The Wingham Times, 1903-04-30, Page 5N 1111,11,, a • Tial{. WV f "Gl1A t1 TIMES. APPt,IT1 3n, 19o3 Now Neh orss the �ro� Our TO BUY YOUR EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. P i ITS Our stook is complete ill all styles aud. sizes for Mall. Youth or Boy. '- We have Boys' Suits from: - $ 1.10 to $ .00 Youths' 3 piece Suite, short Pants from - $ 3•75 to $ 8.00 C Youths' Setts, lou;; Pants, front - - $ 3.75 to $10.00 Men's Tweed Snits from .. - - $ 4.73 to 510,00 Men's Serge Suits - - - - $ 3 50 to $10.00 Gents' Suits in Black and White Stripes sizes, 83 to 42 - $10.50 & $11,50 New Geey Stripe Suits for Young Men, sizes 33 to 40,latest cut vest,neat fitting Pants and guareuteed- $ q 00 to wear - - Odd Pants, 400 Pairs to choose from, prices - .75 to $ 1.00 FIR CISrgiNGS. Bard and Soft Felt Bats iu all the latest styles and 73 to $4.00 colors - • - SHIRTS.Sa1em brand;ln all latest colorings,hard aud t if • tuts eto guaranteed, soft bos�tn�,• pleated fto , g color comes out we give you your money baok.$ 1.00 to $1.73 Neck Wear in the new Midgets, Mites and Strings •2i� Roxbury Scarf, all colors- -' 5t1 COLLARS, AUSTRIAN MAKE, hand made 1 button holes all styles and sizes from 12 to 18 .15 & .20 1 The R. to GROW Goo i WINGIAPII, ONTARIO. } 1 1 1 f ,_ Trade wanted, 411•0000000040000O0000004v 4 4 4 4 4 •• 4 + ♦ + • •4 4 4 • 4 ••♦ ♦ 4 / • :4 : ♦ AT ♦ ♦ ++++++++++++++++++44444. 4.4 k 9 .4.44+++4 4•t•4.i't.•OoA4.•FP4P40 004�4s 0et.004000004'0®00000040 0 0 0 0 O 0 O e We have just opened up some fancy Glass ware, direct from the factory at Tarenturn,Pennsylvania. Gold: decorated consisting of handled Olive Fruit Dishes, Nap -m pies Bon Bon Dashes, Creams, Sugars,Tooth-pic k Hold -Q ers, Cake Plates, Custards, Goblets and Vases. relive T off ;VELEM Also a Package of Table Tumblers with cut bottom. Extra choice go3ds on sale dozen. 4 rrr~ rga,(n� w� tl u a Srz.'ua an imitation at 3$c per What Wideawake Time Correspondeztte Qomnunioate ^- Other Items Clipped From Our Ezeintnge8. oat at0'i TOWN Alas. McOosh, a Palate living o t the L ke Shore range, Iluroti Townehip,was found dead in his tarn Saturday. It is presumed that he had fallen in a foentieg fit while feeding his stock. Ile had been dead some days when found. Mr. Mc - Cosh was a Motive of Ayrshire, and a great admirer of the plonglimau poet. He was a prominent member of the St. Andrew's Society of Kincardine. Ile was unmarried, and was living aloue at the time of his demise. 11rs, Miller, relict of the late Walter Miller, died Sunduy morning after au illuoss of some mouths' duration. She WAS a native of Scotland. Both the above were residents of upwards of fifty years. People \i'lth na(l Breath Generally suffer from Catarrh and should use Catarrhozonte ',Mater four The times daily, and be cured, lhepleasunt t vapor spreads scented (;ntalilioio to 1 P through every air passage of the breath lug organs, and reaches the very root of the disease at once; it kills the germs, purifies and cleanses the mucous sur- faces, and erradicates every vestige of catarrh in a short time, Pure, sweet breath, free from head ache, sneeziug and discharge are quickly derived from the use of Catarrhozontt In- haler. Complete outfit, cruarauteecl to cure, costs $1.00, trial SiZs 25'%. Drug- gists or N. U. Pelson & Co., Eiugstou, Out. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Livor. ;Smith & Pethicic's old stand. is the -4o Paint The timber for the new bank barn on Peter Scott's farm, boundary, is being toot ready. It will be a modern building and will take the place of tido one de- stroyed by fire last summer. Three sons of Frank Wright left Brussels last week with a car of Horses and settlers' effects for the Prairie Pro- vince, where they purpose making their home. Mr. Wiight wets in the West last summer and took up a large tract of land. We wish them success. Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, addressed. the prayer meeting here on Friday evening of last week. , I1 '. Thos. Crawford left last week for Deloraine, Mw., where he will follow the trade of stone-iltason during the nest six mouths, There was no echoed in Div. No. 4 of Elyth public school last week, owing to the serious Mims Miss Lockhart, the teacher of that department. Mr. Jas, Barr has resigned position of chief of police of Blyth, aud the coeticil are asking for avplieations for the pod - tion. The salary is $300. Rev. J. G. Burn, who has been the popular aud worthy poster of the Evan- gelieal churches at Banneiller aud Hul- led for the past two years, ;is moving to Pembroke, emelt to the regret of his loving church people and other uutner- otls friends iu this neighborhood. Mr. John Littlef,tir, of Itclerton, and i Ills$ N. flit: Dune.au, of Montreal, • two former 33tytli young people were tear - rigid recently bride's Ir: Hume of the • 1•at1 the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Duncan. in I Montreal. Rev. Prof. Ross was the • olid itetint; clergymen. The happy young couple ware visiting with Blyth friends last week and were the recipients of many hearty congratulation,. Your houses, barns and fences,b. the best the w Boiled and Ra01aiu 1 the market. Pare White Lead at lowest prices. Also Aylmer Spray Pumps, with barrel, hose and nozzle, reg. $13 e Blue Stone at Go per lb. HAflARE STORE WING HAM. .,a s0. ' AP • Does !t not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach ? .Estatlishcd A779. 79 Cures lithe You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antLem uc is carried over the diseased sur- face tt tit every breath, giving prolonged cmi. constant tr,:;.'ment. It is invalu- able to '..,.titers with €reale children. Loon to u:f hat:41es. VIiioepir.g Cc tea Bronchitis ';roup eeeene Catarrh, oelea Cr enee and Cu Fever The I%;1 :i^Pr`rtt 1 7 .n;,. ^•' i,,}i rtoald la!t n li:rtia:e tot •Misr ,ua :: h., tit of t.resolene, .^ a 7. i'.11 l lie .. tt LS nn e, 1'( t nts po r¢nr,, tt rite hot:.c: cartai,:• /AC L:,ee•t t<.,ta:.�:,; :., t., it rY 1.01a14.••'i:: t.t r.;. Yelp v i c c,t're co, %so Flaws' St -,cat _ .rt name uwecr h Nev.,Ve .Ic.hLi%a 444.11.1. A tlap1t Lt Care t'or sore Throat iL 4a i. VA Is to u;e as a girgle a i'ety 'irons of Pol- Mrs. and Miss A idereon, of East Wit - son's Nerviline fu sweetene l water, a.00 before retiring roe the throat and cher vigorously with Nervilnto. By mor img the S(i" ii^ts cut•l infl•ttuutttttOii wi have disappeared entirely. Nerviline drives away the pain and cures so. r • i•�kly �'rt . throat and hoarseness 1.t . • , , t . p� bemuse that's what its made for. Boy Mr. awking left last week for' a 25:.. bottle front your druggist to -ritzy. .Henryy r - rt Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the .Livrrt/! Pilot :MIoul:d, Man. IL) will build a lions: for Ur. Johu G''utntill, formerly R wauosh have moved One the house which,n . they purchased from Mrs. Rutherford andwill make their horse herein future.. Mr. Sim Cleghorn started for Manitoba last week. 42, , of Turuberry. . -no.titts. I 'We understand that Mr. \raliougii, of ! R I the post office store, hay sold his business Is ie said Joseph Smith, 0th line. }ins to 11r. Robt. Shaw, of the boundary. ! purchased the Heady farm on the 5y i Mr. and Mrs. Mellough have ala le many line. �, fri:gaily who will regret to hear of their i Rev. Mr. Bielby, who has been visit- ' leaving Bluevale. bee Itis brother ou the 8th ii ne, has re- ! ilipatents from Bluevale during the I' turned to his hone, ! !past few days :—Three car loads of cedar I posts; one car load of Lumber; one car lead hogs. Sliienients received here:— Victoria ere:—Z ictoria Hall on Suuday last. iu electrical road construction, has guile two car loads of British Columbia Sanders, sou of Jas. Sharp, 5th Heel Robt. Shaw coudnetod the services en I who has beeu employed near _New York ASHLEIGH'S Ptin4 Dtenrts That Are Diseased • will never be cured by the false, un- natural stimulation of liquor. Fir:t in- crease your vitality, build up the sys- tem, strengthen and polity the biood— theu the heart will respcual and grow strong. Ferrozoue is gtemsely what to take, it gives you au appetite nto and a digestione Sti Ui 'that will loo.after.. oveiytun% that 1S b lvlwfoWmLttl1o1t 4thooro te • to'ns house iu thecity 3 t e past week was eaten. Ferrozone improves nutrition:line,aPa3sa-a#vk?"SeS`�1?h in one Of. 200 ba�osltleled „Bayor,sTrion- failing health for some time from Heart , al," they caro(' freiii ToiontO, and -were to Toledo where he has taken a situation 1 shiugles and a car load of lath. in the same flue. Joe. Sharp, wito has The creamery commenced operations I :<_ been int Toledo for several years, is now i this week. �f1..+tT:s' i � eassLocxre�: advanced to a manager's place in the prosecution of the overhead wire work. 1 d MN's 1 The LeadingStorQsMa°s So�ething New In 3 We have,jnst t'eeeived a. full range of the"ant.ornobile" silk water - t thoroughly lie dyke •tt m of on proal cants; hAr,dscNest garment, of thes guaranteed absolutely waterproof and weighs -only one send ti quarter pounds. The latest style, lightest weight, neatest pattern to be had in rainproof coats. See ahem. We leave a good vrtriety ct d titer hinds of ratio cants for you to el1'1: se froth, 1n child's, misses', and women's sizes, prices from $2.00 to $10:00 each. Isar d's Black G`renadi1� : etre taking al•a lead in style, quality and price. You can save money buying here as well as ;your neighbor. Twn hundred .yards of line, black grena- dine worth 75a per yard, some stores ask $1,00, our mice while they last - - 50 cents. Black and whine Mullins in all qualities and latest effects, prices 100, 1 i e, 15e, 0e '?5c, 30 and• Curtain Departlnaft • Our Carpet Is a busy spot these, clays, special values in all titins of earpet,oil- cloths, Linoleunts and curtains. Special,, in Curtains No. 1--12 pairs fine Lace Curtains, taped, new patterns .110 ^r No. •_>-10 pairs wide Curtains, choice patterns, sale prieo .r5 No. 8—l6 pairs extra fine pattern, S?: yds long, special price 1,00 No. 4-0 pairs ni a new design.extra wide,taped,spec::ll prieo 1.26 No 5-10 pairs extra heavy tine curtains, worth S i 00, now 1.76 No. 8--12 pairs line Nottingham Lace, wide, worth $2.50 sale price • 1.05 Ullllflsite Band of ilati�iiltnn Hi latest pi•iva hail: far Probe We wield them continued suaess. Contained Poison. A by-law to loan $7,000 to the ecarried Saturday evening, April 18th, about A dispatch from Niagara Falls says:— Crean; Separator Company seveno'eloelt, the spirit of Jane Kerney, 1 Among the entries of drugs at the Oils- almost unanimously atDurhauion Ilea - makes rich, vitalizing blood, and is poei- tively the most powerful restorative and strengthener known to science; it im- proves the nerve tone, regulates the heart's action, makes the feeble strong and the sick well. Ferrozone will do you untold good and costs only 50e., at druggists. or Polson & Co., • Kingston, Ont. Sold brie. L. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Liver. disease and her demise was not unex- cousigne:l to Chicago. A chemical anal - pouted. Deceased was married to her i ysis showed the contents of the boxes to now bereft partner at the hone of the late 0. M• Parker, 5th line, 50 years ago aud they were among tho early settlers in the township. Mrs. Little was 07 EAST WAWS.NOSH. During the past two weeks two well - farms have changed hands, in close proximity to each other. The first is known as the Govier farm, situated on con. 1, lot 30, East Wawanosh, near Auburn. It is comprised of 100 acres, and has every convenience thereon that is usually found on a first class farm. The price paid was $4000. 'Mr. John Johnson of the same neighborhood re- ceived $4100 for his place of 100 acres, Mr. Lockhart being the purchaser, At the home of Mrs. Rath on April 15th, at 5 o'clock p. in.. by Rev. T. B. Couplaud, Auburn, John W. Grimoldby, Waltou, was wedded to Miss Ida E., only daughter of Mrs. Rath. The bride was given away by her brother and was unattended. The wedding march was played by the bride's cousin,Miss Bertha Newcomb, Blyth. After the congrat- ulations the wedding party sat down to au elegant supper, after which tioUven- ing was spent in games, claiming, ete. Tlee gifts were numerous and useful. After the eyelling was well spent the bride and ;room drove to Brussels, to the home of the groom's sister, Mts. H. Mooney. The will take up their resi- dence iu Walton. Ir YOU ARE a believer in good printing • ng it will pay you to bring your order to J The Times Office, Wingham. Aching joints be acetanilid. The two drugs are muck alike in appearance, but an ounce of tri- onal costs more than two pounds of acetanilid. While the two drugs are years of ago and is survived by her has- i similar in appearance they are vastly baud, a son, (John, of Morris,) and a I different in their effects, acetanilid being daughter (Mfrs. G. G. Hood, of Saginaw, extremely dangerous and liable to cause death if prescribed as trional, it being used in smaller doses owing to its action on the heart. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Canadian Government, and efforts will be made to bring to justice those who are responsible for the attempt to supply American drug- gists with fraudulent drugs. Trioual is manufactured by Frieder, Bayer and Compauy, of Elberfeld, Germany. Mich ) Another daughter was Mrs. Henderso% who died in Michigan. Her daughters; Lillie and Annie, make their home with their grandfather Little. The subject of this notice was in- dustrious, hospitable and affectionate, a good wife, indulgeut Mother, and a kind neighbor. Her illness found her resigned to the will of her Master. Council met April 13th, in Town Hall, Morris, for the purpose of having the Engineer's report on the Lamont drain read, molter the transaction of any other business that might come up. Minutes of former meeting read and passed. The above mentioned report was read, By- : b 1 t i hospital treatment i armament iu time of peace, egna In the fingers, tote, arms, and other parts of the body, are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism— that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially after sitting or lying, long, and their condition is commonly worse in wet weather. "1 sanfered dreadfully from rheumatism, but have been completely +cured by lIood's Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate- ful." httSS I RAhr'1:s Smart, Prescott, Ont. "I had an attack et the grip which lett me weak and helpless and suffering from theta nudism. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa- villa and this medicine has entirety cured ate. I have no hesitation in saying it saved my life." M. J. Mcl9osete, Trenton, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Removes the causefe:tneut'ntais xt. no outward application NEWS NOTES Keep Cool 1 [Pittsburg Dispatch..] clay only five voting agatust it. "rte©s the che l `t work at done eses aud, Mr. Justice Robertson has resigned his 'Tis the steady chap, - seatoli thea igh. Court Baucli..of Oat- ario, which, with the death of Mr. Justice Lount, make two vacancies in that body. The S1th anniversary of the Inclepen. dent Order of Oddfellows was celebrated ou Sunday by the members of the Lodges iu miny of the cities and towns attend - ng divine service. Fifty journeymen cigarniakers em- ployed by Stirton and Dyer, Loudon, stopped worts Monday ou account of the firm having thrown out the union label about six weeks ago. That success 11as won. Cultivate calm equipoise— Live your hie by rule; Calmly take year griefs and joys— Take your time! Keep cool! Fret and fuss are tommyrot! Think, aud save your legs. Rooster crows en awful lot— Chicken lays the eggs. Live a life of blissful calm— Be no fellow's fool; If for fame you'd take the palm, Take your time! Keep coon Follow all tete rules von know, Spout philosophy) Swear that old you'll never grovel— . That from care you're free! Some of the Parisian theatres give Then wilt Fate, a rascal slick, gratuitous performances three or four Kicit you out of scitool; Punctuating every Icicle times a year. They are intended for With "Take your time! Keep cool!" poor people, and those who are first in lino are usually at the doors several hours Nearly a thousand militia men have before the house is opeued. been called out in Montreal owing to the A. minion dollar bills packed solidly threatening aspect of the ship laborers' like leaves in a book make a pile 275 feet strike. high. One thousand million dollars, the Sick workmen in Japan are entitled price which Europe annually pays for lanile lens law No. 4, was read and on motion of Shaw and Taylor the same was previa. Tonally adopted and the Clerk instructed to have the By-law printed in pamphlet form and a copy served on each interest.tells us the new Drainage Act. On motion of Taylor and I natives two to one. rad}anon from Code a grant of $23.00 was made for the The average life of one and two dollar is a mixture of u oQlt consist not Purpose of grovelling opposite lot l0,con. bills from issue to redemption. as Intttil• ode rays aud m ,therefore,3; 11, A bill was presented by T. Hemphill, 1 i atea currency is little more thtuj UN of etJieri;cl. vac a itlztdp.ir h&r Vitt of s�bift- f `4Vrov.eter, claiming damages for loss � years ly moving ceorpuseles„ the f;'w' u#pittir bf'�' y law o goon toe; - Freueli seamen and miners are obliged i of dollar bills over fifty-two miles high. ,, �� • by law to make provision for their old ''cagRts, Geta•, henrsenesa, and other throat age ailments are greekiq rcli(v(d bq Cr(:5(t In Hawaii there are more Chinese than Watts. ten cents per box. A11 druggists Prof. J. J.Thomsonv ed party as required by the Municipal natives,and the Japanese outnumber thetheradiOactive sub5ttm 0s U r of time on 'account of the almost impass=