The Wingham Times, 1903-03-12, Page 2itISTABLISTIRD 1,••••••••• T�E WIN44AN TJMES, TEMSDAY. MAUCTI la. Om NOTES AND COMMENTS Up to date in the Ontario eleotien raiit,ls four Conservatives have been utt. Nana to one Liberal, and yet Ur. Whitney talks about the awful corrupt teen and crooeteiness of Liberals at the last Provincial election. The announcement Was made at Ot- tetwai that on and after Saturday, the 7t1I i htst., the rate of postage on newspapers! and periodicala posted in Canada for ' Wan:Mission to Great Britain will be the as if for delivery in Canada. Uou„ R.Harcourt, Minister of , on. is strongly in favor of consolidated heals in rural districts, andat the pres- t session Of theeesegislatere a hill may lutroduced be give practical encour- eat in the way of a Governinent t to snob. schools. Hamilton Spectator is authority or the statement that there are not eagle prohibitionist Tories in this Yens to elect a towuelrip pound- eeper. The thousands of Tories who voted " yea" in the Referendummust then, according to the Speo., be hypo - Crites. Tile laat tvvo years have wrought a marked change in the status of Canada atneeg •the nations. 'Unquestionably this change ie largely an outcome of the period of phenomenal prosperity into wheel Canada is maw entering. Already the per capita wealth of the Domiaion is in excess of that of any other country in the world, the -United Stetes not ex- eepted.-New -rink Evening Post. It has/heen dedded by the Depart - .1,4 .A.th t o grioneture at Ottawa thee e I oaring rooms establithed last leer at Woodatock, Brookville. Cow- ansville and St. Plyeteuthe will be oper- Kee again this season, commencing in May next. telt season's work peoved temelesively diet when the temperature goefi above 60 degrees both the texture end the ftavor of the cheese are injured. l'herefore the cool caring rooms eau Ile used to advantage, as early as the month of May. ee'esTlie Liberal 'any have always protest- ed against the unfair gerrymander of constituencies, and they can be trusted to live no to their declarations. Ad- herence to pledge and priuciple is better then getting a slight petty advantage at the cost of both. Any fair redistribution measure cannot fail to improve the stt- tustioa of Ontario Liberalism. Once the political equilibrium, disturbed in 1882, s is restored, the Liberal party need not arc appeal to the country, and the Ilinent of a long-staudiug promise It further strengthen their prestige,- ' Herald. Theeeurt of appeal on Friday handed out judgmeot in the Lennox and South Oxford election trials which confirm the two originally elected members, Messrs. 'P. G. Carecalten and Donald Sather - land, both Conservatives, in then seats. The appeals were dismissed on teehuical grounds, and the uierits of the charges of bribery and erruption were not cow- er a l'by the Court of Appeal. s the charges laid by the on ;which the tiiid judges olved the disqualification r . Mr. Carscallen was eying money to a care and Mr. Sutherland to pertinent of Crown out aeciroular to all the P vince, asking the Jo pextmnt etheir hoe The Govern- ial efforts ti bring Ip, and. they desire, be able to locate 11 come from the the very best the .. - It is ex. Arnment's reilley in ieve the stringency market and help the ave suffered somewhat ity of help, ........ • . . en the Bowels e Constipated a serious Matter to neglect coast!. You may do so for a time, only d thid your health has been tinder- y bodily decingernente of the Most Yon should 'layette movement el* every- clay. To accomplish eld concentrated foods. use vegete fruits freely, and take one of Dr. Kidney -Liver Pills before retiring. tea thries. a week, or oftener if 'Iltficlneay-Liver Tells are tiot thartit. They have a ned tether on the it& beweie, and consemsettly a and the accompanying thoroughly ana we'd, try ion of those wbo are the peculiar merit* lektney•Liver Pills, we ere purely vegetable t and reuturall prompt mon far- ts tbe most Whet* eon, kidiary trenbies. WEAK LUNGS. Made Solana and Seeing by the Eye of Pr. Willienee Polk rule Weak lungs mean we* health, con- tinual coughs and colds-tem/hes of grip and. bronellitis, then..cleadly ppeutnopia orlugeringg hopelese consumption. Weak Twigs are due to weak blook. The one sure why to strengthen weak lungs is to build up your blood with Dr. Williams' Palk 1ifls. Rvery dose makes rich, red blood, and every drop rich., red. blood adds streugth, vigor and dtsease-resist- ing power to Wealt lungs. Thousands Of weakeunged narrow -chested men and women have been made sound, healthy teeid happy by the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -and they, WI do the Same for you. Mrs. J. D. Naisinith, Win- nipeg, Man., says: "I contnected a severe cold, which developed into bron- chitis and lune treuble. The best of doctors and many different lauds of inedwitie failed t beln ne, and iny friends all thought I was going itite rapid consumption. I had no appetite, was forced to take to bed, and felt that ouly death would re1eae brother urged me to try Or Williams' Pink Pills, mid to please bita I began them. A few boxes 'peeved they were helping me, aud I began to get real strength. I continued the use of the pills and was soon able to leave my bed aud sit up. I grew streamer day by day. Tbe congh that, 1ad racked almost beyond endurance diseppeared, appetite returned, and I ana again strong and healtfly, lunch to the surprise of all who saw me while I was, ill. Dr. Wil- Itams' Pjnk Pills onred nie after ot ex medicines failed and I shall always praise them." Bear in mind that substituted and ordinary:medicines:will not cure. See that full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," ie printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers Or sent Poet paid at 50e. a box or six boxes for $2.60 by writ- ing direct to the Dr. Williams* Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. THE CEMENT INDUSTRY • Are We Threatened With Over -pro- duction? We reprint from the Peterborough Times an article on this subjecs which will, no doubt, be read with interest by our townsmen, so many of whom are more or less interested in cement reek- ing: lawn the consemption of cement in Canada -reached ite highest point, namely, 1,045,00 barrels. Of this 645,- 000 were made in Canada, and 400,000 imported. Prior. to , 902 no less than five additional companies got ander way, several of them, hewer did little more than get started and supplied only about 100,000 barrels. In, the year 1903 we shall hava all the old factories in, opera- tion and with largely increased outputs, and also the five new companies above mentioned, the outputewill then be for 1903, 1,56000 barrel4 that is to say over 600,000 barrels more than the total con- sumption of last year, exclusive of what- ever may be importedPluring the year. In view of those fads you will perceive that the warnings Contained in the Monetary Times and Mail and Empire to which you refer, as to the danger of over production, were well timed and should be carefully heeded by the in- vestirg public. But when we tell you that ha addition to the five new Compan- ies started last year, we hate ten nadee new companies now being floated hi this country, which are to have, according to the promoters, a combined capacity Of 16,200 barrels per daye-ecelar tet an annual capacity of about 3,600000 bar- rels, you will see the utter folly of put- ting money into more cement enter prises. Here is a list of ten new com- Denies with then pronerted output: Barrels per day. The Manitoba .Portland Cement Co., Winnipeg. 1000 The Western Canadian Portland Cement Co 1000 The St. Marv's Portland Cement Co • 1000 The Colonial Portland Cement Co„ Wiarton 1000 The Raven Lake Portland Cement Co 1000 The Bine Lake Portlaud Cement Co., Brantford, 600 The Superior Portland Cement Co .. 000 The Belleville Portland Cement - Co ... . ......... 2000 The Kingston Portland Cement co, , ..,••••.*•.... 1000 The International Portland Ce- ment Co., Mull ..... /000 Making a daily product of 10,200 It ie clear that whatever money is made in-Canatla oat of the eeancent in- dustry hereafter will be made in pro- moting companies, not iil eperating them. It is saki diet the gentlemen whie MVO years ago, floated the Xiurhan Company', cleaned, up n 'half Million of &Mars Out of the fidatatien,, ett a Capital Of $1,000,000. The saute gentlenien are - Wive prOmoting, in different parts of She country several new companiet On a s(rde stilt mote ambitiona than the Dar - ham Cotopany. instance the Belle. villa Portland Cement Moistly is to haste a capital of two and.a halfmilliona dollen and an outpat of two thensand barrels pee day. Cart they be patting any Of their rapileY in them? If the floatation of the Durham COmpany *old yiekl the promotetwa ball million et dollar*. the tkooght a what there linaist lastile Aiiriters of the Stkielvtlle lay with 4 eaoito tWO swat e tollites, fair:4r El V These pro. Must, * TRE WINGIIAM TIMES MARCH 12 1903. • dispensers of satiefertic They gravely Do Your Kidneys Perform Their this country and profital ly exported, to She United States, notwithstanding the ftwt that nearly all cement machinery comes front the rutted States and is subject to heavye barges for freight 4tm1 duty, and that the 'o a for burning the ceutent is all imported from the Malted Stateand costa here double what it costs there, and that tha manual elist ot binning edueut oldie is more than they pretend they Can COIllea for, Rut thee, let the profuoters take cour- age -a seeker is boett every minute, and the fools are not nearly all dead yet. Yours, OLD SUSKSIBZIt. February 5, 1903. Dominion Statistics. The exports of the Dominion, which iu 1896 amounted to 8121,000,000, have grown to $211,000,000 11)02 Within the same period the imports of the conntry had. increased fienn $111,- 000,066 to $121,050,000. " So that the ' aggregate trade of Can- ada has been almost doubled since the advent of the Liberal pArty to p 'er. The growth in this regerd uuder Lib- eral administration had, within six years greatly exceeded the growth daring all the preceding years from .Contederation dovv a to 1806 It is also worth while to observe that under the preferential polic'y trade with England had greatly increased. Imports from Grant Brititiu had swollen from pd,oco,000 in 1896 to 840,- 000,000 in 1902; while our exports,to the mother country had growu from $66,000,000 to $117 000,000 It is also gratifying to observe that the revenue or the country has greatly in- creased. For the seven months of the Functions •••••.••••••••••1 TOWN DIRECTORY. 1,1••••,••••••.!.. hiaRritsr Onultog--Sabbath oirviees at 2;30 p 11 a m and 7' p sr. Sunday Sohool at nx. General prayer .nteeting t 1111 1r 0: t.ti. .0 Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. j. Vat. Is the World's Springle ,led' for all Kidney and Blad- der Troubles, Unless your kidneys properly and reg- ularly perform their functions, the an- entenlatious of morbid material in your blood will act likh- a poiSOu upon the nervone system. fieve you headache, vertigo, puffiness nieler the eyesor fixep? sical tendencies?' Have yon sever sienie- times with china mei a dry skin? • Is the urine high colored, sometitnee scanty in quantity. sometimes Weedy one ford? Any of these symytelus .are true warn- iugs of kidney disease. To -day, multitade ot mon and women suffering from various ferms ef kidney Affections, .enduring pain and mind agony, are, through the use of Painies Celery-Compaund morbid and poisouous materials from the blood. Wisie and .able physicians are prescribing Pale ess. Celery Compound for their patientsNo other medicine in She world is so strongly endorsed by the best people of the, land. Mrs. E. Vancouver, B, C.. writes about her blessed experience with Paine's Celary Compound e she says: tmade lif a misery for no. "For five yeaes kidney and urinary roubles Before coming her I was treated by- two doctors; both foiled to oure me, and my suffering increased. I waa advised by a friend to try Paine's Celery Compound After use Of the second bottle I experi- c_uiced a; happy change.I, entild see and • feel that yottr wontlecful tuedicitke was t doing its work well After using, eight bottles, I am free from all symptoms of the old troubles, and feel that 1 inn a new person. Pelee's Celery Compoond iS truly a blessing to those afflicted with 'kidney complaints." current fiscal year the showina was 44,- A clergemau highly esteemed for his 0e0.000 better thau for the same petioil of last year. The deposits in the batiks indicated how lingo end geserat hail been the prosperity of the people within the past six years, in 1887 the anm to the credit of the people in the banks was $210,000.- 000, and in Jauuary of the preaeut year litany excellent queteties, et which ora- tory is not one, has' recently had placed in his chinch by hiel,tloving coUgregation a uew pulpit. It is,a fitie piece Of week, eruate with carv1e4 and 'artistic embel- lishment, But the lext inscribed on it, consideriug the effect of the good rector's the figures had risen to $400.000.000. sermons, might nave., been more happily chosen. -He giveth his beloved sleep," it runs. Health tor Women. "Few things are tnore impertent to a community than the health of its wo- men. If strong is the frame of the me - Sher, says a proverb, _the sons will give laws to the people." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is especially woman's mmliame. By its action on the nerves it gives strength and yigee„tie the delicate 'femin- ine organs and ensureelheirtegular and healthful fn melons. It gives color to the pale, strength. to the weak, and a ronna- ed fornieb the thin end angular. • • COUNTY OR DISTRICT AUCTION SALES. In many districts of Great Britain auction sales of live stock have been held annually for years. Large num. bre of, pure-bred animals for breed ing purpose.% have .ben marketed in this way, bfeicies a great many. "store' cattle and other animals. In several' ProvinCes of the Dominion, Provincial sales of this kind have been eetablish- ed toltit eatisfaetory. results, and have created a feeling in favor of county or distnot sales There are hune- trees of farmers throughout Canada who raise yearly erom one to four tkeed breeding .malee, and perhape a ftw females. Many of these men. un- derstand the principles of steel, breed- ing, and have from. time to time bred noted show yard spectimens.- Yet the progress and profits of these men. has b.en greatly hainpered becauee of their inability to sell their eurplus stock promptly. In eonio years they hen able to ecu; in other years they have had to keep a number' of lanirnals longer than their means of feed wart -ranted. Oa the other anted many farmers desire to cbtaite .51111. .able breeding modes. but do not know Where to bay what they require at a reasonable price. The cost 'cf travel- ling from. pitaree to place in eearchl of I gettable anithals detersthem f corn purehasing at alt. With ihe idea of br'eting yer 3 and F.ellers into teach with each other, a number of breeders of pure bred eat tie it Durham, Northumbstrland and ejacent• comitiee last year formed the "Central Onterio Pure Bred Stock Assoeiation" and started a eeries of annual .auetion sales. .Their eate wis fairly satisfactory arel they are new aerangIng for their second eale, which is to take place ar ter- belletoft, on the 1115h of Meath next, w:11; 3.. W. Marty/a of Contea. 1149 President and W, IL • Campbell. ef Carapb eleroft, tt-1 Sztcretary Of 1e A. ••• Deafness Cannctt be Cured by local applicatione' as they cannot reach the diseased pertion of the .ear: There is only one wat te enre deafness, and that is by scourattational remedies, Deafness is caused, by an iufiatned con - 41111011 of the innonns lining Or tile Basta- • eltian Tube. When this tettiet is indium, .ed you have a rumbling sound or lamer-. . feat hearing, and Whenit is entirely closed, deafness jfithe result, and unless ' the inflammation, can be taken oat and this tithe restoredto its ebrmal condition hearing will be destroyed forever. .uine cases auto! ten are caused by Catarrh. .which is nothing but an inflamed condi- tion of the mucous surnices. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cafe). of deafnese(causedsby catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh °are. Sand for singulars, free. ' I? .1. °benne & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold ay Drugelks,-75.0- Hall's Fainily, Pills Ane the best. Why is a newspaper hke a women? was a problem printed in apaperrecent- ly. The following Wore ameng the anti - were given: "Became you have to have something to ran it." "Becaese both have to be knoWh tie* leolipprediated:" "Because it changes its dress." But the only enrrect answer is: Because a men should have one of We • own, and not be rooming after histreIghbor's. -"14IfrifOntAr Off01101X-SablIatifserviceS 11 tt ut and p Sunday Sehool at 2.:80 p•nt, Spworth League every Mon - evening. General prayer Intuiting onWednesday evenings. Rev, Richard Holas,paster. - Towler, S. S, Sup- erintendent. iinusnyramas CM:Hon-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 n awl 7 p Sunday Seigali at 2:110 p General prayer meeting on Wedueareay eveniugs. Rev. D. Perri°, pastor and S. Superinten- dent, Sr. PAUL'S CHER bath services at 11 aft)" •8011001 at 2;80 meeting on Wednes Wm. Lowe, lucumb Superintendent. Emscorate-Seb- ut and 7 p Sun- ni. General prayer F. Shore, S. S. y evening. Rev. Anarr-Service at 7 and 11 a lia and 8 and 8 p on Sanctity, and every evening during the week at Pose Orme-In- Macdonald Block. Office hours from $ m to 6;30 p tn. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Meoneetios' esterreterz-Libraly and Iran reading roam in the Town, will be open every afternoott from 2 to 5:80 o'clook and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'ciciok. Miss • Millie Robertson, librarian. 1 Tow sz Corrxon,-et. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dunnage, Thos. Bell, Robt. ludoo, 3, Elliott* W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, °mind ors; J, B. Ver. guson, Clerk and Treasurer;William Clegg, Assessor, Wm!' Robertson, "Col- lector. Board meets first Monday evert- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Somme BOARD. -J. Hommel. (chair- • map), Thos. Abinimm,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Win. Moore. A, E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. 13. Ferguson, jaMtreenttinos ,trcond Tuesday evening tn each Puma° Sonom TEA.MiEnS.-A. H. efesgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss °arum Miss MeLeen, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings-. BOAIOD HEAL= Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Redding, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew. J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. cdonald, Medical Health Officer MISS DELIA SPARING A. T. 0 111. Teacher of Piano, Tlwor and Pletcher Music Method, $impIex d Kindergarten. Pupils prepared miervatory examina- tions. VIOLIN AND GUITAR.. MISS CARIII *MOORS of London Ceriseriator'y f Music, will be pre- pared'after Oct. 1st to receive a lin4ted num- ber bt pupils for lEttitrUpI1011 on Violin and Guitar. ' Residence -Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry Ettore, Winrain. PIANO AND eTHEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MORE, L.O.M. and member of the ASseciated Maki:ins of Ontario, Pl prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instru tm on Piano and in Theory. •Special attention give to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -Straw bloc . over W. G. Patter' son' jewelry store, Win ham. • FARMERS and anyone havint live stoek or other articles they wish to disp ee of, %timid edy,er tise the !tame for sale in the MM. Our large circulation toile and be strende indeed if you do not eat eustomee. We can't gdarantee hat von will Hell because you may ask mord for this/wade 4r steck than it fswerth. Send your advertisement to the Txxint xxnd try this plan of disposmg et, your stock and other articles. • VirANTED -PAITHPUL PERSON TO TRAP - ell for well establishedimuse inn few counties, • 1••••••••••=1_ calling on retail marettnts anL d agents. oeal facitiation. There are mealy O.Cuer eounticee and diett•iets which would find. it benefi- dial It; inaugurate stales of .this lend es glli410 to briqs(1...ra :nterest- ed in t he eubject, tbe rulee esaverneig. . the Central Ontario eele ar0 girt•O Iv.: , li IV t 1. A commli tee of le rse wel b.- era. painted lo hispset e n f rie -, vahie, v -ane -reefer with contrilattore and 1.1•ti-I'VO ! 1' It4. right to tee i-- sr:Oldster trent . ecale or aeceot the led aifferee. 0- tle . All en heal eninat It • tee et i mete i a , 'LI eir respective* herd 11.40k., - 3. liach allinril to let. in e. ass! eon - 1 detests and w-11 lei her Woken. i'• 4. All entries most 1). !chef, lei 1, J the t4ettretary on or before ‘,Verlare•- dity; Prbru.ary 18th; 1903. 5 An enerenee fee of ea fie i o • re COniptillY* each entry, ea ree 10 lee lea I, turned if animal is eeld. , eh A Menge of 3 per cf Iv.. re tee ! eale price wel be made i e eels e ex- : teieaise of oak. It 7. All entree; to h• Ta1'3.fi- :;:, 7 Leer lean 11 a.m. on i he .111,11i:(f 111. . ! to 1rnu infirm! tor eaist, iia:3 N: ,r:- ,.i.v.ctran t,f. intendinse eareeestaia, ; e. Eueli :mime Ith,-ti ...rillt le ealeoet, 111,, peeperty of the eareheetta I 9. lertee *f *tale. reel . i 141. Mi f*,1110:Multtr, 10- fr. 1rO10 1 .11-( (.101k 010 the ohs- of ertle = 11 le$11111111111 lir =MI Your Address. trill:H=1e A reqUest,*trith;yout address attaehed,..ts . that is necessary to obtain pttr new -and handsonieig illustrated „eatologue. 11*111 put you ill touch where the finest &siert:nen: of FINE" JEWELRY in Consda. 'The price, which is pfeirtir given wag eon, emelt, 'cm Ills coat of the article delivered te CAt. We cheerfully rehire( Yoe, metre it s•ei dash& ti. %IA 18. 1OA IlHafnive nal -men ill VI Eyrie Jewiderti.• arouttiVotitek ito • at 1.4 4111,1111111111111:1=:-.1:„:,. ilea) daarawam.. r" WOWO ritiletetalles Th 4riat Rog& tom lea trwaraelisteta by sitit gtItt It; keymi averesserek. elite in et14441;tit, If! ',41: al opium or isteetesate, aeietpt . orie yeeerage fl. Wes ea MN. earapuleta tree se The WeedtMp�7, w rine dr rx territory. Salary *102 a year and .expensea, pitiable $10.70 a week in eash and expenses ad- vanced. Position permanent. Basiness eessful and rushing. Standard Rouse, 8.34 Dearborn St., Chie,ago. • JOB PRI NTI Q including Books, Paraphlete, Posters, Bill Heeds, Cfrouluvs. Oe., executed in the best style of the; art, at Moderate price's, and Ori short uotice. • Beciannentraa-We are plowed to nitnonnee that anyBooks or Magazines left with u,449,1' Binding, will have ' our 'prompt attention Prices ter Binding lit any style will be,giveit en application to THE itarR tforma, Winghem. nu YEARE'' EXPERIENCE K1;ue Is. IinWeraphigit by narseltron. R. 000-Pg•irite, , TRantN1001* ,0**mut • Ooevittorra 4lie, atottifialiaddiatt taI*OWskelOhatllParkiORnRtas racsir ascertain oar ofree wiE;ther al tratatted tlnaly3pigla. CO i lions stritllycontdetaa .SabotIof scat Mts. Odat SioitittyltOrttefitrlha_nattotak. £strats taken throe:di mane /it co. 1118lue. &WEL. , altImilt ebolidgi in thee , ' -,1 $ tit NE .Iltifit iillierit A eiiitneroplyirtrWteated er:Oitr." two On " IV trateartaignelietT4I tli e7:= 41,t Vol.v.ity.iiew.Liork ranOt i es, 1135 V 01...V/011ln:0,n. i..' C. i 1 RAILWAY TIME TANIS. 1 GnaNti Titt:XX toinAy.i.-r sltstitakt. legatae tirAti rOit 1 Fir'::fa1irgOiEat 1Alig *.a.... t 'It I41teardiat..11.11ihiii ggpirla”" S.Seartn, 1 glrakitrtlillt! ..,.0.1.41a.ta.. WY/cue- !mom. Loodoo., ...... ...... .11.10a.m..... '.55p.m. , Pebnetorret1I41I 1n 1Torento & East. 1, L. HAROLD, Agent. WhOtidurk• * 4.1.46 i t 1.40 pen.,,,e, KSI tent i riAlarorAX Wino VIAMW.A.V. • Aar • lean! terra von . termite end Rest .. 1151' e.m.... VA p. ,V.,esecereter LI7 at .....10.44 p.m. Anevral Pita rex . A teat. Vfiraeltitm. 1.4 p.m. .10,41$ tstee wE otlepae. =TOWNE)" 187.2 THE WIN0110 TIMES IS PUBLISHED , EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Offloo, Beaver Block lirmcluau, °Immo. TintMS Or Screseet1.etos--$1 30 per alumni in advance, $1.00 if not Homed. No paper aisvon tinted till all STrettra eta pain, exempt et tlu• option, of the publisher. Anvienersnes -••• Legal arld other mutual edvertisonents So per Nonparielline tor first intwrtigil, 00 Per lino tOr Vara eulisequent insertion. Adveztm iseeate Oa local columns are ebarkitel leas, per Mae for Met ineertion, multi ciente per nue for ;tech subseepteet insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, Farms for &Ile or to Brut, and similar, $1.00 for filet moeth und 50 cents for eac-h otoseguent month. Coemnaet Itters-The fallowing table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods • APAVE, 1 Tn. Ono. 8 Xes. 120' One Column $00.00 $85.00 $15.00 tfi Balt Coltunn 138.00 18.00 10.00 4,10 Quarter Column .,is.00 max sme 2.00 Advertisemeats without specific directions be 132Ser1e4 till fOrbiti hall eItai'ged. accord- ingly. Transient Advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tao .Ton Derartemeate io stocked with an extensive astaarttnene <dere requildteefer print- ing, affording facilities. not -equalled in the cottraY for turning but find Waal work. Large type and appropriate cuts for ellstyles of Post - ere, Iland meg, etc, and the latest Styles 0 choice filmy type for the finer classes of prin1118.t- " R. B. ELLIOTT; Proprietor and Pabliaher T P 'KENNEDY, 1.E. D.; M. O. P. 8.0 tel • Member of the British Medical Assoeite tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseasea of Women and Child reit. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m, t 7 to VP. Tn. TIR. MACDONALD, .11-07 Centre Street Windham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over 3'. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office, 013ISIIOLM, 3.8. CHISROLM max, Oaf.. 2(11,2133,038., 380 P60. OHS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSWIANS, SURGEONS, Rea, Oretor-Ohiskolm1310ek, .Tosephine street. Restrimine-le. rear of block, on Patrick Si., where night calls will be anawered. -Ma VANSTONE. JAI • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Private ana Company 'funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No connanssion charged.. en- gages, town and farm property bought and seld. Office, Beaver Block. Windham. er. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c. Windham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON 'DUDLEY HOWES DICKINSON, & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN'. °Med: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. 0.8., L. 0.6. Doctor of Dental 8uren7 of the P'-011'yIvIIlIjf Dental College and ,Licentiate. er. the Royal College of Dental Surgeons Of Ontario. Office over Post Offiee,, Windham. , °Mee closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. Tyr T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., YY,,„ • , L.D.S.. 'New Method for peeler's ex- traetion, No Cocaine.' Sonia' attention to the vire and regulation of children's' tectIL 'Moderate prices, and all work carefully- and skilfully performed. Offic. hi Beaver Mock, Winghaln. Office (dosed. every Wednesday afternoon during June, July Ana AUKUSt. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. wineham. OM. JAS. HENDERSON, Windham, Ont. LICENSED All6TI5»fSE11 icir the Counties Huron and Bruce. Sates of Farm Stock and Implements n specialty. orders lef t nt the Ernt8 office 'promptly attended.to. Terms reasonable. F. s. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. L/CENSED AUCTIONEER Is Orepated to tronditet sales ht this section, SplicIhIattentlon given to sales of farm stock and implements. . Dawn and ordure ran ,alwnys be arianged at TIMES office. Windham. . , 0.in.sinii•MINOPW••••••106MiNI There is a noted difference in" the style ancrfit Parits we Maim that always brings peo.: jTe hack for anitther pair. 'rhen there is' the low price and better qualiry of cloth put in therri-doth t, that •wears See our new goods' and prices. el & CO SUICIDE AT STRATFO Mawr liollerd; of Stretford, 1:404 MOW Which Uad Served Illra fla Soutla 111 awes ta Two campaigns, Stratford, ?Arch. G. -Derry E. Ballard, who was a member of tha nrat and third Canadian South Af.. rtcancontingentS, took Ide 'own life Tuesday night, blowing the top, aa his head off, Deceased lived hera with his father and mother, and went, home Tuesday night as usual, gii1Ine no indication of his intention, Shortly after midnight he took front his ait the rifle he had carried In South Africa, and, Placing it to hie right temple, shot himself. Decease. ed was a, little ever 27 years of age. Took Pere; ("Aram. Stra,throy, llrfarch VOW- ers of the TOwasbip of Caradoe 'com- mitted suieldo Tuesday by taking Paris green. It appears he went to the barn where the poison was kept, and returned to the house and in- formed his wife what he had done. A doctor was sent for, 'but he died* few home; later. ge was well liked and quite a prosperous man, and. no reason can be given for the rash act: Suodootiod at Last. Windsor, March 5.-Aze Leffler, Alt. insane prigoner at the Essex County jail in Sandwich, strangled himself to death with a wet towel, in the toilet room of the day corridor, yes- terday, Tho unfortenate. man has been subject to frequent epells rie mental aberratioii for some years. and was last committed to the /ail on Feb. 3.7. He had tried to suicide on other occosions. Ile was a well- to-do fanner in Closfield North. • DEATH OF LIEUT.-COL. JARVIS. i Marched WIth Lord Roberts to Candahai -Canadian's Distinguished career. Toronto, . March 5. - Lieut. -Col. Robert Edward Colborne Jervis. late of IIis Maiesty's 69th Regi - Ment, died peacefully in Toronto last night on the dist annivereary of his birth. Ccd. Jarvis was the young- est: son of the late Lieut. -Col, W,1. Jarvis, for many years Sherfn or tho benne district, Ontario, who died in 1856. Col. Jarvis was edu- cated at tipper Canada College unci entered the British army as an en- sign la the 100th Royal Canadian Regiment in 1859. Ile served throughout the Afghan war of. 1878 to 1880, and was several times ram - Cloned In despatches. Col. Jarvis accompanied Sir Frederick, maw Lord Roberts, in the famous mareit from Cabul to Candahar in August, 3.880, taking- part in the battle cot Candabar. For gallantry on this oc- casion he was mentioned in despateit- es, granted a Brevet Major and re - coined a medal with three clasps and bronze decoration. A HEDIZEW DEPUTATION. - ()lichee Ministers Asked to Safeguard Jewish Educational Eights. • ,•,- - 1rOtttrOitl, Atarell 5.-A powerful - Jot' tali committee and thine zuezninees of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners went to Quebec yes- terday afternoon, and will to-.Iav make joint reprasentations to the. Parent Cabinet towards securing. complete recognition for Debrews tas tnembers of the Protestant school panel. The propose abolishing .tee present, option, by which Jews Meal pay either to the Protestant or ctn. tholio school fund, and to • secure( et, clause protecting the religious right* of Hebrew childrcin in rratestaat schools. 1 , Hamittatt Ea Killed. Toronto, March ;.-The mangled body of a man woe found Tuesthey meriting lyirkg besid4 the 0. T. et, ten.eks a little east Of the Sunnyside crossing. 13:• C. Crondey , tYaS talle4 moned ,and found in the pocket of the .dend than a moul ers' union, card bearing the name of Henry- Gilmore, TO North John streeq,. liamilton, is supposed that Ire ,as stealing et. ride on art incoming. freight traht on Tuesday night, And . that in alighting' •be fell and was rendered. unconsciotta by stilling •his heart against one Of the r ils. • In this position he wits prob bly killed 'by the passenger train fo lowing, i. • Dead Man Made Itronsibie. Elizabeth,. N.J., Mer 5. -The loft Comity Grand Jura which has been conducting an int uiry into the Wreck on the New J tweet Central Railroad, near W stilukl, on Jan. A7, yeaterday made a pre uttuent to ' Judee Vali. it finds 5985 Eng,inter DaviS of the Philadelphlit & Reading ti aite Wait prima; ily re. imaSible 46r the wreck, but that a 1i.tky ineceor ettvelatied 1th; cab wit!% steam, eli- Settring bis view. The j pet says-, ears were of ancient mak, heated stocce. • tot tiarnessmakla, Toronto, Mareh (1.-Therseeond dive of the hareessmaleere' •)coriVen54o* Was devoted chiefly to the\ gewainet•of general business and ttimeussiteas among the Members t eke tote, cerning the trade. The el.retion of officers, had the follou frig result: President, Charles Ie'elly qf • Ux- bridge, acelamation: treaP,Itrer, C. IIV)0.wInVes. oo,1nottgh; seeretary, .teleearedee Sir •Willitint and Morain. Montreal, Itfareli 5.-S1r WillhOu Van Horne lett for New Ye& lest tight, where he will attend .meetinge of the Cuba railway directors., after which be proceMs to Cuba. J. Pier - pont Morgan is now there. and hi* visit is causing much con:ecture. Metion Otr.the Hooka Queenstown, Mart% 5.--111e. Pentaulit- ion Line steamer Merton, front Nate ton Feb. 20 for Liverpool. wieteat grounded after leaving the: i.ftrt nit Sunday, near Iloeite'S Point. *OS towed off the roekt e-eeterday, Witt 1111Ing AprIt 44. eluebee. March 5.---4tat1iio.in, the wife murderer Of lifonfinnarty. Vt38 CO 111041111nd t 8tO1(15V morning; to he banged an repril 24.