The Wingham Times, 1903-08-27, Page 8TIIE WINGIIAII TINES, AUGUST 21,
ire here
Biausiugs, Siiks,Trimrniogs1
In DRESS GOODS the leaders are certainly
going to be the Zibelines with the two -toned
effects. Other popular weaves are the Canvas
Cloths, Basket Cloths, Broadcloths. Venetians,
Cheviots, Friezes, Box Cloths, Tweeds, etc.
We have a splendid assortment of all these
goods in stock;and although the prices have
advanced from 20 to 30 per cent on European
markets we can still give them to you at the
old prices,
BLOUSINGS, in waist lengths only ; plain
Flannel,. in all shades, Fancy Flannels, Albro-
tross Waistings, Brilliants in all shades ; Taff-
eta Silks, Lousaine Silks, Tamaline Silks, Peau
de Soie Silks and Fancy Silks.
TRIMMINGS AN1) BELTS—An extra large
assortment of Trimmings have arrived, suitable
for all weights and weaves of goods. They
are the newest that can be bought.
Our BELTS are all new designs in Parisian and
New York novelties. A splendid assortment,
ranging in prices from 25c. to $I.5o each.
You are at liberty to have a look through our stock.
Aliisomvak,s1Vilvekl://4.11•1frit,Will. 4641/110:1,11/4.....1
" �1' 11.113/'4'Qr11SAZ'® .114IS' 1107'E11.42s •'Ike/WOVTDAIVIto AV:
* And Whera to Boy Them
• 4.
... a.s....wu...,.. 4.
When we say it will pay .i,
• every family in Wingham
and vicinity to buy tl}eir
4 ' "'�Scucoh-otttfit from us we .41.
mean it — and we stand • .
. g. behind our cou'iters wait- a.
4. ing to prove it to you.
'I- can please you by giving
you. better service and
If you have not been in
the habit of favoring this +
store, come around and
see us for your own .t.
benefit, as we know we 4.
values than you will get
. elsewhere.
Our shelves are crowded
• with the latest authorized
• text books.
▪ Have you tried the Coop-
er's Book Store 3 for .1
Lead Pencil? The hest
...f' value in Canada.
ers given free.
Our values in Scribblers
are startling!
Strong Manilla Book Cov-
-.1* Coopewo.,
4. (Successors to Alex. Moss.) 4.
11 id's good
we sell it !
'Whether in Fruits, Grocer-
ies or Crockery you can always
ft depend on the quality being AI.
As we guarantee everything
we sell and refund money if at
;any time anything is not satis-
factory ; send the children if
you can't come yourself. At
will wait on them as we woul
Try us
'We are headquarters for
the best Fruits, etc.
Grocery and Crockery Store
rums 18 Quick Delivery
—Mr. W. F. ti anstone in having his
house reshiugled.
—Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a car
load of cattle to Toronto 011 Monday.
—Dr. Chisholm is having a neat porch
erected in front of his house on Patrick
— The Wingham Band furnished music
at a garden party in Blyth on Friday
—Mr. W. F. . l anStono shipped a
double deck car load of hogs to Toronto
on Monday.
—Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
C. 0. F. will be held on Friday evening
of this week.
— Mr. Robt. Cochrane has purchased
a 100 -acro farm on the 14th concession
of Grey township.
— The annual meeting of the Ontario
Conservative Association will be held in
Toronto on Sept. 3rd.
— J. Button & Co., of the Button
block boot and shoe store will have a
new advt. in our next issue.
—A number of the members of Mait-
land Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. will visit the L 0.
0, F. lodge at Brussels this evening.
—Mr. Alfred Huggins for many years
hotel keeper at Monkton, Perth county,
committed suicide on Saturday by shoot-
ing himself.
—Lou Dillon, trotted a mile in two
minutes at Reading, Mass., on Monday
and now holds the world's record as the
fastest trotting horse,
—At the conclusion of the bowling
matches with the Goderich bowlers on
Wednesday of last week the Wingham
bowlers were 17 shots behind.
—Mrs. John Anies, of town, has not
been enjoying good health for some
time and this week accompanied by Mr.
Ames she went to Toronto for treatment.
—Dr. J. Elliott Hohiies, son of Rev. J.
W. Holmes, of Goreie was married in
New York to Miss Ethel M. Walker. Dr.
and Mrs. Holmes will reside in New
—Mr. Wm. Nicholson has purchased
one of Mr. H. 0. Bell's building lots on
Frances street. Mr. Nicholson will
likely build a house on the lot next
—The total number of people who
went to Manitoba on the recent har-
vesters' excursions was 6,235. The
total number of harvesters who went
West in 1002 was 9,174.
— Tbe returns in connection with the
June excursion to the Model Farm were
received this week. The Turnberry
Agricultural Society has received $23,40
as its share of the profits.
---Twenty-five cents will get the TIMES
Mr the balance of 1003. If you are al-
ready a subscriber send the paper direct
from the office to your relatives who
are living a distance from Wingham. •
—Tho Brussels Post of last week §ass
the Tntrs told a "fib" when it said the
Irish Nine baseball club won from Brus-
sels by a score of 29 to 1. We were
only giving the report of the game as we
heard it from several reliable parties. If
l;he score was only 14 to 1 we will take it
all back Bro. Kerr.
--Blight . is destroying some of the
plume this p s in t � s district
—Three rinks of filo Wingham bowl -
ere went to Ilarriston yesterday after-
noon to play a friendly match with the
bavtlers of that town.
—A harvest festival will be held en
the school grounds at Formosa on Tues.
day September 8th, under the auspic. a
of St. Mary's R. C. church
—The Wingham factories of the Can-
ada Furniture Manufacturers will Le
closed next week, la order that the work-
men may have an opportuulty of visit-
ing the Toronto Fair.
The up -to -elate farmer uses the Verity
plows, because they are the best. Soul
by Alf. Glover, Wingliam.
—The dates for the semi-final games
in the different Canadiou Lacrosse Asso-
eiatiou Districts have been arranged.
Kincardine club will play with Clinton
on Friday eveuiug of this week.
—Mr. Thos Seers, of Toronto has pur-
chased the plant of the Seaforth San and
the late proprietor, Mr. William West-
cott has gone to St. Catharines, Sea -
forth will now have only one newspaper.
—The Ontario statutes for 1903 have
been published by the King's Printer
and are being distributed. The legisla-
tion during the past session was unusu-
ally extensive and caused some delay in
the publishing.
A few of the Wm. Gray & Sons cele-
brated buggies must be sold. Call and
get a bargt,iu at .Alf, Glover's implement
—Mr. Frank McCormick of Culross,
who diet with a serious accident with
a mowing machine some weeks ago is
recovering nicely now. He has been
moved from the Vendome hotel, Tees -
water to his home in Culross.
-A party writes the TIMES this week
asking for the name of the Wingham
pound keeper. It was recorded in these
columns some weeks ago that Mr. Jos.
Bowman had been appointed to this posi-
tion in place of Mr. D. Stewart.
—Master Herb. Jobb had the mis-
fortune to break his arm on Friday last,
He was assisting his uncle in putting
up eavetroughs at the Langside church
when part of the scaffolding gave way.
Tho lad will be laid aside for some time.
—Josephine street has been given
another good cleaning this week. All
the grass, weeds, etc, have been re-
moved. This is a good move on the
part of the street committee and its
keeps our front street in yery clean
—The fiftyacre farm on the 81uev:il
road belonging to the estate of the late
lJames Maxevell will be sold by public
Auction at the Brnnswick Hotel, on
Saturday, September 12th. Get full
particulars from advt. in another
column of this issue.
—Tlie Wingham school will re -open
on Tuesday next, after the eight weeks
of mid -summer holidays. There is no
change in the teaching staff. '.The
Principal wishes all chidren to be
present on the opening day so that the
classes may be properly arranged.
—Tbe TULLES is pleased to auno
that Miss Laura Martin and Mr. Rol
Hough have passed their matriculation
examination in English composition,
Latin Authors and Latin Prose. This
will only leave one subject on which
these pupils will now have to pass.
—Tho pupils of Mr. John Campbell,of
Wingham, late Principal of Highgate
school, were very successful at the re-
cent examinations. Out of a class of
five for first-class, four succeeded in
passing, and six out of seven were suc-
cessful in second class, one of the sec-
onds obtaining honors,
--By a vote of 73 to 1 the ratepayers
of Gravenhurst have decided to pur-
chase the electric light plant from the
Gravenhurst Electric Light Co. Wing -
ham ratepayers will likely have an
opportunity of voting on a similar by-
law in the near future and when all the
details have been explained the byelaw
will not likely meet with any mor
opposition than the one in Gravenhur
—Mr. J. J. Sullivan, who has been
resident of Wingham for eleven years,
and for the past nine years has been in
Mr. G. E. King's store, has resigned his
position and intends leaving for the
West about the 1st of October. Mr. Sul-
livan intends locating in a new town in
the West and will go into business for
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this coluntn from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose gohtg away yourself,
drop In and toll us, or send us a noto to that
Miss Sarah Stewart is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Leat rda a is was in
he 1 of Brusstf
town on Wednesday.
Mr, W. Irwin, Postmaster at Gorria
was in town on Tuesday,
Mrs. Jds. Adams is visiting with rela-
tives and friends near Wroxeter.
Mrs. Deane and daughter, of London,
arL_}•lslting with Mrs. John Ritchie.
Mr Gordon Griffin, of Guelph isspend-
iu tis holideys at his home iu town.
Mrs. P. Tanoley and children have
been visiting with friends in Newmarket,
Mr, 3, H. Young, of London is spend-
ing a i't;w holidays with his parents in
Mr. Jas. McKelvie, of Listowel was
calling on old friends in town on Wed-
Miss M. Clark, of Winnipeg is visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs. Gavin Wilson
at Zetland.
Bir. Thos. King returned home on
Tuesday after spending a few holidays
in Goderich.
Miss Carrie Humphrey, of St. Helens,
has been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Robt, Sturdy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rintoul and chil-
dren were visiting with friends in De-
troit this week;
Mrs. J. B. Cunitnings is spending a
mouth with relatives and friends at
Galt and Preston.
, Mr. A. E. Bradwin of the Blyth Stan-
dard was in town on Monday and gave
the TIMES a call.
Mrs. Sallow, Bruce street, has return-
ed from a fortnight's visit in Wingham
—Goderich Signal.
Miss Lizzie Cummings is visiting with
her brother, Mr. James Cummings at
Bridgesburg, N. Y.
Berg. Edward Haines, of the gravel
road, south of town has been spending a
week with relatives near Guelph.
Miss Una Robertson has returned
home after several weeks visit with her
grandmother in Ashfield township.
Mr, Taylor, G. T. R. agent at Mild-
may spent Sunday in town visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor.
Miss Clare Graham, who has been hor home in town for some
weeks, returned to Toronto last week.
Miss Jessie Porter has returned home
from Detroit, where she had been visit-
ing with relatives and friends for a few
Mr. Ed McKenzie, of London, a form-
er baggageinan on the L., H. & B. train
was calling on old friends in town on
Dr. J. P. Kennedy is attending the
Dominion Medical Association in Lou-
don this week. He will be home to-
mo ow-.
MVIr, Geo. Mason returned home this
week from o the Old Country, He is
looking the picture of health and had a
enjoyable trip.
Mrs. A. E. Smith and daughter have
been visiting with friends in Oshawa
and Listowel. Mr. Smith spent Sunday
with them at Listowel.
Mr. Perry Bradwin, of London, and
Mr. Lorne Bradwin, of Hamilton, are
spending a few holidays with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bradwin.
Miss Mabel McDonald has returned
home after a few weeks' visit at the Soo
and Miss Flora McDonald is home after
several weeks spent with her aunt in
Miss Nellie Orr, of Wingham, is in
town this week, having a merry time
with her old schoolmates. She visited
the school on Wednesday forenoon.—
Fordwich Record
Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Alderson have re-
turned home from their trip to the Old
Country. We are pleased to learn that
they had a pleasant trip and come home
y much improved in health.
Mr. J. T. Colton was in town this
week visiting with his Old friend, Mr.
S. Youhill. Mr. Colton is now a nail
clerk on the C. P. R. and is a resident of
Winnipeg: He taught school at London
for a number of years and it was there
that he and Mr, Youhillwere inti
himself. He has a host of friends in friends.
Wingham who will be sorry to hear of
his leaving town, but will wish him
prosperity in his new home. Mr. Sulli-
van wishes to sell his property on Fran-
ces street.
—An event of interest in the news•
paver world in Toronto last week was
the occupation by the News of their
new building at the corner of Yonge and
Adelaide streets in that city. The
latest and most serviceable mechanical
equipment in every line has been in
stalled by the News, including it Hoe
sextuple press. This is the largest news-
paper press in Canada, and it has a
capacity of 48,000. 13 -page per hour.
An invitation is extended to all News
readers—in fact to all Exhibition visitors
to the city to call and inspect the News
building and plant. The mammoth
press can be seen in operating between
3 and G o'clock each afternoon. A post
card to The News, Toronto, will bring
sample copies of the paper et an
Mr. Win. Corbould and the Misses
Corbould of Wingham are guest at the
Park hotel. Mr. Corbould, who is now
manager of the Bank, of Hamilton at
Wingham, was for some time stationed
at Port Elgin, so the family are not al-
together strangers in Southampton,—
Southampton Beacon.
M. and Mrs. Walker, of Wingham,
were visited their son, G. L. Walker
and family in town for a few days. F.
McGuire and Mrs. McGuire, of Wing -
ham, and Miss Honnick, of Toronto,
spent Sunday at G. Rogers'. Miss E.
R. Little hits returned from visit in
Wingham and y.onderboro.—Brussols
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth.
door south of School Renee. Shop op.
y time. posits Macdonald block.
ANOtis—In Wingham, on August 22nd, the
vi!e of Harry An&ts,ason.
AT.T1axCIIT—In Howiek, on Aug. 13th, the
wife of E. Albright; a daughter
RwreaT9011—In HOW ick, on Aug. 15th, the
wife of H. Rutehisou; a son,
BOWMAN -.In lurtzvllle, on slug, 18th, the
wife or N. Bowman; a 5011.
Bor.2o11—Iu EteKtilop, on Aug. 18th, the
wife of Isaac Bolton; a son.
MARTiN—III Morris, on August 98th, the
wife of Fronk Martin; triplets—three boys.
WATT --In Wingham on August 21st, Geo.
Watt, late of Woodlands, Aberdeen, Scotland,
aged 78 years,
1 oer.s-1n East Wawnnosh, on Aug. loth,
Gerett James son of Jas. Noble, aged 1 year,
11 mouths and lb days.
MountsON—In Kinloss, on Aust 13th, 1003, Istt-
bella•Morrison, wife of Samuel Morrison, aged
72 years.
BAMER—In Howiok, on Aug. Oth, Mrs.Chris-
tien Bailer, aged 07 years and 29 days.
ROcxas,—In Turnberry, on August 24th,
Catherine Smart, relict of the late Thos.
Rogers, and Inuit of Mrs. Geo. Cruickshank,
aged. 84 years.
91HE undersigned will ke for service on
his farm at Witat ta
haction, the thor-
oughbred Improve Yor hire Boar, Lake-
view Premier." Lt c ew Frontier was bred
by R, F. Duck & S Port Credit, Ont. His
sure was Summer Hill Master, 4080, bred by
D. C. Flatt & Son, Mill Grove, Ont. His dam,
Lakeview Daisy 10558, bred by R. F. Duck & Son.
Terms, $1.00, at time of service, with privilege
of returning.
G. DAVIDSON, Wingham P.O.
THE undersigned offers for , ale his thor-
oughbred Improved orkshire Boar,
," Summer Hill Ma tit tit." This boar is
three years old and ftii red by D. C. Flatt &
Son Mill Grove, Ol e is sired by Rudding-
tonLad Srcl, 8005, b
d by P. L. Mills, Rudding-
ton Hall, Nottingham, Eng. His dam was
Sunnner Hill Holywell (imp.) 8547, bred by S.
Spencer, St. Ives, Eng.
For terms apply at farm, Wingliant Junction.
G. DAVIDSON, NV Ingham P. 0.
Of Valuable Farm Property in the
Township of Morris.
Pursuant to the power vested in the under-
signed as the Executors of the last will of
James Maxwell, late of the Township of Mor-
ris, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased,
there will be offered for sale by public auction,
by F. S. Scott, auctioneer, at the Brunswick
Hotel, in the Town of Winghe
•on Saturday,
September 1' -tit, 1003, at 1. o'clock in th
afternoon, the following aluable Farm Pro-
perty, viz :—North half f lot 17, in the 1st
concession of the ai Township of Morris,
containing 60 acres and, more or less. This
farm is situate tt ut two miles from the
Town of Wingham, in one of the very best
farming districts of the County of Huron,about
44 acres are cleared and in a good state of cul-
tivation, and the balance is hardwood bush.
There is also a very good orchard. There are
on the premises a good brick house, a frame
barn 'and outbuildings. The buildings and
fences are in good repair, Possession will be
given to do fall ploughing.
TERMS ov SALE—Ten per cent. of the pur-
chase stoney on the day of the sale, and the
balance within thirty days thereafter. The
property will be put up subject to a reserve
price. Further particulars and conditions of
sale lvlil be made known on the day of sale, or
may had on application to the Executors,
WM. MAXWELL, Wingham, Ont.
Hmtn MAXWELL, Bluevale, Ont.
Dated this 21st day of August, 1005.
WE the undersigi d lawyers of Wingham
agree to clos '• our offices during the
months of July an. August as follows :—On
Saturdays at 2•p.m. t don other days at 4 p.m.
A notice of this to • pear in both local news -
1 Pets.
Treasurer's Sale of Lands
For Taxes.
DY virtue of a warrant under the hand of
/.1 the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of
the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron,
bearing date the twenty-third day of July, 1003,
and to ole directed, commanding foe to levy
upon the lands mentioned in the Yellowing list
for arrears of taxes due thereon and costs
therein set forth, I hereby give notice that
unless the said arrears and costs are sooner
paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so
much thereof as shall he necessary for arrears
and costs, at the Town Hall in the said Town of
Wingham, on Saturday, the seventh day of
November, in the year 10031 at the hour of four
o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with
the provisions of the Assessment Act.
Arrears. Costs. Totals.
Lot No.10, 0n the north
side of Albert street,
Jane Sadler's survey,
patented ........... $58.22 $3.50 801.78
Lot No, 10, on the west
side of Catherine
street, Leet and Mc -
Kay's survey, patented 0.31 2.25
Dated, Treasurer's Office, Wingham,
July Both, 1003.
J. B. FERGUSON, Treasurer.
Import Glass
Just arrived from Belgium ! ! !
We are in a position to
quote you very low figures
on glass for house build -
0 ing, barns and stables.
Call and get our prices.
We also handle all kinds
such as Verity, Wilkinson,
Fleury, Frost a Wodd,
Cockshutt, Teeswater,
Patterson, Percival, Port
Hope, Ayr, Tolton and
Essex Centre.
We're w awake
Our Furniture is easily sold
because of the good value
there is in every article.
See our medium price Bed-
room Suits, at $I x.5o, $14.75 4
and $15.25,
For Sideboards, they are so
conveniently made that you
*ill little wonder at their pop-.
ularity. Don't buy without.
seeing our $15.00 and $17.75,
Couches — Just ask your•
neighbor about her $7,00 or -
$8.00 Couch.
The People's Furniture StoPe
Brick residence, 5th house west
from Hamilton's Corner Drut•
Smith & Pethick's old stand. Store, whore ni1•ht calls will
receivo prompt attention,
Furniture and Undertaking.
ve® w.
FURNITURE for any room in the house,
in different kinds of wood, all well made and well
finished. Prices as low as can be had.
Curtain Poles in all shades.
Picture Framing promptly attended to.
You are cordially invited to look through our
stock before purchasing furniture elsewhere.
-. The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office.
In the clatter of t e estate of James
MIaxwell, leceased.
Pursuant to R. S. 0. (1807) Chap. 120,
all persons having cit ms against the estate
of Jas. Maxwell,lato of ie Township of Morris,
in the County of Huron yeoman, deceased, are
required to deliver on o before the 1st day of
September, 1003, to the dersigned, Executors
of the last will of the de eased,a full statement
of their claims and of he securities held by
them, duly verified, an are notified hereby
that after the sant date he estate of the said
deceased will be distrib ted among the persons
entitled thereto and tl e said executors will
not bo responsible fo any claims of which
they shall not then has . notice.
Dated at Wingham t •s 21st day of July, 1003
WttatAat MA): vsr.t, Wingham, Ont.
HUGH Ross, B evale, Ont.
August 27 to „Sept. 12
It pays best in the end.
The Canada Business College
With its 27 years of successful work to its
credit stands without a peer in Canada in the
line oil BUSINESS or SHORTHAND training
346 students placed iti good positions in the
past eleven months shows what we do for our
students when graduated.
College Reopens for Pall Term, Sept. 1.
Our catalogue is the handsomest issued by
any business school in the Dominion. Copy
sent by addressing,
Chathanl, Ont.
To the PubIic
As successor to John Ames
Agency, I wish to inform the
public that a full line of the
Massey --Harris farm appliances
will be kept on hand.
I have also secured the agency for
IS.emp`s 20th Century Manure
Spreader and the Waterloo Engines
and Separators.
Four only of the Wm. Gray & Son
Buggies, must be sold. Now is your
time for a bargain.
Wingham to Toronto and return
Good going Augl 20th to Sept. llth, inclusive.
Going Sept. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 0th $^L,70
and 11th, - - -
All tickets valid returning on or before Sept. 15
Labor Day, Monday, Sept 7, 1903
Single fare for round trip, good going Sept.
5tli, fith and 7th: valid for return until Sept Sth.
Between all stations in Canada on rand
Trunk Railway, also to and from Detroit and
Port Huron, Mich., Suspension Bridge and
Buffalo, N.Y.
For further information apply to agents.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Dominion of Canada
Industrial Exhibition
TORONTO, Aug. 27 to Sept. 12
Will issue Return Tickets
• Wingham to Toronto
Aug. 20 to Sept. 11
• Wingham to Toronto
Sept. 1, 3, 5, 0 and 11.
All tickets good for return until
Sept. 15, 1003.
See the Manitoba and 17orth••West Exhibit, in
the Canadian Pacific Exhibit Hall,
near Grand Stand.
Askfor copy,of Ofiletal o rant t,
As I'r g n o
Assistant General passenger Agent
1 Ding St, i$est,'Toronto
.Accounts, Rents and Notes Colleeted, Con-
veyancing done.
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Life Assurance
The Mutual fife of Canada
None Safer None Better
Fire Insurance
Purely Canadian Stock Companies.
Rates adequate but not excessive.
Claims promptly settted.
Vasbinder & Rodwell
The Stewart Patent Blower:
and Cutter Attachment
for any make of
Orders left with them will
be promptly attended to.
Threshers will do well to
consult them for repairing and
supplies of all kinds.
Oh, yes! and we have a
few good cheap Bicycles for.
sale yet,
Come and be convinced,
Victoria Street W iNc;•IrAnf.