The Wingham Times, 1903-05-21, Page 2ItaTABLISHItle 1572. COULD NOT WALK.. iiE1 �'{�1t 1 N1: R'U�i& it TIMES. A Young Lady Tell,' the 'torture She era- &f,l,lt)TT. Ptraresirra Arm Pao' DT071 fared From ltbeatt)atssut. Miss Myrtle Major, IIartlancl, N. B , tiiiIRSIIAY, MAY 21, 1903. is oilo of the thousand& whaihave proved that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure rhau otitism. Miss ;dujor stays: "I have biQT AN'? Cik+I.:4 NTS suffered froth the trouble for nearly a A4 SGratfor,i B ax.ou say:,: ' Tlt tom., of.. ytoeok bile thuaed itchne ea,h e of adintoort and hell? p art wit) ae0 le alien f lr the I ate The trouble was located chiefly iu )rya Y j less tut the next ehcti.lit On the da- tes of Sir Wilfrid Lkti'itrr are da.mn- diseppeitlttuent. At a dinner given Hata Wu . Paterson at Ottawa on tc near sy 1 1 ni ht last the Premier as- nud alleles, and the pain I suffered at tine's was intense. AS a wetter of faot at times I was gaits. unable to walk }across the room, autl .for sante six naoot•hs I was confilted to the house. I used linameuts and outer medicines pre- . , ed his trien:is th•it h.i 115(1 some o e I f neve feltscribed for rhenuuatssm, but they c 1 k r ` Titan - my friends nig. better health for the past ten years, c,d uta no good. to try Dr. ii'illltms Piuk Pills. 1 hie appearance certainly inratadicates I I nsled on their advice rata before I had feet. NTntivitaatn'.t-Ling the worries the aessio:t lel appears as sprightly as any time in iii, career, arta is most }Memos iu ettelitiott to his p:1Jlic duties. ie editor. of The Beecri is pleated to e hie rea'lers.this assaritn^i from per- -al observation,- he having spent n uple of daps at the capital last week.' The village of Fenelon Falls, which a population of Only 1,3)0, is embark- upon a large experim eat in menia- 1 ownership, A. by-law hast boon car- d to maw. ae d wit', this m m- used used three boxes/ began to feel better I took nine boxes of th.a pills altogether, :tui before I flniet ed the last box not a trace of the trouble remained. Itis now nearly two years since 1; tools the pills and as there hat not been a sytnptan of the trouble since it proves that the pills make permanent cures," Rheumatism is a disuse of the blood and can only be cured by treating it through the blood. That is why Dr. Williaus' Pink Pills always cure this trouble. Good blood makes every organ in the body strong and healthy, and as Williams'every dose of Dr. Pink Pills metre pure, red blood, it follows than t lav cert such troubles as anaemmenur- the Commawill a:ighire not only a al"ia indigestion, heart trottblo, kidney TIIE WIN GlIA`1 TIMES, rzA Y 21 1903, TOWN DIv RECTORY, I ESTABLIfieiED 1$72. BAPTIST CiwitC13-Sabbath services at VIE WINO'''. I+," 1 TIKES" All Work and No Play The fife Giving Virtues of ci The season bayiup come around for tufa discussion of the old questiola "why the young folks do not stay on the farm," The Montreal Star content -1e that it is for want of amusement." The country is dull for the average youth, especially alum the old folk do not bestir them- selves to promote the formation of libraries and provide rending chubs. con- certs and social gatherings. The want of ivaoceut diversions told good eom- pang accounts not a little for the alcohol habit, since the barroom is too often the only social club iu the country town. The old folk are to blame sometimes for not considering the young person's need for social intercourse, "So the yonng men and women ," says The Star,"!lock to the cities, ready to take any kind o f a job so long as it enables then. to live near bright, busy streets and the cheap pleasures of the town. A. little more profit attached to farming will not counteract this lure. Nothing will except the chance of a brighter and more social. life on the farm. When a village springs up it helps keep the young people of that neighborhood coutented. Concerts and picnics and •doings' generally have a capital infiuenoe. Evan the mnch-abused travelling circus may satisfy a longing for glitter aud excite- ment. Plenty of good reading, easy access to up-to-date papers are always forces ou the right side. What a farm needs is more social illumination -leis grind and more gayety." -St. Thomas Times. ter -pewee aud eleetrac pleat, but also oiler flsur mill. T.is firm. which hos en running the mill controlled 500 rse power. It hes been bongltt out for 5,000, anal the Council will build a wer stati-) t at an ests'neted cost of 525, • It will then offer electrical power a lo,v rate. to ialuce in lustries to es- blish tbem,elves there. Meanwhile, e firm from which thy, parch -4.5o has en mids wall rent the fl tar miff, p ty- $1,2e0 a year. Too mach cannot be said in favor of vin; the hen •stead a n stn) by .which may bee'Inte rlistineuishe 1 in the dis- let or province in 'melee it is situate.1, ys the F trm ors' A. lv.)oate. Most fac- ers who are breedin p,ar,i-brei stock are taken advantage of this i lea, and ere is ne reason why others will are aging epecizl off arts in oredn;ing high ass products or to have th dr promises 4 -ear ho.nelike shonbl n it di likewise. vvi11 fade tam th 3 b )ye all girls to ink m ahem an l will lea -I thein take a greater interest in making it Near beautiful. It a ,sts nothing and an certainly do no harin,bat will rather end toward making the home more idely known, and eventually more val- Able. - Canada's Great Growth The growth of the- trade of the Da- imon during the last six years is at- during attention iu Britain, in the Tufted States, and in other couutries, nd well it may, for it has been phen- tnenal. The Ottawa correspondent oft these institutions for the past year is he.New York Press gives in concise :$74,502,93. orni the strikiug statistics of the ex- - autime of Cauadiau commerce since lie adveut to power of the Liberal overnment in 1596. The Dominion its With tiudustry, the says. Daring he past Six years its volume of trade as increased 08 per cent.; that of the nited States 48 per cent; of Groat ritain, 25 per cent; of Genemay. 32 per ent.; of France, le per cent. Canada's eople do a foreign trade which exceeds hat of any people except -the British, hose exchanges amounted to $102 per toad. Those of the trotted States eople are $31, of the leeetich $54, and of he Germans` $41 per head. In 1895 nattt's volante of foreign: trade was 224,320,484. its 1902 it was $423,910,441. or imports rcse from $$100,074,801 to 196,480,190 and her exports front $103,• 13,334 to $209,970,861 in the same eriod. Total revenue rose from :$36,,- lel f•;gl to $55,052,333. Iu 1896-7 tliere Was a treasury deficit of $510,951; since then the annual serpins has risen from 1)02. to 9 to l r. -EIi et. 8. �. .72 ' I .l� 9 • us�r, t },tz2,rt91 For this year ending with next June, tube surplus ie estimated at $13.850,000. Titin year the reduction of public debt Will be $5,t1:,0,C09. Since 1801 the de- tlte of the people itt chartered banks hale inert a:«1 from $182,618,227 to $3f6,ti8e,122t bnt& diecoutit from $221.- 007402 02 to e382,ee5 308. Canada's credit bets sic} iu1PrG ed teat she ROW pays rat average of 3.0:1 per cent. for her b3r- arowed )nonny, and her latest loan woos .114112e $1. tot 314 per cent. ailments, erysipelas, the after effects oa la grippe and fevers, etc. They also relieve and cure the ailments from which so many woman constantly suffer. See that you got the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pdls for Pale People." on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at 50o a box or six boxes for 83.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o.,-Brockville,Out. s Ontario's Hospitals and Charities. The Oatario report of Hospitals and Charities. shows that two more Coun- ty Hanses of Refuge have been estate lished duriug the year, at Perth and Whitby. The number of patient& in the hospitals of the Province ou the 1st Octo- ber, 1931, was 2,287; nnutber admitted during the year 20,833; total number of p Aleuts treated daring the year, 33,113. The revenue of hospitals from all sources, other thau the Government grant was e5S1,5S5.56, and the Provincial grant for the last year was $110,000. There was expeufed for maintenance of hospitals during the year $073,903,21; the average cost per patient per day Villa 83.4-5c; the percentage of the Provincial gtant to the total expenditure for maintenance was le. There are about 100 Homos for the old people, Orphanages, Magdalen Asy- luras, Cenvalesbeut Homes and Homes for Incurables in the Province, having an aggregate population of 6,059; and the gunnel expenditure for •maintenance, :apart from the Government grant, was ::315,044,22. The Provincial grant to Resoled a tally Who Was Drawing Near the Grave. The Life Building Medicine That Wives and Mothers. Need in May, Adyerttsing Suggestions. (From the Canadian Grocer.) What a tremendous amount of money is spent in advertising. • Is that money wasted? If so, is it the fault of the ad- vertiser. There are merchants who speed enormous sums on advertising, and because they are not so good as they should have been, have made tate sweep- ing assertiou that advertising does not pay. What is the reasou that advertis- ing pays some merchants and not others: The reason is that some merchants know how to advertise and some do not. A style of advertislug that suits the city will not do for rural districts; advertis- ing that brings good returns to one store may not to another. Advertisements to reach a certain class of people must be placed in a certniu medium; and to reach other classes must be placed on another media; nor will a system of advertising used by a well-known firm do for one just starting. Some firms haven't time to see that the money is judiciously in- vested, and thus neglect the mostimpor- tant department of their business. Is it any wonder that such firms have reason to say that advertising does -not pay? Advertising, if done well, does pay. ` One should always bo honest, in oue's " all the 1 t PUBLISHED •}lo a PU LIS ' oda c o IS 11 a in find 7 p l!?,. Sw y S EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -AT- Times Office, Beaver Eloclt. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, 2:30 p tn. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J, I at- terson,B. A.,pastor. W.J.Chapntan, B.S. Superintendent. ME'rionis'r Caution -Sabbath services stir n Yn and 7 p nn. Sunday Sohool at 2:30 pm'.. Epworth League every afour day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. •S. Sup- erintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHCR0H-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Paine's Celery Com;seand dais a won- School at 2:30 p m. General prayer drops work for sio.r and half,dead women meeting on Weduesclay evenings. Rev. in May. The conditions of winter have D. Peri -ie, pastor and S S, auperinten- been detrimental to the health of women dont, P. S. Liuklater and L. Harold, ani girls everywhere; they have declined assistant S. S. Superintendents. • iu nervous vigor, the blo•ad is reeking With impurities, the cxceptory organs do not perform their worir, ttnd the die - Live machinery is sacll.y out of gear, The human machine mist be cleaused, repair-. ed and strengthened in May. Paine's Celery Compotwd '-toes the work sur- prisingly fast, and gives a. guarantee of permanent health and long life. It is the one spring medicine that truly nourishes, regul ares and invigorates the entire ner- Tens systems from the brain to the min- utest nerve filaineut. . It gives- a. full, rich supply of energizing blood, it clears the muddy, unhealthy skin, it gives an increase itt weight, awl more refreshing sleep. 'Whatever he your condition un- happy sufferer, we give you a blessed assurance of a new and lasting 'health through the use of Pair -tees Celery Com- pound. Mrs. Flora 5, Brantley, Lewis, P. Q., `writes thus:- "Eightetn mnntlls ago I was terribly afflicted with daily headaches and was despondent, nervous and weak, Medical assistance and patent medicines failed to bring me relief. My sufferings increased aud I was told I would not get better u Tax System Changed. A bill has been introduced in the local legislature to revise the assessment act. The special featnree of tho bill are; - A business tax which removes the anomaly of exemption in cases where it is alleged stock or any part thereof is not paid for. The assessment is' 7 per cent. of the actual value of laud occupied. A tax on special franchises. • Abolition of the personality tax. - Incomes exempted up to' $1000. Machinery assessed as personal proper- ty. House tax provided. Real property to be assessed at its ac- tnal value. The value of the buildings to be the amount by which theyincreaSe the vale of the land. The chief exemptions are; -Crown's interest on any property; churches and church grounds, all public schools or col- leges, and every otber school which is With theregu- lations mut ulna conformity w octet y Gond of the province;' municipal and public buildings and institutions all machinery in use in any trade or manu- facture; the income of a farmer from his farm; income up to :$1,000. Sr. PAUL'S Ouuaai;, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sun- day Selma at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Wm, Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed. assistant S. S. Supenintel:de'tts. aga wa At Pts he do int co CRI sle ge as e Cel vi Li de in. I was suffering so much that I s satisfied to die if it Was God's will. leighbor kindly suggested the use of , s iiia s Celery Compound, and to please r,-1 consented to try it. The first few ses seemed to send a feeling of new life o my blood, and --I went on using the mpouud. I have takeit five bottles and h honestly say I ant fully cared. I am eping well, appetite iu good condition, tting back lost flesh, aitdt feel as active a girl of fifteen. I think my euro is a rinauent one. I thank God for Paine''s cry Compound; it saved any' life to my husband and 'children." If,you are iu need of free medical ad- ce, write to Consulting Physician's De- artinent, The Welts & Richardson Co:, anted, Montreal, Qua, 'All correspoii- nce is sacredly coufidential. - - advertising. You may fool people some of the time, and some of Buckwheat, forty-eight pounds. the people all the time, but you cannot Flax. seed, fifty-six pounds. fool all the people all the time." 1 Hemp seed, fourtyfour pounds. Some time or other the little deceits Blue grass seed, fourteen pounds. The • TEitMS of sensor -trams -el 30 per annum in advance, $150 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears ara paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other easilal advertisements. 8c per Noiipariel line for first insertion, 8c per line for each subsequent insertion; • Advertisements in to^_al columns are charged 10 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 conta per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of - Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Salo or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent inonth. CoxrieAc2 RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion. of advertisements fur specified periods:- SPACE. eriods: ' SPACE. 1 YR. 6M0. 8 MO. 1 aro' One Column $00.00 $85.00 t155.00 $r, M Half Columb. 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Colunnt 18.00 10.0Q 0,00 2.00 Advertiscmeats without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tun Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and a repriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hanel Bills, eta., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print- ing. H. B. ELLIOTT Proprietor -and P,iblisher ,.SALVATION Amur -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at $ o'clock at the barracks. Pose OFFICE -In Macdonald- Block. Office hours from. 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. POBLIO LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be, open every afternoon from, 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Mille Robertson, librarian. " Tows Couscu-R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dultnage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- Iudoo, J J, Elliott, -W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor; Wm.. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8'o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -3. 3. Bernath, (chair • man), -Thos. Abrahain,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tnesday evening in each month. Weight of a Bushel According to act of Parliament, the weight of a bushel of the various com- modities given below is; Wheat, sixty pouuds. Lime, eighty pouuds. Indian corn, fifty -sit pounds. Rye, fifty-six paellas. Peas, sixty pounds . Barley, fourty-ei;htpcshnds. Malt, thirty-six pouuds: Oats, thirty-four pounds. Beans, sixty pounds.. Clover seed, sixty pounds. Timothy seed, forty -Dight pounds. • • Sit a • lore Jt _. fOCaalal l lPtls pesttivelylir Dr. Chases Nerve food in your advertising are going to come out and count against you. Each time these little deceits are exposed part Of your good reputation' goes, until fivally it is entirely' lost. . "You may mend a broken reputation, blit your neighbors will keep their eyes on the crack" Itis also mach harder to "mend," your reputation than it was to build it up in the first place. ' Honesty is certainly the best policy in advertising, although at the time better results may be had from "ads" which are not strictly honest. ` Never say anything in your adver- tising that you cannot verify in your store. Andvertit erwho believes thoroughly in what he is going to say bas a far better chance of convincing people than he who only half believed what he is saying. "Truth is mighty," especially when it to ams up In an attractive advertise- ment. m nt. e ,utas A. DffiAL, Bridgewater, N.S., r- "About a year ago I suffered a stroke of which left mete troubles, very winter d tate by, 'l'O add t6 Lty r It grippe, Which cornpletely exhausted es-1ytteni. l could scarcely walk 6r talk, my legs and arms were peittiaily paralyzed, my blood did not circle late properly, and l could not do any work. In fact, 1 was so bad that the doctors gave me up and thought I could not live through the summer. "I began the use of l)r. Chase's N err e Food, dad persevered in the treatrtient, until now 1 am at work *gain. The nt hes been most remark - to everyone to know around again. My net - built up woocterfally by able to rest ivtll, god my Something tor Nothing. "Something for nothing" appears to becoming very popular now -a -days. Hardly a paper is taken up but one or more advertisements appear, offering 40ute large eanteof,eseonaye t0:ategiven, dway,eot.a Ode ri dollea.,kneftelor scattee slight puzzia•to be solved, or elated -tete to be counted, and ever so many other things, absolutely free. Oh yes,absolutn- ly free, only just one little thing to do which is sometimes placed • in the adver- ment, 'but afterwards, when you send your answer, they will tell yet what to do which will take very little time, not over en half an hour, and absolutely no money. How long will people allow them- selves to be taken in by such "free" people? Instead of this thing decreasing, it in increasing, it .is net 06 -very long ago since it watt hardly known in this Dominion. '1ew,people appear to enjoy: getting “nothing for something." which often conies,b'at"aomethingfor nothing" never. When 'something for nothing does cone, the person ettvkted having on Iftteeeetled• goo at it again until defeated, and having lost t>rbre than he onoe gained. I hellfire it to be nothing lett than gambling, and I '*little dolt r .!foal lea taken up by this prase tt a win* horat.-lialeveas1n The Aiken firm, of Which 3. W. Aiken, of Orangeville, and G. L. Aiken, of Gravenhurst, are members, have been left $40,000 by an uncle in Australia. fljiEAi&A STRIKE At Stringent Pill in Victoria Parlia- ment. T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. 0. P. S. O t . Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine.. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to ,1 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. m PUBLIC' SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. 11. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss MfOuMiss m gsMatheson Reid,iss and Miss BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew. 3.. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary Dr. 3. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Castor beans, forty pounds. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips and beets, sixty pounds. Onions, fifty pounds. Bituminous coal, seventy pounds. MISS DELIA SPARL!NG A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. - T 1 R. MACDONALD, 1J Centre Street 'gingham, VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music • will he pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -Stone l_ r W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. A Family Necessity. Owing to artificial Modern life, almost everybody suffers more or leas from con- stipation, torpid liver and eluggisli kid- neys, and as Dr. Chase's Sidney=Livor Pills are the most prompt and thorougha cure for this derangement,' they h come to be considered a family necessity: Hosts of families would not think of being without them, Otto pill .a dose, 25c a boat. GIVES THE WIDEST POWERS. Ontario. Authoritlap I gttrtd to )lave 1'uvret iiy Law to Enable Them to End the Dis- astrous Tie -Up et Australian Rail- ways -Provisions of Premier Ir- vine's laeasure-An Apaeud- Ment Defeated qn a Division, Melbourne, Victoria, May 14. -In this Legislative Assembly yesterday, I're- uiier Irvine mode a speech on the subject of the strike. He said their country faced a long meditated re- volt against established authority.. The issue concerned every country - The strike had thrown the State ire - to confusion, and it would be a fight to a finish. The Premier then moved t he sec- ond reading of a bill providing for the suppression of the strike, 'which was not retrospective, and which will not remain in force after the termi- nation of tho strike. It provides that an employe leaving his work without giving four nights' notice is to be assumed to have joined the strike and will incur the penalty of $5001 fine or a year's imprisonment, wide loss of pension. and will bo inelig- ible in future for Government em- ploy. Tho bill also forbids interference with employes, the collection of strike funds, or encouraging the strike in any manner. The. bill further empowers the po- lice to destroy documents encourag- ing ncouraging the strike, makes printers there- of offenders against the law, and de- clares meetings to be unlawful if four strikers are present. A11 persons re- fusing to disperse are liable to ar- rest without warrants, and the Po- lice aro empowered to forcibly enter meetings. regret An axnendnient expressing re at the strike and promising that Parliament would consider the griev- ances of the railroad. )nen'. if they rt:-.• turn to work was defeated by 58 to - 80 votes. - DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.D., M.D.,lf.M., M'O.P.S.O. MB, MD,GM.,M O F S O. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLMII PHYSICIANS, BURGEONS, tTc. OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street. REst»ENen-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. PIANO ANTI THEQRY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. andmember of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is,prepared to receive a liiuited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory, Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Winghain. Au issue of $150,000,000 of the 'Trans- vaal lona of $175,000,000 was subscribed for tvt enty times over. "Printers ink makes millions think," Merchants and others having goods to sell should et in on the front c k and make liberal use of this great,ageney. Tell the people through the TIMES what "good things" yon have for them this spring. The most progressive business men are the ones who are the most progressive advertisers. Advertising is the force that brings trade. JA.,• VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No oomm,stios c'rirg 31. ort • gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingllmm. - JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. E. L. Dlcimesox DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D.. S., L.13.8. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. - FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Times. Otir large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not ,geta customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because youmay ask more n for the article or stock thait is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. WANTED -FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV- el for well established house in t. fete counties calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $10'14 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 a week in cash and expenses ad- vanced. Position permanent. Business suc- cessful and rushing. Standard House, 884 Dearborn St., Chicago. Jim Dumps gazed out on .Alia ooked•in:vain for Andwasted i1e A lunchof h Once more ha Although 't' 66 ewalks hot ne cool spot; er again would eat -producing !neat. Force" restored his vim, hot, he's " Sunny Jim." or 'kho Yteally.to.SerYe Cereal makes comfort possible on a sweltering day. >pCailst► Hint en Items Ceaf. "' Torre' lit a Westing to hot humanity. I end Pince eating it -and 1 wain it ever?' morning that 1 ant able to go through a hetday with much more comfort than when lewd to vat hearty meet breakfaids. It hat taught me hew to live. "It. It CLLttll5i50*L" 99 PRINTING TV' T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., yr . L.D.S. '� New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. - Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. MCderate prices, and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. rassatas- i��15 +frac► JOHN RITCHIE, . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. induding Books, Pamphlets, loto, Po. tars , Bill Lara &c.,&c., executed in the best Heads, Circulars, Hyla of the art, atmoderate prices, and on short notice. Booaznte unro.-we are .pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our v. -prompt attention Prices for Binding in any Style will be given on application to Tan TIMES OFFICE, gingham. DEATH IN TETE. RIOTS. Dock Laborers' Strike at Valparaiso Be- coming Very Se ions., Santiago, Chili, May 14. -The strike of dock laborers at Val- paraiso is becoming more serious - Tho - strikers, after setting fire - to the Guay, as well as to the offices of the South American Steamship Com+ pany, had a number of encounters with the police, during which Jen Jared. Were e 200 were Adetachment of 8,000 troops has been despatched to Val- paraiso to quell the disorder. The Government has refused all offers to compromise the difficulties, and is - determined to adoptthe sternest: measures to restore order. • 0,000 Return in New York. • New York, May 14. -Pending the' arbitration of their grievances, most of the 6,000 strikers returned to work on the subway yesterday. ALES. KELLY, Winglmm, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. 50 YEARS' EXPEDIENCE TRADE 1VIARKS • DsstGNs Com/Mews &O. Anyone sending a sketch and description may raga!). a5esrtaln our opinion free whether air invention is probably probably p�11atentable. Commune on RonastrictlytOldconfidential, st ifitrttency for,ecuringk on a en i. Patents taken through Munn (e co. recotrd spcetat Melee 'Without cholla, in the en1Ifk JI ericAreti • r e t err• ,a e weekly. I a 10 0 eutionofan111tttt rated e y elution any Attention li i.uaria14 byul. rentewseer vs * tear' four months, Sl. &o ,i byalt reNedeal,rrn. MORN & CO 318roadwav, New Yqk nrknch Osteo.0251t St-, Yr age:a ton. D. RAILWAY TIME 'TABLES. GUARD TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS Mere ]rota f,<iftdon 01`,0 a.m . 8.10p.m. T�onronto & Rad ..0 amt s.53 a.m . 9.95p.ni. Kincardino..11 lO a,m rROM 1. 0 p.m 8.88p.m, urreKincardine ....9.50 a m9,00 A.m ... 8.05 p.m. Lortden...,, 11.10 am.... 7.55 p.m. p*lnieltstnia 11.10 a m Toronto dt EaL HA130lD, Age t, WI g�ham CANAl)XAtt• PACIEICI RAILWAY. '!(Aute MAvn reit Termite tt Mel Seat tt*t .. 5.15 .m. Teenwtiter 1.17E7 p tott p 10.45 phi, Altarrit reel/ ... LWant f ..": 117 s .,_.IJD ci. JAS. HENDERSON, winghain, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stork and Implements a specialty. All Orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. . Terms reasonable. F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ndue t sales Is prepared to co t s in this section. a e Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the TIMES office. Wingham. IN PLEASANT 'PLACES. The vice Regal Party's Visit to Windsem. ..nal Detroit, hfiolt. Windsor, May 14. -Tho visit of Canada's Governor-General, Lorrlt. Minto, and Lady Minto, and daugh- ter to this city yesterday was . made the occasion for an international ce- lebration, 25,000 people participat- ing. Troops, on both sides of the line vied with each other to do hon- or to the King's representative in Canada. - Inaddition to the splendid recep- tion tendered the distinguished Visit- ors at the Russell House in Detroit last evening, a thousand. United 'States troops, regulars, and militia- men, marched under- arias as a guard of honor to the vice -regal party as their carriages traversed several of the main thoroughfares of that city - Mayor Maybury, with a number of Detroit ladies and gentlemen, escort- ed scorted Lord and Lady lflnto across the river from Windsor early last even- ing in the yacht Vita. - Aftet the officers had been p resent- e d by Col. 13u tie t , Their Ix ccll n - cies proceeded tohold an informal reception, assisted by Lady Eileen. Elliot. At 4 o'clock ,an adjournment wags, taken to the large drill hall, where Their Excellencies, after taking their place upon the platform, listened to an address of welcome by Mayor Drake. Lord Minto replied briefly, thanking the Mayor for the warm welcome extended him on the occa- sion of This first visit to Western On- tario. During his stay at Detroit Lord Minto was constantly guarded by half a dozen plain clothes men. The whole affair parsed Off most satis- factorily and pleasantly. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo. plc back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in them -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. 600 Afore New Settlers. Halifax, N. S., May 14.E --The steamer Carthaginian, which arrived yesterday afternoon from Liverpool via St. .john's, Nfld., landed 522 passengers last evening. They are 1K mixed lot, consisting of English., Scotch, Norwegian, Swedes, Finns,. Danes and Itussians, and are boun6 for various points in Canada. - Street Car tulle reeler. 1anzilton, dray 14. ---William Coh- len, a peddler, who lives at 146 North Ferguson avenue, was . fatally! injured last evening. 1fb was ruts into by a street car, at the corner of Ilerkimer and • Vellab streets. 'Iliie skull was fractured, and he lived only about ten minutes *Ito t' roach► ing t$e hospital. rnittneer °at`tte X4, Cincinnati, May 14.'°-•A Dig Vont* ptaseenger train ran into a switch j engine at Iveryditle yesterday', Band WEB$TER cO.l°' , was