The Wingham Times, 1903-05-21, Page 3TILE wit xx i 113 ES, MAY 2i, 1003. BRITISH TROOP OIL LINIMENT FOR AO LIVES LOST YET. But Over a Hundred. Families Have Bean Made Homeless, Sprain -1p Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore Throat,. Quinsey, Whooping Cough and all Painful Swellings. •R. A LAP.= •BOTTLE, 250. 'The Ontario Game Comniis'sion has Oust • issued the report for the year 1902 In this there le explained; Scheme for the propagation of quail, arltioh is becoming more extinct every near. Reserveis in Lepnbton, Eseex, nelletdle,sex rand Kent comities lige to be established, as places or„propaga- 1: There are :art present 285 grime wardens in Ontario, and two nthetis axe to be appointed In 'the mewly opened districts. Otter and beaver skins at .the present time Are no valuable that Indianss and trap - vete pua;sue the •illegal ki1?ing of ilhese animals with impunity. The inumbe,r of wolves killed 1a:st year was 181 ,which; with a, bounty of $15 per Stead, cost Ontaario $2715. There were i5161' deer licensees issued, 150 moose licenses, p,nd, =200 licenses to 'non- residents. . Two small children .wandered into a drug store at Sandtvich and asked a doe - tor if they had smallpox. They had. E EMT Genuine BY THE FIERCE FOREST FIRES liaging For Throe Days en llotli Sldas of Loire Winnipeg --Thousand* oR Aaros (it Dtltuinion Timber Lancia flurried Over—An. Arai. of atm emus Square Dal notated by Me a Was Tory Weak aid Devious. flint P,dpitatett Would Got Diszy pellir— LIaay CAaadian Women Trouttled is thisWay Are Yon Ona of Veinal.— If eines 1.••If so, You Can Bo Ctuedl Winnipeg, May 15.—Word reached the city yesterday of torilfc forest fires raging on both sides of Lake Winnipeg. The tires commenced evi- dently about three days ago. The district on fire covers thousands of acres of valuable timber lands, chief- ly property of the Dominion Govern went. The loss of personal property is tremendous, and over a hundred fam- ilies have lost their homes and stock, I;,. F. Stephenson, Commissioner of Crown Lands and Timber, re- turned yesterday morning from Sel- kirk and confirmed the reports . of the forest fires. "The whole country on both sides of the lake," said Mr. Stephenson, "is either on fire or the fire has run through it, leaving no- thing but ruins of trees and build- ings, "Valuable .Government timber is being destroyed, but WO are power- less to do anything to check the. fire. Tho timber is parched dry and the undergrowth Is very rank and like tinder owing to tho scarcity of rain this spring. "I should say that about 800 miles along the C.P.11. from Tyndall to Balsam Bay, • from there to Gimli, and from Winnipeg right, down to Selkirk comprises the territory which the fire so far has visited. "Slimy homes have been destroyed in the German settlement, and all buildings where the fire has macho"' have been destroyed. Fences. barns, farm houses and valuable timber is burnt to an amount that I cannot estimate. The fire has boon raging for three days. In Oust what terri- tory it started I cannot say. So far as I know no lives have been lost, but many families aro desti- tute." Carte Little Liver Pills. Must Scar Signaturo of Sea Fac-Smlto Wrapper Below. Y1 7 small sad as oaar to tale as sugar. CARTES 8 ITTLE IVER t PILLS. FOR HEADACIHE'. Fon DIMNESS. ESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. iFOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TH£COMPLEXION ice p7^.1V[TZSYa NU.1 !rr ,cwss I pnreiv Vegetwla.Ts .*•TvG CURE SICK HEADACHE. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, .cure your dys- - . epsia, make your liver right.as take,easy to operate. P Easy to 25c. Ail druggists. Wantyour -- — wantmonitorial or board a beautiful brown or rich black? Than Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEWh skarn W ST.. o, p.uno,.T., op R. P. H,tt A Co., WAWA, N. M. s IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE a TIMES. TAPS FROM THE WIRES. M ILBU RN'S IIEAI.' AND NERVE (PILLS WILL. DO IT. 1frs. Denis Hogan, IIazeldean, Ont., writest During the year 1001 1 was troubled very much with palpitation• of the heart, followed be a fluttering sou - station and great pain. I would flet OW, and was very weak anal nervous. Be- ing advised to try MILBURI'i'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, I proctored three boxes, and since taking theist I leave net had a bard spell, and feel better than I havo.for years, Price li0c. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, {int, Santiago, Chili.—All the banks and business houses at Valparaiso have re -opened their doors. The strike, is over. Halifax, N. S.—King's Coll ege has invited Dr. Parkin to become 'ltd principal at a salary of $5,000. Ile will likely consider the offer. Halifax, N.S.,—While fishing from a punt in Yarmouth Harbor .Thurs- day, Jesse Anoka, aged 14, -and Henry Deveau, aged 15, were drown- ed. Canadians have been given a chance to tender for food and forage for the Imperial troops in Cape Colony. the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony. St. John, N.B.—The Veronica mut- ineers, were convicted of murder, Thursday in tho Liverpool court, and were sentenced to death. . The prisoners numbered four. Manila.—Tho Health Board is pre- paring to inoculate the Chinese colo- ny of Manila with bubonic sorum in order to prevent a spread of the plague. It is estimated that there aro 50,000 Chinese 'residents here. Isaac Walter Romaine was Thurs- day sentenced in Toronto to four years in the penitentiary for shoot- ing Louis Goldsmith and 3IcGrain was given eight years in the same institution for stabbing Geo. Wil- liams to death. Hanging from a beam of an out- house, with the fatal nooso about his neck, the wife and sister of Fred- erick Le Dar, a young French -Cana - diem, came upon his dead body at 7 a.m. Thursday, In Toronto. Deceased loaves a widow and three small chil- dren. There will be no inquest. A special from Norfolk, Va., says that the British steamer St. Oswald arrived Thursday with the crew of the British' brig Bertha Gray. The brig was lost at sea. The brig Bertha Gray Of Yarmouth, N. S., sailed from Jacksonville, Fla., May 2 for St. Kitts. She was of 320 tons register. Winnipeg, Man.—The unions 011ie need with the local Trades and La- bor Cot}ncil threaten to boycott the C.P.R., and the step, if carried into effect, will mean stagnation of busi- ness in almost every lino. This pro- position will finally come before the Trades and Labor Council at it. Next regular meeting. OPS IN ONTARIO, The May Bulletin about to be Iseued by the Ontario. Department or Agri- culture, will contain the following re- garding crop conditions on the 1st of May, 1903:t , r , , • , ]'all Wheat, --"Etta crop bu31.tt're issu- ,o4 in November last wild .th•it iho outlook for fall wheat was most prem- ising. the cropbeiing healthy In color :+net vigorous "locking generally,. al- though not having ars 'bluets; ?top as eon tu.0 ale ,el, n aM that. t m". Il t...3191 just to hand are praelioaliy tlnanim- uua= regarding. the general condition a t].3 crop. In repot instauaas ;t h•.;s. curare through the winter ualaarmed, only at, few complaints being made of ;njtary from.snuw or ice, excel;;. in ,seine fence corners here pod there. A few correspondents main mention of patchy spots, but it is safe to fray that St. Thomas, Out. mt,.ch less fall wheaat • Y;II' be !.lowed Statement, 1893 up this ,spring. than Is usually Bono. "During a recent nthw1c of lumbago Na cue porton o: the province appaars and kidney trouble., due to exposure to t, have. boon•mor,, favored than an. cold, I used Dr. Pitcher's I3ackaohe Kidney 'l'irblcts, rand can fid, ak ttuheti ether ip this sill;ard, Thu cold nights to:th:'ly of their fine xnaliti.as, They si o and dry, windy flays; of the greater easy in notion, give relief quickly, awl, p,rrrt of April were the ebiof draw- despite ray age, have completely onrtd backs to the crop, card ca iced the me and put me m frau emu -titian agetiu," young tieid�s to stand still or go buck (Signed) Joseph Fitzpatrick. Cured PerrnaneoiR ly of lumbago. A St. Thomas Gentleman Whom Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets Cure 1 of Larnbago in 1$99 114,s Never Riad Any Return of Itis Oid Enemy. It will, no doubt, be a source of sans - fat Con to those who are suffering front the ettto:s of wrong acting k,dneys, t, liuo•v that Dr. Pitcher's Kidney Tablets not only give protein relief in all cases, but they once so etf •ctively toed theme notch, that the disease is not likely to return again --tale cure is prrnianent To illustrate the perrnliXieueyof the cure they effect, we cite the case of Mr. Jon ph Fitzpatrick, a man well up iu yeas, who lives at 51: Metcalfe etreet, THE POWER BILL. Tho Niagara power question is again creating interest by the introduction of Premier Rose' bill in the Legisla- 1t4re. Tho indications ehue far are tleet the bill will not be made a party effete, two of the Oppositions, mem- bers, Mr. Hoyle a,nd Mr. Morrison hay - leg agreed with the principle of the bill. The mia,.,u;e hate con. Le:ab:e te- texast for the town, of lagersoll, :and shouts receive the attention of the tori, dounc;l, the B'oeid of Trude and citizens generally. It providers for the construction of power plants, tether by one municipality or by sev- eral acting together. Asa 'prelimiu- say a commission intuit tie appointed to ,report on the cost and. fausibility, composed of a hydraulic engineer, an electrical tiiaiueer (both to be emin- ont in their profession and. of gdod re- pute), and a busino,S,s; man. • That commission having reported favorably a, by-law say be ,submitted, to ` the rt.tepayer3 of the auunieipalities,`and ahouldd it receive their approval the Work can be gone on with. It is pre- sided that the plant ,Shall be managed by a B,ou,}•d of Commissioner,., num b- er;-ng not fewer than three or more than five, who Shall be appointe L �y rlalifztx, N.S.—William (tray, aged 00, an oiler, 111 the Consumer's Cote • dage Works at Dartmouth, was whirled to death Thursday after- noon, lie was passing the big fly- wheel, which was alloying at the rate of 100 revolutions a minute, and his body caught up by the belt, lie was carried around several revolu- tions and then dropped. th th toforward. N ccunires along the St. Latsrencc,'1'hen there were few cumplsinis west of York. while this spring reference $6 made ',:o their piresextce by correspond - cuts in praportlone 01 inflame, Cray, Lerih, Middlesex gait Iialdimand. Theo rands. of valu;tble fru't trees ha ve boon giidled by these Bests, and some, cetta'4rondonts regard 'choir operat- ions ns a kmenace ece to fruit cul- ture. Heater frosts occurred ' about the ohne or Qprii and th a tl: gintJitg of DV.y, but fort curl tely the bulk o' frn't tures not suffieient1Y advanced 1st bud to be much injured, Owing to the iawektvattinese of blo:tsomint on She 1st of Stay it was then difficult to ee- llimate the extent c'. "bloom" and the prorniso or the general yield. It wars the opinion of several corretpan dents, however, that stone fruit'', :inch OS cherries, plume, rod peaches, would be relatively better in yield them aisles and pears. Small fruits give irrcinise or ,an excellent erield,'ahould favorable weather continue. i rather than go orwar . - ever- Statement, 191)2 theleee only the top of the plants up - pear to have suffered, the roots lacing r I have never had any return of the old cniujureL bind vigorous and lull of trouble with my back and .lo. leers, s nce Dr. Pitcher's Bncitache Kidney-Iabltto promise. In Tact the latter returrus cured rue in the fall of 1899. At Ib at t�oeived speak of timely ruins whish tuneI could beefily get around at all, Uut they s"on curer! me. Thy sire a have sent. the crop along again in grand remedy, and both ply wifes; and splendid sh ipe, T.k'ng, li. altogether, myself prize thea). highly." foil •wheat may naw, be de,ecribed. as (Signed) Joneph] ttzpatrick. ptomi,sing to • bo from fair to good, Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney 'Pab- mnote especfolly atm only Clic Beesi tt iletsare vera ad Dr,�form fly%'rcula of mention has been made or the hessian of Materia.• &lenient and Novato -urinary b'ie which far the past few ycaa•f ya;s disrasu, IU.iclaigan 0.Hebe of 14ledicin-', been in tlaereoiugccf the wheat fields Detroit I4Uch., U- S. A. They are the of western and south-western On- most e?ectual treatment known • 101• hnckaetflectiiu tr. the bark or bwtwfo into, Odd mention has been made rho ahorlriers, bloating, SWflltn•_ ofi tit, of the...presence of the wire -worm, but .'act ttnd ]ct;s. pufliuess nu'lt r alta eyes, aha hwrt oaxused Uy ins'aat pests so i t,t• difficulty of urnnation, pain or distress, Cors both rents poiny small. Several sdea ty flow, highly colored nriue, brisk Correspondents point out the wall_ dust, or other deposits, frequent Dills during the day er night, rht nuaatasru, established, •feet that fall wheat . is otic acid in the til,brl, rlru;; ink• pain iu acr co:ng -bast on well -drained land. Tho the loins,,sense of weight or pressure in loste ]s thought to be lass than in the region of the bladder, constipation, lastyear or two. , ki,inery weakness of rhihlrrn and old a people, and all forn..a of binclder, and Winter Rya.—Very 1}tale tvacre urinary troubles. rye is•IIcttr gat:vn la Ontario, t1i s acre_ Bice 5ll cents a bet the or three bottles i• crout., lr 25, tor u i .a. v tee bein;, so .smell that it ciao hardly n vii} The DrtiZinatc:htr, Co., to be eeneidered as a staple crop. What conte, Ont. w•us sown, however, wintered :vel.!, -wwea•.•• the Chief Justice of Ontario on uap- oohhidt red as u whole in fact a num- , e t - `o slut vas •roratan f' -the co 'actio 0 it n p P • bet of correspondents liken its history g rice c high s th r and o P cd, and shall hold office daring the =•,s satisfactory, and condition this ,seap.on to, that of new bring offered for well -reared ani - through of the said, nn of Justice. fall wheat. :—* mule hn,s restored the, horse industry These commissioners cannot have any Clover Clover fields a,s a rule came I to its old time plane. Cattle are ro- contraat of any kind, with the board, through the winter in t same condi- ported to be a trifle thin, but healthy shall be entitled to payment of tion in which they entered it, only :a and have suffered little 'from any their expanses, bpd of ..an honorarium be npara,tively Small portion having form of disease. $beep are reported to be fixed by the Chief Justice, .No been ,reported Sia "heaving," and a,s to be in 'fair condition, but the deg member of any' municipal council, nor the catch of lest year's sowing was a L; said to prevent many from raising any officer or employe thereof, shall goad one, the crop faced the spring e mutton and wool. Lambing is •e - ported eligible for membership Cho with the best prospects. The dry, ported to have been later than !lull, Board. 'the Commissioners are given sold wo,tthor of .April, however, `lino a corisiderablc number of those w:dc powers for raising money; • and for carrying on their •bursiness..'`They baen rather unfavorable for clover, andtopped have died. With the creep- are required to fix the price of power and Borne corse, pondenta complain of tion of an outbreak of hog cholera in and light at a figure which will cover the fields as`lookin; rather brown; some of the Lake Erie countia5, the all expenses, including all due allow - but the rentor swine industry is most promising. The a•uce for m .ietenance, repair, renewal, g part of those report- , improvement add payment of interest ins; speck of promise,the crop to showing ex- cellent litters hive done better than thew of .and ,sinking fund. ''Temporary defici- encies meadows batwing a i of year. Fodder generally tet sutl'- "spcimay be made tap by the nolo of good thick bottom even thou,e spring f'cient, roughage being plentiful; but �pecaa boucle," br, n s or s sat m a cure from year to year is• to be placed prospects for clover are particularly b 1 b rad ," on the security GOOD POLITICIANS. The espreseion is often heard, prin... Gip.11y from persons who are not closely allied to either party, that ell pelitici:ns are ,scoundrels who are sttiving first and always for their ono gain. Ourieg ro interview, tome time ego, for publication, Sir Oliver Olowat said: ."I have found pub - 1.:o Hien in Canide. as honorable and trtestworrhy one es wensible of duty. en any other elms of men with whcm I have had to do. A mon may not take up with titin or that notion; or scheme or reform for the moment hcldinrg public attention, and he may not proclaim -his religious beliefs and hopes from the housetops, but his whole life, both public and private, mi:y be governed a.ad controlled and Lnimated by the highest sense of duty end the deepest religious motive. 1 en- satisfied that a man of ,positive detractor and personal religious con- s;ction cin be juist as consistent a Cl,tr;stian in polities as in any other sphere, and it would be well for pub - Lc men ;;ted for the whole body of the people if that fact wore more gen- molly believed. To say that a man o: ni,ot be a Christian in politics ie e. I have known t simply nausea., o0 r iY of Cho growthhall been backward. The h t + d els generally are plant, and any Suirplug that may ac- war high in grico. - to the creditofa special fund for re- bright in the western half of the • Farm Supplies.—It is more ditficult new,als, extensions and improvements. lrrovinae. s •thou usual to estimate the surplus of All eapital account funs shall be farm supplies in the spring, :wince so hendled by a trust corporation t'om� Vegetables.— Notwithstanding the iLuch of the hey and grain, which Ail zaeco rats nto be own a* the u'st be audited before fact that the ,crow d'usapgearod early, formerly would be for sale, is novo be- ing that warm weather in March ing fed on the fame. There is a good they aro paid. The Coen annual are gave promise of edvanoed veleta re wired to make en annual report, lion, • q ,supply of hay on !fond in most Iccali- settin$ forth the receipts and capon- the cold and tr,nu^ually dry weather • • tie', ,but mucfa of it W of infcriour appear to them to be of publics inter - and, first of lila a relative! back, quality owing to the wet weather of Y aid y dilures anal such other mai tern as may prevailing were only about normal en est. Otherwise, except that the Mayor lust summer, A fair quantity of and Treasurer of any of the corpora- ward compared with the earlier pros- , tions interested; may demand to in- pects of the ;season. sae„ is also reported 'to be in farmers sped the books, the Board of Commis ah;.r,c'.s, although much of this will also s]c Hors is not responsible to the public .!piing Seeding.—The bulk of the re- yet be fed. 'While a large number in any way. Tho Chief Justice is en- Porte ore to+the effect that seeding of correspondents report a consider - titled to certain fees for his services, wee well advanced by the end of April 'consider- able supply of wheat, a number' of which will be fixed by order -in -noun- roomy being through ♦with alae wet b, that most of t will be oil. The Commissioners are required, others clam t a i should they have any surplus after ltliile a fors were only beginning, turned into beef and pork, mare espsc- supplying the needs of the municipali- While; some complain, of the soil being ties which have provided the money `h,r.i enet unsuitable for spring work, to the rainy weather prevailing for the plant, to supply it to neighbor- a rnueh larger number describe the ine municipalities along the line, or within reasonable" distance, if ro� seed bud as being in the best possible quested to do so. IP terms cannot be erudition. The least favorable re - greed upon for this, they may be fix- ed by the Chief Justice. The bill is framad almost rolely for eases where a number of municipalities go into a pew•', vorthere together. Ontario Legislature. Toronto, Say 15.—In the Legisla- ture yesterday' afternoon Premier Ross, at the request of 11Ir. Whitney, explained some features .of his power bill. Ile said that the Government would not undertake the proposition I Ridne' Troubles, no matter of what of supplying all parts of the pro-' kind or what Stage of the disease, tan v ince with power generated ,at the f be quickly and permanently cured by the Niagara Fails. It would Cost too use of these wonderful pills. Dir, Joseph mucic. lie •1vould leave it with pri- Leland, Aline, N.W.T., recommefids tlteni vote . enterprise. Mr. 'Whitney in re- ; to all kidney trouble sufferers, when he ply said ili:r. Ross did not expect any says:—I was troubled with dull 'heatl- municfpality to take advantage of , aches, had *frightful drealtts, terrible the permission to develop power. Ile pains in my legs and a frequent desire to Also took objection to allowing the • urinate. Xotietng >IoAN'S KIDNEY Chieir. Justice of Ontario to have ' PILLS recommended for just latch ilnnoy- chargo of the working out of the flee as 1111110, it occurred tei mate give bi11. lair. Deets' bill to extend the them it trial, aro I procured a, Ilex of land grants to all veterans who ; them, and was very melt surprised at served on -the frontier driving Canaa• the effectual cure they made. 2 take a ' provoked hooch dls•• great Ileal of Leasure in reeomtitending do's several wars p e m .� cus-ton, but was reported Without 1 theta to sell ici Hey troub1e'stifferetd, nrne•ndrnant, $28«,920 of the agrieul- , Price 50e. pet box, dr `i foi*1251 all Oral estimates were passed, and tate 1 dealers or The Dean 'Kidney 'Pili Co., I''tuso ad ourned. 1'lbronto, Ont. A BAD CASE oR 1D1EV TROUBLE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 1 ports concernrhg the extent "and gtu:lity Of seeding came from the counties forming the Niagara penin- sula. The cool weather existing dur- ing the month of April, together with the very light rainfall, hindered the ,sprouting of the :seed to a remarkable degree, and els correspondents wrote on the first of i1Th7 it wii &amort impassible to measure the success of the "catgut" as some of the Need; ,was lying 'dormant waiting for a warm shower. Several correspondents point out the fact that 'the dry, and eoneparativehy cool weather prevoiling dating seeding and spring operation% generally made Liao work easy Upon the horses•. Beet Swollen[ Could Not Wit*. ""i have had Rheuntatisnt for hoe yearn, principally 15 tate leg. and the disease was aggravated Try my wsa�rft$ which nes, essitetcd st;andiu;; up all daeyl. About sic weeks ago 1 was particularly badly aifecte.i; :ay legs and.' feet were swollen up so tint I could hardly put my :;hoed on. I secured a vial of Dfunyon's Rheumatism. Cure, and it was wonderful the relief 1 ob- tained. The swelling is all gone. a I have not suffered a twit since. i am cured." J. D. Robinson, 5a Clarene4 street, Ottawa. Tour drutcsttit will reeontm'ne Iwunyores itheumattorn (`urei sok hem sewer it, Only 25e a vial. lel. PEAT IN ONTARIO. The Dare ru or Minas his issued a bulletin on peat fuel, prepared under the direction of Mr. T. W. Gibson, :di- teetor, a.n:i Air. W. E. II. Carter. '.the bulletin says: "It 'will be surprising ;f the citizens of Ontirio aro not soon given their choice between compressed peat fuel cud coal instead of, at pres. cot, being confined entirely to the lat- ter? • The d ata upon which this prediction: is m de. includes an estimate that peat b,T•:;quettes este, be made here at uta retain cost o1 V. a ton, and have :tot- nolly been sold for two successive sea- sons at ,g3 a ton. The heat value of pelt its pI•'ced at two-thirds that of coal s o that peat at $3• a ten la equiv- .1 n' to �,r:thracite co 1 at �f4.5) a. t • n. The bulletin refers' to the difficult - 'es that .hs c x e. Ira nt. rs h•i' e hid to con;cud with, and reports that many of Ih3'n have va:rn;ished, adding that the q'iost:nn now :seems to be how to ptaduce the best possible fa}el at She ie..,st pos•;ible cost, rather t Sita tem to produce a gond fuel at a fairly' low' cesl.• 4 • i Peat 'bogs ere too nu,mercus ,n .old C.nterio to be enumerated, while in New Ontario, for a radius of 50 mile.5 %round Jaynes' Bay, the bulletin says, there are ihowarnd.s of square miles of poet muskeg, which will in time prob- atly play an Important part in the eeonom'c development of the province. .An e t ma`s of 0 t ri)'s annual fuel til' Lz included as i'ollows : ' Anthracite cold ... ... ... ... $$4,406;231 Bitv:miaous ... ... ............ 5,357,373 Wood ............ ......'... .. 4,350,000 trot -ti ... ...... ...14,113ftiO4 i a r' F _SS N MAINE. A SUCCESS { M teeny .sincere Christian men among my pul;ticA opponents as well as The La.w is Enforced. .n eng my political allies not to give The prohibitory late in the State of flat statement the frankest denial." :Maine scorns' to be growing steadily death untimely t The 1 d ' favor. T n in public y p Asked if there were zeny one thing of Sheriff Pearson ; little whsle :ago, iu his life which more than another g ve him ,satisfaction as he thought eyes life's experiences, • Sir Oliver Alo.r.'t stiid : ' Vell, in a general way it a satis- f. etion io tele, now that I am an old rn::n, two yours past the foursccre limit, to think •th it throughout ray Lie !hive trieei to do any duty. Tli 1 ce.l.viction, and the assurance from men of all shades of politics that my con political career hie hulpad to im- psesa zt sense or duty on oth^r public wars followed by a declaration Orem it number of l;quor papers of the Unite • tate3 that prohibition in Maine :vast., eer.d. The outcry was speedily met,be a speech made by Joseph -Stanley, tate.. lead -ng Repu.blican politician of. Maine in his ecceptence of the candidaoy,. fon nomination Por State Governor, ire which he endorsed the 11w bas en iiR- c', iculable lament and a sure ses. • - It now'begins to appear ,that Mr. l,J. ,,ley knew what he was about, and that the .seloonists rejoiced too .soon. The sheriff of the sixteen counties of Maine, elected three months ago, teek office the first Of January,andi much interest wee taken in their atti- then, is very satisfactory. Duty was aur as concerning prohibition law. n.:.de a very real and important thing L);spetchcs state that: to etc in toy early training ootlr in 10 Kennebec county Sheriff Frani the home and in the school; nay teach- J. Ilam instructed his twenty deputies • th at the prohibitory liquor law rpust) era impressed it so upon nm., thet in be enforced. "I want every deputy,' u',, political relations i was never he. +said, "to notify ell the dealers that able, as I was, never desirous, to lid between row and'fiext Monday they : teetalf of the simple imperative of utast dispose or their goods and parai, p],etn•i1i;a or salter the con equences.. ' city. No, it i•� not a ptli,icul mi_taae In Androscoggin. county, the sheriff . to do onu'.s plain duty. This is a is a minister pained Cummings. Ise moral world, and in the Iong run aanticlpation of the beginning of b1d term the saloons of Lewiston, the moral duty is ,supremo." largest city in the oounty, hen been In speaking of Sir Oliver Mowat as cicsed. The liquor business was tit a good man in politics Rev. Mr. G^nd- a standstill to -day. ice, of Toronto, ,said : itl in°n Ltiwlis, sheriff of Aristook county, on assuming his duties to -day "We are in great danger 'at the notified all liquor dealers that they present moment of putting all petit- would be given until the 10th of this :r:ons into one class and calling month to close up. them scoundrels. No gloater cala- mity could overtake us as a people than the general conviction that it is necessary fur politicians to ecu - descend to what is not strictly hon - gee as some of the grain is soft, ow- est in order to succeed. Let thet thought. .prevail, end. our Countrytrig is at Harvest: 11 is saro to say; how- 'condemned to infamy from its youth. over. that good pricers would bring cut Good men will keep out ,yf polities, a liberal quantity of marketable bay axed the government of the country will be left in the hands of men who re in it for what thay can make cu,t of it. Men can Ile great. ()lake Lens and great politicians. Oliyer 2iuwat demonstrated the tact. Let us believe it and act upon it. More end more let urs thrust forth our geed men into politics and lot tis srcak of them and so treat them e laether they are on din side of pal - nod wheat. Tho reports regarding 1 co tile for sale are varied. A number of correspondents claim that there are a inumbstore c^. tafalor yet avaerilable,ofeither 'whilefat aboutor. as oozy more hold 'that there is a scar - !cite of 'beefing animals. however ;t large number of fat cattle were taken off last fall at the ]i:gh prices then offering, and there has been a steady ship -ant since, ,which would lead to the opinion that prime beeves must no woo rather seam. There are hr101y as many Stora cattle ontry tot -d y. It means sacrifice of time hind asusual,ting reason in a host and money for an able man to enter. suggestive neture being that a lot pt Mies. He must expect to have un - of our young animals aro now; being worthy motives imputed to his me>;t unselfish efforts, and to rceeive few Live Stock.—Taken all together, the en)look tot live stock may be chased a,s good. Distemper appeared among hems in various parts of the prov- ince, but hardly hi ,sufficient degree to be considered epidemic. In tact, some eorrespondentll attribute much of the trouble ninon;; t)aie end, other° classes of live Stook to the poor gu:al- ity of hay, a, great deal of which was badly cured owing to the wet sum- mer. Two or'three cases of glrnders were also reported among horses, but these were confined to Whore the nut - break took place.-_ .the general health of horse, however, inv he regardad TO NAIL YOUR FAITH it,ice or not, Chat they will not be Ac disheartened. In the Scouring of such nen lies the salvation of our ccun- sent to the ranches hi the northwest With shipments of oattlo being made t,: both oast and 'iveet, the prospects' for cattle raising in Ontario are cer- tainly assuring. . • 1''tu•it '.Crees.....Orohards have come through the winter in excellent order ser far ti 'weather conditions are con- cerned, no ietjaty from severe frosts or ice -storm's being repented. The only damage to fruit trees between November and April wes..caused by a pl•:,gue or field mice, which tappear to he 'working ,steadily , vye,stward, the centre of operations now being in the 11'.kc Ontario counties,while a year 'gc they were most h,urtful in Pre tht.nks for the sacrifice ho makes to serve the public. But for the man of requisite chazaeter and ability it is r tette while. '* r Bloctrie antero, tic stamp obliterating mttchitaee are now used ut the Vienna postoiliee. 1t'As 11 •l'.t1rrtt 1' T. Thais 311 TO 'tnAVI'r, foe t,c11 (ctaslaliaalae•d !toric„ in a few t•ountiry t3tlhn,Sonrutail iii i'ltiuitt tied r,aents. Leval t. rritorv. t alsry 11014a parmut t•sp0nt;t`a, hur- Mile $10.70u week in ,'1t anal exprtlt.,.r t,dvane- t•tl, Pt, ttlnit ,a•rtau,strut. Masini s tut•t•iat>,fttl aitch)ushi nel*i—t' lf•att4 ,tat>tt enrelela Standard t tattle, 315 Caxton Bldg., Chicago% AND D KEEP WELL. K BLOOD BITTERS. As a spring medicine it has no equal, It purifies and enriches the blood. Acts on the Kidneys, Diver, Roniach and Bowels. Cleanses Ind invigorates the entire system 'rola the crown of the head to gate iolcs of the feet. Don't be sick, weak, tired, worn cid-.,'eary. THIS SPI111v'G TAKE 3l rrd, Bitters � �.�� Blood