The Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 5TILE WINGI[A3f TINNED, MAY 24, 1903 tar. The Stave that Sella Everything a Man Wets% i;g 6IothinGlothing Bargains AT THE MEN'S! STORE,. 9 only Boys' Blouse Suits, sizes 21 to 28, made of good blue Serge, sailor collar; black or white braid trims iug: this week choice 13 Boys' two-piece Suits, razes 22 to 27, made of Hati:'aic tweed, well lined—good school suits; until sold - • - 9 only Boys' blue and white stripe Norfolk Suits, right -up-to-date, .d ,.,.- sizes Zto 28, worth 85.50, to clear at 10 MOWS good stroug Cinadiau Tweed Suits, well made and sewn with stroug linen thread; sizes 374 to 44, no two Alike, colors. grey, brown and dark mixtures, oto., worth $7,50 and $8.10, for $5 80 .8 only ItIon's and Youths' blue or black Serge Suits, all wool, sizes. ordinary store - the oidt � 34 to 44; these suits aro usually sold by - ) - e+7 keeper at $11, Crowder's price till sold 75 '27 pairs. Boys' Mole Knickers, sizes 22 to 32, worth Boa, - to elate at .49 `Waterproofs, - . - ' $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 to $10.00 Hot Weather •. Suits for Men and Boys 'Boys' 2 -piece Summer Stilts, sizes 23 to 33, - - - $3•50 :Mou's 2.piece Summer Suits; in light or Clark stripes, -sizes 34 to 44, coat x11(1 pmts, with belt attachment .and brace buttons, inside prices ... $5.00 and $6.00 :Boys' Duck. Wash Coats, sizes 24 to 85, price - - .50 and ,65 Melt's Black Lustre Coats, sizes 34 to 41, - - - $1,50 .o Straw Hats—we have the latest. Felt Hats, black and colored, - - .50 to $3.50.50 to $3,50 Underwear, light or Heavy, short or long sleeves, - Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Belts, etc., of the very latest styles, itt popular prices. 1 TRADE IV ANTED. • ' .25 to $2.00 News From Our Neighbor's EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. .What Wteleawalt;e Tiniest Cortoepondonte Comnalialeate •-••• Otter Items Clipped Frero.e Our Exchanges. The R. H. CROW DER. Go. W1NGiiAM., ONT. t+•**i*♦•44+04440406044404.444 ••4 4- 44444+++++++4+4+44+++++644 .eeeeo04.40444•••044•4144• 131 i sF • ..r...11M.—RIONVO At last we have moved, and are now nicely located in our new store, which we are pleased to say will be second to none in the County. -- We have just received a nice lot of naked and Came°. suitable for the hot weather. 4 • e • • • • • • 4 • eats AT GRIFFIN'S- et.r.1:k. John Il. More itichliu is back front an extended toar of Mauitoba and the West, Thos. Strachan & Sous have some 70 head of cattle, big and little, on their forms this Spring. wee ineetx Jit»t'Tic)ly, Mrs. Dau: a'1 Audersou is slow'y im- proving. Mr. fund Mr. John Fowler, jr. sleet the Kith at Sunshine. Mr. Edward Jenkins spout a few days Messrs. Robinson, 14th con. on the with friends in Toronto. former Oliver Neu, will have their barn Messrs. Alex. and Watt. Davidson *pent Suudry at Wroxeter. Miss Maggie 11/41illr:r, of Wroxeter spent a few days at Ur. Juga Fowler's. Mr. Jas, Maxwell, we are sorry to re- port, coutiuues in very poor !Iettlth. Mr. Walter Davidson, of Galt spent a few days at ins home hero. Watt likes Galt wt.11. Mr, Gavin Davidson and sister Miss Jean, of Wroxeter, aid Mr. Jus. Deaus, jacked upend stone stah.iug will be built under it tithe seasou. Win. Bateman, who has been a reside': t of the Gth lice for many years has hand- od over the farm to his youngest 8011 Jesse, aud will take a welt earned vacation with his children at Toronto, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and other points. The total nnutber of days Statute Labor iu the Muuicipaltty of Grey for 1003 is 3,803. This autoutit of labor of Galt spent Sunday at the home of should lueau great iiuproverlu;ttts in dish. nude, Mr. Gavin Davidson. roads, the nestruotion of weeds on high- ways atad a general tidying up. -•o--- now to Get an Appetite. • ' Pain in the daek Distaste for food often follows Grippe, and fevers, and is associated with a gen- Makes life miserable for many. Can it r be cured? Yes, in a night. Nerviline eras weakness of the eystetu. To iuiptirt gives a complete l:uoekuut to pain ill the areal zest for food; and g;3vo power to the stomach to digest fled assimilate, no back, because it is stronger, more p011e' remedy eau egnal 1'errozoue. This is tenting, more highly pain subduing than a new and startling discovery. It strikes any other remedy extant. Use drop of at the root of disease and by retnoviug N in iliue has niu1'e power over paint than the Cense, cures C,itickly and pNrmtttleut• live drops of any otner remedy, audit is lv. Ftnsrozoue will quickly enable you true strep th you want �t•ht'u vo:•e've got a pain. Your money back if it is not s0. Druggists sell Ne valine. tlLTTU Ma. and Mrs Jas Taylor, of Harristou, were visitors at t11Aome of Mr. J. E. Coombs last week. Dr. D. T. Smith left last week for Perrinton, Michigan, where wo believe it is his iuteutiou to practice medicine. Ctme. Stoat) gathered in a swarm of bees on Tuesday of laet wet:k. This is -.1 early work and we nuderstand is with et out precedent in thie seerion of the wen - try. • y iss Zefha.Carder. who has been tie • efficient book keeper and general assis • taut in Mr. George Powell's store for d the past two yenrs, has giveu up her • position and will now bike a well-earned • holiday. Empire. services were conducted itt • Blyth Methodist church last Sunday. • Rev. John. Holmes pre.ttched a pat. riutic serum in the evening and the choir fet•ieished special music. - Mr •J:. •4ell.y,:..‘e .of, Mr. J uror' Kelly, of GoterioheevItsia Blyth canine on old friends foie. alto days recerltl .. 1444444444.4444t++444♦4444 „c„p sem......- • .a,-..0 1903 WT STAR LINE SPECIAL CU S O — From K2nca�' ane To Wednesday, June 17th std i %r; }, r r ^t• ! ' ` lt a,. (144! afro. ,.. -s�.ii.. ..444..1 " .`lSrar"r,rs»7e* # -er'. 5..th •„ w �'''"'1.12nnN r "r�}...4.. 1,-(F.l't.n�i'YTI_:i�atY L• wiVL to .�ea\t •"^;, s e..e.r&-114 ,te r ,.:..'a...•m`�,., :/r ..e -sate res ee Only c,i,;1„543 or Round Trip I, ware Kincardine for Detroit G.00 a. in. (Canada title,) Wecluea;day, jute 17111, arrive Port Huron at noon,. D:troit 4 00 p. 111. Retat:tritlJ4 le1.••t: Detroit, Thur day, June i8th,'i.00 p. ill. (central start lard tone) Port Huron 5.30, arrive ICineardiue x t..1.5 p. tri. }friday, Jtoi 1 � h.3.0.) a. ill. (Canada time) leave Kincardine (et the 1 c t u ••n to Detroit. Pare w'th hi.�'�t.7e ,A�t.5o . .a... The 1`( l:: tt• S l'1Ii1, .ci'1'l;A;41�;R Gl2l?;'S'HOU1�1 is one of the largeet, tt,1e.•dlest .and most magttificetitly eq'iipped Day l3 i•tts itt th'. world. You should not miss t111 greed epp,rt'.tttity for a pleasant ou".ing. White Star Fine Steamers C. F. 2tr:LeAN, ?RAMC MGR. C. H. Avt:tt, t£xCunSIONpark Ant. 111e Montreal Street nails ny COM. :navy ate operating their rat's despite the :strike. In the Nnrthwtst'rerritories 8(0 par- ,ee1s of school Iauul;e have beet sold. at ;prices ranging from 8 to $31 per nere. Dues it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of m y, the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach ? .rstablisJed ,r47 . Cures White Yon Steep It cures because the air renderer: strongly ant;.epue is carried over the diseased sur- fat, e well every l;rcath, givingerelongcd reel constant treatment. It is invida. Able to mothers with small chitcitcn. Is :. boon to artiiin atfcs. -• eon— Whoosseser Ccu; a Broncidtia Groep Courter osetarr; Cc1d0 Gilppo arid ze.y ever Th-1'apor;r.r and 1 ,r .. %%Wel:i\•)u1d last a li(titn., tut;al,u x ,', a 1\u iia VtCtca,dertt, $s.sl.. Extrasut,,.ii. o, ( r•--g.,leneas cents ar.d qq •rye•. ti'rito tar de.m'i,r eve 1,00:14c co.,ta;a- i:.r Lit i.ett t,.etiawnyra to t,s r :ins. vero.cnt tet t:"c rS t:,, n 3.1r L1:UGcta'1.t Lv1+t.iW1tj Ut. V::po-Cresoic•ae Co, i0o'Fulton 'Ft•ect " 2f Nobs T'.•anr• C::cet New 1/..4: Imo -areal to eat mud digest anything;, All drug. m•.•••••,•••••••,•.....gists and medicine dealers sell Ferro. .. zone. 11.011tt1S. —"'"-- David and Mrs. Walker, Gth line, tall: WEli'1ItCIfVRCri of taking a holiday trip to the "Soo" • e A. D. Baton was in Toronto on bnsi- and ou to Manitoba. They expect to to cess ou Sutnrdav, gone a mouth or six weeks. Miss Winnie Cttylerspe•nt theholida.ys I Mrs. J. H. VoclirutIt, of Seattle, with friends itt I.augside. Washington Territory, is visiting relit - Miss elary Troy,: teaelter of St.Augus- tives itt Morris. Site is a sister to Mrs. tiue school was iti'pai•tof last week with • Allan Spier, 4tlt line. It it, 11 years eisilitia. since Mrs. Vocikroth went West. tMessrs. George McIntosh and Gibson ( The following particulars aro taken Gillespie made tt busiue s, trip to L'uclon from the 1003 asseSsuieut roll for this on',►Ipulay. township:—Children from 5 to 15 years. Mr. Henry Martin, who is str•dyirg 1488; children front 8 to 14, 130; acres of theology at Varsity is Maori for tie, I laud, %5,150; acres cleared land, 4302;. value of real property,$1,82a5,3 0 • vn,ue hofihtiv. .obertCurik assisted the Wingham o personal property, $2,000; • days s sta- Rifle Chtb at Clorritl on tIoudny in their ! tote labor, 3.207; population, 2,368; o•)ntest with Harristott for the"Dalnlmge I cattle, 8,110; sheep, 2.350; hogs, 5,4:0; Cup." horses, 1,77.4; acres of orchard, 700; acres , fall wheat, 0,073; steam boilers, U. The following additional p:trtiuul'irs of the late Joseph Stubbs, whos t death was noted in onr last issue •are taken from Mr. John Webster of Fordyce passed the Brussels Post:—Ela had been poorly throughto:vn•.on Satutclay on his return for several ye t.s but only dangerously trip fromY'e tow Grass, 1=sa. He -re }ll about a waelt and was cot,scioms to f tl t section ofd the last. Mr. Seebb� had been a very Mr: Moffat and Miss Maggie of Lon- don, Mr. ;turf Mrs. Reid of Wingham, were gnests ,of Mr. H. E. lair ou Victoria Day. • ports good pro. peels 01 1a Joe isuow nn M.D., having successful I country." They have had'plenty of rain vigorous mate oftau scaling 130 lbs. itt _ his working clothes; lis made a resolute passed his filial cxuntinntiq:ts at the' stud Lite crops look trril.i battle for life•and was walking atoned Detroit College of Meditiiue'. He will :'i`,lte'p'ipils of our school celebrated outside ou Sunday-. Ile cited iu his chair. likely locate to memo Mi higau town. Empire Day lit a becoming mutter on At times ho was a great sufferer. De - Friday, MaY 22nd. 'The ancnuing BPs' ceased was born at Weston, Yorkshire, .t:Tilli:STOWN. England fwd came to Canada in 1850. Lorne McKelvey of Ilarrletou spent. rE laticu to it, etc. This tons followed After living in Halton county fur a tune the 24th under the parental roof. in the afternoon by it patriotic program he cause westward about 45 years ago, Wm. McKelvey'of Grey t •ok a bust•rendered by pupils of the school auci along with his old almost inseparable uess trip to Torott0last Saturday'an address by Rev. 0..C. :I:aitle. Alto- 'frim', the late Chas. P.octor. The Miss Rebecca ILtgg of Grey is visit- Mother it wee a day which will tend to farm on which Mr. Stubbs lived and. ing her raster, firs. Geo. Coonbes. develop real true patriotism iu the child - Miss Maggie S'ott of Molesworih is ren otour school. visiting her sister, Mrs Copeland Stokes. -' Ti1et celebration in honor of Victoria Raesell Mt•D,lnaltl of S•'aforth spen ; Day this year was success as far as the 24th of May at his Boole on the 1't a Whitechurch is coueerned. The meth - Con. Grey. . ods of celebrating were unique, interest - Miss Jemlio stud John Simpson spe t ing, entertaining and i ould make a very Sunday with their sit,ttr, Mrs. Ju u profitable study. In thea first place most eloutgome ry, at Winthrop. of tho loyal citizens et lebrated by leav- ittr altogether, going either to Lucknow Miss Lizzie dit:lur of ;tiorrssbank s or TeeswAter. Those left. behind went very ill at present with guenmonia• `1 0 fiat:ing, 1rI eyed football and amused Mr. , hope to soon see a change for the bade . :.tuabs was naasstuuiva in manus.., ti,emzcctves tirtec divers ways aud man- hottest and honorable, and Lias held i11 Eliza Cita anti her bc.ltlur, Jatne , tiers of their otvu. tle"vever nol:dy !,tot esteem by all who kuew hint. He ' h • er broken limbs or broken hearts mid siott was devoted to etndying the British Empire, its extent, resources, Canada's ISARo's 'The Leading Store SPEOIAL SALE Wliilewear Wasts anti Wrappers� 1 We keep in close touch with latest styles in all kinds of ladies' waists, wrappers and whltewear. Intending purchasers in any of above lines will do well to see our large assortment of inade up material bsfore making their selection. WHITE UNDO isRSKIRTS, a special line of ladies' fine, white underskirts, well ntarle, nicely trimnterl,with dust frill,fali. • width, fine cambric, good value at $1 25—sale price - 4 1.00 LADIES' DIGHT GOWNS, two doze's night gown t, raflue cambric, full s:z ,,nicely trimmed and tucked yolre,regttlar value 11.00, our special. price while they last only • S BO'S .75 LADIES' WAISTS, a line of nice pattern priut waits, nicety made, fast colors, worth 7;5t, our sale price .50 CORSET COVERS, a largo assorttnent to choose frotn,utadoin the latest style, nicely trimmed with lace and embruitlery prices are 15e, 25o, 85c, 50o and 75c, sae oar leader at - .25 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, special valves. in better lines, made with deep embraidery aud lace insertion, prices are • $1 50;;;i 00, $2.50, 3 50 WHITE WAISTS, A large range of ladies' white waists, right up to date, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery inser- tion, nicely tucked, all good fitters - - - „1.00, $1.25, $1.t0, $2 00, $2.50, 3.50 LADIES' DRAWERS, Special values in all sizes, nicely made and trimmed, prices rouge thus - - .25, .35. .50 LADIES' WRAPPERS, made with full wide skirt, deep frill, choice new patterns, fast colors, trimmed yokes, special values at - - - - $1.00 and 1.25 SILK WAISTS, Ladies' blar'k silk waists in good quality silk, nicely trimmed a11(1 made to wear well prices are - $4 00 to 5-00 LADIES' TOP SKIRTS, wo are showing a fine range of top skirts for summer, wear in duck and linen, made in gond style, well stitched auci trimmed. See our two dollar value - - 1.75 U. E. ISACo. apposite Bank of Hamilton highest price paid far Produce r s ,. . rte ` a., Grand Trunk Rail System died was taken up, then in the primeval forest and by industry, ecouo.ny aud good management the fine farm soon yielded valuable returns. Mrs. Stubbs' midden ualue was M. J. Caldwell, of Balton county , and she with 5 sous survive. The boys are Jabs z C., tc 110 for the past ten years has been at Wey eu• haulier, Wisconsin; 0. R., 8th line, tiorris; Wu1., ou the homestead; and Ja-. 11., of New Hope, N. W. T. Isaac t died last February in Brit h Columbia. were vit�idti .; friends iu • s, u.etics ov r was hurt as the celebration caused neitll' was a Liberal in polities and held to the May 21th; also Mr. Stole -s, Sr. is visit Sau•ll.u'. Methodist dist .• ' 1 i t harele lug in the County town. 1; everybody was sat idled by night to accept �I IN Jas Simpson lust a vatu=tile colt last±;,f tine wise saying of the sago "Whatever week, cause of dearth being itt.li ostiou; } irises right." , also Devil Millar had the same misfor• __---- tine to lose a horse by b.:ittg gored by a cow. i Tendency of Catarrh is to Spread. Elijah Jaeltlin i; tn:tkiug great int. Just a slight matter at first, and because _ proveutouts at elorrisbauh by having a :'light, 11sg:�: c'ted; rbut the seed sown n ev wiro fence put aroatel his orchard briugs,fiet i 11.datug e oas harvest. Con- Every farmer r ]ii1C)\t S that T s'tuel,tlon, whtrit is the harvest of death. some plants grow better than end Mons, lot on beta °orat's. Better spt'u,l a few moments each day _ON -- turn y ‘ e 13 �........,d.—.....-... ERV.' ENCAMPMENT, Ne ''47, I.0.Urr., Wingham, has completed .arrangeme s with the G. T. R. to run its Annual Excursion to 7 i;,halieg; C,:.tarrhoZ.tue,sul Ani nntiC anti- others. Soil may be the same th septic at relieves eft once, clears the and seed may seem the same "No ladies will be smelled is may erne_ lilt.•"tlPa ,t+s tl;eR. and restores lost settee Of pertneeut wile„ wearier h.tt or helmet, taste and smell. The 1uu►tedtato etiect but SO1BC plants are weak and .-. _._ - ..::_ .--s_-�,:".Y..'---","7.----="hoe , ca., I:.ulgsrpn, -slat., plants. Saline food, sante home, from the following places, on Saturday, , tine I nth, z o3 exatig,t iu the ease o!' ladies fetching beer cif Cahlrrz•,t1t ti uiagiati, so protnUt others Stl'Un�. ! �� .���� ���� and Cfilt'iH1tt. Owe is.certain and per - of tints own Sties," is the u:ttsce appear- 1 And that's the way wall � ��� mauve( if yeti use CatDrug fists Price ing itt it prettier ptlh1ki'.t\tu�e. y,1. Snt,til i iZ' ;km, at Druggists, or Poi- . children. They are like young heart trouble, 1 t couple o£ f f Ctl, 1 t bCC•1U mess after eating* Cts of nee- years in Cbderich Cliutou and Gator- , lot feed. his Monte et 011 Springs,' Ont., roller% SCott s nlll Ston really feeds ink.and gives the child growing et have and tried troubled t b e withy retne dyspepsia a statfor Itis sou John also resides, and despite , �� f'$E ✓rc v,s Out �� �r.QI�D„ ��4� AnotherIii::ht}* respected pioneer of <11u1 strong • while others stay of Huron lointal the -silent mniority, in small and weak r frit 6.27 A.X.; 2 015 sante care but some grow Uig at the folioi,aing fares : Yoe don't and ain't 0 your stomach the pereon of Mr. deceit Sheppard, ou Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. years. 10 mouths and 5 days. The late It gets tired easily, and what it fails to Mr. Shepard had been in rem stealth Child wcalcne s often means digest is wasted: for ,several years Froin -dropsical rind starvation, not because of lack o a went s e t i t amble nuc spen a U U, )tt because the food is weal:. A'aeak stomach does notdi- Saturday, elay font, at tho age of 77 Among the signsf k toms h are uveas a, ' vous headache, and disagreeable belch- tell township. .Last kttr returtett to t E 1 venre att er t r fait t1Pt'er got anything that wive lite relief kite are ate - n , -y until T took lloocl a Sarsapnrin t ttcnttrto to the inevitable. His'fath'r and mother . \\ 1latever the cause of weak - y . ie which originally t rtj;^s blocks of stet this niZte. hl t too gig gtfy er le q(teu luno n1e, It attv:lys telco it lit the rvcro nittivFt, of 4l,oeaeta'sand 'Tipperary' f1CSS and failure, to grO�v--- I+our w r, ror Hadrian's itorttlg and tall and world not he without Irelan,l, tu1c1 the subycet of this brief Scott's Emulsion seems to find formed part of the I. opo " W. A Needle 13cileville oat t Streetst°il'o , C'anerdtr Carpathie. The , y • l the nett 1 h d ei eft township rthere. they &t teal oil Bend. the 4'hoIe digestive system. of o r 3f ' ', mention being 1)0121 a . . f . It and set the matter right. They a�t S ,,�qf` f jCi+CLI'�Lt Gt Shortly ttftt r. the faun Itoinaii wall are to be preserved on blare utoved to tr. d• t ,,d for rtt matter a. were -slug up in the shipyard at 'i'ira • Strengthens and tones the sionista ma 1 . 1 "Oen 11 8Cott S ttr,tctie• tatetttistr 1,rngto, °ntaAAS. sou. au.1$i u; a;t.lruggists. Lu tt'n tuc:know - Whitechnrch- 6.33 " 2 05 iVing;hatn 6 ii0 '( 2.03 Wiuglutni Junction 6.5,3 "� Belgtavo - 1.01 1:85 Blyth . - 7.14 ". 1,15 LP.S'vn Londesboro Clinton Brucefield Kippeu Ilellsall Exeter 7.22 <t.\t. 7.47 „ 8.05 tt 8.15 " 8.22 " - 8.35 " 1.35 rA1tt;: $1.65 1.45 1.35 1.33 CItI ILI)R '.N - I1 1 U ER 12, II Atip }war, Returning, special train leaves Sarnia at lo.00 P.M. on Monday, June 1 th running through to Lucknow. 5 excursion of the year. Everybody come on the biggest and best excursion J. A. MORTON, Chairman of Committee.