The Wingham Times, 1902-08-14, Page 3The Beal Ruler
If the faritror etizttetinnee feele
complaining at Iii ot let him take
elst ttoule the Hitigetownlabedeal.
eras i:arnineary of whet the intelligent
Aottefenien thilikg Of itine. Jilvery, 00-
eRtation.l4j0ite own neelallar troubles
and the pian—aod hst Many—who en.
- Vine ectuteleedy co Iis vocatiee Pr
b0,14.1nesS- May be, better. off titan 'the
X114.4 1040040r QA Y404. 144 Cornier
.leitist of all elltnild Yield to envy, no
oojtu men Of this country Is the farm:
er. Ile le the sheet eaelier by which
*he ;ship ot elate se teoasfulie rides the
gale. It is the cuuntry thet eends tee.
erelte to tho tow os and oities, to the
profoesions, to trade mut ponexterce,
tend istivert thein i.rinn degeneracy, and
,dry rot. liespoot the termer, every,
where teid eletaYe. •
Tide is the Ititigetown Plaindealer'e
tanks which wo et:tomcod tie (tonic for
the f armor ;tad; aepaixttee for the
ttoweisMatte I 1
"Boni laegle at 0).6 Man fromill
country. who coulee to teWn WithOU
at patent leatlant ehince that Wain
Iii, have got It on their hernees,
"'Don't laugh; beetatee hesepon at .
horst:lees cerriage. 'Dm to (Me you
evottlau t know a harrow feom a hay
rake, ot Aersnire from allolstein
-"Bon't give a merry ha ha he
cause leo wears a five -dollar suit. It's
void for. and he hates tailor 'bine
xvoree than the devil. 1 •
"Boni. well on youreelf and cal
him a pumpkin becalm he out the
sweat front hie brow with his fore
%Inger teethed of a silk wipe. That
ISIvest fertilizes the ground 60 bushels
to the acre aod :toed* the world. Go
out le your 10x0 bask yard, cue down
the weees, tidy up, ritiee a blister,
and atiptain to your wife:. what a
stavet you are,
"Go, too, ye scoffers, who rail at
the man trent 'the country and 60.11
Win Bubo, •
44 00113pare. •
"Do you have that •stone -in -yenta
erop feeling after meals? Take a pill,
then looke at tits farmer and pity
yourself Ile doesn't know Nvhat- the
word endigestion ineaue. Give him a
dictiourry and he wintid think he was
Ittintivit tor a Latin olfitation.
"Tits boss?
f"einn; checke? e
""J? ty dates?
"Crowded .store, workshop ? f
"The larmer bossed, patting in a
time cheek, waiting for pay daye-well,
own boss, 'the mile.' check he
knowo about is that. paper one from
the grein buyer, and the leather one
over the neck ,of the colt ho is break-
ing. Eery day le pty day. with him
—drawing on the soil in ,sommer, end
the bueli in *inter. Lucky ohap, got
two banks, both founded on God.
"His workshop. the acres, perhepe
300 of them. where roofed by the
.Witat Gm a. WOMAN Da for
A Mon?.
In Times of Suffering and
Critical Illness She CtIll
Honestly Recommend
51ory oii
Wontan'e power for good. in the home
can never be truly'estimated. Itt times
of sufferipg and dauger, her ;judgment
and experience are invalueble; her
;smiles, words of cheer and ceulfort NOP
to dispel gloom, and :witless. The faitlo
ina discerning wit() lois a fun kaowledge
of the velem of Pei ne's Celery Compound
a as a banisher of disease; she has had a
personal expernmee with tt; she has
noted int wonderful effect anti cares* she
• has faith m virtues, and recommeuds
it with full confidenoe. Mr. J. II.
Brown, Port; Perry, Oute save:
'al was tronbi ed with kidupy complaint,
tbe doctors culled:it, tin enlargement of
tho neck of the bladder. Be that as it
may, I suffered the most intemie
I Oppliod to my physician for relief with
but little enouregement; he thooght the
only wily for Inc to obtain relief Was to
submit to an operation, I went
home *very much discouraged, and
was prevailed on by my wife
to try pitine's Celery Compound
I did, but wish very little faith in it,
purchased one bottle, but the results
were marvelloes, as I received immedi-
ate relief tater taking it. The pain is
ell gime, and my skin, instead of •being
dry and harsh as it used to be, is as soft
as velvet; in fact I feel like a new man,
end never felt better in tuy life than I do
at present,"
Jssveeping skies, served by the sun and
fseasons. tickling the soil, and watch-
ing the earth langit grain, he le Mas-
ter of thcetsituetion and -doeen't know
"Tree, his boots are bolded with
tbe dew of dawn, anil his shirt damp
with moisture of the gloaming,but Itia
Isfoul: is as eound as the green tree
khat ;shelters his stock in the open.
"Crowded, yes; sometimes the barn
cries eetiugh, and he stacks eside it
"And when the loan year conies and
tbe world is chastened, when homes
axe witcked and suicides' made by a;
ntroke of the ticker, whew panne. is
in tla air and poverty pinches, when
the Week flag floats to a peaked
wind, ethen the cry for bread goes; up
from the. great cities. when they
istea] to keep from starving. then ho
kills a hog and is happy, and his
wife innocently throws the liberal'
Isweepings from the table to the chick-
-"Envy the farmer. Te.;hapis WO are
Con Wile
Little Liver Pffls
filuet Boar Glannturo of
Aea Paearalle Wrapper nelow.
Tory smart Dee na 0-0'
*a talc:, as su„or.
poci owe= ilitet,=..1.1.t.dee
se cam1 FU1CIYv
'Then your liver isn't actin -4
well. You suffer from bilious.
ness constipation. Ayees
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Snia 11 doses cure. duier'uts‘
'wine your inotiorares or beanie blautitul
firown or rite .eieee The. sis
ivi• • ••• *Ai, Filo. '
When Laurier Visited Oxford
(0thena jeurnal)
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is Sie be prea-
=tett with the "Freedom of the City"
by Edirburgh, and the compliment
will be pleareant to hint! in view of
his administration of the Scotchovhich
Ii e is said to express frequently in
private sPecelt• According to hie
friend . Sir Wilfrid tells a story that
un e of the .accesione on which he has
elt that he . was really not all he
eboule h was when the, Hon. James depulathm intluded: Dr ilosebrou
e secretary of tho association; Hamil-
ton Cassells, James Massey, Hugh
efcMath, Warden (Armour, Bev. Ho-
bert ITall and Vinlay Spencer.
With the exception of Jiunes 11fas-
sey, tile deputation expressed their
appreciation of the cottage plan in
the matter' of the accommodation for
the boy prisoners, insteitd of the dor-
mitory system at present in vogue.
On behalf of the Government, Hon,
Mr. Harcourt thanked the deputation
for the information given, assuring
them that it would be seriously con-
sidered in completing the plaits for
the proposed institution.
It is not decided yet where the In-
stitution is to be loca(.ed.
THE., WINallkat. TINgS, AUGUST 14,. 1002,
6,615,925 BUSHELS
Winnipeg Free Press EstiMata of
Northwest Wheat Th.4.
ANOTHER MAKES 55)000,300
t.:(rie,r;m1,11,047:_r.Ni,01:4(ziirti,, !I:n.)1:741:0
beews, ;4 view. vt ela le ne
elves! Mars it hon. t nes Pros,
Winnipeg, 'Mane Aug.
Colcie.n, pros incittl Governmeut Im-
migration Agent,' who has beeo tra-
veling over Manitoba to a consider-
able extent, estimates this seasou's
wheat, yield at 55 million bushels.
This estimate is for Manitoba. only
and is arrived at on a. basis of an
average Yield Of :17 bushels to the
the territories he thinks there
will be fully one third increase over
lust year in elle Output,
In the 'Manitoba wheat field, the
wheat is growing much thicker this
year than hist end the number of
straws to the square foot is almost
double that of last year, The plants
have headed out well and every head
is I to the tip. The increase Acre-
age under cultivation will also tend
to Increase the total otitptit.
Mr. Golden looks for an immense
tho othor grains also and thines
yield of oate, rye and barley will
avorage half its much more
again than last yettl`,
r.1110. le1.00 leress will print to -day
it,F; annual croo edition for the cur-
rent season. its statistical table
gives the probable clop or v heat in
Mardi ol,a, and the Territories as 65,-
015,025 buthxls, an increase of 3,-
000,0(10 butly•ls over the figures of
last year.
THE C(1 r HE slCS • )M.
Prliomprii A 141 .i/1•11titint11,11 !Ont. Yoatli.
Toronto, Aug. fe.—A deputation
from the Prisoners' Aid Association
welted upon the Provincial Govern-
ment Thursday afteinoon \dill the
view ot urging upon them the advis-
ability of the greatest care being
taken in the classification of boys in
mmitection with the 11 eW reformatory
to be tweeted to tophice the one at
Penetang. Tho members of the Gov-
ernment in attendance were: lion.
tlichard tu tine; Premier ;
lion. J. 11. Ntratton, Provincial Sec-
retary, end John Dry6en, 'Min-
ister or Agriculture. 'Those on tho
Sutherland, prior to, 1896, we s one
chaperoning him around Oxford
county. and introduced him as . "the
leader of our' pirty" tot a gigantic'
West Zorra Scotch: Grit The Scotch -
man took Sir :Wilfrid's' head' in his
vaiSt paw and ehook if. for several
minutes with leerty expressions in
broad Scotch be greetine and appro-
val. Then backing off andeurveying
Laurie* from head to foot, he ejacu-
"Mian, but it's a potity yo're
nae Scotch." Endowed with' the free-
dom o(' Edinburgh, Sir Wilfrid ought
to be Scotch; enough for; .anybody.
• g .
; The troth is that our( manufac-
turers have created our tariff rath-
er titan our tariff our manufac-
turee. The manufacturers were
first, and, as they grew the tariff
was raised. It is not the need a
an "infant industry" but theA power
of a "vested interest" that has in-
lepiri,d tariff Itgielation.The
wealth of this country, and its Man-,
ufacterine, greatness are the in-
evitable result of settling an en-
iterprising people in a country; of
immense agricultural and mineral
(resources.— New York Journal of
Commerce. ,
Thatthe caee in a 'nutshell; and
when tortain Cottservative journals
cast it up, says the, Ottawa Free
press, as a Sort of reproach, against
the Goternment that it haa not cut
do•wn the protective, tariff root and
branch, they should also mention the
feet that in Opposition, andafter ob-
taining office, the Reform loaders
frankly stated that the dreation of
these "vested interests" by the oper-
ations of the tariff itself, would pre-
vent abything more than the applica-
tion of the pruning knife on ainoder-
ate ecale. And the Watery reduc-
tion, without revolutionary '
ures, have proved the wisdom! 'of the
governmental couree. ; • .;
Owe in Postal Rates
We would draw ibe attention of our
.readets to important changes in pos.
till rates whach wa. ctopy from
"Postal Guide" 1002.
The rates en the undermentioned
chotees of matter, addressed to plates
in Canada is as follows;
Le1ter-2c per ounce.
Legal 1)ocument1j-2e per °untie
Commercial P1)1)ors-20 per mete.
Newspapers -1e per 4 ounces.
elooks—le pox 2 ounces.
Cixeulars—lc per 2 minces.
Catalogues -1e itex 2 buntos.
Pririted or Lithogeaph matter —le
per; 2 oartees. . .
'Maps, prints, drawing, rte., engrav.
knee, pliotcgraphs, etc., sheet musio,
book Or newspaper ittanastript, prinl.
et's' proof.' sheets, blank forms and
pc* ted st a t Ione ry, ;seeds, eu ttings,
bulbs, toots, ete., patterns and earn.
pipet of 3nerchandise-2e for first
font ounce e oi^ tration thereof, end
te.. for tech additional 2 ouncen or
ftaction. thereof.
Merchand1se-2e for first two Oneleeel
Or fraetitin thereof, and 2c for etuth
additiorie I 2 ouneee or fcactiee
Will Gn i� /11,ollfaic
London, Aug. Seeefajor C. M.
Kirkpatrick, son of the late Sir
oorg 1 Kirkpatrick, former Lieuten-
ant -Governor ol Ontario, WhO servi d
until recently in South Arrira, lets
been apt onted Deputy Assistant,
Oliartermaster-General at Halifax,
and that he will leave to take up
his !law duties in September.
liOnunN 011er 1.
London, Ang. 8.--A Belfast de-
spatch says the Government has at-
ceptecl J. 1'. Morgan's ofier to give
the adMiralty (1111111 on all the cone-
hine's ships.
In the House or Commons Mr. Pal-
ette' made a. statement which neither
denied nor confirmed the announce-
•1. :111.0 N 1 14.010.1. Doled.
Ottawa Aug. 8.--A cable wes re-
ceived front the Casualty Depat tment
yesterday announcing the death at
1Toopslad oil Aug. 2 of (23.5) George
Arnistroier, Iti division, South Afri-
ran Constabulary, from enteric fever.
Ilis next of kin is his rather, Jame*
Armstrong, St. Mary's, Ont.
Are a sure and /3erMatient Cure for all
RAdney and bladder ttuubles.
is the first Sign or Kidney 'Trouble,
Don't negleet it! Check it in timel
Serious trouble will follow if you don't.
Cure your its.ekaehe oss' taking
She Will 'rot you That Its
litellielouausas wird Virtues.
#41•41 -Apprerlatteell by
kIVOP:V 1/101411tOir Atr
Vier Vatts11).,
It Maintains the Health or yoong
Ana Qin,
Ask any woman who hes used Malt
Breakfast Eocel ill her home how she
end her family; like it, and site will hill
you tied 110 other event ireakfese food
hes ever given Buell geimiue tool suns.
factory littelth results. It meets the
needs and conditions of old and young.
If there is a dyspeptie the family, the
use of Malt 13reukfitst Food will impish
the enemy dyopepsie and restore pert eet
digestive tiger. Its deleionsuesi end
ear rgizitter A irtueS are known tO
Grocers evetywhere.
mann 94NA ntt4iis nnowNnit
"Goorgro trAlter • lllashokm APO 411.1
honks*, ottani; anti eielorisei.
Old Orchard, Maine, Aug.
strong* undertow claimed the lives of
threo blethers here yesterday: George
rord, 70. years of age, of Ot-
tawa, Ont., formerly member of the
Hoard ot Aldermen of that city; Wal-
ter Bestial -le aged 55, of Montreal,
• chief train despatcher of the Uvend
Trunk Railway, and Miss Florence !T.
Thomase aged 20 years, of Monteetl.
• The three were the only bath/vie:In
that section of the beach at the time..
'1 le dr proiongee absence -frotp, the
hotel 11 MISS ITS.2:01 rorcl,
grereldeughter of Mr. Ford, who had
been in bath ng with the others atoll
had left thein on A raft some dis-
tance out in the surf. She induotd
other hotel guests to go to the Leach
end Mr. ilasham's body WAS seen 111
the surf. Later Miss Thomas' body
was feint The belief is that ell.
1hr o were washed from the raft. Mie
llitieutin was an expert swimmer. Mr.
Ford was spencEnr tho sonnoor here
with his wife and gruncidaughter,
'Miss Thomas was elocutionlet,
and was •to have been married this
autumn. •
A HONG. 14.4 I N %1OULlk,
el•romos 417i44re.:41 Ploot
Sault Ste. MariCl, Aug. S. — The
clia reoal plant white' the Clergue
:eyndivate is building is nearing cunt-
l‘lvlietthiiininaand Will begin ofwelltiolls
few I.:echo. 1.t. is (Inc of the
lam st m the world. The initial
captivity of the plant will he :450,-
Ooe (0. ds of wood per day, and it
will be i)1 4 onunission in Unite 10 mei-
ply the blast furnace, the first stack
of 1) h Will be blown during the
fall. 'The rardwood to be used wilt
be procured .aleing.tho•line or :tie
Algoma Central and Hudson Bay
Ilitilroced, and foe several months
pitst hundreds of men have been en-
gaged in cutting it. At the plant
not only will tharcoal be product d,
nut .dye prculucts, wpod alcohol and
acid, which ordinarily are waste(1.
in the manufacture of these secret
proeesses tho result of two years of
experimenting will be used, and it is
promised that another scien•tiliee tri-
nn.h will be firmed when the moth-
icidd! now tieing patented Inc divulge
8111 w11.rit1o.. rioNs.
csead ha ea (i,,*'.tit,,i 1111 PI:littitpd Polly*
About 4/s1' Arch.
London, Aug. S.• --Sir Wilfrid rititel-
ier is arranging to leave for Paris
and 'Rome on Aug. 18, thus missing
the naval reviews and Mr. Chamber-
lain's racer/Gen on- the Elder -Demp-
ster boat at Portsmouth.
'rho Ring will receive the Premiers
at Buckingham l'alace, probably on
Monday or Tuesday next.
The Canadian arch is assuming a
new dross, and is resplendent in
trinieon and purple, with the motto,
-Canada. Free ITomes for Milliore,"
in order to leave a pleasant impres-
sion with tit , police, who, after
Chamberlain's accident, objected to
the :tech as all obstruction, the Can-
adian Government has given 81150 to
the Police orehanage. .
STU 1 K 111.S hi; hi X 1 011 S30.000,
111Ulit011 LUVOMO 1 iv,. WnrICSI igIttli'd Pi IS
.41:11114.1 58 NaelziniMIN.
Kingston, Atig. S.—Writs have been
seeted by Sheriff Dawson upon 28
strikers, making them defendants in
a suit for 830,000 damages breettho
by the Camola Locomotive Works
Connemy, which also asks for en in-
junction to restrain the strikers from
further interfering with the coin-
pany'e employes, The strikers will
defend the action. John Whiting, K.
C., is. the plaietiff's solicitor.
• •
c sets ;twee
Owen Sounil, Aug. S.— Lightning
struck the burn on the dairy farm of
George Sergent in Derby on Tuesday
erentree. Some halt a dozen people
were in the barn at the time engaged
in milking thirty cows. All of the
anlinftlit fell et the shoelc and One of
the milkers had a leg metalled by a
eow falling no bine Another mart
had his trousers slit front top to
bottom on both sides of the body,
but eseeped scorching of the skin.
All the animals regained their feet
except two, which were nilled by the
shock. The heildirig, fortunately, did:
net take lire Amid Was but slightly
illitor **Allure,
Vitoria, B.C., Aug. 8.—The elab-
orately outfitted expedition which
was sent front bete early in denuary
on tho Brigantine lialakely, in the
Search for the mythical treasure of
CoCOS Island, returritd yeeteeday,
J11< e other expeditions which have:vis.
ited the island, Withont having seen
a sight of treasure of any ,kind.
A Lessen in Tillage
The texturt.% or physical condition
the ,soi; is nearly tilwaya moreim
portant than its. mere richness i
plant, Every farmer knows, P
sitoubo letetre that a hard and lump
,soll will not grow good 6eope, nci. mat
ter hear nli1Oli plant food, it MOM gen
taire. A elttY soli which loot bee
proittiente; crepe for anY number 0
years, 10147 he eo-tierloosly Lrtj4red b
one iteindielons ploughing lp A WO
04 to ruin it for tho growln
of tow crepe for two Or threat yoars
The injery flee in •the enodification• o
its littioal. texture, not itt the 100.4511
ing <if i is fertility. .A. oandy soil may
also, be Seriously, impeired. ler tit
growine of any crop If the,' humus, 0
decaying organic Metter, be allowed t
burn out of it. It becOeneee leachy,
goickny lases it moisture, and it be
cestsiv,ilyhecti Mi
bright nn
w _
A thole* divided, petiole, friable Sol
is more productivethan a hard lump
soil of the saine .chetnical oemposition
Why; Becattesa it `beide axid retein
the moisture.; it holds rooro :Mr; it
..presents greater surface to the root's
it promotes fertility; it beetens th
decorapesitioe of the mineral clement
it has less variable extremee of tem
perature; and it :Melva a better roo
hold to ltig plant. In all these ant
other ways. the 'mellowness of the .sol
rendate the plant food more avilabto
end affords u congenial and conafort
abto place in which, the plant may
grow,. ; •
It is treelest to apply coramereial for-
tilizete to lands which • Etre not in pro-
per pheeicel condition for the. very
best growth, of crops. How, then, eau
tho testero of lande he improved? By
jtidicieue ploughing and tIllitge, and
eauleres 7 by tee 'warp/oration of
hu.mas the) use of uederdraine,
wind,teeeks, applications ef lime, salt,
and aeaptation of crop te soil.
A ntanber cf expe.rirnente have boon
oaxried out et our own. Experimental
Farm/ti.n well at Ithaca, N.Y„ end
elsewhere the seeults paint generally
to thn neces-ily of preserving moisture
hi tho soit, the first step towards
which is to; pat the soil in such physie
cal condithea that it will be pervious
to water; that iS, that it will afford
a, reservoir for it.
irrox wator. within eighteen inches
ot the ,serfac4 of the soil is injurious
to the growth of cultivateck plants.
Capillaiy water, that is, water retain-
ed ni ti,f; minute hair-likei empty
,spaoeser tnbos existing throughout
welt -worked soil, le the direct; souree
of their supply and should by all
meane be conserved. Capillary ac-
tion will be weak, mhile•in linen gem-
gicted soila it will ba, strong. But
ibe capillary, pores in the soil
remain continuoue from the moist on-
-der-ul1 to the surface, and pass off
into the atincepleire by eveporations
By nteking them porevery much
larger near the 'surface the moisture
is arxexesdin its upward movement,
and tble result can he accomplished by
light ,terface cultivation which pro-
duces a "soil xnuioh." This mulch of
loose sin! answers about the same •eur-
pose as 11 board would, in cuttinge off
the direct connection of the capillary
/soil with th•e atmoephere. As soon 415
the soil becomes baked er encrusted,
tho capillary connection with he. at-
mosphele is eenewed, and another til-
lage is iequired to re-establishl the
"n1.14/nrilidgba,1"ways be remembered that
larg-ea mount of water ie necessary
for a. plant, because its food is Inca.
very 'envies solution, and that water
al, used in building plant tissue; is necessaryin the soil, for
withoet it the action by which the
roots axo attia to corrode the solid tear-
ticles of mineral matter and set free
plant food cannot take place. /
As i1ae distribution of rainfall is
beymiti any known control the, fanner
phihis dependence under ordi-
nary conditions ott tho ecizieervation, of
.411tienii• tilioge sh.otild comment%
eerie in tbe 'spring epees to conserves
tooistu re for every day's 'delay after
the oiI is in a lit condition means
the loss of tons of valuable water.
As an implement 'withwhich to es-
tablish and maintain a eurfacemelch'
the barrow' is valuable; frequent
harrowing of an orchard will greatly
lesson the evaporation 'from the sur-
face. Where ettitivators are usecr as
conservers .of moisture many fine
tooth are preferable to a few cOaree
A Standard Remedy
Used ire Thousands' of liomos in
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and has never yet failed
to give satisfaction.
Diarrhoaa, Dysentery, Cholera, ,
cholera Morhfis, Cholera /den- I
tom, Cramps, Collo, Sea Siekness
and all Summer Complaints.
its prompt tse will prevent a
great deal of onneoetsary suffer-
ing and often save life.
PAO.. 356. 8'
rho t litIbuin too Mail:A., Totonio, Ontario, 1
1. A .
1316,40 culture undoubtedly promotes
evaporation; therefore .practise level
'culture except in eases where/30 ..ink14
tem from ttet ,IMI/eS4 Qt Imo wator.
The roller, by cotopressing the .84.
.bringri moisture to -the surface. .04
loose gattx.dy Ifielle it is very useful,. 1,2t
cause it compacts the .partieles; but
aatsvtQrledus. ".1111.:tileaeYgdoifikit.bywInUesPvT:e4in44-.2:
vira :n40001,pairslgiblheafrOr140wW•tto.10:4740291r0or WtitIeth.
AlTliteee- o underdrains rendnrs soils
porou,s above then), and, in remeripg
the bee r‘s,tor., allows. access. of ear.
which teas eaiseittial, eti Meleture,
Lime heel 14 beneficial effect 00
heavy coy and „on light eand, and
acts favorably Op tuereny, sour landa,
, of
$.40401414trid4res., tai 006 0?04..f--,
•Grafsesee .and..geeins. deehost on clay
one loamy .;eolle, leaving .-sancly anal
gravelly lands for -oultivated Crops,/
AlTh,:n:tilinelfge.1 .tillea lands he kept
up by been, violet:es and' by ;Riven
1 1 1
T/K *oil will respond in o 10 lige 410r,l'•
sure aeeurcling to the treatment it re-
ceiVefe. It naglected, it will fait to
da P. 1ielrlirgaell ti41;17:4t 1c
81 ; 2 boturenh
i4g °14.Y1 t.
williccelitveel I. rewar4. the owner for Ms
Department of eigrierdture,
i • • July 22, 1202,
A Grateful Mother.
Blyth. Ont., Sept, 22nd, 1896,
MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderich, Out..
think it is my duty to write to you
regariliug nee boy Well inv boy wne
about teettry-one months old when
began to lion yelir System 19,snova-
tar ItianrOviiii, and yoar Protein Resnr-
gem. I gave him the medicine for about
to -day There a stroile, and as healthy and
.1 -hen he was cured, and
UR good looking a boy as you Wouti wird)
to Fee, now , three years (Id. He nem
very troublesome ironn the time he woe
born, cried nearly all the titue and slept
very little and diet never semnily, not
%Infiniti had taken your medieine for 11
short lime. Ile used to go into convul-
s oua three or four tittles a day from the
time lie Wini fire dap; Old, mid Vain big
head began to grow large, inereesing in
size all the time until the inedieitie took
effect. We sought medical aid from I
defftrent doctors wilhout any benefit
(Only one relieved him tonne). The She;
of head b /gun to diniiiiish gritilnaPy su4
Ile was getting cured of the dropsy end
of the water in the head. No other
tuedieine was tee 1 but yours oulv, with
the libel.° ineetiened tesults. I trust
Other flint Iler4 will hie Mit from my boy`e
enre. Tile b. tide of the Reuovator wh ;eh
I rook tuyeelf hue dom.; mo 0 great deal
of good. From my rely heart, and kliar
of a grateful mother, you will have my
good wishes as lo g 11,4 I live.
MacLeod's Remedies, eAablishod in
1888, aro the Only niedieines in Camirte
whieh have sold ou thole metite Without
tolvertieing, Address MacLeod Medi-
cine Co., Goderieli, Out.
Hypnotism and Moral Cures
From the London Hospital.
In a lecture delivered before the
King's College Medical Society Dr,
Milne Bramwell gave an interesting
sketch on the subject of hypnotism.
Describing the expeeiraents of Forel,
who till recently was medical direotor
of the Buigholzi Asylum and one of
the professors of the University of
Zurich, he said that lee, succeeded in
hypnotizing nearly all his asylum at-
tendants, bath male, and female, a
large propertion of thein becoming
seninenebletee. For ten years expert -
meets were made in regard to; the
use; of hypnotism in: the night watch-
ing of dangerous lunatics. Wardens
were hypnotized and trained to sleep
by the bedside of these patients mad
to wake the instant they heard them
attempt to get out pf bed, the hyp-
notic suggestion boing made use of
to inhibit all sounds which had; no
reference to the duly laid upon, them
and it was found that wardens so
hypnotized eoald perform night duty
for six months work hard all
day without showing signs of fatigue.
Tho results of these experiments
were, it is said, uniformly successful
and no accident of any kind ocourred.
In regard to this and other applica-
tions of hypnotism Dr. Bramwell ec-
fees to the method of Wettersrand
who, instead of restricting himself to
suggestions made in the course of a
short hypnotic trance, aelvocated the
use of curative effectst of prolonged
hypnotic eleep. Wettersrand treated
epilepsy and grave forme of nervous
disorder by keeping the patients in
the hypnotic trance for „three or four
weeks. Vtrithotet rousing them the pa-
tients were fed at stated infer -eels,
and the actione of the brevehi and
bladder were regulated by suggestion
and thus mental as well us physitel
rest was given, lit addition to such
therapeutic advantageut as m!glit be
gained by aid of suggestion.
Dr. Milne Bramwell says that, al-
tho every man cennet be deeply byp-
fiolieed,Prolotind states are not necee..
sitter for the successful employment
of suggestion, end the neenbee of' per-
sons insusceptible to son*, degree of
hypnotio infleehee L eXtreneely
Atnong ethee diseases let gives the
ft:Hewing as those nt winch hypnotism
has givea good results: "Heeterie,
nettrasthenia, dipsomania and other
drug habits, obsessions, inoral perver..
sities and nervous tricks in children."
We may add that as far as thetreate
tweet of dipsomania is concerned. it
seems not entirely inipessible that
csonos of the, startling .results Whieh
are said to have beon obtained at co..
lain Iasi lindens for the treatment of
this eandthon may have boon the Out-
come of an unacknowledged but Mine
the less etteotnal application, of hyp.
notic suggestion. „
bamtitsgue CAM OJT
few of One itionity raw"
laisinitoter Ittt.
A Toronto clew/UP tat Of
Ip hie congregation, which
the mother end five children of
being dead. --four ot whom in a tow et
have fallen vititiMe to consumption al
died. 4324 now the t1t3 a &mole
who is employed in the dace of 4140*
ogler, anti who has been the one scums
etipport to the mother, ts obliged to
her work, realizing that She else—meinItee
it IS behoved, as a resnit of nursing hen
brothers and sisters—hes contracted thte
dread dieesse. Kind friends ars lutarott.
ing themselves in the case, hut the dia.
culty met with is to send her to a place
where the proper care Awl treatment will
be given.
It is for such eases As tilVe
is hardly a clergyman in any city who ito
that tlerewreeConsumriv 1iep
under the auspices of the National Sani-
tarium Assomation, is being built. The
people of Celled& as a whole must feel
grateful to Air. W. J. Gage and the
executors of the late Hart A. Maseey, who
out of tneir own funds have erected this
buildinee. But before it can hit occupied
it must bo furnished with beefs and other
proper fureishinge end appointments.
The National Sanitarium Association,
already carrying a heavy debt, are pot
able to furnish the new building so gene-
rously placed at their disposal, endure ap-
pealing to eitizens generally the Dominion
over for $10,000 for thie purpose.
It does not need the suggestion that
this is the meat pressing of all charittee
at this time, for the publie are fully
awakened to tho widespread character of
consumption, and also to the fact, as de-
ritonstrated by the best medical authori-
ties, that wben this disease is taken hold
of in its early stages it, as much, asany
other disease,is curable. The neW USN'
tal, just 50 90011 as the M011eyxs raised to
gomplete the furnishings, will be ready
to reeeiye :fifty patients, free of charge—
even tbeir railway faro will not be A tax
upon thern.
Chief Justice Sir Wm. R. Meredith, 4
Lampert Ave„ Toronto, has kindly con -
Rented to receive contributions for the
Free Consumptive Hospital; or they can
be sent to Mr.aW. J. Gage, 64 Front St.
West, Toronto; or to the ISTatioual Trust
Co., Limited, 22 King St. Est, Toronto.
u Fib
Househo!ri Hints
Active persons of n.ervoas tempera.
ment can hardly get too mueb eleep.
11.: piece of fresh butler dropped into,
e pen, *Z. boiling Jilin, will prevent ).t
running ever.
It 0 comb i well soaked IA. salt And
water far 24 hours. it syjfl Met much
Gol' .14 is 19 times heavier thenethe
.same bulk ciX water ; silver is ten tinle0
and iroe es seven timea as Jetletr5i. eng
water. i • t.
To make White ti Inc nehey you, retest
pour ba If tt pint of rod& into aelean
saucepan, and es./solou as it hoils add
glees of sherry. Then strain
an• d s•erve it hot. You must have the
milk belling or it will net • eliTalet in
the :proper way.
Tile- partaking of a ST ie.2. of pine-
apple after a meal is ..,(seite in actor&
anee with physiological indications,
since, though it may not be generally
known, fresh pineapple jaioe contains
a rerea.rkably active digestive prin-
ciple, similar to pepsin.
lIticL Nervottis Prostration
Mrs. S. 'W. Wes', Drayton, Ont.,
etates: "I got terribly run down, itod
fintilly became a victim of nervous pros.
tration. X had no nppetite, seemed to
lose ,interest and 'ambition mid Meld
searcely drag myself e twee 'Hearing of
Dr. Clutee's Nerve Food I used three
hoxes with great benefit, gaining eleven
pontels. It made mestrong end well
and I lied such en nppetite that I wanted
to be eating half the time."
In Grey township voters' list for 1902
there are 948 names irt Part I; 108 in
Part II and 5 in Part III. 685 persons
are competent to serve as jurors.
Opinions' of Lott,1114;
I have used W. le Strontes 1116 ileme0 111
my 1)1110110e wjtJa .111a4t 811h5,11410tOry 1•0$111tA, and
ran %%aerially rteoinnulul It
Price *Ia. For .4610 by dritegiste, or by mall
or revoipt of Driiv.
W. T. STRONG, INnitufacturing VhothIst)
London, °Merle.
'rums ,Bid
'Rich Red Blood.
No other remedy pOssesses such
perfeet cleansing) healing and purl.
lying properties,
EA,ternally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all t ruptions.
internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver," Bowels and 131ood to healthy
actien. if your stppetlta is poor,
your energy. put, your ambition
lost, 13.13.13, will restore you to she
full enjoyment ot happy vitomus