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The Wingham Times, 1903-04-30, Page 4
TILE `'VINGIIA . TINES, APRIL 'AU SOLE AGENTS FOR -� 1[. r. Ilesse's ,.oek Goods iletr Dal 447 ed ere thi� of Campbell qui wa Al The Druggist The �Provincial estiln rtes for the year i 19Q`d were presented tattle House Thure• whale in the river Thames was constd- day afterltoon. The estimated total. es- Bred ominous. ()tie was t•as vol olr $4,00ur° is $•,537,435, as compared with erect 1W Greenwich three woltills prior to tete $4,004,22ti Inst year. Among the , death of Oliver Cromwell, and the cont - increases in specific items; are ,1. mon opinion was expressed by Beath. for completion and equipment of the new in his "Flagellum." "It pleased God." Science buildiu(; of Tgronto University. he remarks, "to usher In his end with $80,000 increased grant for surveys iu a great whale three months bef "e, new districts, $20,000 for ad, Mims to lune 2, that cum:: up as far as Uteen- the Normal School, Toronto, ;18,50:1 for 1 wick and there was killed." Evelyn, In his "Diary," under the elate of June ate infirmary building at the Ian idon 3 1058, mentions that a whale was Asylum, aud $15,000 for the estimated 3, off Greenwich and that .t drew deficit of the University of Toronto. au "Infinite concourse to see it by wa- The cost of civil governiueut is increased ter, horse, coach and on foot from Lon - by $40,000, admiustration of justice $17,- don and all parts." According to Rob - 000, education $137,000, public iustitu- ert Hubert. in his "Catalogue of Nat - tions maintenance $50.000, agriculture "ds Rarities," he tongue of thistime1ale at :,70,000, hospitals and charities ,33,000, the "Miter, near tyfor e west end of St, charges on crown lands 855,000, while Paul's nays church: ' miscellaneous expenditures are decreased 'Ave Stock Markets. \Vitale■ In the Thames. In former times tin' appe:trtinve of a Toronto, April28--There was a ft,i ly • a11WINGHAM. I T' ads axil TO ADVERTISERS. mss of changes must he left at this fcrfieD not later than Saturday noon. goflle copy for changes must be left vatet later than Monday evening. itnasual advertisements accepted up noon Wednesday of each week. • In February, 1507, another whale $103,000. was caught in the Thames, and in the Sp1akiug on the halget at Wavy.) (et ITuesday, Mr. Relit. Holmes, M. P., received the expansion of trade, the growth of revenue, and the in- auguration of an era of surplusses. which have marked the Liberal Ad- ministration. He contended that the Liberal party were as mach entitled to claim some credit for the prosperity of the country since they came into office as I irnu $ their opponents had been entitled for I rearing 1'�"I With a 'F'" ! prices of these ranged from. 125 to $1.45 0 eighteeu years to claim credit for the On 011of the times when harry Sui• p 'limes of that mouth appeared an a vertiselllent t'or a piece of ground, some i Export cattle were unchanged. The 40 feet by 00 feet, "on which to exhibit ; top price reported was li;5.15. The a whale." The piece of ground adver- ' prices for the best picked lots ranged tised for was found in the Mile End I from $4.00 tow 5.10 per ewt , w hale tele road, and the whale was exhibited un bulk 1,2501bs,to 1,400 in weight, sold at til Murch 14. Iu the same month- 1 ;4 G5 to $5.00. namely, on Maxair 21 - expired the } r house of commons, which had been There were a goad many loads of mix - elected in 1832. I ed butchers' and exporters' 1,100 to i 1,230 lbs each, brought forward, and the active business in export cattle transact, ed at the Western Cattle Market to -day, and prices were steady at the quotations of Friday. The run of this glass was light and all were sold. Prospects for a good trade in these, however, are not bright, as the 'longeshgreiuea's strike in Moutreul is hindering the loading of yessels there, and cattle men say that they will hays to hold their cattle here till the trouble is settled, cousequeuty the market looks as if it will be fiat for shipping stock for some days. Batched.' descriptions were active and firm. The supply was not largo enough to greet the demand. There were liberal arrivals of light stockers, but sales iu then passed oft actively enough. The arrivals amounted to 85 cars con- taining 1,43S cattle, 219 sheep, 731 hogs, and 397 calves. 30, 1903. • ••••••••••eec•0 s•••••••• o•••e••••e•••••a••s•e•ea•easeeeeeeseemsese••••• ••os •- • • • • JOHN KERB JAS. H. KERR ° • • PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE • • • • •e••••••o•••e• •••••••••e•••••ae•o•• • THE NEWEST AND SMART- sss•ss••else•esooq►smose•a•ss•oosossootase••• w , • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • comparatively modest measure of pros- perity which marked their regime. He announced himself in favor of a revenue tariff, desiring to have free trade as far as consistent with the r,'quiremeuts for ani---•-- - - - - -- 1 revenue. Mr. Holmes thought that the S' ESTABLISHED :nye. 1 Government might have been justified 401 Iin going further iu the reduction of TIDIES tnilaud ql i 11x% duties, as, for instance, on coa z p.. coal, if the Americans wou'd re lace CSLJI�IOTT, y „BnTSHER AlO) PROPntTE'I'OR int their duty. The salt industry, ori the T'HU'RSDAY, APRIL 30, 1903. I other hand, was handicapped by the free ----•- Bal- . __.,..._ a• M E NTS 'nIDTES AND COMMENTS w . h deliver - the vet. Legislature 1'- •'tv'" �quttlity The house roared with laughter, The arrivals of light stockers were terrier Ross' budget speech, Good Thing for Canada large, and market was barely steady. Tuesday liven, the great Irish tragedian, was playing Hamlet a certain clever low c•omediau named Hoskins was tile gravedigger. After answering Sulli- van's question. "How long will a man lie in the earth ere he rot?" Iloskitis proceeded with the business of illus- tratii:g his reply. 'Teeing up Torlei:'s skull he spoke the words of the text: "Now, here's a skull that hath lain in the earth three and twenty years. Whose do you think it was'," Nev, I know not," replied Sullivan r owt. Export balls were active. The prices reported were $3.75 to $4.12 per cwt. }3utchers' cattle were in active demand aud sume faucy prices were paid. A few picked lots, 1,000 to 1,150 lbs each, sold at $4.30 to $4.70 per cwt. but the bulk of this class of that weight sold fcr $1.35 to $4.00: good loads sold at 54 35 to S4.35; loads of fair to good, $3.90 to $1.25 ; other loads of fairly good cattle brought $3.85 to $4.'20; medium loads, *3.70 to $2.90; common, $3.40 to $3.GOaud rough auctin- • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • as IIanaet. • j ferior, �$'3 to $3.35 per cwt. aclmissiou of salt, as they wets obliged s Butchers bulla continued steady at $3 to pay a duty nn all coal used by them. -This set el. sir." said Hoskins. "was to $3.7o per cwt., according to siz 3 anal Uiavolo Antonio's, whom Booth fought int this ei afternoon Mere than oue hundred aha -ate retie 1 clai sers of while lid" urielt's, `he told fumed. e$ Ther , the for short keeps barely stea ac- ed the provincial assets to be 3 7,834,- commerce. in England, have y I „Nu „ said Hoskins coolly, when the he aud enquiry or were firmly ntin ed ate Corvvith liabilities of $5,831,046, aud a siguifietl their iuteutiou of sending dela ! fawner had subsided, end taking up > fheus of $1,939,202. The estimated re -'s gates to the conference of Clam nets of d. another skull. "This is aorick's skull, We quote as follows: -Short keeps, 1,100 to "s for 1901 are $1,413,372, with the I Commerce of the Empire, which is to ba the lki11 s jester; but t•otlter's Anto- : to 1,250 lbs. t ash, $1.50 to $4.70 per cwt, ; I feedeis, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs each, $4 to$4 50: I et °kers, 800 to 900 lbs, $3.70 to $1; stock- ers 030 to 800 lbs, $3.50 to $3.75; and respaY $5,818,8'43. l ante of The estin.at- ' held in _Montreal in August neat. The nio's, just as I told Jou. YY thependiture is 84,537,423, beiug $14,- ! Loudou Cnamber of Commerce circular. thenore than the revenue. I says the business program is the greatest I . stockers, off colors and inferior, 83 up. dee ever submitted to a commercial gather I Bolcom of r- Sea Falling Out. yet Massachusetts ticket books at a rate of lug. It lays stress upon the fact that' Scientists tell us that, counting from i Agood man fancy light ones, 400 to 000 'rindSper 500-milei e. ; the meeting will be the first of the kind the sea level. the lowest body of water y cot.Cenis per the The House t Rep- on the globe is the Caspian sea. For I lbs each, sold at $3.90 to $4 per cwt. thxntatiof of the State has just voted ever hold outside of the U cited Kingdom I Cent»ries its surface has been graclu 1 The offerings of calves were large, and t_. ,.and that Canada has talteu the lead idly settling down until now it is sigh• 1 the market was weak for "bobby" ones, 1We prrimof a bill per mile, two cents the ;I Good veal calves sold fairly active. imnm rate mile for any dstance. i among the independent states ander eflt tv-five• feet lower than that of its near fcrcrown in offering preferential treatment , neighbor, the Black sea, which also lies 1 quote; -ti's to 31O each, and 54.50 to $5.50 ad,ell not beto long beforenahs twooucont' to the uiotherland. It is the geueral far below the level of the oceans. The r cwt. the prices petStae rata which be general throughout •Milch has been perStates which adjoin us. 1 opinion here that the gathering must be common conclusion all along y productive of splendid results for Caua waters that eCCaspian was y evaporation, aply but recent cent in theha Pennsylvania State Legislature ; da• cart vote of 173 to 4 has granted $0,500,- ' vestigation shows that this is not the ease. Soundings made and compared `furfar the improvement of highways. � Four cases of smallpox in the home with records of soundings made over DP1s will be supplemented by $3,250,0001of John R. Sutherland, Woodstock, 106 years ago reveal the astounding fact that there is even a greater depth S of water now than then. This leave but one hypothesis that would seem at • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • solos contribnted from local sources. tsr money will be spent during the next notyears in improving 25,000 miles of roc State's main highways. This is a' ercised to prevent tae disease spreading. retard good -mads movement. Those down with the disease are two the; the movement for setting aside May 12 -year-old children, oue adult, Mr:. oras Empire Day is spreading through- y Daniels, of Owen Sound, who was visit British possessions. The League of i ing there and her baby. gee r Aire of Victoria, Australia, has fixed titin that date for such a holiday. New • .land has also agreed to join in the 1 No Cause For Alarm. e been reported to the medical healt have P officer. Quarantine regutatious are in force and every precaution is being ex - o• ut oration, and it is agreed to join int Insurance ARIA -Now that you have I from the pith o a cap' -- *II become general throughout 1 a wife, don't you think you ought to hIing the elder. The pith is extracted I fats and lights, $6.15 per 100 lbs. cows were scarce, and• were firm. We quote: -Best quality milch cows, $40 to 455 each; cheaper kinds, $30 to $40. There wits a fairly active and steady market for sheep and lambs, (quotations follow: -Light sheep, 125 to 140lbs each i 31.25 to $4.75 per cwt; heavy ewes, 150 to all tenable -that the bottom of the sea 11S ) lbs each, $3.75 to $1.25 ;bucks, $3.50 to is actually sinking. There is much 4; yearling grain -fed ewes and wethers. �.'_ speculation in scientific circles as to v 50 to 36; yearlings grain -fed bucks, $a what will be the fini.l outcome. i; to $5.50; vearliu; barnyard lambs, $3.50 i to $4 per cwt. Spring lambs were strong Rice Payer Not Marie Frown Rice. I at 32...4 to 85 each. Rice Paper is not made from rice nor A steady to strong tone prevailed in from rice stalks, nor has it any con hogs aud Mr. Harris paid as high as $6.- neetien whatever with rice. It is of ! 50 for a fete selects to day. We quote Chinese- manufacture and is made f certain tree resem- -Selects 160 to 200 lbs $6.40 to $6.50: • 0 • • 0 0 • • 0 0 Very Special Values In Some Broken Lines to clear Them Out. Men's Overalls, blue denim, regular 40e and 50e, your choice for 30e. Men's Overalls, cottnnade. re- gular 75e and 90e a pair, reduc- ed to 50c. Men's Overalls, brown duck, regular $1 00 for GOe. Men's add Vests, all wool tweed, any size; your choice for 31,00. 11Ten's Shirts, well made, good material, (regular 121;e striae shirting) repnlar vriee GOe. Reduced to 50e each. Men's Ties 'a nnentiter of knnt and fnnr in hand TiPs, regular 25c. Price to clear lOc each, Dimity, Prints ahnnt 200 yard.;, dark cnlers Reeenlar price 1211 yard now only 10c a yard. O • 0 Ladies' Skirts, tailor made, Priori matnrial,neat fltt.ing, flared e Skirts, 25 per cent, off. • • • Men's and Revs' ready made e .Snits, wool tweed, at your own s price. If you want a suit cheap 'l e©easeeoocenoc�aeooccoosessozoneeee•eesmeoatis•ta•ooecese• • e take out a life policy? �v . empire. It will this year be cele- l from the tree in large cylindrical mass- ) I guess not. I don't thin]: es, and with sharp knives the Chinese ited in London by a homeland and she is going to prove dangerous. pare off the cylinder till instead of a 1 cylindrical form they have a large flat Doesn't Want It Back. 1 sheet. This is pressed and other sheets She --The programme says it is taken added until the required thickness is from the German. secured. The paper is then rudely He -Humph! I should think they sized and is ready to use. It was called were glad enough toget rid of it. rice paper under the supposition that rope it was made from rice stalks, and 1 the name has neves been changed. onial concert, at which English, latch, Irish, Welsh, Canadian and Ans- a than music will be featurs. li4.Hon. Wm. Lount, Judge of the High bit,ufy of Judicature for Ontario, passed ave, ay at his home in Toronto on Friday. klicie end was not unexpected, for the de- An Irish verdict. used had been very ill for some time "My lord," said the foreman of an fr°ffering from Bright's disease. The Irish jury when giving iu his verdict, hulueSe became very evident a year ago, „we find the man who stole the mare °0'1d Mr. Justice Lount went abroad on i not guilty." 'ak°aver of absence. The winter was spent 1 1°tl Bermuda. Mr. Lount met with an l'fhtcident, breaking his leg, and when he A"plached Toronto early in March he was ed' t very feeble health. Frame; tee; Some idea of the charitable disposition 4.04 the British people is found in the re -1 Mort of the charity commissioners, justs biri,stred. The total value of investments by the official trustees of charitable r` rinds at the close of last year was £22,• "p' 4,135 divided into 22,789 separate{ raat,s. The aggregate income from , ..took*, securitio$ and anuntte,saggregat' t' �.d X6,517 in 1002. Dating the three.; Pure and rich `blood tr,rrters ending Dec. 31, 1901, 1,670 new 1harities founded by will or deed came NI carries new life to every o the notice of the commissioners, in• 1 l`hart Of the body. You.Iving a capital of 56,500,000 and up- trd--Westminister Gazette. The Montreal Witness, that generally ktl IIealth w " For 25 years I have never missed taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla etc spring. It cleanses my blood, nla';cs me feel strong, and does me and in every way." • John P. I otinette, Brooke sietLY. are invigorated, refreshed. IYou feel anxious to be arn c Youbeccrlestrong when it was first introduced into Eu - Exporters' cattle - heavy Lieut Bulls heavy do., light Stockers 400 to S00 lbs 2 50 900 3 75 Butchers' - Choice Chceee. Cheeses come under three general heads. whole milk. skim or sour milk and whole milk and cream. The ripen- ing of cheese, upon which depends its i flavor. is due to the action of bacteria, which are ever present in milk; also in 1 the rennet which is used in the mano- r facture. Cheese which has been lin- t properly handled Is apt to accumulate 1 deleterious bacteria. Cheese has great nutritive value. It yields nearly three times the amount of caloric yielded by moderately lean beef. o indignant. Clara•-R'P.11, aunt. l.gve your photo- giapths come from Mn Snappescltotte's? miss :ttaydev:tl (angrily -Yes. and they went back. too, with a note es - 1 pressing my opinion of his Impudence. "Gracious: what was It?" Per 100 lbs. $4 0`0 $ 5 10 450 450 850 375 300 350 • move qute t. :©@@40@OtD®©6i®>PiQi4'rl■►®ta6dt@•mOA • • MACDONALD BLOC " JAS H KERB e • W I �! D H A i� 00 e 0 0@0••.O®•.00.060.O®o0.9.00400e0..os.oeftesoe•0®•e•0®0• C!i••moos•••••C►•••••OO•eei vyvVYVY�'YYYVVYYYYYYVV©VYYY YVVYYYYYvvVYYVYYOVYYYYIVYY op - EST STYLES IN DRESS coons FOR SUITS, WAISTS AND SKIRTS ARE SHOWN AT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE French Crepille Sole, latest colorings 85e French Wool Blousing, fancy stripes, per yard .. 50e. Paris Lace Brocade for waists per yard 35e. Fine Wool Delaines for waists per yard 50e French Wool Satin Cloth,new- est shades, for waists or suits per yard 50e Stripe Silkine Blousing, very pretty, per yard 50c Fancy Stripe Silks for Waits per yard 500 to 75e Black Silks, plain and fancy openwork stripe,for waists, coats and suits. Fancy Dress Muslins Fancy Basket Cloth Plain Batiste &e. Black Broadcloth Black Cheviot Venetian -Worsted Black and Navy Serges Black Russel Cord Black Grecian Cord Honespuns GROCERIES• •• • Always Fresh and Pure. `s Prompt Delivery. Sugar has itdvaneed in prire, but we are still selling at old pt`ices Redpath's granulated "Sugar 22 lbs for $1.00 Dark Sugar 30 lbs for $1.00, COAL OIL Remember we keep in stock the very hest American and Canadian Coal Oil. FLOUR, ETC. Our Bread Flour is the best and most economical that you can buy. It will make better bread and more loare.s to the sack than any other flour on the market. Those who have tried it say so. SEEDS Mammoth Long Red Beet Seed -new seed per lb 15c • 0 • • • f:a.rden Pens ner lb 15. Package Seeds, all new seeds 2 packages for 5c Cash paid for Eggs. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • r■ • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • 7 • JOHN KERR 1 "Why, on the bac.: of every picture were these words, ds *The original of this ;is carefully preserved."" . 400 Medium 3 70 ' Picked 4 35 Bulls 300 Rough • 2 75 Boils 2 25 Milk cows... ...30 00 Sheep- 600 Lambs 6 050 Bucks...... 23 50" Culls • 2 25 Calves, each 00 Hes=-- 6 20 Best 600 Lights 3 75 Special Prices 4 90 4 00 4 70 3 70 3 25 3 00 5300 6 50 400 250 1000 -RINGS -"WATCHES -BROOCHES -BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry . until further notice. c Halsey Park Jeweler and Optician. WINGHA11 1trAr.ICET REPORTS Wingham, April 29 1903. 1 Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. ' Flour per 100 lbs.... 1 65 to 2 50 Fall Wheat .. 0 66 to 0 70 Spring Wheat .. • . • 000 to 000 �Oats 025t0030 B 035 to b 40 IBarley . Peas ... . .......... . . 0 65 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn ....... . 0 11 to 0 12 tGeese, " 0 07 to 0 08 1 Ducks, per pair .... 0 GO to 0 75 ;Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 1 Butter - 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 11 to 0 11 2 50 A near-nousb oonse AMR ■ /" I ss■w r o.G/I li 1s ► 13 KIN MIME s ► T. A. MILLS has completed his stock of silage and 1 I. 1. maturing corns. I have exercised the greatest care to 4 I.4 e have the best recommended kinds for silo. 44 -4 4 ► 4 ► • ► i ► e White Cap Dent, 90 -day Learning, Mammoth Cuban, Butler Bailey, C Clark's Early Ntastodon, 4 Cloud's Early Mammoth Surprise, 4 ► Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, 4 t r. And several other kinds well ripened ►, quality. o. • ► C 0 • IC 1►• •le ► y ) - f t � ► 1 ► Mbdium-weight Wood per cord .200 to ► g StemlIn at• Hay , per600 to 700 tO u r.. watch is one of the 1 GO out pretty straight i polities, Fildi no Tupman 11y whets hurt, saytst" 3Ir I�'ielding's 1 t incredl- Lard 0 15 to 0 in t thetl 'r day, was largely another .; what 1 j'er .,SarsaparillaIOned Apples per lb , ..... ' about "('7001 t Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to 0 Overcoats Apples, per bag Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 OG it Steudvtcottrageous. Thaw cheapest makes, but it hasn't varied a nd In the last three months. ion Parlia• s sero Snodgrass --It seems almost 0 Ol to 0 4} 0 .;. a ` hie doesn't it? 0 03 to 0 15 Tnpman-Ob. I dote knowN Live Hogs, per over 6 13 to 6 00 so far, extremely satisfactory. To trace e tette. Aft dru.-Ct thai. It stopped the first day I bought i t the 'Close of the last I,,,,�....• it and hasn't gone since. dget speech, in the Domiu 11 �` '� of our reverberating prosperity. t .'rill CIS e you. Ve ld t heat a Aa : 1 „r.: Lice �r vbot i o tbi:Aca of Ap r'a r 6 rat ear the surplus was more than , Its• 1 a'1 at; e..?t.t :r' C y' 71i1Y-vum, ..,., largest surplus .4 recorded in the history of Can and that daring the Current year .mated surplus is the ningniaeen eel. niillians odd, is enough. - , n 1 •f t ri! tlltr WA' r)1) --several intluetriete lxreo ne it a ii , c !n I dines •� KS eleven Fu m:9ia. cason•a . u: ,,t t f� o, -q ar c•'':rrno. rot:0%7 Ms tdvica enol WIT;8iboe, iaflen. J.C. Al [3 Co., r a*elf, Ma■s when old 1 ll int bre at • h wily w 1frrPtnu�nn f t5 kn ant' is nOtwn 1 ,; :tt t r:ae. t tttlbered tinder the Conservative ! ii9� chi rata oral 'c large ra,a�taL 10 sale anlNtn Mien l`,+Ir, Fielding estimated f el3 anti ell rfarrl:a nx ,rn able time 1'nt A rtti 'x rlerrfl-'i i?ini Ftlgbg'pwenit. 'et e'iele ntt:4h P:tittry r, t ae debt ill be reduced thus year l 1 l: 1 h rarer lweek srsn n"f tt ldre9mt'tl r-rntelopp. t,a oar histtry. t NATIONAL, all , e t Wi e t and 1) t.. i)i is a' '. t:.l , nn nay els million dellars, en Unheard - Et r Ener net r r•atiel Mention :refers '-" :fond car- Ttcarl tin 8t. Cheritoo. u trldenres of Affluence. "Why do you on think be is a million - Sire?' "teeause he spends so little money and his son spends so much.," Apar C:srt•enttell. Small Roy -1 got two liclan„s tediv. one from l Ina and One from ma. nig Ee;, •--Yes; they the a spanking team. The town of Port Arthur has entered' 1 tut appeal *against a judgment recovered by Sohn H. Stitt for $750. Stitt was in - lured while alighting from an elcetrie ear, running between fart Arthur and Fort William, which line is owned by ,' action municipality. The e . afar . . damn u fu y the defendant t od p brought by Stitt was tried at Sault Ste. Marie last December by Sage Street, and fro n the heavy damages awarded' t the defendants appeal. Everyone should possess one. It's a good investment --for there's years of service in then. --'and the price paid needn't be beyond any- body's ny body+s reach. Spring Overcoat- light in weight - Dight in color -heavier 1n weight - darker in celor-from any Over - coating material that ,you wish - perfect fit--_-nroderatein price-cor- reet in everything --made right made here. D re. l because nsrs n and of magnificent 4 Peas without bugs, Speltz, Buckwheat, Millet, -Hungarian, New Seed. Potatoes, Mangels, Sugar Beets, Field Carrots, Garden Carrots, Turnip Seed -several special kinds now here. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 v 1 f 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 D nSeedsl o� �aode kinds A "� 1 Sunflower, Including4 Pea, Beans, New Black Beet, � 0- Pumpkin, I have every kind of seed that you want, and 1 ► intend this place to be headquarters for seeds, as ',give a special attention to the seed trade. 4 ► cdI can serve you well 1 and save P. Call and be convinced e you money. •1 rr! A. •t i� • R MAXWELL. E. • AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL Iiloif ART TAILOR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAr►A1AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA