The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-27, Page 7-I
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, , A _P ke OPAR", A Scientific Discovery � FOR TRE HOSTS88. ' . . I- www"1111111111 . r , —, __ ' ' - ' ' I- - r
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C D " 11 . iza HEAD GOT BALD ')And' ]Don't Be Angry if They Oom,e Hints to Aid In Znterto,in, 11 I
.,t, I)ou't Trust You. Rel4tion of Disease to Ali*o5ic. Life %, ALLOW MIR TO PRESENT Rtc
� il 'I, Especially abowd girls beca this , Ing Quosto. EV STORN
1� ,�:,� --Its Application in Treatment Perhaps Via firat f.ondition, Of a Site. ,�: MY BEST FRIEND
IN PLAVS warning. It has, been given over and . . 100sofal erlevtainmr.ut is that the guests 14. .
RA8PBkWRY 111N,,VS. - over, but bore is a story which 111us- of Caiarrll, shall be well wisorted. it is not neces- C.
A bucremful'and practical motliod of ' Very Itchy, When Brushed, Dan- Oates afrosh this ancient advice: . sary that All who arelilyl tea abDuld pre. , ",
� .
On a oteilmor which rettelied our It is now An est4blielied fact that y1ously know one another; but the lAoit. I ''. I .
I . -
62 0 I,,
producing large lue�lon5 berries is as fol. druFAII Over. Hair Came Out in. shores only 4 few 'Weeko ago, VaB A nderoblo aifo is the cause of threat ena � 1 to bit able to judge ivlletlker ,
he oil by manuring re Great Bunches. Cuticura Soap -young ""'an front the wl:`$t, who 1194 nasal cat%rrb, slid 'to cure tile diaegso they ;q1:1111t be Pleased to meet, whethor I I
described In a rect-ut issup for tile been abroad for otudy, She wets anx- the allicrObes must be kille,l. they will find Interests in oonnawl, an(f. 1k, I I I � " - """ .. I Official Report of the Great
growing of strawberries. Sea out the and Cuticura Ointment Cured jous t?. stop a, week or two in the tile, Many remedies lla,�a been tried- whether their tastee nud Opinions will . - � Ii WHIT
Hetropolls before going on to lier distant anuffs, w"hes slid o1noment8; but tile wre YEAS
ad In Three Weeks, �� .y a. � T "
plants three f"t apart in rows, ralluing J. �i .e. \J,. ', Disaster.
- � home, but liar funds were limited slid havo all proved, ineffoctual because they Sollie people ])five the gift of beill � -1 .
� . , 9 ___� I 11
- %. �_� #%. �
north end south, if p(wstble, and five or 8110 Could not afford to stay at an ex- do not reach the affected parts. interested in every 0110 they meet oil 1:5 L
15 11allaul St.,' Toronto, Out -="About "(P , . AKES BE
Nix feet between each row. othodaudruffbogAn. Myhoad 9 ensIve 'late" oil board tile ship gile Late scleAtifig illveistig,ation bas Pro. of ilintledi, �. " -
two yeara ag ately Ffrikil.F Oil 6-olue topic -
ad become acquainted with 4 Mau , I
If the young call(s are long ,Ind alcu- dueed a bpeoifle for all dise,ises of the of mutual Interest. Their experience - NOUM R IS HAD
sot worse and scabs formoll on It which who seemed to Ile a perfect gentleman nas I 1;
der they should be cut back to "witilla uladolb bald In places. 1twao al andi respiratory orgaus ca uso I by find eduamtIon.make them equally at A
IS Inclivs of tile soil, lint If strong find very Iteby and save me a at, refilled and cultured, He told gt,rm 11ifo. . home -%N-;tli persons of-ftay nationality or IN OVYINO I 11 . I I Q Ic L I
"RtockY" it few lilt -lie-, only nt,ija be I ;Ir"Itihat he knew of juist the place for This pleasant remedy c,tlle,l "Cittarrh. profooslon, and their per3ona) charin YiA,Sr CAKOS � - -
tendency to scratch it which her -a fine boardinghouse W Worst Gijles of Year Are
. cut Off. T14s is done to make them .-& made At Averse. I always had rates were moat reasonable 'taro the OZOOD" recalls =axe than anything else erliftt-N an atillosphere of geniality in � 89 CAREPU1, 7'0 C1W.QlLLXTT CO�'LTV,
throw out new wood for the next sea. . to wear my hat whether In the . fflic glad- the rich balsamill scent of the pine woods whatever clever society they find 4hom- 4SPZC1Fy -
eon's crop, And to strengthc-it tha l.tteral -I;!,!- house t down the number, slid prepared so cager , ly sought by invalids in the solves, , Ile TORONTO. &1[q M Usual Then,
I I at work or out. When- I Y 11 cleyr hosto;s, witan loubtfill Y_wA �S r WiNNIP110. %MQNV*I!AL, '�NNI.ORONTO ON 'y,,(0 .
ever I brushed my hair It sent to ')Oil there upon lituding. Adironduoke. When breathed through of the success of it party, 'hastem to Bo- , 11
or side sheets. Next secure it fence post Ig, ROYAL CAKX$ M
long one fix one evory 50 or 00 feet) the dandruff all over. Tile 'Ortullstely alto had become 601114- tile Whaler it ,vaporizes very rapidly cure the services of at least one Luell MOUNE $118s.rITUTES. . .. . .d . I Toronto, -Nov. 24.--'Xr. R, F. Stupart
find strain two wircs O what Intimate during tile voyage with and reaches all , . - , -
n to them. Th -i balreame out In great bunches the affected parts do- gu(*t, —_ �_�_ --d.- _� ! - . - . .. I d . - - - � - � . . . . I
bottom wire hall better Ile about V until I was nearly bald and a young woman of about liar own a a. stivying the rilloroble life that causes Ones file hostess has completati liar I — — has propamA the following report of the
13 � M �
Inches from the groutill - when It was at Its worst it came out roo 11116 person said that she knew il a disca6ee site 00 an #"10"900*00" V_�_# will think of purchasing a few fowls
Ind the other 3 to Ji, as Catarrh, Ast . lims and list of guests the mopt !nil) rt t part that they may be assured of fresh eg sturlu Of the 7th to 10th so requested
foct. From meh plant as they grow, and All. man who had charge of the cabs oil the Bronchitis. of liar task is over. A good deal of tile and poultry, Where crowing of tile 98 by certain ,Shipping Interests on Lake
"I tried— which made It worse than be- ChtarAtozoue sets energetically reellcuf4bilify of making her entortain-
select 3 or 4 shoots nud tie J.bel� to tile ' . dock, Ile had worked in an office of r THE male Superior:
wires in a fan-sliftl*W direction for0- I tried several things after that but one of her relatives In his youth, and stimnlant to the mucous tissues aa a bird Is objectionable, only pulleta or
train I , , i4. they were no good. After nine months,Uko was always glad to do favors for her throat', nasal passage fit the ment "-1011 still lies iti'ller hands, Itow- hens need be kept, with equal or bet- The. great gile which swept the
tile confro cme perponfli(ailar, and s a -ad bronobial ever, '.�Iie must .,watch that there are
this I had hardly ;toy hair left when Ono day and her friends. "Ile will give you a tubes 'thus relieving congestion and plenty of JF'V AN. A D ter results than if tile male bird was
Ilia side ones braitching away trom it, openings for her ,guests POULT" WORL lakes between tile 8th and 10th NO.
ITaving, thus ,eecurpil the nropss 31 happened to ruce tile advertisement of cab at.lcea than the usual rates, if I quickly restoring to. a bealtby condition nloyc� about aid to epe,ac to tlione with the small flock. It would pay any veniber wits vitused by two pronounced
for next yeirls crop ary wood Cuticura Soap and Ohil,ment In the paper. ask him," she said. "Only come with overy pa, rt affected by Catairli, their ffiends -whom they wilAi to me_ U**+0**"***"#*"+11 one to each year purclinse a few utility , a ,
ers U,at cut away rt�a oth- X straightway Bono for a sample. After first me," . For . Pullets of the prop reas of low pressure conjointly with
remain, liv dolim so the pea,kere and singers aad persons Site must Fee I -lint Ti o 'coin bination of SUOCESS Dl�,PEWDS ON MAN. Dispose of the all area Of 311grb. pr(wsura and its atten.
. , washlas with the Outicurcl, Soap I applied Whan the two girls mentioned the troublead witli. flit irritable threat, bron- visiton remain sa long unchanged its 011trarag"i0ardera, the
growth of those 101; 01) is 1110�00SM, a some Outicura Olntmonb and I could feel number to which the stranger had -Ell- ,cititu, agthms, catartili, or la, gripplo, Ca- to bectolue tired or bared with eftell AGBOI&NZ tuales, Its 0 soon r as possible. They are dalit cold wave, wbith at the time
larger berry and a 'innire p1tut, * fut crop a great relief. After finishing the sample I rooted his confiding young friend, this talThozone Is of inestimable value. h . She mlist bo on tile Among the great army of beginners a source f we ry to the rest 61 the tillread into Manitoba front the north -
Is ensurecl; also when tit(- old carics are went and got a cake of Cuticars, Soap and a. mail threw up h1w. hands lit horror, 'Ilia Inhaler can be carried in your alert to brenk up caeb group its soon as tliftt start with high hopes each year flock and no- good except to be -retained .
done frulting, or -when the raspborry box of Cuticura Ointment. in three wooka "Oil 110 account go therell' lie cried. "It pocket and may Ila used at ally time or it shown sIgns of fin.ggring vonverHaticn. there is a large percentage of ar, It Wilrd, accompanied by zero weather,
e(uson is; o��r tile - failures, to be used
y should be removcd they had cured my head." (Signed) B. is one of the worst and most notorious Ili any place. Catarrhozoull 18 a gu%r- and immediately to form freQh coll,bina- and those who hays been hit hardest as breeders separate them from the The first of the depreselons was
for tho same reason. norn, May 16, 1913. - places In the city." Ila was able to dir- auteod cure mild never fa.11s to porman- Volls of )erson;. .And all this :,nust be cry, "There l(s no money in pottltrv,11 flock aud feed well, giving them plenty cclltrW near Prince Itupert art the
Before eevore fi(-,t s�ts in, InoR Of M1`0160,
.on off Cuticura Soap end Olatmeab do so much eat her to a respectable house; but ently cure the moat chronic cases, Price done wi iout vilnecessary stir, so that still cite settle large potilit-y plan,Vs filil-
tile young canes front tilt, wires, bond for poor comple,xions, red, rough hands, and J 14th, being no doubt the area wuloll
The poultry industry was never in will$ allow,, eve,, Bellrlufr 80a all the
you can see by what's more chance she $1.00 at all druggists, or direct by aulil be left rattler witli. the ure to lit a measure excuse their lack better condlBon from a commercial 4th. Between the 5tf and Sth it
some of them to the right, and tit(, oth- dry, thin and failing hair, and cost so little, was saved front an appalling fate. to any address by, the Catarrliozone Co., ""' they have bo -.n limits, of ability tomake poultry a paying pro-
ers to ilid left, scouring theirt to tile aGil that it Is almost criminal not to use them. � Standpoint than now. With both poul.
There is a LOnVertie truth to this val- Buffitio, X. Y., slid Kingston, Clanada. ilill"4"It", ... "y than that they have Position, The failures -Ili potiltryo tire travelled from the northern British
ivith it crotelipa stwic or otrong wiro. A single goo is often sufflelent. Sold every� ran ors - � - 11 proclaimed front the It Ops I try and eggs at n price tha t will put
' where. )?or liberal free samploof each, with vable ,adage "Do not trust St . boi,r, illon,41,11"It".1it�1111aitled in a prca�rappicd ouset ; t le the balance on the right Bide of the led- (20111111bla, coast to northern Michl-
"! 'Do n , tru;t
This prevents the to n, great extent it Is, at expect strangers to scheme of entertainment, successes only now and then are heard gall, keeping ,%beat the same proper-
from freezin. so injuriolls ill tIlis C.Oull. 32-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug you!) INTO havo all seen Poo Is who CARRIER BACK FOR HOSE Abore (01, the hostess must hcraelf Of. . ger, the so-called utility breeder, who I
try 0 voting wood. The snow helps to -% Chem. Corp.. Dept. 1), Boston, U, S. A.� were very angry because langeris have art endless variety of new The poultry business is )-at new Stic. can produce, can afford to wear abroa4 tions as when first ndicated. On the
. I ideas . early morning of tile 8tli a falling
protcob them, and when so treated, they . :, smile. o
seemed to regard them with suspicioll� Answers Double Purpose of Support ready to be launal-ed at a moment's no: cessful operators tire fe%v in comparloon barometer at Xey )Vest with rain in -
will not be broken ar t,)A.Qr-d about by B. Henderson, B. S. A., ill C114441114 and -we have even libeen irritated in ; fice if conversation seems to have come to tile thousands who are starting, and More and more each year the 11 far ad unstable conditions -near th a
tile winter's stoi ms. Tit the early t lyring Farm. . that way ourselves, no doubt. But we ' and Transportation. to a stiindstill. Blip must bs,ye tile gift while the experiment staeioiis and poul. without utility Is coast of Florida still by tile
a 'It
-0. . I . . realize" 'baI leathers f c (tic'
loplftCO tile CalleS to ille wil-eft a.4 I)-fo? * , �.! . have nd business to expect confidenee . I � - # of adapting herself to ea.,h guait in- try press boxe been a great help to ,a login repast n, and the majority i night a well-delined disturbance had
for frultin , , from those who do not know us, We L., , g p g for tic tit
g and s0pet find tic in Vic STOCK NOTM, T� . furn, of being immedlate-ly able to say those embarking lit poultry, there is yet are_ vorkin be utility and feath- moved into' the Carolinas, with a
young growths, follow;ng the same Dlr,*ja may feel that our very appearance i a inethifng which -wMl staA nlin on 4 much to learn, and it I; lifort in t , hard ,ombination, but one thst rapidly falling barometer. On tile
. . ,Inlsh the cattle. if u I it a
ar scribed. r . t� Lin 0 th can
pe, after year as des ought to show that wo are good; but . oii,rbt whialt be himself finds tbat but R small percentage of those be obtained and will win out. morning of tlie 9th this second storm
: Produce what the market demands. far more respectable looking I 9. I � ; —
Tile inamirin.- is b,4t rearmiTlDslied , people interestin She must have, in fact, tile poultry raisers who have made good a in Northern Virainim with
by shaking some lirdf rottod sbiff over There is a movement started in ' utred o
than any of us, have turned out to be knack of maldng br,r gucstq tslk. have given to the world through t1to a barometric reading of 29.10 inches re -
w .4 co
and around the allies after they are Pennsylvania to raise more calves. scoundrels. Satan Is sometimes dis- . A preat deal, of tile banality of on- press their experierce. Every.1low aad B1 RC ILI' LEADS duced to sea level. The two dioturbanceS
Foaked to I the ground for the winter, Watch it spread. . guised as an angel of light, , I 1. . tortaining is mus-ovT by the rt�e.t that then some enterprising paper lilts cor-
vnd agoin as a mulch when the fruit hits , Buck lambs are not wanted on the � . � this time had. practically coalesced.
Let this absolutely true story, which - .. - I I I the hostess is not in* tile least Inter- ralled a poultry raiser who lifts made Zile same night, the Oth, the system was
set. The .%pnce between the rows need , market, Next spring should sea castra- Ili spite of all tile warnings of *which. i as,ted in any of lier qvr,sts. Ifor chief good anti who has been willing to take Its Use In 1912Was Great. coutred near Toronto, with a reduced
tioA of grLIdo 1�nibg In general Prac- the papers are full, haS just Occurred, - concern is Vint sla, pbouid p
not be left idle, cite row of any of tile t. . ,Y) to a cer- thus front his work to give advice , barometric reading of 28.70 inches. The
t ice, . i who reads I - tRill ]lumber of trathorings in the course r .
vegetables ay bc planted there, bnt for ! carry a lesson to every gir th ough tile press, and fortunate are barometric gradient all day Sundaywaa
onuliflowers it makcs an ideal placel as - There is a big demand for stockers it, and let liar tell liar friends. It is __ Of the Your and give it c-ortitin number the readers of such it paper. Th . e day er Than Maple. a
? . 4* . s lia reat Lakes, and par-
tile caties shelter them frout the score - - . uch oc"Psion,; she likes for haphazard guesswork advice by ticularly so front Sault Ste. Marie to
it , and feeders, There is almost sure to be thus that the awful 11wbite slavel) traf- it, retu6. On s '
Ili"- eiin,-Ricliard J. Binek-, Nlew Glas- , art equally strong demand next spring fic is often assisted. And do not get � — , ' to see'lier rooms crowded, still thus it those who cannot allow ,it bulanci -it The popular idea that because Canada Lake, equaling approximately one-tenth
ZOW, X. S., in Canadion Farm. I for finished beef, angry if strangers do not always trust often happens that it bmtoss entertains the right side of the ledger is fast pa,.s. is the Land of the Maple.. tile maple ?f all inch in less thin thirty miles. It
. . When the mucher Is entirely driven you. They ought not to, until they ' . PpOPIO in Wbolu dw� has no special in. ing aN'N'Ry, and lit tile near futli:e wie la estilliated that a gradient of one -
IA. : out by the grain farmer, where will the terest. must necessarily be the hardwood of
.1ronvixor.- or, .4, 61OOD SUIrs. cattle come from, unless more of the know something about yoll,�-Xftte UT . 7 - :� . will see a safer mild saner write-up on tenth of an inch Ili every seventy
all Poultry alritter miles will ,cause a moderate gale. The
.1 B . .. , P
0 ral ad 2 -_ i be niade from 110-11- judged by the data gathered by the For- system, after hovering all night of
The greatest curse that dairy farming, , yeRl calves ar son Clark in Leslie's Weekly. . first Importance in Canada is incorrect
scrul;" - When a veal calf, at 160 pounds, sells -________-0 - -
Irt tlirs country lifts known is the ". I A good living oR
Any Headache (tired, try if managed 2-1, an make the Oth near'Lake Ontario, then paf,R-
bull,(' Ile lie mongrel or pure bred. ght, and one 0 estry Branch of the Department of the
It - as high as a yearling steer did a few Cure Your Sore Throat a ' larger- profit for the money Invested ell north-eastward with greatly di -
it; absolutely useless to attenipa nny I years ago) is there any -wondar many Tired Systems Re -Toned Interior at Ottawa. ,
groat iniproveniout of the herd illiless . than in an,,, other bitsliicg,s, l3tit, never- minishing energy reaching the Lab -
I . 0,1
eareful attention is given to tile Balm- of these youngsters are slaughtered? Nerviline Will Do It ' . tbeless, it requires ft certain ainwiat of There are three species of birch of rador coast on the 12th. Southampton
Do not sell the grain this winter. Get .. -..-. .1. . I capital to succe."fully emba.-Ic in tile 0011111101701111 importance. in Canada, the recorded an. hourly velocity of 01 miles.
tion of tbis all-important mitleber. He is % big price for it as finished meat or When You're Duff, Tired, Restless b rsinevs, and here is where misnionago, bla(.k, )!allow, and white, or paper, .
.1 This is the best exposed wind gauge Nye
truly she "]lead of Vic berd." and can. its milk or some of the products made PREVENTS BENDING AND B mant comes lit, bN1 not loo.'%la,t carefully birch. The former two have the more have on Lake Huron, but undoubtedly
uot be too carefully sple(Apli. froin It front it, and bave the greater portion of Blessed Belief Coimes Ouick, . REA,<- Day and Night Something is Wrong Into the equlpnm�lt, greater velocities were experienced. The
OtTain uldoli lins a record for large milk the plant food it contains to spread 'on You Ge't Comfort, Every ING. I In the Stomach. . The first e.isential in pralw�r bol.isbw. vuluable wood, but are confined to eas, -enaral direction was northwest to
production. The serviecs of Buell an ani- the fields for a bigger crop fit 1914. The Minnesota man who invented 1, ' tern Canada, whereas the paper birch is 0
ituril are valued b(mond comparison with Pain Disappears. h dollar for every oil found ' . north, As pointed out ill the two Mono-
, "Not a man in it thousand has scour. the hose carrier and racksboywiihere A Prominent Publishing Man Says to be housed, at the,lt lirle,4 Uf . , in every province of the Dom- & ,ed by the assistant diree-
one of indifferent breeiling. It is the - t4 inion, ranging to the limit of tree- graphs prepilt
AcY of eye and judgment sufficient -to would seem to have struck on a handy , 11 0 t,o of this service, and covering the
. lumber. Aaain, I Ot .3titJ thero Av.;l
)a lie real Income . for the f,t-,t yper.
, ' These are "Experience has taught me that the contrivance. It can be used equally Pills. - Mally have fail(A wbr,n oil th�_ -,-, L( of well -within the Arctic circle in tile Mao- vembet, is the month ILL tile year durino,
Part Of WIP(lon, to see timt such a bull become all eminent breeder' Quickest Cure Is Dr, Hamilton's I growth towards the north and growing
svr,res -none buf iliosic cows, w1liell cents I ,Years 1873 to 1012, both inclusive, No-
' words of a noted breeder of Shorthorn quickest way to cure a sore thro-at is well to transport the garden hose succo,s boeftuc.c of tile lac.,c of e..t,�jl L.) kenzie River Vasin and in tile Yukon. the season of navigation the
up to a vood saptillard. Many farmart; cattle in tile United -4 '% .t 18 wide range%which contri- when o
fee] that illey cannot I rfal States- But it with Nervill-ne," writes Mrs. R'noch 11. from place to place cr to -afford it a Headaches never conyo to those �ftrr:" tile Ori-Prati011 Oil whi'll su0._-', v s grentea number of galee usually occur
'd 0 PtIrellftsO muAt be 'added that training and obser. a It is t1d
cxl)eiiqivv animals. bilt why sbould not Macle n. "Aly childron. always sepia support when it is not In use. The who ,,, 1),. Hamilton's Pills, and lit Big . on tile Grant Lakes, and as these gales
' vation call do considerable. . ht. aud still another eai�rj of f.,il- butes largely to its present iMpOrte,11ce,
P"VPTRI firmors v0-op'lti-tie Ili tile pi to -get wet feet 'and stay out in tile wire rack Is designed to hold the this .fact is v tire is the "llobby" of earryin , out one'd but the qualities of the wood promise gailled by blinding
IT- The buyer of stockers, tile feeder, the cold., and in wriseqetuim I 111WO to hose in circular form, thus prevent- otiolled for bT the Atisist- are very often accoral
ant Manager of tile 11061try Succow own sy I snow, it ii much to b
phase anil iv;e of bulls of the ri-ift sort? butcher and the exporter all want tile keep a good bousebold rince.1v handY. ing the tendency to bend and break. -3tent. far"differewt lbai�i thc prae- a still greater use in the future, for it a regrAted that
Wim should not Via Cow 1'esting Mao* lOw-sot, deep, thick, even -fleshed type I rtlb ' lare lit( 0 g . is a strong, hard, fine-grained wood
'r y - 1, 01i", It can be hung on a book in the wall, �Nlagazillc, Of Springfield O., .11r. J. ilcal One Of tilct"O Who I - 11 I 00d
in Nerviline almost QvZ mariners do not pity -ore attention to
elatinng f,%kv rin tbe nutstion of seour. of animal. There is room for impr6ve- . n , wrltea.-1 "No bette which takes a high olish and can be tile "heavy gale signals," when displayed.
give the children say twenty drops in Just above the hydra t or the handle ,. 'r It is surprising ]low many think they atainei to imitate i to more expensive
Ing bil.11.4 foe flit ir exclusive lisp and mate inent in t1le type of bulls being used in inedicin t have a better �'it thod thau'any one else, yl
ibein onl�v with tlie.besb comi? . many sections. Get rid of t hot sweetened water, and make. them can be hooked Into the outer portion 8 hall Dr. Hamilton's Pills. intent' � 0 ' POSITION OF SHIP CAPTAINS.
— , lie scrub gargle with it. . We use them regularly and'know of ell'or, mo with n new heatincy de- such as mahogany, cherry or
; I have Yet to -�.W tile and make easy to carry. Any mail who n woods Wo are told, and wo have seen it
'.LNI_k NLUnr,4 sire, and plan to niake something of coldthis won't break up quickly.11 ha tried to carry his garden hose marvelous ctires that resisted very- vice or bouse. This is alI very well for w1inut'. 'Wavy' birch is an accidental quoted frequently since this great
,AP I OF the calves rather than to kill them at -_ thing e143e. They cleanse whole the poultry operator of sonia years o -in dutt to cross grain, somewhat Sim -
C 1.14 . From the La. Have Islan.N, X. .9., about withotit first rolling it up will tile a f foi storm, that vessel captains can tell
it is generally considered now, that birth, Mrs, John Walfiaid writes: Wa ltrwe system, hct as a tollic on the blood, experience, who lilts by that time ac- ilar tok.'eurly' maple, and is highly priz:"
I for ornamental work. In another re -
If all the live stock marketed was its been using Nerviline for abaut nina appreciate one of these racks and quired "hen senve,"but'fur tile beginner ed from their own initiative conling wea-
the most economical way to handle and l the sarne man Will also know that a enliven digestion, help the citemach, ther conditions. How can thlos be
* 0 rport issued by the Forestry , .
care for manure, both as to the economy good aG the � ,a 11 - feel strong all,, Ivell. to follow any but the beaten path it is cent rc eaptaftes view -of
,choice types, how much years, and find it excellent. When we � ho.q, t t n t ro ad into cIrcular folly. Study conditions. location. take BIM11th On the WOOd-Usinop Industries b
� a ha IS and make you possible? A ship's
of labor anti elements of fertility, is to greater would the feeder's not returns find any of its getting a cobl we Ulkei' ' For heallachee, intrigestioll slid stom- . a is at tho eat quite lim-
ntually clell on bend in consideration and plan of Ontario, birch is riported as being
-110 large mar- Nerviline in -hot water. It is It st1rO - crack at the points when It bends..
be? A visit to a few of t form when not in use will eve' the horizon
haul the manure direct from the 'barn sell disorders I am confi h ited, -whereas the Weather BUTOILU'S
to the field. There are two ways by kets reveals the fact that too great a relief for it, mild is almost an instant When in place above the olle prescription is Dr. lianillton'A Carefull,, before venturing into poultry u.;ed Ili the manuf.L.-ILre of over one is thousands of miles in every diree-
it , ,a wtih a fe%v ran
the - relief for internal pains Of It"Y hind-" holds the hose so that only the tion. In fact, nowadays, it is the whole
which the fertilizing value is lost, Portion of the offerings consists of in hydrant Pills." oil a larm scale. Start hundred diffe t articles, ranging from
first is by heating and the second by ferlor stock, apparently due ,more. to Tile remarkable paiii-mil).-litiag power Being compoeed of liatm hens, and work up the ladder step by ships to spools. As a fuel -wood, it takes northern hemisphere. Again, a long
leaching. If manure is left ]it piles - of NeTviline and its ability to cheek - 4 � 1, unreeled. table remedies,, Dr. Hamilton's Pills stell, find suceeps will be apt to crown first place and it is also one of tile study of supposed local -weather signs
bad breeding than to bad feeding &I amount required need be ral - voge-
about the barn, it soon begins to heat, though the two quite frequently' are colds, Influenza and sore throat is tilt- possess great power, yet they are y9ur efforts. principal woods used in wood-distillft- undlirtaklin everywhere by the trained
even in winter, especially if it contains closely connected. -Farmer's Advocate. equalled. Every Items sliould ba,vo THE ETERNAL FEMININE. harmleal. They aid all organs con- ___ tion, Nvliile its only objection as a pulp d s
any large proportion of horse manure. .;, - - __ . Nerviline handy on the shelf for sudden Metrolt Free Press) riected with the stomach, liver, and DRY LITTRUt FOR FOWLS. wood is that it is too heavy to be read- Weather Bureau was discontinued as of
When it heats, the manure is decompos- A City LuUaby, ill�eag at night, like crailips or internal Even Yet, at the end of centuffes, men bowels, Ili consequence, food is pro- Lxperience ilae demonstrated that the ily floated down tile streams to the no value.
ad, and tile element of most value, nitro- Street car clanging eler attend thee, pains, Large family size, 50c- trial hay'l seeret ox nianagin.4 porly digested, th^ blood hi pure and best way ILL which to give fowls ex- I&IS. - In November during the period
vvorrjen Their scold and slicer, ricilewe Birch alsor formed 28 per cent. of
gall, is lost. .In the spring and early Automobile toots befriend thee, � size, 25c., at all at�rokceilcrs*O`r drum A'J Qh�late: Elie laughs and pays no xlou�ishiug, the body is kept strong cllla7 duritim the winter months in 1874 to 1912 inclusive, 50 heavy
0 or 4l: 6 a tile square timber exported from Call -
gists, or The Caturrhozone Co., Ilia- heed. There Is something of tile naughti. and resisU d!oeasc 'all drugaists and I'lliell, ill it" tllvrn Ji'llate t least, gales swept the Great Lakes, 47 fresh
summer if manure is lying about the Noisy steampiple slumber lend - - theel falo. N. Y. I ness noticed. It she wishes to anchor a storekeeper 0 icy must be houisetl tlLp graater,�art, ada in 1912 according to the bulletin
yards wheie rain can fal Ion it, much of Meep, my pretty one, sleopi . � , I -- miniature Christmas tree on the outer 8 Bell ' Dr. flamilton's tl oil the proAtiction of lumber, square g�les tand 138 moderate gales. The
the fertility is leached out and carried Derillhery of liar list. or scrabe tile cioud-i PlII,A, 25e per box, 5 for $1.00, or by if Act all Of tile time, is by providing excep, ionally heavy gales were ex-
.nway. If manure is spread on the field Squaling felines aide thy slumber, with a "stick-up". or wear slits Ili liar mail from the Catarrhozone Co., Bat- a deel) litter in which -the birda scratch timber, lath and shingles for that year, perienced in the years and dates as
directly from the barn, heating is pre- Riveters thy sense encumber, Lidbt-flearted Fellow skirts tII she loo"- like a Derambuls. for their dry grain ration, says an ex- which has been prepared by the Fores-
ot" r�' falo, 'N. Y., and Kiti.aston, Canada. follows:
Denwirler, devends unon It In the Ii vise I try Branch and will shortly be issued.
vented until the manure is covered up Whistles soothe thee, any num-beri I of Bishorls cannot stoll her. Nothing - - . - clift ),,&a, For this litter the Afain Experi. November 22nd, 23rd, 1874, 28.75
in tile soil. Then any elements that are Sleep, my pretty one, aleept :. . - can -tut a change of fashions. - ' mont; btation uses pine planer shavings The remainder was largely white pine, inches (barometer reduced to sea level),
liberated by dedonli:l6iition are taken 'Lip _ r', I I - DO YOU KNOW *7 witli a layer of Oat straw oil top. What- Until 1012 the export of square timber rain turning to snow, ath November,
bY tile soil and saved. When manure is Hucksters' � � I - I .. ever the litter, it sfiould be changed its had Stoadil,t decreased since 1877, but 1880; lith November, 1883; 23rd No -
spread out oil the fields it dries a crying lend thee shrillnesa, I A W07MAN"S . A often (ta it gets dam' or dirty. _1� last year s owed a. surprising Increase, vember, 1884, 23rd November, 1891;
lit, Wagons rattling break the stillnoss . . .. 1), ing
and as the larger part of the manure is Engines guard thee from an illnessal � . tile quantity exported in 1912 exceed' November 5th, - 1800; November 11th,
� -111 NOTES. that exported lit the previous year by 1897, November 24th, 1905; November
fit all insohiblo. form, even it it does rain Gleep, my pretty one, sleept . . '�_ [HELPLESSNESS I I almost go per cent.
on the fields, very little fertility is . . 7 � Buff color is at Itiet coming slowly 0 - mber 21st, 1900; No-
waslied out, because it is not soluble, S h lent minute, . A , O'k, - vember 7th and 20th, 1007; November
Considering these facts, t, Cured Viroudli. - I into its own. It is it beautiful shade, New Alphabet for Ohinese, 7th and 20th, 1907; November 20th -3001,
� and tile feet . file Rich, Re th" proper rich golden buff, on ally
that manure is handled Waken not with wailing in it, I d .
fewer times Very soon will they begin itl . I I . I - I fowl, hard to produce yet - Greater than any change that has 1,908, November l6th, 1009; November
when handled direct front thb barn to Blood Dr. Williams' Pink I sible as evidenced ill 6. B.11f0ftCOi1.111.P10,r,1. 12th to 17th, 1911.
the field, makes it quite evident that Sleep, my pretty one, sleepil . . I , Orpi�'igtons,'Lcgllorns and Wyandottes taken place in China during the centur- in conclusion, it may be stated that
this is the practical way of handling 01tiell7ga, Inter-0eean. � . Pills Actually Make. a ies is the contemplated one of changing for the recent great storm heavy galp
I - t, 11; the leading shows. And the buff
manure except where the lan�l Is subject No oculist can guarantee a woman Thousand Of women suffer front breedeva tire becoming as one oil the the Chinese alphabet. Just how this signals were hoisted at 10 a.m. on the
to I -J. against looking her age. ,�, � I color. No longer do they claim the pro- 7th of November, and remained up uu,
excessive washing and flooding.' � headaches, backaches, dizziness, langour ' I will be taken by the Orientals affected
__ —_ --- -.--- ____ . and nervousness. Few realize that their � � per color, �rad or lemon, so in former tit the 10th. Forecasts also announced
I I I'll I I � I . . I I and how long It will take to introducel that the rains ,would turn to snow.
hl I,, I 1`1� 111111� til,,1111;�,iAll , - - - years.
I 1, IS211 111,11211 " - -- - � �� misery all come from the bad atato of \ the new alphabet cannot be conjectur. 1 ------.* - V
� 14� ,0 ?�l ; -, as
., : , , 11, I 4-0! 5 , ��,-� I I Archle-1 make it a rule to bura all their blood, They take one thin& for ' I Now is the finia to purchase stock ad, but that it will be welcomed by
" , . , I � 6 of my bills. their head, another for their stoulach the breeders do not wish to winter Europeans and Americans 'interested in GUILTY OF BIGAMY
- Im JX_ .� ,�r - I � � .. . ".. �__ C... -I. n1l _4-1. -l. __ . __
-_ I _.
-1 .", mblaill, '.- 11 * . I-teggy-1 see, old man. Making �L lu a wird iur zacir nerves. And yet ---- ------, ------ uninese uteraturo and affairs is certain.
..4�=Ia --' _., -4 bubles, eh? While 16 Is simply their Vlood "I'll give you a penny I! you can erels and pul-lots, are reaching matur-
....- - 211*0P. light of your tr all the . The new alphibet is to have forty-
- � it I I that is the -cause of all tile trouble. $poll fish," it Their worth can now be determin- w hracters. These forty-
. (Z11 __ .. . ,,c.o.D I ## I and in " many cases the poultry -will take the place of than -
1. -_ - -_ . Dr. lVilliams' Pink ring will cure be . Od'. two letters
I .. vzr_ - .. . ,-
. . - I M..- I ___ -:__=f * , , " Pauper Snobs of India. cause they act"ItIlY make new, rich, red * "That ain't fish I ". brpeder has not the proper winter quar- � sands of Ideograms that go to make up
- 2� -, I )f blood , whieb. reaches every organ and "What Its it, then?" i uplus stock. 117hen quar, Chinays written language
- �J , - . " one-fourth of the Anglo-Indian popula- tored over winter prices naturaly will be - At the pres-
". I � - - / every nerve in the body, �arrying with I - I higher, due to inereaseed cost to the cut time the* student of Chinese must
.1 �_21 tion. In India is sui)porte,d by charity. it V, now health mild liew strength, Mrs.
. - I lw�o I memorize 8,000 ideograms or characte
. , I — - - S N , �, � . / . -1 - For the Anglo-Indian thinks that Work SPECIAL CARE OF THE HAIR. owner. Purchase the beat poll you call with *t
. _� I is beneath him. and really -lottetown, P. ,. I., their quegr little quirks
_. _ZY9 " - ,* / at heart lie Wm. Acorn. Chat r, -and cur i
,�_ 0 \. -says: "Before I began the use of Dir. The COL101011 Of the scalp and hair do- afford, from a regular breeder, And cues, before lie can begin to learn any-
ILIN an ....., �; I I is born a snob. Xt isn't drunkentlegs start right, .
W1.4ch makes him an object of charity, Williams' Pink Pills I was one of tile i)ends first uvon the general health, At- thing, to understand the written lan.
.� foe there le.comi3aratively little drunketi- most miserable wornan livitig. V or telltlOn having been given to the minor The carly-hatcLed pellets tire com- guage Or to communicate in it. And
- of this fundamental requisite, mencing to lay. Others reaching
. ne3s amonir the poor In India, Nor is more thnn three years I lived a life of details . matur-.. thalm'emorizing of the 8,000 characters
ft6-1k_, I it the seasonal trades, as It Is continuous constant dread. I was taking weak loiga treatment of the hal� and of tile ity and with proper care will soon shall is realling tile beginning of learningand
. tho year round. Neither is it the rnono. spells so that I could not be left alone. Ficall). out ]tell fridtf while prices are good. - lantruage,
. , for every one of the queer
tony of a dreary home or daily toll that It I walked from one room to another Allow the hair to hand loose toil or fif- Th -sl late botched chicke are still grow, Chinese marks means some sound, some
SInall drives him to drink and then to poverty. � teen minutes, while you are dressing in Ili,# Afany Will not reach maturity nil,
TX THE big. roomy house or in the F or there Is no part of altioutt my heart would palpitate ,so violently tha morning. Vd it ever oecuro to You .,. syllable or some object.
=7 a where
there itre peoille of one social gade, but that'l tested I would die. I was con- that i)erhays Your head heeds a rest? III cold weather rats Ili, with the re- 'The characters for tile consonantsare
A cottage there is always sotno cold corn the homes of the terspersed Change the made of arranging tile hair. suit of no Ogg$ during tile time of some of the Chinese Ideograms which
er 'with the rich. tinually sending for -tba doctor, who While rou are writing a letter, or reacl- hitylt prices. For '.'.;a midwinter allow Came tile closest to stilt] g ilie sounds
where extra heat i's needed. lie is a 1)auoer purely and siniply be. 'told me I had no blood and that in Ing. or verhaus manding. take the J)Ilis these late -hatched birds are the proper and some few letters Is n
cause lie Is an arist6crat. He has Eng- nerves were shattered. Notwithatany Out of your hairy and sit In the sun. If ken front other
lish blood In his veins and 'IQ wants to ing his treatment I did not scalp is Itchy Or Irrated, the sun And thing -just maturing for show shape allibabets. The vowel characters were
. live like the English. and the Hnglish ter. I ooiild get any bet- will help to heal It and will 91V6 life to when needed, but for a full egg basket, more difficult to handle and four of
In India ara the successful and the rich. not keep anything on my tile scial). An haur once a week, where thitil that paya the feed bille andpitts them are taken from the4 Greek, four .
Thqv have their Well anDoInted 0 es, stomach, and the least tiling would t'.4 sun and a raild wind will reach the a
thei- servants and every luxury. 0 'make me sick. Then my trouble was I'Load, will kooD tile head odorless and the tile baflanee on tile Tigght side Of the led. from Russian, five from Ltttln stilt one
Elix1lishman who Worka With his an H, hair fluffv. . ger. April and Vrst Of MAY-hatchcd from Chinese. Of the nine remaining
11 'Itt !�S-_!, � thdi men In the factories, the day I ore s, complicatdd with r1teuniaiisill, which be- Ono should nover retire at night with. birds fill the bill, 'P,xperlobco will teach vowels, two re,
- t, � frontiersmen, the farmers are not eame so %ball, that I hall to be lifted out brushing and combing the halr-to �% modified signs now in
Solid Comfort In Cold Weathey- I found In Inflia. The b09=11 Snob d remove the day's dust. A thorough bru.-h. this use and Beven. art reversed ideograms.
know of their existence. Ila knows e"'"' not like a child, and Ilia pain was it]
nly the Most ihir serve to stimulato the scalp. distri- With the present price of eggs, and With tile forty-two ell r oter
coolies and the 111ndus who work with kinbeaTablo. I was in this deplorable bute, the natural OIJ, and cleanse tit hair. a a a it will -
gives vou heat where and when you want it. their hnn&3. and lie will not Ile a hun- the scarcity of good poultry, many liv- be a comparatively simple matter to
. -a each night, If You would
ttotrn Ilia if a litter NVillialual Vink 31111s, r ,0
them. lie wishes to pa One of condition when mv husband read of Dr. The old rule 'was to brush tile hair
.1 - __ f drods strokc ing in the city -with yard -room enough wake a Chinese t7iiewriter.
the 117;nirlishman whom lie knows. I-ro and got InO a 81'P- have a bev,utlful "crown of glor . Per. . I -
I . . I
The now model Perfectiori Heater, just on the markett wants to have a servant and be Waited ply. When I had taken half it dozett li y hve to ill nd your. _- - - �: .. I. _ - .1, _ _. ,I - ... .1, . ...'.. .. .....''.. . I. -.11. .. .-I--
oil. And It lie cannot lie will lint work, YAR to tic strict a rule, but certainly you I . � . . I .1 �
� has' rovernents that rnake it the besit heater eVer made. To dile with FL abovol Ill a diactrael3 Ili his not allow tile hall, to reltinin over .Ill. �,( I I ,I J.. I WA , , ,w,J I -
MP lb�xos I felt much better, and icould go
I I I le.vpa and begginit ts Infinitely more re- about Ilia bouso.. I kept an tsking tile 81")ul" t as it waA (luring the day. The & I U, " ' � " " . g- 0 I "
6" 1 , , , " , ,6 , �"' , "
No smoke — autornatic-locking flIlme-spreader. No ay)ectabla. Pills until I bad used twelve boxes, and 406wing the hair to fall loose d . 0 01 V,
So the Anstlo-Indian tiativer 19 1Jup9nrt- %1011��1'11�t`blfls 0
smell. Plat font insures steadv heat. Indicator in pil on it scajo better than that of tilt., taltil- I cati truly say they made me 4% witif ,V -r 1"� olilnw at night, Is a good one, lt�
V If vout, hair Is too lanif or thick,
ful workmen among the 11hidus and c*41- wonian. Ilidomi. I do not think I would it your hair Is InIllnix nut bndly, & I
sight. Bums nine liouls on a gallon of oil. Firlished les, and the burden of the charttV falls 11A living Tiow but for Dr. Willianis' Pink p(tin ITISM00 wIll do wonders to stiniu- .- _ " I - �
ci the rich 1r,agibrAl, 7'he wealthy flinilus - I
with blue enamel or plain steel drums; nickel -plated. wfil take none of the renpe,asibilities. VIM. T wfah I could persuade -every )Ala the 0"c'ulf"tiOn and lonoen the rmli) f . �� the behil. Each hair reeelvell Iff; I __ __ __ - __ -
. They nsty that the J!,uglishillall ,!rot *Ck X I
StoCk 9t all chief points, It6d woutlin W110 'S ol to fn1l0w MV M h6l,flihment throu It a tlnv tubn which \_ . ILLY
tbl., clamil and that on him falls tile , rtm,ple, for I lisve proved tbey wili ouro onds front the Fte.-IlD to the ority of tfio �
. An.pirlit of au"nort. r, Therefore... t1lo Inern Airourlou.-itly . �, .1 - I
' 'td of*l Thore In fanother cauitn of thim paver. - th-i spiltln Is maemage(l. tit#% g-t-siter nro tb(i . C"9N.
AkOr be$t YeStJfS X9*9 R6yall tlm thomt dpiperato ef.�ts. ind t con. t%-11 A HOUSIEWIFt 18 JUIOGED BY H99 KIT
� . tv also. annrt from this Rtron,,- false Semi- Aillor, Inymell a, living witness of this ph,milation. A srood bitir Mill- o(in stlio . . I
Mant That bi the himunitary equal faot." whilt- tbA niAwmaKo Ill lioine give-n-yrtiA. f I'll . . . . . POR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A 13RIGHT
THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY) Limited U01111 Of life Which cause the dcq,th of 1111"o Lh plaea In wonmills world for .� 2 , :�.
� I
Toratitto Vditifewd kinfood V"doui* My father of the linnAe 8old at an ear you ekn get tlloms, 'Pills fhroutrh anv 'I; � . RPUTATION, USE BLACK KNIGHT*
I ly 1, ovember. �?'
a 111rakr* to Onteft Ago. Thit; reduce -.4 thn family to pauper- modlette dealor or bv mail polt Paw, 40 04, . . � I
pi=** VC3009ts 01h& Sam - *at% him at once thn llnr,m of work oppn A,j to oAfttm n 1)0,.t pr Riv lin,cf-'s for $9.50 An I(Ile rumor n1ways gaIrA curr#.-do . I .� �
... I I I � . _ - . - - - . � . I � .1 . .. . � � �. I ' I ---.----1 ".. -, ., , .4 All E "' F 11 A LL 1-Y I�D. I NO DUST
, r
III A0060t AVG DrUtIvAllY nOnt.-ChICA90 %toWlle, ,-tmill 31edi,einG Co., *hleh 1% raore tlj,tn jan bg %aid 6f sn ,rZ IL.rC)14.00
to the Ano'l-R111,11-aft wonvin Which she frord The I)r. 'Will! .. �� L H A rt� J;T
I g " � No RUST *11W
I - lbuno� Ont, 1,04 malit. - . . I I . . 11- I
. �
. I
--h - 11- � - "l� � ,,,J,1�� . I .
- nnft. I -,,11 - ''. . . .
- — ____......_...�,. .!L-"-- ,,, _&_A_-J__--7-M=!=2ftlWft, a - 11 _... -1 4A 4 , - . .."N'W'. Alk-,".. � .- , . .. - �
— � _",^�_ I -
IL - __ __ - . - — __�126tm" ft_"M�*�*..kAo*�__ �
�- - - __
Dr. Ross, of London, Was
London, Xov. 23. -Dr. W. H. Ross,
who on September 26 of this year was
married to Miss Bernice Blackley, of
Toronto, ,by the pastor of Deer Park
Presbyterian Church, was found guilty
yesterday O! having committed bigamy.
Rom admitted having been married
- before, find testified in extenuation that
. lie had conferred with his first wife oil.
6aptember 12 and that alto had given
him to understand she would get a
divorce. This the latter denied, point-
ing out that she Avas a Catholic and Of
course would not recognize divoree.
Ross declared Ito find made generous
offeis to his first wile to get a divorce,
and said lie hall paid $230 in Detroit
to a tictective to get him one by some
14hort-fut plan. Ile tesifled that lie hall
,,Vven Ulm Illackley to understand that
lie was divorced frilin his first wife, and
he never discussed the tuatter with her
.Air. Meredith, in asking for leniency, -
Said ley, asked for it.
Dr. Ross was for a tinij acting superin-
tPlItlent of the Byron Sallitalluill, and
Ili,; arr(,�.�, a few Avet-lis ago ,eftusod quito
a sensation, The warrant was h%ueil
oil file lirlillo, fapio Qvillptlee furniallett
liv Air,;. llosq, of Petyoit, WILL) liall re'lit
(if Ili,.; marria,zo to the Toronto lativ,
Mill who '&%,ill laid the inatter before tfie
Crown Attorlavv.
Tit thp court veiterdav vounsol for
- Ili(, flofellet, eall�tl Ur'.4sis. .Tns, '711,111
and I4. 14,orvatou, of the London Mitlth
Ar,sol-iation, to tostify to Dr. Ross' elhar.
netel. whilp be Wag Ili 0101-ge of the Stu.
Ittirittia. Xudgo, Talbot' 11sebeth re.
mallilell 010. prNotipr Initil 110\t Well.
limday for flente"i.e.