The Wingham Times, 1903-03-12, Page 7TILE WflGf1CAM TIMES, MARCH 12, 1903
to in ups by tf:e nitre' ti•i• a loved.
#4#.4;4:10.W....44404:4 4 i:43+:4)14:4 4?!4W+3't4#434 4;k4:1f result of Now York Export.,
• An�Ily;Otic of
Canadian*, Cruel
Dr. Dattnel �•tnen-Meeh Go. writes:
" WO Hent simples of the leading'
�' esostptt 1paade in Canada to an expert
in New York. and bad them thor-
1a Revenge
4 '" ouably Analyzed. As *.result of
i*t; " dela owl/4we And your ' Sun-
'" light Seat'' to thoroughly cleanse
•" without "danger.. to the� clothes, and
N; "We are therefore pleased to reeotn-
•' " trend wearers of the Dr. Detnel
lei Underwear to ued Sunllght Soap
"for vomiting." •
4 lend Yon.. will sE to yourself.on Ba2 224
44+4*.:+4,4•.4:i:!#r' i4 4i:43,4:014;+4?1(4~4# 10.',4,+?+: ►** t ..
Author of "A Broken Betrothal," "Parted at tic Altar,"
The Heiress of Cameron Hall," Etc., Etc.
- The reed -gold gleam of a noon Sep-
tember sun shone brightly down up-
•lon the green, sloping, moss -covered
hills of South Carolina, and upon
,the register of an isolated weary
hostelry, upon which a handsome
!young stranger had just written the
'pante, "Percy Fielding, Boston."
' : "tio you thine: there is no possible
way of crossing the elver before si.x
o'clock to -night?" he asked, eagerly.
'Gapping the heel of his polished boot A dull red flush 'crept over his reek -
Writhe hiss go'id-utounted•ecane.• "1 less,,. boyish , Rice sus„he .remembered
thought there . was a bridge herea- suddenly how he had mei' coquettish
louts, landlord?” MaudsArden. Ito had not been in-
"There was a bridge," replied the 1 troduced to her in the regular orth-
Iandlord, filling his bamboo pipe out odor way, it Wad been a gonuine ease
•on the cool, shady porch; "the high of flirtation between the young liar-
. 'water swept it away." yard student, passing his vacation
Tho young man glanced impatient- in Boston, and the pretty, clashing
,'ly at tho broad expanse of water—'giri who tossed notes to bitn, and
that separated him front the tall, flirted her handkerchief behind the
• zed -brick structure. on the ' opposite print professor's back, ending in pes-
t bank and from a pair of bright, lee sionate protestations of love on bc•tlt
,witching eyes that he knew would be sides, up to the thne Maud had re -
'Watching for him. turned horn, and Percy had followed
• "That must be Judge Arden's as soon as he had :sexed up enough
.place," he said to himself, eyeing the of his quarter's allowance to corer
mansion opposite with a sharp twin- the expenses of the .trip. And, as
kle in bis bright, restless eyes, Lis last letter informed iter, he was
'"Maud said I could not possibly miss coming to ask her to share his for-
' it. and it answers her description ex- time.
.actly, Pretty, dashing, willful "My rascally old guardian can not
Maud," ho unused, with a smile on lcei p me out of it much longer," he
ibis handsome face: "1 shalt never bad written, "tor in two months
:feel quite sure of Hcy bird until 1 more 1 will be of age—tw'enty-one—
i have her safely caged. Confound then I can spend the money as fast!"'inuttered-•Pere , • flinging himself • as •I please."
•down on a rustic bench on the porch.' Landlords have a natural talent for
.s".1 shall crrtaiuly die of ennui if I relating the private- affairs of the
•have tq stay -in this miserable hole community to satisfy the idle cur-
otntil six o'clock to -night, and it's on- iosity of chance guests. Bob Cherry,
+.iv noon now. I don't see how I am or "Uncle Bob," as he was generally
to ell in the time. I'm in for it, I called, was no exception to the gen-
suppose, though," eral rule.
"You don't sa'e how you can fill in "Judge Arden is one of the wealth -
the time?" echoed the Landlord. lest men in Smith enrollee," con-
at•:hitig the last sentence; "why. untied the landlord. briskly.
' you ran count yourself lucky that hielding's facie flushed; this was un -
you are here to -day above all other doubtedly pleasing news.
days." '•Dliss Mand is not his own (laugh-
. "Why?" ejaculated Percy, surprised- ter, though "
1y, peeing' the cigarette he had just "What!" cried the young man,
lighted, duie:lily between his , white wondering if he had heard aright.
lingers. "1 said Miss Maud was not his own
: + "You aro just In time to take in tlauw•hter," said Uncle Bob, cone
; rtho county fair, which we are hold- placently: "she is his step -daughter.
ing just abnut ft mile from here." The judge was. left a widower when
1 Percy Fielding laughed outright. his little daughter, Rosebud, was
• What had be. this dainty, aristocrat- quite an infant, and he sent for his
.le, haughty youth, heir to half a taster, a handsome young girl. to
million, in- common with these sins- .,come and .take • cl,nrgo of his home
pie country people who.. gathered to- 'and his motherlesstIi'ttle one. '• She.
gether under the warns September had not been in the house a fort -
lien, to go in raptures over main- night before she• and -the. judge had a
terao.h yellow pumpkins, In which he fearful quarrel, and she left the house
,could see no 'beauty, in immense ill- , in a towering rage, vowing a fearful
•,proportioned sheep, and patchwork
bee! -quilts? The cool, shady porch of
the hnsttl•y was certainly more in -
than sitting on the hard
benches, under the blistering sun in a.
;.cloud of duat. among a motley crowd
••of e, "red, hot -faced mothers, who
weak ' ; lt•a.t orod to quiet their dar-
1 ling little screamers with huge sticks
'sof rad and white barber -pole candy
.a,nd cups of lemonade, to which the
emote'mt or 'tum
"Her mister!" repeitted Percy Field-
ing, hi astonishment, "why, I never
knew she had a sister!"
"Do you know the Ardcus!" asked
t.l,e landlord. "1 thought you said
you were as entire stranger in this
"So I um," returned Percy. net-
tled at the honest landlord's en-
due -1V in presenting to question hits,
"1 met one of the fancily some time
,ince in Boston, howeeer."
vengeance on the judge and Little
Rosebud. The . judge never allowed
her name mentioned in his presence
from that day to this, and people do
say- he broods in secret, wondering
what shape her 3-01100r:race will take,
for he expects it to come to •him as
sure as fate."
''But what of Maud?" asked the
young lover., impatiently. .
"1 was coming to that when you
vender had evidently not forgotten : interrupted nie. Of couree, the judge
to add plenty of water. ''' i had to get some one ats . once to take
Tt suited Percy better still to re- charge• qf tee &MI.. That was how
%cline indolently in the cool shade, • Mrs. Marston happened to/come to
and reperuse the chareping little bil-e The Willows, as Judge Arden's place
ilete-deux that weie. carefully stowed , ie . called, bringing- with her her lit-
eawey in his breaetepocket,. bearing tlo daughter, Maud, a child. sonie
. 1 the utonogranie in- ,fanciful- design of efotir years, oldeesthan little thisebitds
essM,A." The ueshot. of the whole matter was'.
'"Phis is ladies' day." continued thp Mega married- her. The widow
! the landlord, enthusiastically, noting certeinly bewitched him. Feerrybody
i -the Mck of interest on the face of knows though, that the day before
his guest.. "'Several of the young the jtalge married her he made a will
ladies iide to -day.; each one of them eieging over the greater part of his
'sier bent mem, whining the silver cup peoperty to little Rosebud."
! Wnieh ie offered for the prize. There "Ah, ha!" muttered Percy Fielding'
will be a. 'male contest, for the ender his breath.
:South Clarolina girls carry •off. the 'tfeittle. Rosebud don't bare an ex-
epalm—yas, they beat the world, if I tea-elm:gent time of it with her step-
. do ray it. for their graceful horse- mother, and her pretty, imperious?
s'llack riding. Judge Arden's da.ugh-, but the judge dove not
tee Vaud is to be one of the riders." eireem of the state of affair. beneath
1. Instantly theeexpression of indiffer- hie owe roof. Little Rosebud is too
:Ante dropped' from the young man's proud to complain, and we neigh-
; lace, giving. place to Intense interest bore, sir. never n.eddle with other
lin les dark, sparkling • eyes, as his idles' affairs."
kellite Mold crept involueturily., to- "So I Nee," rceponded le ray, dry -
I 'ward the dainty letters in. his breaste ly. .
•apoeket. , "If pot go to the feir you can gee
I "No doubt Miss Maud will win the 71.1194.1 . Mattd, ride. I. don't see Little
,prize," Frier thee landlorda!ritefully; 'flosehrePe enaltle. oe the. list. bless
!' lett, if ber sister, Little,Rosehud, her dear beart; •trou ought fo see her
Iliad been allowed to ride, she Would ride—it would fairle take your heart
:tuale. keuelea the everts out of tee away, Why, Lord bless you. ter
. • she never minde le ditch or u fence—
t "Who gave the :soling lady the ee-
1 Eczema's_Itch
loiquet 'of elleseeluer.?" asked Percy,
IS •Tortis
-Who gave her the' what?"
Mrs. Anti McDonald, Ringsville, Ont., ..Who gave her the mime of nese-
•ertites:--" For about three years. I was s,
dreadful suffer& from eczema. At ihnet
the patches of raw, flaming flesh -would
' Met the knees tO the anklet. Theintento
1 itching almost drove me crazy sind though
I tried all tbe local physicians, they ceuld•
not even relieve the, suffering. . The 'flesh
. would crack open, and I don't believe any,
• one eve suffered more than I did. • , .
'e'l was told of Dr. hstSe's Ointment
'bit ata mel,belieye4leat it.-coulAllbelp-me...,
- ' Soothing, keeling effects, and now attribute
fal remedy. It is truly terrelt its weight
In gout *ova / never tire tf recommeoding
It to other teeters,"
Beside* as .* thorough Me for
...wary tome for every form
tion and eruption, r
started leisurely down the road in-
dicated—on to his fate. .
Dozens of country wagons passed
him on the road, throwing up great
clouds of duet in his face as they
rolled along.
"By George!" he muttered. savage-
ly, "what a fool I am. I wouldn't
thee another such trip to sce all the
girls in the country ride.
Ile stood in front of the entrance
gate brushing the white dust from
his polished boots With his silk hand -
veers in,
skint ferias -
Mite *Ai
chilbleins. fitt cents * box, est ill dealers,
Uaught,• Aland Arden's face Rushed
angrily as lure prett;✓ little sister
ftostebnd rode np to her side with a
glee, sparkling, rippling laugh.
• c lh, Mainly," panted .Rosebud,
'.wase't it awful good of dear We
papa to consent to let, ire colpo at
the 1•41,y last iuinutc? Aren't you
pled? t—'
She stopped short its sheer aston-
ishment, catching the envy gleans in
her $icter's blade eyes.
••l: think It is a perfect outrage for
you to force yourself whet you're
not wanted," retorted Maud, angrily
taking in with rising jealous furry
every ?detail of the handsome face and
faithless little figure seated kefore
Iter on the restless milk -white pony.
"You are growing so bold and for-
ward I am actually ashamed of you
—go straight home at once."
"Please don't be so hard with rte.
Maudy," pleaded Rosebud, icor sweet
blue eyes swimming with tears. ••I
want to win the siker cup so much;
I have set my heart' on it."
"You impudent' little thing!" tried
Maud. hotly. "'Mutt is as touch as to
Immediate Reduction in the Rate
to Great Britain.
Sir Witham amerce, by His Pressing Iur+
pertuultles and the Justice of tills
Case, Gets Great Whale,* Jewett to
2hie Important Conceesielt—
Probable Egret ou Cauattqu
Ottawa, March 6. -- For several
years Sir William Muted:, 1'ost;uus-
ter-General, hue Leen endeavoring to
secure the consent of the l;;ugiish
3'ostofllce authorities to a reduction
in the rate of pc,stago upon newspa-
pers and periodicals pawing between
the two countiles 'the matter was.
brought to the attention of the im-
perial conference last summer, and a
kerchief, angry enough with himself say You area the best rider.. 'Set your motion faring reduction was car-
ets he leaned against the post, await- heart -ort it, indeed! You voll set your lied, but up to the present the Eng -
justthe change for the bill he had heart on a good many things 'beat lisp postal Authorities did trot see
just giten the gate -keeper. you won'tgfet, their way to agreeing to such a pro
Ho eagerly glanced toward the "f may and 1 may itot," re, Pmt-eti position. Among other things, it
young ladies .seated expectantly and Rosebud, spiritedly, (lathing the tear-
gratefullywas on their ponies in front drops away frotu her honer, flue would be occasioned and, moreover,
of the judges' stand, easily discern- ear's: 'and I won't go borne; papa they did not feel atlibertyto snake
ing Maud's forint in an instant. sans 1 tray ride, teed 1 shall." an exception in favor of Canada
Hastily thrusting the change in his "You can't; our hot se is net err- alone of all the British possessions.
vest-pocket without counting it, Per- term for the rave," tcplic•d Mend, Upon the appointment of Rt. Hon,
cy was just about to pass within the triumphantly. "You need pct trouble Austen Clharrlberlain as His Majesty's
inclosure, when the quick gallop of a Yo iusett about the• siker cup, 1 tti.i Postmaster -General, Sir William Mu -
bring it home," lock pressed the subject upon his at-
tention, and also informed Mr.
Chamberlain that without waiting
for England to reduce her rate Can-
ada was prepared at once to reduce
tee rate of postage on her outgoing
mail matter. Under the terms of
the universal postal convention the
consent of two countries is netes-
sary before any redtgetion of postage
on mail matter between them can bo
made, and therefore so long as the
Imperial Government's consent was
withheld Canada could not reduce
her outgoing rate. Wednesday this
consent was received, and to -day the
horse's feet attracted his attention,
Qnd the next moment the prettiest
little creature that Percy Fielding's
eager eyes had ever tested upon drew
rein breathlessly in front of the
Itoeehud waited to hear no more
Quick as the wind she wheeled her
pony around to the Sedges' eland.
ga te, ing up her little hands eupplicating-
"I know I am awfully late," she ly as she arldreeeed that personage.
chiopese in a silvery, voice. "won't you lit. me ride, too? rhnts,..
that made every pulse in Percy 'vie be so kind as to put 'Gypsy's name
brate curiously: '"but indeed I down on the books, and 1 &all be
couldn't come any sooner. I hAve ever so much obliged."
Tat nelneent gained Papael con- Mr. Green gueed down upon tte
in a single instant, fickle, impue
raised so pleading to les.
sive Percy Fielding was suedes:, hope -
Len suety. bat you are a trifle
lessly in love with the pretty little "-
fairy sitting so gracefulle on the
back Of the milk -white pony. She
wore a tight-etting blue velvet rid-
ing -habit, bordered with silver-grey
fox fur, and a blue velvet cap with
a scarlet bird's wing on one side sat
Jauntily on her long flaxen curie,
which fell to her slender waist.
"I'm sorry, MOS Rosebud," re-
plied the gate -keeper, awkwardly right. arid the sight of her keen dis-
touching his cap. "but 1 can't lot appointment touched the man s
you come in with the home."
"What's the reason yeu can't?" geseeateg
heart, and as the grieved face and
she exclaimed, disappointeely, open- were turning sadly
away, Several gentleman who had
ing her blue oyes very Wide with
, been silent spectator's of the scene,
childish wonderment. g°Ing to hurriedly stepped to the judge's side
be one• of the riders for sitter and whisi wed in his ear.
cup, and I'm geing to wire. it, too!" "elbs I-Met:bud," he• called, &ear-
"rm sorry s to refusa you, Miss ily, -tome back. I have (hanged my
Roeebed, indeed I am, bet it's V011-
MORI, mid comet:tied to entee you et
teary Jo the rolcs .to allow a -horse the elee emit • It stet. "-
. the inelosure unless the horse The. settle. like April senteine. that
is entered, upon the books for the broke over her pretty face would have
race, and your horse is not down, repaid him, even if she had not lifted night was addressed by Hon, Wm.
Paterson, Hon. Senator McMullen,
you see. You are too late, but it's thotts wonderful htue eyes. Sa;:- Mr. Grant and Dr. Eingham. The
not Dly fault, you know. m sinm- tete
hall was filled, and all of the fel-
late, Miss Roeebud, it is within eve
reduction will be gazetted and go in -
whetters of sttu•ting time," he re-
plied. :eery enough at being obliged to effect. Therefore on and after
Saturday. the 7th inst., the rate of
to refuse her. 'elle young ladies,
inight object, you know. They hate
for weeles past; you might cenfuse Britain and lielan
them." as if foe delivery in Canada. Doubt -
in the circulation of Canadian news-
papers in Great Britain.
lion. Wm. Faterso—u Shows Country is Not
Suffering 3Viiite Mr. Fostcr Is Out
—A Costly Talker.
tended ' meeting in elr. George
Grant's intereet in the hall here lest
ly doing my duty." "How an -felly good yeti are!"
Two great pearly tear -drops stood Very shame kept Maud Avden iron
for an instant on her pretty eye- interfering,
lashes and Percy -felt strongly tempt- eY011 Shall liot COMO neXt to me."
ed to hurl the sturdy geteekeeper she said curtly, as willful little Rose -
aside and allow her to enter the bed emit. up again. to het. side.
grounds, rules or no rules. In that It is just as eattu•al for girls to 1.,e not het? to have it known to the
one maxi, exciting moment,. he felt s a
,ea.ous of 0 pretty rival as for tne
he could peril everything for but a sun to ehine. This case was no ex- world that he had to come here to
help to get a man to do some op -
single glance front those lovely blue ception. position berm:se he was not able to
eyes, and to .call back the smiles to ••Tite idea of 41.11oWing thet child to
the quivering, dimpled scarlet mouth. compete with us for the mere!" they do it himself. lf it was suggested
that members of the Goverument
"Gypsy and I don' t care whether cried, indignant ly, emboldened by „„ ,„„„„ine Mr. Foster letause
we are 'entered' on the books, us hearing Maud scold her. ••Let us ail ';''''''''' nee.' '''"
they were efraid of his criticism, Mr.
you call it, or not," pouted the will- agree that elle shall not win it," Paterson asked to be permitted to
ful. cherry -ripe lips, spiritedly. "lf they whispered one to the other. senile. The netin objection they had
yoe don't let us in h t the gate, we Retched's pretty little pink, ehell- to Mr. lemeer was that he lengthen -
will enter front over the top -of the like ears: had caught every word el ed the ssetion out two or three weeks
she hy talking to no point. Mr, Foster
tiredly, never dreaming the little. cried, teeter her breath. "I shall
creature had the slightest intention never like 14ety one of those girls
of making her threat good. again. 1 hag telleve they aae LAME -
"I know you are a very daring lit- telly jealous of me. I wish they
tic lady," he ansWered, "but I doe't were, just for free T would show
think you would attempt such a haze them e hat the child could dre"
.ardous, feat 'as theft. Why, you A iew emelt-eta later they wore faster rate in those two years than
ever • before, so it was evident that
would break your own neck tia well ranged in front of the etagere' et and,
the country could not be suffering
as the pony's," poor !ittle Rosebud on the outside,
Evidently the milk -white pony was Maud upon the inside of tee track. grievo'wlY•
no. stranger to the freaks of his ea- rel cy Pielein bit his lip with A ex- Mr. Borden at Brecht*.
pricious little 'mistress, for, %althea , tithes, Drechin, elarch 6.—The ConServae
a word of warning, She ettddenly • The expectation of the throng woe live leader, Mr. R. L.. Borden, M.P.,
tightened her hold* on the reins, give ruled to the highest pitch of excite- addressed a meeting of the electors
- ment as the weed was given to of Mara at the Town Hall here last
ing him a slight CUL with her pearl
handled riding whip. "Go!" evening, and Mr. James Clancy, M.
The next, instant, to the amazemetrt One minute, tem, three, mid 'Meted P., who, it was announced on the
and horror of the by-standere, thee Arden, nuthed and excited, swept ttp 'meters calling the meeting. WoUld
to the judges' stand ahead el' tee be present, was unable to keep his
had vaulted gracefully ovee tlie fence.
The gellant little pony landed dir- lest, Poor leitth licieebud fur be- engagement, and Mr. IV. II. Hoyle
•eetly on his feet. and the next -mos hind. spoke in his stead. The hall wee
.itieet was treettleg leisurely Op to the At the second trial Rosebud van& well filled, and the audience, while
judges' steed. with Roeebed as este tiP nl'ead• rreceY one felt ziad ler not demonstrative, geve the Speak -
pretty Little Rosebud, and' elan
consciously innocent as if not hi lie 4n. as a good hearing,
out of the usual order of events had ' tstunithif laugh ps she i•WePt paet her .
dresses were igorous and interest-
ing. The chair WaS occupied by Mr.
Wm. McPherson.
Hon. Wm. Paterson, in the course
of his addrest, said that if he WaS
leader of the Oppoeition he would
had 'men out of the House for two
years, but,' uotwitestanding his la-
mentable absence, the country had
to go on; it could not stop because
Mr. Foster was not in the House,
and the country had gone on. at
Men cheered end ladies clapped
their mantes, for pretty Little RoSee
bud Ardell, the judge's little willtel
daughter, wee a general favorite.
Her vers. Melte ..eecaped more &ergs-
ing thou other girls' -virtues.
Percy Fielding, followed her the
o ten
had?" suid Perey hie serpeise. 1 Yon eau make baby sleep tu, giving the prisoner. As to restitution, it
etth, she'S beep' called thet over "Ity ,T(Ivel isn't she e magnificent, him latubnium or the “soothing" stuffs is said that it is impossible for lihn
teem she was leorn, Islid Slat ims the during. saperit et•eatere," lre whieh iiivrielably contain Opiates. tut to do that in full. Tee Governmeet
eettret face, with red cheeks end ejacreated. exeitediee folloeing el. no eeusible mother will do that, The :nay recover aimut $20,000, out of
ery mow of he graceful figure with
his dere, 'sparkling. passionate eyee.
He lees nearer engaged lover, eet
he found' himself wozeirehig if there
ewe foie possible way of "thtowing
her ever" the he phresed it) for be-
witch7fer Melte !bested.
The ',September seirehine MI upon
ber See' taken ettrit. •atel mem her
pretty. dimpled, OA -alai -White face,
love With her then ever—and lie
sews- to himeelf One he would mitt
her, cense Whet %could.
/141vZ' ?told. 4r Wats eroseing 'With
&Met ate feet. the liee that treerked
(To be continued)
Ottawa, March 6.—It was stated
by one in authority to speak yeatere
due that no matter what Martineau
might do to -day, that is. whether he
pleaded guilty or not when his case
HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP. was called, the Government Would
lesist on tee full penalty for the
pretty tiimplee, that eou ever saw:
'Rosebud is crar C, romping. merry -
like. an apple-blossoni, :rimed itt
' low, fair, curling! fiteeet. huir. see.
tante (•linging, tee te haloes. t.ed great
'Itlue;roguielt outlet he .'segeetest
'little scarlet mouth you *%er Nov."
"You ought to have beeit bore a," laughed Vera, anereedly,
"you rieg 8o ninny complimente on
mind. eeliet e I Will go to the lair
:hall se chtteue • 1 ohm -rein ley
pretty Matttl gate Anstet.." Ise add -
way to make baby sleep happily and In about , •
waltefolnese. This eautte i8 located in
his little Weld() — else. Babies Ottatca, March G.—The mere:beta of
:seldom have ettytiting the matter with the eutsiete Civil Service, followieg
them bat their stomachs, and it is safe the (.xample of the inside eervice, are
Ito say that the. baby who cries unseason- arranging to present their Maims to
nbly is cemplaintlig of . his stomach. the Government for an inerease itt
Their is no tultuente of a baby's stem:melt their salaries. They will take the
that Baby's Own Tablets will not cnee same ground as the inside service,
tieht await. They make baby 01:Aortal tiz., that, the advaneed prices of live
. and happy and gtve him fteund naturals ittg and the r,se in the ettltertes of
tistowel, Ont., save: --My baby used to Justify an iract•eaee in the GoVerntaent
. beet -re restiese and siees-atl. hut 'Pince trees et pay,
his eleselie„ tett n WO) 11)01 e was tso bettor rtonri,„1. 8 better an I is bet ter Abele°. Trieste leases..
six does IAA, expeet rise et l'he it....- t •
ire t r:ate,:. $ las every Wry." rk ide TetlAtS telt 811 4IttaWr. 1101'411 .41.—A room in the
kni prtto• Lit . le Ileorelmil Arden see mailer eetteetete of effete caws. anal Teethe: Peeve -tee nt la the eftetetei
' do 1 tette, latailord. " woniti klsow t le bitterest wite 1 hat, . sem se, givim 01)-Ntra.,vfors beetle 1 1 1 k .... ..; 14./.11 sat apart for the eliti
' "Ilse (sne streigt t 'chest ti*---:", ( '4i ''LL't evet• ratt 4 to a bright. ereare girl's .tyr t, mr t tberavreont t ot ' s 1 rt. t , re the fee,e it " life. UP the d:ained t(4 the ilreste ehe rttiv,y, vela $111 1000 ft v it mieti
siinitating theTood andlteguia-
i4 the Stotnarhs aleaBOWeJ5 of
ness and Rest.Contains neither
lifavyrows nem:
AperfectRernedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
lacSimile Signature of
IS ON T3333
or MAY
Castor's is put up in one -site battle!
is not Bold in belle Don't alley afesene
Tipperary, Ireland, are centenarians.
An adder twenty six inches long has
been killed by a game -keeper at Totter.
naory, 1.1n11.
A.Ccording to the monks of the hospice
of St. Bernard their. famous dogs save
on an average twenty lives every year
ou the mountain.
Flower growers in the senth of France
anti other favored climes fine it prafit able
to ,seud the products of 7their skill to
British markets.
Iu au action for slander bronalit
against a well known anti-Senite of
Berlin all the male .Tews of the town of
Konitz figure as plaintiffs.
Australia has the largest duck farm
and the largest incubator in the world.
The incubator has a capacity of 11,440
eueks' eggs or 14,080 10.4118' eggs.
Farmers bring your spriug gristing to
-the Wingham Mill where yen will get
good returns itud the very highest quality
of flour made from Manitoba and Ont-
ario wheat.
MONET' TO LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with prianlege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and a.ecounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
Ur. Mayrand Returned by Aceausatley*
Maskinonge, tete.
Montreal, March 5.—In the CoMeteret
rand, Liberal, was elected by acclete
mation to 1111 the *vacancy in UM
House of Commons caused by the
appointment of Mr. Levis eo the
Five Days OverdUe.
lan Line steamer Nunaidian, 'which
left Liverpool on Fele. 19, with OA
British mails anti paseengers, hat*
not yet. arrived. The steamer is note
five days overdue, and it is very
doubtful if see will be tilde ter make
the run front this port to St. job*
and return in time to tale the mails '
orr "Monday. There is much unfaVore
able connuent here on the elownese
of the tervice.
Two Fishers Browned.
ITalifax, March 5.—Two fishermen
were dt•owned WI Saturday while
lobsteting about live miles from thole
home at Terrence Bay, , in. this
county. They were Fred Little AEA
Albert Jollintore, 28 and 18 yeah"
of age, respectisely. Their beet With
reefed sttil was catipht ' a' squall
and upset, and WaS found on the
shore Tuesday.
Burt by a Fall.,
young painter, while working (?ns
ing, fell to the ground, a distarect ot
20 fcet. and lias r011ettSnitell O.! 'dr.
Kidney Troubles of Women.
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets the Most Sue-
cessful Treatment of Kidney Ailments That
Cause Women Untold Suffering.
There are so many women suffer-
ing from Isackache, headache, drag-
ging pain. in the loins, and weary,
worn-out eelings, who attribute all
their troubles to some form of
feuulle complaint." Nine- cases
out 0'. ten the kidneys are at fault,
Mrs. Mee- Goddard, e32 Adelaide Street
West, Toronto, -whose portrait appears on
the orposite column, speaks in the follott
ing terms r.
'After enjoying the most perfect health
for -many years tt was a sore trial tor me
to realhe that tny health was fail',:ng. l•
had, in the first place, acute pains :iu the
small of my leek, and atiS 'losing' lies.b
rapidly. Then other complications, arose,
which .so weakened Me that it vim only
'with the greatest amount of deteleteeetiee
that I -could attend to my work. 1 tsi •
a, number of remedies and consultez, i':retal
physicians .trithont.,. obtaining', nutza than
ache Kidney Tablets. . Their '!.-.teticial
teflon was -almost inetantafieoueetted the
results highly gratifying. The We in My
beck dieappertred in a short.tinte, teal ley
(olesmortuatittacooftlegyti;e4livnts: my app eseetiert
and the poisons which these organs
i should filter out of the lama are
circulating through the system and
No woman catvenjo, good helitli
and be free from psi whee:e kid. -
I of order run MINIM to
Goderielt, Ont., relates her etpetien
deal. ttf laselot0iit a",41 tn.): and
i grow worse. I leer(' of tie we, eres
were ntaking and &get mined 1, Atm
,stopping istosatt.c atal helm ••••• wad
nee tense "