The Wingham Times, 1902-01-03, Page 5M
TIM, JAN.. ;t, 19,62.
.1.�.T�- 1LnI�'IY`i��yr1t`yl 11 foal 1901 showa'thQf totalq`xeoolpts to, beJ. of L Illi N DAM OUR
NEIGHBORS 011874,05, Disbursements for roads and
bridgoa $1,703 46, miscellaneous, $224• Januar F C
17; s0hools, $267,04; salaries, $7241 y SUIer
1 %� U n' t think our Vapo , , mm •_-_ printing, $34,70, flaunty rata, 1992.10;
Bargains ''THE NEW Sfor 19"1
r c sols ri e i& ac>mething dralnutro ;18.60; interest $11,00, a total
for It i,u't. ku, 11101k; ` C expenditure of $9609,07. Cash on hand
):l twenty years it liar EVENTS OF INTEREST TO AL OUR READERS. 14 reported as 22204.03 tend uncollected J�NLJ,A��'
N A n extensively used for taxes X2077,91, and these two itomfir with
all forma of bronchial and road
�.'""'���` _-"��`� grader $210, and TOwrr Sall and
throat trouble. Mrs, Ballingtotl CLEARING
„ What Wldeertxake Tilnes Corrospoudents Coinn>muoale--0tashedvaluedat$070, matzo aer total tasseSALE
Booth said of it, years age, that Nn of $6f61,811, out of which the county
family where there are young child Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, ges, , rate of $1047.80 has to be paid and $888.-
ren should lac without IVgo•Creso• _ m - 67 to schools, Morris is evidently in
lona." Y, u breathe in tl:e vapor, it good shape financially and will be able
gots all though the bronchial tubes, Hero is 1ti 150intel+. 13 u;ta.e you � ST. H7:444I & to go it, forYtermanent improvements In
lacathin,r, healin •, c ori; g, it's haven't used Oatarrhozeuo iS ilio best +J'hH closing exercises at tato public goads without any trouble, VSO WOM Two Thousand Dollars int
pleasant, safe, (con, mic 1. is -reason why you should uie it tial}t sclipnlstool,ulttco last rtoelt and cacti
V t t .'t, 1- ,x soca by t:a•nt;:is•s rverywhrrt• away. It wall cures t1tH Catarrh that hard cash by, FEBRUAli Y 7+ IRST its it
Tho , a •, : u ti;,, wtaco a ould lust a 1 -ft- snakes your breath so heavy tttid your sedool was beautifully decorated by the
P'Y w, xn 1 it 11 mw f �re,uierac CUtaiae•tt, ,$a,5. hearing so poor. Gttarrh)zorte i4 a hilitis of the papik,. making each a J.t1ii•:STOW . with our stock of Twelve Thonsawl
rI , ., Cru•ott: u 25 ca tx uad 5o cna r
l.tust liv.i „u„la�t „"u lint,•,; l,n)siciattts' test, scientific curt) for Catarrh, Bronchitis pretty picture gallery to anter. All The Christmas visitors are: M.lton Dollars of NEw, RELIABLE, UP -TU -DATE
at., ti eta tt•e up n, requ 1'n, o-Gnsaot east Co., and•Asthma recommended by doctors
:So t�uttau st, ..d.Y Lua,,, U.S.A' and druggists as certain cure, biz• the teachers are glad to see visitors on McEwen of Port Arthur and James (roods, in Twelve Departments, weal
a eggist; vPiiigliain a sold by A. L. Iian:ilton, He A. Taylor, the oldest druggist its their closing days send. great progress Inas McEwen of Teeswater, nutter the tar• g quick selling and at stic,l
l arrsn ed for ui t
Halifax says "Catarrhozone gives been the verdict of every visitor. i'hc ri, ental roof.
- � ._....� "
satisfaction wherever it goes. It is were exceptionally fine progthemselves as his rains carried Dalton Wismer of Preston is spending r °:es as Quoted below -all real mane i
W HITI.CaUrvCH.: simple stud convenient to use, anal eu�oy s ( , .pressed holidays with his cousin will WrightI ;av ing snaps, with good attention
(Intended for last weeic.) fully three times the sale of tiny other out and marry c�
A very pretty wedding took place at
Catarrh remoriy sold in the city," being highly pleased with the general Lorne McKelvey of Harristen spent a to customers should make this sale a
high noon. of the home of Mr. and Mrs. C Ltarilnozone is guaranteed to cure, and work of the stn- .. few days at home over Christmas. �} rest Success. Colne ear y and we
if it fails you eau have your money re- Mr. Tebbatt, our worthy teacher, held Robert Cutt of Goderich was ,'isitiug I will be ready for you,
George Cottle on Christmas day, when turned, Price $1.00 for two mouths y' Q
4-U' 1 d ht r Rachel and Thos treatment Small size 250. Druggists a eery successful school concert it, the his friends to snot around the villages
save you money.. nick action will
err secant rug e ,
KHw were united it, narxiaaa by till, b or Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. Public hnll on Friday evening. An Ar. Colwell from Paisley is visiting
excellent program had been repared b { Flannel Dress Goods
�. p g p Y his sister Mr. David Kirnsnv. 50 arils 1,
Ray. Dr. Brown. The brides was ably Fine All Wool C la d
supported by Miss Sarah I�ery and both vLENnNNAN• talent from a distance, combined with Miss Ellen Hyslop on the boutldary Y Tray F u- 10 pieces Ladies Dress SuitiD„A,
horns talent, Mr, W. S, McCxostie net, wide, regular price 250 Sale
presented a very charming' appearance. Ott Christmas day a very pleasant spent a couple of rays with her stater price, good colors, regular price $1.00 and
made •••-,•.••••,...200
George°Cottle, it, his euial way, sup- weddin took lata at the residence oY y suitable chairman and a Mrs, Thos. Sava'c on the fourth of $1.25• January price ...........750
g y p P Blankets
ported the bridegroom. As the wedding Mr, Jbhu Hatton, whoa his eldest splendid eyeuing's entertainment was Grey. �Jnde,'w^'3I°
daughter, Miss Mar Fraser was married carried out. A party was held on Christmas Eve at lU pair fine White Wool Blankets, 5 dozen Man's Fiaeced Lawd �lnirtS
march was being played by Mrs. J. H. g Y � ' ., = 63x88, good value at $4.00. January
Sparliug, the rvk ,)lo realm of nature to Mr. William Campbell of Turinberry, Dr. Case of •Dungannon vaccinated Mr. Jas. Simpson. We supp )se his now price ......... . .... . . .... . . • • • , $3,25 and Drawers, all sizes, regular valua
seemed to smile pleasantly upon the The matrimonial tie was performed by the s6hool children in the hall On house will be a great Ileal warmer after Sheeting 50c. Sale price ........ . . .... . ..40c
bridid party and the large number of Rev. Mr. Wardrope of Toeswater, assist- Monday, the house warming. Clothing
invited guests. After the Isnot was ell by Rev. W. J. West, M. A , of Blue- a Mr. Thos. Jchu'st nt s )tut Sunday at 72, ne est wide y regu
lar lvalueet60c.
� , The largest and best assorted stock,
very carefully tied, the baptism of the vale. After the ceremony, the guests. to Experienced Cores and Warps Mr. Geo. Coombe .. • Sale price....','- f...� , .. , , . , . , • , , 45c in town. Pit guaranteed. Cut.:
only son of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Sparliug the number of sixty, sat down to bound- your unsatisfactory experience with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McKelvey held prices for January.
fol supply of cod things. A program other re aration.4 should not influence their 25th anmver,an of their Silver B10UseS
took place. The friends then retired to PP g g P P P Y Suits
of music and singing, with addresses .you, against a •Patuam's." It was tho I Wedding la t Thursday of 1901. The Special line of Ladies' Blouses,gulag , ,
the dining room and sat down by the first, the best, tbt) only painless porn I Yost colors, good patterns, regular 10 Men's bine Twee. -Is Suits, well :
tables, which were well It with the from Messrs. West, Hutton, wardrope, presents were very numerous and costly price 50c and 60c. January price 39c made and lined, regular price $0.00
cure. Give it a trial. A oortr treated
best things a Christmas occasion could Mundell and the groom, made tho even- with other rrtmedies wouldn't oto so including a $400 piano from Mr. McKel-.( 1 _ CaperineS to $7 50. January price .... .$3.00
produce. After all were faithfully tug pass off very pleasantly, The bride again if it could h vl'p it. Give your Vey to his ubildreu. Lndaes' Fine Black Fur Caperiues, Gloves a
served, the following toasts were pro• was the recipient of many iisaful and the host naw ys orn a chance. s1lt-gists riffo sell only s Painless Mr: McKelvey will hold a receptio4 : nicely lined, high collar, regular Val- Ladies' Fine Lineal Kiel Gloves, .res-
,, valuable presents. e I for his children cin Tuesday eveniu, of ue $4.50. January price .......$3.50 gular value $1.00, January price 75c
posed: To the bride and bridegroom, Corn Extractor. � -
by Dr, Brown; "To the host and bust- ' _ this week. Hose Caperines
YourNervesaLre weak. 1 - Miss Pearl Piivut,, is very sick at pies- Fine Ca eriues iu difPerbltt styles
ess," by K Beaton, Esq.; "To the Kill.-," , You rvI�TL'IELD. Ladies' henry ribbed all wool Hose, P
Es 'Te the oom tin "'sloop badly, appetite variable. I cut with daphthoria• fast black regular value 350. Jett an furs as follows: $4.50 foX• t~:3 50;
by W. J. Kew, q" P y' i You eat but gain no strength. Morniu• Mr. James Ferguson, after tut exte nal- Miss Rebecca Wrighthas got an at- � ,r , $5.50 for $4.50; t$7.00 for $5.75;5;10.00
r • g . nary price ........................
by George Cottle, jr., Esq. The nutner tiredness makes you wish it were night. i for $'.
oas aucl costlygifts speak highly of the Y g A , ed visit to friends at Lttcl uo;v, has rt . tacit of jaundice. we hope that she $b 00.
P When night comps rcfreshin • ales is , I ' p Flannelettes
very high esteem in which the young hard to obtain, You're run clown, your turned t0 Mr, Tlios. Radclicv)'s haznt, will be Letter soon. Coats
found that there is no person like 0 10 pieces Striped Flanuelettes, very
people are held. The happy couple have : blood is thin and watery, your nerves l - wide, regularly sold at 9e. January 8 GnrPs Short Coats, uery style, ,
the well wishes of the entire cotntuntuit have grown weak. tine thought of effort Thomas. !price ............................ 7C nicely made, regular price X3.50 to
Y wearies you. You need Forrozone; it: Mr, Harry Bosman has started his wlNGxnnl JUNCTION. ;,4.00. January price .......... $2.75
and trust the will have a long incl makes blood -tool, strung blood. An chopper at Westfield. 1 The following is the report of U. S. S. Night Gowns
happy lafr. appetite? You'll eat everything and 12 Ladies' Nigh Wrapperette
To the Mem ors and Adherents of the digest it, too. Strength? That's what Mr. and Mrs, David Hunter of Grind. i No. 8, Ttnvberry and Morris, for the g Gowns, fine white f0 pieces, new pattern Wra erette
cambric, nicely trimmed just arriv- P P PP
.Methodist Church of the Whites- plenty of tood gives. It errozone gives stone, Mich., were visiting at the latter's mouth of December. The names are a.r= I ed, regular rice • L Jan. fast colors, regular 12L'c. January ; '?
I vigor, viva, euduralico. U., Ferro- parents, g P $ price 750 P
Mr, and Mrs. John Redmoud, ranged in order of merit: rice .................... • . • • • .. I00
church Circuit:- zone and get strong. Sold by A, L. but have Mr. Reduioud 4th class -Ethel Ferguson, George I BOOtS
Owing to our clnirClteS being closed Hamilton. 1 Elliott,2 air Ladies' Fine Don ola But- Sheeting
rho past two weeks, rehesbecause of the out- r presented them each with a beautiful fur ElliOlive Cruickshank. Rose Case- P g One piece fine Cotton Sheeting, 2 y
toned or Laced Boots regular value
float before they left. I more, Robert Cruickshank, Thomas a $1.50. Januar r ,5 yards wilt. regular price20c. Jaua-
break of smallpox, we have not stet to- ELYTx• ` Mr. J. N. Campbell, who was just re- I Waller, ) Y price. ary price.... 150
Flo Martin Chester SCall,cx,
gether as pastor tend people. We take Miss Nellie Belly of Clinton, spent covering from a kick by a horse, is now Alex, Walker. Reefers Overalls
this opportunity of expressing through Christmas with her mother, A9:rs. Robt. suffering from a soreve cold. 3rd class -Clara Hununell, Pearl Van Meth's Fine Heavy Beaver Reefers, I 3 dozen pairs Men's Blue Demion
The columns of this valuable paper, our Kelly. nicely lined, good value, regular
P l Mr. Walter 5]�hiternait, who taught in stove, Bert Martin, Percy Hogg, Fred Arnot, $5.00. Salo ....... . .. ...$3.05 Overalls, regular value 65c. ,Tana- '
hearty Christmas greetings and the cont- Mr. EDliraiui Gray of Ann Arbor, , '11,2.1
S. S. No. 9,Iwast Wawanosh, fora couple I TiPI]ng• j ary price ..................... ..
Aliments of the coming year. We trust Michigan, rs visiting' with friends in of years, has severed his connection the 2nd class --Lillie Hogg, Lillie Moffat, I Underwear
that on these fe'stiva occasional you have Blyth and vicinity.leu's Fine Quality Jackets
retsith anc'L. returned to his Home at ( Bert Elliott, Gershom Ferguson,D Hall- Q Y Wool Fleeced ; 10 Ladies' Cloth Jackets tailor
had ver much of the presence of the Mr. John Shaw, principal of Blyth Shirt anal Drawers, regular vahte 75c. '
Y P P Y Leamington. He was made the I nag Walker, Annie Waller. January price 1500, made, regular price $6.50 to $7.50.
Divine Spirit in your lne,ntt, and many public school, and Mrs. Shaw will spend recipient of three present ,at the Senior Part 2nd -Alba Hogg, Ethel January price ....:.... ,.......$5.00
tokens of God's good will toward you. tine vacation with friends at Port Elgin' close ,of tine school term. Tipling. Rubbers IL
We believe you too, like the Psalmist, Miss Mabel McElroy left on Tueslay , Morn's Heavy Rubbers (Granby) Prints
I Mr. orrish a one -,time ria- Junior Part 2nd -Pearl Walker. ,
will be Klatt when it flan be said, Lest us HenryY p' Sua * Proof and others. Januar 50 ieees choice Pattern Prints
go up to tine house of the Lord." You, morning for Chicago where she will I ci al of this school but lies bceu iu the Senior Part 1st -Willie McKenzie, g Y P
P Stir . .....................Cost price best goods, fast colors, remalar price
like the Pastor, we trust, arepraymg for visit for some time with her stator, Mrs. life insurance business for three years John Walker, Mac Elliott. 121r;c. January price .... ......100
the prosperity of God's world in your Wm. MacKenziti. past has been engaged this year by the Junior Part 1st -Alfred fowler, Percy Ruffs
own heart and the advancement of the Miss Martina Moore, who has been I t Wilfrid Walker, Viola Miller. Ladies' Seal or Sable Ruffs, nicely � Slkirts
Master's Kingdom in our midst. P trustees for 1002. Martin' trimmed, regular price 137.50. Jaun- i 10 news a black Russel Uuder-
Yours fraternnlly. employed iia Detroit for the est six Average attendance 25.
A, I. BRowN,. months, is at present holidaying at the a any price, ........$0,00 skirts, r ular price :$1.50. January
Nit:e J. Ism."Ti;R, I Salle; .........................$1,25
home of her parents here. ltcorizls. ` Teacher. Underwear
Mr. John A. Taylor, B,A., principal • George Bielby of Tiverton, is a visitor I Ladies' Fleeced Lined V Sts I/ Cottons
�� of the Dutton high school," is `spending under the parental roof. t heavy, regular value 350: 'Ta ary, A quantity of mill ends and fact -
the holidays at the home of his parents Adam never called Eve's attention to price ................. 2,56 cry cotton, to- clear at • , • , .... , • , , 3c
Jas. Anderson, Chesley, is etrjeyiug a
here. , Q the superior biscuits his mother made. Blankets Pants
visit with his brother, Q. A:r<1Hr..on, ,rd P
IMF� Miss Ella Metcalf, who is attending line,
the Bishop Strachan school. in Toronto, ReV. C. C. and Mrs. Kaiue of Bethel, It is said the French Panama Canal 20 parr Fine Flannelette Blankets, 2 dozen Men's Tweed Pante, well
Company gray cr white, regular value $1.00. made, regular price $1.25. .January
is spending her vacation at the home of were visitors with relatives here this P Y will offer to sell out to the January price....: .............. 75c price ................ , ......... $1.00
her parents here.wee, United States for $40,000,000.
It is a sad thing to See fine . Mr. and nl<I5. Wtn.�VallteoY Chicago, Doran. McKenzie and Miss Pearson of Mr. Alex. Gibson, junior (Liberal), FRESH GROCERIES $ HIGHEST PRICE
fruit trees spoiled by the blight. are visitingthe former's parents, Mr, Hamilton, tete visiting at K. McKenzie's was elected to the Commons in York, N.
and Mrs. Jabez Walker. It is fourteen 4th line.t
You can always tell them from years since Mr.. Walker left Blyth. The Button farm, Morris, leas been., by nearly JOJ majority over Rev. Dr. McLeod, AT CUT PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE
the rest. They never d0 well a " sold to Mr. Coombs, of Blyth, for the
KINLOSS. silts of $1,800. Infante too young to takemedidne•may be
afterwards but stn small and cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by I
Y Miss Anna Mc(slnarrie it Brussels is is w Duncan, ne line, was Raid up Il Q L.
51Ckly. speeding a few days with hermany this week with pnemnOni(t, bvt is itn- i us'ng Vapo•Cresolene-tile's breathe it.
friends in Kinloss. proving now we are pleased to state. The Guelph Herald h is instituted all
It is worse t0 see a bliglli .P p action for libel a.gainst the Mercury
5 Mrs. John Colwell of �idneywood is on The ,arliitraCors declined to s lit u „
strike children. Good health a resit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. the school sections to give Belgrave a anent some comments of the latter'' Wingham, Opp• clank of Hamilton. 'Phone 68.
Wfutersteiu, school, so school matters will jog along concerning the former's reports of a f
is the natural right of children. Bliss Nettie Moore spent a Yew days of in their ,usual course. year ago. a I
+ last week with Lucknow friends, Frank Lambie is renewing old friend- i
But some of them dont get Mrs. Anderson, sr.; is in Cleveland for rliips in Morris. He has been attending The pork packing of the province this 1.
their rights. While the rest a few weeks, the Ontario Veterinary College,Teronto, year showed their appreciation of the -
Mrs. Jas. Iirowuscombe has been to which lie will return next week.,provincial winter fair in its wort: of i
grow big and strong 011e Stays indisposed for some days with growth on The item roferring to barn building by improving the quality of hogs, by
small and weak. her arm. Will. Roble, 6th line, is incorrect as far contributing $520 towards the prize
'Mr. W. Robinson of 'Habernialil will doing it nest season is concerned. W. Dr.D1AW11 Scott's Emulsion call Stop wield the birch in the local university H, McCutch�on, of the same line, will Rev, sary f celebrated the fiftieth%P*'ida
during 1902. build however, so we are informed. I anniversary of his first sermon by
that blight. There is no Misses Bella Kaake and Ella Malcolm A party exchanged a horse blanket for I preaching in the Wesley Church,
reason why such a child should of Walkerton High school are spending a $4 rug at Milton Watson's barn yard, Hamilton, the same church in which er ;
preched the first sermon on December'
stay small. Scott's Emulsion tiro Christmas vacation at ` their Sunshine, on a recent evening and he 28, 1851•
• respective v 9homes here. rills that rill be
returned forthwithiasie - �� �` rGood,s,
1S a inediC•ille rVitll lots Of Miss Lydia and Coriutha Kaake of Or theta trill be trouble over it as hoe -
strength 1n it -the hind Of Toleda, Ohio, are spending their Christ- 'knows who tookit.
strength that makes things mas holidays with their parents. The annual school entertainment was �s p , ' / % �y
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Co well of Lavend- .held last Friday evening in -the sehool ! S K+ / 9 f u ` l,C I �������s�q
row. er are visitingfriends it, this vicinity. house of S. S. No, 6 of which Miss l
g Scott's Elnulsion makes Miss A. Ai Quarrio of Brussels is the Jamieson is teacher and was largely at-
What is commonly inherited o not ; At Ithi$ store
acrotuta but the scrofulous disposition,
children grow, snakes them cat, guest of her grandmother, Mrs, Arm- tended and thoroughly enjoyed. This is generally and chiefly indicated by!
strong. On Christmas ]?Ay Cupid scored a cutaueons eruptions; sometimes by pale -
makes them sleep, makes them r Mrs, Bell Slack of Roudell, N.D., was victory at Alameda, Assinaboia, N. W.T. cess, nervousness and general debility. I Call examine the stock
play. Give the weals child a Visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Smith. when Miss Rebecca, only daughter of The disease afflicted Mrs. K. T. Snyder, G :
Misses Lydia and Adeline Smyth of Simon Forsyth, formerly of the 6th con. tluion St., Troy, Ohio, when she was 7,� 7 7,.
chance: Scott's Elpulsi L1 1Vlll (Juderwood have returned home. was unit ,l in marriage to Aut�us Mc- ct hteeu years Old, manifesting itself by a ; More purchasing elsewhere.
,7 make it catch up Mrs. Anderson ling gone to Cleveland Master, The bride and MissaMagg' bunch in her neck, which caused great pain,
where site will Spend the winter rritli
was lanced, and became a running sore,
P McCutcheon, bridesmaid, were tasteful- I
With the rest. It afflicted the daughter of Mrs. J. H. 91�� 11 - CCl�aw adv
her sou, ly attired in costumes of bluosergo trine- 'ones, Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, I �GOii ®u i0..v w �irL,1,Q. 11e,Ca
iMac represents This L. r
P P and de I
developed s0 rat ill thnt Whenshe
I from t w
Il People p A
Of •ou t h hf i 1." h •ae Y
the Trade Mark of Scotts A sleigh load it p P uzetl ry t w to s l . Joltn I orsyt
Emulsion and is on the Berrie were entertained at the home Of groontsmaii. The numerous relatives Was nicrk ashe hod eleven running sures on her ; ssue
id nt>tiut her rare,
+ wrapper of every bottle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaake one eveltin;; and friends of the bri tlo in this locality Theses sufferers were not benefited by '
Send for free sample. recentl will he a unit in wisbin Mr. and 41rs, professiouaa tretntmcnt, but, as tltcy vu]utr
Y• 1 g tarlly say, were completely cured by
SCOTT & IIOw\rl , - - �- a►---- McMaster ninny Happy and prosporous i, .
•� TORONTO CA;TADA TO CURE I! COLD IN ONE .UnY years. F1'oo'ds Sarsa ar thl
$OC and $t. all druggists. '1'alte Laxt%ttvc Bronco Quinino Tnblcts. All The annual financial statement issued This peculiar medicine posltively cor-
drugagi!ats'rofuntl the inoney if it fully toeitro , , rests the seroftilous disposition Mid Mdi-
TE. W. Grove's atRnattnro is oil each bot, :5ci by the 7.ownship Reeve and Tre.lst'rcr tally and potmanently cures the disease. ■ MILLS,
1 • ,