The Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 3•
aro a bleesing to women in this condib on. They
aura Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of
the Beate, Paint and Dizzy Spells, Weakness,
lestleesness, and all troubles peculiar to the
female sex.
Idle. James Taylor, Salisbury, N.B., in recom.•
anending them says: About eight months ago
I was very badly run down, was troubledgrentlY
'with palpitation of the heart and would gets°
elizzy-I would have to leave my work and sit
alown. 1 eemed to be getting worse all the
time. until a friend advised me to try MIL-
can truthfully say that they do all you claim
Servants and I can recommend them to all
Price:e'en:m.1Na or3boxes for rim ;ail deal -
ere, or Tao M.lbara Cu.. Lignites, Toon:m.0in.
Wcmen and the Proverbs.
A wonderful eimilarity exists in the
sayings about womeu current in th
varous nntions,
The French adage: A man of straw
• is worth a woman of gold.
The Sp i n'sh rhyme has it: 'Were a
worn= as Lttle as she is good, n pea pod
-would make her a gown and a hood.
The German: There were only two
good women in the weald-one dead and
the other can't be found.
Tho Scotch say: Honest men marry
soon; wise men never.
In Fife:they eay Thenext best thing
to no wife, is a good wife.
*An Arahian declares: Words
women; deeds are men.
The Persian sage sa•ss that a woman's
wisdom is under her feet.
The German affirms that every daugh•
ter of Evo would rather be Leautiful
than good.
The Gem= also asserts that when
ever there is mischief brewing a woraau
and a priest aro at the bottom of it.
The Persian asserts that ,women and
dragous are beet cut of the world.
The Corsican see's: Just as a good
and a bad horse both need the emir, a
good and a bad woman both need the
Two Hundred OWellings Burned
at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec.
Scene or Devuotation, Desolation and
unia-ractoriee Destroyed - ltusicst
Portion of the City 'Salved out -
Delp From Montreal-Dein:lent
Wide:" supply - Total Loss
rlassol at 3350,00o. •
Number of houses burned, 2:Xl.
People rendered homeless, 2,000.
Estimated loss, k250,000.
Seriously injured, one.
District laid waste, three-quarters
of ty mile.
St, Hyacinthe, Que., May 21.-A
terrible fire raged ia St. hyacinth()
yesterday afternoon. It was the most
destructive that has ever occurred in
the history of the town, or in any of
the communities in the district. Fire
broke out during lunch hour, and by
4 o'clock in the afternoon three-
quarters of a mile of the business
and busiest part was laid waste, and
was a seen' of devastation,. desola-
tionand ruin.
Two hundred and fifty houses haVe
been reduced to shapeless heaps of
ashes, which, with live embers, line
the thoroughfares. Three hotels, two
flour mills and several of the largest
business houses have disappeared as
completely as if they had rever ex-
isted. The market place, the
1)al rendezvous of the country round,
is no longer recognizable, and the
St. Genevieve Hospital is destroyed,
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature a
Sea Pao -Shale Wrapper &stow.
Very small and as °say
to take as sugar.
T ,v0 Thousand, Homely:oh
Two thousand people are home-
less. A quarter of a million is the
computed damage, but the extent of
the loss to such a community can-
not be calculated by mere figures ex-
pressing dollars and cents.
What added vastly to the possible
magnitude of the disaster is the fact
that the river is low, and that the
water supply practically gave out
early. Water was being pumped
from the wells, which did not hold
out for any length of time.
Conspicuous by their indomitable
efforts to cope with circumstances
was„ the Montreal brigade, which
reached here at 2.45 p.m. Within a
quarter of an. hour of its arrival it
had its reels playing upon the
flames. Tho burned district extends
along the river front south of St. from collodion, gives a more brfinaut rangenients for the funeral have not
Antoine street, from Cote Bros. boot ligbt and lasts longer, But such mantles been completed yet, but interment
and shoe factory on the west to , are naturally more expensive. will be in Quebec, the early home of
where tho river turns at the east. Congressional Record the Gilmour family.
Gone, As printed in the
Three Hotels
Dizzy ?
'Then your liver isn't actitin
well. You suffer from bilious-
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
'Small doses cure. A1lds.M.
Want your moustache or beards beautiful
brown or rich black? Then nee
so etc ev eissostale. aA. P. MALL a e0.,14misot. ti. H.
Troubled with Kidney Trouble
for Six Months.
NOM'. TIMES, MB 2, 19
Kany Men and Women Are Troubled
With Kidney Trouble, Some For Leas
Tilne, Some For Longer -No Need To
Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time,
If They Only Knew Of The Cures
Being Made By
Backache Is The First Sign Of Kidney
Trouble -Thee Come Complications
Of .tk More Serious Nature.
or MISERY. Mrs. William II. Banks.
Torbrook Mines, N.S., tells the pub -
lie about the great qualities of Dearee
Kidney Pills in the following. word;-]
was troubled with kidney troui,le for tile
months, and had stash terrible ram'
across my kidneys all the dine that I
could hardly get around. After taltin;
one box of Doan's Kidney Pills I begat
to feel better, and by the time I hat
taken three boxes I was tompletele
Price 50e. per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25;
all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co.
Toronto, Ont.
No One Knows How M. Allan
Gilmour Was Shot Dead.
'Under Meal option three-fourths of
the population of Texas. have voted die
counties in whieli they live "dry." •
Although the Suez canal is only 99
miles long, it reduces the distance from
England to India by sea nearly 4,000
The excess of births over deaths per
L000 native population is greatest in
Utah (93.1) and the snunlest in New
'fink (8 9)
.A. stetl-like grass frcm the volcanic
slopes of Oran, Algeria, is so elastic
chat it can be est d instead of spriugs in
the manufaeture of furniture.
The police force of Erie, Pa, has
formed a union for the wurpose of en-
forcing a demand for an advance in
wages Cann tint/ to $75 a mouth. TLe
anion was organized under the Central
Labor Union aud has received a charter.
The founded= of the Vitelsbaqh
mantles is cotton fibre, 1 ut the Lehner
fabric, composed of rirtifieial silk, made
011otottee Body was pound ly Mrs«
Gilmour Lying in a Pool of Blool In
filo Attie Storeroom of Mlles,
Slx 0 t log Apparatus, Tie. -
Theory of S:atesde Scouted by
Co: 0 r Daptie.
Ottieva, May 2o. -Allan Gilmour,
270 Cooper sta.( et. a man of consid-
erable wealth, accidentally shot him-
self yesterday afternoon while hand-
ling a rifle. The theory of suicide is
seetitee. by Coroner Ilaptiee and no
inquest will be held.
Mrs. Gilmour luol gone out driving
after lunch with her niece, Miss
Hendry: They left the house about 3
o'clock and returned, shortly after 4.
Their attention was attracted by the
strange 'actions of a collie dog, a pet
of Mr. Gilmour. The animal was
running up and down stairs in a
frantic manner, and trying to at-
tract their notice.. Mrs. Gilmour fol-
lowed the dog which led her to the
door of a room in the attic used by
her husband as° a store room for
guns, ,rifies, fishing tackle and other
snorting paraphernalia. Entering
the „room Mrs. Gilmour found her
husbapd lying on his back on the
floor, his head in a pool of blood,
and a magazine rifle lying near him.
Death must have been instantan-
There was a rumor that Mr. Gil-
mour had lost heavily in stocs1 thepee -
Illations recently, but Mr. 0111 o
Bank of Commerce says it would not
impair his annual income more than
$500. Mr, Gilmour was a man in
very comfortable circunietances, and
had retired from. active business life.
Ile dabbled in stocks to some ex-
tent, but did not speak as one who
was at all worried about them.
Mr. Gilmour was a man of inde-
pendent means, who had been for
some years retired from active busi-
ness life, although he retained an in-
terest in Gilmour & Co., Limited. at
Trenton, of which company he was
formerly president. Ile was a child-
less man, but loaves two brothers,
John Gilmour, Ottawa, and David
a ilmour, Trenton, and one sister,
Mrs. P. Fellows of Montreal. Ar -
Heap and Soothes the Lungs and
Bronchial Tubes. CUM 00.1regSt
CDS, )3110110MTIS, MAIM.
zoos, ete., quicker than .any rem.
edy known. If you, have that irri-
tating Cough that keeps you awake
at night, a dose of the Syrup will
step it at onee.
Included in the 250 build ings burn_ the five days' record breaking speech of
the Union and the Ottawa. Among questien filled 97 pages, averaging Fire Teas Devastated 111e TOWTI of Little
ed 'are three hoteri, the Frontenac., Senator Wigan on the Panama canal HUNDREDS HOMELESS.
the business places in ruins are Cote
Bros. factory, the establishment of
Bourgeers, Iludon & Co., and
Dusseau & Lamoureux. Tho loss thus
far is estimated to exceed $250,000.
It will, of course, be much larger
before the flames are filially subdued.
Tho gale carried huge flaming em-
bers hundreds of yards, and where
they found lodgement a fire started,
and in a few minutes was burning
fiercely. '1 • • '1F.;
One man was'seriously injured. Ills
name has not. been 'learned,. It is
not known whether any lives have
been lost.
Explosion of Polviter.
At 4 o'clock a loud explosion of
powder occurred in Bourgeois' hard-
ware establishnient. Tho flames soon
afterwards shot high into the air and
the structure was quickly razed.
Huge clouds of smoke roso from the
burning district, and spread all over
the surrounding country for a dis-
tance of four miles. The fire was got
under control about 7 o'clock.
Crackers Proved Their Merit.
Galt May 21. -The .contents of a
store on Main street, known as Gra-
ham's Fair, suffered damage by fire
yesterday afternoon to the extent of
probably $rsoo, caused by fire crack-
ers. Mr. Graham was attempting to
show a possible customer the merits
of a bunch of lady firecrackers by
lighting them, when one fell into a
table of giant crackers, whiclt ex-
ploded in all directions. The dam-
age to stock front water is also con-
4,0(.9 words each,makiug a total of about
388,000 words. This would make a book
about half as large as the Bible.
Engineers regoad the grand canyon of
the Colorado las affording one of the
greatest fields in existence for the de-
velopnient cf electricity from water
p men In addition to the immense
p twer of the Colorado itself huge stores
of energy are available in the similar
strums that leap into the vast chasm.
The Schcol Journal anectinced tbe
prop an me of a unique echcol at Omaha
during the coming summer. It will
give instruction in the principles and
practice of the surveying ciples and
practice of the supervising and manag-
ing of public schools. Lectures and
conferences wilIbe conducted by proud -
pent state end city superintendents.
A pamphlet issued by the United
States bureau of education, including a
a chapter on the Carnegie institution
and the various Lifts by Mr. Carnegie
for libraries and other institutions, gives
the total expenditure in this country for
such purposes as $52,270,173 and the
grand total for the United States, Eng-
land, Scotland, Ireland, Canada and
Cuba as $97,212,923.
Now Postage Bate For Whole Empire on
Viettria Day.
Ottawa, May 20. To -clay Sir William
Mulock received a communication from
Premier Barton of Australia consent-
ing, on behalf of the Commonwealth,
to the penny rate per half ounce ap-
plying to all letters posted in Canada
for Australia, that is, the six Austral-
ian States of Queensland, Nev South
Wales, Victoria, South Austtalia, West
Australia and Tasmania. This arrange
ment will accordingly go into effect
on Victoria Day, Monday, the 25th, and.
that historic day will see the mem-
pletion, so far as Canada is concerned
of the penny rate system, one penny
per half ounce prepaying letters from
Canada to all parts of the British em-
pire. This even =Irks the completion
of Sir William's efforts, commencing in
1807, to establish a penny' letter rate
between Canada and every part of the
British empire.
Steamer Pfcfhl Burned.
Godoriols, May 21. -The steamer
rfohl, Capt. Synies, bcittad for Owen
Sound, loaded with coal; wee burn-
ed and sunk off this port yesterday;
tiro originated in the lower,engine
room by the explosion of tc lentip
about 11 in the morning. The Ordit
worked until 8 last everting, ;when
the boat was abandoned. The tug
Seeking picked up boats svith
crew all safe.,
Lord DilitatO'S Terms Extoaded.
Toronto, May a. -Lord Mintel
terra as Giovaantor-General of an
doe in accordant(' to aecepted cus-
tom, expires in November el this
rear, but het has been asked by the
Imperial authorities to Meath in of-
fice till Isftsveraber. 1904, and has
The penny savings bank in connection
with the Galt publid schools is working
out big results. Some of the children
have already large deposits reaching oyer
$50. and the habit of carefulness =cleav-
ing is thus being inculcated in the child-
One 1)oitar
What $1.00 witl pure -se [roes
Diainend nail
A Beautiful Bohontian
Glass and Sterling
Sliver Vasa
lie lot
ply the
This is but ono a a lame nunitor
of extra value gift sattles.shown 81
our nett Illusir.sted Felder, Ishieh sus
eiu seed Hee of cost to any culdreas
Write for a Copy
118, 120, IV and 124
Yten4e St., Toronto
. Bay. Newfoundland - Lam:boring
Section of Appleton Destroyed.
St. John's, Nfld., May 20. -Fire
has devastated the town of Little
Bay, where a large copper mine is
being worked, three churches, with
the clergymen's residences; the min-
ing companies' stores; the Govern-
ment buildffigs, and forty dwellings
Were destroyed. Tho total loss is es-
timated -at:,,50,000.
Two hundred and fifty persons are
homeless, and relief is being forward-
ed by the authorities.
Another fire destroyed ' the
boring section of Appleton.
mills, much sawn timber and
property were consumed.
I. have used DR, WOOD'S NORWAY
FINE SYRUP for every cold I have haa
for the past eight years, with wonder-
ful success. I never see a friend with a
cough or cold but that I recommend M-
AL M. Ellsworth, jacksonville, N.B.
An ,appetizing dish for lunches
m .y be m dfr .n1 rhunarb tale ro ge
c.ike ; the latter may be. either made
et home or Procured frena the baker.
reel end cut a pound or rhubarb in
sin 111 piece% put in, ateaucepan, egate
or porcelain, cover generounly with
sugar end add half' a =pi of' water.
Cook slowly until tender, if ecoked
too quickly the rhubarb Odle to pieces
end doe% not keep it form. Add a'
teeepoonfusl of lemon juice, end when
the rhubtrb is One .struin it from its
juice and when cold put 1,he fruit in
the centre of the c.ilcs. Glieze the nate
side or the etka with ceoricot jam
end sprinkle on top game nuts, che,p-
red fin:. When this is done pour the
rinds:xi) syrup around the cake, before
sending it to the table. Rhubarb tap-
ioce is a pleasant change from pie
rntl sauce. Bail for 'ten minute, a
Lint of chopped rhubsrb, twodozen
cooked prunes, a, quarter of a veap
of prune juice anti a, cup of sugar
then adi one half of tapioca that has
been soaked for threeequertere uf an
hour in cold water. gook until the
tI p005 11 teansperent, Lorre 0-11 with
ere m net sugar. • •
To mike rhubterb jelly, put an
equal queneity of rhubarb and eug,ar
in a saucepan with a little water.
When the fruit 15 quite sef t, pee
through a fine sieve, end to each
quirt hf pulp, odd two ounce) of .
at:n. Turn this into en ornamental
mould with a holo in the centre, and
let it set until firm. Ttarre on to, a
ere tm, deo inaks a border of whippal
cre Ina around the edge.
Possible Guarantes For Grand
Trunk Pacific.
6oerninentPolley Not Decided, nut Kr
Wilfrid Laurier Personally Seesne
poeed. to Advise ail Imerest •illuer-
Wee on the Roams Bonds -
Land Subsidies Are out of
15,0 question.
Toronto, May 21.-(01obe Spe-
cial). -Ottawa, May 20. -The Gov-
ernment's supporters from Ontario.
and Quebec had conferences with the
Prime Minister to -day on the sub-
ject of the ahl to his granted the
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Tiusy
did not go Col!cetively, but in two
separate groupe. In both instances
the discussion was frank. and free.
Tao Government have not decided
upon their polies, but Sir Waned en-
lightened his supporters as to his
own personal views. Apparently the
Prime Minister favors guaranteeing
the inter( st on the bonds of the pro-
posed transcont Mental line.
Land subsidies are out of the
question, and it would appear that
there will be no Government -built
line. Sir Wilfrid Laurices statement
as to his own views met with hearty
approval, and a sagacious solution
of the question is likely at an early
Lord ItoSobery Speaks of Mr. Chamber-
lain's Latest Plan.
London, May 20. -In a speech at
Burnley, Lancashire, last night, Lord
Rosebery, referring to Mr. Chamber-
lain's speech at Birmingham, on
May 15, in which the Colonial Sec-
retary made an appeal for trade re-
ciprocity within the British Empire,
said that, before the tariffs were
changed, the colonies ought to be re-
presented in the Government of tho
country, and he did not think that
that idea was so impracticable as it
was sometimes considered.
Ho did not regard free trade as a
part of the "sermon on the mount,"
but the question arose, whether it
would be wise, without long and
deep consideration, to change the
fiscal system under which Great
Britain had achieved her commercial
Lord Rosebery dealt with Colonial
Secretary Chamberlain's scheme in a
very judicial manner, being careful
neither to approve nor condemn it,
but, on the whole, showing that he
had no great sympathy with it.
Tolls What Be Knows of Land Grants in
British contention.
Victoria, B.C., May 20. -Sir Tho-
mas Shaughnessy gave evidence yes-
terday afternoon before the Parlia-
mentary Committee re the land
grants scandal. He said certain
lands were granted to the C.P.R. and
afterwards cancelled. Ile was cross-
examined by Mr. Duff as to the
e,greement entered into with • share-
holders who bought out the• B.C.S.
Nothing startling was adduced.
Body round In Thames.
Chatham, Ont., May 20. -The body
of Mini Annie Orr, who had been
missing from her home since Sunday
night,. was found floating in the
Thaines yesterday afternoon by a
Dover farmer, about a mile West of
the city limits. Life. had evidently
boon extinct for sumo considerable
time. As Miss Orr was in ill -health
and subject to tits of low spirits, it
is supposed Otte she committed sui-
A small increase in litigation is re:
ported in the anuual statement of the
Inspector of Division Comte, Mr .1
Dickey, taLlad last week. A total of
39.927 suits wore entered, an increase of
200. The total claims amounted to
$1,413,371, au increase of $38,450, and
the total paid into court was $438,418,
compared with $430,543, while $439,t4)
was paid out, composed With V31,115.
Complaints were made against 175
officers of the court during tho year, 140
against clerks, and 35 against
all of which were investigated, and in
several instances they were fonud to be
without foundation.
Dominion Surveyors Report Great Mass
of Rook Ove.h AIMS TOWn.
Blain:lore, Alberta, May 21.-11,
McConnell and R. W. Brock of the
Geological Survey, who have been at
Frank for the past 10 days, making SALVATION ARMY SELF -DEN I
an investigation of tbe recent disas-
ter, for the Dominion Government,
have completed their work. By ob-
servatioes made, they ascertained
that the most western peak of Turtle
Mountain had moved about six
inches during the period of their ob-
servations. This peak is a massive
block of rock, as great in extent as,
if not greater than, that which origi-
nally fell away. It directly over-
hangs the town, and in falling would
destroy a part, if not the whole, of
what remains of the town. Frank
has been re -occupied and business
generally resumed during the last
nine days, but, as a result of the
geologists' report, Premier ITaultain
posted a warning Tuesday, notifying
all of the danger to life in remain-
ing, and the town is again depopu-
Ohildren% Alia*
Munyon's Remedios for Oh
".cram mothers TO itiVellIgentlet le
after th a health of their famiDes
the well-being cf a nation is assure
It hes easuredly been a lanor of le
for 171" to ltUtIV tl.e tileeesez of childr
with a view to their relief and, eta
'elany grown renpla will etubeenny cli
to the del:Mating drugs and uostru
that a7e it relic 11 Parintriern. Ian 1 ho
that it la abilon a crime to give the
to imildree at the ries: of phi e.teiti •
Mental degemeretion. My 501541500
children's enietues are til
ermine, Let they are entirely Minnie.
Every timughtful mother simian have
Munyort Parany Medicate Chest, a
should neve) fail to keep it supplied w
munymns Lolil Cure,, tough t;t17:, Lo
aFever Cure. ever •A '. I‘a
I !IF,. CrOtIP erre, eisaora. mortals f:.;
eemstipatitai Cure, orm <nue, Feee a
Skin Ointamet, Sitinyon's Balm and US
T1:'ewill rT)
nIilsiIitg e t 11qVin
need. A few doses of the proper rerne
ivii at 111P tight tins 'Ain prevent to
and d inserees ,Pelle or 41Clcuess,
save many doctors' fees,
Slueyeres einilcine Cases, Sr.IO,
and 'me
Muityon's Cold Cure prevents pile
motile, tail breaks up a cold la a
Men s.:Le.
rersomi'l• letter s addressed to Pr
Munyon. Philedelplati, U. S. A., eontai
Ing details of sickness. will be answ
ad, premien/ and free advice as to tie:
meat willbe given. 11
for well established house in a few counties,
callingon retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. Salary 0024 a veer and expenses, pay-
able 519.70 a week in cash and expenses advanc-
ed. Position permanent. etueiness et:cetera:1
and rushing. Enclose self-addressed eneeloe.
Standard House, 315 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
Accidentelle browned.
Verges May 20. ---Tho body of
Leonard lluoston, alt inmate of the
Wellington House of Industry, who
disappeared last Thursday was dis-
covered in the Grand River. The
coroner's jury returned it verdict of
accidental death. Deceased had been
an inmate of the Moine for 20
To the Weary Dyspeptic.
We Ask this Question:
Why don't you remove
that weight at the pit of
the Stomach?
Why don't you regulate that
variable appetite, and condition the
digestive organs so that it will not
tQueen's Away Prom Church.
o avoid distress after eating.
be necessary to starve the stomach
The first step is to regulate the day morning Queen's College trustees
Eingston, May 21.-Varly yester-
bowels. Struction of the Constitution separ-
approved the draft bill for the recoil -
The vnel known Self -Deni 1 week
the S irate= Army will be Qbsery
by th a body from -Ally 24th to 1
:i0t1). 1.7nuru 11 retivity lute tak
poteeeion, of tile Army's mime
inerabere in enticipttion of this gre
The Army's ben r e nt op re tio
ere me ntained purely by the
wIll offering!) of tits inicples. The ne
of its vnst miesionsery labors amo
the, het -dun :thread and the den
1 11 n at home a e ch'eI le rad theon
the rg n'y or Fall Denial. The Ar
is dein; splendid work in die Ind
triel Home;, Rescue end listarni
llemee, J. ns :sn.el Women'.s Shelte
este b1:811 id in different centres
this come:Ty, while the world over t
Army h le about live hundred sinail
refuges for the fallenand destitu'
The cnellueiesm with which the 8
-....iticnists.i themsalves enter into t
eeir Denial week is remarkable, a
it would probebly be hard to find
wearer of the uniform who lees ,
'n addition to pecuniary .sacrifi
denied him)elt some luxury or parte
netereity of fond or clothing by w
of (ncipl'ne. The Self Deal 11 fund
considerably augmented by assistan
from custeide f i n is far and n-ar, a
the; worthy effort ehould net be 1
kitten by those who axe in en positi
to ass:st. We visit the Array eve,
'11COSS. From a Parnell: t handed
1.1• 3 by the cff :en- in charge of the lc
work, we gleaned the, above intere
*nig information.
Maxims of the Richest Man
The following maxims aro of spec
interest as being those of Mr. - John
Rockft Iler, the richest man in the wort
"I believe it is a religious duty to
all the money you can. Get it fairl
religiously and honestly -and give aw
all yen can."
"Character-laulcling is a glorious occ
with a crew of .., men. patient. No man should be 'too =sec'
Manila. - Two thousandassist in this work."
houses have been destroyed by fire in "The gift of holiest labor is better th
the Tondo district of Manila. About mouoy."
eight thousand persons are home-
by the municipality. The damage is i
less, and are being fed and sheltered
entty nave to give money to fulfil o
, not all. We do not nec
estimated at 2,000,000 pesos. mission in life."
Lincoln, Neb.-The Brownell Block ' In the thirty or forty yearr, 'et'
was gutted by fire 'Wednesday. at a business life the company with tie -hie
lose of $125,000. The fire started by have been associated has paid out
wages from £'12,000 to 214,000 a day,
at the rate of £4,600,000 a year. Th
between £12,000,000 awl $14,000,
have been paid for honest labor. Th.
I consider, is the best kind of giving."
New York. -Two school children
died on the street in Brooklyn Wed-
nesday from the effect of the heat.
Allieton, Ont. -Thomas Connell,
blacesmith ef thii town, while en-
gaged shoeinte'a horse Wednesday ev-
ening, dropped dead.
Richmond, Mich. -Rev. Henry Stor-
ey WO.% burned to death and his wife
severely buiewd in the destruction of
their home Wednesday.
Toronto.2-The stro t cars are still
running, and-- it looks as if the em-
ploe es will get recognition of their
union and drop other demands at
pre: mit.
Montreal. -The representative of
the International Union was present
at tho meeting of street car men
Wednesday night, and as he would
not eanetion a strike,' it was prac-
tically decided that there would be
no strike.
Tampa, Florida, -Amos Randall,
white, and Dan Kennedy and Henry
Golden, negroes, were lynched at
Mulberry, Polk County, 30 Miles
from here, early Wednesday morning,
for the murder of Barney Brown, a
white man. •
Philadelphia. -The British barque
Scoda reports that on April 20, 250
miles from Cape "Charles, Jamaica,
she passed through water covered
for miles with oil. This confirms° the
supposed loss of the Luckenback,
a clerk dropping a lighted lenup in-
to a pile of straw. Fifteen firemen
were overcome by smoke and heat,
and had to be taken to the hospital.
They will recover.
Tangi May 21. -Tetuan is still
threatened by hostile tribes. A thou-
sand men belonging to the powerful
13 rber tribes cf the Zimmuri, who
IV,TO summoned to Fez to join the
ex, oiition ap ainet the pretender,
and whoee aesist once as cavalry was
very important to the, Sultan, have
mutiti d.
Attleboro, Mass. -An attempt to
wreck the Colonial Express, from
Washington for Boston, at a point
between Skinner's Crossing and
Mensileld Station, Wednesday, failed,
and Michele Vinchto said to be re-
sponsible is under arrest. He piled
railway ties on the track.
tieing front the Presbyterian Chueeli
rm.' this purpose in all departments save theology.
The theological faculty is given
urdock Blood Bitters $150,000 of the endowment.
has no Equal. Sir Thomas on the Stand.
It acts promptly and effectually Victoria, 13.(h, May 21. --Sir Tho-, president of the
ments of digestion. It cures Dys- in respeet to die grants Tit 371725:211 ntYO
pepsia and the primary causes lead- W. Railways but nothing startling
ic,.,gilvantsil eit..ttrustla:txtettituilled before
ana permanently awes all derange- tho
the II. C. Southern and the (I. and
ing, to it. develoPe'd.
Great Transformation.
Is there anything. more wonderful
all the IVOIks of nature than the tra
formation called spring? The tr
will= but a few days ago were lifti
gaunt, bare limits to the sky burst fo
into leafy beauty, and in the orcha
have suddenly appeared .great home
of white and pink fragrance. The brot
patches of lawn and boulevard ha
quickened to a vivid greealflecked he
and there with the emphatio yellow
the persistent dandelion. Shrub al
vine and flower have all heard the ei
of the south wind and have shaken
the inertia of winter, Along with
this new -horn life have come the biti
which are nesting ht the shelter of 1
young foliage and with. their lightSol
song are adding the 'beauty of sound
that of sight. -Ex.
Mr. P. Brown sold the Lelrelet
mill property to Mr, Jas. 'Horton, I
mail carrier. Mr. Brown removes I
machinery and Mr. Horton gets I
dings. and property, tenti. ting
Mill, MO re.saleneet, stable and aLV4