The Wingham Times, 1903-08-06, Page 6.ic
Debility of system causes neural-
gia, and whatever tens to produce
eu£eeblements induces. it. This affec-
tion is undeniably due to lack of
vitality, and its very existence is
evidence of deficient strength. •
`•STO0.eieCw '
t 111101.711EB10OP5.5i0 15
� Belief=,'
all Oruggisrs & Chess ' y�
Remedial pleasures should there-
fore be directed to improve the wh to
system, for when strength returns
the system, the neuralgic condition
of the nerves will disappear.
This now is supplied by ST. JAMIS
WAVERS ; they seldom fail to relieve ;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
ST. JAMUS WArAits help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"St.3amea Wafers never varies.
They fire a remedy "without a
peer, without a rival.'* In all
cases of neuralgia they have pro-
ved a noble and true ally."
Dr. Patrick Boyle,
Dublin, Ireland..
Price in Canada : $1.00 ;
Six bottles for $5.00 r
St.James iF uf•rsare not a secret
remedy: l.,lhe numerous doctors re-
commending tliem•lo their patients
rue mail the fermata upas request.
where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are mailed upou re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : ,t, James Wafers Co., I725
St Catharine St., Montreal.
Alfred Dole, who had his bust. broken ri •ti, now hospital tet w:illcertou,to wlliall
. W. J. Wanner) donate $7C+00,1 and t
died at Pierson, Mau., on duly 20th,
The G. A. Siddali banking fires, Tench -
now, have sold the east half of lot %con.
8, E. D., .Ashfleld Township, the proper-
ty of Wen Riddle, to dolls Kennelly, of
Huron ToWUehIp. The price paid was
J D. McDonald, district pasct'nger
agent, A° the' Grand Trunk nal N'ta .-il:'. 0t0 ' m has room for 30 pretests•
states that in Ontario the !
sou -. frust;
years. Toronto people are flocr*iul; to and women throughout the county have • in your throat do not Betray yourself.
1 district,and �thila Yankee 1000 from eutertainmeuts. Above all, do not wake up too soon.
travellers are
at a 1 Cru nosing in Ilullt tt ten years the late W The reaper 1hiuli to 120 the
ego, Itlon> with two 0th, r ycurg u:eu, I tate WWII. of W.,+Ilierton $2000, the coun. • Proper wet* to DO It.
( ty of Bruce $1,;00, and Mr. H. Cargill, ,tl vents that are apparently trivial
M. P., e1000, is to be opened shortbeeldl in the daytime Peewee au bemuse WI.
in cenueetion with the pureinlsing of its i portance in elle dead er night. .1t slight
equipment Judge Klein, Mayor Vegan noise, out of the ordinary, will some -
tied Mire Ce.lnlbell, lady superintendent blues have it% bearing on the married
hospital, were in Toronto last llves of two people," says 'roux Glasson
of the ht sl-
week. The equipment, which will be et • fa" hen, therefore, your wife wakes
the very latest design, is expected to `ou up. with that intensely nervous
cost :53000. The building itself cost• yon
movement that indicates a brooding
horror do not lose your prest'nee ra
k I' i1 Y
° b business all {lenerell .merest has been around mind, Beep from shalthi� if possible,
along the line is double that of previous throughout Bruce coutlty fn tl,e hospital 1 and while secretly your heart may be
1lluskG .a raised about $
letter than usual, the Jar , Begin by groaning slightly, and toll
over. At the second pull ou her part
Cations are that traf]its tt ill be larger A lv*,nderrul Boole. than last year. 1 it will be entirely proper for you to
As a wok tor family reference there , start slightly, rub your eyes nud mut-
A. UIOTUEIPS orxx1ON. tori probably never' cimplied a'noie ase- I ter any unintelligible sentence. Then,
Low's fleas- Besides containing the symptoms of dis- ns you gradually wake up and she be-
Mrs. J. Snelling, Underwood, Out., fel bunk Chau Dr. Chnee'e Receipt Book.
says that she nap used Dr. flycomes more persistent. you may allow
ant Worm Syrup in her family for etre ea,t+, their eerie() and aura curl the {;neat talc, nonsense!'
eight ears, and she knows of noth- prescrirtiun; gathered
ether rneded a tidal i•ouretuen Uel' thin up to this moment
past il, Y
int, so good for children who suitor from hoof it century oft e p
i with receipts for cooking the formula for al husband waked up
worms d ! comUlt to rlcpartheu h� his bis replete wet i t devoted I
a1u i•as it l 1 wife who hears n noise is al-
to the care of farm atutk, `otos the sante and should only be iva-
By the annual financial report of
Ethel t:ircuit, hlethodiet church, for the
past year, which has Fust been issued,
we learn that no less than $1718 52 weri ie
animals, eto For lull partioalars write
Edulnusou, Batts te Co., ' I orent°
James Newbiggiag, sr,, cried on Sun-
day morning, July 261 h, at bis dome, lot
ried later. Now, however, is the t zne
to act. d ld
"Dash quickly from the 1
either reach for your revolver, or if
raised, 700 of this was for minister : e tut isn't handy take the first thiug
$218 51 for couuexioval foods 4, on the fifth of Blum, on the farm on that presents itself -fire tongs, curling
support; Irons or a chair -and rush madly to the
and $e00.01 for cirouit purposes, a good which he settled as it blisll lot forty- i door.
record for the three appoitltments,Etheli eight years alto and which lie has lived "If you have acted your part correct -
Uniou and Roos. Rev. 0.. P. \�
D., is the energetic pastor and Jo year of his age end has been failing fo , wife there Donald, Recording Steward. a pumber of mouths past. The deceased i trance.
of Miss Mand I "By this time, if you have made noise
The following pupils was a son of William Newbigging and I enough, the burglars, if them were
1 Goodwin, of Clinton, were successful at
was burn 10 Edinburgh, Scotland. file any, (have without doubt departed, and
the recent examination iu connection calve to Canada in 1853 and after a short i when you have persuaded your wife
I with the Toronto Conservatory of Music: residence at Scarborough and at Bleu- ( that the thing must be done you can
M' s Rose Clark plytli, 1 1 e calve back into the Ctilneou's •search the House at your leisnro asci
ells, B. ever since. Ile �t as in the seventy-ninth ! ly and courageously you will find your
hn bio- r oro y
before ou, herring the en-
Piano- is , beim z
honors; Miss Edith Mills, Harlook, and bush in the fall of 1855. He has been ever afterward pose as a genuine hero
- --sboro,pass. Prim- i in Peebleshire, Scotland to El- ever avas thwarted iu his purpose at
Miss Alfie BeBe1l,Loud harried
�'r Cry Piano -Miss Mary Bro;;deu, Londes- I len Grosnrt, a sister of the late Mrs. ( the critical moment."
�%../\�1i��.:_�:``,Yr►i, '- 1'R'a,�o��il���1id<^.;�•.,, °�, '+,fl"r�����.,rr•,-asZ.r..1"-%�. r�odas io gy
k irm th : `i,•1'�ey
( bore, honors; Miss Vera Hiles, Boucles -
bore, and Miss Ella Wanless, Blyth,
both I ass.
Interesting Yaragraphs from our nx
y,,y.,ra.tvoa eget'
,-• •e --
Gall be used externally or taken. inter-
! natty. It cures cuts, burns, bruises, eon-
s traded cords, stiff joints, painfuTswell-
m-p g niusey, sore throat, eto.
Geo. Thomseuy of Brussels sold his ThEePlruElg hTimese rewbethntrry s sea- l inregtilui family three chest. Prim 25c.
handsome 4 year driving mars. sired by Zama �•lsaidthat ^-
I e" 0 boles. I1 is 1
* Ccstureer Boy," to left. David, of BSI son picked "e0 o y• surprised to hear of the
grave, for the sntn of $210. l 250 boxes lnirke good Licking in a da Many werep
so . ai �, • . re ..a.• „ Geo. Ziliiax has sold out the hotel he ' death of Jaseptl Jacobs, of v'arna, on
The K"Id 'Jr-,, {{21-:;1r�a s Batt recently purchased at Hanover at an ad- 1 Thursday, July 23rd. He had not been
ears tee
oonaturoof ,�
i ranee of �' OCO on the purchase price. • very well of late, but was always able
' 4"' before
He is in Listowel, but has not decided to attend to his work. The flay
B DicDoi'aid, of con 9, Culross, de- wire flier file will ;o into business again i his death he had been haylua• That
went to bed as usual; in
night he
Bocce, in Teewater last wt elt 40 head 1 °r not.
I d hen went to arouse him,
John Inglis, and of the late Mrs. Janes FRUITS AND FLOWERS.
Dickson of Elm. Ills wife died before
ho came to Mina. He brought two The northern slope of a hillside is
young children With him. He was again the best location for an apple orchard.
married to Margaret Hardy who with a The pear will come as near bearinga
surviv of four daughters and one son a crop of fruit every year as any other
fruit. survive. ,e , kind of f '
The principal of the Walkerton public If the currant worm makes its ap-
school addressed a public letter to the pearance, dust the foliage while the
ptireats of theycunger cI1i1Cr n in whish dew is on with white hellebore.
heIn transplanting plants from pots in -
op says: "Ith is the ers that unoi childous vert the pot and rap the bottom of it
shin ori of the teachers no sharply, and the plant will come out.
shoul,l atiend.schoel until et least six An overloaded grapevine will not
ycars or age and niauy not till sever. mature its fruit. If it bears more
While teaching in an ungraded school, I than
uoted the age at which every pupil start- late. it ought it will ripen its fruit
ed schonl, and in every instance those Air slaked lime sprinkled on rose-
bushes when the dew is on will de-
stroy insects without injuring the
many of those who started a 4 Rose plants should have plenty of
( light and heat. Nothing will blight
five were permanently injured in bodily E their buds sooner than shade and
and mental powers. At five years of age 1 moisture.
children have not the ideas or command Really
of language to profit by formal teaching
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy totake. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
used byeveryphysician. Ripans Tabules are
and byll sorts of people—but tothe
plain, every -day folks they
widely used are a veritable friend
in need. Ripens Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
who started at seven or eight years pass
t5 of last weak the Hawick morning w they e d those who started at five, in two years
sof flue cattle, tile eggrc•gate weight of1 1; - • t they were horrified to see him iu cteatli. (or less, with no apparent fatigue or in
Elle drove befits ;-0.3e0 pounds. ? ; l Fire Insurance Co. met at Wrox- jury,whiler 105, 1 y t
Brussels veteis' dist for 1903 was post- eter. Inspector Vail was present and; Mr. Jacobs was 78 years of age, and
ed up on Monday of last week. There made bis examination, expressing him- leaves a widow, three daughters and six
are 260 names ou Part 1; 125 on Part 11; self well pleased with the result. The sons.
A Great lathe Worker.
and 31 in Part 111. 111 ore competent
to be jurors.
A member of Gcderich capitalistshavo
purchased the Brampton ;as works and
are improving aid extending the plant.
W. L. Herten is presideut and A. Sana- I s tantiy killed, Thursday morning, while
ders secretary -treasurer of the company- ! drawing a lead of rails from the barn to
O'oining field. Part of the way be•
Howick Mutual is about e0 years old
and Low carries over 51; million dol-
lars of insurance.
John Anderson, agec115, son of Mrs.
Wm. Anderson, of McKillop, was in -
During a long life time the heart will i and their brains are nut strong enough best preventives is thinning.
propel half a urliion tons of blood
through the body, and so long as the to study several hours a day more than One athe best to. use coal
blood is in a healthy condition it will re- their little bodies are strong enough to R ashes ofis around the placeses o the fruit
pate. itself as fast as it wastes, patiently endure regular body work for the same trees. Put a mound of them around
keeping up the play of its valves and the time,,,
each tree. Borers will not be so apt to
rhythm of its throb. If the action of ........--. trouble them.
the heart gets weak, irregular and flat- � : e.... ----------------- .�
all cultivated fruits are liable
to overbear. This is always injurious
and should be prevented. One of the -
,r the blood is lacking in scurfs
Lasa -Liver Pills cure Biliousnscs, au a tering,
and requires just sneh as- r
Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Sour Stem- lag downgrade, the railsbea gipped for- ins q supplied c Ds- r�t�i�t� t1
tach, Water Brash, Sallow Compit"`ion, ward h horses, which became un- as-
sistance as it is best pp r iota it.'t1 and liquor
manageable Food the great blood ,
etc. They not gripe, weaken ,en. Snlitll and easy to taste. Price 20e. -pudgy the wbeels.
• rd onto the
doe ken or sick- and threw the young lad Chases Nerve , Dr. McTaggart's tobacco remedy re-
moves and nerve restorative, moves all desire for the weed in a few
weeks. A vegetable medicine, and only
requires) touching the tongue with it
occasionally. Price 22.
Truly marvellous are the results from
taking his remedy for the liquor habit.
Is a safe and inexpensive home treat-
ment •
reat•ment• no hypodermic injections, no
The Dungannon giving Park Assoc4. 1reofitetime; after getting overheated,
severe cold.
tvano.h Agro nitnral Society aro at log- 1 worThest kinds of coughs and colds is Dr.
gerheads; the result will be, so it is said, ( Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Try it.
no fall exhibition this year. Its too bad ; Price 250.
-when they have such a good. exhibition I GTo the farmer the beet sugar problem
every year. looks about as as follows :-It ccsts $30
G .121.. '1' �9 . X �- - per acre to produce sugar beets. The
The Kled Yes Have Always 805ght average yield per acre throughout the
country in 1001 was 0.6 tons. The aver-
- age yield secured by the more intelligent
growers, however, is 12 tons an acre.
The factories pay $4 to 84.50 per ton
and a net profit of $18 to $24, which is
more than double the average profit on
S. B. Scobell, the well-known drug -
a tion and the Ashfield and West Wa- I there
follows and ll, best
hen a remedy for the
Sears the
Mr, G. W. Schneider, boundary line
east of Listowel has sold his farm con-
sisting of 400 acres, also a saw mill to
Mr. Chas. Neilson, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., and Dr. Turnbull, of Goderich,
Ont. The price paid for this valuable
Mrs,Catherine Clark, widow of the
late Ewen Clark, and sister of the late
Malcolm Campbell, died at her home in
Lueknow, on Thursday, July 23rd, at 1 i,,a
the ripe old age of 88 years. Deceased
who was widely known and highly es- publicity, 110 loss of time item business j all island situated in the midstream of
teemed, was one of the a:sliest settlers and a certainty of euro. I the Neva. "Here is my Russian Am -
Address or consult Dr. 11IcTaggart, 7511
sterdaml't he exclaimed and banned!,
of the section, and a lite ion„ member of Young street, Toronto. , ,.,,,.,,�,..., ately began the building of a city there.
the Presbyterian hfcr some time past, church. She had been —___.__ The site -was a marsh in summer and
i n declining health a frozen morass iu winter. Two mis-
t and a few days before her death she was I ernble huts were the only buildings.
with paralysis.' ® ® e
— Q1 in the shape of a hexagon, with a tow-
The Itnesfan Amsterdam.
St. Petersburg is one of the few great
cities which have been made and not
born. During his residence in Holland
Peter the Great was so impressed by
Amsterdam, perched upon the waters,
that he determined to abandon Moscow
and build a new capital which should
have canals for streets. In his cam
ign against Sweden in 1702 he noted
property and saw mill by these two 1 gist of Newcastle, has a few freaks of
gentlemen was $18,8C0.nature. He has a rabbit born with only
Mr, ante Irs. Jas. Gilkinson, of the I one ear, and that in the centre of its
12th concession of Elma, received word
from Medicine Hat onTuesday, July 28th
tsf the drowning of their son, Mr. Wm.
Gilkinsou, A yonrg man 24 years old.
• There are at present five children down
with diphtheria at Mr.Gilltinson's home.
They also lost a daughter on March last, I
Don't let headache wear you out and
aged 25 years' t render you unfit for business or pleas-
erlburn's Sterling Ileadacheleow-
head. Another rabbit was born with
only three feet or legs. He also has
a fox terrier pup six mouths old
that weighs less than one pound and is
in perfect health, is as lively as can be
and is a perfect little picture.
The erection of the citadel, a great fort
er 300 feet high, on the north bank of
A Good Local Agent I the Neva, was his first care. The cot-
treesI have used two bottles of Dr. Low's 1 For Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit tage in ',which Peter lived while laying
, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, nut the city still exists.
eto. Weehave the largest and best
assortment of stock in Canada. Terms
liberal. We also grow and sell improved
lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar-
anteed true to name and delivered in
Toothache Gum and find it splendkl.
cured the of the worst toothache I ever
Divine, Hill, Elva, Man.
To prove to youthe.b i• aro. and
„ ®is e9w Chases Ointment s ecertaa eters will are you quickly,no leave no
and nib olutb cure for "eh bad after effects. They do not depress i lavages will not Extend through this
1 good condition or purchase money re-
Wm. Warnock, of Goderich, has pear funded. Will make arrangements ou
trees which he says are badly affected 1 commission or salary basis, according to
with "pear blight," a disease, he states, me turd ability of applicant. Apply
unknown in Canada until recently. It Pe; iate1 Nursery Cunrpnny,
is a dangerous disease and if some euro Nui' a yO1T•
is not soon obtained, Huron's pear crop
will soon be a thing of the past. The
blight has destroyed whole pear orchards
in many States over the line, and Cana-
dian fruit growers will hope that its
5�Gt� and every form of i,rhino,
0 bleediugand protruding piles,
tete Manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tot.
;,i laon What they thedaily
i casear
n c it ani
get watts moat
sif icured. Co
En eer lrts Eo ,Tornto,
the heart. Price 10o and 250. I province.
The children of Jas. McTavish, living
ou lot 2', con 27, North Easthopo,alnus- One by one the old pioneers of the
ed themselves on Friday slight by light—country are passing away. One of these
int; afire near their father's new barn• hardy early settlers passed away on
re n aro
Th fire spread rapidly and as a results Thursday, July 22nd, in the person of
'We tare informed that negotiations the 1 the structure, with all its contents w Samuel Clelidenn%ug, uncle of 'dr. cW
well advanced for the parches° by consumed,eiltailing a loss of over 82,000. S. Cleudenuing, Public School Inspector
Syndicate of capitalists who are interest -
Mr. McTavish was away at 1110 time,but for East 13ruc°, Mr. Clendenning was
ed in the deo elopement of St. Joseph of returned while the fire was burning, and born in the county of Lanark .8 years
the rights given by the charter of the in attemptiuR to save ]tis Roods sustain-' ago In the year 1853 he came up to the
Ontario West Shore Electric Railway f Township of ,
'between ifensall and St. Joseph. As ) Here he mid
,,stent an elle deal is completed, our infer- s
the lin° The death of Henry Young at his rest- ;his family continued to reside, n ntil a
ori re, the construction ofGoderich,eays street, on I+ri- 1 year ago when Mr. Clende
fl° m Rescan to the embryo city will tions deuce,on g, air 24th, Caine as aheavy' his farm and moved into Vi alt;Ortbu.
mnlenred and pushed to compl° day children Mr.
'f and
.a.:4Vi�G'i.{ fir", R�.. {.4. 4�• `+, '�''t 130
}•� :+•. 9 Y v'� " tet'.
ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe un with e
If you
vitae or poison has been eradicated front the system. Don't be satiafled w
"patch op"' some familyeNooNztraes Uscca COur New is ithout Wrethod is Citten con eat•
ranteed to
Ctar• or No Pay. •�-
Cured When all Else Failed
"Could I live my early life over. this testimonial would not be
necessary, though I was no more sinful than thousands of other
rfy: young men. Early indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to
. �_..
contagious diseases all helped to break down my system. When
I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor
atter doctor treated me but only gave= relief—not a cure. Hot
Springs helped me, but did not cure Inc. The symptoms always
driving It outand �tash 1 blessvethe dayson into your NewyMethod
Treatment was recommended to me. I investigated who yon
were first, anal finding you had over 25 years' experience and re-
sponsiblefinancially. I gave you my case ander a guarantee.
You cared me permanently, and iu six years there has not been a
sore, pain, ulcer or any other symptom of the blood disease."
26 Yearn In Detroit. 250,000 Cured.
We treat and cure Varicocele, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility,
Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Consultation free. Quaatlen Blank for Homs Treatment sad Books Free.
tnVL':` .f K ..
y :. K
All work promptly executed
at most reasc nable prices.
IF Y1I-u '� ,';N°��
Children In Somaliland.
Children aro regarded as a chief as-
set in the belongings of a Somali na-
tive. A num may have as many as
four wives, and most of the patriarchs
boast of tremendous families. One old
chief of a tribe near Berbera was the
head of n family consisting of 23 sons,
20 daughters and 300 grandchildren. .A.
father sells his daughters for camels
and often builds up for himself a for-
; tune in this way. Tile children are
named according to the circumstances
WANTED -Several intlustrleate persons int
earl]. state to travel for house established eleven of their birth, as Wa Berri (born in
years and with n large capital, to ran upOrt the morning) or Robleh (born in the
merchants and agent; for successful and profit- rain).
able liner. I'enntment engagement. Weekly
cash salary of 11:i and all traveling expenses
and 11, 1 bill:; advanced in cash each week. 'Revenge.
Experience not essentiel. Alention reference
and ,neloce i:elf•nddre'.sod envelope. THE I The doctor's wife went to the door.
NATIONAL, Wi Dgarborn i4t Chieng°. + She and the woman next door were not
on friendly terms, but the tramp did
Fatal rror. , not know that. "De lady next doer,"
Tess --So their engagement is broken` he said, "give me a piece of her home -
off? i made pie and I t'ought"--
3'ess-Yes; they quarreled, and she "I'm sorry," interrupted the doctor's
was in the *Wrong.
Tess --And she wouldn't admit it?
3'ess-Not that was the whole treat
ble. She did admit it, and after that
he simply became unbearable. 1 much harm is done."
ed v ery severe burns,'as also did some o
Carrick and took up a wild
bush farm on the 14th con. ere
intended to give St. Joseph con- blow to his 'wife a ,
51 wi C brother to the Zion. Jae.
of ouu � was a
;thetGr with the L. H. l >y section Y g , A STO R 1 ,A
„® Grand Trunk Hallway and when Young, of Galt, and had also another ,
ycynnplrted will he an important factor r brother and sister at Toronto. rp till a i For Infants and Children*
year age last April Cdr, Young had been Cha Kind You Rave ,Always BoagM
engaged with Goldie & McCullough, of 1
Galt, but bine that time unto about a I Bears the
month before MP death had been work- l Signature of
fug for the GederichEngiue Works.
Ss the planes of the R. Joseph promoters.
Kph lase first piece o! electric railway
Him county and a Government
, the village by the lake will take
meet. importance.-Goderich Sinal'
wife, "but the doctor isn't at home just
now. However, there's a physician
the next block, and if you hurry he
may be able to give you relief before
'Where It 'Wouldn't 'Work.
His 'Teacher -Don't you know, Tom-
my, you should not let your left hand
know what your right band does?
tonemy--'•ZC8'in, but you've just got
to take both Randa when you want to
tie a tin can to a dog's tail.
Gold melts at a temperature of 1240
‘4444,1 degrees 0. or 2204 degrees V. Lead
melts at 020 degrees P. and *ax tet
144 degree* IN .....r.' .
- Sadden.
Ethel There, I've forgotten to at.
, tend a fnnetfon to which I 'was invited,
tow careless!
Cleorge-xou ibhoul1 have an engage -
trent calendar.
Ethel=--0ria George, this is so snddeft
Of Printing, in the way of
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Business Cards,
Auction Bills,
Bill Heads,
Calling Cards,
Hand Bilis,
Order Blanks,
Or any thing else in the printing line, you will make no,
mistake by leaving your order at this office.
We vol] be pleased to furnish estimates at any time:
Call at, or address ----
A terrible lot of money is vett on
i►tirlor aeeneri' •ata wedding that
lelsgeld*fot to buy kitekea seeuery later BtA3US ,V ES NE STIOK
011.--.t*liiaon t lel+. ,