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The Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 6
K Ot 1 TILE WINGI1AM TIMES, MAY 14. 1903 ADEB NERVES OF WOMEN Are many times all indication or symptom. of functional. derangements. They are in Most cases doe to functional wrongs, to which women only are subject. t t OUT OF NERVJS " women are the nightmare of doctors. "CRANKS" is often the designation of those patients by physicians unable to understand the cause of their irritable condition. Sr. JAMES \VArl:RS have rendered great service to such physicians in Great Britain, who prescribe them to nervous woolen. S'r. JAlnES `VArERs afford great relief, simply by strengthening every organ affected by the functional wrongs in women, such as weak stomach - weak back - and weak" nerves. ST. JAMES WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the hottest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. KSIVE HRVNGT FAR WE 1 _ SOiffl- 4aR• ICHEHE &STROM. tidiP ondon'f'Hoarea1 "Bost° REJ1TBRrrA(N4/ AMERICA p: • all Druggists tt Chemin PrkeinCanada : $1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 s ,,Have used St. James Wafers with such success as to place them on my list of reliables.' Dr. Chas, H. Springer, London, Dngland. Sl.James Wafers are not a .teere' remedy:lo the !!onerous doctors re- com,,ie„ding doem to their patients we mail the jornarla Von request. Where dealers are not selling the Wafers. they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch : St, JarR1 Wafers Co., 1728 St. Catherine St„ Montre.l. While digging a bole for a telephone post the dock aGDeafoxd a few days ago, the telephone men Baine upon u pile of bones„ which upon exannnatiou proved to be part of a -human skeleton, The bones wero iii a state of great decay but tete teeth are well nigh perfect. There is Ito doubt but that the bones are those of an Indian, probably a Mohawk, who flied and was buried, there malty Years ago. FOUND AT LAST, .A liver pill that is Small and sure, that WAS gently, quickly awl thoroughly, that does not grille. Laxa-Liver Pills pos sess these qunlitit's, and are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Gou. tipatiou, Sick Headache, ete. kernels from the Sanctum MIU 1 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges Dr. Campbell, of Zurich, has .gone to Europe, where he will spend several 3nonths studying in the leading hospitals. Mr. R. R. Johustou has taken posses- sion of the Dominion hotel, Zurich. Mr. C. L. Shoemacher, the late proprietor, will live private in Zurich. It's not the weather that's at fault. It's your system, clogged with poisonous materials, that makes you feel dull, drowsy. weak and miserable. Let Bur- doek BIood Bitters clear away all the poisons, purity and enrich your blood, incl e -you fdel° bright and vigorous. Mrs. Thos. Mntthie, of Lucknow, re- sceived the sad intelligence by telegram that her eldest son, Wilfrid Matthie,had died at Butte, Montana. The proposition for a sectional bonus to the Huron, Bruce & Grey Electric 'Railway Company is to be voted on in Colborne township on Saturday, May 30th. The amount of the proposed bonus is $7,000. Children Cry for CASTOR I A,e Cu Sunday morning, llftly 3rd, at het home on the front road, Stanley. there P ►sled away the Foal of Ctrs. Jas Parke at the ege of 84 years and 10 months Mrs, Parke was one of the pioneers of Stanley township, having settled with her (husband on the Goshen line nearly GO ) ears ago" After clearing and making comfortable a goon farm they retired to a smaller place near 11 Byfield w here the) have'taken life more easily' for the last 20 years. After 53 years of married lite end reau4e six ehildreu, this is the first time death has entered their home. "Strength and vigor come of good foal, truly digeeted, 'Force', a ready.to-serve wheat acrd barley food, adds uo btu bee, dot sustains, uuurishes, iuvigerates." Nancy Scott Grieve, relict of the late John Grieve, of McKillop, died at the residence of her daughter, Pdrs. Robert Scott, Seaforth, ou May 2ud, Li her 95th year. Mrs Grieve was one of tl e early settlers in Huron, braving conte from Scotland in 1834. She had a large circle of relatives by all of whom she was greatly beloved. From childhood she was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. On 'Thursday, April 30th, at about 12 o'clock, Mr. George McKuight's resi- deuce, 6th cou. Wallace, was discovered to be oh fire,wbich had gained great head- way before being noticed, and there was not any of the contents of the building saved. except Mrs. McKnight got out a small trunk which contained some papers of value. Mr. McKnight seeing the fire, rushed to the front door, broke it open but was unable to get to the room where he had $11G in cash, and the hired girl lost about $20 besides all her clothing. Er. Angus Murray died at London on Saturday, May 2ud. Mr. Murray was one of a family of eight children and his father, the late John Murray, was born and married in Scotland. Angus Murray lived for quite a number o: year: in God- erieh, but for the past twenty-five years or more had been in London, where his death occurred from dropsy at the age of fifty-two years. Sarah Teskey, wife of the late Hugh Teskey, passed away on Wednesday, April 29th, at the Teskey homestead, cou. 9, Huron township. The deceased was one of the old settlers,having reach- ed the age of 84 years. By her death the neighborhood lost one of its bright and intelligent citizens. There is no form of kidney trouble, from a backache down toBright's dis- ease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidney complaint, give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. Mr.Chas.Milne has rented the Queen's hotel at Clinton for five years to Mr: J. Perkins, one of the former laudlords,of the Clarendon hotel in that town. Mr. and Mrs. Milne will go the Western States for the benefit of Mr. Milue's health. 'Wherever there are sicklypeople with weak hearts and derauged nerves. Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be, found an effectual medicine. They re- store enfeeble, enervated. exhau-ted devitalized or over-worked men and women to vigorous health. From Mr. Kilmer's roll which he has just completed, we learn that the total assessment of Walkerton this year is $072,080, made up as follows: -Real 'property $654,130, personal $122,000, in- come $15,850, The increase over last year amounts to $10,105. The population ip $006.. • Genuine Osstorfa always bears the Signature of Chas. H. Pletcher. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Clung When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children,she gave them Castoria. George A. Mills, Stratford'e oldest c.tbntuh; died of apoplexy. Itis reported that ex -Treasurer usurer Sham- blenn of Kent County le to bo prose- cuted, as ids defalcations amount, to over $23,000. James. Hogg,one of the oldest residents of G;ey township, had an t'peretion per- formed on one of his feet for gangrene. Considering his advanced age, 91 years' he titttod it 1t e:1. Tho city of Stratford hoe: come is to possessi n of the Stratford Water Su; - ply Conipauv'e frathchiee, plant, meius, oto., by payiue $97,813.49, and will run the water works municipally. Arrangements have been made for holding a great pumber of farmers' o: - muskies to the. Agricultural College at Guelph. Over 35,001) farmers visited t e iustitatiou last year. and this) ear seve al exoureious will have to be held on 11 e Fa me day. The following, interesting statistieS are gleaned from the assessment roll of Tuel:erstl,ith township; Children ba twezi the ages of 5 and 16, 370; 8 and 14, 274; 10 and 21, 105; No. of acres 40717; acresncleared land 377350, value of real property $1,971.13, value personal property $3,575, "taxable income `?1,200 value personal and real property $1,975, 9(10, male persons front 21 to 00, years 505, statute labor days 2801, dogs 318. bitches <0;"residen ts 2348. Cattle (1330, she( p 545, hrgs 2171, horses 1652, births 34, depths 15, wood land 2957, waste land 410 pores, acres of orchard and gar- den 033 acres, fall wheat 2242, eteam boilers 17. R To provetn. you. that Pr, Ptes. Ch'tse'S Ointment is and absolute cureuro for each .5 anrt every form or iteh'ng, bloediagnnd protruding pilon, tie tna„u'actnrers have guaranteed it. See tee - 'oval he a in" t ho ('oily press and ask your r eight ,a^i what t,'tov think o' it. Yon can use it and 't roar tnonev hack if not cured. (1c a box, at 11 dealers or Er»l txSON.BATES & CO.,TOroontO. 3r,dOhase'1 Ointment The Formosa correspoudeut of a Walk(rtc'n paper says: '•A pathetic figure on the viilaee street is its former great man, Mr. F. X Messner. This gentlemanonee refused a'parliameutary uomination, and his cheque was good for thousands. Now he is -`reduced taxa poor condition of life, and left to finish the trip in poverty and obscurity. His con- dition illustrates the cynic's definition of At her residence in HensalI, ou Tburs gratitude: to lively sense of favors to day, April 30th, Mrs. Walter Hanson comet. Mr. Messner was a.benefaetor to passed to the great beyond. The deceas-the church, and also -reared a number of ed who was 79 years of age survivad her I orphan children; whom the placed iti: a husband just about eight months. Prior to the death of Mrs" Hanson she had been very feeble and grief for his loss no doubt hastened her departure. She was born near Hull, England, and was bronght out to Canada by her husband who returned for her 1n 1854. They lived on the farm near Kippen till 14 years ago, when they moved to Hensall. The late Mrs. Sarah Henderson. who died at her horse on the first .con., of Kinloss on April 28th, was born in the parish of Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland, sixty-eight years ago. She was the only daughter of the late John McLean, of Ashfield. The family emigrated from Scotland in 1847 and early in the fifties settled on the 12th con., of Ashfield on the homestead occupied yet by Mr. AIex. McLean, Mrs. Henderson's only brother. In 1858, she was united in marriage to the late David Henderson. The death of Jacob Guittarcl took place Friday evening. May 1st, at his residence in Mildmay, after a lingering and painful illness Deceased was 09 years of age, and has been a resident of Mildmay for the past eight years. Few people know that a man, bulk for bulk, is stronger than an ex, but it ap• pears that such is the case. The matter was tested not long since at a fair in :tl.u1eriea, one of the attractions of which was a contest of a yoke of oxen angain. t an equal weight of men. A drag was loaded with granite blocks, weighing in the aggregate 4,059 pounds. The yoke of oxen than made the trial weighed 3,220 pounds to a man, were set against them. The men took hold of the drag first, and walked off with it, covering a distance of -95 feet In the spaca of two minutes. The oxen at their trial moved ouly 85 feet in the same length of time, and the men were accordingly declared winners. "Patsy" the mascot rat and tan dog of the Rattenbury Hotel, Clinton, who has seen 18 years of acquaintance - amongst the commercial travellers of Canada, had his leg broken Wednesday morning by a buggy running over it. He was suffering so much from the in- jury that Mr. Rattenbury had him put out of misery. A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at the residence of V. and Mrs. Gamm, of Cranbrook,at 4 o'clock, Wed- nesday afternoon, May 6th, when their daughter, Miss Margaret, was united in marriage to John Ritchie, hardware merchant of Ethel. The nuptials were solemnized amid the most pleasing sur- roundings and circumstances that Cupid could wish. 'fist` i ever's Dry Soapy- (a powder) to „. 'kaslir tvoo,,lcns and flannels, --you'll like it. 32 Mexican silver dollars are in cicula- tion in different parts of Ontario,brought in by speculators. As the money is 'worth only 40 cents, persons taking them at the Hanle value as the Yankee silver doliarwilI lose 51 cents in the transaction. Look out for them. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Into the uncertainties of the joys and borrows of wedded life, Mr. Jas, McRae, Clinton. and Miss Margaret McQueen, Petrolea, were united in the holy bends of matrimony by Per. A. A. Graham, pastor:' of the Presbyterian church, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McQueen, Petrolea, on Wednesday, May 6tl1, For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan- tam, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysen- try" mrd Summer Complaint, Dr. Ayr - let's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a a favorite sure or nearly 9 thatbeer*beo popular Ma regret of our readers will8're t to learn of the death of Mrs. Peter Aiken - bead, formerly of Tuckersmith, but now of Saskatchewan, Northwest Territory. Meru. Aikenhead'e maiden name wa lox Bell. She died at her home near Saskatchewan, on Tburrday, eth. Stift Was 52 years of age. GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the Summer comes. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Eronchitis, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. good condition of life. It would' not hurt some of those who prpfited by his bounty to provide for the comfort of his declining years." At the age of nearly 54 years, the be- loved wife of Mr. Samuel Pike, of Clin- ton, has been called upon to give up her mortal existence. The death occurred on Thursday. April 30th. Mrs. Pike was We eldest and last surviving daughter of the late John Sturdy, of the 7th con. of Gotlerieh township, where she was born. Twenty-three years ago she was married to Mr. Pike, who was then running, the hotel that stood at .the •side of the present Mason House, Clinton,,. but has : since been consumed by fire. A few years later Mr. Pike built the present Waver- ly House, where they have resided ever since, with the exception of three years, when the place was rented to a Mr. Spooner. Officers for the Brussels Epworth League, elected at the last ineetiug are as follows: -Hon. Pres., Rev. T. W. Cosens; Pres., W. H. Salter; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Mary Cantelon; 2nd Vi'e Pres., Miss Minnie McNaughton; Ord Vice President, Miss Emilie E. 'Kerr ;4th Oice President, Miss Dolly Backer; Sec- retary, Chester Armstrong; Treasurer, George Miller, The League has raised $100.00 during the yearet45 for the"For- ward Movement" iu Missions. There are 100 members in the League. Mr. Alex. McKinnon, of the 4th con. of Kinloss, met with a very painful acci- dent ou Wednesday of last week. While tying a nervous horse in the stable the animal suddenly pulled back and the left hand being caught in the loop of the halter shank, the third finger was torn completely off near the second joint and the nails of the second and fourth fingers were crushed off. Children Cry for CASTOR 1A. During 1902, according to the "Life In- surance Press," the sum • of $99,285 was paid out to policyholders or their heirs by the various insurance companies do- ing business in Wingham. The pay- ments in Montreal aggregated $1,838,617 Hamilton, $233,670; Toronto, $1,238,036; Ottawa, $540,618; St. Thomas, ;:4,000; Chatham, $32,746; Stratford, $6,433. The largest payment to any one person in this district was that of $10,000 to James D. Moore, of St. Marys. The following figures are gleaned from the assessment roll for McKillop town- ship for this year -There are 837 names entered on the roll; population 2,497; there are 707 children between the ages of 5 and 21. No. of acres, 52,160; clear- ed 42,742; total assessed valve of real Ridding -Up Time. Though we haven't locked in tlhp dic- tionary the term, i in believe it s t we be e for o, a cccrdnnce with the established usage ti refer to the 1st of May as the dawn of "ridding -up" time. It is therefore, ie order for everybody who lives in a house - and we've mostly got over roosting up trees and dwelling in holes iu the ground - to commence the annual spring house- cleaning. This cleauiug is sometimes ooufined largely to the house itself, in- cluding, of course, the contents. No body who has ever neaten carpets, taken down stoves, swept out a cellar or per- formed any of those other' feats associat- e l with Spring house-cleaning has been known to want Spring time to come more than once a year. It means much wohk and worry with so little to show for it when it is allover, that you cannot blame people for regarding the outside renovating and rubbish removing as something that might be deferred till the pangs of the interior trouble had somewhat subsided. But that is where people !hake a mistake. The best plan is pitch iu and get rid of the whole job without any let up. It has to be done one day soon -tackle it and have it off your hands at once. When Lite is not Life, "Without health Iife is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering -an image of death." The use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food gives the weak, languid and discouraged. a new hold on life. It makes the blood pure and rich, creates new ners+e force and instils new energy and vitality into the whole being' It snakes weak and sickly people strong and well by bui'.d'ng up thesystem,. 8100 - REWARD - s10e The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure iu all its stages, and thatis Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positiye cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying, the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting 'nature havn doing its work. The proprietors so much faith in its curative powers that tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.Sold by , Hall'sFamily hPlls are the best sts. Todo, O. A quiet hone wedding took place at property, $2,010,400; personal, $3,800; the hone) of Mrs. I. Sanderson, Gorrie, to sable income, $400; days of statute at highnoon on Wednesday, May (ith, labor, 3,191; there aro 7,312 cattle,1,502 when her only daughter, Miss Merle, sheep, 3,018 hogs, 1,815 horses and 17 was united in marriage to Mr. Kenneth steam. engines, There were 44 births Trimble, of Glenboro, Man., and son of ' during the year. Mr. John G. Trimble, of Gerrie. The happy couple left at the four train for their future home in the far West amid showers of rice and good `visiles of their many friends. P'or Gaiur Sixty Tears. An Ohl and 'Well -Teed Remedy --Mrs Winslows SoothingSyrupp has been used for over sixtyears bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with It soothes the c hild, perfect success. 1?e tioftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for diarrho'. It i8 pleasant to the taste. ;Told by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty cents a bottle. Its valve is ineelonlable. Be sure you for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing ;3yrdp, and take no other kind. A GUARANTEED CURE For Mi Forms of Kidney 'Disease. CLUBBING RATES FOR GOOD IlfALTH To preserve or restore it, there isr no better prescription for men, women and children than -- Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ---but ,o the Plain, every -day folks they arc a veritable friend in need, Ripans Tabuleshave become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from 'a regular use of Ripans Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five - cent ,packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. The Times clubs with the papers mentioned below at in reduced rate : For one year. A plant of unusual growth and beauty is to be seen at the home of Mrs. Alex. Gibson, sixth concession of Howick. It is a species of geranium, commonly call- ed Pansy Geranium, though frequently known as Royal George, or Lady Wash- ington. The plant stands over six feet high and measures three feet across, be- ing a solid mass of leaves for five feet. It is in full bloom, there being over 80 blossoms on it at the present time. A number of dowers have already fallen off and innumerable more buds are de- veloping. The slip from which this handsome plant has grown was planted about threeyears g r ago, and has received y no special attention, blit was oared for and prized very much by every member of the family, as it was a slip given to their late daughter, Endo, when 111, and she took 'great' pride and interest in watching its growth day by day. By the assessment roll, which Mr. Haydon, assessor, bas just completed and returned, the total assessed value of Lis- towel is given at :20,031, which is $20,» 000 less than last year. The falling off is evidently due to lower valuation, other- wise the 111 assessment w ort1d show a sub- stantial increaser considering the num- Y the undersigned Druggist am fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 50e bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the world that positively cures all r diseased Tiri weak o i troubles! es Ytf`isili g from kidneys "Money cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved f ber of now buildings that Were ereeted after use 01 olte bottle. Three to Six within the year. The population is bottles effect astonishing and permanent I given et 208, beitig an increase of 87If cures. not relieved The Times and The Weekly Globe The Weekly Mail The Daily Star, Toronto. Tne Montreal Family Herald and 1 Star 76 The Weekly Sun 1 75 The Farmers' Advocate,.........., 1 75 Toronto Daily News.... • 3 00 The Montreal Witness, Weekly1 60 1 50 World Wide 1 20 Northern Messenger The Daily World, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily Herald. .. 2 00 Farming World........ 1 50 London. Advertiser, weekly1 50 Daily Globe If you do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address. or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. $1 60 1 75 2 25 K Ot K4 K &K K& K--K8cK DRsKNNEDY& KERGAN Specialists to the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of lien and Women. 25 Years in Detroit. agrNo Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. e n sones Thousands of young and middle-aged men are 7 swept P to a premature grave through early abuse of later excesses. Chas. Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued is time. He says; "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back weals, dreams and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worse, 1 became reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firma -all failed till Drs. Ken- nedy & Kergan took my case. in one week I felt better, and in a few weeks was entirely cured. They are the only tellable and honest Specialist, in the country." READER -We guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run 110 risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay 51,000 for any case we take that our NEW MRTHOD TR.N:ATMENT will not cure. at and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question IeistWes for tre$ome Treatment, DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor' Ml Ueuoit,,lHichhelbySt. K&,K K&K'K &. K 'K& K.'&. K K & ' ... ' • ik All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOB and cured, you Weide no money." lover lasE,year. No. of dogs 110; cattle, A. L. Hamilton, Wingharn, Ont. 200; hogs, 70; horses, Mi. DILEKONE ;'i 5111`✓. FILES. �©C"�t Opinions of Leading Physiefanb. 1 have used W. T. Strong's Eilekone for rixl ternel as well as internal p�iles and get better results than :from any other i"etnedy 1 have used. A. GRAMM, M. D„London, out. i'rice *1.00. dor sato by druggists,or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG., Manufacturing Chemist London, Ontario. 'Awxxn-Several industrtou4 persons in each state to travel for house establisher eleven years and with a largo capital, to call upuin merchants &n�d agent% for successful and profit- able line. Permanent engagement, Weekly cash salary of 119 and tat 'traveling Is:mentos mid hotel bilis advanced in (.dell each week. ExPerience not essential. Mention refernneo mid (!(lose aalf addresser envelope. THE NATIONAL, 52.1 Dearborn Str, Chicago. Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, I &r anything else in the printing line, you will make no, mistake by leaving your order at this office., - We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address - THE TIMES OFFICE 1EA`VEIt BLOCK JOSEPHINE STREET. wiNGITA1VI.