The Wingham Times, 1903-03-05, Page 2THIS WINClAt TIMES, MARC''
THEWINGuAM TIMES. ! Are the Ones Whist► Cause the Oreateet
N. A EttlelOTT. Barna lueat AND lesopJ�R$ftiterota 1 Amount of Suffering.
it e It itt every day ills that distress most
—;., + -- those which sieze you suddenly stied
make MARCH G, ±30$. 1 wake you irritable, impatient mud fault-
' tindiug, The root of thesis troubles ht's
` in the WQUd Stud nerves, and you eanliot
__-ea,,. i get rideet thew until the blood hue been
Two Jseparate departments are to be
created at Guelph A.grieulyural College
this! year. One is the department of
field husbandry, for iustruction in tilling
of the soil; the other the department of
1 animal husbandry. Prof. Day, of the
college staff, will have charge of both of
them, with several assistants under him.
Mr. Dryden does not think that the pro-
posed change will mean an increased ex-
penditure. The services of Mr. Fisher,
the scale expert, are to be dispensed with
as Jalbeister Dryden tbiuks that the ex-
periments for the destruction of the San.
Jose scale have gone far enoa,*h.
Canada is not hiding its light under a
brothel, brit it boasts that its foreign
trade last year was $35.50 per bead of
population, while ours was but $18 per
head. Lookiug to increase of exports,
the Canadiaus boast that their exports
iliczeased 99 per cent., agaiust 33 per
sent. for the United States, and 13 per
cent. for Great Britain. The e1< -ports to
Great Britain in 1902 were worth $109-
347,000, against $43,223,000, to the Unit-
ed States. Imports from Great Britain I
were $49,206,000, against $120,814 000
from the UnitedStates. Hence the cry
for a higher tariff to equal that of the
-United States, which bars oat Canada's
products. The purchase by the Cana-
dian Pacific of all Elder -Dempster fleet
of 14 steamers shows that Canada is
reaching out for the markets. -Banti- 1
more Sun.
made rich and pure, and the nerves
strengthened and soothed. Dr. Wii-
ltatua' Pink Pills will do this, and will
do ii mere speedily and with mote ',tea
ing results thau any other medic:me. In
proof of ties Mrs. James Patterson,
Cluiliwack,`13.0., writesMy (laugh
ter was in pour herJeh, and her eystelu
badly run down. ,. She was pale, suffert d
from severe headaches, Slid very miry
ous'. decided' to give her Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills; and after paint; six
boxes. she is a strong, healthy ;. ill I
gladly recouwiend the pills iu 6iunlar
Cases." lx
These pills cure all blood tulrl wale)
troubles, such as auarmiu, neuralgia, in-
digeettiu, heart nimble, rhe'umatisw,
St. "Vitus' dance, partial paralyie . kid•
ney troubles fwd the weakue: tt which
affixes women. Be sure you got the
germine pillet with the full mune "Dr.
Wiaiains' Pink Pills 'for Pale People,"
printed on the wrapper around rhe uox
If in doubt, seu& direct to the Dt
Williarns.Medictua Co., -Brookville, Out
and the pills will be inailed, postpaid, et
50e, per box, or six boxes for $2 50.
The Coming Redistribution,
[Toronto News.)
The ,approaching sessiou of Parlia-
ment will test the character of the Lib-
eral party as, a governing organization. '
It es easy for a set of politicians to be
virtuous and.high-minded in opposition.
It is often anything but easy for men in
office, surrounded by the needy and
greedy elements which hang npou the
heels of all Governments, and bnffeted
by many couflicting interests, to remena
leer and redeem the better and higher
pledges by which office was obtained.
of the Liberal partyis
The character
particularly involved in the measure for I
the redistribution of constituencies
which is understood to be in course of
preparation. Hardly anyone now den-
ies that the redistribution of 1882 violat-
ed all the rules of decant political war-
fare, and subjected the Liberal Harty to
great and enduring inj :stice. The re-
distribution of 1892, although conceived
in a fairer spirit, did not materially mod-
ify the more objectionable features of
'the earlier adjustment of the represen
Cation. The relative voting strength of
the two parties he Ontario is by. uo
gleans fairly represented by the pro-
nouncement of the constituencies in a
general' election. !,In the couuties of
Brant, Oxford, Middlesex, Huron, Bruce
Elgin, and Ontario, Liberals are hived
in great batches, and surrounding rid -1
lags so fashioned as to give a distinct ad-
vantage to Conservative ' candidates. i
ere have not had in our political history
ally meaner exhibition of the greed end 1
arrogance of a parva neajority than was
furnished by the redistribution of 1882,
and naturally there'is now aplireheusion
among', Conservatives lest the Liberal
party should seek revenge and behave as
badly as did the Conservative leaders of
twenty years ago. it
Health dnd Hope.
"He who has hearth has hope; and he
who has hope has everything." But
hope flees at the ap,.roach of kidney die -
'ease with the drefun pains which ac-
company it. With the flesh gradually
falling, the back aching, and the despair
which often conies to victims of this ail-
ment, only the use of Dr. Chase's Kid
lies -Liver Pelts will restore hope, confi-
dence and health. One pill a dose, 25c
a box.
In Cairo the proportion of blind people
to the population is one to every twcuty
TWitcb t .:.,aef -
'the Nerves
Mrs. Drinkwater, s Water Street, Galt,
Ont. states: -"My great trouble has
been with my nerves. Iwas very nervous,
ieesd awitehing of the nerves and could not
get to *leap at night, I seemed quite
were tart and believing that I needed some
dsie began to use fir. Chase's Nerve
*ed. I, cat} truthfully say that this
prepatation hoe proven surprisingly bens-
title me. It has strengthened and
moadied my nerves, niade me rest and
e l,and in fact built up the eystsm
- ,
lin tr. 'Chase's Nerve Food is found the
'1g1HMui task kr blood and iterves, and
h these two mediums every organ
Melte hunted eyystCrn is benefited. The
disprouting feelings disappear
great restorative is used, end
and vigor disease is
of the body perform
dot and new flesh and Va-
so cetets * box, fst all
druarosoi, Bator A Ce.,
By J. L. Troy, in Hardware and Metal.
Probably there is no &ass of busbies,
man so trying to the advertisinir man
and publisher as the spasmodic advertis-
er. Htt is trying to, the advertising mite
because he is always' expecting to .•'•t
him to do something permanent, turf he
is trying to the publisher because he , ee ee•-
not give his publieatipn a fair trial. You
invariably fiud him elf iudivittustl who
knows it all. He talks learnedly, a'.out
advertising, he will tell you that he' tried
several advertisements nu such a .''e;hl -
catiou and could trace but. little bF tents
therefrom. After quizzing him a whale
you learn that he placed some half-doz-
en advertisements in the publication re-
ferred to and scattered them over a peri-
od of three years or more.
He will tell you that Ins uncle or his
father, or some person else, retired from
business a quarter of a. century age,,
worth in the neighborhood of $150,000,
and he never spout one dollar in advertis-
ing. He appears to forget that things en
this mundane sphere have been moving
pretty quickly withiu the past 25 years.
The merchant who was a success iu
bnsiuess 25 years ago would be lost in the
race for public favor to -day, unless he
adopted modern methods. The mer- f
cheat whom he referred toas having ne-
cuntnlated a competence a quarter of a
century ago and retired' from business J
without spending a dollar iu advertising, J
wrsuld uudoubtedly be back number in
this age.
The spasmodic advertiser of to -day is
a cross, in a business sense, between the
merchant of 25 years ago and the up-to-
date advertiser of the present. Just so
long as he is holding his own iu the busi-
ness world, even if be be only making a
fair living, he is satisfied.
You will find that when he has a large
stock of goods on hand. with business
dull and bank drafts coming due in the
near future, he will resort to the use of
's ink to bel him thlt
The Gospel of Good Nature.
What is the use of being pessimistic?
Aid pessimism ever do anybody any
good? What if the coal is low in the
bins. and money is slack in bank and poc-
ket? Worrying will not fill any of them,
but getting right down to ]lard work
keeping, at work, nud above all, directing
your efforts in the right way, will do so.
Every utiuute idly spent in wondering,
worrying and speculating as to what is
going to happen is worse than wasted.
Hard licit is a phantom; laziness is a
fact. Don't be lazy and you will not
have hard luck. Life is a class in mathe-
matics. Work according to the rule and
stick to it, and yon will solve the prol -
lent. Wheu you are feeling gluon, down
iu the mouth, diseourageel and generally
out of sorts. remember the gospel of good
nature. Then put itiuto practice. Stop
tllinhing about yourself and your trou-
bles. Do something for the other fellow.
The result may sirpriso you. Yon
tbonght, p•rssibly, that he was a bear,
even if ho is, he knaws the milk of hu-
man kindness ashen he tastes it. A
smile is contagions; Possibly you have
never thought of tint. Yon know that
fear is catching, that disconteut travels
like wildfire, and that sickness begets
sickness. We are all aware of the dead-
ly results. Why not change the thought?
Why not recognize that confidence in the
future, happiness Stud good health are
else contagious? it was a wise philoso-
pher who said: '•Thoaghts are things"
It was a good philosopher who declared :
-'As a man thiuketh so he is " "Prac•
rice snakes perfect" is a saying the truth
of which is axiomatic. Sow optimism,
practice good nature and you will reap
peace, joy and contentment. l' o one
eau make you unhappy if yon refuse to
be uuhappy. Try it and see if it does
not work -Toronto .World.
emitter p;ring .
- Just so soon as he gets sailing in open Eastbourne Corporation is consider-
water again, and no breakers appearing I mg a scheme for providiug the bora-eel, i
immediately in front of his bnsiuess ship, , with motor omnibuses.
he stops advertising, just when he should Marked resemblance to a sittiu a part-
inaugurate an intelligeut and well plan- ;ridge is borne by a potatoe grown at Drif- : glut ig 1178 .tllploy(+rs. May he climb
ed campaign and forge right ahead. If' field. Yorkshire. t the 1•t•l leer to the top.
he be a wholesale merchant and his tra All code books carried in warships, —
yeller, when on a bnsiuess tripcall un 1 have leaden backs to make them sink l
and fail to sell to a certain retail house, i should the vessel be wrecked. ' Bebe_ Aftr' Wood's Phosrbot31n8,
Make Home Dyeing Easy and
The most wonderful helpers in the
home to economical dressing are the
Diamond Dyes. They are so easy to nee
that even a child can dye a rich and
perfect color with them. Diamond Dyes
make faded and dingy dresses, skirts,
blouses, capes, jackets, scerfe. laces,
(enfants and draneries look like new.
In the Diamond Dyes there are special
colors for dyeing all cotton and mixed
goods, and special dyes are prepared foe
coloring all wool goods. Each color of
the Diamoud Dyeais guaranteed to give
Still satisfaction when used according to
directions Have you received one new
Dye Book, sheets of designs for Hooked
Mats and Rugs, :and our dyed cloth
teunplr's? If not, Aond voter address on a
Postal Card to The Walls & Richardson
Co., Limited, 200' Mountain St., Mon-
treal, P. Q , aud;vill get them free of
In Russia peepe must marry before
reaching the age of 80, or not at all, and
may marry only 5 ;hues.
Houses arrangedn the flat system are
to bo erected for tlfe first tune at Staf-'
The constant
bending over
that of neces-
sity a shoe-
maker •must
do when at
work comes
"lard on the
back and hard
on the kid-
- Backache,
lathe, weak
and sore back
are the bug-
bears of a shoemakers existence.
• The kidneys get cramped and
strained, are {,unable to filter the
blood as they eshouict-they tell of
their disordered condition by mak-
ing the back ache and pain.
There isn't much use rubbing on
liniments or t ticking on plasters
when the print`s cause of the ache
Lies in the kidneys.
The remedy that is most effectual
for' ``shoemaker's backache," as
for all kinds of ibackache and kid-
ney trouble, is Dr. Pitcher's Back-
ache Kidney Tablets;
John Saunders, shoelhaker, Whitby,
Ont., gives the foblowing evidence: "I
procured a bottle V Dr Pitcher's Back -
mho Kidney Tabletsiat the drug store, and
• in say that they gave me great relief im=
tediately. I was euffering with intense
:in in the back and biliousness, with bad
tete in the mouth, and loss of appetite.
ender the, influence of the medicine all
his quickly disappeared and I feel well
,gain. Ono thing I wish to say, while
hey did the worts finely, they were very
gentle in action, o distress, no griping
like other Tnediciees, anal I was able to
work all the time, I can heartily recom-
mend thein to all' who suffer from back.
eche, kidney trouble or biliousness."
Price 50e. a box, at all druggists or by
;toil, TUE DR. ZINA PITCnsa Co., Toronto.
Wheu a Russian family moves, it is
usual for the head, to carry about half a
pint of embers of warm ashes in a closed
vessel from the hearth of one house to•
that of the other.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applicet tnfs na they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
')'here is only 1)118 TAY to cure deafness,
and thitt is by cotstitu.tiom;1 remedies,
Deafness is caused by au inflamed con-
dition of the inncoutr lining of the Eusta-
chian Tube. Whet;. this tube is inflam-
ed von have a rambling sound or imper-
fect hearing, and 'hen it is entirely
closed, deefness es t e result, and unless
the lnfian1111ation et 11 be token out and
this tube revered t its normal condition
hearing will be d frayed forever, nine
cases: nut of testof}nsedfly Catarrh.
which ix nothing t eti inflamed coudi-
tion of the rnucnns surfaces,
We will give, One Hundred Dollars for
any case of rlenfness(eaused by catarrh)
that cannot hi cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure, S nil for ciri'n`ars, free.
F J. Climier& Ch., Toledo, 0,
S('ld'ily Druggists, 75 0.
Hall's Faintly Pills aro the best.
We are pleased to hear of the pro-
grees of e former Greyite 111 the person
of Chas. Harrison, i16rh con • who went
to North Bay, One; 16 years ago. He
is s audmaster at thrit busy point for the
C. P R mud draws the Itemisnme salary
of $100 per mouth. This is a good re-
commend as to the satisfaction he is
BAPTIST OuuRon--Sabbath services at
11 a nn and 7 p m, Snnchty School at
2:20 p m. lxeneral prayer Meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. kat -
tenon, B.A.,pastor. W,J.Chapnutn, 5.5,
METHODIST Cuuxcls--Sabbath se a'llices
at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday School at
2:80 p m. Epworth'Lea;,lrie every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. 'fowler, S. 5. Sup-
FauseYTERIAte Orsuntoa-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a neµItd 7 p tui Sanctity
School at 2:80 p til General prayer
meeting on Wedne they evenings. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor a7td 5 5, Superinten-
bath services at 11 b m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:80p tn. General prayer
meeting on Wedneaday evening. Rev.
Win. Lowe, incninlfene. F. Shore, 5, S.
Superintendent. "Pt
SALverme Annt.Y"Stxvice at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p du on Sunday, and
every evening dtu,'ing the week at 8
o'clock at the Interlake.
PosT OFFICE -If t Macdonald Block.
Oaloe hours from 8 a m to 6;30,p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
free reading room , in the Town Hall,
will be open every', afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Mss Millir Robertson,
TOWN CourecxL-R. Vanstone, Mayor;
A. Dultuage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc-
Iudoo, J J. Elliot's, W. P. VanStone,
S. Bennett, Oonucillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. -.I. J. Homnth, (chair-
man), Thos. Abrallapl,R. A,Douglas,
Kerr, Wm. Moore. A. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second TueBcltty evening in each
PCBLIC, ScnnooL cTEACIi1tus,-A. .
'Musgrove, Principal, Miss Bronk,,
Miss Reynolds, Miss • Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD or HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone,
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Tilos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew. J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary ; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
A. T.' C. M.
Teacher of Plane, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared fur t Conservatory examina-
of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre-
pared after Oct/ 1st to -receive a•limited num-
mmber of pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence -Stone Week, over W. G. Patter -
son's jewelry store, Wingham.
and lnember of the Assr.ciated Musicinne of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in
Special attention glen to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Rrsidene-N--.Stone biook. over W. G. Patter -
son's jewelrt• store, Winghani,
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver
and anyone halting live stock or other
tise the same for wale in, the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange tudeod if
yon do not t•et a castolnl r. We can't guarantee.
that rvon will self beonuse you Wray este more
for the article •r stock titan It ix worth. Send
your advortisotriont tc the TTMF•c and try thea
pilin of disposing oP your• -stock and, other
will he, npou the returu of his represen-
tative, request bi:n not to call Are a- +
A patient statistician has found that
i ' nut of 100 persons only 10 have the two ,
Inland nes traveller to call on the buyer' I -s tl sA a len„th. I t lea t r0 forma of Sezu�al r\- rkn°ss4 a r. eed to
cure. buse
u said retail house when on his next trip � e c Es, mental errs, Expose
right. bacco. Opium or Stimulant.. Mailed on ecelpt
and keep on calling until such time as he j ; of price, one Packs a $1, x, $5. i(hicueilt:Nease,
i i � care, am e s .res n nn re
treat advertising in the same manner as i white hate. This is to enable the public
he treats his traveller and nis business. to promtly recognise a physician's velit-, w' ars Phosphocline iisold in Wingham by
t e '
ale in case his services are sudden] Can A. Campbell, A. L. Hanniton. R. A.
I. necessitated several calls from his i y re- Di.r. !ny, eat wet;on McKtbbon, Druggists.
gain? No! Not mu'1h. He will com
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druwnist•a in Caonda. Only relf-
able medicine discover° Ste
en to �t ry c r s
f; i Cases the loft log is smaller than .he • or x e m t, l w E nee of Ta
1 gets au order. The business man should ; Doctors' coachnnan in Berlin wear viz witt P phi t f s Lig d ss
The Woolf Company, Wor Ont.
' representative to make a sale to the re- : quired.
tail merchant. i The directors of the public agnariuw
• If a first advertnsefnent fails to do the at New York has established a hospi-
work, try a second; if the adrertit ng :•Lal for sick fish. The most frequent fish- .
matter is carefully prepared, profitable ; ing trouble is fungus, on tho head or tail,
results n ill be forthcoming in the very shown by a red spot. Fish sufferiug
near future. thus are taken to a special pool of diseu-
Every business can be brought pro. i fected water and operated on with s.fs-
minently before the people you desire to , sors.
reach it `ore tlste. wide,SiatAbe,Selection of i Women's rights are evidently re ngni-
tlfe proper medium. if.otou be a retail- i zed in certain parte of Central Africa,
er, you art, atter the patronage of the t A traveller declares that "in '_`ganda
consumer; then your best medium is the a woman hoeing by the roadside viii
'. daily newspaper of widest circulation. sometimes capture a passer-by, and, on
If you are a manufacturer, wholesale or pain of a severe castigation, will make
3obber. you are after the retail Ineri:bent ' hila take a turn while she indulges in a
1 then the best metliutn for yon to employ :smoke."
to carry your message is the reliable It is a mistake to suppose then; -told
t trade newspaper. i drinks are necessary to relieve. theist.
1 Don't do your a4rertisiug in St" endi Experience shows it to be a fart that hot '
!starts: if yon have something to sell all ; drinks relieve the thirst and "cool off"
the time you should be on the loci:oatthe hotly when it is in an abnormally
for havers all the time. Select the best I !tented conditi n. better than Sae sold .
J mediums in which to place your iV1v:. r• i drinks. Hot drinks alae have the adnate
1 tieementa, see that your advertisements i tag of aiding digestion.
are properly' contttrueted; if this 1'61°3" ; News come front ilatieeest that the -
g intelligently and correctly, snecett will i ceremony of bestowing the silver rose of
!surely crown your efforts. !virtue to the most iliriocetit nattAen
St. M I - y's town otfloialtk aro fair1 r're41
� y
paid. The clerk receives a takers of
$3'10; treasurer, $'100; assessor, 'Ji2?•;
'collector, $10•1; tilir:f rouatalle. $r:JA;
night Vetelliel ll. 073; lttiperilitmieden
! t;selietery: $+fdtl; *npearintendeat a:o§rtiit
about 14 in the e'onnty of Solytnar. wi 1
be abandoned this year, beea,.se while
there are maidens in plenty there are no'
J tuarriegeable young men in the �l,t:nty
!that would fit the requirements. she
t :Crowned enai?len, atrtirclin, tit ttee Rtnt-
nets, should be for ally hethrotIrml. to tt ,
and receive a aa• '
rve 1000 *Ott Istei;f wbttwworke, 'SCI; lrf, engine••.
'all 1 rot , tstA, . ,
t -
worthy nettennt boy
i iiidelhi,ille dowry.
el for well tstalfiislied image in a few counties,
exiling on retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses,
Payable $19.70 a week in visit and expenses ad-
vanced. Position permanent. Bttsinees sue-
ceesful and rushing. Standard Ho:tse, 834
Dearborn St., Chiang°. to
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heade, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
B0oKartsmeG.-We are pleased to announce
that any Bucks or 141t,gnzizies left with ue for
Binding, win have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any sty le will be given on
application to
ti t. ate ei. t. 'i,
Cot vrncxwr5 Cec.
Anyone+ending a ei;etch and drr'ertnt,an ma?
(enemy aa'nrtat-t oar Oteinla free 'whether as
i„vontlon 1; nrohahly tattoo( big, lennnnnnten
t tons strictly von dentist l :a,mteol• on i'ateata
sent tree. Oldest agency for revering entente.
Latents tahtn lhr'O;t, nun; .e' Co. receive
spited natter, with elt ehnra0. In :�'Rthe
Scientific R kati.
A handsomely Mut-trate/1 woofle, 1.nreest err
en,81805 of any 14.•11', 111E 1 etrnt,i. Terms, $)
yaw': 220111 ;ricottas. t;1. Cold by1,a newittestlere
111 1 4"1 tt?ffr:t8ttv,/N.,(7Y'
'riui. ft L8Av,t ro t
London 6.69 e.m.... tt lflp.m,
Toronto, & East9 saefd' N.m....:1.Oop.Tn.
Kincardine -11.10 :t.m,1,40 p -m.... steepen.
Attatvn lead*
KInenedine ....6.10 a.m9.00 a.m..,. 13.08 p.In,
Landon 11.18 a.m.... 7.1.3 pan,
Palmerston . !IAD a ri.
Toronto & Eaet 1.40, p.m. 8.131 p.m.
L. If!,I20I,D, Akent, Winghani.
The Times Ofllce, Beaver Block
Ttittbat 05' senseeikTloN-el Jct per annum in
advance 41.50 if not so paid. No paper discon
tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
A,DVYRTISING RATES. - Legal and other
melted advertisements 8c per Nonpariel lino for
first insertion, tlo per .line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent ixlsertiou.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Forms fel-Bale or to tient, and similar, $L00 for mantle and 60 cents for each sul?sequent
CONTRACT RATES -The following table shows
ourrntes for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods: -
SPACE. 1 vat. Ono. 3 Igo. 1 bin
One Column $90.00 $35,00 415.00 to I'(
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.tre
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 81.00. , 2.00
Advertisements without specific dirtctiotis
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient adrertisetnents must be paid
for in advance.
Tax Jos DEPAltTMF,NT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording fpcilities not equalled. in the
cotuityfen turning Out fleet elaseteedrk. 'Large'
type and appropriate cuts for allStyles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher
T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. 8.0
tion. Member Meaalliste B BritishMedical
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ron. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. in.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc. •
Office -Macdonald Bleck, over T. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
CHISHOLM, J. S. cnisnoLM
1r:D- feerf;Hc.P.s.o. bin, Mn,cm., tiCPs n.
OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENCE -In rear of bioek, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
R •
Private qua Company fnnlds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No eornmissioit charged. ort•
gages, town and farnt property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingharn.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. DICKINSON Dior Holmes
Mo*ET re Lad*.
Orwrce: Meyer Tlioelc, Winghani.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvanie
Dental College and Licentiate of the Roral
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ()tPice
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday- afternoon
during June, July and August.
New method for neinless ex- Y 'r• t"`" ''
traction. No Cocaine. -
Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderaterices, and alt
work carefully and skilfully performed. Mc(
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday, afternoon
during June, truly and August,
Winghani,• Ont.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
Per the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Pales
of Farnt Steel( and Implements a specialty.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terns reasonable. '
l 'tenAftts tercet FOR
Toronto and 'East 6.61”. a.m._ 5.428 pan.
Tees>nater 1.17 ,m.
.. I0.4ftr ,m
Allure m 'rear liT
T ichter 81.577 a.m. ... '48
' p.m.
Toronto* J 71.8' It t, Amort, V4 ngi i
S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Speeirclattentton given', to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates rind orders can always be arranged at
the Trxes office, Wingltam.
There is a doted difference
it the style and fit of Pants we
make that al4ays' brings peo
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality or cloth put
in them -•----clout 'that wear&
See Sournew eels
� o and Sri , .
Wind Attains a Velocity of
Itween Sixty and Seventy Mlles.
tears That a Nun Ler of Vessels U.
'neon Lost -Crew of the Wrecked Veer'
.et Rescued by Life ,`}.Merle of She •
I.1e of Wan - Much Difficulty
{Sas Experienced 1a Secure
lug Their Safety.
London, Feb. 26,-A, severe gait
prevailed here and along the coast
Tuesday night, causing Much damage:
to property, In this city trees were
uprooted, walls of buildings in
course of construction were blown
down, and many houses were unroof-
The Chatham & Dover Railroad
was blocked for a considerable time
by a brick shed which had been
blown across its tracks. It requir-
ed .several hours for workmen to re-
move the debris. it is "estimated
that the wind attained a velocity of 11
between sixty and seventy utiles an
hour at tunes during the night. Yes-
terday morning. however, the gala
was abating.
The gale was very severe along the
coasts, and it is feared that a num-
ber of vessels have been lost. A
telegram received 'early yesterday
morning at Lloyds reported the first
disaster. The British steamship
Monadnock, Captain Woods, bound
front Blythe for Boston, with a car-
go of coal, was driven ashore on the
isle of Man. Her crew were rescued
with much difficulty by the life-sav-
ers. The vessel is well up, and it
its believed that she will be a total
loss. She was of 2,702 tons not reg-
Bold Attempt to nob it Barroom -Despoil -
'fixed 1'lsfol.
Hamilton, Feb. 20. -This city had
a little touch of wild western life
about 7 o'clock last evening, when a
hold-up was attempted at the muizle
of a revolver. It occurred in the
Tied Light Ilotel, corner of Bay and
Batton streets. According to the
story of the hotel people, two strange
men entered the hotel and ordered
drinks. While they were being serv-
ed a third stranger entered and stood
at the further end of the. counter.
One of the original pair threw down
25 cents with which to pay foe the
drinks, and as the proprietor's son
Fred, who was tending bar, went to
make change at the till, 'the third
stranger' whipped out a revolver and
ordered Fred to throw up his hands:.
instead of complying with the order
Fred started toward a door leading
Into thehouse, and called for -his
father,"Thotnits J: Littl:rt'ood, 'pro-
prietor of the hotel, and Pied's bro-
ther John. One of the pair, of stran-
gers, who had first arrived on the
scene, tried to intercept him, enol,
Fred hit trim with a bottle. Then
Ile threw a glass at the "pian be-
hind the gun," who fired a shot in
the bartender's direction, the bullet.
being afterwards recovered. By this
time Proprietor Littlewood and his
son John were on Band, and a 'mei/-
directed glass from feed hit the
man with the revel: er on the side of
the head. This practically put him
out of business, and the father fin-
ished the work by striking him 'and
getting hint down on the floor, as-
sisted by the two sons. In the mean-
time glasses were flying, and Fred
Littlewood was cut on the aero. The
would-be robber had shot a second
time, but no person was bit. He was
held till Constable Cameron arrived.
and placed him under arrest. The
other two strangers made their dis-
appearance long before this. rl'kte
prisoner, who appears to be about
22 years of age, and is clean-shav-
en, gave his acldres as Matthew
Thomas, of New York.
SURPLUS OF $259,686.
The Manitoba Midget lerought Down by
Provincial Treasurer Davldaon.
Winnipeg, Feb. 26. Provincial
Treasurer J. A. Davidson brought:
his budget down in the Legislature
yesterday afternoon. ile claimed u
surplus of $289,686 for last year.
The revenue for the year was $7,,-
890,720, being $669,780 in excess of
the revenue for 1890, the last year
of the Greenway Acltninistrat1tiu
This increase is made up of $224,-
000 received from the Dominion gov-
ernment on school lands funds ac-
count, and $177,000 for II. &- N. W.
land sales acruing front the bargain
made by the Greenway Governnnette
in 1899. The balance of $2613,Q00•
was derived from the increased rev-
enue of land titles offices and other
Provincial departments as a result of
the increase in population and the
great prosperity which has visited
Manitoba during the last year.
James Watley' to lye axtradite4.
Guelph, Feb. 26. -The extradition
proceedings in the case of the State
of Illinois against James 'Watson for
embezzlement and larceny of $1.,100
came to an end yesterday morning.
When the prisoner Was committed to
Jail to await transfer to St. 111ouis.
311., for trial. Isis honor infarneeit
Watson that he would not be sur-
rendered for 15 cloys and during that
time he could apply fora helloes
corpus writ and appeal to a higher
Cattle Disease Drvutrl'.
Ottawa, Feb, 20. --Dr. J. 0, Ruth-
erford, chief veterinary inspector of
the Dominion, Left last night for
Heston, Where he 18 going to, melte a.
personal Inquiry into the tensa riff the
cattle disease in the New Eregland
/Su.bae tefi;islatttre.
Quebec, Feb R6.' ---The Provincial
Legislature opens to -day. Private
bills to be Introduced ttamber 244.
the largest on ie•'ord. There etre
tnany public measures as well.
Brooch se
THE Brooches here men-
tioned may c>2 : -' (Sask-
. .
able suggestion for Chris:rime
Each one is of artist;t merit
as well as surpassing eelite.
Ile. 13323, et %5, Is a Star and
Crestert design of fine Pca:le and ao!id
No.13317. at S t O. is a roeeseet scroll
eieee5n :a solid Goid, we ,:n t d edge it
het Amethyst surrounded t 1.., 'Marls.
tie, t28369, et $2.4, Is e Tend "Stun
Baal" of exquisite be*aty.
No. 13400, ht $42. is s Gu' e Leaf,
yeved tittit fine PeltI5, 1:,i::,, lar its
centre e betut;fai Oberland.
'tt/e tivarantec tete deliter,,, a.el cheer-
fully refund site full pprice it a , ele..ion
is in air tray assstlsfactoty.
tt tar to ca• n.w Catalogue
Ry ie Bros.,
Yen and Adeleid• S: '
Ce � rtes,
el for well tstalfiislied image in a few counties,
exiling on retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses,
Payable $19.70 a week in visit and expenses ad-
vanced. Position permanent. Bttsinees sue-
ceesful and rushing. Standard Ho:tse, 834
Dearborn St., Chiang°. to
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heade, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
B0oKartsmeG.-We are pleased to announce
that any Bucks or 141t,gnzizies left with ue for
Binding, win have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any sty le will be given on
application to
ti t. ate ei. t. 'i,
Cot vrncxwr5 Cec.
Anyone+ending a ei;etch and drr'ertnt,an ma?
(enemy aa'nrtat-t oar Oteinla free 'whether as
i„vontlon 1; nrohahly tattoo( big, lennnnnnten
t tons strictly von dentist l :a,mteol• on i'ateata
sent tree. Oldest agency for revering entente.
Latents tahtn lhr'O;t, nun; .e' Co. receive
spited natter, with elt ehnra0. In :�'Rthe
Scientific R kati.
A handsomely Mut-trate/1 woofle, 1.nreest err
en,81805 of any 14.•11', 111E 1 etrnt,i. Terms, $)
yaw': 220111 ;ricottas. t;1. Cold by1,a newittestlere
111 1 4"1 tt?ffr:t8ttv,/N.,(7Y'
'riui. ft L8Av,t ro t
London 6.69 e.m.... tt lflp.m,
Toronto, & East9 saefd' N.m....:1.Oop.Tn.
Kincardine -11.10 :t.m,1,40 p -m.... steepen.
Attatvn lead*
KInenedine ....6.10 a.m9.00 a.m..,. 13.08 p.In,
Landon 11.18 a.m.... 7.1.3 pan,
Palmerston . !IAD a ri.
Toronto & Eaet 1.40, p.m. 8.131 p.m.
L. If!,I20I,D, Akent, Winghani.
The Times Ofllce, Beaver Block
Ttittbat 05' senseeikTloN-el Jct per annum in
advance 41.50 if not so paid. No paper discon
tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
A,DVYRTISING RATES. - Legal and other
melted advertisements 8c per Nonpariel lino for
first insertion, tlo per .line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent ixlsertiou.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Forms fel-Bale or to tient, and similar, $L00 for mantle and 60 cents for each sul?sequent
CONTRACT RATES -The following table shows
ourrntes for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods: -
SPACE. 1 vat. Ono. 3 Igo. 1 bin
One Column $90.00 $35,00 415.00 to I'(
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.tre
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 81.00. , 2.00
Advertisements without specific dirtctiotis
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient adrertisetnents must be paid
for in advance.
Tax Jos DEPAltTMF,NT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording fpcilities not equalled. in the
cotuityfen turning Out fleet elaseteedrk. 'Large'
type and appropriate cuts for allStyles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher
T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. 8.0
tion. Member Meaalliste B BritishMedical
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ron. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. in.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc. •
Office -Macdonald Bleck, over T. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
CHISHOLM, J. S. cnisnoLM
1r:D- feerf;Hc.P.s.o. bin, Mn,cm., tiCPs n.
OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENCE -In rear of bioek, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
R •
Private qua Company fnnlds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No eornmissioit charged. ort•
gages, town and farnt property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingharn.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. DICKINSON Dior Holmes
Mo*ET re Lad*.
Orwrce: Meyer Tlioelc, Winghani.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvanie
Dental College and Licentiate of the Roral
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ()tPice
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday- afternoon
during June, July and August.
New method for neinless ex- Y 'r• t"`" ''
traction. No Cocaine. -
Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderaterices, and alt
work carefully and skilfully performed. Mc(
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday, afternoon
during June, truly and August,
Winghani,• Ont.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
Per the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Pales
of Farnt Steel( and Implements a specialty.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terns reasonable. '
l 'tenAftts tercet FOR
Toronto and 'East 6.61”. a.m._ 5.428 pan.
Tees>nater 1.17 ,m.
.. I0.4ftr ,m
Allure m 'rear liT
T ichter 81.577 a.m. ... '48
' p.m.
Toronto* J 71.8' It t, Amort, V4 ngi i
S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Speeirclattentton given', to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates rind orders can always be arranged at
the Trxes office, Wingltam.
There is a doted difference
it the style and fit of Pants we
make that al4ays' brings peo
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality or cloth put
in them -•----clout 'that wear&
See Sournew eels
� o and Sri , .
Wind Attains a Velocity of
Itween Sixty and Seventy Mlles.
tears That a Nun Ler of Vessels U.
'neon Lost -Crew of the Wrecked Veer'
.et Rescued by Life ,`}.Merle of She •
I.1e of Wan - Much Difficulty
{Sas Experienced 1a Secure
lug Their Safety.
London, Feb. 26,-A, severe gait
prevailed here and along the coast
Tuesday night, causing Much damage:
to property, In this city trees were
uprooted, walls of buildings in
course of construction were blown
down, and many houses were unroof-
The Chatham & Dover Railroad
was blocked for a considerable time
by a brick shed which had been
blown across its tracks. It requir-
ed .several hours for workmen to re-
move the debris. it is "estimated
that the wind attained a velocity of 11
between sixty and seventy utiles an
hour at tunes during the night. Yes-
terday morning. however, the gala
was abating.
The gale was very severe along the
coasts, and it is feared that a num-
ber of vessels have been lost. A
telegram received 'early yesterday
morning at Lloyds reported the first
disaster. The British steamship
Monadnock, Captain Woods, bound
front Blythe for Boston, with a car-
go of coal, was driven ashore on the
isle of Man. Her crew were rescued
with much difficulty by the life-sav-
ers. The vessel is well up, and it
its believed that she will be a total
loss. She was of 2,702 tons not reg-
Bold Attempt to nob it Barroom -Despoil -
'fixed 1'lsfol.
Hamilton, Feb. 20. -This city had
a little touch of wild western life
about 7 o'clock last evening, when a
hold-up was attempted at the muizle
of a revolver. It occurred in the
Tied Light Ilotel, corner of Bay and
Batton streets. According to the
story of the hotel people, two strange
men entered the hotel and ordered
drinks. While they were being serv-
ed a third stranger entered and stood
at the further end of the. counter.
One of the original pair threw down
25 cents with which to pay foe the
drinks, and as the proprietor's son
Fred, who was tending bar, went to
make change at the till, 'the third
stranger' whipped out a revolver and
ordered Fred to throw up his hands:.
instead of complying with the order
Fred started toward a door leading
Into thehouse, and called for -his
father,"Thotnits J: Littl:rt'ood, 'pro-
prietor of the hotel, and Pied's bro-
ther John. One of the pair, of stran-
gers, who had first arrived on the
scene, tried to intercept him, enol,
Fred hit trim with a bottle. Then
Ile threw a glass at the "pian be-
hind the gun," who fired a shot in
the bartender's direction, the bullet.
being afterwards recovered. By this
time Proprietor Littlewood and his
son John were on Band, and a 'mei/-
directed glass from feed hit the
man with the revel: er on the side of
the head. This practically put him
out of business, and the father fin-
ished the work by striking him 'and
getting hint down on the floor, as-
sisted by the two sons. In the mean-
time glasses were flying, and Fred
Littlewood was cut on the aero. The
would-be robber had shot a second
time, but no person was bit. He was
held till Constable Cameron arrived.
and placed him under arrest. The
other two strangers made their dis-
appearance long before this. rl'kte
prisoner, who appears to be about
22 years of age, and is clean-shav-
en, gave his acldres as Matthew
Thomas, of New York.
SURPLUS OF $259,686.
The Manitoba Midget lerought Down by
Provincial Treasurer Davldaon.
Winnipeg, Feb. 26. Provincial
Treasurer J. A. Davidson brought:
his budget down in the Legislature
yesterday afternoon. ile claimed u
surplus of $289,686 for last year.
The revenue for the year was $7,,-
890,720, being $669,780 in excess of
the revenue for 1890, the last year
of the Greenway Acltninistrat1tiu
This increase is made up of $224,-
000 received from the Dominion gov-
ernment on school lands funds ac-
count, and $177,000 for II. &- N. W.
land sales acruing front the bargain
made by the Greenway Governnnette
in 1899. The balance of $2613,Q00•
was derived from the increased rev-
enue of land titles offices and other
Provincial departments as a result of
the increase in population and the
great prosperity which has visited
Manitoba during the last year.
James Watley' to lye axtradite4.
Guelph, Feb. 26. -The extradition
proceedings in the case of the State
of Illinois against James 'Watson for
embezzlement and larceny of $1.,100
came to an end yesterday morning.
When the prisoner Was committed to
Jail to await transfer to St. 111ouis.
311., for trial. Isis honor infarneeit
Watson that he would not be sur-
rendered for 15 cloys and during that
time he could apply fora helloes
corpus writ and appeal to a higher
Cattle Disease Drvutrl'.
Ottawa, Feb, 20. --Dr. J. 0, Ruth-
erford, chief veterinary inspector of
the Dominion, Left last night for
Heston, Where he 18 going to, melte a.
personal Inquiry into the tensa riff the
cattle disease in the New Eregland
/Su.bae tefi;islatttre.
Quebec, Feb R6.' ---The Provincial
Legislature opens to -day. Private
bills to be Introduced ttamber 244.
the largest on ie•'ord. There etre
tnany public measures as well.