The Wingham Times, 1903-07-23, Page 2c. TI11 WINGII . i TINES, JULY 23, 1903. ert $STABLatHED 1'.172, Ironmonger to admit The Iroutnougel. ' I �j s s Il j I O n's Slave e iatorciew belittling Canada was quite a G 111E A ES. accurate, and that his recent disavowal 1 B. ameee e. i'ustxsutcu AND pesseirrex in a Canadian paper referred to quite auother interview, Therefore Mr. I$ aALLRW, LANGUID, THIN AND g Carne ie still stands as deolariug that DOWN HEARTED. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1903. I Canada has no future, except as part of - - - • ----Ythe United States; that Cape Breton is a mere mirage; that the Canadian steel industry isa figment; that Cauada stand- ing alone eau coyer become a great in- dustriltl nation, and that the Empire is oudiug period iu 1902. The present only a catchword of the politicians." trill' is keeking business on a good Mr, Carnegie's "Canadian" admirers �nndariou, ant failure -ecord tells toe � who p are the recipients of his charity ;ory elo'i,aently. might tell us what they think of their In 1895, the last year of Coi:eervative benefactor's opinion of this country. xovernmt et, our total foreign trade The Montreal Star seems to state the 3 8 G00 000 I7 d Liberal rule it case about right in the following: "It is NOTES AND COMMENT$ In the first six months of the preseut ser. there were only 492 failures iu anatla against 010 during the eorres- Troubiled. with lvlutt, Biliousness. Head - Relies anal Sharp Internal Palos. No one deserves more sympathy than the sufferer from iudig.scion. A light meal lies like lead upeu his chest -a good meal gives. him hours of agony, The Canada's Centenarian Senator. Foremost among those who defy time is that almost centenarian legislator, Senator Wark, of Fredericton, New Bruuswick. The senator laughs at the infirmities of age. He knows them not. He can see to read -the larger kinds of priut, of course --without glasses, He can digest !lard boiled eggs and lobster salad. He does not complain that the atmosphere of the Red Chamber. is stuffy, and that he can't get enough air TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CnoutpII-Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p In. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mc- Lean, B.A.., pastor. W.J. Cilapinan, S.S. Superintendent, METHODIST CHURCH --Sabbath services at 11 a ni and 7 p In, Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday eversions. Rev. J. R. Gundy, D.A., pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. He refuses to imagine a daywhen he Superintendent.. dyspeptics agony oust cud until he builds up his system with Dr. Williams' will not be well ani strong enough.to PRESBYTERIAN OnUnort-Sabbath ser - Pink Pills. They strengthen the stem- appear at Ottawa, sit out the allotted vices at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday 1 School at 2:30 p m. General prayer ach, stimulate the liver and sharpen the appetite. There never was a ease of indi- gestion that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills could not cure if given a fair trial. Proof gas$' 1 u el. ter ,,, of this is given by Mr. Gustave Emend, iad risen in the last fiscal year to 2430,- to be regretted that the Postmaster- of St. Jerome, Que., Who says: -"I suf. fered from dyspepsia for five years. Tlie has not been able as et to see lel be elute - make wall ii General' ll ti CRA 0 ntvio t ty d red At til (: y 4J That h gI G . a is a s - agony Tot u - make even the most slide -bound Tory way to trying the experiment of a rural derstood by those who are similarly af- think twice before voting to turn out postal delivery iu some prominent parts flicted. I tried a number of horne rein- to 1 h edies and advertised medicines but to the isolated farmhouse, It might the family doctor, and I took for a long not pay directly, but would it not pay time the medicine he gave me, but the results were no better; in fact I was get- ting worse. Some days I could not eat atall, but when I did eat the meal was followed by violent pains and cramps in my stomach that made my life almost unendurable. Tlien I stopped the doc- tor and again began trying other medi- cines, but the result was always the same -no cure, and bcarcely even tem- porary relief. And so the trouble went ou for years, until last winter I .net a friend from St. Seholitstique who asked me if I had ever tried. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had not but after some persuasion consented to do so. This was the begiuniug of the end of my trou- ble. Before the first box of pills were finished the pains after eating were less severe. I continued the Pills for a couple of mouths and at the end of that time I was wholly cured. I can eat as hearty meal now as anyone, and never have the slightest returu of the pains and cramps that so long had made life miserable. I have proved that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure this trouble when all other medicines fail, and I would strong- ly urge other dyspeptics to give them s fair trial." These Dills will cure all troubles due to poor blood, or weakened,, nerves, such as neuralgia, rheumatism, partial paral- ysis, St. Vitus' dance, heart weakness, and the ailments that burden the lives of sa_many women. If yon do not tiud these pills at your dealer's send direct to to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent post paid at 50e per box or six boxes for $2.50. Do not let any dealer per - the Liberals. Senator Dickey, who has just died in Nova Scotia, at the age of 92, was per- indirectlyhapa the second oldest legislator in the in making more young people world, Senator Wark, of Fredericton, coutented to stay out of the cities and • B., still holds the recortL In his multiply the wealth of the conutry by !Orth yell. he is attending to his legis -creative work on the laud. The Post 'atiee duties at Ottawa this session, and Office Department could fairly be given au hold his own with the spry young- a grout from the Agriculturi or some other department to enable it to bring the fascinating world of the town a little closer to the lonely farm, with its family of growing children. It is all very well Government in 1596. The present ° to educate the farmers and to help them Government have made no less than 47 market their products, and all that; but appointments to the, Upper Chamber itis equally important to see that the during their term. Eleven new Sean- young people stay on the farms to take tors took their seats this session, which advantage of these benefits. There is is altogether unprecedented. an economy that leads to the most dau- gerous forms of extravagance." A recent report of the British labor de- partment shows that the settlement of labor controversies by arbitration is Huron's New Ridings. growing; in favor in the United Kingdom, e During last year 541,000 disputes res- The following interesting information pecting wages were settled by concilia- in regard to the new ridings of Huron is tion boards and 176,000 by the parties taken from the Seaforth Expositor:- themseives. Wage earners received It may be of interest to a good many to much less thau in 1901; bet taking the have some idea as to how the county period of ten years, from 1893.1902, the will stand politically under this division. whole of the time the statistics have been collected. there was a slight in- rease, ab'lnt 7 pence per head per week. -Philadelphia Public Ledger. of the country. It would moan so lunethey d t h ] me Then I decided to see sters cf 00. The death of the late Senator Dickey makes the 48th vacaucy in the Senate since the accession of the Laurier For this reason we give below the vote cast at the last Provincial and Dominion elections in each of the muncipalities, grouped as they will be ander the new Of 10,000 cases of suicide in the United divisions, the voters' gasification being States, it is found that 7,781 were males, the same for both Dominion and Proviu- and 2,219 were females. Shooting was tial elections: he favorite method chosen by men, and PROVINCIAL ELECTION, 1902 oisou by women. Of the men who WEST RIMON filed themselves 2,980 used firearms, Reform. Conservative. .831 poison, 750 the rope, 695 a cutting Ashfield „ 439 374 nstrament, 490 drowned themselves, West Wawauosh., . 254 283 96 used gas, and 350 jumped to death Hallett 200 256 tom some altitude . Women as a rule Colborne ... wo Goderich township 18 hoose the less violent methods. Poison Goderich 454 -as selected by 919, drowning by 310, Clinton 268 as by 300. The Toronto News says: "The scheme f raising a large testimonial fund for on. G. W. Ross, which was inangnrat- d last November, at a meeting in the ossin House, has not been abandoned. n the contrary, the committee has en quietly collecting subscriptions, nd the fund will in a short time be loscd. It is said that the cash already id in d the undertakings to pay will ring the fund up to nearly 230,000. It s well known that the Premier has ever made a dollar out of the public ervice except his salary, and the fund ill relieve him from anxiety in his old ge." One of the best evidences of the onderfal prosperity of Western Can- da, is contained in the statement of unadian Pacific Railway earnings for he year ending July 3rd, 1903. Every eek shows large increases over the car- - ponding, period of 1902, the increases ver last year amounting to $6,339,000. e largest factor in this increase has n the unprecedented development of estern traffic. With the increasing relation and prosperity of the West. rehauts'are bringing in larger con- gnmeuts of all kinds of general mer - Oise and the immense crops must be o;;ed to the sea board. There has also a rapid growth of the silk traffic in the far east, the campany carrying he consignments right through from anconvcr to Ogdensburg, N. Y. A London correspondent, under date ally 9th, said: ''Mr. Andrew Carnegie been eotnpelled by the editor of The 246 895 392 241 2,257 2,1S7 Reform majority...a 70. SOUTH HURON. Reform. Conservative. Seaforth..... . ... 279 Exeter 133 Bayfield... 38 T nckersmith448 Stanley . .... 255 Usborne 250 Hay 460 Stephen . - .... 409 McKillop 331 166 279 69 173 278 344 360 574 252 -2,603 2,495 Reform majority... 108 . EAST HURON Reform. Conservativ Grey........ 521 284 Howick.. 383 495 Turnberry. 260 224 Morris......,. 349 299 East Wawanosh259 189 Wingham . 181 294 Blyth 95 94 Brussels 138 Wroxeter.... 59 SO 38 2,245 1,997 Reform majority... 248 DOMINION ELECTION, 1900. WEST HURON Reform. Ashfield. 459 West Wawanosh.. 264 Hullett 326 Colborne 265 Goderich township 219 Goderich 433 Oliuton 287 e. Conservativ 262 212 215 430 408 224 ve. 2,253 2,119 Reform majority... 134. SOUTH HURON Reform. Conservative. 229 154 304 211 26 164 142 442 159 212 29 55 260 246 245 340 486 467 140 249 Seaforth Tnckersmith., Hensall.. Hay Stanley .... a Run Mayfield Down McKillop Nervous Condition Es tern se 1i►rrekselles beadaebe and diad. Rasa 1PRp yaasrs-eareal by Dr. Chase. ANDREW IlswsY, St. John Street, N.B., states :--"Last spring Thad slaked* which left me a very run down, state. In fact, for a number o£years suffered to a Brest extent with nervous - frequently had attacks of headache and dizziness. • 1 also seemed to be very weak and was dis- trested with pains in the small of the back. "1 have spent • groat deal of money kr 'Medicine but ob. Wised little or no relief Until I began takisg Dr. Chase's Tierra Food, and 1CidnerLlvet Pills, . and say that the rcatits of this tent• hew meet rentielcable. WU me *p like the the coedit for taring Or. Mem& Xidney' tsaauk too Well albeit s the the shade you to take something else. Sun Stroke Preventative. We have been asked. to publish the fol- lowing facts as a preventative from sun stroke: -"With the coming of hot wea- ther the question of sunstroke has been thoroughly considered .'din a current Scotch medical journal. After a disser- tation on the usual methods of shielding one's self from the sun, the article comes to the conclusion that the dangerous rays of the san are not the heat rays, but the chemical or actinic rays. The argu- ment is based on the fact that no one ever gets heat stroke from exposure to a. dark source of heat or where the lumin- ous rays possess no degree of chemical energy, as from the fnrnace iu a found- ry, for instance. The actin's rays are dangerous ones, and they will pierce through anything except a ray of color, interposed to act as a filter.. It is, there- fore argued that the only way to ward off sunstroke was to treat the body as a photographer treats his plates, and en- velope in red or yellow. The author of the article referred to lined his helmet and coat with yellow, and after five years of extreme exposure had no fur- ther sun attacks. It is also well to have a piece of orange -red flannel sewn in- side the coat, so as to cover the spine and co wear an orange -red shirt when unduly exposed. time, and draw his .sessional emu), y, The only coucessiofi he makes to his 99 year is a cane. No valets for him, no Nossetting and coddling. He can take care of himself. When the Iutercolon- car, to iii prodded him with a private'. , make the journey from Frederictiou to Ottawa, he accepted It an honor to his town, not as a necessitly for himself. This fine Qld gentleman asks no favors for his white hairs; save that he be allowed to wear the•kind of clothes he chooses, trousers just a little bit shorter than the fashions demands -"high waters' some people : call them -and a coat that looks as if ;it might have been cut up by the lititehet. No doubt Methuselah affectedit certain careless- ness of dress when he reached the nine hundred mark. If ha man isu't rich. enough to do what lt'e pleases,he may be old ouough. Senator Wark, however continues to act like'a young man. He will not have it that his future is bellied him. In his 08 year" this amazing senat- or of ours, oldest !ring parliamentarian in the world,build§himself a new house. he has been in it ar'year now. He ex- pects to remain in it several mere years nefore he goes fo that long, last, narrow home which is the fate of every man born of woman. No wonder death re- treats before this b51d contempt and the grave is reluctant to hide away so much cheerfulness and courage. 2,020 2,540 This eleetions can not be taken as a criterion,, as there was no Conservative in the field, the contest between the regular nominee of the Reform conven- tion and an independent Reformer. EAST HURON Reform Conservative. Grey., 493 Howiek .. $75 Turnberry...., 289 Morris 368 East Wawanosh272 Wingham. - 202 .Ul02 ly`th, Iirui+sels...... ..r a 139 Wroxeter.,........ 60 299 542 246 328 199 245 82 96 34 The St. Petersburg Messenger of Trade and Industry boasts that the character- istic feature of last year was the almost total suspension of the import of chemi- cal products and the very perceptible de- crease in their price, due to the growth of competition and improvements in Ras - sian manufacture. 284 Reform mlijo)tity...2,215 2,071 The elope seems tel be about aft fiar s divilsfo - se could be made. Although 14 each riding ie giving tt Reform majority, I the Oonservetiyee still have a fighting in each. CURIOUS FACTS meeting ou Wednesday evenings. Rev, D. ].'erne, pastor and 5 S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Lieklater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Sap.rinteudents. Sr. PAUL'S CHURCH, Epxscop .-,-Sab- bath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m... General prayer meeting on Wednesday,eveniug. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore ani Ed. assistant S. S. Superiutende its. SALVATION AR31Y-Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Pose OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PumLIC Lout:Lay-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. ESTABLIBBED 1872 THE WINQI»1 TIMESt, IS PUI3LISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Beaver Block. WINGHAhf, ONTARIO. TERMS OF SIIu3CRIPTION-$1 5.) per annum in advance 81.50 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears ars paid, except at the option of the publisher, ADVERT[SING RATES. - Legal and Other casual advertisements 8c per Noupariel line for first insertion, 8p per line. Yor each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 11 cts. per line for first insertion, and u cents per Lino for each subsequent insertion.. Advdrtisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar $1.00 for first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent month. • CoNTRACi RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertionadvertisementsof for specified periods: - SPACE. 1 Ya. a Mo. 8 no. 1 Mn One Column..........$00.00 $85.00 £15.00 85ee Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.e0 Quarter Column 1$.00 ' 10.00 0.00 2.00 Advertlsemeats without specific directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tan Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. .Large type and appropriate cuts for allstyles of Post- eire,Iiand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print• ing. Town Co1NCIL-R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth. (chair. man), Thns. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Win. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. Each year about 100 sea vessels are lost without record. One death in every 112 in the United States is a murder. The Coast -Yukon is the name of a proposed railway from Kitamaat inlet, B. C., to the Yukon and Dawson. There is a platinum famine, and in- dustry demands loudly the discovery of new deposits of the precious metal. Professor Wilson, of Columbia, will continue work in embryology at Naples, aided by the Carnegie institution. An epidemic of diphtheria in the .schools of Passaic, N. J., is said to have resulted from the promiscuous use of lead pencils. In 1850 there was one criminal to every 3,442 of our population. The pro- portion is now said to be greater than one to 700. After a long series of severe tests to determine the advantage of carrier pigeons for intelligence service in the navy of Germany the authorities have decided to erect permanent pigeon stations at points on the Nor aud. Baltic. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson. Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH-MtyOr Vanstone, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. -Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. The Government of China has ap- proved of the action of the Governor of Szechueu, in Western China, in send- ing ten young Chinese students to take courses in American colleges. The7- will he under the care of a Chinese grad- uate of St. John's College, Shang Dr. Gustave Niederlein, of Philadel- phia, special commissioner for the Pri1- ippiues at the St. Longs Fair, has airm ced the preparation of the evhfait o.f file fiber industries of the islatals, far w` -=i2-' 2500,000 has been appru; ated. He, predicts a vast trade in tete-ea fab Fes. The general land oft ren „s the sale of public lands for the few thrce- quarters of the fiscal year am nal g to, about $7,000,000, which, with tile salea of the two preceeding yearns. veD1 bring exp to 215,000,000 the sum available for irri- I gation of arid lands under the act of 1902. MISS DELIA SPARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine tions. MISS SARA L MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory. MISS. CARRIE. MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Rooms- in: Stone- Bloch, Wit-g'am. Absent until the Datil: of ..Dges.. H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher TP KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. O • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. : 7 tp 0 p. m DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block. over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM C.M., M C.P.S.O. MB, MD,CM., a[ C P S 0. DRS. CHISHO[M & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. ARTHUR DROPS DEAD j� VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Privateand Company funds to loan at lowest rate ofintere-. Ni 1nn8411.1r-ha”.;�1, orb - gages, town and farm property. bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Grand Chief of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. A SENSATIONAL TAKINO.OFF DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham. THOMAS HOLMES & SON Was Speaking ata Ilapquet at 'Winnipeg -" 18 )1ay Be My Parting Words to llrany of You,a bald, and Fe11 Backwards and Expired a Few Minutes Afterwards -- Died at Midnight., Winnipeg, Man., July 17.-P. 51. . Arthur, Grand Chief Engineer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- - i* goers, dropped dead at midnight !yule speaking at the banquet clos- ing *the los-ing*the annual union convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En-' gingers, which bas been in session. here for the past few days. Mr. Ar- thur had just risen to respond to a toast, and repeated the words: "It may be my parting words to many of you," when he fell backwards and expired a few minutes afterwards. . A MINE EXPLOSION. Thirteen Chinese Dead in No. 6 :fine of the Wellington Colliery Co. Victoria, B.C., July 17. -Thirteen Chinese miners are dead as a result of an explosion at No. G mine of the Wellington Colliery Company at Cum- berland. Since the strike, few white men have been at work in this mine, and at the time of the explosion there was but one white boss with. fifty Chinamen working. The boss and tnirty-ono Chinese got out safe- ly, but twelve were killed outright, one died latex and the others are severely burned. Manager Matthews. Overman Short and Mine Managers Walker and Kelsey descended to the pit and soon recovered the bodies. Kelsey, however, narrowly escaping- bcing overcome by after -damp, The explosion was due to the igni- tion of gas in one of the lower work- ings. The cause is unknown, as all men employed in No. 6 niine were compelled to use safety lamps on ac- count of its gaseous state. There is no injury to the mine apparent at the mouth of the pit, and nothing was known of the disaster until the cage was run up with two frightened Chinese, who told of a fire. This is the same mine in which the explosion occurred in February, 1902, in which sixty-four, lives were lost. BANKERS, Etc. iarriaa Licenses issued. No witnesses re- Mro-.esr4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in reepa ,:fen. Easiest teens. RICHARD HOLMES Wcecte Ise phOtSPI 1e BAER ER AT LAW,. SOLICITOR, '13cacati fiiitikemet; is au olein weir eat` -aa. linker rtE.t.i creeps:beth ani - a grate fix tate ranni=racta off trm zdat raCMILITIYALLE as Pena Zes'srC cacti. AA i i ufi rois=e,z-steed. ccs an7r.iraaC: sat5idataism• L 'r'gai3 ziey.e. m a Urie'v+irt'n'"nm greles l.^ -.enema, aures aafariuT f y _7szr wreak - non , sed a`' efF.., . ;fatiusaor,i'simea,_ =mama_ =sect T7ffacra; • u, i:>r +nti :t cfr. 8 3aZ sect 2 -psi. itunni,7, _1.i.3Lws1triAli ' s r".a ire 3astaze. t •,*+ ^„**--tar„uuandi. am 7 £= T"- Feze per touskagt4 car r fax AIL Crarc ptoliffe'Leffi caa,cracan. Send r- dam. s ur, C 4 a,. Jim Dumps* physician once fell it Said he: I'll have no d ht or pill." Sa' Jim: "Ho, ho, you're on the shelf, ou who cure others, cure yourself." hen Jim sent up some " orce" to him, "That's what he needs," quoth " Sunny Jim." 99 The Ready -to -Socio Cereal for doctor end patient. Mai ' teff antra* Camila "1 was attacked last May by isppeudt-, eitfs. As I Abetted signe of recovery doctor and I begin to automata for s suitable diet and sea result we fell upon ' Force,' Which has been a Wonderful boor. to me. I have Shen almost three oasis. It iT. MZLS.i*," • WL.` g P::r, gre.ae , erf.3. Wing - Ter a ie Feszefetere, H A Dee -set W. IIffer ."tcca a.zt Cee A. Campbell, NOTARY Pruwe, &c., &c. 4 ne -Next to Holmes Block now building. t► Rattt.f, J. IRSi2Y, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dealer of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania D-=tal College and Licentiate of the Royal !a1ieae of Dental Surgeons' of Ontario. Office neer eat Office, Wingham. Office ckaed every Wednesday afternoon ehiring June, July and Angnst. aT T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. I xT • DENTIST.;: Beaver Block, Wingham. D.D.S.-Toronto University. L. D.S.-Royal College of Dental Surgeons. OMee Owed every Wednesday afternoon daring June, July and August. T s. JEROME, L. D. S. BEs a new method for painless atractioa. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of cnildren's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. Oe -rtes -In Gregory block, opposite Queen's ' hotel. FARMERS - TORN RITCHIE, aralanyer.e `Lacing lire stock or other ar6ztes they wish to dIsprAe of,shonld mixer. a GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Lee the sus efor seem the T23tna Our large dreara`icn tens and it will bestrange indeed if I you. do not; getaeu-tomer. Wecan'tguarantee that you wits sell becatcee you may ask more for the article er stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Taws and try this plan cl.oofdisposing of your stock and other arti JOB PRINTING including Books, Pamphlets, Poster.., Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Beeennini&o.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE. Wingham, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE reit London - 6.50 a tn.. 8.10p.m. Toronto & East 4 a.m8.58 a.m... 3.05p.m, Eincardine.,11.10 a.tn1.40 lam.... 8.89p.m. Attrttflt WEOM 1tIneardlne ....See a.m0.00 a.m.... 3.0.5 p.m. London1110 a.m.... 7.55 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & Fant 1.40 p.m... 8.38 pan. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wlaghant. ('SANADTAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. �✓ TRAIits ficial: eons Toronto and Zeit ,0.57 8,1n.... 8,49 pm. Teeswnter 1.17 p.nt...10.48 pais. ARRIVE least *reit* end a0.yE7t..t4."t i4,48 7 ae. 1;0,1J. H. miining. Stes'ateWise Will Wingham, Ont. ALES. EELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Fs. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Is prepared to conduct Sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at the Tams offlee. Wingham. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MAR$$ DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone steeling a sketch and deserlptien Mal meekly aseertsln ear opinion !roe whether ail Invention Itsprobabli patentable. eemuunic tient strict Ieonneeedett bnt Iley T dbo Kon tel ti Patents Wen three/eh Munn co. r.eetva 1pedlet notice, without *Margo, in tee ntIfkr inmerkan, handiarraely IlireaMted Weekly. taarestisle. tedathes, e3 any eMo stmaturnat.' Terms, lei a 1 r motets, $L 8014 by ata newsd �fI seintaitttirin. flew essF a t...Wrietdsatton. BOY STABBED GiRL. Peculiar Action of a Small Boy in th.. Ambitious City. Hamilton, July 17.-A twelve -year- old daughter of Francis Maoirana of York street, an Italian shoemaker, was probably fatally stabbed last night in a most peculiar way. She had been sent to the butcher shop for some meat, and was met by a. young lad about her own ago named Earl Ifurst, who, it is alleged, stabbed her in the breast with a horseshoe nail. She managed to get home, where it was found= that her dress was saturated with blood. She was very weak, and the doctors fear that she is most seriously in- jured. The boy did not even know her, and it is alleged that ho struck the blow in a spirit of mischief. PICKED UP DEAD. Member of Carousing Party. Aged 'fey. Dies on lint Doorstep. Stratford, July 17. -Found dead on his doorstep, William Smith, a laborer. living at Edgecombe Cor- ners, was picked up about 2 o'clock. yesterday morning. There are strong suspicions of foul play. Ho is 70 years of age, and it is stated that on the, night previous to his death his wife, son and daughter, along with himself, were carousing. Mrs. Smith bears signs of violent treat- ment. The only explanation given is that the old man, in going out of the house, fell and struci his head. Coroner Dr. J. P. Rankin of Strat- ford has issued e. warrant for an in- trest. .tilled by Lightning. Ednmonton,'N.W.T., July 17. --News has just been received in Edmonton of the death from lightning of Half- breeds Peter Ward, J. Buleau and L. Courti, near Moringvillo, 25 miles north of Edmonton, on Sunday morning. They were in a tepee with Indians. Indians Yere stunned but have recovered. Tho tent was rip- ped to pieces. Four Persons Lost Lives. Bonner Springs, Inas., July 17. - Four persons lost their lives in a fire early yesterday morning, which destroyed aa3onner Springs Sanitar- ium at Bonner Springs, Kas., 17 utiles west of Kansas. Twelve Burned to Death. St. Petersburg, July 17. -The steamer Nadejl.a, plying on the Vol- ga, has beers destroyed by fire near Nizhniy, Novgorod. Twelve persons were burned to death. To Assist the Monterey. Quebec, July 17. -The wrecking steamer Lord Strathdona and the barge G.T.D., left Quebec at eight o'clock Wednesday night to assist the stranded Canadian Pacific steamer Monterey, ashore on Miquelon Is1- and. r.teetxnstarltne.t. 4 - Caracas, July 17. -The Venezuelan Government Wednesday paid to the representatives of the allied powers the last ilistallnients of the indem- nity aa stipulated by the protocol, 41 Heaths Front Leobiaw. Philadelphia, July 17. --Forty-one deaths from lookjaty as a result of Independence Day celebrations have been reported in this State. ALRer I'arsiyeee. JTohnstoetn, Pa., , July 1 . Abner ifie1Cinley ie .reported dart sroualit 1111 tit 610Mera.t with per t -