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The Wingham Times, 1902-03-21, Page 7
a THE STIRRUP CUP. IJy short and happy day to done; 'I'he long and Iouely night comes on, and of my sloor the pale horse stands '.ro carry ino to unknown lands, Ills whinny shrill, Iiia pawing hoot. Sound dreadful as a gathering storan, And post Iceve this sheltering root Ar�ioys of ]lie so soft and warm. 'Fender and harm the Joys of life; Good friends, tine faithful and the truill My rosy children and my wife, So sweet to L•lss, so fair to viow, so sweet to kiss, so fair to view; The night comes on, the lights burn blue, And at my door the pale horse stands To bear me forth to unknown lands. --John Flay To. Judge an Opal, An expert on opal mining title recent- ly explained !low the opal is judged as to quality and avnirabuity. First, lie a -'s, color is of the greate:tt lulpor- tanee. lied fire, or reel in eumbinatiou with yellow, blue and grectt, are the ,best. ]'line by itself is quite valueless, ,find the green oli£tl Is not of great value unless the color is very vivid and the pattern very good. The color must be true—that is to say, it must not run in streaks or patches, alternating with a -colorless or fufe^tor quality. Pattern is described As being an Im- portant factor, the several varieties be - known as "pin fife" `Pelen the grain is very small, 'harlequin" when the color is all in small squares, the more reg- ular the better, and the "flash fire" or "flash opal" when the color shows as a single Hash or fn very large pattern. Harlequin is the most common and is .also popularly considered the most beautiful. When the squares of color Are regular and show as distinct, mi- nute checks of ret.!, yellow, blue and green, It is considered ma;;n{ficont. Sono stones sbow !tetter on edge than -on top. An ObJect I,efnson to 0-vaut. Tills story is told of the first time -Grant ever Lac! Charge of Lt large hotly cf leen sc:lt out to ;five battle, Ile was colonel in the early part of 1802, do - tailed to „o to the' relief of all Illinois regiment, supposed to be surrounded by ('onfederates tit Palmyra, Mo., but when he arrived the regiment lind re lieved Itself by retiring;. Grant then went cwt to Florida, in the sante state, .and its the regbtfeut toiled over the hill beyond which the enemy Was sappotied to be ill R•nithig (!rant gays he would have "given anything to be back again In Illinois." At the top of the hill, instead of troops drawn up in battle array. Grant saw a deserted camp. "It occurred to me At once that IIarris had been as much afraid of me as I had been of L1111." said Grant. "From that event to the close of the war I never experienc- ed trepidation upon confronting an on- emy, though I always felt more or less anxiety. I never forgot that he had as much ren—ri to f -Ser• my fArCPS as I `had has." At Second Hand. A Highland laird who 'could not at- -lord to keep his own piper was ascus -tomed to employ the village piper whe she bad company. On one occasion, through some over istglit, Don aid had not been given his preliminary glass of whisky before 11 began his performance. Accordingly, -be found Itis bagpipe in a most refrac- tory temper. The laird asked him who ,vas the matter with it, and Donald re .plied that the leather was so hard the he could do nothing with it. "What wIll soften it?" asked the any 'ions laird. "Och, just whuskyl" said Donald. A tumbler of whfs%y was at one 'Brought, which Donald immediate) dram:. "You rascal!" said the laird. "Di Son not say it was for the bagpipes?, "Celt, yens, yens," said Donald, "bu she will be a ferry peculiar pipes this She aye likes it blawed in." �� �# i I1l►raiur s ttnnlu 7<iti"?3k11�t3, 1 ltilkYXCl*. Cri�1 e$ against the person were 630, bom A DQ1III�STTI� QQ DX,! Sarni a Obser ver,.- xe.sterday after- The. X.0,T:bi. have decided to organ. Ponce Dane of Gorrio has moyed whirl ing less by •f2 in 11)00, and the lgwesfa i)tt _-- - - nooti a couple of shurpers tswiudlcsd iizo a baud among their members. The family and hoinwliold effects to Ills uelY the hast tweutyfour years. The coma. THE VARIED R SUITS OF REARRANG- 11. B. Iiitchaock, jeweller, Ct:t of a gold move is a good one, and the Maccabees farm in Grey, which he purchased from mitrals for Crimps against public morta2al ING THE FURNITURE. batch, chain and locket valued lit something over e1i. The swindle was ought to !Hake a success of it, as they Air. Querrin of Ethel. We are sorry to sand decency were less by std. Commit- worked ommit - - --- \worked by a forged check ore John have a lot of musical talent. lose Mr. Datae, but feel confident that tial$ Against order And peace were less by Mrs. illanl4lx A[a.n►a For Changing Goodison, of the Goodlson Implement Olive, daughter of Mr. arts! Mrs, S. II. Grey people will find him a first -elms 80. All other crimes for which vom£nit tLe Appearance of tll,e laoomai W orks. During the afternoon two Jackson, who has'been suffering from a CitizeIi. tals were matte, less by 21. Cominittatttt young men entered Mr. Tlitelicock's g DrongLt Trouble to Ilse Alale eon. Jawellery story on Christina street, ` severe attack of diphtheria, and whose Oil Wednesday,, March? „tll, a pretty for druulaenuess Yroro in excess of last: tingent and! Borrow to Herself. Or& of them stating that hat desired to life was dispalred of for a few days, has wedding took place at4t o residenco of year by 145, This increase was in th® "Do. you change the position of the pltrcha.sO a watch. chat.' Lind locket, through skiltul treatment, so far recov. i Mr. Wm. W.ri ;lit, 3.9;rrfsbank, when Isis jails lit Ottawa since. Manitoulin Island!, furniture when you clean a room?" After inspacting the goods ttrid making erect as to be able to sit up for a. fow second elrlon daughter, Mary R., •seas white there were decreases ill the uumk- Inquired housewife No. 1 of a friend in a selection, they Ieft, stating that they 1laurs eac11 day. happily married to Mr. Rich. Barhiiett, liens tit Toronto, St. Thomas, Pictgo, the course of a heart to heart talk. would return before .sax o cinch for 3 • lip y I? r r o ear I don' the goods. They informod Mr. I11toll- NV. A. Lowry, of London, formerly of son of 1110h. Bennett, Esq., of the 1201 i3riliattord, Guelph, Fort William an4:l Do Y . Why, y t cock that they were employed at the brussels was the successful tenderer for Coil., Awick. The ceremony was per- Sturgeoia Falls. feel as if the room is cleaned unless I Goodison Works and would not fart the privileges of selling refreshments, change the furniture a little bit. Do heir p:r_,y 'checks until after fivk. 1 g formed by the Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, l d you?' o'clock, shortly before six o'clock tine etc., at Spriugbank Park, the fashion- of Wroxeter. As the hour drew near "Well, I usually change the orna- two men returned and 'present id Mr. able And popular resort of that city for Miss' lora James, Of Gorrie, played it The Deatrt of eters. ]cuss. ments around and so forth, but In the Hitchcock with a ohegne for $35, Sag- I Ilio coining season. very beautiful wedding march, The IMail and Empire.) spring and fall I like to change every, posed to ba drawn by John txoodis tl Wednesday evening of last week the bride who was elugautly attired ill white In the Hour of his great grief the in favor of Jos. Cook, in payment for , rq ie of Untaxio tFndt.r thing in a room-eompletelY alter the i (be Watch ane! chain. Mr ilitchcoc•k re -organization of brussels Bowling organdie, carrying ala t-xilufsito bocinet p. p , their shic(ro whole, appearance of it. Then I fancy ( dict not have sufficient money on bane! 1 Club took plaeo at It. Loatherdale's of cream roses, was attended by her sympathy to the afliieted premier of this the thi1198 are All new, and they wean Lo cos11 t.h:• checlaft, and, left the men store. Tile oticcors for the current year sister Miss Altiggie, who was also attired province. Such a luss f.s Mr. G. W. to look prettier somehow. But, do you in the. store whilst he went into It. I , know, my husband doesn't like it At Wanless & Co's grocer to get the ! areas follows: 110n. President, J. 13. in white organdie and carried a beauti- Ross has sustained, coming as it dors, sm all!" same cashed. Air, llit grocery slid not j Cameron; President, Dr. McNaughton; ful bouquet of pink roses. Tho, groom suddenly and so unexpectedly, and in "Neither does minel Isn't that singe- sa:eceed in getting the cheque cashed � Vice -President, Cr, F. Blair; Sec.-Treas., was ably supported by his brother Mr. the midst of arduous and exactingdutiee„ far? Men are so peculiar!" ltrd returned to his store, when het ! James Irwin; Connllittee, President, John H. Be)uiett. Tile eereulculy over awakens more than ordinary public 1vn.s.sur riled to find that his cus- ( "'fes, Indeed they are!" i:a'nor.s 1i�u1 depaxtcri,taking the wa•tell I Vice•President, Sea -Treasurer, D. C. the large gathering of guests exteudeic interest and sorrow, To be deprived cif So many housekeepers share the I.Ockvt and chain with there. I1:1 did Ross Lind A. Cousloy. The membership colrgratuliatiuiis sad i t:, u•ed to till) (flee- sate companion o£ a quarter of a centtiry� views of these two that a story \s'tth Ho(. interest himself very much, think- fee is to be ;12,00 this season. Ing tables where it elvoice aur! most of a wife whose affectionate care has a Moral will not be out of place. int', that the men had, l)ro•bably just sumptuous supper wits partaken of and sit!ootlied the rough places along life's It was the other night only, that Air. stepped out .somewhere and would re- Blank went unsuspielously up stairs to tura, for the balance of their money, onjoyed by till, Au e'xcc lieut tsveuiug rugged way, of a helpmeet in every bed at an unusually early hour, leaving sctmr. 01;3, as called for by the cheque. Piles To p•ove to you Milo Dr, entertailunent was then pruvireA and s, itro of the word, is to receive a blovir his wviYe reading iu the sitting room. i it(, men diel nut return and Mr. ani abGate cuos for i*.i;14 the young people oujoyed thol1thet\ es tr; fruut which, had it beau possible, Ontar- IIe had a headache and carded a gob. Ilitcheock called. in Chief of 1 olicc and every form of belt ng, trippigg tate light failtastic. till tele , we.. i•,. Ironic! have gladly spared its premier, Sarvis to know if he, Icnc,w of a man I bleeding find i•i1fa. suia' 'oars," The ulaicy friends of the dill death is no respecter of ersous anti let of water in his rlaht hand. Dear- by the. name of Jars. Cook, 'who waw t :u era terfactnrors haws Ftinrnnteedzt. Sreto9: p P ' lossly advancing• Into the (lark bed- employed at the Goodl:gon works. Chief I tirnonialsin the daily press and ask )•onrrc4di bride scut fu hatidsorws find cosily gull,• may t•vacle its sail. It was a fitting room Mr. Blank suddenly felt both legs Sarvis had his suspicions arousud at vet,;-ourrtc on vthy l; ie of cured. C,a�.1n Iii a at presents which will be mrt,faily tr:i;are ro ate estf.nabie lady, whf, was violently cut from under him. Ile rnncn and he communicated with Mr. ulidealers orTDal,t\sOtr,B rrs&Co.,Torunto, treasured. .,pecially well known f]l Ontario as ra, clutched wildly at the air and snId Goodison. That gentleman disclaimed fir, �v`�`ti asmess Ointment '�� - _ model wife, that the legislature adjourn - several things of an exclamatory na. :Illy knowledge of .such a man as Jas. a ccs ti of tendo utoruiu r out of respect Gook• and stated that lee had not y g p t for titre, but there was nothing to save g-liton a cheque for any ,such amount. -- --- - - - CLINTON. ; the late Mrs Boss• To ghat wwasho well hint. Ile went down. By this time the sharpers had flown, Mfrs A. C. Taylor, of thn pti£nary s tit; on rba.t Occasion by the attorney - "Good gracious, Henry!" ejaculated taking with them Mr, ilitc11000k'g I elnf'v' i Airs. Blank, hurrying to the scene of jewellery. The police arc working on Three weeks :ago we ronorded the department r rico public seen/o., lyse re- ar,,,era. anri by Mr. Whitney in ap- 8 doath of W. C. Stevenson, one of the old signed. Her plane will be talteu by :!Tins ,r -viatit ref the lift- and character of disaster. "What is the matter? the case, and will endeavor to brie I 1 Where are you? 1Fby don't you light the culprits to justice. Th:s man who Kirby, whose duties contnteuce Oil Aitty ! 1 ire premier's late wife, and of the synt- g e„ ave his Hams its friss. Cook is about. settlers of tale township. Nineteen days i the as. Suiting the actiou to the g 11st• p uliv that all Ontario extends to t11cCis word, she beheld her husband spPawl. 28 yenrg of age, dark complaxion, shark afterwards his, aged part for followed The opollin rservicesof. Wcr!ev chure'lit mt:stache, high check bones, wore I hire to that taut! from which no travel-' ' k \: Lri Rcrp near aiut clear to her, little In.- across the bed: the glass he had seared clothes, peak ca) and Clark over r wwero continued u]l Sunday la.t, wt'ht:u ' (.,tit ho added. Mrs. Rohs had tete happy i 1 ler returns. She was Ili her 90th year. curried had disrhatged its contents ! Cont : height about rt feet, 9 inches ; Rev. Dr. Caruaan preaches! morning and ; f wally of making and retaiufng lasting across the pillowshams and shivered on weight about 165 pounds. What was said of the kindness curl gen- the floor. i Ilig companion was about 23 yea -1•s erosity of her late husband three: weeks evening. %nihil! any which r I not crestridl Air. Blank did the talking for the of :age, dark complexion, full round I who can bo said with equal Eiucdrity of A joint meet•iug of the Ontario Fruit I reit gin any serial or 1 cliffs$! rdstric- next ten minutes. He said that or all I fac; , bill P; about 5 ft., 7 in. tall, quite I Mrs. Stevenson, and many are the old GrowerI,' Association sect the West tions. It was her great privilege to bel the blankety blank folly of which the i stout. in build; wore dark Christie hat settlers who will have a kindly thought Huron FarmerE' Instituto will be li ldrn tho guide, counselor, and friend of „, brown overcoac and (lark clothe._, the Town Hall int March 26th, ('Oil'- r mind could conceive this of changing Ontario's highest official, and to exper- furniture around was the worst. he "'eight: about 140 pounds. for her when she is gone. n,eucing fit 1,30, 1'rom i. 0 to:, 00 to ill 1etice his labors and frfutnplls as he* The forged cheque was, made out on A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- I said It 'was a pretty thing for a man to it cheque blank of Thos. II. Cook's emnizeci at the residence of the bride's be taken up with the clfacnsbioa uY ]list- 1.twit, Such devf tion, which, happily, is walk into things the room have said bite!:. parents, on `tPeduesday oveuinl;, March tors pertaining to the orchard and unit. by no meaus uncommon, is the more g After 3.00 the time will be spent fn pare- ovve•rf ul all inti i.atfuu to nthOYS he wouldn't stand it; the furniture Character fn Medicine. 5th, when Will. J. Hoy was ihtarried to tical illustrations on pruning, grafting, � %%brit it is typified it it life brought sa must be replaced where it formerly , • Miss Melissa Laing, daughter of Mr. and 7 hhro is character in Dr. Chart, a etc. n uroniiuently before the pabiio Grate - stood. Ointment—just such character as has urs. D. Laing. The ceremony was per- i "I shan't do anything of the kind." made Dr. Chas- estesined and admired forined by Rev. H. E. Curry, of Ethel,' Tho cost of the r5 past of hi betted- ; fully wall Ontario remember the career replied Airs. Blank. "It looks very the world over. Dr. Chnse's Ointment Miss Sholdice playing the wedding i ung is set down for �,BQUo, which does (,tf tlltt lady R 110 Las new genu to her much nicer where it Is. Why don't . has •torfl rile test of time and remains not include the furnishings. I heti home, auci, its the iuuarners 1;01 1 march. .Cho bride was handsomely at - you feel where you are going when you I t.-clair th" only actual care for files and � A meeting of the directors of the Hut- � ii bon r•, we earuew ly extend to thein `t If(* bet into a dare: room?" itching Sl;itl Disease. It 1F the Et£Ltlflarfl tired fu grey uashtnore. AYrerlhetcele- 1 on Park Paeldu and (`.old Storage Co.:.; "S'pose you'd like me to crawl 1n on Ointnre It of the world. Yon cau rely moray file company sat down t( i e e g yunl,LatL t that sustains in tLl;lietiuLl s all Yours!' snarled Air. Blank. "I oil it jnst as yon rely on Dr. Chase's `garltly prepared wedding supper and the I was hold lent week Which in ad+iatfou to (larkest !fear, Reee pt Book, hecausfi you know that it I avenin p Ilio local directors Ras attended by couldn't feel where the bed was unless I . g was spent an music, and social 1 happened to touch the footboard. I is hiLelcsrl by the stetliuir ch£ara.ctr•r of Major Young auci ➢Ir. W. Stranrhutl, of 17r, phase—Auterica's Greatest Phy. games. :lIr. a]ld Mrs. Hoy are spending Colborne, and Mr. S. M. :ander:;, of Any orders fur slues left ar The Timms thought I could walk clear over to the I striae, tileir honeymoon at Owen Sound ails! oil office will receive proulpt attention. J. bureau. I tell you it's a confounded , ' Exeter. The latter was appoitiieci £t I. ( their return will commence housekeep- rector, vice ➢1r. W. Weir, resigueii Carrie, auctioneer. Crank you have on this subject. Some i ,day you'll precipitate a serious' acct- i The Diocese of Huron has fui+taislled . Ing on the nth sou. Many friends es- , The board \vas also strd:iigtiteued by the —~ • -- •-- - -- - dent:' Ino less than ten bishops to the Church tend good wishes to Gibe happy couple. ! name of Mr. James Twitchell. The re- a n "If any one precipitates, it'll be you. sof Lunlanrl fn Ctluada, of whom Deau _�_ �._ ._ -_ Old �' o! �'' �'' g ports presenter! were of a very gratify - , �� I should think," retorted Airs. Blank I Carmichael, of Montreal, has become the f big nature. 4 p� &, Icily. And the furniture remained !latest. They are as follows: Bishop , I On Thursday morning of last week, y Aa che. s R•bere it was. I Bishop t RU 6,V LIPS ' i McLean, Bishop Piulthaln, P " 4lrs. 1Nnt. Molieown, a muclh esceemed e It was the nest evening that Moister I Sullivan, Bishop Baicltriu, Bishop I Blank undertook to carry a pile of ! ! citizen, passe(biuto rust. She had been ( , �i"11e11lipctl;le „ I Dumoutin, Bishop Hellmutl', I3i.hop ,And a Clear Cottntulexlon, tete iu our health fur ears but the enc! a<3 schoolbooks from the dining room to i P y -'s • ter „ct Bast the t the sitting rune,. He had a bottle o[ rangnier, Bishop Mills, Bishop pride of woman—Have yaea I a r ' „r Cantesucldenls•. Atr,and ➢Trs.:llcl�rowu ,f� ,t,� L meridian o ry 3wretatnliul, BighO Carmichael. It is lost these charms tlzrau�h . 1 •�, '' �.,✓ ink in lik Land, and he thought he P have been residents of Cliuntn for near- Constipation,� `t- life 4.licy are knew exuetly where the center table also noteworthy, says the London Fcee Torpid Liver, q: • ; Y y ly a score of years. To them were. bora .� liable to be was. In the course of his Pere -ring- l Preis, that; the Diocese of Huron has I Biliousness or Nervousness? tions in search of it, however, he came 'four children, :tars. Will. Downs and \A3V f w troubled tu01a seat missaonarfes father northward $tui , pr, llgnew's Liver Pills will restore them , e f town, rs. Peter c.�; tis foto violent collision with the plass to y*ou-40 Little "Rubies" in Vial -10 Mrs. Ired. Bake., u �S '3 r-c,l less tyitlrt r, !. southward than any other in Canada. Munroe, of 'Para, and Willit- in, who is fu �, hidlip Com - door of the bookcase, which be broke. t Cents. ( y Once `There were also inky traces discernible (_ ! A pleasure to take them. Act like a the West. For the faculty, (Int i artleul. an laxative arty for Mr. ➢icIieoWU, the syutpathy _ I r_ as' 1 ,11115 it T1 Immediately THE WINGUAM TIVES, MARCH 1, 1002° on the carpet when Airs. Blank cattle i i charm. Never gripe. Pleasant -��.a� ., I This time there was some balm for f "sx'��K °"=' " '°' '"" '' idoses, and a certain cure. z5c, sizes con- , of the wmmuuity goes out lu tlheirgreat J itelles, .tif - d her feelings. She could spank Master { ,. \ \\ ` \ x loss. / Iles' alld : iYtS- I Rainandswear I tains zoo pills. 77 Plank and slid It with the best will fit have noeffect on ° n`tisof th3 ba(Ilk, diffirlllt.vill u:•il.;L t J harness «eared I Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliahn. � 1 � at 1 the R'OPId. pj� - , I with Eureka ki Seven Jails Denounced. ;!')n 31rid frequent 1'1<Ilur Iles' own downfall was not long In 1 Hess Oil, It re- ( ! coming, however, although for a Pew ! sists the damp. \ - - - — The, report Of the Inspector Of 1'rt30I1S c `oto of tlT3 troutlit that ..:1i kee stheIcatI- (1 ;ply'cT,t'.c1iCt tlly O1(1. days only minor inconvenienees were! crsoftandpli- (V+ �.7t <;Or)I•.ItT[CtY. fendRetornlatories of the province re - met with, such as the abrasion of an- able, Stitches P rLhta'© 1S Ilfl 1'('111Cdt' knell'"� 1:i(•sk do not break. \ \ Tho engiuta works continue very busy. ; cently laid ort the table of the LPgisla t .i;:t and r011lfcn't 10 tllctse £:is: c (Ii kles against chair rockers and sl,ght No roughsur- \\ i tore denounces tete (ails at Cobourg, I . taco co char- \ i T}he men work four hours overtime daily t t life as Dr. Piteliel t• 1-- In TemiAntion's Way. bruises received by means of sudden I an 0 to Tho �\\ i Kingston, Barrie Guelph, Landon, Sar- I Tones—Has your wife got her new contact with unforeseen obstacles. Last harness not \ t to kAri np with tho ordttrs, Last week g P J.1ney Ta;)?(t;, list yet. I I P v ufa auci Perth as unsafe for tiro coerce! evening Airs. Blank undertook to trans- outykeeps t,,� a shipment Of a ciLrload u. tnachitlery y ' - '` ttio:l. tcitle 111) $lief invigm:•ait." i to%inghk- \ of urisoners find improperly equipped iii Brown—No; I've given her the money for the cage of her pet parrot from the f new, but ��/"� was glade to rmicf, Mines. isle uri.naly organs, eletr :i,v-a(- 031 for It several times, but she leas spent window where it spends the day to the ! wearsovica £ v i'�-' 'The bi r summer here! hrhrs as feet Other respects. Imperative nleasurea; l sc,(iilnent, take flit) Lie: •• 14-d 1taiTa i _ aslongbythe �� f ; €, •gra recommended to compo} compliance t . ,• it on some great, glorious bargain she snug corner where It passes the night. i neon arelta ` ;tearing completion and will ,00n hO O,tt. of the l.uu'1: fend 1't-ftiilo t.u:;14 saw before she got to the milliner shop. She did not trouble to light tbq gas. and I harness Ua. . Willi tho statnto fu the conuties affected. by same unaccountable [rental lapse i 3• f,:. :•,x ! ,- ready for summer trrteo. i '1111jecl reg at. tlirltt. ! + 1 , . n Halt,. Mattie, ft well known Goderieli Int some OY the jails of thf produce it she fiat forgotten the precise point tit . a, oserted the number of officials is ex - Some people expect fortune to break which a tabouret, on which stood ajar- seed ahem \\� �`, I tiny, has started a gPnrral Imsinocs at ce-sive, yet au others it)s(lei!cieut. Tb(, i 5pw13HTLV AT CO. In the door and announce her arrival diniere, was stationed. She Charged ry Uttorl+erns, ➢Tau , a plana tl,wnt thirty Mre. (:e,. Il<nt:, lir. f tref cans—\ \ cestoid of housing tete poor fn the jail,; �,1••,,. through a megaphone. into the tabouret with considerable ; Maa�y. \\ \ \ ` i miles front Winnipeg. ( Arrnrior, Wt.. "I halve laA :,P farce. was overbalanced by the weight \ -\ L The (iGdehirh star says that a pehiti, is also uc»lcleluucd, C;uut,nittnls during u1 toll hpne'it fro:n nsillg 1)t'. 1'ifc;ux :tr of the cage in her arms and took a Imperial 011 ; the year were 8,5.10, 1'>T 1-s than its l..tt.i .:th,, fit inrr 'i',.' t r� tl ;: • i rl..:i:.r. ed snaltP eighteen inches long \vas found About the only way to convert some'; trader wttIl a resounding crash. The ! Company. i by two men iu a quarry near tbnt tet\vin 19;10 Tills is the lowebt. ]lumber of pris- •• ^te to rc=,.oleo u,l t'.:rnt. `int .� c leave them alone.—Dallas pliprot shrieked. and. unable to distin- __._ _ __.- _ o,ters with the excolitiou o: two veal", nye;l thin t :un free from ih:nt v,,:>c(i:.:a. people is to -. - -- f guish friend from Yoe• inflicted a severe i when they \vera blasting a ref !c. ThF ache tea all e cannery' 1 r t News. curt time reptile fs perfect fu form and siueh l X73, when rile cotumrttah reaehPd t,,tllt,,,c) nr: Of all r ,^rtr- : iy h.ti;.e; t� hfte on tier mistress' tinter. sir. Blank - -- ; is. of course, quite a eurisity, the high ti�nrP of 1.i,ti0i). The coutmit- have poen so iu••f;+":•stet! ' 1li. i u rn t:Ovc _ came in hurriedly, picket] up Ills wife ! talc of ]lieu, Over sixteen vents of age, I reinLfuF nO anuu)a:urc w l:u t nvr•nit•nffI, and assisted In making an inventory ofilpk- �y1 9 I Fifty years ngo Mr, and tics. Rrangh- wver� less t.biul iii 11)Utl; the cou]l:littalc of from tlt� a.t: r^ : t 1:. I will y1m ranl:i seen �,' sundry coutnsious. ';`ben they lifted; QLLpenk.2 S in.n Pntered upon married life• and rite fin.• ftt'1>:•313 i; 4fxtw-llint• }cams .- iet%Peopl toWh the parrot Cage. badly bent, alld Celt: � WedllPsday of Treat week it fa•ntily Bath- boys, Under sixteen years Of al;e, wvere f ail l e ifo-0 11,4i£1± Pit•(•1tC1''c: X0.u � 'l`':hirtti jnrdiulete with a piece chipped out OY , (ening of Over thirty celebrated the event, also less. The committals of Heeler six- i eu It roi n^n-Av froinrrhouin t *cl i 1 )lig III- teeny .nrs of a; e, were les; by 31;; of ba3k. :i;v h • ig c n i _title and niulltle est Elam it and the tabouret solneWi at scratch- I among those preset!! being Albert ~rale' rL vuara mincd cd, and then Air. Blank observed quiet- I Kidneys. iris, ander sixteen years Of age, the amsrhn who a home ors his wedding taut !d brf,,re (If 1 n in ag nrlrh gen I ❑a �Ititc:hcrac say that Dr. c'hase's Syrup of Linsce and Turre:ltfne affords wonderfull prompt relief for eoul;hs and cold Everybody has confidence in Dr. Chas In hes great reelve book and fame tarl""v rcr:n�,Iles. 'PIley have learned expf•r ienee that it pays to insist on ha ing Dr. Chase's :syrup of Linseea a Turrentine instra of accepting• t varlous unsriettt(.ftc. ' Inix-ups" wht. some druggists of''er as "Just as good D Ctwi: e's � L•.l) of Linseed a Tun trtine eon'alns l"any of the mo ialt!.,l.e and rlo.•t e.`fPctive iemedf eL eats for tt ^ , t' and lung troubl that 4041" a lipem•ered. It ac s to be Inc:Il�ll:tl lettwo.V., In na11 Va eg Of c nu bror ' f�ls fere +. Bo f r+arhi �^ °•t stn effcctx as lor�r cure the cold ofrtandtn;. 2�>e 3nuelte.'(i0cmat all ehLl�rye or I 'tea Eton, 13rras fi CO., Tu:onto. q lit IN ic ®f Urso � d Iv: I tuinhher was less by if). The Jade wench 'T:Lblctc, I :t,n roafldr�nt th.it t,luso wnc�t y "I have just one thing to all: you, _ Carpentering is not from Tapnlpn, lucliau Teir. Numerous s p, show [t notable decline in tile uuniber of h•tve ftiled herett+fart+ to obt-un a relief rr Mrs. Blank. 1i'as I right rt an easy trade. m7.helgiftswereu.cetwerl. ,. constant reaching v hnnuaTh cS I.awvson have the c<:n- commirtals are: 'Toronto 1'23, London from Karl h:el 0 nut! slu,„ri.h k_.!•li wg wilk e' •\o, yon were not! retorted Mrs. - P T;uc us and down, the lifting f r builclintt n uO\v Presbyterian 90, Fort William 73, while the fucreascs i X)rl pits Her �4 TS:LeirsrebGllii lop i T'i it *� by Blank savagely. "Serious accident? ;� and stooping over :u•e h,tc is 0 , , y- ;)r. Tftellt+r's Rute,nr•hr TM1 � i,l.,lct3 v- , 1 Q Ohurch at Bayfield, tete new 110tl)odist wertt rte OtttL\va 210, 5udbur 10; Wood. , ” + What's serious about this; 1 should like : all sereno trains on an tr dness' sake, flenr], '' Stock; .iia, Sault Ste. Marie 3s, Hamilton ftw,+4101% 11 lin\. ::t illi tll'll•«C!l t� kit- 1w niar"!•'„ he to know? For goo the kidneys. No church near Belfast, find the eery school wonder a catpdnter 1lauso tat 1Cile- , C it ngil, 2;j Tlhe cot ituitals for true ha Cru., Tu:011to, tklt-, ch don't stand there trying to look like a . I -� Llan I a . , t , Del» " martyr! IP you mint have the furni t .- ! exclaimed, recently,; „ and that every time he , ---- -- - ._.. _- --- --- — - -- - -- - + I T t ssa�®e s; tura mated back, 1'11 move Irl drove a nil it seemed I oil she did. �- Lii ihonglt Flo RUE s l h GR® ®PP®'el'�11��� �� F� i�rrnuranrltlon. piercing his own bnek. Ile Uses �� "\City da ,ran sprat: so slightingly of that eminent scientlst?" now on the first ,4ryl of 11•1rlcacihr, mid is' "1 didn't mono to spial: sllgbtinglY : rLble to follow 1Lfv ti de with eomfoltL and Of hitn." answered tale voting man With ! profit. the striped shirt front, "blit It. does ThavobaillrfchtoVancl mlrr;ry tranblcsfnr ; motr than three years ii illi m-vero lain in, tine speitl peenlinr to Hie that It 1111111 who small of myhackandinborh <ltle'. 4ewaldn+,t lint+tP, jest wilvo the neSt COUIPt will , istoop without diRlcnity, rml T had ftrrcrr u:•n• y rodglopain in both tc•mnlc r, Sr'riugtho.t,ivrr- i arrive sere jest how far It is to filo tisclncnt of I)oan'(i Kidney frill,, I gat. it hum uluun should be =<a Utlol'Ip li;riotattt'They fhave ilo,baekandm ley and lipril. lnn!llle when it fOtnPs to a clut•stiotl of when nenroligle pains from niy bead. The nrl,or)- it's tittle for dinner or what train to diffleultY Is now entirely acne, I feel fr, itnd • et to the nearest toren"--BOS- I viroronsinthemorninasq.andcaminnelist, aI(( nes:• tto+•e i ta,iinecrtBalllr,XssdriiatandilTrctonOU l 1 itl i i a a' ('ler, ' N� aaure: u Ina,......, ino z2au: rwgui7 ,,w ---i -- . - -- --...- .