The Wingham Times, 1903-06-18, Page 3Is a purely vegetable System
Renovator, Mood Purifier and
• A medicine that acts directly at
the same time on the StoMach,:
Liver, Bowels and Blood.
It cures Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Constipation, Pimples, Boils, Head-
ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sores,
Indigestion, Erysipelas, Cancer,
Shingles, Ringworm or any disease
arising from an impoverished or
impure condition of the blood.
For Sate by all ilruggistq.
Uncle Dick's' Philosophy.
[Milwaukee Sentinel.]
The man with the least to do is the
.hardest one to get to du anything.
Bad luck carries a great deal of blame
that belongs to bad management.
One weak friend can. do more harm
to a man than three or four avowed en-
The quickest way for a business to
lose money is to habitually work its men
• If men oared as little fo; • eaol. other
as women do, strife would be twice as
prevalent as it is.
Pointed Paragraphs,
• From the Chicago News.
Any loan who speaks nothing but the
truth is never garrulous.
The chronic kicker isn't even satisfied
with his lot in the cemetery.
The less a man knows the easier it is
to convince him that he knows it all.
When a wise man wants to call his
wife down he calls her up lay telephone.
• Lack of originality in some people's
conversation displays their good judg-
A. dose of mother-in-law will often get
a sick man out of bed when all else fails.
Happy is the man who is married to a
woman who did not take her cooking les-
sons at the piano.
A, man who occasionally communes
with the spirits says that trance medi-
ums frequently come in bottles.
k 8OL @.ATE
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sec Pec-Shnilo Wrapper 13clow.
.tory small and as easy
otakeassug r.
1 r v 46IGNVIIHII4 $ugT11AVel MA4 C:
1Purely'B'egetablcaaVaa ox•G
w.0 Ca
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con.
stipation, biliousness, dyst
• pepsia, sick headache.
25c. MI druggists.
Want your moustache or beatd s beautiful
brown orrich black? Then use
3e Si. SP II. M. 4*m a co.,. 4004. M.N.
Qnterlo Government Will Con,
Gentrate its Efforts, ,
Pulp Agreement Ratiaet1 at Tate SOON
"Ion of tag Lga,taiatur4o-Art tntI.1(sc.
einatiele Debate -Adjournment Ife..
etleht 'Ivr►tit weeIIdax or abort
week. 'when the gamey Pe -
bate hells Likely Begin,
Toronto, June 1.1. w.- The Govern-
mont'a undivided devotion to tho Un-
iversity of Toronto as the great Pro-
vincial seat of learning was made
clear if the Legislature yesterday in
a discussion on a .notion by Mr,
Pense ter Correspondence touching
the public control of the School of
Mines at Kingston. The member for
Kingston, in a speech of strength
and conciseness, urged the claims of
Queen's for Provincial aid. The Pre-
mier, in an exhaustive reply, review-
ed the sonvicos of Queen's,. and said
the Government were disposed to as-
sist the School of Mines :l or its use-
fulness to eastern} Ontario. At the
same time he urged the claims of the
University of Toronto, said there
mutt be no duplication of Provincial
aid to universities, and declared that
the aid to be given to Toronto
rust only be limited by its necessi-
ties and by the Province's power to
give. Mr. Whitney joined in the ex-
pressions of co-operation with Tor-
onto University, while Mr. Harcourt
endorsed these declarations of at-
Sir John I3oyd'e Sons.
Mr. Macdlarmid asked if there were
any of the sons of Sir John Boyd in
the pay of the Province.
The Attorney -General replied that
David G. Boyd, a agraduate of the
School of Practical Science, is in
the employ of the Bureau of Mines
as an inspector,receiving a salary
of 51,000 a year, and is the only
son of Chancellor Boyd directly in
tho service of the Province. Two oth-
er sons, Lawrence and Philip, are
employed in tile office of the Su-
preme Court of Judicature, holding
positions largely in the control of
the high Court Judges, the former
receiving 52,000 and the latter $700
a year. Tho amount ofmoney paid
Sir John A. Boyd through the Pro-
vince would be found in the public
Mr. Pense's motion which • asked
for the correspondence between the
Government and the School of
Minos, Kingston, regarding public
control of the school, was then car-
Anti-Paelnation 111I1.
Mr. Kribs, in the Legislature last
night, moved the second reading of
his anti -vaccination bill. He said
the : object was to . remove the com-
pulsory clauses of the Public Health
Act and readseveral lettersfront
who claimed to be perman-
mttly injured by vaccination, Mr.
Kribs said it was impossibleto tell
'whether the vaccine used was pure
until it was used, and then the vic-
tim: would be a candidate for the
comet ery. He had a petition, signed
by 1,271 residents of Galt, which
has just had a smallpox epidermic, in
Yavor of his bill.
Mr. St. John was fully In accord
and said he believed tho leading
physicians svole opposed to compul•
sory vaccination. It was as impos-
sible to get pure lymph as it was to
have a wholesale disease, Mr. St.
John read the opinions of some cin•
anent physicians against the eflcaey,
of vaccination.
Dr. Currie said tho trouble was
that there was too much dirty vac.
cination, and, as a rule, where fatal
results followed, tetanus was due to
the patient scratching the affected
Dr. Resume, who said he had been
vaccinating for 20 years, had yet td
see the first evil result. Ile quoted
a bulk of statistics, all favorable to
7)r. James continued the discus.
cion, claiming that the subject wag
more properly one for a medical nee
sedation than the Legislature. `
Colonel Gibson suggested that the
bill bo withdrawn, as its hnport-
ance made it impossible to give it
proper consideration 'at this stage of
.the session,
The hill was accordingly , with-
Leaders 'trot° With Minority-.
The House went into committee on
Mr. Gross' bill, to confirm a bylaw
and agreement of the Town of Nia-
gara Falls, fixing the assessment of
the Cataract Power Company for
ten years.
Mr. Stock moved an amendment
that the assent of the electors be
The amendment of Mr. Stock was
beaten by a large majority. Messrs.
Boss and Gibson and Whitney and
Foy voted in its favor.
Dr. Tyne's bill, to prevent the ov-
vercrowding of boarding and apart-
ment houses, by allowing the health
ofteer to pay a visit of inspection
after 8 o'clock at night, was read a
second time.
Street Railway Arbitration.
Ur. Petrel' asked for the second
reacting of his bill, to compel street
railway companies to arbitrate wben
the municipalities 'wanted to buy
them out, 'lie introduced the bill as
a private measure, but it was
thrown out by the committee, and
Mr. Powell brought it back as it
pnhlie bill. The bill Was lost ort
111x. 13eck's bill, to allow street
railway companies to adopt a fender
en the approval of the City Coun-
cil, Without reference to the Engle
neer of the Public Works Depart*
inept, Was put through committee
With the t.tnendeeent that it should
apply only to cities of Over 20,000.
Other bills taken up ift committee
were: 'r0 amoral the Municipal Drain.
ago Act (McCort): be envied the Ceti...
trio, Road Cofupantieit Act (?cut);'tai
=end, the act respecting mortgagee
sort real estates (Lucas); to amend the
act respecting conditional sales of
ohattels (Moyle).
Ilfr. Sutherland moved for a return
Of correspondence relating to the CS-
tablishmont of a reformatory in Ox-
ford County,
Mr. Latchford salt he would bring
{town the papers,
At 1 o'clock this lnoding a divi-
sion of the Mouse took place upon.
the question of ratifying an agree-
ment between, the Crown Lands De.
partment and the Rainy River Pulp
and Paper Company. The result was
33 to 20-a Government majority of
Prouder Ross laid the supplement-
ary estimates on the table at 1.30
this morning. The sum asked for
was $$1.7,001.53. Among the items
is $40,000 for an extra indemnity of
$400 for the members, making 83..-
000 in all. The Gamey investigation
cost the Province $35,000.
Just before the house adjourned
this horning the Premier said he
hoped to clear off the order paper
to -day, when the question of ad-
journing till Tuesday to take up the
Ganey report could be considered.
Ile saki the evidence would probably
be printed by that tune.
"Municipalities Gene Mud," Is the Phrase
of the Freeldent About MAnticipal
ownership-Connmee Act Favored.
Toronto, June 11.. --Tho Canadian
Electrical Association, who, with
delegates from Pittsburg, St. Louis,
'Madison, Chicago, Cincinnati and
other large electrical centres, nuhber
sonic 300 persons, is in session here.
After being welcomed by the City,
President lieesor's annual address
was read. This paragraph occurred
in the course of the address:
"Municipal ownership," said Mr.
Reeser, "Gras taken quite a Bold up-
on a number of people. With some
it is really a craze, and might be
termed municipalities gone mad. In
this country there were millions of
money being invested in power coin-
panics and franchises were being ne-
gotiated. The, vested rights of these
companies should always be consid-
ered. In many cases the very muni-
cipaTities who had been most earnest
in bringing these corporations to lo-
cate with thein were the most ardent
advoeates of public ownership.
The speaker kit that the rank and
file of the association were not doing
all that lay in their power to sup-
port the movement, in opposition to
public ownership. The association's
committee were working hard, but in-
dividual work was what was needed
most after all. Llverybody was in-
terested and all should share alike in
bearing the burden of expense and
Tho speech met with a great deal
of favor 'from all present.
Secretary -Treasurer C. II. Morti-
mer's report showed a membership of
344, an increase for the year of 38.
Receipts had been 31,398.11 and dis-
bursements 34.88.04.
The report of the Legislative Com-
mittee showed that
was in favor of the Conmee Act. The
principles of the act could be con-
sidered reasonable protection to
those whose funds were invested in
the development o£power,light,t,
:future legislation, however, had to
bo watched, because some amend-
ments might be made which would
alter the effect of the act.
The clause most to bo feared at
present was that giving municipali-
ties power to sell power, or . the
right of expropriation,
en the afternoon interesting techni-
cal papers were read.
Woman Poisoned Her Brother, His Wife
and Child.
Detroit, Mich., .Tune 11.. - A. de-
spatch from Kailcas a, Mich., says :
After two weeks' work Prosecutor D.
C.Smith has secured the confession of
Mrs. Mary McKnight to the coid-
biooded, premeditated murder of
her own brother, John Murphy, Gert-
rude Murphy, his wife, and their
three -months -old baby. A partial
confession was made Monday even-
ing in which Mrs. McKnight denied
killing . the baby. Late last night,
Smith again called at the woman's
cell at her request, and this time
she oracle a eomTmleto confession. She
admitted giving Mr. and Mrs, Mur••
Ow capsules of strychnine and qui-
uinine mixed.
Last night she said: `I didn't in-
tend harm. to any of then. I did
give the baby the strychnine. It
woke up and cried while its mother
was gone, and I miiced up a little
strychnine in a glass with some wa.-
tor and gave a spoonful to the baby.
I didn't mean to harm the little
thing at all, I confessed all to the
Lord this afternoon, and I feel' that
He has forgiven me. I really didn't
moan to harm`any of them."
Irarmor's Skull Blown Oir.
Chatham, Juno 11, -- A popular
young farmer, son of John Allison,
a wealthy fennel' of the elth conces-
sion of Chatham, near the Village of
Louisville, was found dead in a
field Tuesday afternoon. A gun lay
at his head, and tho top of his
skull Was completely blown off. A
jury has been summoned, and tho
eircumstanees surrounding the trag-
edy will be investigated.
Circus Pickpockets' Stiff Sontente.
TCingston, June 11. --Yesterday af-
fternoon William O'l:eefe, .Now York,
and Jahn Norton„ London, Ont.,
were sent to prison by Police M'agis.
trate Farrell for three years and six
months, respectively, for picking
pockets of people touting to the re-
cent circus in 1.Ingston.
Said to asagilahmen.
Saliftxic, N'. S., Suite 11.---A big
deal was closed here yesterday, by
which 2d square utiles of coal areas
known as the Chimney Corner pro-
perty, at Inverness, Cape Breton,
Was sold by Tlalifax parties to an
Z:oglish syndicate for a largo figure.
Right In the amen of the back.
Pa yell over ilea a pain there?
If aa. do you knew what it nnaar487
it is a Backache,
A sure sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it. Stop it in time.
If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles
are sure to follow,
cure Backache, Lame Back, Diabetes,
Dropsy and all Kidney and Bladder
Pride 50o. a box or 3 ford;.25, all dealer*.
Toronto, Ont..
Count Zeppelin, who bankrupted him.
self with air ships,baa invented an auto-
mobile launch. which has its propellers
in the air and shows a speed of sixteen
miles an hour.
Of the 522 painters represented at the
new saloon in Paris this year forty-one
were Americans. comprised
1,856 oil paintings, 3,600 water colors
end 300 eoulptures.
Dr. Coakley claims to leave discovered
a method of injecting saline solution in-
to the heart without causing the death
of the subject. When the action of the
heart is dangerously weak it is asserted
the injection will &timuleto it and thus
prolong and probably save life.
In the year ending with March the
$1,000,000,000 mark in imports was
reached for the first time. During that
period our total exports were $1,414,78G,-
951 against $1,001,596,083 of imports,
making an excess of exports of 8413,910,-
Professor Sommerfeld, a prominent
play sician of Berlin, has announced a
new cure for consumption, which is
attracting widespread attention among
the Medical fraternity. The treatment
consists by the inhalation of a vapor
produced by heating a remain) Of
eucalyptus oil, sulphur anti charcoal.
Anson Phelps Stokes, the philanthrop-
ist, :has invented a floating battery
which he claims will carry enormous
guns and be impregnable. It is of glob -
War shape and has guns attached rigidly
to the vessel itself, doingawaywith gun
carriages. It has no propelling power
except for purposes of directing the fire.
Sperling on "Alcohol and Tubercul-
osis" before the antialcohol congress at
Bremen, Germany recently, a French
physician asserted that the use of alcohol
predisposed the human system to tuber-
culosis and prevented the cure of it.
Thomas Guinon has invented an en-
gine which occupies but half the space
of an ordinary engine and is said to re-
duce the cost of power to one -eight of a
cent au hour for one .horse poster, hy-
drogen, oxygen and carbon, derived
from oil, water and air fr.rnish the
1A sunny slope of ground of about ten
acres near the Government building at
St. Louis has been secured by the agri-
cultural department to be• used for a re-
production in miniature of the United
States with mountains and lakes exactly
as in the original.
While experimenting with the sub-
marine boats at Portsmouth the British
naval authorities found that the sale
merged craft could be communicated
with by wireless telegraph, but only so
long as they were within reach of the
light. It was found possible to detect
the approach of submarines.
The Pair
Beautifully Finished
Finosi• ::liver Plane f3utar
Bow1 and Cetera Pitcher
Express prepaid to any
address on receipt of
special price .. 55,00
eu r.rcipt of your name and addrvss
iso u W forward fro of coat our 54W
ltan.lean ulylhustrsted foliar of oars
mina rift articles. Writs for it now.
114, 120, 122 and 124.
Vona St., Toronto
Canadian Pacific Itaaiiway Engine Pro
Into Scovll Lake.
Winnipe, Juno 11. --- The caste
bound transcontinental express on
the C. P. it., whieh left Tuesday af-
ternoon, went through the bridge
across Scorn Lake yesterday MOrn-
ins; at 345 o'clock, and as a result
W. Johnson and W. A. Knott, the
engine,•r and fireman, lost their lives.
That more were not killed or drown-
ed is little short of a spiracle for the
entire train was crowded with pas-
sengers and had the coaches left the
rails hundreds would have met a
fearful death. As it svae the engine
and one car went into the lake,
while the rest of the train bell the
rails. The etecidcnt was duo to the
fact that the bottom of the lake
shifted, Ieaving the trestle without
adequate support, The deceased,
Johnson lend Knott, were both resi-
dents of kat Portage, the former be-
ing well-3fnown in the city, whore he
ran for some tiro.
Elovolt Lines Lost and Property to Coes-
tiinate4 Value Damaged.
St. Louis, 3Uo., June 11. -Almost
two-thirds of the city of East St.
Louie is under from 2 to 15 feet of
water. Between sunset Tuesday night
and dawn yesterday eleven lives. were
lost, and damage which no one yes-
terday attempted to estimate has
been done to property.
i3ournssa Unfair.
Toronto, June 11. -Hon. George
A. Cox characterized Mr. Bourasstt's
attack on hint and Mr. Ross of
]Montreal in the House of Commons
yesterday as being responsible for
the fluctuations on the markets of
Steel stook, as unfair, He had no-
thing to do with the speculation,
never gave any advice, and holds
now practically the amount he orig
anally subst;ribed for.
Left Three Millions.
Ottawa, Juno 11.-Probato was
as'.;ed ytsterrlay of the will of the
late A1exender Fraser, lumberman,
who leaves an estate of 33,1.25,000,
of which 33,087,000 Is personal, and
388,000 real property, About live
years ago, Mr. Fraser transferred to
his sons limits and other property
worth about five millions.
Drowned lion lied Money..
Kingston, June 11. -Tho remains
of the unknown man, found drowned
in Collins' Lake, have been identified
as those of John Connell, aged Iii,
who left Hotel Dieu two weeks ago,
after depositing 51,500 for his keep.
Ills niece identified the clothing of
the deceased.
Buaslnn Police warned.
St. Petersburg-, June 11. -fresh
instructions have been issued to the
police of Kisheneff, ordering them to
be in instant readiness to assist
anyone attacked, and adding that
any breach of this order will bo
most severely punished.
Mighty Steel Trust In Canada.
Ottawa, June 11. -The United
States Steel Trust is about to or-
ganize tiniu
in Can
oda, Port Colborne has been select -
cd as the site for the works, which
employ at least 3,000 leen.
Building Boom.
Winnipeg, June 11. -On Monday
the building inspector issued forty
permits for the erection of residences
costing from ;11,000 to $2,euti. The
average number of permits issued
daily is alrout _8.
A Big London Blaze.
London, .June 11. -The big storage
warehouse and produce stores of
John I.a:iton a Sons were Seriously
injart ct l+;• tire Tuesday night. The
total Loss is estimated at $100,000.
Silly Cause For Striae.
Huntington, W. Va., Juno 11. -
Twelve hundred employes at the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
Shops, in this city, and including
tho office force, struck yesterday.
WYiliiam, Davis, a carpenter, and a
member of the City Council, recent-
ly voted to take from Mayor Buck
his authority to nano the standing
committees for the ensuing year.
Mayor Buck, being a member of the
Blacksmiths' Labor Union, his fel-
low -laborers demanded that Davis be
discharged by the railroad. The
company refused, and the strike re-
Fur Traveler Arrested.
Kingston, June 11.-A. J. Camp-
bell, a traveler of the Russian Fur
Company-, has been apprehended at
Picton, and the necessary papers to
bring him to Kingston were issued
and an officer went west to bring
the man back. He is accused of
theft. Campbell suddenly left Kings-
ton on Tuesday, when a member of
the firm reached the city to make
enquiries about stray furs,
White 'Winged nove of Peace.
New York, June 11. --The great
building tie-up practically ended yes-
terday, where the Lumber and brick-
yards throughout Greater New York
were thrown open for business. ny
the end of the week, it is expected
that between 100,000 and 130,000
men, idle since May 5, will be at
Montreal, June 11,---0. P. Yt. earn-
Ings for the traffle 'week ending .lune
7, $06,000; same week last year.
only 280 Saved.
Sofia, Bulgaria, June 11: Xt is re-
ported that the village of xbtidge, in
the district of Adrianople, consisting
of 500 houses, was attacked on
June 2 by Bashi Bazoulcs, and the
entire population. with the exception
of 200 Men, massacred.
Nearly every t11,ri reser , w.a hear the
saltie old Btu of .nidaulntner
droughts axil tooresequentlyi twenty
pastuarIs;. Many or cur beet farmers
have learned, to guarel egainet lies by
slaving a supply? of oucculent feedt 'to
fall ib,sek wain( irLearea iii. pnture
fails. A roll it:lo, filled orslxcia1ly f.x
nuwril:x use, arils, riot, a Jells(;, way to
mcnrt otfhesdh
i 111,4441aot parutial fsvyo
among 'pro ,re novel t toekniep. The
Live Stock t',e>ear,u isnioner. Mr. F. W.
Hodson. bae frequently( 4rawn, atten-
tion► to the odvlsab:litel „ef: growing
Berea Breen erops for eon:n ,er feetling,.
and. has recosiLurenrded, 'a nunederi of
molt e,repe. witemitablei ter 1;;enerei.
gr>iwl:h, 'bunt einly? ,personal experience
will enable a farmer tat ,oeleat *be
varieties lot reader plan is bast suited
to bill rcqu,;xi :neinnlLZ. It 'till bz! ne
wussaxy to auosktler the ik'lc.St su.tu;irle
i nosh tea gross and thy ,) a rioLiS dur.n,g
wealth Mach wall ax. available. Rye,
eloper, rap;, woe, ?n,l, 'nate, ve sacs.
tit.liot, eorgentoat an,d, man w.liw.iaifeid
a eatisfaete y auppiy cf green feed, all
1.1.xoaair tha sunniii.:g., if that ta-w.nos
are nide at au4tabie irateavala.
Rye aoWat. Lq L?ta7:a11.w.11 fua'rish the
asi4aaL ieiaa.m , tl:e isprixig,. 'brat iier
orris .s uslima _gra ua.wa at., that.
-.iaa, t.u.,s prole is oat Okay to L i
.u.eotla mole. $ a complete, oyeteeu +.l
-4J41.4ib" iso *serried., 'T,t.a ill„ eel's
w.,...t .i trey geow, wait, o..tune next on
oat tweet wed. wee*. 41,11 ap.wu-
.Wltia of. gape f.:e;ai:xK;,aiLrJ4, the latter
.aaaf t,f d tine. Witerc ve .s .Pl (wills to
luvune, ur sutal.a, i .. be
..vend tin Warr (.411, air• aothng crops.
L •tS15. Ii,;! e,l;y 1J., Lila iUIlat,aG
a,., • ;i,riy; stat •rya an...t y4. LL at least.
.x rent ,crop. peel Sea,s ju, of. such
1.L ca xjaad,.lyt y.*ar;;e;niabf :all of
.41'44 t,1,4.41s, b.tiy aka -a,:tiiar
4.i op,,. tats eausa bteat,rig, if careles;:iy Pat.a.ria( it
ee wally s,taads the .W.ntex weal awl
oasts for years w:.tleeptt I-seedeeee
ft should tie y awn. in the spr,ng,cither
alone as: sw.tir aa. alt.bti(t Aurae. crop of
b u't;.y, w•.raau qri a ieata," asn1. at least
a.'.v-s11tf pu:1,n:.La>cf heels genet ,seed p er
,it is .tt l:ttl:{.slq}v( ta• gant a toot -
anal and sh:.ruld;, not 40. PaaatiXed the
tarot year, but after that is very ten-
uc.otns of 1 V, curd. w. 11otands dri,ughts
partieua1ariy ,wall. a
Rape. may be ownthe first +:f May
tor early feeding ,and additi•oaae cuw-
ai, s may be made at ireervis as de..
aireel.. It ir, advisable to &wt crape :n
arable about awe) feet apart can r:ch
well prepared. land, avail to: cultivate
as fare tLlrrnip3 IE, dr;;ilai,,in, one to
twe p iuiutL3. of ��d( should be sown
to the acre; if nnwee ityradcaet, double
the amoutrse.. D,wurf Essex is the best
variety. Rape produeea large quau-
ep of grwe¢y ,feed, anti'it is one yf
the best : loads for keeping
sheep •ant Calves in go d
.condition. it is not ilio ssaryr far
much Iowa, owing to its_,ten•dency to
injure the flavor of .the milk.
Oats and peas make one of the very
bait ssoia:sig crops for general grcwJih,
particularly .for feedin4 -dairy cows.
They should, be sciwin as early as pus-
sible in the sprint, and ut intervals
thereafter,.o.t the rate of alratt three
bushels per were, (equal parts, or tsar
bushel oats to ;care of peas.)
Vetches ex' tares are new grown in
Canada to a ocmiderable extent, par.
ticalarly 'by riniryznenl. They are like-
ly to previa of value in nearly all' ! he:
provinces. The ecramon: spring vetch
has baen most( generally grawn„ but
recent experiments havd slaown that
the hairy veitcla Wall, yield) a much
larger amount all gre::nt fodder par
aero in Ontario. Tho Latter isi very
desirable for soiling especially in .dry
districts, and appears to ba relished by
classes of far•nx, ateck. Owing to. (tile
high price of the •seed, it well pxttbably
be. found Bost to sc.w viteir along with
pas at the rate of czie'br shel vetches,
one bushel peas, ana two,;+ ibushcls of
oats per were. 'This mlixtfure will carr•.
duce an excelleaU crop} fcr July ;and
August feeding, and if tut early will
afford geed pasture. afterwards.
'Millet is another. 'plant that. par-
ticularly excels a.:s a celtele crap. Se.
can sometimes b3 sawn after a forage
crop of peas and oats Item been taken
off the grouaad, and if 'there is an;ais-
turo enough to start it, :will yield a
fair crop; I. saw.o early ins June, at
the rata of adsame thirty, pounds per
acre, it will furnish a largo crop cf
good fodder by the middle of August:
The Japanese, .;and Japan-
ese I'inacla. are the b sti w-ai'ities, 1 he
former preferring a moist soil.
Corn is, in palest localities, the great
standby for ,f all feeding. Another
very valuable fall fodder plant Ex the
Southern parts of Canada is acrhthum.
The early Amber is the variety best
suited to our latitude. It should not
b: sawn 'until tile weather has became,ld and em wartalf land that has
Wen prepared in the Same way as far
torn. If sawni in, drills, throat: peeks
of seed. will be allaple fox on acre, but
if broadcasted, snare •will be required.
I. is S1e'tn in staritins1 boat titter it
has attained a height of a few inehes
growth is very rapedt,and the crop
heavy. It is greedily* eaten by Meek.
but like corneit is (hfarlbopaaiceous in its
nature, and actino additional feed snob
as clover+ ori ,oileakel ohoauldt be added
to 1 ilaneq t 4 ration.
Soja or soy beans are also likely to
prove valuebl,it in, the acutlierni" aloe
Wets. They pentluee a large antou5t
of forage of extellenr't' ehara (ter if
,soatn on lopes: prc7ia:itedt ass for torn
at the+ ra.tset oaf teiai to four peekspef
etre. The "S1-e11oiwi Slaw Oa the beat
variety VA+ CaAatta,,:and Irl iwv;orthy of
trial. .
lis the Canadian £Grocer or Mair 20tla
appears a letter from Mr. W. A. ]Base
Kitnon, Chief of the Fruit Division„
Otteeve, calling attention to tale
good work which might be dill's by;
associations of (Crccare or Retailers
geoorally, if they would undertalct, to
protect their members against the
TraUduleat peeping and mai'kitig of
fruit. Commenting editorially (von. Mr.
aleelfennon's su,gestion, the ".Crceer"
eee'S Tv a few weeps the irteh fruit
,season will love opened up. Ikl'ntur.
ally, the retail grocer, reenemb-rhug
ileo l:riecrtaintiei and vex:a:ians of
past so;traons, will hop that this year
will ensure as Stc^dlier, more ,satisfac-
tory thin nl,iaay of the years
that have gone.
'It la but reoem ibex that the trade
shoulti expect at beat mops freedom
Prom fr.iukulent pue1r'ng and m trians'.
The eaforceanent of the Fruit Marks
Act of 1001 ha,s been .gtcadily increas-
ncreas-iia g in rigor and effectiveness, yet
there .ieeme to be room for still furth-
er improvement in this regard. Tho
question is, to whom mutt wc• aces
look for improveenentf At the mom -
oat the work is left entirely to Gov.
ernment c:f:.ciais, the beep o ,ore.Iitey,
have done their part rsatisfactorily,
but it seams Misr Out if' the trade
is ever to bp secured m,gain.t this kind
of fraud, the ui oreemnent of the law
muni hive the trade belx'nl it. For
this the letter from, Aix. W.
A. M'acliuiaon, Chief' of the Fruit Die
vision, Department of Agriculture,
Ottawa, is timely and, worthy of thou-
ght. The point raised by Mr. Mac-
Kinnon, that the Grocers' Asacoiation
in the various, towns ail.'1 cities should
take steps to ar:.sist in protecting the
trade, might well be taken ante con-
sideration. There i5 no doubt that
if fruit packers knew that the trade
was, through their org .aeizatious, de-
ferral/led to :stamp out fraudulent'
picking and marking, the moral ef•'
feet would be great, t u3 a few prose-
cutions by the representatives of
the As:seciation,a would seen effective-
ly rid the trade of this, on i of the
a,ssociationi annoying and inexcusable
evils of the day." , •
$'r s rn of Oiilo, CITY Qr TQLnn0
Lucas COUiiTY.
FRANK J. CH'ENEY makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
()nasal' cL Co., doing bu:.iness in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said. and that said flan will pay the spur
each and every case of C i'r. rile l that
cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S
O s.wiRii Colic.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A.D., 1806, A. W. GLIASON,
(Seal) Notary Pabiio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuterually
and acts directly on the blood and mu -
cons surfaces of the system. Send for.
testiumonials, free.
F. n
J. ClIENuaCo.,Toledo, 2Y d0, C
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Scarlet Fever Regulations.
At a aneating held, Saturday, the'
Landon Board of Health I,asaed a res-'
olutinn -to the effect that in their
opinion it was inadvisable rnd iraprar_,
tioable• to carry cut in: their entirety:
the ucw regulations issued by the Pre..
vincil Board., calling for the Isola.
tion of all oases oft -Iscariot fever and
for the by a physician Lf
all the children in attendance at any
school where .a easel, of the disease
was reported. The reselnticn: state
that if the Aled'ea1 13.alib Officer wi.
given discretionary p., we re .as to' 'th
i;solat:icu ,cif 0.11( coma and, as to th
examenation t:f clxildr'.nt it waald b.
amply sufficient. seri it wsa. Indere
that the. resoluti'tll b forwurd:adt,,,r.
the Provincial Secretary with: th
request that the regulatio' meed'
fled accordingly.
Pleasant, Rapid) Reliable) lffeetu
1tVrttif HOUSt 51H0ULb HAVE
*OK Vela bl uoafist tea IV. 1555 NO 11114
PAIGE, • ose,