The Huron Expositor, 1985-11-27, Page 6A6 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 27, 1985 How much of your insurance dollar is someone else's profit? If you're insured by South Easthope Mutual, none of your insurance premium is diverted for someone else's profit. The policy owners own the company themselves. It's the purest form of Home, Auto or Farm protection you can buy. VOW Nicrik SOUTH EASTHOPE FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY S'rl?\'e MURRAY INSURANCE BROKER urn. H H N2. Dublin, Should you have a FIRE or THEFT could you identify or correctly describe your missing personal property? Could you remember everything that was lost? Have us video-tape your personal property, dishes, silverware, jewellery, clothes, furniture, etc. Then you keep the tape in a safe place. This will give you an invaluable record of your most valued possessions - recorded by an independent recorder. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Till Dec. 31, 1985 REGULAR $150.00 including up to 2 hours of taping providing 1 Video Tape. Now 9900 VIDEO PROOF Brussels, Ontario For Information or Appointment Contact JIM CARDIFF 887-6164 or GERRY WHEELER 887-6528 WALTON AND AREA Womens theme recognized at Duff's Walton Correspondent MRS. BEM MCCALL 887-6677 Women in Recognition Sunday was ob- served at Duff's United Church Sunday. Joyce Van Vliet greeted worshippers and ushers were Margery Ritchie, Karen Hoegy, Marjory Fraser and Mary Humphries. The choir was made up of women with Margery Huether at the organ. Call to Worship was given by Helen Craig and the story for Children's Time was given by Dorothy Sholdice. Gloria Wilbee sang a solo with guitar accompaniment. A trio of Marjory Humphries at the piano, Phyllis Mitchell, violin and Pearl McCallum; har- monica entertained with several numbers. Guest speaker, 'Jean Mathers of Bluevale spoke of her stay in August at Alma College when they celebrated its 50th anniversary. Next Sunday is the White Gift Service in the morning. The official board meeting is at 8 p.m. at Graeme Craigs., SEE SLIDES Murray and Olene Dennis were guests at the Walton Women's institute (W D last Wednesday evening. They showed slides of their trip last February to New Zealand. They had a display of articles they had brought home with them. Margery Huether introduced the guests for the agriculture meeting. Eva Bolger thanked them and presented a gift of money. President, Leona McDonald opened the meeting, After the Institute Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada, a poem was read by the president. Margery Huether was pianist. Margaret Shortreed read minutes and correspondence. A thank you letter from the Weisbrods, who moved recently to Yarrow, British Columbia was read. It was voted to donate $25 to the Huron Day Care Centre. Plans were made for a luncheon today at the hall. Thursday, the Institute serves to 40 for Cooks and on Saturday evening caters to the Grey Township dinner, For the December meeting each member is to bring a guest to the potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. 4-H leaders are to be invited. There will be a gift exchange of $2. P,R.O. and Branch Directors in charge. Reports from the Guelph Area Convention, held in St. Agatha were given by Mary Humphries for Marjory Humphries who attended on Thursday. Maxine Marks reported for the Friday events. There will be more discussion at our next meeting on the luncheons in the New Year along with the possibility of card parties. Grace dosed the meeting when we went to the basement for lunch served by Viola Kirkby and Elva Bolger. The 'tables were set with serviettes from New Zealand brought, back by the Dennis. COltRIA"flti.\ In last week's issue the invitation from the • St Ambrose Catholic Women's League should have read fsa: a.t•. Bake Sala, etc is December 7 at the Brussel: library TTne Penny Auction is Friday, December 6 not November 30. See current e‘ ems ('Eli BIt1'I'KS Carol Ann Gamble delight, r ut Dave and Carol Gamble, celebrated her t'd'th birthday on Saturday at her parents" home. Several friends attended froni her kindergarten class They were treated to a Care Bear movie while eating popcorn. Games were enjoyed along with prizes. The highlight was the Care Bear cake for lunch, The grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Billings of Cambridge were present, also Brian and Jean Billings, Tonia. Shannon and Brian Jr.. all of Cambridge. Paul and Michelle Mercer of Cambridge moved here Satuyday and will be.living in one of the Gamble's apartments. They were also present at the birthday party. SUPPER GUESTS • On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Webster, Mary Ellen, Mark and Brian. Varna: Emma Shortreed, Toronto and Isabelle Shortreed, Walton were supper guests with W ilfred Shortreed and Margaret. Isabelle Shortreed visited on Sunday with her aunt, Lila Higgins who recently cele- brated her 90th birthday in Belgrave News shocking, repulsive One almost hesitates to listen to, or read, the daily news. There is so much that is shocking, repulsive and shameful. Things that sadden one. Wars, riots, murders, suicides, rape, racial unrest, unscrupulous people, who in their greed for wealth, prey on others in countless ways. All recalls this in Pilgrims Progress "I walked through the wilderness of the world," A wilderness is defined as "a wild uncultivated region not inhabitated by man." is our world becoming a wilderness of brutal, unprincipled humans with no morality or respect for themselves or others? While in Ottawa I talked with a man who had recently returned from a trip abroad. Not knowing much about it his impression of Singapore was most interesting. He found it richly deserved. , the name of "Garden City." It has an abundance of flowers and natural green areas, Orchids, expensive and highly regarded here as an exotic flower, were everywhere, in hotel rooms, on restaurant tables. It is grown in profusion in flower beds, and. as we never see it, on vines of orchard hedges. The climate in October was ideal and people were friendly. He was delighted with Singapore he said if he had to live somewhere other than Canada, he would chose to live in Singapore. it may have been truth when it was said in the future education will be the greatest single industry. With the continuing ad- vancement in technology and other areas education cannot be restricted to the young. It must continue throughout life if people are to keep abreast of what is taking place. What is known now can in 20 years change beyond our comprehension Juliet Capulet, the heroine of Shake- speare's "Romeo and Juliet" , no longer alive in Verona. Italy, still gets hundreds of love letters in a wide range of colors, scripts and languages The Verona post delivers them to PROPERTY ASSESSMENT and your 1986 Municipal and School Taxes Regional Offices located throughout Ontario are responsible for assessing all real property for the purposes of municipal and school taxation. The resulting Assessment Rolls are delivered to municipalities which use them to set their mill rates and compute municipal property tax bills. The amount of property tax you pay on your home or business depends on the assessed value and the mill rate set by your municipality. The assessed value multiplied by the mill rate will determine your 1986 property taxes. Open House Sessions Open Houses are your opportunity to fully understand your assessment and to evaluatei s equity. Open Houses are held in every munici- pality at convenient times and locations, to provide you with the opportunity to discuss your assessment with staff of the Regional Assessment Office. An assessor will be pleased to explain the basis of your property assessment and is authorized to amend any information as may be necessary prior to the delivery of the Assessment Roll to your municipality. If you have any questions but are unable to attend the Open House, please contact your Regional Assessment Office at the address or telephone number shown below. Assessment Notice Property owners and tenants will receive an Assessment Notice only if information regarding their property or assessment was changed during the past year, if the assessment was appealed last year, or if the property has been reassessed under section 63 of the Assessment Act. If you receive an Assessment Notice, it may reflect changes you have requested in your school support designation, in the amount Ontario Village of Brussels Township Of Grey Township of McKillop Township of Tuckersmith Township of Hibbert Ministry of Revenue of your assessed value, or other recorded information on last year's Notice. Appeal Procedure If, after attending your local Open House, you are still dissatisfied with your assess- ment, you have a right to appeal it to the Assessment Review Board. The Assess- ment Review Board conducts informal hearings and is responsible for determining whether the assessment under appeal is fair and equitable with the assessments of similar properties in the vicinity or neighbourhood, and may alter your assess- ment accordingly. Appeal Deadline The final date for appealing yourassess- ment is January 7, 1986. Your appeal must be forwarded, either on a Notice of Appeal Form or as a letter, to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board on or before January 7, 1986, noting your property address, Roll Number and the reason for the appeal. To assist you in this regard, Notice of Appeal forms and the address of the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board are available at Open Houses, your Regional Assessment Office, or your municipal office. Schedule of Open Houses Dec 5. 1 00 p m -8 00 p m Library Basement. Brussels Dec 5, 1 00 p m -8 00 p m Library Basement. Brussels Dec 5. 1:00 p m -8 00 p m . Municipal Office. Winthrop Dec 9, 1:00 p m -8:00 p m . Municipal Office. Vanastra . Dec 5 & 6. 1,00 p m -8:00 p m . Municipal Office, Dublin HURON, PERTH REGIONAL OFFICE 57 Napier Street. Box 190 GODERICH, Ontario N7A 3Z2 (5191 524.7326, 1-800-265-5192 SHORT SHOTS Evelyn Kennedy city hall. There an economics student takes them home and in spare time answers them. Unpaid and unofficial, she signs her replies, "secretary to Juliet." Bernard, a wise and holy monk, speaking of the affection he had for his dog said "Who loves me, let him also love my dog." Folks are not asked to love my dog Sheba but they at least must accept and tolerate her when in my home. She is my cherished companion, friend, watchdog. guardian and defender, Did you know there is such a country as Kiribati? That is if it still exists in this changing world. It officially became a new nation in 1979 when its frigate bird emblem replaced British colors. It is the only country where every day is two different days. Monday is also Tuesday and so on through each and every week, That is because it straddles the international date line of the Pacific. When we are constantly being told there are things we should not eat, drink or do if we are to be healthy. it brings to mind what Mark Twain said. "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want. drink what you don't like and do what you'd drother not." No Huron schools to get reviews Elementary and secondary schools in Huron County won't come under the close scrutiny of an accommodation review this year. The Huron County board of education made this decision at its November 4 meeting. The last schools in Huron to undergo such a review are Vanastra Public School, Hensall Public School and J.A.D. McCurdy Public School in Huron Park. The board has made a commitment to keep all three schools open. This year, only Central Huron Secondary school in Clinton was added to a list of schools that are under their minimum effective enrolment. F.E. Madill secondary school in W Ingham is also on the list. The Clinton high school has an enrolment of 806 students, while the least number of students the school should have to run efficiently is 849 The W ingham school, the largest in the county, has an enrolment of 938 students The least number of students this school should have is 960 Both Hensall Public School and Vanastra Public School remain on the list for elementary schools operating belts the minimum number At Hensall, there are 144 students and the minimum number should he 145 The Vanastra difference is somewaht larger This school has an enrolment of 83 while the minimum number should be 98 All current enrolment figures are taken from September 30 WHAT DO YOU WANT SEAFORTH???? There is a new store ready for you. Write to address below and let us know what you would like or need. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE SEND YOUR IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS TO P O. Box 366. Seaforth Ontario NOK IWO Drysdoles of Hensall woo 40th Anniversary Our complete line of alumis'sr` VlsWI APPLIANCES -A, Have been discounted g,�z_ for this event Winner of rnicrowcive oven: Helen Mullett, Crediton Free draw for mobile dishwasher, automatic washer with each appliance purchase Special Purchase for This Sale Limited Quantity Inglis Dishwasher $459.95 Inglis Microwave $298.00 DRY We Senate Wat e E MAJOR APPLIANCE ,VAL HENSALL 262.2728 OntarioCENTRE LTD. CLOSED MONDAY Outr Year 'THE PLACE TO Buy APPLIANCES Yr a