The Wingham Times, 1903-07-09, Page 5ME WING = BUS, JULY 9, 1903
411t. $5.00 Suits $3.00
11 only Boys Fancy Suits in imported tweeds, etc., for ages 3 to R
years, worth. 4.75, 5.00 and 6.00 each, your choice for - $3.00
$4,50 Suits $.3.00
10 only Boys' 8 -piece Suits, sizes 28 to 33, in tweeds, tier es, etc.,
worth 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 and 4 50, choice for • 3.00
$8.00 Suits. $5,75
24 Men's Suits iv good patterns, sonic light and soma dark, sizes
35 to 44. Those aro odd suite which wore made to 8e11 at 6.50, '
7,00, 8,00 and 0.00 each, choice - -
$8.00 Suits $4.75
12 only Youths' Suits in neat tweeds, oto., short or long pants,
sizes 32 to 35, worth 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 and 8.00, choice
$ L90 Pants $L25
48 pairs Men's Odd Pants, sizes 32 to 40 waist, worth. 1.60, 1.75
to 2.00, choice
79c Pants 49c.
20 pairs Boys' Odd Pants, sizes 22 co 32, regular price 75c, sale .49
HATS! HATS! Hard and Soft Felt Hats, the latest shapes, 500 to 5.00
STRAW HATS, all kinds and shapes, - - 10c to 1.00
SALEM SHIRTS -.Made to fit men, not prices, Colors guaran-
teed, all latest patterns, etc,, now in stock, Prices - 1.00 to 2.00
We have all tho latest in Ties, Collars, Cutts, Socks, Gloves, Handkerchiefs.
In Boots and Shoos our prices are, right,
4 75
° t•e•ee•••••e40••e•••• •O•e
This week we will talk to you about
Soap. It is a staple article, 'always in
demand ; and to make it more popular
we are going to give, with every pur-
chase of twenty. five cents worth of wash-
ing soap, one bar cleansing soap for
polishing and scouring kitchen utensils.
Mrs. John Cutt and Mrs. T. MoEwen
took a trip to St. George last Monday to
visit Mrs. McEwen's sons.
Mrs. Jos. Coombes of Blyth is visiting
her friends on the first line of Grey.
Mr. and Mrs. Eagle with their daugh-
ter from Toronto are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McKelvey.
Miss Nellie Millar is visiting at Wing -
ham junction.
The old maids were well represented
at Jamestown picnic on July 1st when
the foot rapes were coming off.
Alexander Wright has been on the
sick list for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheeler of Turn-
bery spent Sunday at Win. Wright's,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright visited
friends in Belgrave last Saturday.
Mr. Edward Haines and the Misses
Haines have returned home after enjoy-
ing a pleasant trip to Listowel where they
were spending a few holidays with their
Miss Sarah Smith, who has been hav-
ing very poor health is at present in the
hospital at Toronto. We hope soon to
hear of her recovery and her returp
Messrs. Currie &Davidson, well drill-
ers, Wingham, have been drilling a well
for Patrick Troy on his farm hero. They
have now left Mr. Troy with abundance
of water. These mon are the men for
drilling good wells.
The farmers around here don't need
to waste much time this summer run-
ning to town for their flour, it can be
got right here at. Simpson Bros.
Mr. Evans Haines, who left here last
March for Manitoba has bean reporting
home that there is far better prospects
for a good crop in Manitoba this year
than there has been any year yet.
We like best to call
a food because it stands so em-
phatically for perfect nutrition.
And yet in the matter of restor-
ing appetite, of giving new
strength to the tissues, especially
to the nerves, its action is that
of •a medicine.
sad for .rte somple.
SCOTT & fowNE, clangstr,
Toronto, Oniark,.
soe. and ar.00; dl druggists.
Council met according to adjournment
on July 3rd; members all present;
miuutes of last meeting confirmed. Tho
following checks were issued: R Lowry,
drain on con 4, $5 10; D Fowler, shovel-
ling gravel, $3; D McDonald, operating
grader, $71; H Ryan, bridge, $5; D
Gillies, repairing bridge, $1 50; Jas
Gannett, culvert on con 9, $3; Mrs Mc-
Lean, gravel, $8 48; Reeve, two days on
drainage work, $4; Clerk, D and W Act,
$G; John Gaunt, work on road, $2 50;
H Horn, shovelling gravel, $1 50; J Mc-
Donald, shovelling gravel, $1 50; J
Heuderson, tile, $48 44; I McRoberts,
lumber, $20 32; Thos McLean, gravel,
$16 50; P Walsh, gravel and work on
road, $21 56; Jas Agar, opening gravel
pit, $3; A Johnston, gravelling and cul-
verts, $128 60; J Jefferson, inspectiug,
$1; Roy Fowler, minding gap three
days, 75c; R McQuillin, minding gap,
25c; E Johnston, teams on grader,
$152 50 and repairing bridge on con 10,
$14; A E Durnin, plank, $28 57.
Council adjourned to met on Wednes-
day, August 5th at 10 o'clock.
Don't forget the Orange celebration at
Blyth on July 13th. Every preparation
is beingmade for
e a good time and the
entertainment of a.crowd,
Mrs. John Kennedy and son are visit-
ing in McVille, Mich.
Miss Amy Elder, of the Presbyterian
Ladies' College, Toronto, is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,of Deloraine,
Manitoba, are at present visiting among
relatives and friends in Blyth and
vicinity. The left for the west 19 years
Messrs. F. and W. Wattle arrived in
Blyth from England last week. Their
object in coating to Canada is to study
the farm methods of Canadian farmers.
They have secured positions with Messrs.
James Potter and J. B. Tierney, two
of the best farmers in this section.
Blyth fair directors met recently and
revised and enlarged the prize list and
made other arrangements for the holding
of the great fair On October 6th and 7th
next. The prize list is now in the hands
of the printers and will be ready for
distribution about August 1st.
Heavy rains have caused floods in Al-
berta. Part of Calgary is under water.
The 'Conservative petition. against Mr
A G McNay, M P P, for North Grey,
was filed at Owen Sound.
News from Our Neighljors
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communioate - Other
Items Clipped X'r'om Our 4z ebanges.
Orbe va at' in.
At 2 on Tnesday, June 80th, a
pretty wedding was solemnized in Ford-
wieh at Hillcrest, the vesilenoa of Mr.
and Mrs. B. S. Cook, when their eldest
daughter, Miss Janet Cook was married
to Dr. D. Rolston Danlop of Shallow
Lake. Tho bride was attired in white
silk shirred en train, elaborately triintn
with insertions ofcherry rr and carr W
tle lace a a tact
a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses and
maidenhair fern, Her bridesmaid was
Miss Lilian Breuls, B, A., of Torouto,
who wore a dainty gown of India 1a
with tucks and insertions of YaWen i-
nes, and carried a huge bouquet of l ,sro-
chal Niel roses. The groamsutau was
Dr. W. R. Cook, a brother of the bride,
while little Miss Nora Cook made a sweet
little flower girl. The drawing -rooms in
which the ceremony took place were
artistically decorated with white and
pink roses and ferns. The bridal party
stood under a canopy of roses and fares.
After congratulations had been received
the guests assembled in the dining room
where a dainty luncheon was served.
The tables were decorated with pink
roses and maiden -hair ferus.
For Sea -Sickness, Nausea.
and maladies of this type yield quieklp
to the ahnost magical power of Nervt.
Hue, and if you suffer periodically from
any of these troubles, just keep Nervi -
line at hand. A few drops in sweetened
water will give almost instant relief and
in the course of half au hour the cure is
completed. Your money back if you do
not find it so.
_ --- s
Miss Roberts, of Stratford is the guest
of Miss Wray this week.
Mr. David Geddes spent Sunday in
Rev. A. E.. and Mrs. Jones arrived
in the village on Friday. Mr. Jones de-
livered a very able sermon on Sunday
evening which delighted all his hearers.
The people of the yillage and surround-
ing country welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Jones to their midst.
The many friends of Mrs. Frank
Wheeler will be sorry to know that her
recoyery is very slow.
Quite a uumbor from here took in the
garden party at Sunshine on Tuesday
The church of England will hold their
services for the nest few weeks in the
Foresters Hall, as the church is under-
going extensive repairs.
Miss Charlotte Hashm of Devil's Lake
Dakota arrived iu the village on Satur-
day last. At present she is in Wingham
visiting her mother.
The celebration and picnic held in
Robt. Armstrong's grove on Dominion
Day was very largely attended, and a
good day's sport was carried out.
The baseball match between Wingham
and Blyth teams was won by the latter.
The Blyth and Morris Rangers football
teams played a very interesting game.
The large crowd enjoyed themselves in
various amusements. The rain in the
evening interfered with the dancing part
of the program. Excellent music was
furnished by the Rutledge Orchestra, of
A.Groat increasing Army.
Composed of mon and women that Spend
heart and soul iu the vain effort to over-
come a lack of vigor in the body. To re-
place inertia by vigor, to make good, red
blood that will build up the system to
have strong nerves, you must eat more,
digest more, assimilate more. How can
it be done? By using Ferrozone. It in-
vigorates, strengthens, possesses magical
health giving powers. Get Ferrozone to-
day; make yourself strong and well, all
reliable druggists and medicine dealers
sell Ferrozone.
George Rowley, ex -Manager of the El-
giu Loan Company at St. Thomas,. was
arraigned in court charged with forgery,
perjury, and theft of 860,000. His trial
was fixed for July 20.
Nine stables on the Winnipeg fair
grounds were burned Sunday night. The
loss is $10,000, but as the Industrial Ex-
hibition was to opeu in two weeks it is a
serious inconvenience to the directors.
An Ancient Foe
To health and happiness is Scrofula -..
as ugly as ever since time immemorial,
It causes bunches in the neck, dis-
figures the skin, inflames the mnuoon
membrane, wastes the muscles, .Weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capaoity
for recovery, and develops into cone
"Two of my children had scrofula sores
which kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to school for three menthe,
Ointments and medicines did no good until
I began giving them h'ood's Sarsaparitle.
This medicine caused the sores to ileal, and
the children have shown no signs of acrot
ula since.)' J. W.11icGee Woodstock, Ont,
Hood's s Sar a arit1a
will rid you of it, radically and per.
manentlyt a/ it has rid thousand/.
Mrs. Trealeavcn returned hotno en
Tuesday after an extended visit at her
mother's .tome here,
Mr. K. J. Beaton is in Toronto this
week attending the Summer Schools,
Victoria University.
The union Sunday Sahool plonk was
very largely attended ou Monday last.
The day was all that could be desired
and early the preperatious began. Sharp
at ten o'clock the rip -to- ditto threshing,
engine of 1fessrs McIntosh and Gillespie
attached to a nutnber of wagons very
prettily decorated with fiagi and ever-
greens Fowided the all aboard cry and
soots amid. clapping and shooting the
crowd moved off, to the beautiful grove
along the banks of the Maitland near
the tenth. It was late that evening
when they returned but all looked
happy and reported having passed a very
pleasan t day.
A large number atteucled the garden
party ou the parsonage lawn on the
eyeniug of the "First" despite the fact
that rain fell in tdrreuts in the fore part
part of the eveniug. Tisis cleared off,
however, and the party continued. The
programme was excellent and was much
appreciated by all, the encores being
frequent. the prooeedi amouuted to over
„;54 and will go towards the necessary
repairs ou the church.
Messrs McMillisu && Gillespie shipped
two cars of cattle and a double deck of
hogs on Monday.
Misses Nellie and Maiy Troy are at
home for the holidays.
Miss May Kew was around calling on
old friends on Monday, Mr. Will Me-
Clenagau of Cleveland is house for his
Unneeessary•to Suffer from Asthma.
This distressing complaint can be perfect-
ly cured by inhahiug Oatarrhozone, a
vegetable antiseptic that destroys the
germs which cause the disease. Catarrh-
ozoue is inhaled at tho mouth from a
convenient pocket inhaler, and after per-
meating the miuntest air cells, is exhal.
ed slowly through the nostrils. It stops
the trough, snakes breathing regular, and
erraclicates the Asthma so thoroughly
from the system that it never returns.
Don't suffer from Asthma, use Catarrh -
ozone, it will speedily cure you. Large
outfit, $100. Small size, 23 cents. Drug-
gists or by mall from Polson & Co„
Kingston, Ont.
rt0 a les.
On Sunday last Rev. A. E Joues,tho
new pastor ou the Belgrave circuit preach
ed his introductory discourses. He was at
the Sunshine church in the afternoon,
John Clegg and Jas. Cloakey arrived
home from it four weeks enjoyable trip
through the West. They went as far as
Banff and Edmonton and met with
many former friends while en route.
Ross Stubbs is home from a short trip
to Manitoba.
Misses Docket, of Alpena, Mich., aro
visiting with their uncle and aunt, Jas.
and Mrs. Hall, on the 6th line.
The new residence of Albert Howlett,
7th con., is well on towards completion
and will be a very comfortable ancc
modern home when finished. (
Our hearty congratulations are extend-
ed to Miss Marion McKenzie who was/
among the successful students attend-
ing the Normal College at Hamilton.
She now holds •a professional 1st class
Mrs. Geo. Caslick and daughter of
Tooswater, are visitors at Jas. Shurrie's,
411i line. Tho senior visitor and Mrs.
Sherrie sell., are sisters.
The new brick residence of Albert
Crooks, 411i line, has been pushed along
so well that the roof is on and plastering
of the interior beige done.
Tuesday of last week W. R. Mooney
arrived home from Sault Ste Marie, in
which locality he has spout the past few
months. Ho looks as if it agreed well
with him.
Wm. Hodder, of Chicago, is her
His wife has been taking care of Mrs
S. Hodder, mother of the former for
several months, but the old lady has
agreed to go to her son's home so will
hold a sale Of her household effects on
Friday afternoon of this week. Mrs.
Hodder is 87 years of age and along with
struetr.d to expend 820 in gravelling on
side line beta yen lots 5 and 6 011 ton. <..
C arriecl.
Godo -Jackson -That the Reeve be
"instructed to have lliartiu's bridge, Is
line rofloored..-- Carried.
4 comntnnnir arum was received ftroni
Diekiuson on behalf of Isaac
li'errancl,. claiming riamai;_s to his pro-
perty in the event of the construction of
the Lamont dram.
Collo-Taylor---The Reeve wag its•
structed to procure legal advice in the
matter front B. 'haustoria of Winghain,
and report to .the Clerk. --Carried.
A. McLaughlan applied for assistance
towards building a fence -on east bound
ary at lot 80, con. 4.
Jackson---Code-That Messrs. Shaw
and Taylor examine tho locality of said
fence and report at the neat meeting. -
Acoounta were ordered to be paid as
follows: John McCall, three culverts,
$8.75; Win. Mines, gravel on north
boundary, 82.60; Mrs. llstlli;,tan, gravel
on north boundary, +3.25; John D.
Millrr, gravelling on north boundary,
$28.85; 1'. Moffat, inspecting worst on
north boundary, 12.50; Wm. G. Salter,
gravel, ;3.60; D. Irwin, grave I, $3.10;
John Duckett, gravel, $2.10; M. Lamout
damage hassling gravel, 50e; W. J. Hen-
derson, do, $.2 09; H. Kirkby., work
gravel and damages. 530.13 elno.Huuter
inspectiug, $3.00; Jim, McCall, gravel-
ling on 9th line, $28 00; C. Taylor in-
specting, ;14.00; R. B. Alcock, digging
ditch on 5th line $$13.00; Jno. McIllroy.
tile for ditch, 86.00; Was. Golley, gravel
for 1902, $4.20; Wiitou ( Turnbull,
hardware for E. Boundary, 831.40; Wm,
Skelton, gravel, $7.30 ;Jas.Thyne,gravei,
$1.10; Geo. M+fiall, tile for culvert,
$5.00; J. H. Sellars, gravel and damages,
$5.27; Geo. Kerr, gravel, 13.71; R.
Youill, job on Rnss hill $,25.00;S.Irwiue,
gravel, $11.00; R. Mc.1urray, gravel,
$5.00; M. Watson, gravel, $1.70; W. J.
Souch, gravel, $1.30; (:leo. Peacock,
gravel, $12.10; A. Shaw, gravel, $4.30;
H. Bosman, gravel, $5.28; J. Brecken-
ridge, gravel, $3 60; Wm, Little, gravel,
$5.70; Geo. Proctor, ;;ravel $i 60; coy.
poration E Wawanosh, gravel, 81.90;
Jas. Taylor gravel, 00 ;Geo. McFarland,
plough broken on E henna:try,: $2 50; C.
Wheeler, cement tile, $1.25; Jno. Mc-
Cracken, tile for ditch on N. boundary,
$2.50; Jas. Sherrie, filling hale on river
bank, $3.00; Chas Pollard, gravel and
work, $30.14; Jas. Bolger, inspecting on
9th line, ;;32.18; Jas. .Bolger, inspecting
on E boundary, $$1,8S; Chas. Pollard,
contract on E boundary, :1.30.17; Chas.
Pollard, culvert on 7th line, $4.10; D.
McLean, gravelling and inspectiug, $12.-
20; A. T. Cole, repairing reel, $t.85; E.
Lauudy, gravel, $2.38; Wm. Michie,
shoveliiug gravel, a3 00; 1L. Vaustone,
legal advice, $L 00; D. Sommerville,
gravel. Dec; A. Proctor gravel, $4 15; T.
S. Brandon, gravel and damage, $7 01.
The council then adjourned to meet
again on the 3rd of August next.
W.CLarerc, Clerk.
Mrs Walmsiey, of Bayfield, who lived
iu Bluevale some years ago, is renewing
old acgnaiutances in the village.
Quite a number from this part of the
vicinity attended the garden party held
at W J Johnston's on Tuesday evening.
Maggio and Minnie Anderson, of Tor-
onto visited relatives in Toronto over
Miss Polly Duff is home from Listo-
wel for a visit.
Thomas Dement of Toronto is visiting
iarents hese over Suuday.
Mrs Wm Ditneut of Wingham was
visiting Mrs Thomas Coulees' on Tues-
Misses Annie McDermot awl Edna
Paterson were visiting in Ethel.
Mr and Mrs Gordon of Whitby are
visiting their daughter, Mrs (Rev) W J
iiestliss Annie and Jas Richardson of Tor-
onto were visiting relatives in Bluevale
and vicinity.
The mouthly meeting of the Bluevale
Women's Institute will bo held on Wed-
nesday, July 13th, at 2,30 p in, at the
home Mrs A Paterson. Subject "Can-
ning Fruit." A cordial invitation is
to all the ladies:
extended ad es.
Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald and
little son, Cameron, were visiting in
Miss Hazel McIntosh, of Molesworth,
is visiting her grandparents, • Mr, and
Mrs. Tiles, Coultas.
Tho garden party which was to have
been held ou John W asmau's lawn Iast
her husband came to Morris over 40
years ago. Mr. Hodder died 4 years ago e
ata good old age.
Friday evening was postponed on ac-
ount of the wet weather.
John Armstrong, of Toronto, spout
atarday with his sister, Mrs Chas Her -
Misses Annie and Bella Richardson of
Brussols,are visiting at Jelin. Burgess'.
Mrs R N Duff of Galt, has been visit-
ing Mrs Robb Maxwell of the Blaevalo
.airs Thomas Coulees and Ed Coupes
visited at Molesworth this week.
Miss Eliza Messer is visiting her bro-
ther,J .T Messer,at Hamilton.
Mr and Mrs R N Duff and Miss Arica
Duff were visiting at Listowel this week.
The Provincial Fisheries Department
draw attention tohe fact act that by a
recent amendment the law prohibiting
the sale of bass, tnaskinongc and speekl-
ed trout, which expired on July lst,
bus been extended until July let,1000.
The council met as a Court of Revi-
sion on Juue 20111, when the following
apptals were disposed of:--Hubbari`
Cornell, entered M. F., Sas,, lot 8, cont
2; Joseph Hogg, entered tenant 6 and 7,
G. S., Bluevale; 1?. Keys, entered M.
F., S?s lot 25, con. 5; D. flaliday, en-
tered F. S., lot 5, con. 5; A. E Jones,
entered oceupunt lot 21,13elgrave; Alfred
J. Lowry, entered owner SI:; 18, con. o;
Geo. Best, entered owner Nee 24, con. 6.
Taylor -Shaw --That the Court of Re-
vision be now closed and that the as-
sessment roll as now revised and correct-
ed be confirmed and established as the
assessment roll for the township of
Morris for the current. year, -Carried.
Shaw -Code --That Mr. Taylor be hi-
fsARa'S 1 The Leading Store
I3ig savings fur you at thisstore during our
SUMMER SALE . We make it a point to carry
nothing over if price will c{ear it out. Values such' as
these prices tell of should make this sale a great success.
5 pieces Fancy Dress Unsling, choice patterns, feast
colors, regular value :2).s, to clear tz -
3 pieces Blaek Muslin, new patterns, goods worth 14.4
to 15c, sale ptiee - - - -
Lediea' Shirt 'VV'ai ts, colored, nicely male, good style,
worth 75c, 81 0), 81.25, on sale at ;
Ladies' fine whine Camhri.; Underskirts, with deep
muslin frill, full width. good value at 1.25, to clear
Ladies' fine Cotton lime, seamless, fast black, regular
price 20c, sale price - - ,15
Ladies' Sailor flats, good shapes, black or ec:l?red
bands, regular value 50a, to clear at - .39
Ladies' White Muslin Waists, nicely trimmed and
tucked, latest style, gown value at 1.25 and 1 '35,.
to clear at - - - 1 00
Ladies' Rae. Cambric Night Gowns, fall sizes, tacked
yokes, regular value sae, sale price .75
Boys' Stockings -- 10 dozen good strong Worsted
fibbed Stockings, fast black, cheap at 23 cents,
they go at - - - .70
A line of Colored Muslins, good patterns and colors,
regular value 8a and 10s, to eloar at .05
Parasols, with steel rod, fancy handles, good cover-
ings, good value at 1.25, to clear at - - 1.00
Men's washable Linen Coats, regular value x'1.00,
to clear at - - -
Boys' Summer Suits and douses
at wholesale price.__..
Hr 13r ISAR &ta_
Opnosite Bank of Hamilton Highest ptica paid for Produce
Miss Hall of Toronto is visiting with
Miss Lizzie Menz'es.
Mrs A Young and Mrs R D Yonng and
children of Neepawa were visiting at
Jas F Young's this week.
Miss Pearl Patton of Wingham visited:
with Miss Sarah Irwin this week.
Misses Lizzie Menzies and May Mc-
Gee and James Menzies Sundaye:l with
friends at the Nile.
. Fail Fairs.
Toronto Aug. 27 --Sc, t.:2
London Sept. 11-10
Winghane , , .. 24-25
Tecswater „ 21-22
Walkerton „ 22-::4
Mildmay „ 28-23
Blyth ........ Oct. 0-7
Hard on Christian Science.
A Toronto boy aged 9 years died of
diphtheria under Christian Science treat-
ment and his father was convicted of
manslaughter. The prosecution asked
e p i•
✓ a t r
to call and get our prices.
$2,000.0; worth of
Plessey -Harris Repairs
All kinds of Plow Points, at
for a conviction on moral grounds only 1
and the father was not punished. The l:l p q E t A rr
Christian Scientists appealed the ease
FISHictO l ii r ' it STORE
but the Court of Appeal upheld the first Smith & Pethiek's old stand.
decision. The aired is th it a parent
who neglects to provide medical attend-
ance for his family leaves himself open
in case of a death occurring to a charge ~
of mtc Ulan h r
a a ..
Gall at tho.prdee ani leave your name -
for the Tptrs, , Balance of this year for
40c, delivered or maiie.1 free of postage.
Moienv To LOAN at Ota per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A
Dulmage, Kent Mock, Willgha.m.
It is estimated that gold taken from
the Klondike this year will be ' from
$3,000,000 to $5,000,000 in excess of last
The estimates of Grey County for the
current year are $39,000 which is $5035
in excess of last year. The erection of
the House of Refuge is responsible for
the Morose.
The Ontario Gazette contains notice
that the Toronto Life Insaranee Com-
pany have been granted a charter of
incorporation and a license for the
transaction of general life insurance in
In April there were two deaths in On-
tario front smallpox and one huadre d
and ninety-five from consumption. And
yet people have no particular fear about
consumption. Long skirts are still worn
to sweep up the dot germs.
From mire
To crust
The lilarket Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown, short
crust, Mixed, molded, baked
and delivered in just the way to
win your approval.
WEDDING CAKES A spectee1'y
We have all the latest machin -
Ery, and there is no need of
tending to the city for your
bread or pastry.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.