The Wingham Times, 1902-01-03, Page 7TILE• r .
_,.:.. ,-;.. - : -vow.,. ..:. ,.,. .. .. ... .... ... ... . . .. .. • ��
• �,y of 1•lic lied and toot: tile ailvalld's
•���•a•��•,•4��if�M�••°i i i % 1�.. � • ; *I ��•�.•s��**�i••e.*•���•e••••ct�•.• "�rt3tal>w yG�,i�: ,i'rlt:tl 't11G' X'ltldtll, 1rtOp* ;tOirnf Nnatta.
• • • , . R • •e-. *.W er +,, �1}1nd( yt 4 `t p i P, �
w.+►rarw.•Mr«r+4r+w•-.»�w.-.»w.»•wM•w1n,n�«•..�w.w►ai.}..Wwtww�ww•we . '•' 111 .• os h; found luiltrel� US.Lr 1%ueei lr» V. il:ttt :Jl +fit"t 1St
I must o now, lie said. ul 111 "Snow► 1 thunk oto have one n-4 sa m
•• • 1; ,7 1,; .w Il,u:r a ly til ,t t•, n ut
'�� if )'01 are willing I will -come about fair enough ill. this directlou. tY t�ittlltl:i•.il by ;} .3.,•.y 1,,..n, in. Qotsc
•+• ••, Again"—
ThisI`is die shortest Va�'.," said u• 1 ti,„S , ; itlwitrui. it is itis t
W:. azarrr r
:0 "Nt' will come” uttered Couratl the stz}ln„ts1 guwlo apolo�,et c;all): CAUSED AIN .ot+ t„^ th tl,.itl's:�t�i c+tr�tll�utt� .
�• v in reply, returning the grasp of the "I did not think the Snout avas -so At tht> auom n. cf illy rtsl;ll shaell,
.�,: .; hand with all his feeble power. "Oh, sleep Dere. But it's only ill tllo nest ^- - -- tvery wire «.salret n, C:liarl�•s cin acs 11t
'•• MOSCOW „ p
•.• .«, • Vou must come often .now. I hoe street. The .14tense• SulToriu of a Per ilio t a i l • tvJrtcl ,,a s.;ttttly
.•. .: 1 shall live.. Perhaps T shalt If 1 "Then Oil go.” fan Relinved nazu dared by.Dr. `fest.' ,::ti "t fiCt itiit:r .idlis;:s crol:ttt
�•� .; _ . clo, I shall owe my life to )'qi1. Anil Agllin the stronger started, and Piteher's Baelial)ie Kldney Tablexs• b h til rt e:.} Ill.- .tt ;o:t; `d oily., #- tett }
r $y' SY ;'V�PiNUS COBS, Jr. i God knows- wfor the feeling as even Rurle,followed on, The lane was a ars, ivi:� an tnAila; i, hail b`..0 swept
�• •. now firm. in my soul=that I will crooked one and more than once Tbe.terrible pain that catollea va,i is
r0, • , . frorr> the Erase, of •Cb:i earth. -And ' for
-,•�N,Nr�W.N.Mw.w.W.R«lw�Nw.wN�-�NwM.•�w.«b•.w�wgw.MwM�WwM.NMw•--e«�.,M*we.` • o _
• • • e • • • . • • • • • & • • , • • • a • • • y • • • • • • • • • • • • • •,•• !
always remember how )'oda saved the yQ.uth had another inclination the back rnalms,stoopiug over, lisill r up,al:ua y li„•:1re 'Ch wls•sw t r'ertlai 1..'.1 l t
U• • . • ,! •'• • + , ,. , . • - me, .and I will never think, never, to stop,, Ile had a10 direct £car but or anoviug about even, Unbearable. orally dead to 1.1w world.
{ • •. , I, •I• • • • • • • , , . I• • • • •+ • • • a • • • • • • 1 ;, , I F of the sad blow you struck me, ''et lie bad so t Ill nine cases 011tof tea, it is trace- The next m7rni k, , Wfore the aver.
k obeyed, and when she was gone No- blhe is out somewhere. [„a Come• --come t0 mf'1'len 'O can ) e ins just grounds for able to disordered Kidneys. ag. citix.:sl Trail tine' to collect h
pani, took all the articles upon the , count has bad a strange fit --u star- i you doubt. Ilad ho not seen what lied 'glee pain i,a tie o guest is the Kidr;ey'a avis s, the teiewat,tl laevvie had start�,.4
for now -- now —: as God lives, I been Attempted against the count . signal of distress.. ed out tangs. of lliizirl; n to get the
a u` • ;table and set thein on one Side. Ise ; Cling spasm --and I feared if he speak the truth ---now I love you I” he 'might have had, no such doubts . Co to their assistance with Dr. Pic- wires in ,varkiit� order. A gators i
would not throw 4, em away, for lie bird another the a�oman could not "God bless and free you P' mur- now, but as it Svcs 1e Ihou It that : ober s Backarhd Kidney Tablets, toe iwlucipat offices within a radius
meant to analyze thein.
manage him alone. l t gl . . They will prawptt, relieve the pairs, of sever4l hundred males were set to
,Then the woman returned, Zo. `°Alil" uttered Savotano. "A mored Ruric in a bus y, tremulous if one attempt had been made to cure the Kidatiytroubleand restore your, calling "c. Ir:" For a Ion- time..
spasm ?" voice. And with these words, cola- . ruin him through the emperor's d1s, healthtiudstae49th, thexe, was, too response; but`4t last,
palli mixed the new potion and . ing from the very depths of his pleasure by the plan avllo was now Here. is a case worth reading; on the wire of which T bud in charge,%
ministered it, enol ex's long after-
Yes, a most strange one, as souls he turned away and left the trying to murder the count it would , Mr.. Alexander Montgomery,, Peter slight answvxing signal was felt
though something were at his heart, room. He heard the voice of the not be at all improbable St,, Petits, terve when interviewed, suffering
rather than hirstl—gains t,.et flick_
ward the count Poll asleep, 1. p bee that some suede the Statement: i was suf>:eriu erinQ, like the first ,sign of returning
'Al "Iturie Novel," said the surgeon as though his brain were on fire and count as lie moved toward the open more effective plan should be adopt- acutely in n}y back when I began usiutbr, l,i,:. Hrow that mom. Art. ur watch
i his whole system shaking," Dr. Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets was, if 1>:ssibt mear,�
as soon as lie was wore the invalid door' and thanked God that twos. a ed toward him.. Ile was pondering ' y Bili 10 I!`or
would sleep, "will you remain here
The priest turned his head away, blessing which fell upon his oars. thus awhen alley came to a cross lane booted from k'. l.. H}lil. tlto arngp;ist, an Maur or more I called, "ad justed,'*
awhile? I find but Ruric saw lainl the exultant I toned lift uorhhisg, every wove caused and used every effa�t t to revive the
i, A f some of thesostllings o I have only look which rested there, There was truelfor hose who
know not the frill as narrow as this, into which p In, Thera was neither strength w• feeble pus e. I could fancy myself
forgiveness ss a e the guide turned. a , •irgy lett in rue• The constant auhiug work ]ao desperately to resuscitate n
pt, to go to the academy. I will be no mistaking any more. That one Bost emotion of earth 1 "Look ye once more, sirrah l" over my Kidneys was most depressing, half-drowai•d mate. Again I felt the
back in an hour at the furthest." look—for
for Ruric saw it—was proof Ruric had left his sledge at a cried the youth, now stopping short. I startell using the Tablets and the Lunt- fliekertan r iLmal. and Own znee again
1 "Well,
�� neighboring inn, and as soon as he "Do you call this a street?" oisgo quickly began to let up. I aro all signs of lire: faded away. Finally,
The gunmaker gladly consented y quite over it now. I have found thwu as the: wires t,e i,t•tdually cihared
+ b g p «ell' well, the misshapen vil- •.
to this and hawing gathered u the � A gamed the street .he bent his steps "Yes, sir, and on this street we utut+tsatisfactory and can confidently of dtbris, the ctirrenc. btaMan to
vials and the wine bottle and con lain said I will call again when he that way. IIe had gone half the dis- shall find the man we seek. It is recowrttiwd thein for badbncltR." strength -n, att.t then came the an.
-ceased them beneath his pelisse,: the is awake. I would not Have hi m tanee from the residence of the only a short out from where he is Dr, Pitulitr's Backache Kidney Tab- swering' "i—l: L! Nl'—weak and un -
die and I not b him. lets are 80 cents a box ut all drnggieta, :steady, but stUl.l suffici»ntly plain is
I surgeon left. Y want to t110 inn and was just upon to the; inn where )rout horse is, so The Dr. Zinn, Pitcher Co., Toronto, (Tut. b* made out, To me it sounded like
Ruric 1Geyel was happier now, for rI'lius speaking Suvotano arose the point of crossing the street yon wonl't have to retrace these du- a voice from the-Umb, and I shout -
1 hope was with him while he prayed and moved toward the door. His when he heard his name pronounced bious 'days.. Only a little, farther, �, ed aloud the tidings, that Charleston
w, that God might spare the unfortu_ stop was eager, and his every look by sonic one behind him: He stop- ail." ve" 1'i"tZ"`""' was still In existence. Quickly the
betrayed Some anxious purpose. « , Chicago record-Ilaxald. mcunder was-urrounded by it throni;
4 :nate count. Y A A ped and looked around and saw a But I don't like this." t oun't sea, ttrr rife ]ifs of me, why of exciCed telegral,hers. the 1Vloxse
i stopped as he reached the door and man approaching him. "Wily, bless you,, sir, if you wish PLople should b. good, teas bnnkon ant unsicady at first.
' CHAPTER 1I, looked back, but lie did not speak. It WAS too dark to, distinguish to,go direct to the inn where your Aad aitvitya. try to do tris things the Then the current gre-w ;stronger -
F AN ASTOUNDING APGAIR. Iiuric was afraid lie might go to the, faces plainly even at a:usual oonver- horse is this will be the nearest_ Bible says they should; the patient was growin,t better—and
Sideboard to look at the medicine rational distance ,� MY maslie's always tell:an' me that if for a 1•anx time we liste`wd to the
li Half an 1lotlr heel the gunmaker , ,yet Ruric was not way, I'm w1Pk,0,l I lab:rred ct;ckin„ until at last the
sat by the side of tine sick man's bed but be did not. He simply cast one long 'in concluding that the man c`Well, on you go." Wtnn't ti.vor have a harp to twang N' rst was known. And at t}tc: end of
k when he was aroused from the rever- more glance at the watcher and hien iwlro had thus bailed him was a' And on they went, now slipping Put LIn<W live- 11u m. di h ley inantt, US(, thatal art great
or h , went out
i ie into which he had fallen by the left the room. stranger, He Was a medium sized on the ice note in the snow to their � u% e.s if liter -
1 gentle opening of the door. He turn- In half an hour more the surgeon mon and so closely enveloped in his knees and anon stumbling along and oft lis used to swear! ally in aur. i>res^.nee •t long buried
i ed and bchel�l a human form emer - returned. His face wore a clear, bonnet and pelisse that his form and b a Aad if h ever went to church, why city titres b:xu exhumed.
g emphatic expression, over frozen bubbles and deep holes. 'no one saw him tharc— from the narrow, dark entry- A p , and his move- features would have been hidden At length the guide stopped and Still, whin they had the: funerai,and — — -- --
way. As it came into the room the menta were all quick and prompt, even lead it been lighter Than It was, opened a small gate which was filed when the preacher prayed, - - -
watcher started, for he beheld the as though each one was for the put- "Did you speak tome?" asked tine in a high, thick brickwall. Ruric hes- II SpaUnel aWiltinra od ea arp that o
hum backed priest, Savotano, pose of announcing some self evi- out'h as the man came u g p 119av � �
p p + � � Y p• stated here again. He lead nn, wee - And. tU n ha toter ns
"Who is here?" the arch fiend dent decision. "Yes, sir.. Is your name Ruric on of any kind. If he 1' d land even t'c+at-nted lrncl:• William is,
whispered, shading his eyes and try- " d d"I
Fell," he uttered, with a quick- Novel? tin Chore'avt ti those rehire wings i '
-ing to peer into the gloom. ly drawn breath, "we have put the • ,It is." a pistol or a sword, h0swould have .of Itis,
cared not. But he did riot show his' . o Y
« » <r medicines to n test:' And then he y thoughts to his guide.. The gate he's
Sh 1 uttered Ruric. The count "Then you are wanted a few mo- ta'1''s'•� •- _
1 is alseep." leaned back and looked into Ruric's' ments at the residence of a lieuten. opened with a creat: upon its frosty. in
P By this time our hero had so far face. 2 ant named Orsa." hinges and b the dim a�ailight the lieavea -="'r: yu ..a- °"' .*•-
!-overcome the first emotion caused "And what did you find?" the "Alaric Orsa?" asked Iiuric. youth could see an open court be- now.
by -the villains entrance that lie young man asked. "The same."f gond, and farther still a house of Pa used to tell uy all abau; the 3
r, ilii our handsomely iDlus-
•could be calm. "Just what we expected. We But lie does ndt live here in the some kind loomed up. geek' grit Lirir;g3 .voulet cheat � •
"And who is this?" the priest have detected arseniq in three of liremlin." "'i'his place seems not;'to be used And gouga• t11e poor and taka the trated catalogue you will
the medicines which the count had "Ile is here now, at an rate and " she: s right off the orpl,:;ui's lines and
whispered, moving nearer to the , Y , much, remarked Rtu•ic4 as he saw =fine; full
bed, 'IIa! The gunmaker." to tale. But this poison is not would see yolt." the snow in the court was trodden x: w� lcLz' pity ]iLe taxes, and hd price's
`cies," replied the youth, watch- alone. There is much opium in the "But you said he was at his rest- but little, only one or two tracks took t1w nidow's m,ta- of a'. that is nes est in
ing every look and movement of the rine, even so that we could smell it uonco, suggested. our hero, who being visible from the late to the At .i•ast I heard pit tell;:ng ma he -�S ,clonus, rings, ,,brldai
follow most closely. when our suspicions guided us, The house. took the mite all right—
ec , p b was fearful that sonic evil might be But w4 -a th •y had tba funeral the pl•e rents; bris]esmaids'
"Yon are in a strange place, I poison has been most adroitly fixed. "Ah— es— "All—yes—you stud—what?" church wet ctawded, and
i should say," Suvotano wliispered, The priest must have one of those
meantI1.11ow nothing tb the contra- "I said thisyplace didn't seem to Th prea3hcr said he'd gene aw.ty to favors, wedding in -vita -
not Junking the young min directly rcripes wliiell have been a eel by set- ^ ry, sir" the stranger returilecl be used much," the youth repeated, ! tI„ tr no physician inruvbl: �> .vt�`h' tt eke Clout tro*+G, etc.
in the fiidC1011gtce, bUt g1aneC, asLing thoughhe dared Dtosooly ocould space CollCOCted the promptly. "All I Can say i8 Alalic though he was sure the fellow heard "tile an: who'd gone lx fore, � co ; ;, 0f this catalogue
" t' c Orsa has fallen upon the ice tinct the first time. To live, to everl:•Ls�t1wr b.t s -upon Lha:; i
• not look direct. deadly poison", hurt himself Severely and upon be- "Ah, yes—a—the usual entrance shining shore"— tti ill be cheerfully sent
"Speak not too loud, sir priest," "But.whercin was it so wondrous- ing informed that yon were near by is the other way, by the sledge And thm ha geld us how �-
said our hero, determined to enter ly peculiar?" asked Ruric, with in- with a sledge heaskedthat you path." With thatthi"tr4ld skinflint
harp of y `tu upon application.
into no conversation«villi the man tcrest. might be sent for." "And where is that?" Ruric ask-
f h ]d •' 1 't D t• 1 �-
-• .
' e e sou aS oic t . ono au a c- 11 hy, en t11x$: Arsenic was the "Been hurt has he?''; ed, not being able to see any such 'can,; J "h . e �� � �
L`r T.�'Y.•.n ; ' rno
en the count, for he is very faint principal poisoning agent, but that "Yes, sir" hath. tt�' `�W
and weak." alone would prodty^e symptoms "Badly?" "Oil, it's around on the other ' YongnandAdelaide.Stn.,
And Lllon Ruric lead another rea- which any physician would know at "I believe no bones are broken, side•" Itc`tt�'n` r2
son. Ile feared if Damonoff should once. In this alae there was some- B this time the bad reached the TOIZIONTO.
but he is so batlly sprained that lie Y Y .
awake that the strange discovery thing present which overcame all cannot walk" J']tr. byy Lha+was the wort in school door of the house, which our hero w,ra 8111Ti.tmkina.,n, 172=:'eAv cflAttGes AND
they had made might be revealed, the olitatard signs of the poison and "AIC, than perhaps Ile wants me could now see had an old, di]apidat- lI. tvraldn'� mind tit:: Ceach.rand he
and, of course, he wished not that only let it eat upon the vitals. I to carry hint home." ed appearance, and the guide plied th•rlght tnat it ar•,tra fug R :f UXD StUNEY IF DES2REDa
the villain should yet know stow well know not the secret, though I know "I can't say as to that, sir. They the iron knocker with zeal. Bre To ham .-r all the- liul r boy ;. anti _ d •,_ „•,
I he was understood. there is such a one. I.lad it not only sent me to find.,you.
I don't long z man made his appearance t poll t.h•.� way h 'd list—
"But why are you here?" pursued been for your fortunate suspicions kllo�v the man myself." with a lantern in his hand. -ni ani: h� pok d his r: n it :n It's'-'--
Savotano, who seemed determined the count Would have died from the There Was something so frank in "All l Ilas the gunmaker come?" �., said j; lead 1' ass ur.l.d of Gotl.a,itd
to know. "I am this poor man's , effects of the wound. Tile Poison the statement thus made that Ila- the latter asked, rmiak.,d nit Stott- and
spiritual comforter, and I surely Was working silently and surely, ric believed it all h6nest, and he "Yes," returned the guide. P o,-rr '01 ` iv ixl l ; r a Taboret; now!
have a right to know wherefore is awithout pain and without outward rr Nell, I m lad hes here, but I -
li stood n0 longer tri doubt. , , !t^ ixr ober �t•,u••i up there and
the presence of one bearing the pe- sign different from the usual sink- "I will go," he said. "But lead don't believe Ursa is fit to move, pet lobed about; a to of thirst 4
euliar relations toward him which ing of the worn and fainting body, the way quickly, for I have no time said the first speaker. And then, Th.:y do wh,re al:vvMs platy on harts; '
are sustained by you." Dpt I have hopes now. The villain " turning to Ruric Ile said: all strung wi.1� golden strut, . On jellies
I uric's 'first impulse was one Of. . A to waste. .l „ tt , , �:n•t tb-m It told Its how
P must not knots that we have discov- "I will lead as fast as you will But I m glad you've come, sir, preserves t and pickles, tingspread
a r c, Bred him. �j e will let the thing run » y 61u• h happir'r cieat� Eadie is a thin coating of
disgust and wrath but he managed ' for the lieutenant wishes to see ou ,
to keep it to himself, I want to follow answe3ed the man. Y G Chem tvi, h those white w:nr ���
t A for the present" And thus, �s speaking lie turned aery much. Tells geek, sir" p of Ills, - } P ''
c, , » p` , , r ; iifr�,3
J. bit priest, he returned, moving Ifo rani was not a little Surprised This was all so frank and promut Tau. ,', ' +
1 A back and having gore some dozen �������
his chair noiselessly nearer to the when he found that the priest had " o � hill
visitor, so that his whisper might rods by the way they had both come, that the young man begali tto tl3inlc ; a
A o been there during his absence, but rr
not disturb the sleeper, "I Beard I b he turned dozen a ilaxrow street he had been a fool for being fright- i<,;: a�nrn win keep chem absolutely mo2Ftute and
A before he could make an further acid proof, Vu reltednedVaraaineSoalso
that the count was d Ing and I Y which led toward the river. Half t .cosy Ise followed the man with n`�w• l usefat In n auzdn other rvays about the
Y g, remark the count awoke. Ile felt wa`q down. this he wen and then lie the lantern into the hall, and from °0i8e r°1 suldeverywhete. •""1S°�
would not have him die without first I very faint, but that strange sickness turned again—this ti e to the left thence down a long fliglit of stairs I s`t'n r f^e in! the lite of to the ase IMPEAi'AL OIL CO.
forgiving me for all that I had of Mlle stomach was lessened. The " "T 5 , of Win! good;
•done." •—incl thus Ruric found himself is into a basement, rl.11e lantern did I've always ttiwd to act as well its
! „ �� I surgeon prepared some suitable dil- a narrow, dark lane within which not give much light but it was sulfi- anybody could,:• ,,,
1 :Ind has be done it? uonts, and, having called in the the snow- Was sleep and almost un- tient to reveal tile fact that the rats I ain't Groin' to -no more, 'cause ' ' '
"IIs has." woman, lie ave directions that the' housey Do only yoso ur rents and your
"And -why do you remain here? should lie g given in large quantities, txoddell. large, for an old one and not vex
,Where is his attendant?" lark, for Iinric could see windows teacher says you trust,
and also directed her to prepare upon the opposite side of the hall &nd it's so easy to ba bad -to just.
some strong barley water for the pa - - - - you know—
which looked out of a0ors. As Ile cut lease,
tient to drink As he wanted bevcr- v t't go the way I used to think iC�Z
® rr , reached the foot of the stairs he da sit't sectio to pay 0�°��Jft r� a�All the vials were replaced upon D�. �it�ICiOD found himself upon :1 biles: floor, vvlt;,n Lt's easy to b± bad and have a
%' It If 1 A .r And lie raw the walls tt ere of stone. preacher come, some day,
ilio sideboard and then refilled with -.. r' - And ,got ra telli.n' how
a III h q Y r�. �� little farther rn a door all open- Watery
li uids somewhat like those the tell and this r I a or w1 a art- I'Ocntented little Georgie is A t tS Chert' with these wLite wings
9 i had before contained. But the nurse +�r���„ nlcnt, ayitliin irhlt:il awns ti fireplace ; of his,
II The cough that hurts, the cough that Was directed not to use them. rv- � and a good f�rc burning. 'Causes
)rets tight in the chest is daily getting elythin that 1101. patient Was to �
om"` rr " s^ice the sec- � Cm's �g p ,, The re, cod ru;deeper and deeper into the bronchialtake she was to keep under liar own � , ` ' +. 0nd guide, "if von twill wait a few bt atubes and is malting directly Por th4 >,.•,- . r ltaaven �'% • r les.
Rings, to become pneumonia, inflamma- charge in tho kitchen, and site was � "''
tion of the latngs or consumption. _ y 1tic.ltuint c I will g0 and SCC 110av the now,
also most particularly cautioned Tsetse errant is y' S.. 1tlsErt.
Such coughs are sometimes referred t - Five years ago my body broke
1 to as "graveyard coughs," because they { against allowin the priest to gain �/ ®! ;.1.; soon as P.urie was left alone Y Catitrrh Cannot be (lured out in white watery pimples,
+usually bring their victim to that last anything
n thin front her. But Igo ani NORWAY PINE SYRUR ' testing place. Y g A e lie looked about him. `file room : with LOCAL API'ICATIONS, tis they cannot which grew so bad that the stir -
meant meant to be s rc on that score. Ile tens of In, i.ze for ti small 'reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is ferin was almost unbearable.
. ar, Chase's syrup of Linseed and had a little b siness to transact, and A positive cure for all Throat, ,.,ung I o -
1 trurpetitino has long been known as + g hind J3ronrlttal diseases. liouse, and the idea of inhabltin,, ; �rUloo ocnr it Ito nimtietd takes internal �
imother's favorite remedy for croup, , -hen lie utas coming barb to spend y
I took doctors medicine a3�si
Ilealin and SOOth3n in its action. the Cellars was a common one in ! +•
bronchitis, coughs and colds. it gains 'the night liinlsclf b the counts g g ' ' i ientedies, Hail b Catarrh Cure is taken %rRriou3 remedies for two years
in ponularlty every day and now has �' y Pleasaht to talce, 1,:etnE+t and effoo• Moscow during the winter season. , .ntc+rttallp, and acts directly on the blood but they 'Were of little benef1t,
by far the lamest sale of any similar , Pide, Ito meant at all events that teal in its results. '.ne wi.ndolvsy tSwo In number, were ! amts tt,ucous surfaces. 113a11's Catarrh whenever I got warmed up or
¢tre,,arittion. the poisoner should have more Mr, Mas. Jnhnsoil Iieiir River, l�',5., clots ill) t0 the ceiling and ver ; Cute isnot a ctuaek meNeine. It was sweat the Pimples would come
it loosens the t1phtness to the chest, opportunity to exercise lies 'diabol- writes: t`T seastrottllcdavitlthoatrvots"Bti: Slutill ats Were tltchecl with pieces ltrc: te'tUed by one of the best physicians p p
allays the inflammation, cures the cold C C out s gin,
Sand prevents pneumonia, consumption Wall science upon the sick nobleman. and sora thfoat•f which the doetor 11Pu- A tit i this mrintr for y lass, and is a
anal ether utng• •troubles. 25 cents, all >louncedYiioneiitttshndrecomtnuntledtea of board In two or three places. rea;, iiarpresertpt on. It •s• composed of :sAt neighbov advised Burdo k
lTe+ promised the count that he . ,
lde:tlers', or T�dmnnson, nates d; Co.,To- ,, to try bE. Wood's I1ora'av fine Syrup, l.t C long the In:u1 carne back, and the h,•st tonics known, combined avitti _ 100d Betters, and I ares glad ]f
Ironic. sho,dd have safe and competent I did so, and after using three bottles I ; with biro 'eagle three tethers, one 'of j the lwst blood puriftors, aetitig directly followed his adviee, for foar bot.
g r watchers tllere;ifter. tette entirely oil the muebtis 1nrf9ces. The perfect ties completely Cured me.
„n E�� �. y _ whom the youth recognized as the ( etnul,ilm ior, of the, two itigredients is p .
IRS eat t.;3�y�'��;� It was fairly dark now, its Ritrlc 1 ' tc 1 That was three ears ago and
f'` ,r ' tt LaXn�tiver Pill before Mir- lndittdual who haci conducted lilm bar ,r•�ductaa Retch�vouderfnl results in a g'
could sec by r.1t,.lu,� the iUlrain acrid Il,r, 'Twill•worl,: whip, on sled, with- I •iitt`ig Ottatrrh Send fee �; tostimonials tilers lies never been 'S. spot fJ3t'
�,���"��� , . • „ 3' t to the house,
100Ai1111; out. Ile Italcl no idea it was gut a 1,.Ipe of pain 'carnia bil]unsttecs, e, " ' f"I pl3Uplo. oil me since.
It Orsa will see you, ser, sold 11ti ,
. so late. Time! hail •used without constt Latton sick ir,adaehe and dyspc`ti- l J'. T. t,itr•,�rY e t,o, P^o s.,'roledo, (J, ,ajames Whouse
and T��p�a�����• bis ootico, 110 fnovea _to 1110 sl#ct � a ..rid 'mtti.o vett feel bettor in that INwit}i the Ielllern. l ;Alas i),%r drngats gists. price , B1,66111 P.O., '01it .
� - morning, Pr}et,'•'.Gei. l 11 -ars ninilq Jyi13s are ih best. a.
` :e�,a�:.i"s`.._. ._. �... _ .__; .- •.. l - �.sWtli.l•.—� _ .....u..alt Vi`['�•-.-.-.•-- tea. _...... .i. •. "'.�-�..__1...�_..`.Yi,..........._� +rL. - _ �