The Wingham Times, 1903-06-18, Page 6NAVE PMLENC
it,,. 0 - J-}9.?s'
-tyriii 4,IVf 5TRtNGTH TO t'� E,itt
HECONST131lT1011 ,-`
A remedy which acts through the
fouctions of nutrition, by the building
to be atissues new and healthy
e;cp t d tomanifest
. its action
inafew days.
When the disease is of recent ori-
gin, this early and immediate action
will often be met with. Otherwise,
when it has already lasted some time,
the action of the remedy must be
chronic like the disease itself.
This is why the length of the use
of S'r. JA*IES WAFERS will vary with
every individual case ; but it is a fact
which no one wileriewldenydeilthat ity i
the treatment of
\VArlats produce remarkable,
and in some cases, immediate effects.
ST. JAMES \VA'IrERs help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
reeds ti e energy which acco at lasts, develops
"Itt diseases of the stomach St.
lames Vetere cift . Ii
most if
ostite a specific.
have gat
fin them."
Dr. ndward A. ItobInson,
Cork, Ireland.
ardej, i<d;'fix:
,c 10R1C-,- z'' '
all Druggists ti Cherubs!
Price In Canada: '31.001
Six bottles for a5 :10 to
51. James ti ,t; i•rs m e not a secret
rem:dy: i ,14.! f,?, $ ('
C ,rt ::en.: 04' f ler, 1, t':err pa Penis
. e rs,u. ritef+rrau•,l r.(e,u ,< :101.
V.• 11:r.>del!ersarenotsx'llirgthe
,fee e. thee: r: ru t;le•1 umo • ie-
C4i: t of ppr.r:' at tee Can 1111' •t
bran -11 : S'. Jett -t et f-rs Co., t1.8
,t. e 1 rile St , Annexal.
WiliGRA . TIMES, JUNE 18. 1903
of nail. vaJ• Train- The late Mrs. Andrew Wilson, who
The Brotherhood
1uen, in session in Den ver, claim a died at the home of her son-in-law,
membership of 60,0001 P i1d all increase
in 1002 of 0,000. Da-:ing the year 32
new lodges were c ganized, making a
total of 76O lodge a in the United States
and Canada. ripe death and disability
chime paid curing the year alucunted
to $3582,101.
The new Canada Official Postal Guide,
just out, contains the following: Cir-
culars and similar articles of printed
Matter, duly prepaid, may be posted ad-
dressed simply "The householder,"
without the name of any person or in-
dication et street or number, and will
be delivered at every house, so far as the
supply permits, in places where there is
free delivery by letter carrier.
The Molesworth Cheese factory is do-
ing well this Summer. In the month of
May 100 more cheese were matte than
iu 1002 and as each cheese weighs 80 lbs.
snakes a total of 8,500 pounds more than
in May last year. The average make
for Jane thus far is 23 cheese per day.
The Company has been paying the pa-
trons 87 cents per 100 lbs. milk. These
figures auger well for the company's
prospects for this year.
Severe Headaches.
"For some time I was troubled with
very severe headaches. I tried Milburn's
Sterling Headache Powders and got im•
mediate relief."
Mrs. N. Burke, Lindsay, Ont.
Thos. barks o t the 14th of Maryboro on
Saturday, ,lune Oth, was a native of
Tyrone, Ireland, and was born iu 1806.
She cache to America with ]ler parents
in 1811 settling first in New York. She
was marritd in 1831 to Mr. Andrew
W ilsoa who predeceased her 8 years ago.
She moved with her husband to the 4th
con. of Maryboro about 1850 where they
lived until 0 years ago when they moved
to Listowel. In spite of her e7 years
ivIrs. Wilson enjoyed good health all her
life until five weeks ago.
I KOMBIS iho Sanctum I
• Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
�� An ofd zud well known resident o
t In the Tp. of Kincardine there are 1 Tuesdsy
only four instances evliere both the has- t fled w cls burled Thursdavoafternoone iu
E t thefamilies I
Children Cry for
1' ')nand and wife, the heads o
the first settlers, are sti111ivmg. ! the person of J. P. Brine. Ile had at -
1 of rained a rural old age and highly esteem-
-•- a- --
[Grif, .Alexander in Pittsburg Dispatch.]
Her loving mete
Have held and soothed me oft,
I'd bow
Upon her breast and know
Her loving arms
Aro folded uow.
Loot: on the Bright Side.
The sufferer from nervous exhaustion
is generally blue and discouraged, He
looks un the Clark side of things and
fears paralysis, locomotor, ataxia or in-
sanity. All this is changed by the per-
sistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
which gradually aud-'natnrally rekindles
and revitalizes the wasted nerve cells
and instills new vigor and energy into
the whole system.
The late James Gooding, who died at
the residence of. his son-in-law, James
A. Tremain at Listowel on Wednesday,
Jane Ord, was a native of SuffolkSllhe,
England, where he was born in 1822,
being thus iu his 81st year. He came to
Canada with his parents in 1802, settling
first near Hamilton. He was married in
174e to Miss Emma Gowing, who Pre-
deceased him 25 years ago. After mar-
miage they lived in Woodwick, Well-
seley and Maryboro townships for a time
and moving to Listowel about 26 years
ley head
no more
Her loving eyes
Wore quick to uoto my moods,both grave
and gay;
Her u iud was quiok to solve them --
mother -wise.
Her loving eyes
Are closed for aye
Her loving voice
WAS music in lny ears, quick to adore,
Her very tones would make my bort
Her loving voice
I'll hear no more.
I seem to hear her race
Her voice this minute, though
is run.
Her voice from heaven with these words
of cheer
I seem to hear
"God bless my son!"
Cholera bas broken out among the
hogs at the Pine River creamery, and
Government Inspector, Dr, Tennant, of
London, and D. Geddes, and J. St. Clair
Walker, of Lueknow, slaughtered the
hogs in the pens at the factory, 150 in all
and only about 10 were found to be free
froin the disease. The carcasses of the
hogs were burned together with all the
pens, and the doctors are taking the
most strenuous measures to prevent the
disease from spreading.
ed. Deceased was father of Mrs. P.
_ .�„ r1 p Scott, of Brussels.
fel d� c !
t Genuine castcria nlwag-s bears the Signature
J Did von ever hear of any of your oi Chas. II -Pletcher.
1 friends complain of over work? If so 1
b warn them of their danger. `�tatistics
0 show that one pian in every ,667,4
dies from over work.
h Lever's Si-i.(Wise Heacl)feete. i tdS.
tl. Powder is a boon to any hone
al feats and clelns at the sante time. es
I' Miss Isabelle, eldest daughter of 11ir,
h` and Mrs. A. Gillies of Teeswater was
Mjoined in the bonds of holy matrimony
on June 10tb, at high noon to Mr. W.
Howard Stephens of Toronto.
.A. very pretty wedding was solemniz-
to ed in the Run cSS h d1the cont contraceessvater, on
ting of
parties being Miss Mary, daughter
Ja, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Valad, Riversdale,
Di' and Mr. Frank Bellinger. Rev. ]t
Sea Corcoran performed the ceaemon .
7 or "The torture of Toothache is quickly
Ste relieved by . Low's Toothache Gum.
ref Price 10c. Refuse substitutes.
CA; IlIr. Robert Shiells and wife held their
De+ golden wedding ou Snturday June Rh,
and a very pleasant evening was spent
by a few invited gnosis. Mr. and Mrs.
Shiells cane to Canada forty years ago,
Rot` and have lived in the Tp. of Huron, and
I r helped to reclaim it from the wildness of
that time.
n Children Cry for
bei CAST r' RIA.
e- :- ---- friends will regret the death of
Kay who was for many years a
Rev. Dr. Hillis, Brooklyn, declares
that "people to -day practise the ten
commaudmen I with the 'shall nots' left
out." He said in a recent sermon that
women were broken clown by slavery of
fashion. "If," said he, "the women of
my congregation who are sufferiug from
nervous prostration had the will power
I to take nine out of every ten of their
' frocks into the back yard and burn them,
I do not think they would longer be
Itroubled with their nervous prostration.
gave her Castoria. They
When Italy sick, we
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. _
When site became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Childrett,she gave them Castoria.
At the meeting of the Grand Orange
Lodge of British America the con- 1
stitution was changed to make it i
impossible for any manufacturer of
liquor to become a member of the order. I Canada is about to become the chief
The motion was carried in a velem full source of the world's supply of arsenic.
lodge by over three to one. 1 The arsenic which for many years baffled
"Strength and Tiger come of good food,
duly digested. `Force', a ready -to -serve; the gold miners of Hastings county, On -
wheat and barley food, adds no burben, „tnrio, in their efforts to extract the pre -family made their home at sustains, nourishes, invigorates." cions metal from its matrix, has become She was united in inarriag*e when 18
Renfrew has a tree planting bylaw by
would get well.
Ps bythect to ImproveddBlo er.
Heals the ulcers, clears the sir
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
• Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
?d dicine CoAll .. Tb onto and Buglr. A. W. zl„
The Whistling Cure.
[London Chronicle.]
Certain doctors maintain that the best
way to prevent indigestion is to whistle
without pause for a quarter of au hour
after dinner,
Comfort for the Aged.
Judging from the people up in sears
there is no medicine whish ;so promptly
frees them from aches and pains and in-
sures regularity of the ]iver,kidneys and.
bowels as Dr.Ohase's Kidney -Liver Pills,
Even when all other means have failed
old people can turn to this groat medi-
cine with full assurance of relief and
c• ---
A resident of Listowel for forty-eight
years and a member of one of the oldest
families passed away in the person of
Mr. Samuel P. Tremain, on Friday, 5th
inst. Deceased was a son of the late
Robert Tremain alld was born in Clarke
township, near Bowmanvile fifty-one
years ago. He came with his parents to
Listowel when he was about three years
of age his father being one of the earliest
to take up land in Listowel. He waS
married in 1873 to Rachel Gowing,
daughter of Chas. Gowing of Listowel,
who with a family of three sons and
three daughters survive him.
A whistling tune M. D.'s have found,
All tonics will eclipse,
So volumes of the richest sound
Stream from our pursed -up lips.
Each chooses his own melody,
There's not the slightest jar.
We are a happy family,
Wo are, we are, we are.
"My father renders "Nancy Lee,"
My mother "Dolly Gray."
My sister in a different key,
Works hard at "Sail Away!"
My brother tries "Abide With Me"
(Six faults to every bar.)
We are a happy family,
Wo aro, we are, we are!
And as the cheery notes arise,
And soar toward the roof,
Fell Indigestion quails and flies,
Dyspepsia holds aloof,
Our health, as far as I can see,
Continues up to par.
We are a happy family,
We are, we are, we are!
What's the Use?
[S. E. Kiser, in Chicago Record -Herald.]
What's the use of all the kickin' at the
way the world is run?
There are 501110 things some folks reckon
might be somewhat better done,
Bat in spite of them, I rather think we
might as well admit
That it's very doubtful whether growlin'
helps along a bit.
This life is like a river that goes rollin'
swift and strong;
You can dam it, but you'll never stop the
water very long;
It'll keep on findin' places for to break.
through to the sea.
And you can't by makin' faces shut off
woes, it seems to me.
Abobt 2.15 a. nl. Wednesday morning,
June 10th, Jane Ferguson, relict of the
late Benj. Edwards, died at the home of
her slaughter, Mrs. Davicl Heist, Albert
street, Brussels, in her 85th year. Mr.
Edwards died 9 years ago in his 82nd
year. Mrs. Edwards was boru at Car-
rick Fergus, Ireland, and came to this
country when 7 years of age. The
the more profitable of the two minerals. Hurrah, hurrah, for royal Ross,
!yea=s old to Benj. Edwards, who was a 1
Life is like a river goin' to an end it's
sure to reach,
And you can't head off it's fiowin' though
you whine or though you preach—
But you can pitch in and turn it so it
often helps a lot;
Let's give up the kiokin' darn it! and
pitch in with what we've got.
f t n
,eh 1
pe of
1, � ox the s eand
r strange turn . �Regiment,
which the to vu ag1'ees to pay a bonus g. „ Thee >r -1 soldier iu the ist Royal Ttegime ,
2a cents a tree for entrees planted in the has been caused by the 'virtual exheustiou after service in Ireland and Scotland
boulevards and are in good condition at of the former chief sources of supply of came to Canada in 1830 to assist in quel-
the end of three years. The trees are to , arsenic in Germany and England, to- fling the rebellion. GO years ago Mr.
be 30 feet apart and six feet six inches gather with. the superior quality and puri- 1Edwards purchased the lot on which
out from the street line and mast be ' ty of the Canadian product. the G. T. R. depot now stands in London
abl, 1). u.
pall jeweller in.K.iacardine. He has been 1n
gen;, ds:ciint n„
health fora long time and his was found to be very useful in combat- I
Jnue Sth. A good smallpox. During the font months
fur; rand came On Monday,
tine Christian, man Mr. McCay lived a gentle,
ty f inaseurin g life. He was an active
bee: 'worker in Knox church and was
always any
taw ready to lend helping
As 1 good work. He leaves a widow and
at tl small family.
either maple, butternut, elm, oak, hick- i -� for 8500, the Queen city being but a
ory, birch, ash, basswood, pine or quiet going Tillage at that date. The
p ace For Ooar sixty Years. 1st Royals were ordered to India but -in
Ontario's bright and blissful boss!
In spite of whining Whitney, Gamey,
Ferocious Foy, and sainty Sammy,
He still controls the forces rare
That whittled Whitney into air,
And shall control them till a Tory
Arises that cau match his glory.
Lot even "tbe satanic Stratton"
Has still a fair display of fat on;
While Gibson, Harcourt and the whole
Heroic host upon tho roll
Enjoy the same cool, calm repose
They treasured ere they fought their
Moreover, spite of Whitney's whine
The paltry power of paltry Pyne,
Carscallen's dread, dramatic anger,
And foxy Foy's unholy hunger,
They mean to conquer as before
For thirty sunny seasons more.
--Hamilton Times, (Grit).
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs going down the St. Lawrence suffered
"I purchased a bottle of Dr. Low's Win-
dow's SoothingSS-1'ap has been used
'Worm Syrup for my little girl en years i for over sixty yearsbyniilltonsof mothers shipwreck in the Gulf in the mouth of
old, and gave herr the medicine. The 1 for their children while teething, with November. Mr. Edwards got leis die
result was she passed fifteen round perfect :success. It soothes the child, charge and remained in Canada and
worms in five days". softens the gains, allays all pain, cures !very probably prolongedhis life thereby,
Mrs. B. Roy, Kiimanagh, Ont. wind colic, and is the best remedy for `
Teeswater had 100 casesnf scarlet Sbld by drugt is
iusant to the taste, every part of thet as in the menbelou belonging 'to the 1st Royalregima campaign out of ent
fever since been placarded.
24 and the houses . 5.orld. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its only 4 survived. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards
Have not placarded. The smallpox I value is incalculable. Be sure you ask resided in Markham for a time, thea
outbreak in Galt was accountable for , for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and moved toi the township r time, th t
142 eases and 11 deaths. Vaccination'; take no other kind. Middlesex County and took up laud. 44
years ago they purchased lot 3, con. 6,
Grey township, but sold, again and mov-
ed to Wallace township, where they
lived for a number of years. In 1838
the old couple became residents of Brus-
sels, where they made their home up to
the time of their decease.
ting sea r Smith,
of 1003 there were 3e0 deaths from 1 Mr. John of the 3rd of c Bruce
scarlatina in the province. In 1002 ,; township died on Thursday, June 4th,
there were 1,600 cases of smallpox. k from the effects of a runaway accident.
I The horse turned a somersault and broke
his neck. The driver was thrown into a
Sommer Coughs 1 diteb where he lay until found by some
Are often hardest to shape off, and ! members of Capt. Munroe's family.
frequently lead to consumption. Better 1 Blood was oozing from a nasty scalp
Mkt g, allays is eamm Oil reduces swell helve them cured promptly by Dr. Wood's `wound and he was unconscious. The
Una ing, alleys inflammation, burns, brtiises,osprut ains, Norway Pino Syrup, the best remedy I
plat and cores Cuts, for dealing the longs cosi During all horse.was lying dead on the road. He
to more effectually than I must have been a very fractious animal
for only a fortnight before he had run-
away with Mr. Smith and his wife and
Mr. Smith's shoulder was dislocated as
a result.
At the age of 77 years, Mr. John Cun-
ningham. departed this life on May 20111,
at the home of his son-iu-law, Mr.James
Lyons, Lucknow. Ho was born in Ayr-
shire, Scotland, in January 1820. In
1848 ho married ?iliizabeth McCarroll.
About four years after marriage Mr.
Cunningham came to this country, and
eight months later his wife and three
children followed. After living two
and ten ears in Saugeen,
mat stiff jeillt8,
any other remedy.
.� A lot of young fellows in an Ohio
town had a good time with a tramp
Ta recently. They took him into a shell
gave him a good bath, shaved him and
cut his hair. They then bought a new
It suit of clothes, whit6 shirt and standup
d tee
collar and dressed iimout
tocompl burn his
T`k tut w}hen they attempted
t hobo clothes ho objected and fought
ateaks with such desperation their suspicions
wore :1$1,sed 400 sewed up ind upon sit cont g they
found $1,
kinds of coughs and colds.
Tobacco and liquor Habits
It is our sad duty this week to record
the death of one. of Brncefieid's most re-
spected residents, in the person of Wm.
Plewe:s, who together with his now sor-
rowing tic, for nineteen years lived in
the village. Like all Yorkshire Eng-
lishmen, success seemed to follow in his
path. He came to this country with his
parents when but a boy, and settled in
Toronto township. Here he spent
about 21 years of his life, and about 47
years ago, took unto himself a partner
for life,ihh the person of Miss Ann Moloy,
The year he was married he moved up
to Boron, settling on the 5th of Stanley
township, where ho took up land, and
nit . Accumulating
f rho
00 Y
ors 1
sufficient of this world's goods iu the 28
,years that he resided there, he sold his
farm and moved into Brucefield, where
116 built a nine residence.
Children Cry for
Dr. MoTaggart's tobacco remedy *re-
tell in a
weed for 11
moves only
requires A vegetablethe tongue 'with it
�gtiires lunching' n
o esionally. Price lb u.
Tv:ay marvellous are the results from
�g his remedy for the liquor habit.
la tt safe 1 nhyppoderric inject o s, apo
01t' no loss of time from buennesod es
fairy, certainty of curs.
Address or 'consult Dr. 3tCcTetggaxt, 15
'! fit, Toronto.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children
cn thThey
Iipans Tabules. They are easy to
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widelyused by all sorts of people ---but to the
lainevery-day folks they are a veritable leufriend in need. Ripans Tabules have become
dard family remedy. They rsuccessful a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for ;year.
,1 ti.' ...:.:'elf ::,
THERESULT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body
RESULT induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives
and future happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither
at an early age, at PLarly, fruitless af nd manhood,
colt' othershtle existence. Otherato reach drag matr- i-
mony but Sad no solace or comfort there. The victims are found
in all stations of life—the farm the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professions. Nervous Debility and Bemine1
p yknYou tun no rislrad?5 years In our
Sank security sr Ne
CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED, Ne temmo used without mints lessen,.
sem. "I ant 33 years of age and married. When young 1 led a gay
Ise life, Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me.
I becameweak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I
feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactoryand
t G" my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till 1 took
treatment from Drs. Kennedy dt Kergan. Their leew Method
built me up meutany, physically and 'warmly. I feel and act
like a matt In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest,
skilful and responsible financially, to why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you
can be cured by reliable doctors." -W. A. Belton.
CORES 6UARANTEEB,S HO PAY. Coi 111111lou Free -BMS Free•-Cueslloa Blelt Free e &Bee I eat fI.
Drs. Kennedy 3 Kcrgtn, Deroit, tch.
All work promptly executed
at most reasonable prices.
years in ging y
they moved to Kilsyth, Grey County.
In 1609, Mr. Cunningham was ordained
b 1 il-
rs t ,
the elder y
an e
u ht
h so
i 6
' hoffce lx
. ofw
h the
sy ,
to discharge faithfully as long as he was
able. In 1870 his beloved wife died.
Twelve years ago he became unable to
work on account of rheumatism. Dur-
ing the last two yours ho lived in Luc.
know,bttt being so lame, went very little
froin the house.
HA'L'E you
been smok.
ing a good deal
lately and feel
an occasional
twinge of pain
Are you short of
breath, nerves
unhinged, sensa-
tion of pins and needles
going through your
arms and fingers?
Better take a box or two
of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills and get cured
before things become too
As a specific for 01
WANTED—Several industrious persons in
each state to travel for house established eleven
years and with a large capital, to cell upon
merchants and agents for successful and profit-
able line. Permanent engagement. Weekly
cash salary of $18 and all traveling expenses
and hotel bills 'advanced in cash each week.
Experience not essential. Mention reference
and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE
NATIONAL, 331 Dearborn St., Chicago.
saw.. —
heart and nerve
troubles they carts
not be excelled. „ A
true heart toriiC,
enricher ande re-
newer, they Doslesless-
re nervousness, p
nes', nervous prostration, smoker a heart,
palpitation of the heart, after effects of la
grippe, etc.
Price soy. pee box or 3 boxes for $1.25
ltt art dru guts, or will be sent on receipt
of price by
Ths T. Toronto,Oals Imlted.
Opinions of Loading I'hysiolans.
I have (+saltine(' the composition of Strong's
Pilelone, and used it for external and inter-
nal ppeYerults,3.D.WILSON, M.
Exc oh, best
Price $1.00, For sale by druggists,or by mail
on receipt of price. •
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist
London, Ontario,
A (food Local Agent
torWinglitun fruit
ees, ornament l t ees,tyshrubs,ll roses,
etc. We have the largest and heat
assortment of stock in Canada. Terms
liberal. We also grow and sell improved
par -
' es P
lin of ed
deseed in w
6 to
name anteed ten
good condition or purchase money re.
funded. Will make arrangements on
commission or salary beets, aacordingt o
time and ability of app
Pelham Nursery tumpai 3',
'I'016N10, ONT.
Of Printing, in the way of
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Business Cards,
Auction Bills,
Bill Heads,
Calling Cards,.
Hand Bills,
Order Blanks,
Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no
byleaving your order at this office.
We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time.
Call at, or address— •