The Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 5The R.ft CROWDER CO. Don't waste your money iBut put us on the list for your next Suit or Overcoat, and -youll be doing exactly what numbers of shrewd men have done 4 ',during the past few weeks, and you'll profit by it. Suits and Overcoats that good dressers will choose. Suits and Overcoats that will bring us .a stream of steady customers, Suits and Overcoats that will satisfy hard -to -please and difficult -to -fit men. We name a few prices : SUITS OVERCOA.T$ 'Boys' two-piece Suits, all wool. sizes 22 to 28, - - $1.75 .Boys' two-piece Suits, all wool, sizes 22 to 30, - - . 2,75 ',Men's and Youths' heavy winter , Suits, an wool, sizes 35 to 44, 6.00 Alen's Odd Pants, 400 pairs to choose from, prices - $1.00 to 4.00 Boys' Russian Overcoats, extra long, made front genuine ails wool, mackinaw oloth, satin, piped seam, neat fitting capote, sizes 22 to 28, at - $3.75 and $5.50 Youths' till - wool grey Cheviot Overcoats. box back, heavy lin- ing, sizes 33 to 85; this coat is bard to beat at $7.00, for - 5,75 Men's all -wool grey Cheviot Over- coats, made by Sanford of Ham- ilton, every coat guaranteed, sizes 36 to 44, price s - 7,00 People tell us we have the best coats yet to bo seen. . $11.50 - Yoke Overcoat - $11.50 We have a very nubby Overcoat, made from pure English Melton oloth, yoke cut, lined with heavy twill lining, all sizes, at $11. There is honest workmanship and satisfying service in every 'Overcoat or Suit we sell, no matter how little the price. We .do what we promise, and we promise only what we will do. Will you favor us with a call ? SATURDAY SPECIALS -Men's all -wool grey Socks, 2 prs for .25 sGeuts' English. Cashmere Socks, worth 30e, sale price - - .10 Underwear Underpriced -42 Suits Meu's Underwear, union, good heavy weight, Saturday price .35 'Children's all -wool Stockings, sizes 6, 7, 8, 0, Saturday price .20 BELLO, BOYS ! ;39 pairs Boys' Lined Gloves and mitts, right up to the minute, all sizes .40 75e Colored Shirts 4$c 3 dos. Men's Colored Shirts, hard bosom, sizes 1414e to 16%, worth 75c, Saturday price - .40 650 Shirts 4$c Men's heavy knit Top Shirts, grey, navy. black and white, worth 65c Saturday price ' .49 $1,00 Lined Gloves '75e 24 pairs Men's lined Mocha Gloves, reg. $1 a pier, Saturday price .75 GENTS' FURNISHINGS -Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, etc., up to the animate. . HATS -We received the latest to -day -the Pauama. We pay: For Eggs, 16e; Ro]1 Butter 16c. The R. H. GROWDIR Go. Men's Outfitters. WINGHAM •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • 45• 4 45• • • • • • • • 4545 • t .4 01.44,4tv'tsaleeleefe,411,41a/fetiets11,0, We are now nicely located in the new shop. And just to keep things moving we are offering some special values in White Ironstone Dishes. White Ironstone Cups and Saucers, per dozen White Ironstone Tea Plates, per dozen White Ironstone Breakfast Plates, per dozen White Ironstone Dinner Plates, per dozen - White Ironstone Toilet Sets, five pieces, consisting of ewer basin, covered chamber and soap slab, for White Porcelain Cups, Saucer e and Plates, nicely em- bossed pattern, with gold Hues and sprig, half dozen each for AT ebeitseallsetiestsliellietsseetelleWiliele .70 .50 .60 • • .70 • • • • 1.25 • • • • 1.00 • • • • • 45• • • • • • • • 4+•+++++++++++++++++++++ RIFFIN'S lowq*.••••••••••••• TilE WIN011A3f TUIES, OC,TORAlt a, 1902.. News From Our Neighbors 4.44,01•441.raraimampormaire EVENTS OF INTEREST TO. ALL 0110 READERS. What Wideawake Items Times Correspoodents Communicate- Other Clipped From Our Exchanges. IIAME,NS, The Anniversary cervices in connect- lott with Bethel church were held on Sunday Met. Rev, T. E. Stiwyer, of Salem preaebed morning and evening. On Monthly eveuing a eaeree concert was held. A happy event took Owe at the home of Thomas Taylor. con 10, on Wednee- day evening last week. when hie dau- ghter Susie became the wife of M. T. Mirehouse, The knot was tied at 4 o'clock by Rev. 0, C. Keine, of White- chnrch in the presence of a large num- ber of invited guests. We extend our best wishes to the pewee couple ror happy and prosperous life. .THE CORNER DRUG STORE Does your Liver ever go o. n strike? If so, you should ns e Iron Tonic Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes you a new man or Wouiu. They tone the heart, stimulate the nerves, increase the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. ' These pills can be had for 25c a box -just half -eecent a dose. PURE....,.. . Paris , : Green We desire to inforin our Customers , that wo have the very best quality of Paris Green, Our Paris Green gave each excellent satisfaction last year that We Obtained the same quality again this year, Ib is per. feetly fresh and extra strong. A. L. HAMILTON. . -W1NCHAM , . ., .. A Sere Cure for Constipation Some remedies cure this distressing complaiut in a day, bottle in a month, but Nerviline never fells to cure tzt a few animates. Just ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water -that's enough, and away goes the disentery, oared to stay cured. Nerviline also cures Cramps, Colic, Pain in the Stomach, and Siek Hondache. It has Ave times the strength and curative properties of ordiunry rem- ediee, and shouldbe in every household. Better bny a 25o. bottle and try • it. Nerviline is all right. Hamilton's Pills for the Liver. Miss Allis Emigh is visiting Lacknow friends. Mrs. Wm. McElroy* is visiting her daughter in Loudon. Mrs. G. R. Carrick is at present visit- ing Woodstock Moods,. Mrs. S. A. Beamuout, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. Richard Sellars. The holy communion was administer- ed in Trinity church at the close of the morning service on Sunday last. It is with deep regret that we are this week called upon to announce the death of Mrs. D. B. McKinnon, which sad event occurred at her home here on Tuesday night of last week. Mrs, Mc- Kinnon had been sick for a long time with paralysis. Mies Jones Voice Greatly Improved. A startling improvemeut is noticable in Miss Jones' singing. Her voice is stronger, and sounds clearer and sweeter than before using Catarrhozoue, which is a wonderful aid to singers, speakers and ministers. Catarrhozoue Inhaler iusures absolute freedom from Colds, Coughs aud Catarrh, clears the nose and throat, and prevents hoarseness and huskiness. Catarrhozoue makes the voice brilliant and euduring, and is uu- commonly well recommended by Prima Donnas, members of Parliment,Lawyers Doctors and thousands that use it daily. Better try Catarrhozoue, Price $1.00; trial size 25e. Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co. Kingston, Out. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. MORRIS. Thos. Brown, of Cranbrook, has leas- ed the Johnston farm on the 6th line for a term of years. Miss L. Isbister has been re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 1, with a good increase in salary. She is a successful teacher. The Rev, F. H. Larkiu, of Seaforth, will be the preacher at the anniversary in Knox church, Belgrave, on Oct. 19th. Everybody should try aud go to hear him. The 100 acro farm of Jas. Thnell, 6th line, has been sold to John Kelly of the same line, at $5,250, so it is reported. If so Mr. Theell may take a rest from farming as his health has not beeu very vigorous. A. H. Cochrane, formerly of the 3rd line, and who has been in the employ of the New Hamburg Manufacturing Co. for several years bus assumed a respon- sible position with the Waterloo Ment. Co., of Waterloo. Ho will bo their buy- er and act in the capacity of assistant manager. He looks after all orders and correspondence therewith and has all the agents in Ontario under his charge. Miss Nina Isbister went to Monkton last week co attend the wedding of her friend, Miss Maude E. McNaught. Misses C. Brandon and N. Isbister took charge of her school during her absence. A great many from Morris attended the concert given in Brussels on Pair night and report a good time. The pupils of the stone school deserve great credit as they succeeded in cap- turing six prizes at the meat Winghain fair. Three firsts and three seconds, This says quite a bit for Miss N. Isk ister their teacher. Miss Alberta 1VIc.Naught, the suecess- ful elocutionst, spent Saturday and Suuday at Reeve Isbister'. VAST WAWANOSit, Mr. nlay Anderson was at Dun. gannon on Friday last attendiug a reg- ular meeting of the director:40 the West Wawatiosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mr, Jas, MI1004110111, one sit our pioneer residents is away at TOrOatca,COn• suiting specialists regarding a growth on his neck, Miss Winter'and Mr, Raymond Arn- field, of Tprouta have been visiting or a few weeks at the Wane of Mr. Finlay Anderson., The following is the report of the senior class iu S. S. No: 11, East Wawa - nosh for the month of Sept:Fourth Class examined in Geog. Comp. Hist. and Grane-Gordon Shiell, Allan. Pattison, Annie McBurney, Robert McBurney. Sr.IIrd Class -examined in Geog.Comp Hist. Gram -Edna McBurney, Elsie Shiell, Edmond, Irwin. Class,examined in Geog. Comp. Hist. and Gram, -Mina Currie, Alex. Well, Clarence Shiell. Jr.2nd Clage,examined in Arith. Spell, and Lit. -Olive Carrie, Pearl Paton, Nemesia McNeil. • Liuda Milne, Teacher. The Story of Art:41111w TireclatesS Is told by imperil blood, poor digestion sluggish liver and tired nerves. It is a Warning of very serions trouble ahead, and should prompt sensible people to take a bracing tonic like Ferrozone, au energetic invigorant and rebuilder. Ferrozone will give you a sharp appetite promote good digestion and sound sleep; it will seed and energize the enfeebled organs, strengthen the nerve find vital forces and regulate the heart, Ferrozone changes that tired feeling into vigor, strength and ambition, and does it quick- ly, Remember the name and iiisist on having only rerrozone; its t he best tonic made. Price .t.0c. per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or N. C. Poison So Co. Kingston, Out. Sold by A. L. Hainilton, Cnt. Hamilton's Pills Caro Constipatioe. 4A51ESTOWN. My, Wesley Cornell of Belgrave spent Smithies witLi his friend, Hubb Millar. Mrs. Wm ,Bonnett of Gerrie spent a couple of days with Mrs, Jus. SitItpS014. Mies Maggio Wright is on the sick list. We hope to soon see ber better. Mrs. Win. Holt aud Mrs. John Cut* of Grey drove to Tara last week and re- turned home last Thursday. Mr. Tom Wright has purchased a tip- top buggy from John Davidson of Wroxeter • Miss Rose Wheeler of Turnberry spent a couple of days with her brother George last week. Look out for a wedding in a week or so. The 1st of Morris will give away the bride. Among the many that attended the wedding reception given at Mr. Lowe's on the 6th of Grey last Wednesday even- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Lide Jackson and Miss Rebecca and Charlie Forrest. The receptiou was given for the return home of Mr. Robert Lowe and Miss Rebecca Smith, his bride, who were married at Guelph at the home of the bride.- A iiA$Y C1AN0g.O. ,*44.4 The Kegler TOle How it W*1 ACcomplished. wooderful ehenge," is the verdict Of It Indy cerreepoudent who write about her ltttIe one. "I take pleaeure," writes Mrie Rs R. Blue's/or te of Glen Bettor*, Qsei., ein certifying to the tnerits of Baby's Own Tehlets, i I have fouud them a auto and renehhe reunelY, My babe was trouble(' with indigestion, and was teething and erase i rt Mime. awl the use of • toe Tablets made a ‘yonderfol (dump. think the timely use of Baby'e Own Tablets "night save annoy a deur little life, and 1 wonld recommend motile ti to keep thein in the house. The opinion of this wise another is echoed by other eorrespondente. Beby's Own Tablets gives 4001 comfort and relief to a sick babies, they so infallibly produce 'calm, peaceful sleep that you would elm ast think them ze narcotic. But they are not. They ere Only a health -giver for children of Any age. They oaunot possibly do bunk -they al- ways do good. May bq had from drug- gist, or by mail, pest paid, et 25 mute it box hy writing _direct to the D. Will- iams Medicine 01., Brockville, Ont,, or Sehenectady, N. Y. ..•••••••+.m..IF,•n.wt•m•t There are 30.000 more divorced women then there are divorced men in the United States, the official figares being 84,000 divorced men and 114,0)0 div ore - ed women, -The United States Express Co. is looking for a man who line been purchas- ing $1 money orders, and afterwards by aid of a lubber stamp has roiled the order to read $10. -An exchange says: "Wall coal up to $9 or $10 a tou and no prospect of a settlement of the strike we had better begin to get gas heaters into our houses, buy plenty of blauicets and prepare to spend long hours in bed when the weather gets severe." 4.44....4.44.4•4•44 Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnunt condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, eo important is a healthy action of these organs They are commonly, attended by Inas of energy, lack of courage, and some- times by gloomy foreboding and de- epondency. was taken ill with kidney trouble, and became so weak I could scarcely get around. I took medicine without benefit, and finally decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. After the first bottle 1 felt so much better that continued its use, and six bottles made nse a new woman, When my little girl was a baby, she could not keep anything on her stomach, and we gave her Hood's Sarsepa- rine which cured her." Mits. MOMS IN- nis, Wallaceburg, Ont. Hood's Sarsciparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back; and builds up the whole system. The Leading Store !SAW Clothing AL Cut Prices Our Clothing Stock in the basement is large and complete, with the very latest and best makes of all kinds of Clothing for men's and boys' wear. The splendid variety of our stock, with the close cut prices, is an attraction for the keenest buyers. Please inspect our stock and get our prices before making your fall purchase. OVERCOATS Men's Overcoats, navy or Meek Bea- ver, latest style velvet collar.Italinii lined, well made, regular value g>7, our out price $5.00 Men's fine Oxford gray fall Overcoats • box back, all wool. Italian cloth lining, reg, $10, Cut price $8.00 Men's fine gray Cheviot, raglenettee style, with cuffs on sleeve, nicely Hued, regularly sold ac .$10.00, our price $8.50 Men's No. 1 Beaver Overcoats, latest cut. velvet collar, Italian lining, well made, our special price $7.50 PANTS One dozen pairs Men's Pants to clear, strong, well made, regular price $1.25, cut price $1.00 Men's heavy Tweed Pants, strong, made to wear well, regular wane $2.00, cut price $ 1.50 SUITS Boys' fine all -wool 2 -piece Suits,lined all through, navys or browns, reg. 14 and e2,25, they go at $1.75 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, new style, lined all through, regular value $5 00, cut price s 84.00 10 Men's fine Tweed Suits, well made aud lined, prices $6.00 to $7.50, they go at - - - $5.00 Men's Oxford Tweed Suits, double breast, Italian lhuing, all wool, reg value $9.00 aud $10.00. cut price - $7,50 REEFERS. A special line of Men's heavy lined Frieze Reefers, regular value $4-50, cut pride • - • $3.50 Men's havy napp or Beaver Reefers, well lined, high collars, reg. value $5.00, cat price - $4.00 See our Men's Fur Coats. We are showing a tine variety. IMRMON, 1 Prices the lowest. It SARD & Co. LOpnosite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid for Produce 2mag:smg IMA•14•4141.44111 •114•411C474104.4.44410141. or. ' •••=1....4.4044.••11.40.1•1•111041.11. nit re F re AT WALKER BROS. Sc. BUTTON'S STORE ri246411.4/44•AMIVIIVINTEVAININP000.14401. •ssaasamaydr...a.abagnaamomaretbanaaourauntsum•••. 4 Ye 4rs in ingha •"!` 1". And now in the lead, in price, quality and quantity! . How did w get there ? Simply by turning out goods at fair prices and dealing honestly with the people. o fancy prices.) We are pleased to say that we are in a much better position than ever to upply the wants of the public in our line, We can't crow about how much money we pulled out o le people in two years. Our prices are too low for that...../ .," For the next 6o days we are going to CY1 e something special in Parlor Suites, Mattresses and Spring Beds. Mattresses 100 Mattresses, guaranteed purely sani- tary, well made, satin tick, worth from. 4.50 to 5.00, special at 4.00 Fancy tick, sea grass and white cotton filling, worth 3.50 to 4.00, special at 3.00 A cheaper kind, worth 3,00, for 2.50 We can furnish a Alattres.s,as4pw as . 4 (This Ono We ito not carfrj, intstook) Not more than 4 Mattresses tio each party at above prices imaterlaaraelcrossermstrcemormaralmaloM Couches 50 Coucheg-we carry the best. Speeial : e5.00 Couches for $3,00 $8.00 Couches for 6.75 12.00 " 9.75 14.00 " 11.50 20.00 " 17.50 30.00 1 25.00 $35.00 Leather Couches for $31.50 We guarantee to furnish all we advertise. Just one Couch to each party at above prices, skasimaoiosaleirlageurtiselealimigm 44.14:4=.411414444.04.444441,44/11141411Millr Parlor Suites 30 Parlor Suites, all the best quali'y rug, veloure and silk covering -guaranteed - at special prices. $55,00 Rug Suites for $10,00 45.00 I 35 00 40.00 Velours Snits 35 00 25.00 14 18.00 U/0 I 15,00 the time to get a Parlor Snits at a email price, Just otb Saito to each party at above priees. ettnnterinconatwer Bedroom Suites We have 100 Suits ordered, ranging in prices from $8 50, 12,50, 14 50, 16.50, 18.50. Also some good quarter oak at reasonable prices. Sideboards All prlces, from $,8.00 ttp to $60.00. aairmierstaktaa4:443erositaratavommw44.41orackarraaroseamona4mommtilallotraras--4441,440.41.1.4W4640rairearal• We admit the above prices are very low. We are satisfied with small profits, as large sales are What we count otl. Our store is packed. full, and thousands of dollars' worth ordered. Deal with us and you will be the gainer. , We will fill all orders promptly and guarantee every article leaving our store. Walker ros. Szt utton 11.4/6404110=410.151/Ner~brtrdStiOdllbellfeRMIA41•74.* veredeftrirnenrorssOn