The Huron Expositor, 1985-07-17, Page 175% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ALL DAY -WEDNESDAY THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 17, 1985 - A9 WIN A FREE SIDE Of PORK CUT AND WRAPPED APPROX. 65 LBS. Write your name and phone number on the back of your register tape and deposit in the box at the front of store. One to be drawn each week. THE STORE FOR SAVINGS Palmoliye 3's & 2's BAR SOAP SAVE .20 ,Palmolive Liquid Bonus Pak DISH DETERGENT 1.25 L Fab Powder 6 L LAUNDRY DETERGENT 30 m - STRETCH N SEAL Baggies- 50's SANDWICH BAGS Purina 8 kg. CHEW N CHUCKS Purina 500 ml HAPPY CAT FOOD Orange Flavor 2 x 194 g TANG CRYSTALS 1.79 2.79 SAVE 1.20 4.99 SAVE .46 1.99 SAVE .16 .89 SAVE 1.70 11.99 SAVE .10 1.69 SAVE .30 1.69 1.36 L MOTT'S CLAMATO SAVE .40 1 lb. KRONA MARGARINE SAVE .30 Colby, Mozzarella. Marble. - Random Cut Cheese KNECHTEL CHEESES New: Highliner Boston Bluefish: Cod Fillet. Haddock: and Sole 99 1. 7 LIGHT TONIGHT DINNERS 225 g 6.59 kg. lb Reunion Continued from page A2 like me up a mountain and leave them, gasping, about halfway up, as he reached the summit. Born in 1892• on the island of Calumet, in the Ottawa River, in the lumbering days, he graduated from the school of hard knocks. His father was sluice -master at the Roche Fondue, a rapids in the river, where the logs were diverted down a wooden sluice so they would not be smashed to splinters in the rapids. Young Ivan had to work on the family farm abutting the river, In his youth he was an athlete, playing hockey for Shawville, which produced NHL star Frank Finnigan. With little formal education, he went into business, did well during many years in Montreal, retired, and bought some land along his beloved Ottawa River, where he built, mostly by hand, a beautiful log cabin which he still visits every summer. In every respect, he is a self-made, self-educated and widely ,read man He's my idea of what somebody with guts and initiative' could, and still can do, in this great couptry. Beside those virtues, he has charm, wit, and great vitality. And these are why I've loved him since I was a kid, not because he "made good." On my way overseas, I visited him in Montreal, was treated like a son, and slipped a small cash donation. When I got back from overseas, same thing. His life has not been all roses. He lost a brilliant young son who was in his 20s.• His wife died in an automobile accident. But his spirit, though deeply hurt, bounded back. At 80, he seemed 60. At 90, he seems about a year older than I. Andwe look alike. When I was a kid, about half the time my mother called me Ivan before she remembered I was Billy. After serving in World War I, he worked hard in forming the Canadian Legion to make sure "you boys" of the second war got a better deal from government than his generation did. He was also active in polities, and is a great environmen alist. He is beloved by his huge collection of nieces and nephews, daughter and grandchildren, and hundreds of cousins. Dear Uncle Ivan, I salute you as a great Canadian, •and will be there for your 100th, even if I have to take an ambulance. I had two bonuses in going to Ottawa for my uncle's birthday. • I got away from my grandchildren fora couple of days, just about the time I was going to crack up, and I had a good visit with my daughter. We ate at an outdoor cafe. We went to a horror movie. We ate a gigantic pizza in Ottawa's burgeoning city centre. We went to hear a rock group in which an old friend of hers, and a former student of mine was playing. My ears are still ringing, but I must admit I enjoyed it. We ate and drank in a swanky cocktail lounge at the Chateau Laurier and heard some excellent jazz. And we talked and talked and talked, without her kids or other interruptions. That was a treat, She was in great spirits, doing well in her university courses, and has found a place to live in a good section (but in a crumby basement apartment). She told me Ottawa was a beautiful city, as she drove me around, but you couldn't prove it by me My eyes were shut tight and my fists clenched in my lap. She drives a beat -up old Datsun as though she were in the Grand Pix. Most of us slow down when we see an orange light. She speeds up to beat the red one. And everyone else in the city drives like that. Arfyway, that was a big summer adven- ture. I was shaky from that driving for days, but soon recovered enough to start making peanut butter and honey sandwiches again. GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE 09t, 'Grown #1 Fresh Cri p,s.,f) REEN CABBAGE Canada Fancy IDA RED APPLES Prod. USA Can. No. 1 FRESH CARROTS Ont. Grown #1 Rich in Vitamin C FRESH BROCCOLI bch Prod. of Mexico Great for Fruit Salad PINEAPPLES 5 •Ib. bag 5 lb. bag ea. Prod. USA Can. No. 1 Fresh Sweet GREEN PEPPERS kg. 2.62 lb. 2.29 1.49 2.99 Frozen Hardee Choice FRENCH FRIES .p0 1 kg. /1.44 )Lyons Food Market Only .391 1 2.59 ) 1.89 .99 1.59 1.19 1882 100% Whole Wheat BREAD SAVE .37 .89 675 g Westons Blueberry, Raspberry, Apple and Date 9's TURNOVERS 99 SAVE .29 • Westons Plain, Sugar or Cinnamon 12•s SAVE .46 DONUTS .99 Huron H ,�xposxtor Let it work for you. 527-0240 GOET . LER 's --- -OF DUBLIN A STORE FULL OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE On the Main Street of Dublin .345.2250 Free Delivery NEED HELP! ...to prune a tree, cut your lawn or tend your garden? You'll find it right here in the classifieds.