The Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 8MAX TURNS, Ill 10 1909
tate. gava Im4ituto; workers, lit tho Children 0, 4- y fo v, k:3T I &I3L1t11TRD 1872
,ruvinc,, great assistanal by Lis prae., THE C L E R
addresses and sitggostlons.
•1014- W J N11 0I U
v, NN u- NOR UK& Thu illu-3trated lecturtlq lit the ring L I
P ,
"lepsy Cureable, A, THIES
.so attralood visitors at t1to ollow',that
1. K 0,14tJOTT, 14TumNij rooetaillrOlt A DISEASE THAT RA3 LO$Q BAF- lluu(Iredj were ullabIcl to got within EVF.RY FRIDAY MORNING Dr. ftnoWs Catarrhal Powder
ak0r3' V01008.
FLED ME 1,110,SOUnd Oft '(11113, ISpKlt TOWN DIRECTORY.
By the agelvey. of the Dominion .Dc- Owens all Orc000. It rellova%
FAII)4y, 8, 1,10.z. parLmixixt of Agrlvulture,+ and -svith Tile Times Otllee,, Deaver Bloc,j in 10 minutes.
XR. X. A. O.WTUIrr. OF r.U=1SQ1XAX, the personal supervisioul of both )3AX`TJWT 0imitca-Sabbath services at WI$QHAX, ONTARIO. Here are a'fow names of clergymi;rt ol
clivi., jus rxPrnm-,N,(1z Folt THE, Ron. Mr. Fisher, and, Mr. V. W. Hod- a lit and 7 P in. Sunday t3chool, at
T11E CALEXPAIL 2:80 1) in. General prayer me different creeds who are firm believers iaDr.
I3rN1-',FKr OF OTHER SUFFBAEUS Vr,03,E so% exe-eptionally abl,�j judges and et'ng Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to "live up to.
Ill tilt, ljoulp, the oilivo aud wherever TTIFS TERRIBLE UAL&DY. lecturers, were taken to Amberst, Ili OnWeduesdayevoulings. Rov.J.J.Par- advance $1.50 if not so paid, -No papor discon the preaching" in all it claims: Bishop
�Qleo it ,was mo�;l; 'I elson, B,A,,pastor. W.J.Chapulau, S.S. tilivied till till arrears itro paid, oxi it l; the , (-OlIVi W(I laVkt the persomi, of. the following gi t option of the publisher. Sweetman, Rev. Dr. Langtry (Filiscopallan);
lautig -tip our caleudarforl.901. Wd rvrom The Post, Buckingham, Que: men.-- For cattloo Prof. Colo. E. Day, Superintendent- ADVLPIU161NO RArR9. - LoVal and othol. r. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers
ME casual advertisements So P,( Rev,
' To
Guelph, for ,sheep, Alex, Smith, Xaplo THODIST CHURcu-Sabliath services ;rN it 11riel lint, fnr (IIjisthoclist), and Dr. Newman, all of
r .�
bAVe Iloilo the 8.411le tbill- bk�fore, year We voutura to say that itz our town Lodg.s. On(.; for -sivine. Z. E. Brotbour, tit 11 it in and I p in. * Sunday School at first insertion, go per line each
subsocluont rontg, Canada, Copies of their personal
it cortaitt nail is known of 8,000 inhabitants few business Ilitll. insertion,
**er year, until Burford, Out. Johlni Jackson, Ablug- 2-.30pm. Epworth League eivery Mon. letters a M
Advertisements in loi columns title chm- ed I? for the s - ng. 5o cents, 17
as the "culondar nail" find lit, other Are better Icuown than Mr. M. A. Gau, dou', Oat., war also, -in attendance to clay evening. Ltelloral prayer incoting 10 cts, per line foi, first insortion, and 5 cents sold by A. Lr
Hamilton, Winjitain.
0Q. thier, the your;; and hustling butcher of 'assist lit thti sheep classes, and, Will. on Wednesday evellungs. Rev. Richard per line for each subw(luent Insertion, tj
ole is allowed to take its p 9 Dryden, Brooklyn, soul of Outarlo*s Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup. rtisenients of Lost, Porud, Btr 11,
The Almanac of Oar yourl?, front whioli Main street. Ho wasti't, bowt-Tor, a-1 popular Minister of Agriculture, took orintendent, ra"n.efor Bille or to Rent, and similar, $1.9for a"o Ignoratti-t,
I 1 6 '�A -4 first month and 50 cents foi, each subsecittent
our fathers recei -ed r probabilt. ouergetin or its linstliag a couplet r, charge, of tbci islatiglitor tests. In thot PRESBYTERIAN CHUucn--&tl ser� nionith, Moil; evQry day when I'm at sehool
t111110 top All, If. It ;w its lie is today, and for ill good rease-ri poultry department tliorq was al vices at 11 a in and 7 P in. Sunday CONTUAC2 RAIrns-Thefollowing ttible shows Thi teacher tells us ililluas
Ui has been rele, tea
cousulted ire, -lit) wasiH well. Ha,viag gone, into galaxy of talent, a -ad it was thorough- School at 2:80 p, in. General prayer our ra tos for tilt, inmortion of advertisements Ab -.)at tile. birds and allimAs
ly appreciated by the visitors, for this meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. for spocifted periods: -
part, of that Show was constantly D.Perfle,pastor anal S. S. Superint011' One Colunin .......... $1PAY) a - 0310- 8`10- ly" And then at ni;rht, -whon I ask pa
'Pima when lit
well-worapa es. Wf Ve '`starting their bri-lia.-store reaching WH ulajority .118 And the prii-Idi and kinds,
I hoed thronged with' tint eager crowd of ell, dent. oo isymo smoo titpil
I Itsult tile momi's desire to satTeed was such that no th r
iliall 1, or they 'Von I Half Column.......... Bj.00 Ism 10.00 4.uu If what th_, says is so,
or --plant- was pari to r,,eplug talc body Ili tile quirers. Xessrs. Rare( & Gilbert, of ST. p 16.65 6.W 2.00 11., r a -1.) his papar right alon.-
pliasses before "kill', PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL gab. Quarter Column ..... is.0o
*zg tho, potatoes. state, of health necessary to a aA4 a Ottawa, and W, R, Graham, of Guelph bath services at 11 a in and 7 P in. Sun, Advertisements without sk)i directions Aad 4-ays, 110h, I dunutg"
with Jus, Landry, of Truro, showed day Solloolat2:80pin. G r will be inserted till forbid anc charged accord -
aid othotibimutic, suaiu, and in conseqneace ill tho l, _'tra' I and explained all departments of the General Prayer ingly, Transient advortistnnents niust be pald
I meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. for in advance. On:- (lay slit, told wi that the, world
1.Little attention i p,
Mow. Badness w it, recogni.-ing this, demands upon the system it, becanite run I work. Hatchirg the In- Win. Lowe, iucatiubont. F, Shore, S. S. TRm JOU DEPAUTMENIV is Stociked with all 1-i ro=id just Ilk- a W-11,
,use the calonibir its an advertisement. down to sui all. extent that epilepsy or 1 cahator : keeping them) in the brood- Superintendent. extensive a9sortment of till requiNitesfor print- And that thoxt-'-i nuthliry dowilbaloin
I or. fattening them (in crates; too use It'.-; standin', on at all
of place to make re- these lap- CONGREGATIONAL CHuRcH.-Sabbath '119, affording facilities not equalled lit the
cotmtyfoi-t.tximingotit:ftrsbelaRsivork. Large
allstyles of Post. 1, ask pa if
t may net be out of the cramming machine, and killing services at 11 a in and 7 pm. Sunday type and a, ropriate cuts for siu� told the truth,
into nneonst-joasult-s,; becolu 0 C In etiuglou 'ers, Hand 'Fillsi, etc., and the latest 4t
erence to the different calendar years in ses n and packing foil the English market, School at 12 tit. Midwe I e _vl(..,, of He read his pip, -r through,
e. The Brallitalus in India, Arabs, alarmingly frequent he coasullred phy- worn all shown, and explained. Gavin choice fancy type for the finer classes of prix* Ind put his feat upon a chair,
r. og, U. Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. ing.
1sud Assyrians usod the seven day a sicians and took soutv roinedies, but All who visited the Exhibition wont Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. H. B. ELLIOTT And :gaid: 110h, I clunnl!"
weak plan, without benenciaresulti, niially,see- mets
pleased and active arrange- SAT.VATrow AnKY-Strvice at 7 and 11 Proprietor laid KiLlishor
mon-ts are now in progress among the a in said 8 and 8 p in oil Sunday, and And rmc:k tit- teacher said the sky
The Juli lit calendar was adopted by jug Dr. Williams' Plus Pills advertised Officers of the Maritime Breeder'
I" As- every evenibf., during the week at 8 `f F. HENNE DY, M. D,. M. 0. P. S. 0. Ain't Iv,aveu'.4 fiv:jv, unit triad
4jaesa,r, making 365 days in each year, as a cure for falling sickness h.i decided sociation for a ,large and better show o'clock at the barracks. 0 9 (Member of the British Medtoal. AsFiocill- Ill-, leak_ui 00-nk no ftllgeli walk
Pope Gregory XIII changed this to the to give thein a trial. As to the rosult next year i CHuisTL%.N AND MISSIOXARY ALLIANcn. tion.) Cold Meciallist in Medicine. Special Along ill"ollin side,
attention paid to diseases of Women and 8hild
gresent calendar which is used in all the Post cannot do better than givo- Mr. . -Meetings as follows: , S. S, at 2.30 P. ran. Office hours -i to 4 p. 2n.: 7 to 9 p. In. And so that nigh .` I ask my Pa.
except Russin. and Gauthier's story in his own words; Tito Spiritot Winter. in. Fellowship at 4 p.m., andevan- And all ]it, said was: "Oil,
Christian countries I golistio at S p.m., e verk Sunday i me about such things,
- -4yi Said Bill. Gauthier, "for nearly Spirit of 'Whater is with in Don't bather Greece. Atthe same time the begin The
us, Ritchie s Hall, Victoria St. MACDONALD,
makingitspresellee lillowl) la nifilly DR' I'm busy -I dunno7"
lulus of IhL�.N�ow Year was changed from fouryearsl stiffered from epilepsy or , en _, POST OrFion-In Macdonald Block.
i ffer t % $s -sometimes by cheery Office hours from 8 4 in to 0: 30 pain. Centre Street
March 25 to Jan. 1. falling firs, which took me without sunshine kuld glibtening slows, alld T used to, kind of think somn-how(
The Hebrew calendar used by the warning- and usually in"most inconven-i- sometimesbv driving-rialls and blinding Peter P isher, postmaster. Wiligham, Ontario. That my pa, knew a I-ot-
Jews since the 2nd ceawury A. D., ri ent places. I um just twouty -four years storms. Ire ni-lay people worse, for M=L&Nics' INslrrrmn-Library and But that was ul or if he did
rhueniatism. twists hall free reading room in the Town Hall, I r,4eqe that he's forgot
,oning front the assumed date of the cre- of age, and I think I started business too sharper, catarrh beconlitts more "T'llges will be open every afternoon from 2 to DR. AGNEW, Sinc-c I've got started into school
aulloy"191 5:45 o'clock and every evening front 7 to M<>jt twery day or so
ation, or 3,760 years and 3 Months be- young and the fear of failing spurred and the mally.symptam..; of aro 0. 80 o'clock. Miss Millio Robertson, Physician, Surgoon, etc. I heard ab,put a hundred things
fore the birch of Christ. me to greater efforts perlimpsi than was developed and agvrovarod. There, it; not Oftlee-Moodonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Pa docsn't seem to know.
The Julian calendar is 12 days behind good for my coustitudoll, and the 0011. much poetry ill this, btit there is truth
librarian. Drugstore. Hight calls answered attlitiodice.
and itisa-wondurcutr morepeopledon't i Couxam-Win.. Clegg, Mayor;
Win. Holm I;
the Gregorian, sequence %vas that I became subject to gebl.!(Ioftlle.,ioailfiil.-Ilf!4. Thouled e., Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- R VANSTONE.
Tho TMohair-modan calendar, reukroa' those attacks which i without any 41 ; ""no Indoo, G. A. Newton, John .&. McLean, a
that enres tbenii It Sarsoparillit-, Goo. Mollenzie, Coanoillors; J. B. Fer- BARPTSITER, SOLICITOR. ETO. Woman's Priceless Pearl
ing time from July 16, A. D. 622, the warning whatsooTt3r, lotiviag me tell is easily obtAined. aild there is abundant I - Treasurer; Samuel i'llilvilto alla. Company funcLs to loan at lowest uud! gnson, Clerk and
-day following Mohammed's flight front ly sick and -weak after they had passed. proof that its cureb are radical Youbill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- ratoofinti Nocounnisisloacharged. Mort. The greatest menace to hap-
permnuent. s, town and farm )rovorty bought Had is her heaitN. The
Alecoa. I got to dvoud their recurronoo very lector, Board meats Ili-st Monday even- .910,17 Office, Beaver Bloc c. Winglitsin. gravest ntenace to her
OUR PAST RECORD. much. I coustairva doctors and took ing in each month at 8 o'clock.•
health is Kidney Disease.
their remedies to no purpose, the firs Says He tail Destroy Cancer. S0110OL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairinan) A. MORTON, Mrs. Young says South Am -
Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, Y J. J.
still troubled me. I saw Dr. Williams' I Parls, Dec. 30 -Dr. Dayan, a men'- Homuth, Win. Moore, Tbos. Bell, Win. BARRISTER, &c., erican Kidnc-.,y Cure is a
leiiug Pink Pills 0 a determined b of the Academy of MIedicine, who Button, O. N. Griffin. Secretary, Win. 41priceless pcarl." So it is.
Our past record of successful cut tile . Ill adv rtised and detirmi ed to Winglialli, Oat. Mrs. A. E. Young, Barnston. Qac., says: "It
to the wants of 11 oritictil public is try them. I did so, and the medicine presented in a sealed envelope an ac- Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. is seven months since I ton,
my list close of
best guarantee we can offer to all who e so much that I got more and oc,unt of his :rmettri in cancer sur_ Meetings second Tuesday evening in each South American Kidney Cure and I have not had
ttrel nor. yet numbered among our per- helped m month. L. DICKENSON, he slightest symptom of the aggravating Kidnel
Inationt customers. Please remember liept on takitig them, until today I am ing the last fourteen years, at the PUBLIC SCHOOL TnAcHEns.-A. H. Ea trouble from which I suffered be many years.
that we make EL specialty Of filling PITT- as well, yes better, than I ever was, and iteadenly's last meeting, issues a call 'Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, BARRISTER, ETC, paid doctors a small fortune without any per-
i3iciull3' prescriptions. Our stook of tint not troblibioa at all by epilepsy or the to all pd-ftsons possessing animals af-- Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss nianent results. 'rhis great remedy is "price-
erfumes, Toilet articles, Brushes, Solicitor topankofEtimmon, mono -wont I suffering as I did."
p kocred or supposed to b3 affected with Cornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson Office- -Meyor Block, Wingliala. -V't0 Ion"- less pearl" for en
,r4ponges, etc., -'s large and varied. Lear of the fits seizing tile again. and Miss Reid. It relieves lit six hours. 14
� AND POPULAR. Tilinkin- there may be others Similarly CIEIWE'r to 6=11 thVID. to him in order BOARD or, HEALTjr-Mayor Clegg, Sold by A. 3j. Hamilton, Wffigbam.
Paine's Celery Compound is the most afflicted, I give my story to the Post; it that they may ba inoculated with (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D, S., L. D. S.
0 1
reliable and popular family medicine, may perhaps lead them to give this great can' micrebis, which he says lie Cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sei ]Doctor of DentalSurgery of the Pennsylvania
hills disociveired. retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald', Medical Dental C1.)llegic and Licentiate of the Royal About three or four months ago, John
And is specially recommended for the medicine a trial 11 College of Dental But -
Dr. Doyen is now (,xperimeilt;ing with Health Officer, coils of Ontario. Office Little of Haysville wrote on ail egg, as is
cure of rheumatism,neuralgia, dyspepsia, .1 over Post Office, Wing tam.
nervous diseases and sleeplessness. If Dr. Williams! Pink Pills area positive anti-cancei-ous serum," which he
you have not, succeeded in banish. cure for all diseases arising from im- declares to b�! effective in fighting the was being packed at the store, for the
M disease, but lie desires to inDculate a PIANO AND THEORY. WT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., partly receiving it, to let, him know its
ing your troubles, come to us for a bottle poverished blood, or a weak or shattered few more animals before making tile, L.D.S. destinatiQu. This week ho receiVed a
of Paine's,Celery Compound. It will condition of the nervous system. Every announcement of ]its success. The* NIN'v method Por painless i
MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.0 traction. No Cocaine. letter from a lady in North Wales, stat-
nOt disappoint you. dst, dose makes new, rich, red blood and doctor said to The Racord-Herald, cor- I and member of the Assocint3d. Musicians of special attention to the care and regulation iug that she purchased it along with
A. L. HA=To,.\, Drugg 1� .
Will2hain Out, gives tone to the nerves, thus curingre,;panduant to -night: Ontario; 1.4 prepared to receive a hinited mun- of.c�,.i.ldv ,rn1,1,1Lteotll- Moderate mces. and ail
"My ocramuniention. to"the academy ber of pupils for instrucitt 32% on Plano and in _ r . at. " and skilfully performed. Office other eggs there, and that it wits largest
1. B, ver Blci�
such diseases as epilepsy, at. Vitas
suggests a sewnd method of jr0lit& Theory. and was in excellent condition.
Thb Queenl Special attenticirt given to pupils preparing Share in Cornatlon. dance, paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, ment, which I have tried with the for examinations.
Now come, the) anointing crowning, heart troubles, anaemia, etc. These greatest success during the past six R(kstdonee-opposite R. C. Church, Wingliam. JOHN RITCHIE, Catarrh Cannot be Cared
and enthronement of the Queen. See pills are also a cure for the ailments that months -thee lnjeeclon into the iii- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, With LOCAL APPICATIONs, as they caunot
. flicted part cif a subitance. unfavor- reach tho seat Of the disense. Catarrh is
how the graceful figure rises from her make the lives of so many women it con able to the nourishment of the can- Windham, ont. a blood or constitutional disease, and in
chair at thLl south side. of the: altar, stant misery. They are are sold in car micxcW, which I have filiown in Jill Elliott, V. S. I order tocurAit yonniust take internal
and advances, attended .by her ladies, boxes, the wrapper around which bears my eulturcs of the p.-Lst year. I have Honorary Graduate of JOHN CURRIE, WrizairAm, ONT. remedies, Ha
Catarrh Cure is %ken
to. the faldstool before the altar. The the full, name -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills found such an injactio.n. yield most Ontario Veterinary LICENSED AUCTIQNEER. internally, and acts directly on the blood
favorable results in the treatment of College.
Alexandra for Palo People. Can be procured from Office and Infirmary- Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Impleillents a and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh
Sqlde.n circlet which Queen Alex scores ot I but in tivo. itionths' corner of Victorla and specialty. Cure is nota quack medicine. It was
haj,A been wearings, is removed, and druggists or will be sent by mail, post time I bAleve I will, be able to 1121- Minnie Sts., Wingliam. All orders left at TAE Trilins office promptly prescribed by one of the best physicians
her Majesty klinells, -while four Duch- paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for nounce. the discovery of an absolute Day and night calls attended to. Terms reasonable.
a ti�canocrms serum.11 promptly attended to. in this country for years, and is a
asses hold a pall of cloth of gold over $2-50, by addressingthe Dr. Williams' an Telephone connection. regular prescription. It is composed of
. " Ours Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. The Academy of Medicine has ap. the best tonics known, combined with
.11ter head. Then: the Archbishop p pointed it spc!clal cxp�lrt committee to MRS. W. H. HELE the best blood purifiers, acting directly
1-ioml of the holy oil on her head: with watch Dr. Doyen's, experiments, and FARMERS on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
the prayer that the anointing may in- The Maritime Winter Fair. to investi-atti the OOMPD;Hion of the Classes in Ghina Painting. combination of the two ingredients is
now serum. andpryono having live stock orother.
crea,so her honon,j and the grace of Tile f1rat annuali show, to be con- articles they -%visit to dispose of, should adver- Oil and Water Colors. what produces such wonderful results in
,God's 11olY Spirit may establish them' ducted in the Maritime Provinces,w4l tise the same for sale in the Tims. our large Also a now revelation kiln for firing china. curing Catarrh Send for testimonials
Queen Adelaide, hold at Amherst, N.S., during the latm circulation tells and It will be strange indeed if free.
forever and ever. you donot gets oustonier. you guaratitte Studio at her home, Catherine Street.
Consort of William; IV., was also er part of December, and drew it large Lame Back blitityclu, will sell because you may ask more It. J. CHENEY & Co, Props., Toledo, O.
anointed it the bxeast.The investiture and Interested attendance, arid was a for the article or stock than it is worth.
Send Sold by druggists. price 75c.
,,our advertisement to the Tr=s mid try this
10d th(% Ring f0IIO`Il -vyhich thet Axobi, pronounced success. . of, you, E. ESTELLE GRIFFI N Hall's Mumim Pills are the best.
bishop places ort 'gor of Whea Ilea. Sydney: Fisher anti In the Morning. plan of disposing stock and other
the fourth fin articles. WRNG11A,)[
Tier Majesty's right hand, saying,- F. W, Hodson, Dominion Live Stock
"Receive, this Ring, the seal of a Commissioner, one yeah ago securedTEACIIER OF VOICE CULTURE.
sincere faith, that) you may avoid, all cheap farcO frond the Maritime Pro- There are . e/ A=.
infection. of herev, �knd by the power vinoeg to the Ontario Provincial Fair MallY P60ple 0_ Pupils repared for Conservatory of Music
of God compel barbarous nations, and, at Guelph, andl invited some three who find it a CyrimInntions.
Of the
bxiu6r them tcfa kAoNvIedge of the Scotro of thel leading i-Atookmo-n. diffienIt task Dunlo
-truth." Maritime Proviuoe4 to, attend there, getting 111) in
*'Vhe. Archbishop that'oro, they kini a desire for practical
Qtfeov with St. Edith,s Crown, and education -in; thei East, which during the morning,
ixotantly all,the peeresses present put the paist mix months, has, with the on account of a ge MISS CARRIE `MOORE
help of the lMintstor, Mr. Hodson, and of London Conservatory of music, will be pre -
cc their coronetis.1 Next the terrible pain ria
Arch -
places the Sceptre in her the Provincial Governmentsi resulted
and soreness •- bar of
Oct. 1st to receive a limited num.
Majesty'A right hand,and the Queen's in the holding. of a ,shove, that for Fl e Guitar. pupils for instruction on violin and
educational value atandis[ tiecond only 11ftOssthesmall a"
Residence--opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
Virge, in her left, and the choir burst A
out into th(�:triumphal strains of the to tho Guelph Exhibition. I of the backthat
For it ,itartl the Show was a de- makes rising a
"Hallelujah Chorus." While, that is Will carry fle<lv)r loads ani JOB PRINTING,
and, aided success. Ninety-fivo. fat cattle, I
being sung, tho Queen rises painful and or �j wi�hstand hard scrvice. includill.
)reverently bowing to ;'the King ay.sho eighty-nine, pshcep, and; forty hogs, Pa )I Booksi, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
own with a fillo,lisplay of dressed poultry discomforting Heads 0 roulars, &c., &c., executed in the beat
M"as him, is couducted to her o An ever -satisfactory. easy- style;'f the art, at moderate Prices, andon There is a noted difference
tbxone, on h14 Maji left ]land.- filled the buildiLgal provided, and, operation. EV r ow what it was y-
r. fijI4&boasts were shown as riding wheel tire. short notice.
lirs. Btlloc-Lowndes, in December SOmb .1 to have your b, e so bad that when Boos:BzNDYNG.--=We are pleased to announce
have, been broughti out this year, Eviery set guaranteed. that
any Books or Magazines left with us for Vlppineot0l Atagazinei steer you'd try to out of bed you'd P,_di- will have our prom. in the� style and fit of Pants we'
among them the grade Hereford ste will
owned by W. Black, Amborst, almost serea ith the paint Can Wflitted to any Wheel. ,PUCCs tr Binding in any style w, H be given on
which took the Isweepes.takes in, the fat Can't do mimh of a day's work Bond for CatalcI oil to THE TIMES OFFICE, make that always brings peo-
starting, off With a back as bad as
Vlom-anhood fat class abithe Pan-American, and a Wingliam. pie back for another pair.
pure-bred two ycaij old Aberdeen] that -not fit for pleasure either. DUNLOP TIRE CO.
29ade Perfect by Dr. Chase's ',NerTe Anigus heifer owned by H. Stairs,Xing LTMITED. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Then there is the low price
Food -A Common Sense Txent- Co., N.S., that weighed 1430 pounds NVoll, till this backache and pain,
went which Does E:knetly What live, weight, ara dressed out 879 1-2 this stiffness and soreness Comes Toni GRAND TRUNK RAII.;vvAy SYSTEM.
In cletIllilibili for, It. tbs. These animalsi were excelled bybeeanse the, kidneys are clogged TRAINS LBAVR FOU and better quality of cloth put
heris W,th6 show, the sweep- Palmerston .............. 6.53 h-ni.... B.Ma.2n,
i7j), cannot do their :korlc properly, London . - � ........... I ... 6.50 111.111 .... 8.10p.m. in them—cloth that wears
The happiness bf every home depends yet ot
very largely on the health of the wife .shake,', beingi tdireint by a pure-bred Rineardine..11.10 iii ... 8.10 p -m .... 8.08p.m.
etrid mother. It she Is nervo-.R, peevish Shorthorn belonging to C. A. Arehl- and your back has to stifter for it. Annivs FROM See our new goods and prices.
and irritable; worried by the little bald, of Truro,,N.S. Just try a box or two of 'Dr. MitcardIne....0.40a
--!-" U -M - - 8.65 a.m.... 8.10 p.m
cares of every day life-, and tormented A considerable number( of Agricul; Pitc� Tablets. London.... :: . ....... 11-10 can 755 11
by pains and Irregularities that are to th her's Backache Kidney Tabl Palmerston.... ::,:: f1:88 p:m
tural. Societies sent delegates , R. T:WIYk .... .. 5 P'n
meetings, notwithstanding their free '107hat a change you'll find coly Ni. TON) Agent, Wingliam, U U.
sure to accompany a rundown system, ilii/ & n
there can be no happin0sis In the home I You'll be able to spring
for husband and children. admLssfio�, arid, thati no charges -,vote over you CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY,
WAAMS =Avil.ron
Too many women are victims of ncrm made for ladloA and children $326.00 from yourbed in the morning as TO CONSIrBIPTIVES. Iroroilto and East ........ 0.57 ujil .... 8,25 p.m.
vows exhaustion, and do not know it. was taken ail the door. I livel,y as a aricket, and feel refrethed The undersigned having been reatorod to .............. 1.32 Pan .... 10-43 p.m, tr 4r, 'a,
ARRIVY llno�,r
'They suffer from indigestion and I Ilan. Sydney Visher personally at- Toeswater ... .. q.57 a.m., - -- 8.25 P.M.
I and fit for your drdly duties. health by slinyle inerl after suffering for
pepsla, nervous headache and sli tended the show and gave some excel- several years w th a severe lung affection, and Torouto and East .. .... 182 p.m .... 10.48 p
lessness, and drag thernselves abou lent practical addresses. His presence that dread disease luotisampt2on, is anxious to tn.
the house feeling languid end It TOUCIIED THE SPOT. make known to his fellow sufferers the menus T. H- REEM10R, Agent, Wingham,
tired out. and counsel did much to encourage fully
To those who desire it, lie vrill cheer.
You can be healthy and Vigorous if Joseph Weeks, Beckwith Street, Smith'a
ou follow the advice of Dr. C tho, promotera and. to inelto. them to fully send (free of charge) a cony of the pre-
hase, the 'ralls,sayst "Myllackwasinabad way. scription used, which they will find a cure for
famous Itei Book author. He renewed effort,, foij next year. Consulaption, Asthma, CataIrrit, Iftroncht.
,%ybuId rat deceive you, and h1s treat Dr. Jails. lfills,j of the Ofttarlot Agri I Avas d6porately lame, and the -to was a s arid all throat and nag Maladies, He IT PAYS
in ing pain over ver iny kidneys. tit TRADE MARKS
Iment, never disappoints. Dr. Chase's cultural 'College, give, ail, eddrass up- dall At licipes; all sufferers will trf his remedy, as it to
Nerve Food to intended for just such i im .the; meed !of Agricultural education timbfi ad headaches, and often I was invaluable. Those destr ng the prescription,
d plo. dizzy, Particularly it Thad heart stooping, whielt willt cost them nothl atimay prove OOPYR16HTG &C.
cases as are here described. By supply- whielf for f6ri isound Sense an a bli will plense A&I egg. Rev. xv. ArIvone Ai a s1ci and d0strigtieu mail
Ing to the thill0vatery blood And wean, I tried first, one thing, than another, but WARD WIELSO14o Brooklyn, Xew)G'k.. 411101cl,
T asoortain car opinion froo,v ether sly
exhausted nerves the very inaterlals of quence has never been excelled there wag no permanent, bonefib till I began TO ADVER11 V. Invent on Is probAbly. ?ntentable. Ci5mmunlers
"Wiliell nature constructs now nerve Maritime, Province platform{ Did using Pitcher's Kidney Tablets. They go . . 11 1 .. . 8 . tiolisArletly confident al.. Hancibnok on Ilatenti.
lipells and now bo4lly tissue- it gradual-
his' Unto Permit him to;.0iv6;sue WANTED-Saveral V,,eraons of character sent fribill oldest agantlyfor socurinigatents. .
Patients! takell tout Murril & 0. receive
ty and certainlY reconstructs; and re- address at a dogen, -different plados 1 right, to t�o spot, anal I found prompt ke• and good reputa ton in each state (olip Special notice, WI
chArile, in the
inces, here would Wiled) to represent and ad. I IN W I it',
laervous system, cures ill head- tablislied V 0 6
the thre-:� provinces, t li fA Nulling before over did me as muoh inthisco rity req
vitalises tile weakened arid debilitated Vall financial
ed wasi businis 4 hou�e 1N
ithin; th(i next 1:6 clod, I would suggest to anyone suiff'rng of sold financial standing JL 1-14 R1211% V"11
nervous eighteen Salary$18.00%veek.
inches and dyspepsia, arid permanently I mo6th,% a. Maritime. Agricultural 1= In thiti.6 way to try them '$ - ly %vitil expenses additional, all payable ill ftsh
overeornes wolkness and Irrozilaritlett. lcge. Dr. Pitth6ed Backili Xidni Tablets, eachWednc-adaydiroatfroinlietidoffict-4. Horse Terms. $3 a
and Ro. Yea- ni ltl,4 F41111"•nali
ll dealers, or Litmanaor "M
T. 01 fereneem. isucloso. self nddrossed stilinnod on.
,it,, 1"Wr
150) eta a, box, Prof. 0 011 &,perinten- stro 6W. a Boxt, tit all druggiAl or by mail,
sAteff & Co., Toronto, 0 Farms;ie ZINA PlItcuku CO-, Toronto, Ont. vclicipit.. A
-at Of th�fi Olitarl