The Wingham Times, 1902-01-10, Page 3"4W717", 'A I, , ­­ . .... ... 1. "...", , rrllp V I NOUN TIMB , JAN, 1, `% I 9!0, . 4 , � .1 I I ­... ­ -­ � - ;.� , ,­ ".1111 '116W ­, �, " '­. , I . ­ � 11. .. ­ I .. ­ 11­­­�'.�,'. � . ,4iIW1gWW[­- ­­ . �.N`gw I I . ­ . . "--- . ­ ­ - I I . - . -.1.1 I I I � : , . � - .11 11 � I . � -1 � . , � . - 11 , � I '. ". !. ­ I .1 W.. i ­ -1 ­ . , )( Ott Ife'lm U XII)pwis1011e a a griller Ir,Dm 'confusion, of ldcaq. Cheer I the i;Mflict, parting to 1A L110. Pur. 8aid t1lel Scotch, woreltUAL. 1 Wajjlt to uptl regnitz. action of th-i'b-wels A Happy 0diveigang Frain Thai till. dom � ,Ili ilal"-" tied (100tors- Th-� sued pada, -but coming jo,gother to dc. (Ai gVt credit, ca so. -4z lcatiwr, V.!),;op, , ,, -od I .geti our stwo When, I and Sol(...,, I'llave, Y04 referencest" "I , ,I. Tillit; 'Inggillato tilt) 'bowels" "a r fle S S Oil 81W "Wo � gays U far arts A nine f 11h m2fient wkk re nt them loal, lie never for., stroy the, lourauerii. Tin Midlanlips :Qurfl cc, tip'l,ti(m, d7spepsill, oill(MA11149K. r2y V Qu I I INS PZ,Y f"141- ,sick -hornifello, #%lid till afft-C ,tlol* vit the gets, gaithfut mxvlc,�s ren,dered. Ile avi.d Am4h-kites. were like grabsbop, tblux J. c3n'get Xerc= - gorgaiwoffligestilln, Price 125ceirl.;, All Semen. By Rev, T. Do Witt rom milgars. that revival, wtwrn you p,hr,% for multitadeft, but three jitia, I or hws friends hero." "Young man, did, druggists. Talmage, D, L stood Watching thn soul that came I Bred Iinela under Gideon caste (town, i I not: gee yor. yesterd-ty in 31r, Lemox"jill . . I , — ,,,'Ids cl-vads and us doves to the win- ___.. 1 their only weapon,s ritchvri ond I nwil, "I 4,,A AOL knloo, sir. I w.A,4.Rt N00 . . I., 's Clfq�� ...1kmpui dvir.)." Hl� latis indloated bir your juroh, und a kind gv.Wvmail. mUedIkbo reeldelize of 8 I3gftUljjto,!A,r.rigeh,was WIL41.1a;;tort, 1), C., ))-�o. 4% 19(14 -physical or mental con,ditto that It lamp4 and trumwte, and (,s ill y livid - . 11 . . law to site in lll,-� peigv." ',1,t -d, young the -scene Il;lPpY wnddiaggou Willie this di.jeours,. of Dr. Talmage t, f Y01A to stop. Bo content UP the, lamps and threw (JOW11 'illa man. that, %�w( lt,,Wrl, JAWLIX- I Will . r•)>Akwi arrogance, it eAeaaragos -Ito-, Effects a Cure After Failures of '1`eg stop. Your helmat Umrs the mark plicli-ro and blew the trumpois, tit(, trul-ii, tiny one 111vt Mr. lwlltux h4vites . Effects Now Years !lay, when lits dangliter triunity, and filiows how the evLaing 01 Many 4 battle-ax; your sword Is flash ol' the, tight and the blare or t be 111LO Ilk p,'W. YLA) $I-' If 40g, trOUble, in 5 Physicians, Patent M many it holy struggle;yoar � instraments and th.- craoll. of OIL' your,wif gahout io,tort.--ic t;, Jessie A waia-unitod it, inilvd.age with of We may ba brightemed. The text Physicians, .1 I , edicines 10, ul. from . . Whets Artlier stodk of Mail. is: J. 10mga, 20; 11;-'I'Let not him Medicinal Springs. shield is dented with the thrust of crockery made their eueray fail back tht.,ic gofjd�j arV.• genu, u-na- And gut Jutt.,girilett.i, on his baamofs bo,abt Yin. and Medi , Springs' many a spDar. Now haA-, up the ar. in will terror. ni,it.." 'rha� youag . , ill A. I., came an ­­ —­�--- - —.-- . solf -as lit-, that putte-th off." - 'nor with gladnegam. I'Lct not him Notice, alio, that my text, takes It bnjj;)��tjt roorchant, ar.d more than 11 - - Uarnes,s is tht! ob3olete word for The Wonderful Victory Over A Ter that girdetil, on his 1karness boast hila- f(v. granted that you in -nit put On tinct, a. L41bristlau ax.robaut, and he atmos. It means Itarg-ass -for the . vouched .%,If as, hil, t1wa,t pattotlij it Off." That inti h-irn-ss; else, b an, you take attributed all his isucoewi to that first not 1jo,rn-?gi;4 for the .b..a.st, hariaLms for, ,stive , I t ,Lif , ow c, -a, thirty I Sal,ljaf,jt la ill(, city. Young mail, Was a suggc and tender scene ff'� Life 1i a battle, , I babtl��, net, liax=.ms for the plough, I wJimi, the aged . Vjir.-,I, a forty yearol, or . a .g.j.4yed, pt t yllursplf 1411de;. good , 8,SOLP "TE h Drugsists. � U , , man, I Able Disease Vouched for by 'It, 111,14", 1 Thp. ileteimi; lixtuor,crin itited of helmet, . bargh, said to a -girl s1pking in rapid I years' war. Helmet you mu. have, I iluitat-urms your firso d,y .a town. I for the lil;�-ad, broa-it-plate and shield Ifyc4i are, a Butrerer froin rheuniatissix deollne: -"Wcel, my dear, You're for ill" battle.axeo of (3",ptloiew twirl Tilt.l." halags Y..I.r 11.1jil.1, ; !-Iko it for tilt, heart, 4-,roavas for the igutit. - afcgrki in.a. You're n1n.-teen, and ai-ela.,� hr.id. ! do N% n rh.- � rU iS Jour Ii,rAVL%L,-tUt-I; Ad- . luonyoot i;ts terrible torlIlls-11113SOUIMT, . ,r-n.iiOcism ora aimed at, gout: . . Tiv, text makes, a compansm b,- . aliao-it aetItigas the river. I'm almost 1 B'wry poss13,10. effort will be rnad,� to 1 j,,.,;, it, Tlivie is all ,11,.t I. ria, is Itic Lwlwa man en. -.14 -in,; for some War ,214flawduatory or soiatio, 1,gs assured of seventy, and javiy bg�� I'll have vr,rac I malt- .�toa think wrong. Thi Young!,t�-.j,w) .t.pl 11-Itanliph; put t. Oil. ECURITY, 1,110 'Ou'rionk; t.rutk that Paitio's Wary , and a vetf-ran itelurnin-, the one 030114pualld will Work for sun a perman- hard btep-i afore I h2,av ltj4 r1fill.e. I man who g.-ts, his head fill:!d wt, " Ili *lily ml j .01 !-.l- iol:y, of puttin_g, on tll.�! .virirviv. an't the ' other ' eut, igid Itupf)y card, 'rho tilou;azids of Oil, lasaie, this is a jswl-et day f<or -,vr-.,- V notions ,irbout God, about I U.4(f.,;i-".;','-.,i)ll'kj` 1.16' wo elit.114. T.Aut wa� 11 � I putting it Oft, let-ttg-siocuivea trom people who ljttvo you. You'll b3, homg> first," I ('lit 1 -L about the &,;ul shout the,Ur at 13,gui4 ,11I.-II(A'S iAt:l.I0lUIsL.1,Agt1�. If , could t Clenul,:na Ben1lailtul, tk,,!k ng� of Syria,thought DIWONsu oft their Unri4eiis wid agoities Again, I hear 1rom Benhadail'.j W-Jbj�yojid. 1,% a4raady cultured. Plit whil, I b,!m L-vfwv. aundowl). It vvwlt- Ite could easij,y ovtj prtwouLlucludivt4y wital.t.1"aiguo*s Uolery havior, th,> ugawl�idom of ho- 'istlng,4 o4l.7-i th.- ll:-Irazt, the latc-het well ad- ad iwi 1.41.11, 1111f a .,..,,, ­ e; i)LV.ro -4 2 UumitioullillbivilvUlAl grtal- OLA-Cwo fur -in,] m iko the king �1 .L-�rael -9 Israel; induagd,'the ,14y.-ian was sosure � Wha I Oat-, Is g0ln�T to do. Two in,us,t � I Iwo L ­d under the ch'.n. Think righ', Sdm..l 1 1, , %5f q ag ­� ha,d to b.- sciat to the king of I- 1 'w -n-1 ya i will, act r!gb t. Y-�%. '� h -.2 O-Piti.111W. DUL What 118 1,110,11,rill; igras A .� PM 0-4 of Lh.c� vjotor.r that h,,� op.eead an. an. Oligilmit'Itasell.u. Th0lo1.4)Vd;lgAoltvr 1 4 U ;��) WbAlum baciftuet. thirty fres -1. b-; - - insol,mce J%-- i•plate for the. heart. Th, so c­sy turns 1, out to ba the iinpos- "" ta-A gat � With ttk'xt .ftoui Mr. J. Lvveringruji, tit Vacdoi, ru( -th ma.,s&,gt,.,s fall of ea: .it is the I lidags, he trots celebrating what they INLIti., a,,d gii, . ,dorsof, t?y A14. 1.) , W. i and braggadcalo, With hilmni'llig Wr­ . :-YJ t 1r1PCTiUnt part to I>j defended, I AW.. BuLter olrer-asamattl. LIJILn nil- ' J, In n1lb rgffe�xu ,going to do, They were in all Ji4,1ginWtli&Ljx, Druggist, ot Chu *.tiftujo kt'x Lal hand, ha Is talking With ,tilt-: 7I!ja,. Aocidv& what you love and whai I der -estimate. the o-thAr 31,11'. W', W740 V -1 10, ; thirty-tUraL -kings at the arrou,saLan:kI L4)%Vll,rilLVU�'%tCUUVilletikLiI z,aff,r9,-11S Mull I rc,.yal group ab.)u-L what: h.. will do i veli Ill,., pisi,%. That deet les earilily are trying to make the world ,A hat it V U ve-r I 0-. ,their omillZion is desorib�,d In the � with the spoills of the victory; lit, is - "-a1e,.'n..-4,4 and etornal dos.iny- K,�(,P Ought to be, contend not with hoinun- -lit d, .rffian the ininiedLaW Use ol, Palucg% QuItTy ffil.Wt Berm Cimnature of I Bibee, not ascoonvivtal and stimulated ,(Joui1)!)uijd 4:i their u"ly lionise. Ur. g,.;'n,7, to aolilevv that aftoxnoon. Ile., I till, heart pare, and tha life will bo" oul. We wrestle not with striplings- ,,, exaltation, .but drunk. Their -gilded .L.evoritigrAni says; takes it, for granted, that Samaria! purf.. .ijAva the heart corrupt, and wee have a -%vh..Ie army of tintagoo-- . ka,lad bann-wed pavilions were su- ,, wl� I surrc,nder. 'He gives command ' y, :t:• actions will b! oorrupt. Oh,that 1-ats tryinz tf.4 halt th.,. King of Cod - �ttled horsesjwAgI14 For mure NIRLI it year I was.suffering y ,,,P I . ,rounded by,high-mg. frutu thea pailit; 4 . ofecilitica, 11414 for the cap.are of eonia of ill, inhabi- 1 ail of u-3 might have a new heart,00v- and Overthrow the oau:3c, of righteous - I � ��ia,,,�, -� to � tants of hamALrIa who are approach- 1 , r -d With a divin:ely wrought bream- -.9s. It we secure the vicLory it Willi. ,, i�� o* ing and shoaling, and hitched - ., Al - in. Ben- after trying till thati, mIrdiwa ,i3kill could . I - ILK whe'll the I - -ode I ng, ,, a feet. go Im a .1Jtrlj,.v9Ivk'.ig; ficrc�l , ,,��� 4, ,f - , le� I C.- chariots imch as kings r Yin, : -"Wheth..z the . '01 hadiLd sgea(ts officers over to the .king (111VIN0, UlAd at,ing niany rtiukedios,,patent " r Y b:! colne, p,it'W Yes, gretuves for the it, 11-ira- ,� . "'i Israel, dema,din.7, Cha surreadur,of "gLotherNO.'e, I cung�lmixbtl Ito ti%y the out fox p-aw,, take -Lbem. alive; crilinany dan-gorous. roads are we cem- Greeks an.1 il,gi-iNni ui,t t I 'Or See Fac-SIMI!6 Vrrr-,Vr Below. . Flut 81iriogb at. bauff, nunex 4the au )1'r• wlw-th.�r they b-, coma our ,for war, : F. 11.til to walk. So many peopb txoa,l ,than, Wi U'llMD. La..u, itliki .4.11-1L.,ii.. i Lilt' city, sayai,g: "Thou shalt deliver taker them alive." BUL �.hold the' on sharp prongs of temp tition, and i grappled each other at Arbella. as ' ' � ii1toutiouco of a utemmi arias. I took . Very ownu =,d ati, w -y M,L thy oilwx, and thy gold,and thy fugltiv.� kin,;- in frightened relre-it; g-� lam,.i and limpimg all the, rest of I When, Jcxtn of Are rode triumphant I- tn(j trottinout thoroughly.and -car fully 'O to aj �;U41,=. I 4wives, and thy ohildr,in,," and .tftez:- for six weeks, anti car",u hwuliogat li-4,jz-o eundownl Bet�vr not tell, rlit-ir days. fron-mailed shoe for the at OrlVall.), its When th-3 Russians met I she I'lld I � — I Ward sn%Ld other o-Ificiays,"'aying .0lat; b,)a,LkL-:;1y what you al,, going to -do. i - ,he Swed" tit, Pultowa, as srhon; . . -i FOY HEAPACrM., - of that, - ratelaiti. with pa ,tied Weighing kat. - 12TEIIS F ' I Lilt, palao'-� of I.h-- ki.n., w1ul lbIl " n .Zrlborough commanded the allied 43pouud1sIe:,s. Attiggamjauutgurti, Nyhou Wait na il it is dans. You (to weR 1 Youyiq- man., are .that you have on CART I DO DIZZINESS. it tilt, and evei-yLlilng Denhadad I I I I ,r,ubts .it Blenticim. Those were I hope }arid almo,t fled, I .fitizerd of ,Paillk)'S to lay out yenr plaim, bat th,�,rc are i c(,mp-c-re a.rMor. A,1 looks bi Ight nc,.y `wants lie will take without asking. to I t FA4 march fights fur earthly crowns and domin- i'7TLr F(M BlUOUSKESS. ctilery 0gillipulind. I'losiloinggli6saitud �,o zn�wy mistakes and disappoint- - and : - Hills MS If yon cottild . tl Th,�,n th i -king of I irael called a eou n- mr;ati in life that you may, nog; V* i r;gh " cla Nvathout oppo i,ion. or attack, wns, but the fight that now; goes! lin i H I,% E R Fan wnpm UYER. ! oil ,of war, and word i.j svnt backto uly caHt., auti I seat tu'a4y glianiggi4t, Mr. Ilotweent all the allied armies of heat J, W. iliggiubuthal""Of-tilliggi place, and ah..h to, =Lrry out your plants, .and 1 b, it. be not deceived, There are hidden • ;I LLS FOR CONSTIPATION. '-t 1.;:nhadad that his unrt!aacaa;bIe do- asked about it. ELI availonimeuded it; to LltvT,! tA,mo wed of Invokiag the 1 fo,:,a rc!.tdy to halt you on your way. ,00ll .and all the allied arinica of hell,' . : FOR SALLOW SKIN. ;. ina:IiJ Nvi-il b.! re.�Iitud. Thpn Benha- worl.N dc-ris&m and caricaWr,,. N41j0- ' ThI, eam,,�t cap that Bonhadad drunk I ta to settkn' whether God or S;itair is. : = - FOn THE COMPLEXION ilad sunds anoOiar inessit-t tothe.lk' , tile, and I touk a bonelet. ;I soon be gait to Lo'un was so, aux., of conquvriia� Brig- i.;-ut .of just- bg,f oz,� his defeat Will ll,.. I Lo, h;kvA- pa4scealud of this plaivtt. ,' ' t , � '11�� SeCO)id la -lad, ,-caLlaud and IreJand, that hp'� -ro­fored to, eff,00t ysar dvfva-,�- U!,,s :m- 1 ( congratulate ail those. who Are 41='Wimll MUGTHAVC�7,WATURC. oi 1-.ruc.l, a ra,��sagro ful. of arr,ogantle -feel btittur, and after itaki4l; �ho ; 4fki , -?p - - bottle' was a cuivid anau ,and threw had a zactdal ,struck ci-1�1>-.-atin­- 1,ho, uuw in tlu-t thi�!kait of lifn's battle ­ ft"fftllwuxclyvk3p-�abIE3.11(�l--- -;--e- - and bravado, p.-alct cally sl..Y -.n..: � " We away in,, ornlobu., Admve always )List) i 'o!zloatvd brain VILW victory wh n. I., ­­-,­­&­ - : W,11 4c,;t1No,y you u,,.t;,rly. I wLI grind I orsaqu--4, wrtich he never matte, -On. thr4re wa-i no,thing .hitt the, time,"lis "m'ng ,%Vh.m, tAe * . �;amjaxiat into Lh., du,-, bat there I a farmer, ulaii atia aw -ttbju -to do hard - but rout and ruin . 1. CURE SICK HEADACHE. � work pow as ever I vw":" that 3n,.,dal was x�,presentvd his earn I WlIaL- week Renhadad"5, cup made f:, - YLrtggglt� will er.dtland y-..0 will put � ,il w.11 .uot1,b,-- dust enu-tigh Lo =4re a - cX011M.-A lit -ad. I 13-nbadad's -army! What a Lhe harno-" off, 'holmot and greaves I I I 11 . ' I h:I)Nvr,Qck-; I hatudlul for each On, of =Y t&OQP 'I. ­. I . . I Dr. 1I(,ndbt,=- and Wt-. Saunders <,,a 'thev,pa, whiet dipawL.-xi on the 1. n . ind breastplate have fv.lfilled their I Tlnui Lb! k4ij.; -��' lwael ,oplied 10 w.�ro talkial's in th,� Oat- -cot P;� neer- L.'aawd by inflaming liquids put upcn utisslon. You cannot; in one. vNit to . - I . Dizzy ? . , Benhadad, rau-cf-lzady sijy3=.,. "'L -t �Q stand Up your keam-A-gand sheathe Lion under Queen Mary. Six the tc,ngw to set seething the bl.-aln. Laudon Tower 14ce all. You must, go I I mg.• K.P. you do what YOU .i,y. you y&A..Lr sword, and fete your -Iian(ls from, - wait trewbl atrz anA afr.-V., tin 1111ow in.any king,% of thought and ;T.- :brain, and again to that place, v.-hich -4 i royal br,gggarL, yuu inight b it"Tihave Ji.- gauntlets, and ,year :feet' from alletr)a s-xid.-:"What! Alan. there lalfluE-nee, with orowns brighter than' Is e,'"00i'ttad, with, tho story of Lady. I 'I"hen your liver isn't acting, post.p.xae,d your ban-que. I much macro. mtu,w f -Dr ni.� to fear than by h -e Gxuy and Anne Boleyn and. I until 11-ItOrl .It , bauts of mail. I I thi- one Denkadad Wore, haws, well. You suffer from bilious- t,!a I Q.' 81i.reacLima i I'. L4.- ,,�t the Sotdler.e Main-, :kt. the iLb- yixa- You ar! small, arid I hav- a -Arcng drink, b�vn &t into flight ag Lilt, battlf!, ins , Walter Raleigh and Sir Thomas ;1 for�, the battle. Y,),.i huzza too rocs. I ,I I ee 1);,% in 0 :AOrQ- You will see the crowns of jbi of (lit., city I giloftan.adinlre the .,ar4l- bA:ly frnullo, but you will S i j. as that whish Benhadadxode! , ,mess constipation. Ayer's � at giritoth -on. . f ill' , a i rla,ih consum,A ; -'G'vp tb�,m te Xings and queens, the roobe Worn by ) I Ii,vt not him ill, . Iii,3 )J'a._ p.mv1ul .uni conianted .Iuoki O _. ,11:� 1, -it fj�:,ca o! &'it J Inc," says the demon 'Pills act directly on the liver. 1 " 1.v­,w�able lieroe� -is 11ttv sit under �o ailies to I ewr forsake Jesus � of mebriacy. "Givt, them to me; hand 0 - , iness boast himself as h3 tlmit ltuiLtuth ,t:h .Black Prince, and silver baptismal ' . dt off:" - th,� treus or go in ,and ,out the tine g.,lirlit azid Ilk t? I have. lipm (',cNv-a-the brigh.gtat leglilators funts from which royal infanta were � in, r ' - , n ned, and the! block on which For 60 years they have been I An avalj�n*he of c,o.u.rj=% and right- I ,sorra that our Govern -n hat up- ' pr-G,'o,;sed.­ Nat IC,1q1,f1tV1!li`*�1-11., u dk1rs,'-r.f the, Jiinct. I will thzok�m their ton- dhAsic - ' 'Lord Lovat wq,g bvIleaded. �the Standard Family Pill. eou.-,u,n3s, the I..;r.t­l',,.I-iFi army came. prv.-priately provided for ,tilem. They ; Ili, f n int-h,-.�ar tell, gave up hL-; life for ir cheek; I will But no . ,.,��, igill-.-, I will bl-pat tht. p- rt of London Tower will more inter, d25C. d0W-'-1 Oa- YY-L.nihadad and hii ,hoat. It ,it., not longing for other Chapulte-1 Uhr'-A's sak:-, whilo Pendle'on, Who I pt;img,-.r, their step: I will dalmn their I �" . :Small doses cure. All ruggrists. 1 wa, a hand-to-hand ii,jh- cavil I- - 'p,� "i. They do not (want to undertake llail talked !�o bit, played coward and I .�oaj. Ilamd them down to me- the I est You than( the armory, in. which it- - 'ant your moustacb,3-.or beard a beautiful -; U1,01.110W S011,11 MauntaEn. Their foot ,,ort. up religi-A-1 whell tit- tv.mkt came. pijy:4,ciaa (.ut of his laboratory, ill, skilfully and impressively arranged ,N ; xaciUge hewing down a z .7tiam. Bet- - a S . brown or r1ch black ?'L'Xhen use 1 hadad, cm horseback, get, om-.: dwa not aoh-u to get into the SLirrup Wf1Wxfore,., ilid not tell what lit- wa,q, Ilitorn,iy from the court room, the 4 co"leetioul OA all -styles of armor J, . . ,,y •w,th I ., I worn the som,,,,of the cavalry, but is culy;saved , ;.L the cavalryulau. Xh�.,;y .are not. I-rixing to (to with th:� gday.! t.ritiliv, but i jn't.-ji,LL,r Gf the GospA from the aatars, between the thirteenth and. BUCKINGHAM"S' DYMOh'iskers I for .a vwome defcat,in which tme hun. 1.>n..,,�iz1g, f0j. tit, "Jigard tack'' of the [low much h,- accoinpl; lw-q is so-.'- 1 ,,.-f Cod. II nd them down- to me_th', laighteenth centuries, suggesting five 600". OF DMU-3TS, OR R.-P..NAL1. A CoN­A, N. H. . . * , . . . ,in, an-c.rgy ,were, ,,c,I,li..rsg b:%-ak-list ,alon,v the Chick::_ j.,-oitnA by Lard Brougham, - remark 1 tlup,-ng, ol' the drawinr; X*Unlh and bouldred years Of Conflict-cuirms,and I I , ,lr,,l .thous d S4rrlan inf, ,. lem, and lance.; .'� )-i3l and I -, .iguard. and obin-pi , slaughtered in *`z d- ow We em houxiny. Tli�!y have .no Zogire for an- concerning Wt b,rNrec a ter . , blast u. k P ay. TV . , Nv'll dl -gr. -c^ their na,mies, a) the sarcasm. an -.11 tilt: epigraminatiz' other ride in the amlbulanoa to the decease: -1111i went to Iletiven w*,',h I thpir ham,--., and throw thain, down I rest. and AaunLlet, and girdle, and a, i parvar.of the nutAagge of my text sent [I I I hospltal. When Lit;-- ,�p;inisli war vi.g4ht hundred' thou-,it.n.d. broken lV, mailed 0 :P ­ I farLh n I h2t,a Jezebil fell td the dMs "PV011- Y(;U';WO just 110ir from� 14m,) L , � I by the king of lisnol to, 13an.hada(b, if jjj,•iv. riteumalip knve-; %would allow tees in. hN hand.." Someoriv trying to I that crunched her earumvi " head to heel *hase old time warriors. .:­= 1,�.. � Pa 11 &�-TS were, defended against ,sharp wealvnp, .. w1e. N "Lot .not him tha,t girdetli. -on, Ills -f-ham to keep step ing a imarch, and dl4,;uad-.- Napilvort from W3 in-va-ion We hod our breath in ' horror ,as . .� t- , , that would oat or thrust or bruise,. - i harness b=st himisalf as he Chage.pu , if I 1j,ir sight was good enough to see of Ra­;sia. sail propozes,, but, ..,n(..., *- a whil-a we hea.r ,of some one, . I? � In. . 1 teth.it off." a d .' - I o; thL,r b.1 accid.mt or suicide, going battle, unhurt . mi advancing; fo.,man, ,Lnd:if their car, G,A d6 -poses." Napoleon i-cpEw and allowing LL,emj to coingl out of ng.-Iry I All .4p and down history -.We- -we, wa,; alert e2tough to lilear the com- "I proy:loi�! :vitrl I di,pos--." Bat :l,ou u',,',�r N*1atca;a Falls, bat the t1des,the 5vile'la Otherwise they . K i0d %1 0* I such too caxly boasting. SOMR, the - mand, "Charge!' But for the most remprab--t Mcv=oow and ri�nei .-r-ft'Ve 11 deptin, the awful surz,es ,of intemper- would have, been, slain. jr-lbevworst tini,.;,, a � AiturAhall. of France., was so ,owtatiA part they are glad that there is no thotv,and corpses in the snowim-liks. I ane3 are evrry hour of every day rush- 0, Ye ,,soldiers Of*yesus Christ, when, h the life is over and all thevic- that *jh, would cc-nquar that lie had: more wear for thom. So let all of the Tilt! only kind of bm3tin,- that pro--, I,n,,,, scor'.3 of immortals down, into un- wa r of �,r' z, " .3 tent-irith is the tur• a pt"laniation printed, 'InnnUnding, ago.d.in ptat-V W!Lh GDd, through the p,r4 was t1vit of Paul, who cried on',',! rlltlll)=,� abysm. :suicides by the LorA rest in the soldiers' home, on the ,�g-tzv� "', ", " "' , - Portugal, naid .had ,1 heavenly heights, perhaps, there may �pont.,no. hinigalf.king of blessed Christ, cultivate content. "I glary in th- cross of Chri%t;" ax -1, -illi-a! P -wire of the cup out , . , ' ,0gaad, of course, gran:1 felist prepared for fourVolock, I � of be till the. -city of theistin; a tower- of ., 'I.,r.d. I . Tit ; migni. and thank the Lord itheir Sedan that of J-nli-n New-k'ori, who ,',. .. . - , which 1lcnh-,.dad drank personal and " I " is bad too. . that afternoon, but WfOEIL that hour It ^ 0 spiritual armor ,such as encased the, X. . � -.k . its bacu fought, and the war is over. I'[ nzn what I ou-Itt to b,; I ain rzi. : Z..�jt:�,nil d.nioliti n. warriors for Christ in earthly combat. I W � , . �-: � " Elit.,tho turpentinG he Dud In Ignominious. defeat, ,and: "Let not him that g1rdeth on. his har- wha t I wish t.* � !"I nin not whal I � Tv,q, you must have full armor. �-­•P� *d Samna day wet may 1>3 i;W that armor �, � WelUngton-, of the mnquexing :host; . -,,* � cutritho'k. neys, in. .ness boast himself as he that putteth haps to b,,,&but by the grace oplial Tli,-re are, l?!nip�aHcg--ii to an impnre , _ I I / flanlesrand weaaci,s silt (town at four o'clock- at the very,,it ,ff.-s I ain-nol. what I wa;." !if,, ;ill Lll.:� thric multiplylmg an. -I in- amd hear thes',heroes talk of how tho ..� e are. old farmers who cannot � n d fought the goodtfight of fniffi, and; I thazi, 1=al'cs tllc ba,nq,uet the Mtrrshall of France had. Th, r . Do not boas, of your moral eii rvne.,! It. ,. -,-;:fy: ,,;. "L�I,a in 1�ivate and (if: - i paitAcV0.1ifo a dant ordered for himself. Charles V. it-- do ow-, morn day's work. What hat,- One of the in -o -At brilliant m: -ii of ill., .,.--,,,,-,.s,-d a1terward by the refined and "'ge'" thOnV with the soars a wounds Por that tower of heaven, as the with trouble- vaded ,1�7.runoa, and was so sure ,of the. vests they ralsed In 1870! They knew ,ninoteenth century, b*l,,-:iiW Lem po.-,x.-'- ;q1 ;int in 1-s-irlor,,4 are b,loks poisoned Pons of offeneel and defence with 1 backaches, its conquest that he requested Paul the rotation of crops as well Lis they fly reformA from inebriety, sl.corl on Er-cnn "d to fid with impurities. Loo,�- Which th0Y became more than. con- i ,jaome,one.'J6Vhcn a painteil Aime-for him, to begin trea-i5ingithe kidneys. Joviw%, ithe historian, to gathem ito-: knew the_ rotatiow of the seasons. I lit- plat.forin ot rrandway T..b,.,rnavl..-. i vharac"�,?i­3 .a tht nevel applauded by I get.hux .a large anumitt of paper ons Under what blistering suns thcy NL,w York. and �-.fld: "Were tll;n 1 rhetorical pens, and proprieties of queror,%. Int even healed, and looli; at : -T--IW.Xt-% $, S K"IDDIZE, Y which to -write the story of lits ilwtuy . ,,waug the scyLlia and the oxndle. fr - one crystallita, art'l I I lift, 011.rirat'.tred a% pruiery, and ill- ara examined, St. Paul may point out, ,re -at ghzib " the, Weapons of, 6go spiritual conflict 'bu � an of it if I ; eldi I or put In a way to to um the armor withl which he advia, JJUANN P S od upas .his troops, and he retreat Lilt' logs or out their ,*&y 60 the f od- Would drink ow glmus of bl, approval. ad the Ephasians to equip themselves, I , mi- L T I, t -m -M :is, , t diseajij and iam:w! segiz-. Through what deep snows they dreir Nvc�ro offered the jxi-gsessi lity n� b,-hav! � . -andy, I I .XCIL.� sylillp-ithy and half a it. I . Villgfix1ficni-xil-take out tUcinflummation ad in dismal y. So Benhadad's Whav-' d,ring of the cattle. WhAt droughts, w-tAild refuse with soorn; and I wan" My wonder is not that so many 90 and -say,- "That im the shield .f i , ' ,anti,nong 4:0 of the. cif � ,esti6n, ,glue case to alle aching lo.r has jb2en oopi--d in. all agea' . what fresh,:!ts, what inscotilc invaj,- no religion to hE-Ip MC." But illat I aitcay, bit my wondair is that ten faith. .'s bar"it. [.knc=n painter World. mit will'bi my oljieOL OmIng' ton they remembir. To clothe' and wim- xLn died at Pciuglikeepiia n 1 tim-., .i., m,,.Ily are not de That is. the helmet of -salva- � .T+,rr.j. Evanson, the well _batielled. tion. That, is the girdle of truth. ,cad Aocoralor,, 5o Oxford St�, 'Torontop other lessoias,-to show that 11 '111)' feed and educate the household they drunken pauper. Better under-ra-;e I Th.�rz are inrluences at work whish, That is t breastplate of righteous- putn orl ,tile axn.b:)r having finished: wont through toils anA gait sa-crifices than over-rate ourselves. hal '. ,,Ont.�,:Said. A-19OUtClght'%VCC"ZS--L,rOI'A'ag I ' it rnarri:..11 � 3, will turn our cities in- ness. Those are,the mailed shoes in is taken -with an-oucruc-iatinfl, Paign�iti my back the, blgitttla ismioxe to be cOngratuLated that tht, world knew but little about. My subjact is also a refutation. c! . !.a ,,;Oe,a.,-,-1-j q.?id Goinorrahs ready for S,, el'allat my than he w-botbagin3. I Rost, aged man. Let the b-.sys ,do the. the famous siNtitiment that. Got its on,* . which they wore, shod with tho JDvcr-,tlige kidnew.. It was � I.,,,, 11111 aaid fire and Wim-iton-a of paration of the Gospel." There and N %%i& -had to ap��.y hot cloths a' jl�:doctor First, I find encouragement in. shovelling and threshing and ratting Lh -, t1gle of the heaviest artillet y. Frc.4a . Go -l' ; nrltxna Lion. then you may( recount the contrast 14 this sub&�ct for the aged who have and sweating. You have put the hat. jilt I can read ab.7at thlei strut 1, I . mme;and gave me morphine. ) a.stono got, thTolligh thc�. work aald struggle ! Yc.,., you must have full armor, for between, the day ;when you enlisted in I. lievaid the troublo,tvas due to nems off, and 'do not try to put it on Bonhadad opake tha truth when• he there, all the temptations to gaming Christian eonflict and, the day when � .passiViront the l,idncv to the bladder. of earthly lifC. My venerable friends,: . P, nty-five years allrain. Paid: "Tit(•, gods (to so unto mv '.1 amd. practices, either irl gambling halls or you closed it, in earthly farewell and ' - Z, My sitator was Loaded with a bric- dual if you had .,,had at t'sVO There are old mechanics that can more, al,.o, if the dust of Samaria hall in• the money markets, buying wh,lt heavenly salutation; and the text. I ,deposit ,and scalded on passing, of age. full .ap-preciation of what You no more shwc the plane or pound suffice for handfuls for all Lhi, pvople I they rover paid Yor, and selling what c meaning for us U-11ILe,.j-,1 this cQbdition I heard golrDaan's would have to go through in the with the haninter or barge ,with the: that follow rne." He ,.v,a.% so confident I they can never deliver, first borrow- now, will have more meaning for us Kidney Pills and.siarted taking tbeirt. thirti,-A and the forties nod the fifties b*t or ran up tilt- ladder to these;i.f- that with his sulx,rior numbers lie ing what thoy, cannot return and then.- "Let not him that gird-3th on ,, . It was sot long before I got rellef '-fn0m of your lifet2m, .., ,you would have In -en f�iding. Master mechanics they were, could def -at the king of D;rael and stealing -what they cannot borrow. All his harness boast himself as he that I pain and liave bectl1niproving in heafth.evot appalled. poxttignately, the Wreave- or subo,rdinates ,who wrought faith- capture Samaria that he left the I houlls of the day and all hours of ;the putteth if Off.,, 11 i'llice. Aly urine is slow clear and does not jn(nts, the temptations, the Wrscou- fully in the work of house or iporn or work for it short afternoon. Ile Ls i night are. va.s.'-,suras of money passing smart me, and I feel better than Ili year -s. tiaras, the. h,ix­jtsdj1p3 ,were Curtained ,hipbuilding. You have, a, right to at oo,�m in wmwail with Ilk royal its- I fraudulently, for gambling in all cases . I I from vc-ur sight. WiLh more, or less qn;t. You ligive fini-sljLd your task. sociatc4. Time b-.Lttle of Waterloo was is fraud, whether it be it twenty-five -' -- - - -1 — . -- .-• .. ­ fogrtitudv you pa.36cd through the ;;w, thankful that you.r work is done. not-. opened until twenty-five miurtte'i cant prize package In a crash, in � s and disap- i, � Theso little crises of pain. and sadnics Tit,xi there are, aged physicians. to twelve o'clock at noon, bit that Northern Pacific, which made Lont- I orlmlw�,. : U.11 -LIVER PILLIJ a black followij 1 po�intnlsen,. an.1, fatk4u,.?, and still live What tragedies of pailf and accident was b�tausjl tile gr,rxind was too wet bard street and; the Bourse agh-ist . . I I net easily and naturally on tho systein,I I to xecount the divine help that sus- 0w.y have witnessed. Uo-.v mush sof_ to move the artillery. llcmhailadwai.s, and shook tho nations with financial I I lid affete motorial, : ta'wd yen. At tw %:ity or thiri y years tering they have altsuaged. HVIV Many until afternoola b�eaus--, he is over-1ca,ribiluake. L " " 'a " , c O iL � 01 your agg�, at. (.116I tap of thedr M br � " ., _ , ",' ,� 'L . .n(- ' 11ek . av-.- battles they have fought with ronfridenC God ts not on t1w. si(III O� i 0, yes, you need the harnoss, on un- VA ; 1, it I 'Y.o T _ !ty Lanool; and owtiolysan. How many the most swords, or the most war I tit God toll-., you to take It, off.' In I I ""' ""' ' � _.t br..I�;y(ya put on t lit., liarnass, NOW, at ab I : (11oll-t`jII �`%O`� all'! lit or _all ­ a . ar us, r'i seventy or P191l'y, You are peau'- avers they ZQ. How many Woken ahariot,%, or lbe most cannon, it they I olden thria, it was leather armor, or . ;-I�1,11.�IrilwI.�,,.,..t-hti�lyiu.l� d. or st . fully putting it .off, You would not * Trips for , 2 .. b.n,-,,.% they set. TI -ow many ParO.N Y- ll,- in the wronr;, but on the side �i 1 chain armor, on ribbed armor, fiLt-h- - , I want to try tiva bittl-, of life over .in, I hey quieted. 110W Many 0glaXiOUS ill,, right. Ilow such a preposterous lognad in ancient; foundry, but no knia i again. So miany of just your t0mP'rI'- (lays they pagssed when they knew ­nt'.miml ag; I have menConedehould can give, you$ the outfit you need, ex- Diamonds - 'Better stop that mnnt, and With 0.5 good a starting, that human lives depended upon their havi- ,gaiaod %,way I know not wlic-n cept God, who is muster of this world : 13FA 1 , now with . --.. , and aG fine, a pirentage,and secnl;ng- ,,kill and fidelity. They drove back all, history proclaim the oppmIt,-. De- and the eternal world, from which @ . ;1 .cough n I -is ma — ­­ I . � ly with , ,ch Qqujp�is.z of chaxac- death from many a cradle. Instead s,oribingy Clip very -next battle in which ascend the mightest! hostilities. Lay �, gL few doses of ter a-. you had, have made complete of becoming hardened at the eight of Bmliadad fought, and was miserably hold on God. Nothing but the. arm, L I... -.1. . ... I . ...---.I...... ­::..i­-�­­ Dr. Wood's shipwreck that yc= ,would not want suffering their sympathies deepened, dcfe,lited. the Bible says: "The chit_ of OnjuiptiLetice is strong enough f( -r 4,1 . . I again to run the risks. Though you a-.% ;with ,aged Dr. Valentine Mott, dron pitched WT�re them, like two the tempted. ;' I Many of our on-r-of-iown tiatrovi ; . Norway Pine - - can look back an:d sice many mistakes, ;when standing b2fare his students little flanks of kids, but the Syrians; Young man, put' on'tho entire. Gas- ' L. #A the next time You might make Worse find, when needlintz (11111no,04, O."t, .1 Syrup than let in clinical department and a child filled time ecruntry." noW in,ji.?,nIA-'pa1 outfit. If you have come from the : . " I of being dep(rese- they more than wive Lae #-.%,A-n.sv %I . . Dr. Wood'S Mistakes- Instead was mbmt to be operated upon in onot wore the unarmed 1sraeli'.eq, I country to live in the city, imitate tho their trip by vNiting us. 13 fact that yolf are being surgery, ay=4, an who arrive I r it run on to end erl over the fa y, lie said :-"Gentlemen, here half�,Oarvtnl and unorganized, cam- lexamplo. of , m . I fjolpWay conated out or omitted In- the great " 9017 . perhaps in 13 ron- - are surgeam Who will do this 'work ptifed with Pharon It's host, on fool,' in Now Yarki on Saturday night,t in- - ., undertakings of the church and the as 'Well is I can, and y,(= will excuse on horscf)ick and charloted! But the I tending the following "Aforiday to ent- We carry )w fir tiv, I I - ,,,I 11 . 7 chitis, Pneu- Pine world, rejoice that you have aright ,,,. if I leave the room, for as I get waves. of the Red Sea took part' in 1 Or his Placa Of employment. On' Sun- stook of ttiaia(vt,.:!. I I t*. ;I i. 111onia or Con- .1 broke out they sometimes wondered Older I cannot as composedly witness I . . ! day morning carrying out the, go" And oil r pri cv.A art- rivi - - I Syrup. I . I — - � M� 1 palln an. cum I could, especially the ­ - -- - - ---.- -- . country I -.-..-- .� . ..-� i advice before leaving his o only by personal ,4(.',-.-tu,,, hutil 9 I Sum tion. It's I suffering of little childrenO' God torn- i hoine, him went to church. Standing att the rilt-ters ill Arlm.t ,vin. alt -I I' I erful lung ' "" fort and blem the old doctors, alro- J9 i the door, he was abashed as the beau- C011.1"I'l.".111 •-- v1j..,r,1.,1I lm.-.ile j I � awond �4 . I COVERED WITR ECZEMA Pt hydropathiao and TAST TAI ty and fiviblon, and watilth swept , lnLQ'-,j prolit.-, i bealing remedy The good sisters of St. Joseph's eclectic, and make them willing to b-1 00 through tho doors, of the sanctuary, - . ! . I that cures the I Infant's Home say of Dr. Ag. oat ,of practice, Ilefore long they will DOSES And beg daroill not go in. A,§ hei was t i neWs Ointment -"We &rive 114 hear the bonsadietidn, of him who said, Whose schooling about turning to go away, a gmtle- : If ,,nn ennil, -, erglng, to 114 we can I! . Ail eintuent physiclan, man said,- "JIMve, you 4 seat, young ' row - I worst kinds of our highest, r6commenda. "I was ,sick- and yes Visited 7ne.11 I � � to %---%I i -V Ill-il through ol I. . . � I IMA always boon along the line of 11 strong - I o ' , ! coughsaLndcolds #A tion. W6 use It froely and And there are the bld ministerS. tonics andbitters" for stomach troubles, inant" "No. sir." „Do you belong: to I I 01hdoglit'. - Try t lice "d 1.0 find It a great cure." too they were foremos,L in general now prescribes What he calls tasty tablet tho city?" 1114o. Mr." "Who,re is your , convinced. •-1 When others fall. St. loseph's infant Home. South Troy, N.V.: assemblies, and conferences, and ass. dosell-Dr, Von Stan,ij pineapple Tablets, i home?" "in the owntry.11 I'llow long I I 1. ... . . ... ... I ­­ - -11 .... I i . I , - boxes Piite 25c. & 5oc. All dealers., "If you sell De. Agnew's Ointment in pound smiatioms." Vicy have ptottelied Ill And he is only one of thousands of the medical I have, you been! in the city? I "I eamo mo i I � 1. . I I—— I ­, � I . � I � 11.1 . , boxes wo wish you would send us your lowest Pentecosts. They have stood by profession who are "getting out of the rut" and An Inst night." "What tLro Von, goinll I � .� � ties. Man -a deajth&bg�Ids and seen Lit. taking the common-sense view of things, and J � to do here?" 'It hopa to go into busi. I I 101 I " R I E 91 it "O S . I it by buying In large quand Christia 0 - 4. JI ! Curt constipation, billousness, ell le PbrIce2rare brought to our home covered with Jahs go. up In, t-lam-inig icharigots, f instead of strong doses Are prescribing f.,r stoin- 1 i COR. YONGE AND ADELAIDE. - I e 'Ild c. 1100is to-lilDrrow.11 "That, is right. You I . is pleas- : III'M be U w 11, 9 man. LAXA- Eczema, and of all the treatments and ointments 916TY Tho Gospel they preaelled, lor nth troubles and the ills that are akin, till g it 0 youn rnAn Xovelr . L sla, . Rvilry we havaused we find Dr. Agnew's 0alanient tc fifty Icir, sixty years, illumines their ant and rj0Vtr failing treatment. Evet a sees forsake the God of your fathers. Come . ! STREETS, I - . I 1 %ilfl guaranteed perfect And till "t be the most satisfactory. --it has made some great ewry featuim. They have stopped the walls of prejudice crumbling, and nature I NN -111 1give. you a. Isea,t: bXmy. pew." ' lrLo-.� ' L LIM Without Any triplor, weakenlitig tit' curesforw. We give It our higliclat fecontradn" pvOito getting thd teeognitioa she nlerits�-fbr natures Tb,0,!ncx young ma pro. . ,Ili.ug, feir their ,breath is; tbort, . 16 . t Morning tht yo n I .. I olckialug effects. sac. at an dnig. Illation, 35 cents. 13 or their fttrves are ii -Jangle, ,or they cures ate surest, Sixty tablets, SS cents. ,somed Ills lettiw *in business eircleji. ... I - I PILLS suis. Sold by A. L. Attinilton, W111014111. 1050 their thread of disootirea, or Sold by A. L. Hatil itton, Wingliant. "What do Y010 wept, young rabmt'l 1� —� 11111mlilift,� I I . , I �I 4 .., ­­, I , 116110=11111 ­-­b-----------Z,­­1­ — - -- - - -- - - �­- - , . -- 111"1--Aki. - — "'Wiskiftimmi6"'. - -g�. ­­ - .­4�� I . ­�­ I., I -,1....1L1.Lm ­-J0w- —4aawAAAM