The Wingham Times, 1903-04-16, Page 8•1. RITCHIE & CAMPBELL '�''�1'�A4 �+!"�r"4.''�!'e►,'0�1�'OrtO•'�►'�1k�s'�11r'i,+41`4 f A7 BIC REDUCTIONS. It will pay you to spend a few minutes of your time looking over thet-e extra values. 6 pirels new Dress Goods, black and colored, regu'ar GO;: and (5e, for . , . .50 1 piece Black Lustre, 54 in. wide, reg GOe, for .50 5 pieces Wool Suitiugs, 54 in. Wide, shades grey and blue, regular GSe, for .50 irr These goods are on display in our north window. DRESS REMNANTS This season's goods, eaeh end containing from 1?: to 5 yards. These goods range in prices from 5Oe to $1.50 per yard they are yours for, per yard SILK RENMANTS Remnants of. Taffeta Silks, Wash 'Silks, Bro- cades and Fancy Silks, . regular prices from. 50e to 75e, for, per yard ft The above prices are good for Friday and Satur- ar day of this week only, .50 .35 DRESS TRIMMINGS Never wasa more up -to date assortment of Trimmings shown outside the cities. We are showing all the newest designs, suitable for suits, dresses ; silks and cotton goods. We can give you exactly what you want in this partic- ular line Our stock in all departments is up -to date. $RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. $ t•�L bdOq�.'a� d1 ic1ti1ti1 dti41 d ib'�ra MINOR LOCALS. X-Mildmay is agitatiug for incorpora- tion as a police village. --The 24th of May will be celebrated at Lucknow and Mildmay. -The Park House is being given a' )(fresh coat of paint. It will make a great /J'" improvement. -The W ingliam school will re -open on -.- iiii`.onday nest after being closed for the taster holidays. -The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland, will be held on 14fonday evening next. -The Young Ladies Fortnightly Club irl nitet on Monday evening, April 20th, at the.home of Miss Sperling. -The cost of the work connected with the taking of the last Dominion census j figures up to the very respectable sum of $1,112,900. -The Western Foundry Co. hasrented the Ritchie building ou Victoria street 'from Mr. D. Stewart and they will use it as a storeroom. -May 24th is the date set by the Tem- perance Legislation League of Ontario for the holding of a prohibition conven- tion in every electoral district. -Mr. W. G. Patton of this town has received the contract for sinking the artesian wells which are to be used in connection: with the Listowel water- works. -Mr. D. J. Murchison, of Ripley, who recently purchased 1Ir. Walter Hawke's farm in Turnberry last week moved his family from Ripley and is now in pos- session of the farm. -Mr. John M. Taylor, of Wingham *who is attending the Listowel Business College was awarded medals and de- plomas at the close of the college prior to the Eater holidays. he Present is the bine to buy anything you require in China, Glassware or Crockery , We quote below some ,specials and have many more waiting for you.. These prices are good for ONE WEEK ONLY. -The TIMES is sorry to learn Miss Ethel King is seriously ill appendicitis. -J. J. Elliott, V. S., who has been seriously ill is now improving as well as his many friends could expect. - Work has been commenced on the foundatiou for the addition which is to be built to Lloyds' door factory. - The heralded eclipse of, the moon on Saturday night was not once visible, owing to the cloudy condition of the sky, -Mr. Jos. Gray, of Preston, a former resident of Wingham, is moving his family back to town and will take a posi- tion in Bell's factory. -Mr. Wm. Fessant has had the fence removed from the front of his property on John street. This change adds great- ly to the appearance of his property. -The House of Refuge Committee of Huron County Council will recommend to the County Council at its Juue meet- ing that an extension be made to the House of Refuge buildings at Clinton. -The Tmnss has received a copy of the anniversary number of the Copper Cliff Courier. It gives an interesting history of Copper Cliff and many illustrations of the industries and leading citizens. THE TINES,. APRIL 16. 1903 PROMOTION EXAMINATION$. , -The Lor d's Day Alliance now bee The foil ming is the result of the Easter promotion examinations held in the Pnblie School. The usual midsum- mer promotions, will be held at the end of the ]text term. All pupils, should be present ou the day of opening,Apri120th, as on that date the classes will be arrang- ed for the term: EI:Ti:A11C>i CLAss (test examination/ - The pupils of said class have been exam- ined in the following subjects: Arithme- tic, Geography, History, Grammar; Physiology, Literature, Memorization, Composition, Spelling and Drawvi.ng. Maximum marcs 1158. Pass mark 579, Honor mark 868: Geddes Wilson 1093, M.Latnout 1043, F. Patterson 1043, C. Adams 1042, M. Fryfogle 1042, A. Mann 1029, E. Sanson 1021, M. Rose 1018, M. Hiscocks 1015, B. Cruickshank 1014, G. Adair 1003, B. Marsales 1002, 0, Wilson' 1001, E. Johnston 1000, 14 f. Turnor 981, 0. Manners 087, H. Ruilcinian 985, P. Kerr 988, M. Mason 982, P. Davidson 981, V. Knechtel 981, L. Strachan 080, 0. Borden 977, E. Glenn 973, E. Mus grove 973, M. Lang 960, C. Little 900, P, McPherson 957,E. Fleming' 956, E.Aitoh- eson 952, F. VanNormau 948, K. Lowe 920, J. Mason 917, B. King 910, A. Rin- toul 850, H. Campbell 845, W. Lott 831, J. Swale 820, D. McGillivrary 807, R, Jones 805, H. Jones 788, E. Cook 788, E. Rush 082, D. Lloyd 762, L. Nichols '734, R. Howson 727, E. Constable 718, M. Welsh 707, A. Walker 645, D. Bnrwash 629, Honor Roll for Memorization E. Glenn, E. Johnston, G. Adair, M. His - cocks, V. Knechtel, M. Lang. F. Patter - sou, M. Fryfogle, E. Sanson, B. Cruick- shauk, P. Davidson,0. Manners,P. Keir, M. Lamont, M. Tut ner , 0. Ad am s,H. Lo w e, F. VanNorman, E. Fleming, M. Mason, P. McPherson, B. Marsales, M. Rose, R. Jones, E. Rush, M. Welsh,H. Campbell, J. Smale, E. Cooke, G. Wilson. Honor Roll for Spelling -P. McPher- son, M. Hiscocks, V. Knechtel, K.Lowe, P. Davidson, M. Lang, J. Mason, A. Manu, C. Adams, F. VauNorman, M. Roso. M. L. Brock, teacher. Junior to Senior Third, department 4 to 3, pass mark 320 -May Moore 619, 375 branches in Canada. that et Sets nicely gilted $2, 25 t Sets printed•1 85 �9 bite and Gold sets, 10 pieces, very swell 4 25 Also 10 piece sets in dark and light blue, and green heavy gilt for 3 25 00 Dinner Sets ............... 10 00 ts0l)inner Sets........ 9 50 PHDinnerSet .,........ ,. 5 50 Discount on Fancy China. COME EA.DL the best assivrtmatt ---A Kansas judga in fining a uoeu for striking a wonnul said the only thing a niau can do when he gots into a row with a woman is toren. This is probab- ly very g)od advio'• *WttN. I:TNTOrr.--Inwingham.on Auris 10th, the wife of W. II. Itintoul; a daughter. CUM/in-Da East Wawanosh, on April 11th the wife of john A. Currie; a son. RrxeiarAN- In Wingham, on April 13th, the wife of Mr. It. W. Ituneiman ; a son. MARRIED TAYf.nn--GrtT1O LTR -At the residence of the bride's parents on April 8th. by Rev. E. A. Hell, of Gorr•i'•. Mr Stephen Taylor to Miss Mabel Griffith of Up'-ielt, near wroxetcr. IEmma Aitcheson 591. Reua Robertson son 547, Mamie Flood 5.40, Ruby Kerr 544, Alvin Hart 544, Emily Mann 543, Sadie Davidson 536, Minnie Sherk 535, Elector Mutton 53.4, Clarence Blacken529,Maude Fryfogle 516,Lizzie Green 513, Esther Wiley 509, Vine, Davidson 508, Harry Lamont 502, Nettie Vanalstine 495, Gerrie Couttes 482, Robt. Davidson 457, Wicks Borden 455, Chrissie Riutoui 449, Ireuo VanNorinau 445, Una Robert- son 440, Cora Beckwith 440, Olive Cart- wright 426, Wesley Wood 420, Percy Stapleton, 361. Senior 2nd to Junior 3rd, department 5 to 4, Pass 293-Frecla Vanstone 483, Edith Conery 467,Jessie Stein 403,Erwin Adair 435, Ruby Hart 431, Gretta Ken- nedy 427, Caro Ruuciman 419, Gordon Young 415, Ethel Wocds 413, Edna Swarts 408, Clara Beemer 403, Elam Armour 402, Wm. Gibson 394, Donald Gibson 387, Chester Page 377, Adeline Welsh 377, Maisie Lediet 373, Harold Whyte 357, Bertha Jones 355, Laura Rush 354, Fred Guest 350,Leonard Rush 345, Roy Buckley 341, Bertie Sanderson 341. Junior 2nd to Senior 2nd, department 6 to 5, pass 270 -May Johnson 435, De- light Hobbs 416, Harvey Rose 412, Rus- sell Fixter 387, Pearl Cartwright 378, Gladys Carr 359,Ora Delaney 257, Lillian Delaney 256, Hazel Drummond 343, Dickie Mann 340, Mabel Hailern 339, Pearl Patton 335, Herbie Huffman 334, Orval Brock 329, Roy Clinansmith 328, Edna Coutts 324, M. Huffman 314, Ethel Beckwith 308, Nellie Coutts 307, Lizzie Johns 302, Austin Taylor 299, Stanley Mitchell 593, Bert Taylor 281, Wilburt Sturdy 274. Recommended -Minnie Kargus,Elmer Constable, Allen Knechtel, Clifton Aitcheson, Annie Lloyd, with 569, Willie Galbraith 560, May -The C. P. R. boats on the upper lakes commenced running on Monday of this week and parties leaving Wing - ham for the West will now be able to go by boat from Owen Sound to Fort William if they so desire. -Arrangements are under way for a new issue of Canadian postage stamps, to bear the head of Edward VII, but the first will not be issued before July. They will be put out gradually, as the supply of the present issue 1s exhausted. There is considerable sickness in Wing - ham at present. The cold and disagree- able weather has caused many people to contract severe colds. We are now get- ting some of the weather that would have been more in order the last two weeks of March. -The license committee of the Listo- wel town council has recommended that licenses be 'charged on all busses and drays in that town. Licenses per year to be 19,10 for team and $5 for single horse. The council has not yet dealt with the question. -The annual meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters Will be held in Hamilton in June. At the meeting of Court Maitland on Fri- day evening last, Messrs R. C. Kittson and J. 3, Kerr were elected as represent- atives to this meeting, -Messrs. Cassels b'a Carr have this week informed the TIMES that they' have now on the way to Wingham fotir3lun- dred tons of genuine Plymouth coal. This is said to be one of the best kinds of coal mined, and this firm will be able to supply their customers With a number ono article. William - M('ulrr.l,nlre:TT-CxotvsTON--At the residence of tate, Mit-Mang minister, Rev. A MneKay, I uehno,v, on April 7811, Dlr. ,Tntnes Henry Me - On e' Onllongk R"meardine township to Charlotte Sophia, third daughter of James Crowston, Kinloss. DIL1) 13ANT--In Wingham, on. April 10111, Annie Zoulta, infant child of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Rant, aged 9months and 3 flays. Swumm)-In Lower Wingham, on April 12th, John Stroud, aged 72 years and 6 months. STrrr•.s-At her late residence, London, on 1 ate April 'th Charlotterelict of t re l r Au lb h A.Kent, Thomas Stiles, of Wingham Monson -In Kinloss, on April :Md, John A. D1eLeod, aged 87 years 9 months and 15 clays, MoLEon -In Kinloss, on April 2ndJanot Mc- Leod, Aged 80 years. WALKER BRCS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Nights, calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser (sOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE A1ND PIANO. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. F,esiclence II. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingham -By the new Provincial health regn- lat3ons scarlet fever is plaided in the 155, Fred Manuel 153. saint a la nt ]tUst errennallpox, and if medical - s .permit parsons heving a 'VPA:ti'nrt--Parra •'t'r. I'>ex+ev TO. 7'norrr. for well eetablirtht house in s few (muntiea, ooatsgiotaa d to remifl 4 t nlul%t riCon teen neweitsats and agemta. Loom a in mon C. J. MAGUI ACCOUNTANT, REA ESTATE, INSURANCE At, 0AN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done.. OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. THOMAS HOLMES & SONS BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts ; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLlcITou, NoTAnx PUBLIC', &e., teGC. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. FOR SALE OR RENT. New brick house and ; acre land, on Martha street, Wingham. Apply to ALEXANDER GOWDY, •Wingham P. O TO RENT: In Wingham Town Plot, a comfortable House, with good stable. Any quantity of land from one to twenty acres can be leased in connection with it. Terms reasonable. Apply to ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. O. CEMENT WORKS. I ail prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, in- cluding silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices and terns reasonable. Cement for sale. CIIIAIt4LES BARBER, WINGHAM. Part 2 to Junior 2nd, department 7 to 6, total 380, pass 190 -John Mitchell 339, Nellie Nicholls 325, Lillian Ross 318, Tri- ms Kennedy 317, Frank Gillespie 316, Lizzie Sturdy 301, Violet Borden 297, Cora Kerr 290, Azalia Sanderson 288, Mary Currie 279, Oliver Campbell 269, Mary, Adams 265, Clara Mitchell 264, Ruby Buckley 256, Golu Holmes 251, Edith Sherk 250, Edna Finley 248,Harry Coutts 243, Marguerite Homuth 238, Hazel Worth 237, Edwin Elliott 230, Bazil Blackhall 230, Edna Bottrell 216, Bessie Stapleton 214, Mabel Swarts 196. Recommended Brownie Swarts, Gladys Johnston, Agnes Walker, Lettie Morden, Archie Simmons, Tammy Mc- Donald, Mary Madigan, Maud Madigan, Willie Haines. Room 8 to 7, part 1 to part 2, pass 125 -Oneida Irwin 245, Muriel Purdy 235, Roy Kinsman 228,Conrad Ard 227,Lsaias Montgomery 224, Georgina Forbes 222, George Constable 219, George Cruick• shank 215, Veronica Armstrong 218, Hattie Matthew 206, Charlie Carr 206, Abraham. Brown 204, Ellie Longman 203. Luella McCool 192, Emily Crowder 191, Thomas Holmes 180, Frances Beem- er 185, Arlie Bisbee 165, George Howson SETTLERS'' O NE-WAY E XCURSIONS To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1903, if sufficient business offers. Passengers travelling Without Live Stock should take train leaving Toronto et 1.43 p,m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p.m. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of '• Settlers Guide," "Western Canada," or "British Columbia," apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 Icing St. East, Toronto GRAND TRUNK SYsEM 4� ,* est; `� 1II1III{I11Ph . . �evrpmNr Wall Paper Shopping is easy at our store. because you don't have to •' kick " to get your money's worth ; because we have the largest assortment of now and up -to date papers in this viein• ity; because we have no old, undesirable styles ; because we bought the Ross stock cheap and are selling it cheap ; be- cause we got a.bargain on 3,000 rolls of the choicest new paD ers ever brought to Wingham; because -well, because we do everything in our power to make wall paper shopping easy fur you. We are looking out for your permanent patronage. All Wa11 Paper Trimmed Free figeo Window shades the kind that neither curl, crack nor fade, are the kind that we sell, The rollers also are every important part of the shade, and to these we pay special atten- tion when buying our stock. Be sure to ask for the shades mounted on. HARTSEIORN ROLLERS, for, although they cost you a little more, they always give the best satisfaction. Special bargains in some odd lots of Shades which we are clear- ing out. 11. We invite you to come to our store and see the lines on which we are giving special discount for this -week only. ti Cooper & Coo tit WINGHAM., Colonist Excursions One way tickets at low rates on sale until June 15th, to points in Montana, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and California. Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every year for treatment of rheumatism, digestive troubles, and nervous disorders. Situated near Detroit, it is quiekly and comfortably reached by the, Grand Trunk. The "St Catharines Well" Th.' waters of tins famous well are a great specific, for rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, ner you prostration, and also serve we a xplendid tem e. Situated an direct line of the Grand Trdn1k, eleven miles from Niagara Palle. Booklets Riving inforrnrrtion of either of the !above ream* on ,ppiit.ptinn to L. Harold. A(eht, or A. D. 31SCii7anali4,,, IItt'*rlrt Pamenger tL 2 aR w BISSELL'S Carpet Sweepers That make no dust. That do not wear the carpets out, • A special 1 0% aiscount this week only on these goods, at FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Wingham. (Successor to Smith (St Pethick) SEEDS E 1903 We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, including: -- --SUGAR BEETS, --MANGOLDS, -TIMOTHY, -TURNIPS, -CLOVER, etc. -LIGOWO. -20TH CENTURY, and ' -GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, SPECIAL FOR TEN GAYS 1 I Baby Carriages Go oC a r f s LARGE AND SMALL To snake room for new goods we will sell the balance of our stock of Carriages and Go -Carts at greatly reduced prices. We have a good assortment, and the designs are the latest. Use our Folded Carpet Paper and Stair Pads for under the Carpet. BALL •1• UNDERTAKING RESIDENCE. -PATRICK STREET S. eregey's termer residence, e where night calls will receiveidence, Furniture Sl PHONE 51 prompt attention. BROSI The People's 4. ) r'r•4'•1••4••4•,S!••4••'r•i••:.t,.•1..•,. ,. S•4.1.•4••4�•4•,:••b,: •F••t• • 4. 4. 4.- 4. •1.- CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM, ONT. A. R. Smith sells nice new suits ; He sells them cheap for cash ; i H is stock is bright, His prices right ; He never deals in trash. Look at his Men's Suits at $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $12 Take another look at his Boys' three-piece Suits at 1.! $ ;. oo, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 . $2.00, 2.5o and 3.00 Two-piece Suits at Youths' Suits, long pants, at $3.5o, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 •*t. A. R. Smith has everything a man or boy wears, even to boots. Remember the stand. ICHISHOLM BLOCK. 4.44444•44•1•404•444.44444•4•4•444+44 A. R. ALL KINDS OF GA.IIv»J 1T SEED. Smith •4• i. 4. 4.- WINGHAM. .. WINGHA vT. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YVVVvvv,VVVVVyVVVVVVVVVYV vVVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV i � � t: vining room 41. I.Furniturel i Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- Al- Ile41 xrlent of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 41 marvel of style, quality and cheapness. , 4„ v. "Airsio.ivivivivaicaAtelowsi~o, 41Ile r. 4 it ▪ EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. A` SIDEBOARDS -The largest and best selected stock i. ► of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in '; v. • the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. See tie before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. � Carr. is • We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. 1. is-,, 4 11- :, 0- op WALKER BROS.41 10-4 I. Furniture and Undertaking. 41 10. ▪ The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. 41 41 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', 1 Job Printing lir YOU ARE a believer in good printing it will pay you to bring your order to The Times Office, W4 nghara.