The Wingham Times, 1903-08-20, Page 1VOLs.
XXXIL---NO. 1644.
like Finding
New Goods
We have now a full stock
of Gents' Furnishings, and
can assure you that any-
thing bought from us is
right -up-to-the-minute and
at right prices.
and everything in connec-
tion with the Gents' Fur-
nishing department.
In Tweeds you will always
find our stock new and up-
to-date, and we can assure
you a perfect fit, and at
right prices.
Remember, we sell cheap
Homuth Bros.
Issued by FaANii: PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
'Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— HON, War. G usOrr.
Vice -President end
General Manager --.1 TurcNntrxn.
George itoach, John Proctor, A. B. Lee,
John S. Hendr]e, Geo. Rutherford.
Assistant General Manager—II. S. smewen.
Inslpector—H, M. WATSON.
Writings 33dnk--Boors 10 to a; Saturday, 10
to 1.o osits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 30th No-
xernber and 31st May each year and added to
Social 7lepoeittl also received at current
tales of interest.
Wefts On and the TltodMat Bo htand Great
Vtavellers are notified that thetlankof Ham -
Met and its Branches issue Circular Rates Of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
*blob can be cashed withettt Charge or trou-
ble In any part orate world,
COPtl3011eera Agent
DZC1t:lTtf$Ola le 110/41,1s , Solictters.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
TQ buy Groceries here. Other
people save money by trading
here; why not you ?
Pure Groceries of every de-
Choice Teas and Coffees. Our
special blend of 25 -cent is the
best on the market.
Remember 1 Everything in
thatwi 1 '1 le
ase v
p _our
palate and your economical
bump at the same time,
Our crockery L..
Is the most up•to•date'you cat+
find, and prices very reason-
Please shop early on Saturday
evening, as I find it impossible
to do people the justice they
should have, later on in the
A1 Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 60, �r5, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good Lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood,
Real Estate
You cannot invest your money in anything
better than a good farm or business property
in town.
I have some excellent value in farm proper. the present time, For those who aro
looking for farms to buy. I might just say that
it will pay you to have a look at what 1 have to
offer you.
Just a word to those who have property to
dispose of: Let me find that "other man" for
you, I have ten chances tc your One. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
0. J. IIAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
(Office upstairs in Vanstone block.)
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Fast T�
Mr. Wm. Reid re
Mr. F. Carruthers
bushels of barley
wheat in 3 e hours,
ently threshed for
of Turnberry, 330
lad 220 bushels of
Who can beat this?
Eggs 14c. 100 tabs Butter wanted
weekly. Farmers' pork for sale.
Gao. E. KING.
An Advance
A ten per cent ad
in the price of furs
week. The scarcit
the increase ih the
are given as a reas
the steady advance
in furniture durin
retailers say their
in Furniture.
ante has been made
tura during the past
of mechanics, and
rice of raw material
u for the rise. With
that have been made
the past three years, t
rofits are now very
Citizens' Band Garden Party.
Posters have been issued announcing a
garden party to be iven under the.aua-
piees of the Wingh brass baud in the
town park this ('ih rsday) evening. A
good musical progr ranee is promised,
and refreshments w 11 be served. The
band is deserving o the support of the
citizens generally, ud it is hoped that
their efforts to p vide an evening's
pleasure and enjoy- eat at the park will
be richly rewarded y a large attendance
of the townspeople. Admission, 15 outs
and 10 cents.
ROUSE TO RENT—Eight rooms and
pantries. Hard and soft water, Stable
ou lot. Apply to Jae. A. MoLEAN.
Bogus Tu
One day recently
merchants received
he supposed, but
opened by Mr. Arn
who purchased it fr
covered to contain+
butter, between earl
salt, which when
scales at nearly s
party' who delivered
is at present uuknoN,
not opened until it
Whoever was Mean
worth watching and
ed to the full extent
a mean,dastardiy tri
of Butter.
ne of our general
tub of butter, as
when the tub was
our, of Wingbam,
rm him, it was dia.
five .churnings of
being a layer of
eighcd tipped the
rven pounds. The
the butter in town
u as the tub was
eached Wingbam.
nough to do this is
should be prosecut-
f the law for such
k.—Gerrie Vi, _ . e.
Fon SALE.—Three bug ' s, good as
new; one light emu) we n; one steam
engine and boiler—•n,' ie 18 Ii, p, and
boiler 28 h. p. Appl to Geo. McKenzie,
An Evening
The town park
brilliant appeara
of last week, on t
d en party under
Westminster Gui
church. The ladi
provision for supe
coffee, cake, ice
candy,etc.,were di
The Chinese lanter
to the attractivene
band discoursed s
affair was one of e
terCourse. The
about $85.
' Enjoyment.
esented a gay and
e en friday evening
to occasion of the gar -
the auspices of the
d of the Preenyterian
s had made excellent
ing the most fastidi-
ous taste with el oice delicacies, and
cream, home-made
eased in abundance.
illuminations added
Is of the place; the
eet Music, and the
joyable social inter-
oceeds amounted to
WANTED—Good stroug young men, to
learn the moulding arid stove -mounting
trades. Apply at once,
The annual mee
of Western Ontar'
tors, was held at
Messrs. 0. J. Rea.
were the delegates
Court. The repor
ranger showed t
Court to be in exc:
total membership n
increase in the last
ng of the High Court
, Independent Pores -
alt last week,' and
ng and Sarni. Young
from the Wingham
of the high chief
e Western Ontario
Ient standing. The
limbers 315,943, an
jar of 35,045, and
the order have in
ed $1,008,499, and
Rev. Archdeacon
he surplus funds in
the last year inerea
ow totals $0,003,105
Davis, of London, a
Davis of town, was
Why smoke five -cent cigars when you
can have a ten -cent one for the same
price at Buckley's?
Healthy Hui
Clinton had one d
osis during June. 1
scarlatina, and Wes
from the former.
cord of contagion
month of June,
monthly report, I
list we learn that o
the healthiest in th
n County,
ath from tubereul-
owick had a case of
Wawanosh a death
eh 1s Huron's re -
diseases for the
s taken from the
looking over the
r county is one of
Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op.
posite St. Andrew's church, London,.
What a Tsitwn Needs.
A town can get along without a fire
engiue,a street spri ler,an opera house,
electric lights and waterworks better
than it Can get alo g without public
spirit. Give as a to n made up of cid-
tens with no publi spirit whatsoever
and we would trade ft a graveyard for
it and ask for nothin to boot. Pctblic
spirit is to a town w at blood is to the
human body. Wit at it you have par•
clysis find Atrophy trade. Where are
those itt every coin unity so engrossed
inthemselves that hey are indifferent
to the progress of the community at
large, and ovon fro n upon very innov
anon for advance ent. The person so
oblivious to the p blit weal is fit only
for habitation in nprogressivo China,or
et job at driving 1 be]tere.
rother of Mr. H.
ected High Treas-
FOR SALE:—In the town of Wingham,
lots 4 & 5 on the west side of Josephine
St., on which is situated a cider mill with
all equipments; will be sold very cheap.
Apply, to,
C. J. MAGUIR]i, Real Estate Agent.
Tuesday was the
ter's Excursion to
eight tickets were
C. P. R. station.
here were good to
excursionists were
destination in the
are the names of tl
ham:—J. K. McD4
E'. Patterson, El
Rush, Geo. Naylo
Jas. Whalen,Hann
Knox, S. Mulvey,
G. Knox, Mrs. E. S
Geo. E. Ainsley,
Thos Hardie, Mag •
Xing, John King,
Mrs, Hattie Hide,
Sarah Coventry, T.
McDougall, Mrs, M
T. McCartney, Etlg
C. Miilikitt, Maud
ott, 7Chos, n. Itobi
Rattan, Mrs. 5,
Mitchell, Barry 1,
Thomas, Albert Stei
Geo, Scott, On Mo
left Toronto icor the
cordons and on Tu
yea 2,500,
day of the Harves-
he West and forty-
ortyId at the Wingham
11 the tickets front
' innipeg, where the
iveu tickets to their
' est. The following
ose who left Wing.
ugall, Miss Forbes,
abeth Rusli, Fred
Elizabeth Naylor,
h M. Walker, Lorne
tewart N ulvey,Wnt.
nson,Emma Sanson,
E. McNaughton,
e Nixon, Mrs. Mary
King, Henry Ride,
Vincent Iiinahan,
W. Fortune, Robt.
In ougall, ,filo. Park,
r Henderson, G. H.
elsh, Mrs. J. El1i-
son, Mrs. W. H..
tewart, Mora E.
gig, Mrs, Phillip
Mrs, dleghorn,
days 1,700 people
est on Olean ex-
sday the ntri tber
Mr. John
home last we
visit to Mani
went as far
while away
of Wfngliarm
W etaskiwin
and Alf. Sebe
chased the lo
that was rece
he was malt,:
building of a
spent several
Melita dtstr
residents of t
he says they
that district,
Mr. Wilson
el From the West.
ikon, V. S,, returned
after a several weeks'
obt, and the West. He
est as Edmonton and
et many former residents
and vioinity. When at
e met Messrs. John Clegg
tian. Mr. Clegg has nur-
I on which the hotel stood
tly destroyed by fire and
g arrangements for the
new hotel, Mr. Wilsou
y Iiey
n i
eta, wherethe manyartformer
is section are located, and
vial have excellent crops in
All former resideutswhom
et appeared to be prosper -
A Seer IN CLOTHING. 20 per cent off
Men's and Boys' clothing at Isard &
Co's. for fifteen days, beginning Satur-
day, August lath. See advt.
Mr. John T
for Wingbam
where NIr. T
butchering bus
Ripley will su
progressive cit
equals. The
spiting fnitue
England will
Prior to his
ed with a P.
by the mem
Mr. Tayl
the honors
Ripley, and
none too go
wife and fax
—Ripley Ex
ness has mo
the Ohishol
fitted ul, in fl
for is a first -c
keeping the bes
New Citizens
lor, wife and family left
on Monday morning,
ylor has purchased a
ness. By this removal
er a heavy loss. As a
eu Mr. Taylor had few
. 0. L. will miss his in-
ce, and the Church of
lose a devoted member.
departure he was present-
. Jewel by his brother
nil a gold watch and chain
ers of St. Paul's church.
r richly deserved all
o received when leaving
he best of treatment will be
for Mr T. and hie estimable
fly from Wingbam citizens.
ress. Mr. Taylor having
- W. F. VanStone's busi-
d to the brink store next to
block, which he has had
st-class shape. Mr. Tay -
Ss 'butcher and intends
kinds of meats and par-
ties R;ho favor trim ?flit i their patronage
will be sure of gatisfaction.
The Wingham S
the council chambe
There were prese
(chairman), Abra
Lloyd and Moore,
Accounts were • •eseuted from Beattie
Bros,, for coal, $1 3.40; C. J. Reading,
work, ti'.75; S. S. ash, brushes, $52.75;
and on -motion o Messrs, Lloyd and
Kerr, were order d to be paid.
On motion o+ Messrs. Griffin and
Moore, the notice of the chairman and
secretary in is fag orders for the
teachers' salaries 'or July was ratified
by the Board.
On motion of esers Abraham and
Lloyd, Johu Rog rs was ordered to be
paid $24 on acct nt of painting.
There beiug o other business the
Board adjourne
hoof Board niet in
ou hlonriay evening.
t Messrs F omuth,
alp, Gritliu, Kerr,
Wingham Wil
kat during the
The Seaforth M'
Mr. Thos. care
will buy all kin
they will pay th
This will be go
of this seetiou.
storehouse open
Grain Market.
have a good grain war-
ming fall and winter.
ling Co. have rented
ory's store honse and
of grain for which
highest market price.
news for the farmers
They expect to have the
bont the 1st of Septem-
MONEY To LOAN at per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to c3
Dnimage, Kent Block, Wingbam,
Mach impatient,
by pupils and pare
time it took to ha
the Part II Junior
Matrienlation exa
however, we are a
Wingham 1, eeswater 0.
A sort of rough- T
ud•tumble, go -as.
you -please exhibitiln of Iacrosse was
played on the park in Monday evening
by the Teeswater n • it Wingbam clubs
From start to finish the game 11110 rough,
and at times becam: quite exciting. The
first quarter was p' sed without a goal
being scored, and i was not until nearly
the end of the seco d that Milt. Homuth
secured the ball so : e distauce out from
the flags and dep,sited it safely inside
the net. The ht ter half was rather
faster than the first, hut it became
so dark that the mime could not be
played to advanta e. Mr. A. M. Carr p-
Teeswater perfor, ed the duties of re-
feree, and in puni> lment for their mis-
conduct compelled one of the players
to decorate the fen : for a time.
Baseball at
The Winghatn b
Palmerston on Mo
what they though
ball with the boy
boys suffered def
ed work of the
butcher by trade a
he knew how to
ball team. At the
the umpire was re
ate of Kincardine
nd he received
frem the supporte
or his fair decis'
n Results.
has been expressed o
is at the leugth of i
cl out the results of c
Leaving and Junior
illations. This week m
le to give the result g
mpires the Pah 1
ot able to score, v
ur boys were giv
n the game, Get .
etcher for Wing
ho is a resi4ent
ade a target for c
nage by the root r
eball boys went to
ay afternoon to play
friendly game of
n that place. The
through the crook-
mpire, who was a
from all accounts
atelier" a visiting
rat of the 0th innings l l
red and Dr, Bruce,'_
was put in his place,
bundenco of abuse
s of the home team'
ns. After changing
erstou players were
hich is evidence that
n the worst of it early
Daum, who has been
am all season, and I
of Palmerston, was
ollsiderable vile lag-
s. The score was t)
as far as Winghai 1 is concerned. The to 5 in favor of P linerstaa, bat this by I
results in the oth • centres we will give no means indica es the playing of the I
in our next issu . Those who passed two teams.
the Part II Junto Leaving at Wingham
are as follows:— mina. Edwards, Mar-
jory Fisher, Ada owson, Belle itfcDou-
gall, Margaret
Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. Geo. Eaglestone a
R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and of a class of fourt�
throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp- cessful. This is s
bell's drug store, Monday, Aug, 31st. creditable to the
Glasses properly fitted.
The Origin
of Life
by Dr. I-loilick.
The Marriage Guide
Diseases of Women
925 pages
publishers we special rhavearrangedfor
e t the
speoial Canadian edition of 800 copies
of this book. The original price is
$5.00, but we have planned to sell
these 300 for $3.50 each—we pay tbe
Supply is limited.
Wr 1 F. Mallagh
When everything else fails, tiny
this. It will not fail to relieve and
cure all forms of Dyspepsia, Indiges-
tion, Heartbnrn, Add F`ernientation
and Mal -Assimilation. of Food.
50c per Bottle
Walton Mckibbon
Next door to post office.
on, May Robertson,
d Allan Hobbs. Out
en, eight were sue -
good showing, and
rincipai, Mr. A. H.
CEa-aNT—Car of Durham cement j
arrived. Parties who intend usi
cement soon will do the wise act if th
buy it now, as cement will likely
vance in price before long. We are al
agents for Hanover cement.
The Wingha
busy during th
nesday of Last ti
silk umbrella p
was played off
was the winner
Homuth on his
the Owen S
ust town on Thursd
ug game with two
ad- by W/2/.Holmesso way. The Wing
shots ahead at tl
' Two Wingliani r'
Campbell, A. H.
and H. Jeffery, s
ford, J. Buckle
Dudley Holmes, s
ament at Goderi
riday last. Dud
in the semi-finals
at were defeated by
e Mitchell. H. .Te
4he Bowlers.
n bowlers have been
past week, On Wed•
eek the finals for the
sented by the President
d Mr. W. T, J. Homuth
are guaranteed to. give Sat-
isfaction in all forms of
stomach troubles—or money
The Druggist.
I have room for two stude''1;, Irl
the Telegraph Ufiice
Fall Term Opsos Sept.1s11
Scores of Biosides"S Colleges
have applied to us for our graduates,
to act as teachers in their schoolm
This is the evidence you are looking
for us to the BEST SCHOOL to
attend. Thousands of our former
students are now in busiuess life.
Write for our handsome catalogue,
We congratulate Mr ---
success. Two rinks of
bowlers visited this ! Asci nt at Blyth.
Thomas Tho son, seetfoummi of the
y and had a friendlyi
`fngllam rinks sill G. T. R at Ely i, was removed to the
Aped hospital at Stra 'ord on Monday with a
and Dr. W. T. Hollo• broken back. e is in .a critical eon
lain rinks were three clition, but s]igi hopes are entertained
e end of the game. for his recover He was riding to his
4 kserr, Chcompoassed, Knof W. A.1 home on the wa 11 of a merchant when.
eehtel 1 a bolt broke, ud the wagon tipped and A. M. Craw- ° •
R. Vanstone and over. Thorns° vas pinned under it and
ip hesustained a frac re of the spine. He is
attended ttour. 1 aThur the and thirty-five year f age, and is unmarried
ey Holmes' rink was but is the sole npport of his mother and
for the trophy andsister.
;the Elliott riuk, of
rey's rink lost iu
fourth round of th. Association match
e to O'Connell, of G"derich, and in the
e fourth round of the consolation they
lost to Galt, of Gerich. Holmes' rink
were in the semi- nals of the Amelia FOR
tion match and ]o t to Downey of Mitch- FOR
ell and were also i the sixth round of C� t�
the consolation wh n they lost to O'Con- $ 2.00 $2.50
nelt, of Godericb. The Mitchell rinks :-••4_.�.....„�
won iu the trophy atch and the finals
n the other two in ches are yet to be FOR FOR
layed. The playe report having had
pleasant time in t e county town, 1 $3, 001$3. 50
A New
Tho old wooden
tracks, next to
G. T. R. station 1
a few car loads o
placed in its stea
t 1e railway peo
yard in this sli
they must thin
backwoods stat'
few and far bet:veen and any kind of a
platform wou do. The condition of
tbe cinder "p1 form" at the station is a
disgrace to,the company, not to say any-
thing ot the an oyance it will be to pass-
engers, especia
compelled to
cinders with t
shoes. Surele
see they have
have the cin
and made Ili
will not be so
platform between the
he main line, at the
as been removed and
coal cinders ha
We understand th
le intend to leave th
e. If such is the ccs
that Wingham is som
n where passeugers ar
1. 0
The I. O. I
last to Sarnia
Sarnia to Detr
steamer was v
ing the large n
ing the annum
intended takin
through with
is a good one
over two hand
took advantag
gave an melte
fortabie cars fo
trip. The boa
trent on the
'4Tashmoo," of
a very delightf
ly to ladies, who will be
lit ankle deep in black
eir white skirts and fine
the railway company will i
ade a mistake and will
ers covered with Iumber
her so that the car steps
and to reach.
—See the
w School Books' at
F. Excursion.
—The Wingham acrosse boys went to
Clinton on Tuesda afterimon and met
defeat to the tune of 0 to 1.
—There rinks
exoursion on Saturday visited Wingha
octeanorrnss 811twdditirroe:
iyrat a n.% byvdeei ral ml oftWaf t Itei loy:ui etfdueaorrdsmSa vtlin.emo,local bowl
and the
finished when w
in the trip were not
heir harvest. The trip —..e. junior e
drove (hewn to
d was enjoyed by the
, had a free for all
ed and fifty people who
not much style
t train service and cora-
the railway part or the lacrosse atickS
trip from Sarnia to De. I would have seen
magnificent steamer J games.—Clinton
—The baseball
the White Star tine was
I one. The White Star
Line people h ve everything that is
necessary for the comfort of their tftSt Thursday ev
games of ball
passengers. TI e,many summer resorts thA1618thrillg tit°
along the Amer can shore of the river ganie. On Tuesd
faetory boys won
were in full swi
Monday on t
Toledo," thong
than the "Tash
all on board.
were heard to y
been on the wa
evening than
11... 3. Maelitati , who had charge of the
excursion bad verything carried out to
the satisfacti of all the excursionists.
g. The return trip on
eteitiner, "City of
innoh smaller beat
oo" Wes enjoyed by
ntllem of the erew
that they had never
ott a more pleasant
iat of Monday. Xt.
the Goderich bowlers
yesterday afternoon
es with three rinks of
s. The town players
s ahead in the first
seeond one was not
went to press.
yen from Winghana
'atoll Wednesday and
game of lacrosse with a
wn boys. There was
about it, and more
ere broken than you
it a dozeu professional
ew Era.
clubs of the factories
been playing friendly
tiring the past week,
ning the 'Union and
y evening the Union #
from the Bell factory
Pon SAVE—A farm. oe. S33 notes out
Side the eorporati n, ,seBuildiogs all neve
ply to M. Lame 1074 Wingliain.
On the 000401011 la her 100th birthdays
the ladies of the age presented Mrs.
Robert Lee Ath
dress and a
We are showing, at
the above prices, the
best 4 Women's Shoes
made in this or any
other country. Vic: and
Ideal Kid, Patent Kid,
Valour Calf, Corona Kid,
etc. Best shoemaking',
arid all newest styles.
Re.member, you get
value received or money
The Shoe Man.
lig, Ont., with an tid-
ed purse.