The Wingham Times, 1903-05-21, Page 5for We soi Everything a nal" Wears 'R THE 1`IEl\IS' STARE NEWS G, ,EAT SALE OF MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready um to wear Clething At two-thirds regular price, NOW going on. If you miss this .opportunity do not blame us. We have bargairf?a for everybody. Boys' two-piece Suits, sizes 22 to 28, Halifax Tweed, worth $2,25 Sale - $1,05 Boys Odd Mole Haicker Pants, sizes 22 to 32, linen thread sewn— Choice .49 Youths' three-piece Suits, sizes 31 to 35, short or long pauts, regular $5.00 to $5.50—Chbice $4.00 and 4.50 Men's and Youths' blacker blue all wool Serge Sults, sizes 34 to 44, worth $10.00 and $11.00 a Snit--Sa,1e 11 Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 35 to 44, no two alike,worth $7,50,$8,00, $8.50. Sale price 6.00 19 Pairs Men's Odd Pauts,sizes 32 waist to 40,worth $1^ 60,$1.75,$1.85 Sale - Iu Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts and Belts,Hard and Soft Hats,eto., we are right in it. Just arrived a fine range of straw hats, all shapes and prices. :SHOES, SHOES for Boy, Youth or Man at away down prices. TILA,DE WANTED. 7.75 • The R. WINUUAM ONT. 1.25 • •4••+••••••4•+••i•••••••• !•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•i••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•••w♦fir i • IIMoved Again • At last we have moved, and are now nicely located in our new store, which we are pleased to say will be second to none in the County. We have just received a nice lot of • • :• • • ♦ • • • • ♦ J Cooked and Cauoed Feats • ♦ suitable for the hot weather..... . AT 111, ,'#++++++++4+++++++++++++1.++ GRIFFIN'S • • • • ►444♦444+++♦+++++4+++4♦+4 The New York Herald says Mr. An. drew Carnegle's gifts now amount to nearly $100,000,000. Mr. Jatnes Turnbull, general manager of the Bank oi' Uamilton denies the ru- mor that the head oMce of the bank is to be removed trorn tlatnilttox to To- ronto. The ngregato foreign trade of Canada unwanted for the ten menthe ended April 30 to $357,002,054, an increase of $29,917,234 as compared With the saline period of 1003. The increase in imports for consumption Was $18,205,319, and in exports of domestic products $13,667,847. TILE WWING1I. a:T TI1111;8. RAY 211 1903. News From Our Neighbors EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS.. What Wldeawake Tunes Correspondents Communicate --- Other Itei rs Clipped Erom Our Exchanges. ST. 1IELENS. Mr. D. Todd, ;fr. • is building au ad- dition to his house this season. Miss Sarah Smith has been seriously i 11. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, late of Honey, China delivered an address under the auspices of the W. F. M. S. oa Iiouday evening of this week, D, MacDonald and R. McGuire con- tinue making their daily trip to Leek - now with their traction engine and its train of four truckloads of maple logs. mars, Miller has improved her residence by having a couple of now verandahs erected to replace the old ones. Gas on the Stomach, Result of imperfect digestion—press- ing up against the heart it excites alarm- iug symptoms. Instant relief is afford- ed by the use of teu drops of Nerviliue in a little sweetened water, half an hour after the meal. Nerviline aids digestion, expels the gas and imparts a sense of comfort. Nerviline is good for a lot of other thiugs besides. Keep it in the house for Rheumatism, Cramps, Neural- gia, Toothache, Druggists sell it, IL$1TXI Dr. J. S. Jerome and family intend re- turning to Wingham to reside about the 1st of June. Mr. N. H. Young has improved the appearance of his barn by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Mr. G. F. Blair, of Brussels has been -appointed village solicitor and he will likely visit Blyth professionally once a week. Messrs. Watson & Emigh shipped four car loads of export cattle to Montreal last week. They also shipped a car load of bogs to Collingwood. - Mr. David T. Smith has successfully passed his final examinatious at the De- troit College of Medicine and is now visiting his relatives and friends in Blyth and vicinity. Mr. R. B. Carter was a visitor at the home of his parents here last week. He on his way from Port Elgin to London he having secured a position in a drug store in the latter place. How One Million is Spent. Not less than one million dollars is annually spent by people seeking an absolute cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. Numerous are the remedies, but the one standing pre-eminently above all _others is Oatarrhozone. It cures these diseases because it is sure to reach them. Ca- tarrhozone is inhaled into the lungs, throat and .nasal passages,. and bathes every part of the diseased membrane with its germ -killing, healing vapor. Yon simply breathe Catarrhozono and it cures. Price 25c and $1 at drhggists, or. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. IIELGRAVE The Women's Missionary Society of the Belgrave circuit gave their second public meeting an Tuesday, May 12th. The President, Mrs. (Rev.) Brown, ably officiated as chairman. The program began at 3 o'clock, and consisted of music by the choir and Miss and Mr. Reid, of the. Brick church; a reading by one of the members, Mrs. John Clegg; an address by Rev. A. H. Brown, pastor of the ohurch, and a very excellent and earliest address by Miss Washington, of Clinton. The collection amounted to $9.35. Refreshments of cake stud coffee were served at the close. The large attendance at this busy time in the country, indicated the interest that is taken in missionary work, and also speaks well for the work of the W. M. Se which bas only been organized a year and a half and already has a mem- bership of 85. They are still hoping and praying for greater things, and feel sure that the address delivered, by Miss Washington will inspire theta to greater effort, Insurance rates at Ottawa have been raised 50o per $100. Arthur Rowe, a farm hand, was killed near Peterboro' while racing his homes. E. M. Pettibone of Hornellsville, N. committed suicide at a Brantford hotel'eiy taking poison. Robert Haniilten, the Winnipeg b g - lar who confessed to twenty-five buz'gglar- tes, was sent to penitentiary for ten years. An Ancient FGt To health and happiness is ticrofula.:- as ugly as ever since time immemorial. t It causes bunches in the neck, 'die. figures the skln, inflames the inueolie membrane, wastes the muscles, weak. ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and deirelops into - oxi. titirnption,, "Two of mfr children had scrofula ,wrest *hich kept growing deeper and kept lustre from going ter echoed for three tnottthe, Ointments end medicines did to good until I began giving them hood's Sersapar111a. Thitt medicine caused the sores to lieai, and the children have hewn no signs of sera, Ula 'Mee." $.'W. Mctinnt, Woodstock, tint. ,iood'S 'as aparitta will rid you of it, radically and peat• iwanentlyt as it has rid thousands, J.ilti1 SrQsv(. Albert McKelvey, of Elute, spent Sun- day at bone. Mrs. Bessie Wright, of I3luorale, Sun - dayed at ltouto, Walter Innes is erecting a new wire feuee arouucl 11is lot. Quite a few from Morrisbank attended the funeral of the lets Mrs. Wilson last Sunday, Rey. W. J. West, of Bluevale, took charge of the service in Victoria Hall last Sebbath evening. Mr. Lou Eckmire, of Morris, and Mr. Jaines Innes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKelvey, Poor Girl, Pity Her, Growing! Yes, into weakness, but not strength. Studien--pieuty of theta. Tired ot course she is, and weak too. roes not eat enough, end digests far less than enough. This condition is so frequent, but how seldom. noticed by fond parents. Give her Ferrozoue, thou watch her ap- petite improve, her cheeks aucl lips grow ruddy, her step elastic, her steps bony - aut. All this simply the result of eatiug and digesting enough, making blood, and thereby strengthening the nerve and brain power. Ferrozone givee a woman's strength to weak girls. Your daughter or wife needs Ferrozone. Get it to -day. EAST wAWANos i. The following partiealurs have been taken from the assessment roll for the township for the year 1903:—No. of phildren between Sand 21 years, 623; No. of children between 5 and 16 years, 462; No. of acres ot taxable property, 41,735; No. acres cleared laud, 80,197: total value real propsrty,.$1,447,800;aver- age value per acre, $31,70; value of personal property, $2,000; total value of real and personal property and taxable lucerne, $1,440;800; male persons from 21 to 60 years, 430; No, of dogs, 278;No. of bitches, 17; No. of persons resident in the township, 1859, a decrease of 11 from 1002; No. of cattle 5578, an in- crease of 456; No. of sheep, 3481, a de- crease of 455 ;No.of hogs,236S a decrease of 321; No, of horses 1205,au increase of G; No.of births,39; No.of deaths,10;acrea of woodlaud 3759; acres of swamp or waste laud 7778; acres of orebard and garden, 011; acres of fall wheat, 1851, a dzcrease of 211 acres ;No of steam boilers, 12. TheSth concession is the highest assessed in the township, viz: $173,060. Goiixinr. The semi-annual meeting of Howick District L, O. L. will be held in the Orange Hall here ou Saturday afternoon • May,30tlhat 2 o'61,eck, �. D. L. Strachan has beet engaged - Principal of the Gerrie Public School, is duties to commence on June 1st. Ile conies well recommend, R, Douglas bas resigned. Elizabeth Robb, relict of the late Chas. Wilson, died at the homestead in How - ick Township early on Friday morning, May 8th, aged. 64 years. Deceased had been ailing for some time, but was able to be up and around until a few days be- fore her death. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wihson took up land iu Iiowick some 40 years ago, when that township was nothing but a forest. With much hard labor and privations they succeeded iu hewing out and building up the present homestead. They were always kind parents and neighbors. It will be four years next June' that Mr. Wilson died. In religion they were Presbyterians, attending the McIntosh church, and in its cemetery the remains of both are now interred. She leaves a family of three sons and two danghters: S. C. Wilson, of Brussels; Dr. J. Wilson, of Mildmay; Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Morrisbank, and Watt. D. and Mary at the homestead. CULXtt)SS. The following is the summary of tbo township of Cuirosn statistics as taken from this years assessment roll: No. of acres of laud, 55,928; valve of real prop- erty, $171,150; rop-erty,$171,150; value of personal prop- erty, $8,600; population, 2530; no, of cattle, 5518; no of sheep, 2859; no. of hogs, 4770; nat,horses, 1317; no, of acres of bush, 3141; no. of acres of swamp, 10,1117; 110. aeras of orchard and garden, 429; no. of acres of all wheat, 2778. A special meeting of the council was held in town hall Teoswater, Mal 12th, as eommanioation was received from the Fanners Assoeiatiou with regard to the taxation of railways asking the Municipalities to sand a deputation to the Legislature or pass a resolution and forward to the Secretary of the As• satiation if in favor of the passage of the bili to that effect. Moved by Santee Ballagh and James, Donaldson that this council is heartily in favor of the passage of the bill intro. dueed by bfr, Pottypiece, Member for East Lambton in. the Legislative As- sembly for Ontario for the purpose of compelling railways to pay their fair there of local or municipal taxation, Carried. Moved by Geo. Falconer and Win. Baptist that the resolution passed by this council re taxation of railway' be forwarded to the Secretary of the l.+arni- ern Association. Carried. Iuloved by Wm. Baptist inn' Geo. rel. cotter el - cotter that this council do adjourn to meet as per motion of last meeting. Carried, CHAS Beno*r, Clerk, 1. Does it' not seem mere effective .to breathe in a remedy, to cure .disease of the breathing organ,, than to take the remedy into the stomach ? a Wei .E'tfubliahed zS7. Cures While You Sleep It carts because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased ear. face with evt,ty breath, givingprolonged rd crtnstant treatment. It is iuvalu• :.b:e to anthers with sn:a:z child.cn, Is a l:oe;z to rcthusut;cs. —rott- 1YCron hoouaps-aL Couglz rro:tcititls Couf,L3 Cat: rrh, Colds Grippe and nayyevcr T ali(et me together w rit taCresole ni Lo lIc el rhoold t $t.oe. &kin. !:l•pplies 4f t rc5(,lere mi gents and S., cents. 11 rite fordeser;prive bookkt tontaitt. ;t:p l i.r.r: test;mon es to its value. wan.cnrsnrL•xs r> snLD n7 LFUGaw•rs LVEn»v,ar;xa \'apo-Cresotenc Co. /So Fulton Street i5�i Notre Rani Street ticw 1'.rk Diantrcal 4 _o tt itis. A stone stable is being pat under Al- fred Button's barn, 7th line, Work is in progress on the nein shed at Suushiue church. It will be a fine one when completed. The township council will meet as a court of revisiou and for general busi- nese on Monday, May 25th. The milk route on the 5th and 0th lines for Brussels cheese factory is in charge of James Sharp this season. 1 Last week David Walker, Oth line, I delivered 25 head of young cattle to Dickson Bros., of McKillop, whose aver age weight was 1300 pounds. They were a dandy lot without auy doubt. Charles B. F. Dow, of Port Glasgow, Scotland, arrived here last week from the old laud. He was here last year on a visit, Mr. Dow will visit with the Forrest families to whom he is related. Albert and Peter McCall, 7th liue,had a bull calf presented to them one day recently by one of their cows that tipped the scales at 163 pounds. The average weight of young bovines is not muck monk than half that. The bricklayers started at the remodel. ing of Richard Proctor's house, 4511 lMee Beef bus bden raised and the waIIs creased to li$, stories. Nest wear he expects to build a brick parlor, dining and bed rooms to the front of the pres- ent building. Miss Aunie Cutting, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Cuunng, of Morris, died at the home of her parents early Tuesday morning, May 12th. The young lady had been ill for the past four weeks with la grippe and heart trouble which were the cause of death. Another of the sturdy- pioneers of this township has been called away this week in the death of Joseph Stubbs, which occurred on Monday in his 78th year. Mr. Stubbs was cue of the early pioneers of this township and was highly respected by a large circle of friends. He had been in failing health for some time and was taken seriously ill a few days prior to his death. The bereaved family will have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. The fun- eral took place to the Brandon cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. The by-law to raise 88100,000 for civic improvements was carried by the rate- payers of Hamilton. Special Notice; Send to us at once your am and address. On rec:'st Of Same we will forward to you, entirely tree of cost, our new hand- somely illustrated Folder. This Voider illus- trates the moot con- vise list of extra value Wadding Gift offerings ever shown In Canada. Write NO'W' ►'l[�ttr BUOS. AtigEttes 111, 120, 122 and 124 't°ott$e St., Toronto isamys 1The Leadng Store SPECIAL SALE Whitewear Waisis and Wrappers, MHO We keep in close touch With latest styles in all kicds of ladies' waists, wrappers and sshitewear. Intending purchasers in any of above lines will do well to see our large assortment of made up material before making their selection. WHITE 11NDesleSKtRTb, a special lino of petites' tine, white underskirts, well made, ni,:ely trimtne,d,witlt bust frill,t'nIl width, flue cambric, good value at $1 21—sale price - $ 1,00 LADIES' NIGHT GO WNS, two dozed night gowns, t x'ra fine cambric, full slze,nicely NO—mined and mucked yoke,regular valao ;t1.00, our special price while they last culy - LADIES' WAISTS, a line of nice pattern print awaits, nicely made, fast colors, worth 75e. our sale price , - CORSET CO VERS, a Large assortment to choose fronz,znade in the latest style, nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery prices are 15; 25e, 35c, 50c and 75e, sae oar leader at - .25 7a .50 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, special values in better lines, made with deep embroidery and Iaoe insertion pries are 50 $2 00, $ 2 50, 3 SO • WHITE WAISTS, a large range of ladies' white waists, right up to date, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery fuser - tion, nicely tucked, all good fitters $1.00, t 1.25, $1.50, moo, 82.50, 3.50 LADIES' DRAWERS, Special values iu all sizes, uieely mnde ' and trimmed, prices rauge thus - .25, .35, .50 • LADIES' WRAPPERS, made with full wide skirt, deep frill, choice new patterus, fast colors, trimmed yokes, speuial values at - - - - $1.00 and 1 25 SILK WAISTS, Ladies' blaelk silk waists iu good quality silk, nicely trimmed and made to wear well prices are - $4 00 to $5.00 LADIES' TOP SKIRTS, wo are showing a fine range of top skirts for summer wear in duck and linen, made iu good style, well stitched and trimmed. See cur two dollar value - 1.75 H. E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton . Highest price paid far Produce winzamenzsmosli LANGSIDE, WrNGil ttr JU\CTXOY. Miss Minerva Carter spout Sunday A stranger arrived at the horde of Mr. with her parents. Jas. Henderson on Monday morning of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pettypiece spent last week. Sunday with friends in Westford. Miss Nellie Henderson speut last week Mr. Bachanau, teacher of No. 8, has visiting with her sister Mrs. R. Miller at taken up his residence in our village. Jamestown. Dr. Jameisou reports Mc. John Gillies on the boundary as still holding his own. The prospect for fruit is great. May the June frosts absent themselves and oblige. A porcupine was sunt a little north of the village last week and has evoked considerable interest, Master Orval Tiffiu has been suffering with inflammation and has been attend- ed by Dr. Stewart of Teeswuter. Sickness in various forms and with divers results seems to be hovering over and iu many cases has settled down on our community, Sickness has also visited the house of Mr. Ephraim Taylor. Master Euart, who has not recovered from the severe attack of la grippe was taken suddenly ill again and Dr. Januesou was called from church Sunday evening, Is it possible that Mr. Gauzee- won the day? Is the rumor true that the Con- servatives are to run things henceforth in Ontario? One would be led to believe in the probability of the above dilemma if we were to j edge from the state of thiugs in Mr. Smith MacLean's bush north of the village, where a robust team of oxen are busily engaged in skidding logs. The oxen I believe came from Heron Co, but at any rate they cau find plenty of work iu Bruce even in the up- to-dttte village of Langsicdo. We con- gratulate the promoters of the scheme and would suggest the exclusive use of sickle and scythe in the coining harvest. The sad death of Miss Jennie Ross, though for sometime previous has been expected, has cast a veil of gloom over this whole neighborhood. Miss Jennie was so well-known and beloved by all who knew ber. The bereaved and tier - rowing friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Of all times in the year, the Spring though so attractive and to 1 of life, seems to do its deadly work with untiring zeal. We are inclined to feel like the poet wiled he expresses the etuei- ty of death as it cuts clown the tosvers of beauty "in the lovely weather." tat then Mrs. Wm. Ileilderson;'sr,is very poor- ly at present. We hope to hear of her early recovery. Quite a number of the farmers in this neighborhood washed their sheep on Tuesday of this week. Mr. John Miller and sister, Nellie, were visiting with their grandmother, Mrs.Wtn.Hendersou, sr. over Sunday. A number of Morris young people spent a very enjoyable time at the home of i,Ir, Gavin Davi lson one evening last week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Dun- can Anderson is in poor health at present - Her many friends will wish her a speedy recovery. a Arch. Flouter, uudertaker, East To - ronto, died. of smallpox, contracted while burying a womau who died of that disease, Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they Carl get it-- lake Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. ,;4 For nearly thirty years "Let us be patient; these severe 011ie- > tions; Scotts .Emulsion has been the frarn the grattnd viseo neat giver b human flesh. Hut oftentimes celestial benedictions tesuine this dark disguise. tWe will send you a couple if "There is no death; what teams so is This life oounces Erle. life iota, f mortal breath SCOTT d,, DoWNE, Chemists, Is but a suburb of the life Elysian Toronto,i0»talrits« Whose portal we call Death." toe. anal #r.oa ; tttl druggists. 1903 WHITE STAR LINE SPECIAL - I U FF��yypp� O From Kdncard - To ry�typ u {4' , .ht � i t Y.. ,. el , . ,r-{ ,.. . -. ,, - O ft RETURN Wedn day, June 17th ep {&mow.'>).22, .r. - . -'Iu" if.lTia) :. _ }[ n- !no, k,s '« `rmTa .�'is r� 71.17,'- -7--e014 g1'. - /7i--ts��T- ri Giip—'t.II 1...1 -C 'Z- �'- -- , ._. cif - Y1k.'".'--.7,n+- ..`__'M^.�.. H is-.. r"O �%r,, -`�,,, x -^..—.:- a`�,' -ki, s 1i.----.—" r..' __ Only $1.60 Round Trip Leave Kincardine for Detroit 6.00 a, in. (Canada time,) '(Wednesday, June r7th, arrive Port Huron at noon, Detroit 4. oo p. in. Returning leave Detroit, Thursday, June rSth, 1.00 p, m. (central standard tithe) Port Huron 5.3o, arrive Kincardine i 1.45 p. m. I ridav, June ' 19t11:5.0o a. in. (Canada tithe) leave Kincardine• on the return to Detroit. Pare with baggage pr.5o The NEW STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND is one of the largest, speediest and most magnificently equipped Day Boats in the world. You should not miss this grand opportunity for a pleasant outing. White Star Line Steamers G. P. atatmAN,'1'nettle Man, E. H. AYE,, Exdup.toN Aar. The New York Herald says Mr. An. drew Carnegle's gifts now amount to nearly $100,000,000. Mr. Jatnes Turnbull, general manager of the Bank oi' Uamilton denies the ru- mor that the head oMce of the bank is to be removed trorn tlatnilttox to To- ronto. The ngregato foreign trade of Canada unwanted for the ten menthe ended April 30 to $357,002,054, an increase of $29,917,234 as compared With the saline period of 1003. The increase in imports for consumption Was $18,205,319, and in exports of domestic products $13,667,847. TILE WWING1I. a:T TI1111;8. RAY 211 1903. News From Our Neighbors EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS.. What Wldeawake Tunes Correspondents Communicate --- Other Itei rs Clipped Erom Our Exchanges. ST. 1IELENS. Mr. D. Todd, ;fr. • is building au ad- dition to his house this season. Miss Sarah Smith has been seriously i 11. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, late of Honey, China delivered an address under the auspices of the W. F. M. S. oa Iiouday evening of this week, D, MacDonald and R. McGuire con- tinue making their daily trip to Leek - now with their traction engine and its train of four truckloads of maple logs. mars, Miller has improved her residence by having a couple of now verandahs erected to replace the old ones. Gas on the Stomach, Result of imperfect digestion—press- ing up against the heart it excites alarm- iug symptoms. Instant relief is afford- ed by the use of teu drops of Nerviliue in a little sweetened water, half an hour after the meal. Nerviline aids digestion, expels the gas and imparts a sense of comfort. Nerviline is good for a lot of other thiugs besides. Keep it in the house for Rheumatism, Cramps, Neural- gia, Toothache, Druggists sell it, IL$1TXI Dr. J. S. Jerome and family intend re- turning to Wingham to reside about the 1st of June. Mr. N. H. Young has improved the appearance of his barn by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Mr. G. F. Blair, of Brussels has been -appointed village solicitor and he will likely visit Blyth professionally once a week. Messrs. Watson & Emigh shipped four car loads of export cattle to Montreal last week. They also shipped a car load of bogs to Collingwood. - Mr. David T. Smith has successfully passed his final examinatious at the De- troit College of Medicine and is now visiting his relatives and friends in Blyth and vicinity. Mr. R. B. Carter was a visitor at the home of his parents here last week. He on his way from Port Elgin to London he having secured a position in a drug store in the latter place. How One Million is Spent. Not less than one million dollars is annually spent by people seeking an absolute cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. Numerous are the remedies, but the one standing pre-eminently above all _others is Oatarrhozone. It cures these diseases because it is sure to reach them. Ca- tarrhozone is inhaled into the lungs, throat and .nasal passages,. and bathes every part of the diseased membrane with its germ -killing, healing vapor. Yon simply breathe Catarrhozono and it cures. Price 25c and $1 at drhggists, or. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. IIELGRAVE The Women's Missionary Society of the Belgrave circuit gave their second public meeting an Tuesday, May 12th. The President, Mrs. (Rev.) Brown, ably officiated as chairman. The program began at 3 o'clock, and consisted of music by the choir and Miss and Mr. Reid, of the. Brick church; a reading by one of the members, Mrs. John Clegg; an address by Rev. A. H. Brown, pastor of the ohurch, and a very excellent and earliest address by Miss Washington, of Clinton. The collection amounted to $9.35. Refreshments of cake stud coffee were served at the close. The large attendance at this busy time in the country, indicated the interest that is taken in missionary work, and also speaks well for the work of the W. M. Se which bas only been organized a year and a half and already has a mem- bership of 85. They are still hoping and praying for greater things, and feel sure that the address delivered, by Miss Washington will inspire theta to greater effort, Insurance rates at Ottawa have been raised 50o per $100. Arthur Rowe, a farm hand, was killed near Peterboro' while racing his homes. E. M. Pettibone of Hornellsville, N. committed suicide at a Brantford hotel'eiy taking poison. Robert Haniilten, the Winnipeg b g - lar who confessed to twenty-five buz'gglar- tes, was sent to penitentiary for ten years. An Ancient FGt To health and happiness is ticrofula.:- as ugly as ever since time immemorial. t It causes bunches in the neck, 'die. figures the skln, inflames the inueolie membrane, wastes the muscles, weak. ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and deirelops into - oxi. titirnption,, "Two of mfr children had scrofula ,wrest *hich kept growing deeper and kept lustre from going ter echoed for three tnottthe, Ointments end medicines did to good until I began giving them hood's Sersapar111a. Thitt medicine caused the sores to lieai, and the children have hewn no signs of sera, Ula 'Mee." $.'W. Mctinnt, Woodstock, tint. ,iood'S 'as aparitta will rid you of it, radically and peat• iwanentlyt as it has rid thousands, J.ilti1 SrQsv(. Albert McKelvey, of Elute, spent Sun- day at bone. Mrs. Bessie Wright, of I3luorale, Sun - dayed at ltouto, Walter Innes is erecting a new wire feuee arouucl 11is lot. Quite a few from Morrisbank attended the funeral of the lets Mrs. Wilson last Sunday, Rey. W. J. West, of Bluevale, took charge of the service in Victoria Hall last Sebbath evening. Mr. Lou Eckmire, of Morris, and Mr. Jaines Innes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKelvey, Poor Girl, Pity Her, Growing! Yes, into weakness, but not strength. Studien--pieuty of theta. Tired ot course she is, and weak too. roes not eat enough, end digests far less than enough. This condition is so frequent, but how seldom. noticed by fond parents. Give her Ferrozoue, thou watch her ap- petite improve, her cheeks aucl lips grow ruddy, her step elastic, her steps bony - aut. All this simply the result of eatiug and digesting enough, making blood, and thereby strengthening the nerve and brain power. Ferrozone givee a woman's strength to weak girls. Your daughter or wife needs Ferrozone. Get it to -day. EAST wAWANos i. The following partiealurs have been taken from the assessment roll for the township for the year 1903:—No. of phildren between Sand 21 years, 623; No. of children between 5 and 16 years, 462; No. of acres ot taxable property, 41,735; No. acres cleared laud, 80,197: total value real propsrty,.$1,447,800;aver- age value per acre, $31,70; value of personal property, $2,000; total value of real and personal property and taxable lucerne, $1,440;800; male persons from 21 to 60 years, 430; No, of dogs, 278;No. of bitches, 17; No. of persons resident in the township, 1859, a decrease of 11 from 1002; No. of cattle 5578, an in- crease of 456; No. of sheep, 3481, a de- crease of 455 ;No.of hogs,236S a decrease of 321; No, of horses 1205,au increase of G; No.of births,39; No.of deaths,10;acrea of woodlaud 3759; acres of swamp or waste laud 7778; acres of orebard and garden, 011; acres of fall wheat, 1851, a dzcrease of 211 acres ;No of steam boilers, 12. TheSth concession is the highest assessed in the township, viz: $173,060. Goiixinr. The semi-annual meeting of Howick District L, O. L. will be held in the Orange Hall here ou Saturday afternoon • May,30tlhat 2 o'61,eck, �. D. L. Strachan has beet engaged - Principal of the Gerrie Public School, is duties to commence on June 1st. Ile conies well recommend, R, Douglas bas resigned. Elizabeth Robb, relict of the late Chas. Wilson, died at the homestead in How - ick Township early on Friday morning, May 8th, aged. 64 years. Deceased had been ailing for some time, but was able to be up and around until a few days be- fore her death. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wihson took up land iu Iiowick some 40 years ago, when that township was nothing but a forest. With much hard labor and privations they succeeded iu hewing out and building up the present homestead. They were always kind parents and neighbors. It will be four years next June' that Mr. Wilson died. In religion they were Presbyterians, attending the McIntosh church, and in its cemetery the remains of both are now interred. She leaves a family of three sons and two danghters: S. C. Wilson, of Brussels; Dr. J. Wilson, of Mildmay; Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Morrisbank, and Watt. D. and Mary at the homestead. CULXtt)SS. The following is the summary of tbo township of Cuirosn statistics as taken from this years assessment roll: No. of acres of laud, 55,928; valve of real prop- erty, $171,150; rop-erty,$171,150; value of personal prop- erty, $8,600; population, 2530; no, of cattle, 5518; no of sheep, 2859; no. of hogs, 4770; nat,horses, 1317; no, of acres of bush, 3141; no. of acres of swamp, 10,1117; 110. aeras of orchard and garden, 429; no. of acres of all wheat, 2778. A special meeting of the council was held in town hall Teoswater, Mal 12th, as eommanioation was received from the Fanners Assoeiatiou with regard to the taxation of railways asking the Municipalities to sand a deputation to the Legislature or pass a resolution and forward to the Secretary of the As• satiation if in favor of the passage of the bili to that effect. Moved by Santee Ballagh and James, Donaldson that this council is heartily in favor of the passage of the bill intro. dueed by bfr, Pottypiece, Member for East Lambton in. the Legislative As- sembly for Ontario for the purpose of compelling railways to pay their fair there of local or municipal taxation, Carried. Moved by Geo. Falconer and Win. Baptist that the resolution passed by this council re taxation of railway' be forwarded to the Secretary of the l.+arni- ern Association. Carried. Iuloved by Wm. Baptist inn' Geo. rel. cotter el - cotter that this council do adjourn to meet as per motion of last meeting. Carried, CHAS Beno*r, Clerk, 1. Does it' not seem mere effective .to breathe in a remedy, to cure .disease of the breathing organ,, than to take the remedy into the stomach ? a Wei .E'tfubliahed zS7. Cures While You Sleep It carts because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased ear. face with evt,ty breath, givingprolonged rd crtnstant treatment. It is iuvalu• :.b:e to anthers with sn:a:z child.cn, Is a l:oe;z to rcthusut;cs. —rott- 1YCron hoouaps-aL Couglz rro:tcititls Couf,L3 Cat: rrh, Colds Grippe and nayyevcr T ali(et me together w rit taCresole ni Lo lIc el rhoold t $t.oe. &kin. !:l•pplies 4f t rc5(,lere mi gents and S., cents. 11 rite fordeser;prive bookkt tontaitt. ;t:p l i.r.r: test;mon es to its value. wan.cnrsnrL•xs r> snLD n7 LFUGaw•rs LVEn»v,ar;xa \'apo-Cresotenc Co. /So Fulton Street i5�i Notre Rani Street ticw 1'.rk Diantrcal 4 _o tt itis. A stone stable is being pat under Al- fred Button's barn, 7th line, Work is in progress on the nein shed at Suushiue church. It will be a fine one when completed. The township council will meet as a court of revisiou and for general busi- nese on Monday, May 25th. The milk route on the 5th and 0th lines for Brussels cheese factory is in charge of James Sharp this season. 1 Last week David Walker, Oth line, I delivered 25 head of young cattle to Dickson Bros., of McKillop, whose aver age weight was 1300 pounds. They were a dandy lot without auy doubt. Charles B. F. Dow, of Port Glasgow, Scotland, arrived here last week from the old laud. He was here last year on a visit, Mr. Dow will visit with the Forrest families to whom he is related. Albert and Peter McCall, 7th liue,had a bull calf presented to them one day recently by one of their cows that tipped the scales at 163 pounds. The average weight of young bovines is not muck monk than half that. The bricklayers started at the remodel. ing of Richard Proctor's house, 4511 lMee Beef bus bden raised and the waIIs creased to li$, stories. Nest wear he expects to build a brick parlor, dining and bed rooms to the front of the pres- ent building. Miss Aunie Cutting, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Cuunng, of Morris, died at the home of her parents early Tuesday morning, May 12th. The young lady had been ill for the past four weeks with la grippe and heart trouble which were the cause of death. Another of the sturdy- pioneers of this township has been called away this week in the death of Joseph Stubbs, which occurred on Monday in his 78th year. Mr. Stubbs was cue of the early pioneers of this township and was highly respected by a large circle of friends. He had been in failing health for some time and was taken seriously ill a few days prior to his death. The bereaved family will have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. The fun- eral took place to the Brandon cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. The by-law to raise 88100,000 for civic improvements was carried by the rate- payers of Hamilton. Special Notice; Send to us at once your am and address. On rec:'st Of Same we will forward to you, entirely tree of cost, our new hand- somely illustrated Folder. This Voider illus- trates the moot con- vise list of extra value Wadding Gift offerings ever shown In Canada. Write NO'W' ►'l[�ttr BUOS. AtigEttes 111, 120, 122 and 124 't°ott$e St., Toronto isamys 1The Leadng Store SPECIAL SALE Whitewear Waisis and Wrappers, MHO We keep in close touch With latest styles in all kicds of ladies' waists, wrappers and sshitewear. Intending purchasers in any of above lines will do well to see our large assortment of made up material before making their selection. WHITE 11NDesleSKtRTb, a special lino of petites' tine, white underskirts, well made, ni,:ely trimtne,d,witlt bust frill,t'nIl width, flue cambric, good value at $1 21—sale price - $ 1,00 LADIES' NIGHT GO WNS, two dozed night gowns, t x'ra fine cambric, full slze,nicely NO—mined and mucked yoke,regular valao ;t1.00, our special price while they last culy - LADIES' WAISTS, a line of nice pattern print awaits, nicely made, fast colors, worth 75e. our sale price , - CORSET CO VERS, a Large assortment to choose fronz,znade in the latest style, nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery prices are 15; 25e, 35c, 50c and 75e, sae oar leader at - .25 7a .50 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, special values in better lines, made with deep embroidery and Iaoe insertion pries are 50 $2 00, $ 2 50, 3 SO • WHITE WAISTS, a large range of ladies' white waists, right up to date, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery fuser - tion, nicely tucked, all good fitters $1.00, t 1.25, $1.50, moo, 82.50, 3.50 LADIES' DRAWERS, Special values iu all sizes, uieely mnde ' and trimmed, prices rauge thus - .25, .35, .50 • LADIES' WRAPPERS, made with full wide skirt, deep frill, choice new patterus, fast colors, trimmed yokes, speuial values at - - - - $1.00 and 1 25 SILK WAISTS, Ladies' blaelk silk waists iu good quality silk, nicely trimmed and made to wear well prices are - $4 00 to $5.00 LADIES' TOP SKIRTS, wo are showing a fine range of top skirts for summer wear in duck and linen, made iu good style, well stitched and trimmed. See cur two dollar value - 1.75 H. E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton . Highest price paid far Produce winzamenzsmosli LANGSIDE, WrNGil ttr JU\CTXOY. Miss Minerva Carter spout Sunday A stranger arrived at the horde of Mr. with her parents. Jas. Henderson on Monday morning of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pettypiece spent last week. Sunday with friends in Westford. Miss Nellie Henderson speut last week Mr. Bachanau, teacher of No. 8, has visiting with her sister Mrs. R. Miller at taken up his residence in our village. Jamestown. Dr. Jameisou reports Mc. John Gillies on the boundary as still holding his own. The prospect for fruit is great. May the June frosts absent themselves and oblige. A porcupine was sunt a little north of the village last week and has evoked considerable interest, Master Orval Tiffiu has been suffering with inflammation and has been attend- ed by Dr. Stewart of Teeswuter. Sickness in various forms and with divers results seems to be hovering over and iu many cases has settled down on our community, Sickness has also visited the house of Mr. Ephraim Taylor. Master Euart, who has not recovered from the severe attack of la grippe was taken suddenly ill again and Dr. Januesou was called from church Sunday evening, Is it possible that Mr. Gauzee- won the day? Is the rumor true that the Con- servatives are to run things henceforth in Ontario? One would be led to believe in the probability of the above dilemma if we were to j edge from the state of thiugs in Mr. Smith MacLean's bush north of the village, where a robust team of oxen are busily engaged in skidding logs. The oxen I believe came from Heron Co, but at any rate they cau find plenty of work iu Bruce even in the up- to-dttte village of Langsicdo. We con- gratulate the promoters of the scheme and would suggest the exclusive use of sickle and scythe in the coining harvest. The sad death of Miss Jennie Ross, though for sometime previous has been expected, has cast a veil of gloom over this whole neighborhood. Miss Jennie was so well-known and beloved by all who knew ber. The bereaved and tier - rowing friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Of all times in the year, the Spring though so attractive and to 1 of life, seems to do its deadly work with untiring zeal. We are inclined to feel like the poet wiled he expresses the etuei- ty of death as it cuts clown the tosvers of beauty "in the lovely weather." tat then Mrs. Wm. Ileilderson;'sr,is very poor- ly at present. We hope to hear of her early recovery. Quite a number of the farmers in this neighborhood washed their sheep on Tuesday of this week. Mr. John Miller and sister, Nellie, were visiting with their grandmother, Mrs.Wtn.Hendersou, sr. over Sunday. A number of Morris young people spent a very enjoyable time at the home of i,Ir, Gavin Davi lson one evening last week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Dun- can Anderson is in poor health at present - Her many friends will wish her a speedy recovery. a Arch. Flouter, uudertaker, East To - ronto, died. of smallpox, contracted while burying a womau who died of that disease, Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they Carl get it-- lake Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. ,;4 For nearly thirty years "Let us be patient; these severe 011ie- > tions; Scotts .Emulsion has been the frarn the grattnd viseo neat giver b human flesh. Hut oftentimes celestial benedictions tesuine this dark disguise. tWe will send you a couple if "There is no death; what teams so is This life oounces Erle. life iota, f mortal breath SCOTT d,, DoWNE, Chemists, Is but a suburb of the life Elysian Toronto,i0»talrits« Whose portal we call Death." toe. anal #r.oa ; tttl druggists.