The Wingham Times, 1903-05-21, Page 6TUE \\ I GHAM TIMES, MA.f.i, 1943 SEA AIR FOR NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. When sea air i:: ordered to a nervous person, the usually rushes down to the seashore, spends all her time on the bead[, frets more or less over the expense, -2 and returns after two or three weeks to [make up by extra work lion the brief holiday, The' result is an aggeratiof of -nervous troubles, The time given to the cttre was too tllort. S'1'. JA:zl s W ealtltRS are as gout[ for the nerves as the sea breeze; but in case of nervous weakness, like the sea breeze, they require time.. t, Sr. JAMAS WAVERS are a dente, builder and a reconstructive, not a stimulant. Quick temporary results are not to be expected ; but perma- nent improvelucnt will follow their patient use. ST. JAM= \AuuRs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "Prom personal experience 1 am able to appreciate the, greet value or the St. James Waters." D. Charles D. Camp,' Dublin, Ireland. Prrice:n Carred,: $1.00; Si;ubottles for $5.00 `a ee I St.fan:e; TYq,at.: are not a sec"el rel tYrt..th4,.umerol'$dOC10r'Ste- ro•un•endiug•t/ m b their patients see .naitOreformr:l.r upon request. Where dealers are not selling the 'Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch: St. James tyafara Co., 1728 St. Catherine St., Montreal. Thos I'4►ltertuan, a former well-known A G;rtnnnscientist has discovered that resident ot Cliutoue died iu Mcllillup' 1 there are wore than two million mi one clay last week, aged 80 years, Il' 4t•rub le in la. (inert of strawberries. has been married twice, his first wife I There'tt more trout le for the good live r WAS It Mia8 Carrie, who has been dead 'Why couldn't the scientist have kept 1 i, many years. 'aw'ho emend to whom he 1 theory to Outsell. until after the strew* kt ahe•' , .. •`", Y ' ✓a +a, :,\, •+;. ,-r'. -waV .5?a 4 tar } e ._?y * h.;' $4,4.t . v,a ,"-`Vii';;ASl4 y.. »b$r* s Was. married about 35 years age, dinrl I.1 Ooderielt about seven yearstago. For a long time lie teat employed nt1 the Staple- ton block[ and about ten years ago went berry season hes piseedl' Some mot, lila little b,ys, are alway's'•butttug h." at the wrong time. • The let v . nies C. Bradley', a Teeple' bfr..5.. H. Dymond, ex•Dt. p.,l'r'ncipa' of the Iustitllte for the Blind at .Brant• toren, is dead. 1Ir. Alex- Sulith, for ten year Liberal organiz.:r, has resigned to resume the practice of hew. J, V.. rt'eetzel, K. 0., of Hamilton, has been appointed to the High Court of (3a+unto, C:rulmori 1'1e14e Division, in itl'aoe of the late Mr. Justice Lonut. out to McKillop where ho has since ra• , p,•eaeller of Cattalo, Olc., matte a faulty . The will of the Ube Sir Oliver 1111 vat sicked With his daughter, Mrs:. 1.0bt. I slip 4,f r 18 tOilgutt a couple of U1mlt11ts WAS entered for probate Sutttrel:ly morn - years Ill block . During many of his early ate, but is very i;ltld of it ,taw. Ha was . i:Ig May, pth. It disposes of an estate of d he farule.l on the hese iead1ug the service at the yonug people's $loo.006,.4`"•10,t;4Qiureal estatonull :L ,0.00 iu Canada Hue. It is to: the old goutlemtln's ereiiit 1 n4eeti,,g. Ont be the sour, of iris prayer iu life insur1neo. ,tai i►l,ltivat suck Air. " _, s •frau hearts, , hgot out+• u•trtor oi• that sows [weirs years ago Ito s.nrad a wells:-- O, Lorin, gist u c Arthur Maned eao n , Oahe from being wrecked between 011tl (• li►unblo deer ts,. pure hearts, sweet ton and Seaforth. I hearts," The laet chased 14 titter. which. The essential lutng•ltealitl„ principal of I nearly broke up the ser' ltee. Atter the the pine tree elect newly been sPcca,trtl-' u►'eting wee over ogle of the young ly separated and refined iu to a poet e• lotrrs joldin:;ly inquired if lin really cough rint—Dr. Wood's Norway [,luau[ it. Ha q!eeetlon gave hint au op Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealer: on a guarantee ot 'satisf;iction. Price 25e. portuuity to plead a snit he had feared Boys who think it mealy to sluol.e r to saegel t hitherto and the culminuticn cigerettes, should mane a note of tee of his odd mistake in the pulpit tome ill following facts:—Lest September Guo his indult laet weak to the girl who kneel boys tools the special delivery tuesseu gere' examination for the Chicago postal system. One clause in the regulations governing the: engagement of tuesseu gees reatla thus: "Under no cement- , d jokt cl him about it, gl0o - 5:1.1 ant, • 1[[100 The rt Rams of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one ra+stied dieease that science bas been stantias willa -boy who - frm@lSancta am[GOO6Cu naraerltPh: from our ra ranges Web. Jewell, of Colborne, has ptr- clersed Mre. Rich. Rowden's 47 -acre, farm, lot t1, concession 4, E. r. Col- borne, paying $'2.31}0. in terestea -lir. Samuel Clark, of rhe r",tit con. of #iowicic, r elivered a Durientu bull to .t8ehaeft•r, Doig a; Youth an Monday, which weighed 2,130, for whim ho re- ceived 4['0.25. • Children C r y for CASTORA A breech cf-the Sovereign bark has been opened at Zurich. This. makes the fourth health of the Sovereign bunk to 'be opened in Iltlron.countr;y. The other branches are Clinton, Oreditton and Exeter, Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than ether powders, se it is butte soar) and disinfectant. Thera were married. at Clieltingham, smokes cigar `able to cure in all its sen. e', and that is ettes be employed." General Massager Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the Parkerot .- Reek Island railroad says: i only positivew+ cure now kuol to the nletlic:ti fraternity, Catarrh being a eoneticutinnel disease, requires a con- stitutl.urtal treatment. H'all's Catarrh Baro is tiekenl internally., acting directly upon the blood and' leucons surfaces of the syateul, thereby destroying, the found:ttion of the disease, and giving -the patient etrength by building up the constitution and :tssieting nature in doing its work. The proitrietors have Sc' touch faith blies eart,tive polvers tient they oder Oae Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to ours. Send for list of tettirn,:nitth. Aihir,•ss F. J, CHEZ'; Y St CO., S•11,1 by diem -Lists. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the best. t"Iu my jri gement it is impossibly fur a cigarette smoker to Make a good rail- way man. As a rule they aro dull and half asleep most of the time. These are not the kited of men that the Reek Ielund wants to operate its trains, nor any great system, which is daily responsible for the lives of thousands of people". "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force', a ready -to -serve wheat and barley food, adds no burben, chit sustains, nourishes, invigorates." On Sunday, May .9th, after au illness from spinal trouble of over two years' fluration Jacob0b Kuntz, owner cf the Saltford brewery, passed away. Mr. Kuntz was born anti married ill Ger- many,. where ho learned the brewing trade, and about sixteen years ago Mr. Kuntz' father's family removed to Canada, settling at Waterloo. Mr. Kuntz since coming to Canada has bean in the brewing business at Waterloo, Hamilton, Meadville, Pa., Stratford, blenehester and Sanford, buying tout the Saltford brewery about five years ago from the Blake Bros. Mr. Kuntz was forty-seven years and six mouths of age, and just about two weeks ago, on April 22nd, his father died at Waterloo at the age of sixty-nine years and seven months. One of the vexed questions an nssesscr kms to contend with is the age at which a dog can be taxed. In route nlunici parities the ago is fixed. This qnrstion was asked of the Municipal Wcrld re- cently and the answer given by this eminent authority mess that a dog was a deg as soon as it was born and liable to assessment and taxation. Spring Medicine. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood. and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. tike estate and tree other three ohitdren one•sl+;th molt—Sheriff letewat, Mrs. C. R. W. Bigger and Mrs, Thomas Irelin- ton. The Early Bird. [New York Times.]. When P:lilip D. Armour engaged a new secretary he did not tell Itinl at what hour in the ntoru.ug to report. The young malt appeared at 11 o'clock but found Mr. Armour at wort:. Notlniug was said about the secretary being late.. Tho next day he presented himself at 8.80 with the same result. Determined to be ou baud before Itis boss ho came at 7.20 o'olock the next day, only to be greeted by Air. Armour withthe queetiO!1; • "'Voting man, will you tell me what yoa do with your forenoons.'_ While crossing to the 01(1 Country a few weeks ago and when five hundred. miles ot the Irish coast, Mr. Henry Peclweil of Thornbury threw a bottle overboard containing his business card on which was written, "Whoever finds' this communicate to the address on the Chicago, on April 15th at the church of oiler gide," A few days ago he reoei,'ed the Holy Angels, by the Rey. F. Suitt- i a letter from B111ooh,tutry, Argylesbire, van, D. Calaban, cf tha huger Engine Works, Chicago. to Miss Anna Travis, formerly of Ethel. Many people say they are"all nerves." Easily startled or upset, worried and ir- ritated. Milbnrn's Heart and Nerve Pitts are just the remedy such people re- quire. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Assessor Colwill of Hensall has eo1u- pleted his arduous and somewhat nu - thankful task;: and reports as follows;— stating that the bottle had been picked us on the west shore of Kintyno, nine miles from Crmpbelltown. The bottle Wag thown overboard ou March 10th and picked up on April 1st, Children Cry for CASTOR IA. A CM kliAtiTEED CURE For Ali Forms of Kidney Disease. Scores of. lines While Dr. Chase's Ointment is best known on account of its wonderful con- trol over eczenin,,salt rheum and piles, it is found to be in almost daily demand in ninny homes as a cure for chilblains, chaffing, pimples, sunburn, burns scalds, and each and every 'form of itching, irri- tated or inflamed skin. It is invaluable in every home and tis a soothing and healing application knows Ito equal. 1s an exchange nn e = from r following The u No-win ,. good advice and it it were followed it would keep some ptoplo out of a heap of trouble:—"Not a week passes without news from some one who is seri- ous 0ri- ous trouble through` eudursing a note for a relative or a friend. Through misfor- tune, eickness or Rascality the maker of the note has failed to meet it, and the. burden falls upon the eudorscr. There is a fine quality of bravery in the way some of thesemen face the situation and wolic out the last dollar in. order to save their honor, but the wife and children may suffer long before the debt is satis- fied. It is hard for some men to refuse this endorsement for a friend, yet is al- ways a risky thing to clo. We wish that a sudden attack of pen palsy might strike most of our friends when they aro called upou to endorse notes or sign con- tracts with strangers." • I the undersigned Druggist aiu fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 50c bottle of Dr. Pettingill s Kidney -Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the world that positively entree all troubles arising from weak or diseased A farmer's wife in Perthshire, who was much troubled by her husband's druukeu habits, arranged with her Population 723,total assessment,$214,563, brother to play the "ghost" upon her Increase over last year $17,215, personal husband one dark night. When on the and Income $20,550, increase over last way home from the inn the farmer saw an apparition suddenly rise behind some bashes. "Wha are ye?" cried the farmer. "I'm Auld Nick," was the reply. "Gie's a shauk o' yer hand then 1" exclaimed the .tipsy map. "I'm. inti'triet tae a sister o' yours. She'll be 'wait. n' for's up bye the fairin. an'fl nae doot mak' ye welcome."—Scottish American. ` ate-; DR. A. W. CHASE'S CA0a+dH CURE ,11c is rant direct -to the" difieated verb, hPthe Improved Blower. , meals -she ulcers, cleors th3 atY J p,asate3:''s+;4ps dropplp a In the *ice threat rad'. pg ritnanant y curet t Catarrh a.nd Har Pcror. Blower kidneys:— tt•j free. Alt d'"41*". Dr' A' vi* Chane "'Money cheerfully retuned if the t •> - eeealeia. Co.. Toronto Dad Baal sufferer is not relieved and improved' — year $2,350, children of school age lee, Dogs 40. Robe. and Mrs. Tindall, of Neepawa, Manitoba, were hero on a holiday visit 'With relatives nus old friends. Mr. Tis- dall is a brother of= Mrs. Sao. Brown,is)` IOth con. Gine nuct went- -rest 24'i -ear's ego. He has leased his farm for a year and he and his good wifewill spend lr portion o: the time visiting frieleds. The Ladies' Favorite. Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favor- ite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sleek, Headache, Biliousness, and Dys- pepsia without griping, purging or sick- ening: While 'Mr. 0. Doan was getting Out Hetet of the old tin from the rains of the 'Clarendon hetet fire at Clinton, he fors ttzi ately landed an a valise, that contain - ,eat Many articles of value, besides some in cash. On enquiry it proved to be the p,eperty of the lady who had been Oneek, and since the fire had been work- ing at the Contlnercial hotel. Children Cry for CASTOR IA a Stamm sympathy is felt for the re- ef Mrs. Tines. J. Page of Galen. ft ` one bottle Three to sic Bunch of Aphorisms. [Philidelphia Record.] Beware of the deadbeat. Ile usually comes to lite. The average reputation is too brittle for rough usage. Money talks, but that doesu't prevent banks from having tellers. The reversible cuff realizes that one good turn deserves another. You ono generally tell a married man. He is such a good listener. When a fellow begius to talk about affinities you can generally see his finish. Incitation is the sincerest form of. flattery aud often succeeds when orig- inality fails. Many a man has acquired a reputation for generosity for spending borrowed money. • When a tramp steals a cake of soap he is a thief by instinct rather than from necessity. Somehow or other the people who live the most placid_lives are those who carry 'accident insurance. The stroui -minded women wants all the priedloges enjoyed by nen, but she balkcs when it comes to tipping the wait- er. tx r FOR 6000 BEAUH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men,. women and children than Ripans " els Tabules. They are easy to, take. 'They 1 -pa are made of a combination of medicines approved And used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy, They are a dependable, hon- est est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, 'liver rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and lever conn- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. r.n, -3 • Yeg ,oternalranafriarnato44—__ - 4.`. S= atteeteneteat after use o. • bottles effect astoni lting and permanent About 0.15 Sunday moruiug, May ogres. If not relieved and cured, you 110th, the silent boatman called to bear A. L. Hamilton, 1Vin„ltnul, Ont. f waste no money." to 1L5 heavenly rest the spirit of Mrs. _ _ Bateman. 6th con. Grey. the subject of this notice was born iu Wiltshire,. Another of Clinton's residents was England, June 30th, 1528, and was con - called away in the rereon of Henry Me- segneutly in her 75th year. Her maiden Court, at the age of 51 years and a • name was Eliza Black*eli. She and month. Mr. McClourt came here wet his family from Granton, where ho had moved to from the township of Hallett. St. Augustine was his birth place, and where he dwelt till about seven years ago. Ile was married to a Miss Lizzie her now bereft partner were married. In the year 1851 and for a time Mr. Bate- man worked en the railroad. In 1S57 they moved. to Gray township and settled on lot 13, con. 6 Grey, where they have resided ever since. Having endured the McGrogau, of the same place, 21 years hardships and prive tions of pioneer 1. ago, and to then were born three • they transformed their farm from a daughters, who were present at their wilderness to arable acres upon which father's death. They are Misses Leura, they have a comfortable home disposed Kathleen and Villa. Two years ago Bateman was a very kindly p ' 11t Mr. MoCourt experienced the first spinperson • an toms of the fatal disease which eventu- ally separated his body and soul. He re- covered frou this attack, but felt that WI pangs had.become fastened ou him, 'Which preyed only true. Suddenly Attacked. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerousColic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt awl sure cure which should always be kept iu the house. Ito the loses they have sustained n1 t or, and they had sine° made their hetet r~ h. Y. a M ,t By ., utas r as aged ThMrs. cGr o w an 5oc'tSrich. M e I 1nG a oath death at sorrowing husband and four re years and 6 months children, two boys and two giris, sills 'iced of 'the love atfd attention *ad mother, and in her father's bet loss wilt be keenly' telt. WO a daughter of Mr. and L1 none, of Gorrio. Deceased filth year. d many -an early Met hoe 1s missionary or weary and hungrySravtl - ler enjoyed her hospitality. y after comiug to Grey she identified her- self with the Primitive Methodit church and one of the appointments, known 'as "Union" was built on the corner of their farm. After the union of theMethodist denomination and the removal of the "Union" appointment she became a soldier in the Salvation Army et Brussels and since the Army removed from that point has been a regular attendant and willing helper, at Roe's appointment. When Mr. ands Mrs. Bateman came to Gray they winked from Seaforth follow - Mr. Henry Arnold, a former resident ing the footpath and blaze, carrying a of Kinloss died at 'home in Kincardine good healthy girl and boy itt their arms township last week. yIr. Arnold lived or on their back as the ease might be. i K' loss lentil a short time ago when The death on Tuesday, May 12th of Jana McIntosh, 'rife of Capt, A. M. McGregor, removes one of the early settlers in Cxoderich. She was the eld- est child of Chas McIntosh and was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 18itii. `Ten years later the family re- moved to Canada and settled at Gotlerich. Capt. Charles McIntosh of Detroit, 18 now the only one remaining; of the four children. In 18.0 Miss McIntosh was married in Godorieh to Capt. McGreg- Genuine castoria always bears the Signature of Ches. H. Fletcher. When rally was sick, we gave her Castorle. When she was a Child, site cried for Cestoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whey she had Childrer.,she gave them Cestoria. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kill. neys, bladder and nrinaryorg;ans only. They curer baekaehes, weak back,, shale- matisin,'diabetes, congestion, inflamma- tion, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseaseanrising front wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. CLUBBING RATES • The TIMES clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one Year. at •bP THE Oil•• F gar ®.TR S'aybutrY they areors are all nospecialists. t as The sexuaal l organs coin- rise the moot intricate and Important system in the eatn p nt. skillful tr ••t s k 1 u1 e o„ - e the m and re nit n body' a fl prise your lits ;} y . o You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair tts. { watch, as afatuity physician to cure Sexual comp We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 gr: ever' facility v knows to a thousands science to cure theta. ve v V.Y Ever? case is taken with a positive guarantee of Ido Gtaro—lab Pavy. • IBLOO1 IPOIrSOW—Whether inherited or acquired, ISt positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from syeiteni set no danger of return. I3undreds of cases cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a cure. >9TdsEtVOV t B1L1TY-and other comps cat ons, such as entisslons, drains in the urine, varicocele. sexual weakness, etc., are cured by our Pleas' MetlsodTreat. mout under a positive guarantee—NO CURE --N© PAY. WE CURB. ALL DISEASES OF MEN -,AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for 4uestionblan,r for private Some Treatment. LSverytlting confidential. `` ' KENNEDY -&• KERGAN 149 ®HHLD>it BTIREE' . DETROIT. pyMICE!.. X Tho Times and, The weekly Globe • • • • .... •$1 1 750 The Weekly Mail The Daily Star, Toronto . • 2 25 Tue Montreal Family Herald and 1 75 Star " ' • ' 1 75 Tho Weekly Sun The Farmers' Advocate 1 75 Toronto Daily News... . The Montreal Witness, Weekly1 60 1 50 World Wide 1 20 Northern Messenger ........... . The Daily World, Toronto 8 00 00 Montreal Daily Herald...... 1 00 Farming World . 50 Loudon Advertiser, weekly....,,... 1 50 0 Daily Globe In s he moved into Kincardine Tp. Ho was married to a daughter of John Geddes of Huron and leaves besides the bereaved Widow a family of coven children. He Was fifty three years of age and was very highly respected.. Mr. Arnold's father. and mother aro both living and are now about 80 years of a?e. His death is the firet break in the Arnold family in 40 years rot 0..1' Si:tty Tears. An Old and Well-TI'Ied',llemedy 4fre Winslow's SoothingSyrtrp has been used for over sixty years bymiil ionscf mo ther r for their Chlb:en feethi,elth pe child, rtes[ success. It seethes the hill , eooftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiled colic, and is the best remedy for diarrbosit. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the 'world. Twenty five cents a 'bottle. Its value is inealcitlable. Be sure you asks for Mrs, ins ow s Soothing , 1n All work promptly 'executed at most reasonable prices. YOU VANT A GOOD JOS If you do not see what you want in the list lot us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingllam. In 1840 the beet sagas produced was only, five per cent. of the world's pro- duction. Now It is 67 per cent. The British admiralty, announces that all the men who have served eo years in the royal dockyards will be eligible for the imperial service medal. Dr. George E. Shrady says, "X sin almost ptepared to say that it would be true economy for the great cities to build tenements properly' located and -full of windows. through whitth light and air can pass. in WAvrl:n--Several industrious persons ,'sell Attar to trave•1 for hottseestablishcal sieved yearsand with s large capital, to es11 upon merY l►itnts ant; agents for suecessfu1 and prollt- shin 1100. 1'er,nannnt erigagent,`ttl. W,rekly cswtr snlar'Cof 518 and all traveling etpeni.' Mid hotel bills advanee d in each Melt week, Experience not essettti4l. /Mention referees and enclose• self eddressed envelot`e. ".CHIT l A . A Delo Onlniolts.r ftLea ing )'hyMeiabt. 1 hS'eO used Strong's Piletltone in my prac- tice ram tice as wallas in my own case, and tan justly certify that it is an excellent rowdy for the ttrpose.for which it is intended. 7. B. CAMP - 1 lit r0 . Coroner, London, Ont. Price 5100. Por sale by dh-u gists,or lop mail or receipt of pr lee. Lo o ,O>STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist WANTED -NOW 1! Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order .Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, 4 Or an 'thing else in the printing line, you will make no. mistake byleaving your order at this office. mist Y We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. A Good Local Agent icor Wingbatn anti vicinh t to sell fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, Gal etc. We have the largest and hest assortment of •stock: 1n Canada. Tering liberal. we also grow and sell improved kguar. " Allsac i seed of atoc,s.. lines e ] p livered in 1e and de t Mime r tree t a e good Condition or purchase money re. funded. Will make arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to scant.. Apply time had ability of apps pp y inlinediately. Pelham Bursary conIpiIn ., 1 Syrup and 2'lt)vAJ 331 Dearborn Ht., Chicago. ''fottosrov ovr. take 110 otherk• (i. .< . at, or address— TAB TlaS OFCE $I1A'4E1Z BLOf1It'. 30SEPtIIAil i ST1tBET.