The Wingham Times, 1902-05-16, Page 2T111i WINGliA4 T01ES, MAY Ili, 1902. P...• .. .. ..____.._._ ilii .. .. .. .. ilii .. n.-.-. ::.�. -. '... - .. :. .. --.,..., . ., ... .. _ _. .: .. ilii_ _ ... - -.. .-. _ ,.,,- . _. ._.� .,,.,. ;'' 110'I,I�LISsI311tLlit3Tt. FACTS FOR THE ELECTORS or ux.iu;tlra bargains' for th:m to DIRECT rSTt1I3L,S6lI)1t;72 N TES ANL? COMMENTS Interest bearing assets of Ontario euro thele till bow,fits of municipal, t ,;r 1(,p �� / ){{)�+ wINGH � TIME 1'be I.ibrrals have been 1n power for `TU otvn.r.ship. - ""~ BApTisT CixuROii—Sabbath s')rvices at ,414 ii lr telt; SUE iNoua TIMES. mvertiment, $2,871,292. -- 1 ` `�f' 11 a m arta 7 in. Sunday School at IS $U13LISii1iD `0 yoar,y Li O .tat•:a, but th t r, al,�ii,,, 41. IL �, Puiu laasn AND PnoraIF.TOIt 1110 Ontario (Iovernmeut ave S," 8 839 — �• ( � � ' p• arc:, of the Opposition is• that th'A Con - The ,v 2:30 P. nl, General prayer meeting Pl - towards the coustruetion of theLouclOxi, It ig true. repot corpaiativns, iik( I�" ^ !' ^ 'gid �s�1 �. onWeduesdayevoilugs, Iiev.J.J.Pat- BVERY FRIDAY MORNING servatives have becul outside for 30 11'11 iD A'i',. AIA 1t X 1G, .J02. +Huron 5 Hrueo, individuals, sometimes short :vii ag- telsotl, I;.A.,p:tstor. W.J,Chapmall, S.S. year's, The number of Text Books used in gressivo arta over-reaehing spirit, but i � s Superintendent. The Finites Office, Beaver Block ,. �: '' + MrrixoulsTCaui20FI—Sabbathservices WINGHAM ONTARIO. THE PLEDGE MITCHELL TOOK 11 public schools in 1975—under the Ryer- tile. outcry rat -ed against thou '►s lv .� x " i at 11a, in and 7 p n3, Sunday School at ^T Ilia Strathroy Age says that from all I sou system—`ears G5. often unroa^,onabl-& In most ` 2:80 p m.• Epworth League every Mon- appenranvo trine campaign ill West ICiodarirltSlgnall c�, �/ The number in use last Year was 15. c:uiunuuitie.s it will bt: found that : day evening. General. prayer meeting THnus Or sunsonlrTIO x—ti al per nnnuln in. Middlesex will 10 the tamest that bas Sotno of our tennperauce friends place ✓ ,l on Wednesday evenings. Boy. Rlohard advIlee, 1.50 if not so paid. We paper dtscon r The number in the High Schools in 1875 == i -, •3 tbc, luc,st pro- f' ;�`J/�� y tinue(1 tit all arrears are paid, esee It at the tstlten place since con ecleratign. The h0 a q rite Ieadlu,, et 1. �n i , Robbs pastor. Dr. Towler S. S, Sup- option P tetepublisher.1 a good deal of stress on the fact that t , _ �� •j. , P , P op i u o .Premier will have a Wali. -aver. was 80; in 1901 it was 23. gressivw and enterprising business f.: ,z }� . ti -v orintoudeut. AID ru 1alt G HATES. -- Legal l and other Whitnty candidate in West Huroil has The Ontario Government spent last 1 �' -Y taken a led a to. epic against his party p nlen--arc prominent nl. iib r 3 of joint tc 1 � ;;.- : ep PRESiiYTERIAIr' CIIUI4CF;-=-5abbatll SBr- �aual advertisements se. per Nett ariel lino for P B i year L2G4,181 on behalf of agriculture— stock conipanie,s. ' A corporation af- vices at 11 a in and 7 in, Sunda infirsertion. insertion Be lino for cuclll subsequent Torotito Star (crit): Mr. Latchford Y g P . Y iltsertiun. and in favor of prghibition on every ! and the fanners got the benefit of it. ter till 1.s only an extended partner- School at 2:80 p m. General prayer Advertisements in local columns are charged will be worried to death by the Mail and occasion that plight arise, should lie be t meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 10 ots. per line for first insertion, ,aid 5 cents EInPiro's annonucement that lie cannot kAected to the Legislature. Do the ! During the past 30 years the Liberal ,hip. The I.egislaturo has roc-„ntz- D. Perrin, pastor and S ". auperinton- pet, line for o ach tsubs Lastt insertion, tarn ed, g Y government has ivou back to tiro people the uctvautag'rs c.�4-11DNFVM)k y be re•olectad in. SOntll Itoufraty, At the g p p d tit principle ofdent, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar $l.(10 For , really believe that such a thing is pos- by grants to railways, hospital, schools, ;association for business purposes by ST, PAUL'S CIIultoix EPISCQPAL—S&b- firstmon nlontli and 60 Dents for each subsegnent last general ('l( a'intn rho riding gave a eciblo from WIIIT"Ek's candidate? r ACTS GENTLY - ��� month. Liberal majority of 1,411, &c., the sum of $85,418,;205, greatly facilitating the formation of bath services at 11 a In and 7 p m.. Sun - U Ver twenty years—ever since he came , �' ON 2 AND da School at 2:50 in. General prayer Coatefa RATF.3—ThefollowingadnbNclle uenvs froth Detroit••rhe has, in season and out All tine Provinces started at Coufecler• joint stock companies. Pete, burin. ss � Y , p P' Y for sij Gcr, for rite insertion of advel tiscnr°its , atiou on an oven footing lfuaucially, and of the 1'rovirau would .shrink into a�%�Ls� meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, for sl,eciRedporiods:— It is retorted that lits. Carrie Nation otlt of season, Opposed repo teluperanlce Wm. Lowo, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. SPACH 1 Yrt. amo. 8 Ma. IMP is coming to R est Huron to stnuip for Ontario, which has been under a Libor- Insignificant dimensions indeed, Ono Cohwin..........$G0.00 185.00 116.00 tc� re legislation of the Liberal Covernruent in Superintendent. Half Column........., u;-00 18.00 10,00 4•,lu the prohibitionists. We hope there is al administration is the only one which if the great volume noir::transact l H E SYST Ontario. This was notoriatirly the case nA' l T. M CONGREGATIONAL l7HURCS.—Sabbath Quieter Colman ilii. 1s.0o 10.00 0,00 2,00 nothing in ilio report, far tco would not has not run into debt, b the r, ducinm manufacturing unciIrEfi'vSL services at li a m and 7 p in, Sunday Adyclrie°meats without s ecifte direetione alien illy Scott Act was carried in Ontario, under 30 years' Liberal goy trad;n aorporationa were eliminated. EFFECTUALLY,- School at 12 m. Midweek meeting ou in�1U01Tiarisi�otndvcsittdsrm Its"`„n`adaccst be a a community ike o see tile insttlted intelligent all old foolple of �Is Huron, When the Local Government C7 Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin for tity. aavausi om t . Y i by ernment has. a surplus of Over $d,000,OG0. TLe:e is llathina necessarily and es- y�EL p5 GOE5 Wilson , p Blyth Standard. - undertook to make the Scott Act work G. , S.S.S.S, Supt.; A. E. Prior pastor. THE done DEPAnTAMNT is stocked with an Y able Ntith the ProvtIlOial officers, Mr. Quebao,under Causervativegovernment voLtially bad about a corporation. 01.SPO A 7s estensiveassortment ofall ra uisitesfor print - 1 t,1 Era SER SAL'PATION ARMY—sl:ryiCe at 7 arta 11 Ing, affording facilities not for 20 years has a debt of over Bat. it is said or implied that some of 1 ! E a m and 8 and 8 p In on Sunday, and Ing,countyfol inglin out first t equal k in the Brantford Expositor: Under tho Mitchell, week in aucl week out, fought i $dd,000,000. k 8 these bedic.g have obtain•td special evel evening during the wee at 8 typeandapp roprlatecntsfcrallstyles.ofPost• Ram Government offenders against in favor of the McCarthy Act, which, if D1rRCCSMES o'clock at the barraAlfs. era, Hina B311s, etc., ntid the latest atytcs of not rle5i -nod Go render the Scott Act un- l Every Public institution tit the pro- prlvtlegr.3 frJm the Governm•:nt. No .+! I��'i'i� choice fancy type for the finer classes of print the election laws, members of both vines Inas been ofliuientl maintained b a ttC1L` L' hag ever been(made to bl''cn 3 S l 1 1i� N POST OFFICE—In Macdonald Bleck. ing. workable certainly succeeded is effect' Y y p g N p H. B. ELLIOTT political parties have been fined to the ' the government and the people have not a s xeific charg � 1 t q ' O Office hours from S a m to G:80 m. }ngthntpurpose. I government, p P 1• g' of th,t kind. t .Cho �gtT Ufi�. PERNIAFIENTLY. Peter b'isl3or, postmaster. Proprietor and Pubiisher tune of $7,.,U0. When, wile punish - been called upon to contribute directly Gov*in=nt gavw them nothing but , moot inflicted by a Conservative Gov - He now Claims that he has been nue teat thereto. the, same strict justia under rho late .•• MECHANICS I.TSTITIITE—Library and P. KENNEDY M.1),. M. O. P. S, O G errn3eut upon offenders reported by etronfily in fayat. of temperance legisla• A t tJC _ O Z �+T� free readin room in the Totvil. Hall, e 1 � r V g � (Member of the British Medical Asaocia- The complete cost of a sat of Text that, everyone i,s entitled to receive. j1 pA It will be open every afternoon from 2 to tion.) Gold Meaunist in Medicine, specinl the election- courts4 tion of some thirty years, and for twenty ��� ` d11� ` 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to attention pitid to diseases of Women and i7hild Books for the public schools of Ontario —_ _ , ran, Office }tours—i to 4 P. m.: 7 to 9 p. m. years of that peroid he has been pub- I . „_ � 9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, Sotl,e of the choice expressions n5ec1 at }ishing. a public journal in Goderich. is $5.77. The cost in the soveral States IXave they been: wrcngfully roltov- BUY THE GENUiNE--MANF'D BY librarian. , of the American Union roue all the way Y R. MACDONALD, Mr. Whitney's meeting, some of them During the latter period great advance- ed from the burdon3 of taxation? Towx CouNOIL—R. Vaustone Mayor; D evidently intended to apply to myself t from $7.80 to $11.48. CALIRTN14- Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me - m tit has been made by the Liberal Gov y Na. O.i the contrary the ,Suppe :- t116SYF� . � � and collea ueserumeut iu lessening the number oP lie- 'rho average auuual cost of keepin;, mcztary Revenue Act if 181$ inn- Indoo J J. Elliott W. F. VanStone, Centre Street `� g were as follpwa:— euses duel aiding tlno temperance Scutt• inmates in the Ontario asylum, was poses heavy ndditioral burdens upon .°y isv ftc f h"u�aA� c�s�o, �'t N v,R'� A sou Irwin, and Councillors; William W'llghaln, Ontario. I'olitieal cowards, ilicliug behind Any gu , unclean thing liko the referetldnm, meut in the Province, and we would ask I $122.S2, or A-34.03 less per patient than f.he ni� A pruminent corporations. FOR SALE BY ALL ORIIGGISTS. PRICE, 50c. PER BOTTLE, Olegg, Assessor, Win. Rc bsrtson, Col- "Ministers who brazenly held positions," James Mitchell if, during all of these I the general average of all asylums, The Railway Companies, Banks, In- lector. Board meets first Monday even- DR. AGNE W, "Ministers with faces of brass," "Arrant I Ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. • years when good work has been done by t Etsglish; r\ melicau and Australian, sttranec Companies, Loan Companies, Physician, Surgeon, etc. and contemptibly cowards," "Slimy Trust. Corollaries, li pSleeping SCHOOL BOARD.—H. Kerr, (chairman), , „ the C=ovtrnluent, 11e has written one line The direct benefit uerived by thex cess,l? ? ���� S t ; �x f� Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. Drut°to e. Night cullsansweredattheofffice. villains, Deap lnutuiliaticn for On - or given one sentiment on the public' county of Huron, 'luring the Ontario Car, Telegraph and Natural Ga.s Cam- -�f 1�f f' 'f'� Homuth Wm. Moors Thos. Bell Win. , ttw•io," and so on. Don't you think he platform in encouragement of the tom- ! Administratisu, by way of grauts to panics are ali subject to. special taxa- ,5f j Batton, C. N. Grifiin. Secretary, Wm. vANSTONE, had better spare his words? asked Mr. nerance legislation enacted. We are I Asylums, Reformatories, Schools, Agri- tion, and the Street Railway, Gov, Robertsonq-Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. R. told by pit horny, "By their `rnitsye cultural societies, &o., amounts to Electric and Telephone Companies in 4f ) Meetings second Tuesday eveningineach BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Ross. Ruskin, speaking of a certain � month. PrivateandL Company funds to loan at lowest individual, said lie was covered with a shall knots' them," and if in tweniyl$001,083. addition to being made,, liable, to pro- ,\f �f PUI3LIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. H. rate � of interest. Noconlmiss�ti�oucharged. ort. "sutaneous eruption of vituperative years A1r_ Mitchell has not said one word !! _ vin: ial taxes, continue tuxabia for Musgrove, Privaipal, E. O. Coulter, soid�s'OlHce 13caveil3toe1c1 Wing3ianought and volubility" I haps Mr. Whitney will itn ravor of the temperance laws enacted I muricipal purposes. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss It is early, quite early, to Cornyn, Miss McLean, •; Miss Matheson never be afflicted with it.—Premier Ross of what use is a pledge—wruug from THE " CRY " AGAINST COR- A. MORTON, at Sarnia. itilal lt}* a hope for votes—that he will PORATIONS � talk of spring goods. liar � Miss Reid, and Miss Cnt}lmings. J. the have made ready to BOARD OF HEALTIi—Mayor Vaustone, BARRISTER, &c„ favor temperance legislation in the tiuie The Ross Government has been PULPWOOD CONCESSIONS ,I chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg -Tho Opposition. organs are calling tweet your wants when the � Ferguson, Wingham, opt. to come? Let us look at the pledge this charged it}th legislating in the in- It is rot true, ag somo newspapers We're ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. FSec- for honesty on the part of the. admin - I g g time comes. 1Ve to bound rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical istrators of Provincial affairs. That Tuan Iles signed, after considerable terest of corporations as against the ccrtizue to ,state, that th:7 Ontario to be in the forefront. Health Officer. E,L.D101rINSON DUDTEYHOLME9 Ave have her,^sty is amply proven by dickering: I municipalities. The accusation that Government has ceded thousands of i We are determined to win �/ p u 1�F I promise that should Ibe elected as a y the Goverrment was disposed unduly square milers of Iand to pulp syndi- * °G' DICKINSON & HO MES the fact that ro •specific charge of the melub(•rofthe Outari)ProvincialPartin- 1 to favor the corporations, is, in fact, Oates. The facts aro that sever. dif- your tailoring account on J anent in the forthcoming election on the �f sheer merit. Every gar. t PIANO AND THEORY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. made it use of mercy has, ever leen question of prohibition I will advocate, l the principal charge brought against ferent companies have been granted � meat we turnout is.a. strong � made in connection with; the upwards l MONEY TO LOAN. vote for and use my influence to bring in them. It is iterated and re -iterated the right to cut pulpwood- from cer- Jf bid for business. Its style MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. OrercE: Meyer Block, Wingham. of Dna hundred million do'i its expand- question measure find the greatest measure I In every passible form. It forms the Iain limits. In return for this per- —its a'orkmanshi it3 fit and member of the Associated Musicians of ed by the .Successive Liberal Govern- withln,the� jurisdiction of IIIc Province' r. mission tba Com �f p— Ontario, is repared to receive a limited num• Inerts. if the Opposition could brio P q i topic of maty of the campaign notes- companies have agreed to �' H for.tho prohibition of the liquor traffic; 1 —Its finish—all appeal LO tS bet of pupi a for instruction on Piano and RTHUR r. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. that on this question I will actirrespect- paper ari}cies and addresses. The expend larga aMount3 of money and T the good taste and ambition X11 Theory. A home try ,such charge they, would be ive of all party claims, as neither Can- I fact that the Opposition takes this employ large numbers of hands }n g for examattentionans. given to pupils preparing Doctor of DentalSurgeryLi ntiat the of file Pennsylvania only, too glad to make it and to pres- of the careful dresser. � penial C,ltege and Licentiate of the Ro�•al xexvative nor Libera], but prohibitionist; ' line of attack, that .they ring the their work, which will be a meaws of f hf Residence opposito R. C, Church, Wingham. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Otttce ent• the proofs. The, fact is that the AND IF THERE SHOULD BE 1W THE j over est Office, Wiug11°m. HUUaI; AN INDEYENllENT PliO• fj charges so persistently on the cry, opening up and developing the new w s; ho3•:esty with which the fund..• of tela HIBITIONIST I WILL USE lYiY �'01'E "corporation government," is a high country. Upon the land on which r�'r Provincei have bene handled is WITH HIS. IRRESPECTIVE OF tribute to the integrity, the purity a I;I I' l�ql , T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., g these •concessions have been made ES Co CLARKE,Pi�IIjII��I �. �. Elliott V. S. w• L.D.S. am°r_gst those things which stand to PAR"CY, AS A BALANCING POWER 41 �I N°w method for painless es- the credit of the party. i7: power and the wisdom of the Government's wlAch are all ,south oil the, height- of I I�III�'. Honorary Graduate of traction. No Coeaine. ,for FOR PROHIBITION. ��II��' ��. r ' Ontario'Veterinary Special attentionto the care and regulation thirty years. Added to this, administration of provincial affairs, lard, the pulpwood grows sparsely,and in the Shaw Block lil;ili,I�'' y,' It College. that we Eutl in the campal, we stated that Office and Infirranry of children's teeth. Moderate vices and at'' have had wise laws placed upm, the y p g It is always sat'►sfaetory to find one's hence tho necessity of having a large % ti. 1 , work carefully and skilfully per orma. Olfiee Whitney's nominee would swallow the, area W order to secure: the requisite d� t y ^ Minnie StslWingllam in BeaverBiock, Wingham, statute, book, efficiency in administra- 1 opporent,s driven to maks appeals to q = ;hil,�y'c""' Day and night calls pledge, Book, line and sinker, and we amount to keep '*Din and s w'y'� '"' �' v � f' 4 t tom tl attended to. p y prejudice, to invent unreasonable and p the mil1_j i4.a:, 'tl p p ytier and progressiveness in the olio g "Irl°1pj l'' ' Teleplloneconneetion. JOHN RITCHIE, of development of the resources or the know whereof we spoke. He Lnows, baseless charges of this sort, because reimbur•3e the companies for the large I''il�` J p perfectly well that his kite wouldn't fly ! it is a practical admission that there outlays which they will be compelled GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Province, why ,should there be a. at all unless ho pad n tail to it, and he I Ls nothing in the Government's record to- make before they receive, a single m°' ` ''� ""� "` �� j� JI �S Wingham, Ont. change? The only answer that can has tried to inveigle the Liberal temper- to attack. dollar in return. If it were desirable FARMERS be; giver;! is just( to give Mr. Whitney, niece nice into being a tail to his kite. , When the Opposition press reptats all other grounds to auction these I and anyone having live stock or other JOHN OURRIE, WINGHAM, ONT. and his friends, 'untried mcn, an op, Since siguiug the pledge overtures have ; limits as is done with' the Pirie titin- , J EW ELR i articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• portunity of controlling the affairs' of: 1 the ;statement that the Government tiro the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large LICENSED AUCTIONEER. been made tc the liquor mea in various I has not adequately protected the bar 1 imits, it Oat ld zat; very well circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Ifnplements a the Province. If they 'Presented a places to give him their support, on the, ri }its of the municipalities against be done for the roasod mentioned. �� �� � � ou do not get a customer. We can't guarantee specialty. policy which was air improvement on Y g p g• That Quebec auctions the pulpwood ■ 1 ///��� R 9 for the you idle oil stock than it i worth. Send attended to 1eTerms reasonnable ice promptly that of the present Government there plea advanced b his host roan that he � the great financial corporations, they p t 001 • lead to bion the pledge to please the tem- `s should bear }a mind) that thq muniei- limits does not furnish any argument, ttntent your advertisement to the TxMEe and try this „� ,, plan of disposing of your stook and other tC p might be a ;semblance of reason in lterance people, bat that it wouldn'ti y becaese theta after payir•* g �� articles. E ESTELLE GRiI:FiN making u change, but under, present 1 palitic,9 have not alwa s been vigilenit g the dues amount to anything further. And Mit- I and alert in protecting themselves. fol the Government in• addition to the If there is a post office in circumstances it .seems like utter elle}'s factotum was ri ht when lie made' our neighborhood and you wlirclieu g ' lJluricipal ,self-government is a dear- origin al price, and a amall additional y' y ■ folly. , that statement. As tt Conservative can- ly prized institution, but like all expart duty, the pulpwood may be have a jewelry want of any TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. dilate Mitchell dare not carry out his •. free institutions, it entails its re- sent out of the country, but in kind, we can surely it almost , pledge tO the tomperaticepeoplc. Abig- Isponsibilittes. and has its drawbacks. Ontario it must be manufactured eith- as veli as if you visited us e-Prn3nutiionsared for Conservatory of Music ger man than Mitchell tried to be all 4If municipal bodies in, the exercise of or into pulp or personally. ' I g 1 p pager. The companies p > honest tezipelauee'mau on the Tory side their undoubted rights have mado bad in Ontario have not an exclusive right Write for our cataloeae and � VIOLIN AND GUITAR in the Legislature, and Gno. F. MART1:Ii E or ill-considered bargains with: finan- tet the pulpwood on, their conecssions. tines hare, practically, the Telephone . was ignominiously turned down by Itis. finest stoto of jewelry in`tial ar other corporatioivse is it fair TL it is found that there is more than Canada to chnosc from. MISS CARRIE MOORE art for (loin 50. Besides, our system of one of London Conservator of Music will be ro- P Y g I to blame the Gcvcrrment or th,, Legis- will ,supply their mills for twenty -ono price in plain figures and our pared after Oct, eat to receive islimitedlbe pra- TJuder these circumstances no man IaturcZ AS a matter; of fact the Ye(•i;?, the Government may allow guarantee as toqualitymean er of pupils for instruction on Violin and Vvh) is honest 'Would take sneh a pledge so much to out -o. town buyers. Guitar. Legi_lature has frequently had to pro- others to cut. The pulpwood becomes Residence—opposite R. C, Church, Wingham. as the Whitney candidate has signed, `toot municipalities against the acts of tho property of the ,settler as'soor. as We prepay all delivery tations stud Air. Cameron deserves credit for re - their own representatives. Tha Legis- ha obtains the land, and the company charges, and if what we send fusing to sign a, document which would rotate has done much to safeguard must them gay him instead, of rets G or- = does not please you in every be a reflectio7r upon his integrity, and murtcipalities against injustice at eminent. The dues paid at present _ Particular, return it, and by wout(l cause him to break faith with thenext mail we will cheerfully. � (he hands of corporations, wherever are 40 cents per cord, but the, Govern - party that hadintroducedhim into poi,-the could ba donee without irterforenee inert has had inserted in ovory agree- - refund your money. tical life. Every true Liberal will ra-t: with contract . To do that, of course, mer.t a clause permitting it to raise qwla.§ It Juice to kuoty that they have in their ! ,world be.. to go: beyond the legitimate the dues at pleasure. _- caucliclate a man with whom votes do 0 I � 1 F7 trot Count unless they are llonastly ob. I sphere of legislation. 'here aro those who think the, Gov- ,; . iOB PRIXTING, i includingg Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Place the vast facilities of the Heads, Circulars,&e,&c.,executed in the best I� style of the art at moderate prices, and on i,.: _ �.•-_�.._. Telephone System- at the short notice.,, fr disposal of everyone. BOO1cB1NDING.-•We are pleased to announce that angy Books or Magazines left yp with us Por Are convenient for the use of pri es for will have any style will be given on application to There is a noted difference non -subscribers. THE TIMES OFFICE, i p 09 = ThP Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Wingham. in the style and At- of Pants we tailed, lie does not try to run with the -- c rnment has erred upon the wide of i� Mara atld linut with tho hounds, 1 The tendency in the direction of strirgency in the agreements with Vonge and Adetaide Sts., make that always brings peo- LIIIITED RAILWAY TIME TABLES res for all kinds of Vehicles. Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pneumatic Carriage Tires Solid Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Tire. for Baby Carriages. The Dunlop Tire Co., Limited tbRONtb. Our TrademAtk IT PAYS TSU ADVE- UTISE IN THE TIMES . . rT s0 Yr -,ARS' !XPERIENCE It 861 Broadway, X IS I t..3V"li mur,eipal ownership is, a good: One the pulpwood companies, but it is a TORONTO p so Swelled and :should be encouraged, but the i changto cannot be unduly forced', and .safe iside to err upon. A good, indica- tion that the terms have not been, too =' - y t Walk lie-Cooldfil the Iighta of those whd• }tava mado-favorable. to the companies i,s the fact that had T�n I- in them—cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. .lalge ii;vostments it supplying pub- ,some of them to ask , w E Bs TER & R O This case of Mr. James Treneman, the i )ill reeds c=uld not falr;y ba dkz gard-t for an extension of time during the .tlJ V,l. �.■ t0rell•knownbutcher af536Adelaide Street, fed. If a duo amount of public spirit tact session, in which to carry out vetf. -,Per. woors Phospholine, London, Ont., is another proof that Dr. ' had prevailed in the municipalities their agreements. If there wast so. The Great EWgIfsh Remcdrl. r .R. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are effective in the most severe and complicated diseases rx's•, I het. franchises wrancses which may have much monTy in it for, the concession- 12 Sold and recommzvded by all / r druggists in Canada. Only reli. f t11e kiduei tri o y turned out unsatisfactorily later on— aric.s as the Opposition organs seek able niedialne discovered. Six ekagm guaranteed to cure all Mr. Traneman states :—"Two years I tvas laid u with kidney disease and =Sb ly Y were being granted,if the terms of the # eortraetsi had been to make out, there would it no .diffi- culty in carrying the to ms of sexuai�iverkness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental worry, Excessive us, of To= ariltiary troubles. Besides the pain and nveteence Caused b these troubles, I entered into care- {fully .serutirizod and greater caution out, agreements, Capitalists would only be too ready to barco, opium or stimulants. Mailed on eceipt of price, one arksiitte$1,six, " Oyadddr-chs. , ■ix wild cute. RPampirlete tree to anY address. wase dropsical, and my legs would fiholtx in entering into agreemCht9 invest their money in undertakings The wood Cempsoy, Windsor,Ong. wc11 up s6 that I could scarcely go t'CYWQSLI at all. Heaving of Dr. Chase's covering long terms of years man$ �; of the: voxel questions and conflicts where ere a great deal' wa; obtained for comparatively little. Another weak- CoVlgtnA Camppbell n A. -L 1Hamiilton, R A idney-T icer Pills, l predated a box and tinueti theumof this valuable medicine , i betive^n corporate add municipal in. rteis of the Opposition criticism is that Douglass, and T. E. Davis, Druggists. stow I can say for acertainty that i i tcrosU, which are beirgt used to pro• aitl.oug!,. these concessions aro praeti- routirely cured. I never took ally ijudice the public mime against the caliy all upota tLe ,lama basis, 11r. • IrO 'V0X8!JHPT.I'V)l38. e so much good, I�xtrilt�t:onvncmed that if it no 7 IGovernment- would have been avo%ded Whitney ani his followers allowed The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after nuffering for for this tnbdicaw I would not be The law;q of the, Province, have given some of them to pastor through the several years w•tthasevere lung affection, and aR giddy" .a 11■tact dlrectT on the kidne 's y y municipalities extensive powers with p Le islatnre -without o g opposition, while that dread disease tfonow suffe a is he mea to makoknottntoiliafellovvsufPorers the means desire it, lie re gaItim the bowels aril ensure regard to the establishment of what otheri5 they denounced Violently. • of cure. Tothoaowhowilt clreer• tally pont (free of charge) a ropy of the pro - of the. digestives and fil. were known a;9 public Utilities. The ___ __ _ -' utription tmed,which they willfiadn euro for llroncht- rSyr7irstu, i)tte pll} a dose; 75 cents gtle-sticxt of a Communit availing 3f g t dnoutaptidn', A/IthlirA Catarrh, tie and will throat And tun MAIndtes, He n t tuGl doWlaril, OrEdm*Avon, Dates a, itself of this, opportunity rests with I this eltizonq them"I[Ves. If they are Godcl ROAth to imposaiule Without rpgular action of tine bowelfi, hoped Allsaiferera n illtry his feluddy, as it is inoAlnriblo. Throe tittim 'tile reseelption, whichwill coat them nothin , andpmap prove M y V^h( ■ r s l e:xreless of indifferent. if Ehey elect Ld'ta-Liver Pills requlato the bowels . cure eolidtipation, dy€opsla, biliodoness a lltesslnR, will_, PRIM* W rolia. T1,6T.Po. WARD A. WIdON, Arooklyir, Xt* Ydrk. I� f P11 they wrong men tot office they can ,not reaso'nabiy exp.!ct that the Govern- sick headAche and all itifoctions of the organa of digestion. Price 2G cents. Al l',tl Cents wilIA lids' fistt, the Timm to Jan• mc.r t or the Lrgislatare will mattes dtiuggiets: piety 19011. res for all kinds of Vehicles. Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pneumatic Carriage Tires Solid Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Tire. for Baby Carriages. The Dunlop Tire Co., Limited tbRONtb. Our TrademAtk IT PAYS TSU ADVE- UTISE IN THE TIMES . . rT s0 Yr -,ARS' !XPERIENCE It 861 Broadway, X IS I t..3V"li GRAND TRUNK RAWWAY SYSTEM• ple backfor another pair. TRAINS LEAVE ionPahnereton ilii... a m Then there is the low price .. 0.m. London.. 8.1pmMncardne..1110'a m 8.10pIn ''sQ.m. and better quality of cloth put Ali1t1V1E ltnOM LKincardine ....6-49 ..... m 8.10 a m .,. 8.10 p.m ondon........... 11.10 u m ... ". 65 p.m Palmerston....... 2,45 p m ... 8.88 P. tf9 GED. A, szoaHSI Agent, Winghain.2 in them—cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. « 71'�1Ti 71 �TT � � CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE..6.trap Toronto and East. 0.67 8.4s , w E Bs TER & R O JO� pan .... p.m, TeesWater .............. 1.17 p,ni.... 10:48 p.m. N .tlJ V,l. �.■ 1 - 85�82Ireeswater..... .7am . 5 p.in. - All [rinds of I Toronto and EAst ..... 117 p.m.,..10.48 p.m, fT- H. BEBMER, Agent, Wingham. Rubber Ti - res for all kinds of Vehicles. Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pneumatic Carriage Tires Solid Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Tire. for Baby Carriages. The Dunlop Tire Co., Limited tbRONtb. Our TrademAtk IT PAYS TSU ADVE- UTISE IN THE TIMES . . rT s0 Yr -,ARS' !XPERIENCE It 861 Broadway, X IS I t..3V"li