature of the euhsoil. en; general practice the lines of tile are usually placed from fifty to one hundred. feet apart. In a tenacious clay: (soil, however, thirty fent kv.ould not be too close. l pigging the Drain. -The drain may be opened up in 'the: first .place by' paslsinLg three er four times along the same track with an ordinary. plow. Then the subsoil may be broken up with' a 'good strong Subsoil plow. ,In this way the earth may be loosened tot a depth of two feet or more and 0 throvin out with narrow shovels, Th bottom of the drain ehauld be dug eefo, 737,046, Joseph ,,Moreau, St. Ger- enain de".:,rantham, P. Q., rossing ma- nliine ; 738,002, Messrs. Block & ,;Wor- rall, Halifax, N. S., fruit sizer; 738,150, Benjamin 0. Boland, Montreal, P. Q., leather joint ; 138,417, "Pierre Denser - lean, Montreal, In Q., axle nut ; 738,944, Alfred Rioux, Tpronta, Ont„ moxer )!ay- • t , ' 1, = ( ' pI !'Tho Inventor's Ith1X ," a book on patents, wilt be sent free to any, ad- .illness. t I , ABS .,LUTE SEC �e®e Carter's Little Liver Pills. Pilunt Bear Signature of Seo Fee-Situ/1e Wrapper Below. VW small end es easy to take as senate FUR 11EApA.CH9:e FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TNECOMPLERION Urdu peYtabSTe.AYMAt�.-v^^✓ li T;'rcbably, it' would be found impos' 5ible 'to Arline a pr.ofelssion or occupa- lien from which one OT more member% havt+ not recently been mneteriateely lost In London. • ,Scotland Yard furnishes astounding statistics ,which ehaw that 34,000 per - epos 'were lout in London, last year, and 'much the eame number be the pre- ceding You, making a total of '10,000 for the now, century.. , , Ohm figurels tax credulity, but they are within the mark. t They relate o .1y to caecal reported to the pollee, and it is well known that xelatives often Shrink from seeking police in- tervention in the fear that euoh mea- sures might 'still further alienate their missing friends. trecc*unt 'rnuet alsobe taken of bun- dreda of private inquiry agenoWil London that make the quest of lest persons a main branch of their bust- tiesis. :'These agencies grow in number every year and are profitable concerns.. Retired ,detective/ frequently take up this vocation as a mean of in- creasing their pensions• That ubiquitous institution, the Sal- vation Army, whose u%efulness can- not be gainsaid, is another ally to Scotland :lard in tracing human dere- licts und runaway's'. There 1s an interntitional investigation depart- ment in W.leitechapul wader the direc- tion of Colonel S;ttirgeele, who hos little to learn in the art of detection. �yv� The officer. in charge of the 111011,1 01, IlsrflliWiT ON D1.,POSI'L'S. (Toronto World.). ' ;At Meeting of the Canadian Bank. oris' Asscoiation at 151ontreal yesterday the very important question of Ad- vancthe rate now paiovetmen�of oxh waings discusses!. �. this nature hate beea anticipated by finanoiel'.s for a .Year or two past, but bee been euplrreeeed by united action On. .the port of the banks, until aore pe tition hoe broken through the combin- atk'n and threatened to ,sive the de- peahen a eeeionable return for his • money,. ; l , 1 Like every other commodity, menet', unless hampered bY st therstric restriction?, nt Is worth on usury• Ottawa, Sept. 22. -In the House yesterday Walter Scott, M. P., de- clared that the recent northwest storm had been greatly exaggerated, and he blamed Mr. Stupart of Toron- to for false reports. Messrs. Boyd and Oliver joined in the discussion and declared that not more than one- fifth of the grain area had been af- d been red a cable had He declared H d. facto sent to London saying that only 10 per cent. of the crop would be threshed. Several members hastened i with narrow draining spades, mad° to acquit Mr. Stupart of blame. for the purpose. The ditch should be 'line kepi (straight by meants of a CURE SICK HEADACHE. Cross? BORDER COEL flays Government Ion* • of HI' Amendment*, AND VOUCBSAPED NO REPL pir Wilerie seri Argument To Net /dr. Peterson, Wenders se ilel+eit of Oppeeitleu rot Qtrlietr toy $-' t.>A eletlea-sante,,kett *dmeriia Alaepted and need pe $.4. on P.T.P. !til Ottawa, Sept. 23. -.-Bettor 1•" teaes3t that borrowers can .afford to was nada with tees national ti'aaI pay. (Abnormal periods may witn�>ss I continental railway bill Feeler 1, Several ranents warn voted d°" o veryadepressed rate on the one ctb.. r r w rr4t acnes � or an unusually high rate on the of .•a', and several others ei During the comuleraial degressioii i the iGovarnment. revertt s i that culminated about five years ago' mittoe rose there warm only d in finauelal insti- tions remaining open for father r money ecennlulete fathoms beyond the measure of the de- • sideration. The chief teittAitsa of, mond 'of oorrowers, and consequent -1 debate was a spirited pang; i became ,somewhat of a drug upon 1. arxna, in oleic!! Sir Wildiri 1 Y t Mr. R. L. Borden an the market. It was at this time that Parson were the participants. the government was prevailed upon to 2 1-2 he nt. and deposit rate the i me ton complained itlisethe VIV had ignored an alma dment In., 2 1 'l per cant. and thus enable i had submitted, to the extent thLt i ganef % to lower their retur>yte in inter- i supporters were about.to vote 1 est 'to 3 per cent. . down without any reply beingo vn • The growth in commercial industries safod from the • Governmentthat since that time hag been very rapid, Sir Wilfrid Laurier'% raper, and money has again assorted its 1 Government had not thought it. nee larger return for the work f essary to reply, as no new argil -Vet e t claim to a rg had been advanced, and the olyd• ]t is called upon to perform. Govern- I ones had been answered again ani! mei}t _returns ler the pant yearow denin lion. aga,oMr. Paterson's qn t annoyed Mr.3Dr- • tion to the encounter was pression of astonishment at the soII.t citudo• conceining the Quebec to Moncton section now 461k3.14%0 by the Opposition, who liad's° stroaglok. opposed the construction of than section. The first amendment provided that the Grand Trunk Railway Company.1 should pay in cash the par value of the twenty -flue millions of stock. fit which it is to acquire. Through cantonal, Channels, Mr. Fitzpatrick's amendment tQ the amendment, which virtually ,,, emasculated Mr. Borden's• amennde • 31 , Enormous Gronth, Ever since Dr. Cbase's Kiduey•Liver Pills were first iutrodueed to the public, the sales have steadily increased, each year being larger than the year preced- ing. This is probably the best evidence of their remarkable efficiency as a treats meet for derangements of the kidneys, liver and bowels They are invaluable as a family medicine. DIFFERENT NOW. Canasta's Prefenenee nteminds England of Bright's Famous Saying. London, Sept. 22.-(C.A.P.)-The be Telegraph, speaking re. Canada's pre- and lour i o ;six inches at the bottom, ferential tariff, in favor of Great the width of cour,1e increasing in pro - Britain, says: "It is only a genera- (portion to she depth of the drain and tion since the deplorable ora died, 1 let's hope forever, when John Bright , the eize of ridings the As tile. i rule drain;% should declared in tho House of Coinmone, that the separation of Canada from be given as much fall as possible, and the Empire would bo best foraher the gradient should not be less than and host for us, and when Radicals I two 'inches in one hundred feet, if this stretehe.d tightly near the ground and about four inenee back from the edge. In ordinary oases, the ditch need not' ore than; afoot wide at the top an increase in the total deems' the Dominion to be in excess of 30,- 000,000, but there is ,Stili an. urgent demand by !merchants and manufac- turers for accommodation for increas- ing busineiSt. Nor is Canada alone in the •soaxcity experienced in the money market. For a year past restrictions have had to be applied en. the loan accounts in the United Mates, and a ;similar tigbtne.•s though to a less extent, is being ex- perienced in Britain and on the con- t An argument put forward by Decrease to Scarlet Fever. tincn . it yeport for the month ane banker, that an increase int the de- I mend, was then declared carried The mortality T P he I posit xa to will net inore&tae he am- amendmenorden tro to talcetion`� offeredly nTe' t anot rf August has been compiled by t 1 ount of deposits, is specious and to a that neither the Grand Trunk n4 Pl cvincial }3iealth Department. , As I the Grand Trunk Pacific should di red with .August, 1902, the death I certain ext tt l'e impresaon that eetly or indirectly encourage Ar a r cent, of the unci of the banking re adian trafRc t nous ed, giving a;tatal of 1,SOo ea s' ` the country. and it is not taloa ate ed an channels to Caned an per showing a death rata of 12.1 per thou- to The amendment wa.s lost, and: sand o1 population. For August, 1002, i to encourage the thrift neces;sarY build tit capital for future develop- T3ordon then moved another W1 -. d thesame fate requiring tee compared Eighty-three however, 'satisfy t receiving triton transportation routes, rate remains normal. b 4n pilities report- small depositors are no turns of that 'each should do it utmost ' - deaths, and their ._hare1 d. carry Can i t$ some 92 Per cent, of the municipalities Mush You" section had no less than4 Imeat and for provision against a re Grand Trunk Railway Company, i. 2G00 case_ in .hand .on one day. Ile reperted,a total of 1,912 deaths, mCk- I action in business. respective of the Grand Trunk Peeler 4 basket inx a rate of 12.8 per thousand of pop- 1.l es ant and past prosperity bas Railway Company to do its utsral'. 4 e's on- rr P to so cabinet lull f bin ca t a traffic eine Lo tri ' to the inn i d in mnod o n n optimism, Ca e si ti b 'n o phoes t g f era o dente under this hear and to IIliS, eon- 111•• att r. •One tag g g brought about a spirit p to carry '. matter of contagious 'diseases is the! 14„ ars while I et fever from 187 + and money that was formerly idle then Thea sectionawas channels eon adopted W respondence had 'got into arra t decrease of §earf I been spent The depositsout amendments. 0 1'zed by the 1 I B dei, of tho penurious school complained of the expense of our North American establishments." Italian Laborers itiot. Cooportown, N.Y., Sept. 22.-A riot by Italian laborers on the Sn Cooperstown adys Richfield afl Springs trolley ryesterday re- sulted in the death of one Italian and the wounding of the general manager, Tilton, and a deputy sheriff. Tho trouble grow out of the fact that thoro is duo tho Italians two months', wages for work dono before the road went into the re- ceiver's hands. Poor man! He can't help it. Ile gets bilious. He needs a cod liver pill-Ayer's Pills. 'They act directly on the liver, 3,0.A orou.. cure biliousness. s,owil°,> cz: Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DIE BUCKI elm CTI. B. P. BALL k CO., PA9tll1 A. IC II. IT PAYS TO ER'TISE IN THE TIMES hits energies. were Menopo i . 1 searelt for the woman doctor. uu11lY lie mentioned thin people r extremity came to the array; n u - That '.vau os a hest resource, pot ofis an cin - fair bandioap. Like every p'l detective agency,, the army prefers an et the guar - eases in July to 97 cases in August• I barks are all in active •. circulation, Smallpox has decreased to five cases without immediate prospect of 'any to and one 'death during August. The comparative statement of deaths from spare, c-•cept. for choice collateral, at coirpar a rate showing a good return to the contagious diseases is as Augusfolloevt: loaning institutions. (Canadian banks r c , f August. .rrJ03 1002 admit having shared to a very large + 14 10extent in the prosperity of recent untrodden track, while yt• Sc»rlet' fever......... rs 'hat! not been (startled• a and the `Diphtheria.,...... ... ••• ••• As the fugitively trans hem ' Measles ..: unwittingly last are of all classes. so 1 Whooping cough:,. ,........ earine are i Ti phoid fever... ...... their reasons far disapP trifle many, and varied. ,t seen''% a, Tt:oerculosis... paradoxical to ,say, that ono of the i oommanest motives is the absence of motive; but thins el 'so. C. i , ' 1 (p$ousande of men, women and child- ren literally drift from theirlo eotie mornings lite being in acu:erint they goner; am. Queer thenad• by, h ally, oonfe9 tbemeselves.'uinabletco did why 'they went away or why they not return of their own accorda ,_This ,sort of aimless wandering has come het unconScieue habit, especially: among the poorer elapses in the East can be ,secured. ,Careful leveling 1s ne- cessary to ensure a uniform all throughout the aouree of the drain. Ais a (simple method for this purpose one of our leading authorities recom- mends the ditcher to use (several orgsss-heads made 'from strips of inch boards, three or four inches wide. The length of the ,.tandard varies accord- ing to the depth oft the drain. A creels -piece about two feet long is nailed on the top of the standard. TbeSe cross heads are then placed along the line of the ditch eo t'hat the creole pieces are in line. Tie proper grade is ascertained by the wise of the ordinary spirit level. 'W.hen teady to lay the tile a standard; /Would be set at the bottom of the drain and mark- ed in line with` the top of the every f heads, this will, by, tetestingY ew feet, give a true grade for the thee. Laying the Tile. -,When the bottom of the drain hast been brought to the proper grade. and shape, the tile should be 'laid very,carefully to secure per- fectly cease joints. With the aid of a, tile hook they may be laid rapidly and accurately without getting into the ditch. Some prefer to place the tile'with] the hand, atanding in the ditch, and eteppinig carefully on eaoii tile as laid. be covering it is prefer- able. 'to putt the surface soil next the tiles,. -for if properly packed Lt will .pre,vent the subsoil from getting ,len at the joints. The laying should begin at 'the, outlet of the main drain, and where connection Lei made with the branch lines, enough of the branch should be laid to'permit the main • to be partly filled in. ' e ' `JiM' et lof9 un e •9 OUtlt,=-A11 3 a tion and of branches with the main lige should bo made at an acute angle, or where the fall i.5 ,sufficient, from above the axils oft the main. ;Thusi is necessa in. herder to prevent the deposit of silt and the consequent 'brooking of the tile at the junetiaatt. ,Specially inttde joint tile Inlay be cased, or the conned tion btasy': be made by etitth g a hole irnthe main tile with a tile !pick. The Outlet of the drain ;S110111,1 be so placed thwater t flow ,of that ere will be a free f Lof w If protected with masonry rind a IB'r•ats ing to keep out animals, so much the better, In this cottntr1 gliaased dl to e pipe or glazed tile ntay; Equalled Klshinoff a1a.saores. Koenigsberg, Prussia, Sept. 22.- With reference to the recent rioting at Comoi, in the Russian Govern- ment of ALoghileff, between Christ- ians and *TOWS, which was suppress- ed u pp ed by the military with the loss of a number of lives, tho Hartiingsche Zeitung of this city publishes an en- count furnished by an eye -witness, who says the occurrences almost equalled the massacres of ICishinoff. Died in Jndln. Toronto, Sept. 22.-A cablegram was received yesterday by Dr. R. P. Mackay, Secretary of the Presbyter- ian Foreign Mission Board, announce Ing the death by plague of Dr. h George Menzies, missionary at AZ ow, Central India. Dr. Menzies went to India loss than a Yoar ago, and was appointed to caro for the famine boys. Ho was a Solt of .Wm. Men- ties of Ailsa Craig. Billed at Athens. Brockville, Sept. 22. -The regular Brockville & Westport train killed an old mats named Thos. Reid at Athens yesterday. He was 71 years of age, and an inmate of the house e to ted close it ua which is s ofRefuge, the railway. Ho came fpm Carlo. le - ton Place, and leaves a wife and family. End. , C ' t . But experts agree that mast disap- pearances 'are premeditated and in- geniowely planned to elude detection. Mane; clues that xeach the police are anonymously furnished 'by missing pereoxils to throw them offtheir rsrac . This it Scotland Yard's chief our of annoyance, an no Glue can he de- »piesed until it has been; found us less. it i c 1Viaxried mesa +are eternally one the run. Ninety, per cent. of those "re- ported miseing" should be "reported daferteri5" from wives and families.' In the word% of at,tletective i Instead. of killing the. fatted calf when those odigals return like bad pennies, 1 px would be much more sensible to . hell tbe prodigal. et w;auld' app ,ore- spectable citizenly if an estimatereould. bo emade of the •n n bar of their struggling •in Loudon to bring up families whoisc inesband;i have vanish- ed, ihoping to 'be con(sideted dead" • ((t le on axiom that Laudon Is the best hiding Waco in the w.orld• Al- though this might bo challenged, it is !nevertheless obviout that the met- ast- lt$ -re re On of b ,•ire retie .= p x c 1 i5 y p nests, offers many, facilities for cora- +. i 1 i i cealinent. The 'distance froni Bow, to Hammers smith' axed from ;W,00iwich to Hornsey, LI hot represented by, mete lnileS. There te plenty t 'of proof that people migrate from one place to another, Same iieW name and, begin new lives'.. 1'.lett have beet( 'keiowb to .retells: to their hive% by 11.lshert journey and the t:tndergrouiid railwaq, whb have been lost for five to eifteetl yeare, 'incete who leave their hlomei& it't de- spair or to kocape a skeleton lir the "board Usually find their q,lietet itt •25 18 t 9 14 • ;21 Avet26 148 172 Note Sonr Weight. By noting your.. increase in weight while using 1)r. Chase's Nerve Food you eau prove for a certainty Chet new firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. This is the severest test you can apply to any treiitment and proves the superiority of this great restorative pre- scriptieu of Dr. A. W. Chase,the famous Receipt Book author. • Conductor ensue Lss.dfsnam. "Toronto, Sept. 22. -Walter 'Young, a street railway conductor, wag• found dead in bed at his boarding Muse ,yesterday aftorlioon. Three laudanum vials wore found in the room. Ile was 28 years 'of age and married. ., batt disn 'key euoeeed, London, Sept. 22-(C,11.1',)�'•lidr. Andrew Ilona Law is spoken 'of .e the probable successor to 'ion. Ari Our R. Elliot, as Financial Seere- tary of the 'Treasury, Tlfr. Law 'wail FAIR PROGRESS MADE. Telegraph Bore,lleb E. B. Osler prop'Sed an"r.s, went providing that the telegr used in connection with the tr continental lino should form part. the railway company, and that revenues should belong to the, years, and have been albe to pay band - try. He pointed out that the, graph was a very valuable asset to at some dividends to slhareholders and at! railway, and precautions should 13e the (same time to build up a respect- able esPOO( 1 taken to prevent the formation. of an rest account. independent railway line. At gr. One banker spoken to by, The World Fitzpatrick's suggestion the amend ` I meet was hold over to be considers ' in connection with a subsegile� suggested that if the deposit rate'is inaieased those borrowing will have to clause. make 'up he deficiency. Biome four- D^-:, , tt,. lust a hourand a half'- teen .or fifteen years ago 4 par cent. the inteieist 'teas paid to depositors, and oommerciai (raper was discounted at figures on a parity with that asked to- an amendmentn of east ini scat tO a day. If the ;roto now. 3 per Cett commission.. (til: WAIS advanced to 31-2 per cent., it i other Amendmetits• '\sir in good progress was made. Sea was allowed to stand, Mr. explaining that he desired t earn' gs of .1• In connection with Clause het banks, unless a greater return was which prohibits members of i,is-- loans, but why this nate.; from holding offices of ur exacted !or merit city in the face of what was done a 1 , went under the construction co %ion or undertake a construction few `Sears' ago'? One 'bank has already threatened to compete for funds at ised contract,o drafte Minister nisteran amendment.of Justice peo- h9 the higher rate, and has precipated mendment will prevent any men ' g the discussion. This institution doubt -'i of pit liament from being intent' loss sees as means of recouping itself 1 in construction firms, ke' by a turn -over of any extra amount GoneSection ent to 's opich wo work nor al' of money that wilt be attracted to its time a clause adopted from ti vaults by a higher rate. I tercolanial Act, ivIr, Borden wsu,. t vldeit _,s ro ' er lrould be int � it s t p high the h ed It is argued that a g s and the suspension should be wiri, toy compensation. This will be consfor Fourteen Seats Disposed of in the Souse in Committee Thursday. Ottawa, Sept. 18. -Fair progress was again made by the committee on the redistribution ill, fourteen seats being passed, lv- ing six counties, Kent, Middlesex, Northumberland, Porth, bbeing g h ief discussions and York, the c on Middlesex, Peterboro' and 'York. Waterloo was also considered and held over. This disposed of Ontario, with the exception of Toronto, which will be taken up this morning, and a few constituencies which were held over for further consideration. . Alteana--.0,000 Absconder Arrested would leoubtless lessen the Toronto, Sept. 18. -Yesterday was out of the ordinary in police circles. It included: Stanley The arrest of Anthony Rowe, said to be an English ab- ieconder to the extent •of $400,000, who was seeking partnership in a local brokerage office, under an as- sumed name. shoot - The suicide in High Park by ing of an unidentified man. Later the man was identified tts George Woolson, proprietor of the White WindoW jewelry store on Queen street. rate is detrimental to business, hampers prospective new ventures. rIt is also admitted that arbitrary p , whether for money or any other core- modity,' must be governed by supply and 'demand. Fluctuation in interest rates Mast occur as in anything else, and if the circumstances .demand it, an advance of 14 per cent. to deposis tors is not portentaue of commercial calamity. �• ; at of mo The United States Depart Agriculture is making experiments for the purpose of determining the ex- treme vitality of seeds: Over a hun- dred species of plants 'have been pack- -nt Srlo Sap 10 StrlesIsnoo !los, t: ui pa closed in pots, and buried to varying depths underground -eight sets at a depth of six inches, twelve at a depth 1, Death Froni Chloroform. Datcrdav af- ternoon, t. 1, 4.-�•Ye. .e u �clae n teruoon, fpat Grernsville, Mrs. Brock Green died motor very distressing cir- cumstances. Doctors Boss and Dort - rani, of this town, placed her under chloroform to perform. an operation, Before they could get started they Were horrified to find that the action etf the heart had stopped• they did their hat to bring her arond, but all their efforte were in vain. kired a Stns* Steak. Belleville, Sept. 18.-A teener, went to Frsaik Ashley's farm and asked for setfiimere td .is 'strawitda]it refused, d1i- tlppast'ed ed. A Section 22, providing for pa;rnitts to contractors in the order of ' commissioners, Was adopted. and aik tion 28 was amended at Mr. Doi den's suggestion by making the coon' missioners' books open to inspect.iie by tho Auditor -General or '!lime'., of Finance. An amendment was also made 'is section 29, making it necessary to t;4io report of the construction cef» missioners to be submitted to I'. liament each session within lift days after the opening ;rrg of Pali went. In the Senate.c The Senate met last night atter two weeks' adjournment. Senate, Templeman introduced the bill pr., viding for the payment of $50,90* anntally for five years on leo smelted in Canada from Canediea, of i.vventy and a third set at a drpth , ores. Senator Ellie expressed th i v an ear 1 dot o th a Go vva ho 0 that at Y to t p w end of i of „ 1.2 feet. let the ernment would make a statement c throe, five, ?;even, ten, fifteen, tryouts. 1 its policy concerning bounties. 1~'.on twenty-five, thirty, Rorty and ,fifty bills granting bonntlet for differen each depth 'll be� urposes had already boon intrados t from ed. Free traders like himself, 'Ser eta Ellis said. would like to hay a definite statement of policy in tet respect. Sir Mitekenzie Mowed though not opposed to bountaske`�- f brat Was to be adoptedr the pobyythe to anent to oneoura the lead Ind nt se ' year•%, a exhumed and tested. •Tho results of the experiment aro likely to be of extraordinary value to agriculturists, both commercially and is scientifically. eo 1t dc11 t Ineidentally, it ntay authentic eases are on record that provethat certain seeds have the power of sprouting after lea • ving been buried• for long rcriods of tlme, A I Sir 3lackenzie said Canada togas having sfhown that twelve follow the 1216 sai in Canada liable ttn Species have the nited States. A botiuty yrs nut aftwenty-one [J • twenty i _ paver of germinating afterM t±tnkorary, Etpandiouto /tars, ; i' t r c, , C r t l t j _ 1011