The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-20, Page 4N
The Scott Act 'Would Not Victims Wanted, Skin Sufferers— R'ead 1
Make Men Better.
A Doctor out in Minneapolis be-
.., We want all skin stiff orers who have tion -.-one tbat has effected many
x" } Men Cannot Be Made Righteous By Lase lieves that it a certain concoction (ac• st•Ifered for many years the tortures wonderful cures.
(t; cent on the cot)) of the pollen of rag, of disease and who have sought iriedi- The effect of D. D. D. is to soothe
weed is used as a vaccine, it might instantly, as soon as applied ; then It
g cal aid in vain to read this.
[ have some beneficial effect in treating We, as old established druggists of Penetrates the pores, destroys and
Prohibition Is a scheme to make throws off all disease germs and leaves
.. _•,• ; ;Z� 1 men good b law. It cannot be done.
.,*• „ ); y h+tq fever. He writes all about it to this community, wish to recommend the skin clean and healthy.
There never was a time when it could the Journal of the American Medical to you a product that has given many We are so confident of the marvel -
.Y be. The Apostle Paul recognized this relief and may mean ilie end of your ous power of D. D. D. that we have
p g Association, and concludes: agony. The product is a mild, site• taken advantageof the manufaetur•
fact nearly two thousand ears ago �+
9 g If the thoaeands of physicians who ple wasb, not a patent medicine con- era guarantee, to offer you a full-bize
when he Bald if men can be made have hay fevet patients would take the coded of various worthless drugs, bottle on trial. Yo„ are to judge the
rigbteoui by law then Christ is dead comparatively little trouble of carrying but a scientific compound made of merits of the remedy in your own
out such a technic as I have described, well known antiseptic ingredients, It particular case. If it doesn't help you
in vain, The proposition is pure p
or a better one, and make vaccinal in, iQ made in the D. D• D, laboratories of it costs you nothing,
�N�Jt' <&; fantasy. Ne',;her temperance or virtue lections, great results might be secured T ,,.onto and N called the D. D. D. Pre. D D. D. Soap is Wale of the same
k ;::,,. `•;::: is promoted by it. By invading pri- m a single season in determining the scription for Eczema, healing infiredients, At -k us about it.
vate rights it arouses human passion, value of such treatments. The pollen This is a doctor's special prescrip- J. J. Davis, Druggist, Wingham.
is ready."
:.K Instead of reducing drunkenness it
Toere isn't the sl'tgbteat doubt of It.
multiplies hypocrites and lawbreakers.
f;•<:•:"Not only the value of this, but the
�,:�;i�::>` ,,•••: It has no just recognition or belong-
ing in the economy of government or value of almost any cruel, unusuwl,
�,` \4li �;,I ;, ,i,•: �, .k
bizarre and silly treatment could be
the autonomy of true religion. It is
<t,�� < t^. � ,zr,• determined in that way and the value � •^
in its essence ignorant, tyrannous and * r
of all of them would be found to be
i + c
a • t �. equally nil.
Every real man believes in freedom �... w.
,�• , ` This is, nevertheless, a great idea,
ty.: _. . • and the right to regulate his own
conduct, Prohibition legislation pro- the best of it is that it opens the {.
t C
the theor that those who door to infinite possibilities, For in-
` ceede fes•, Y +taneo, if the tirst season showed the T
patients::' ensed hotels or take a.
drink are ak or irresponsible and this doctor's Formula was not right,
then subsequent seasons could be con- Pandora Ranges
need a uar ian, If you are to ass
S g y P sumed in trying other concoctions of (�((�' are sold every-
.,� rh oat 3•` such laws as to drink, where will itira`'1 where by good
ragweed pollen, And if it be finallydealers who back
stop ? If you permit the Dominion Pa--arL ^
"•> `;;� decided that ragweed is not the right up our guaran•
Alliance to have their way in the
•il 6��}°} : weed, then there are plenty of other � t ce o n chi s
matter of what we shall drink their rtt g
-, splendid ran e —
•s�-, , 3E;�:•y;�r`.• �:. • ,, pollens. The woods are full of them, c
{>s• i;' next step will be to tell us what we id Glarys
<:y: ; € +. .>:a.:' i ;, •� , i We ought to set out at once upon
,t,("�sr' " f:; ` ",'': 3: 1 `�?• �,, shall eat or smoke or wear. The
d ' ki'#>x..;�>ttvc:tii •::. ; / this engaging empirial vista. All
f a principle is the same, Our conception y
'�p•Y ' +. �`': 2�}•"'
of free government is that men are aboard. The pollen is read The
assumed to be responsible and are doctors are ready. All we need area
•r �� ' �.✓�'�r � ••- —�- --r —�'• �+
:a;'?. ;.. •'y • . \�' few millions sufferers who, in the in -
their freedom until they
terest of science will resent their / rr
P h W
;;. ;_, `...:;:,•,:;;... ; 2., ass abuse it. We deny that the people bodies and a small fee for the support :x}
of this county, who stand for a decent All the heat and y
of the experimenters.k
hotel have abused their freedom to smoke must travel � ,, �
over the top of the
4 , �:''• <; such an extent that they must now be oven, down the back
? 4 placed in the custody of the Dominion and under the 6ct• /
` »I M1 OVti=A ,
ton, tivice before \�
Alliance, or its agents, To !;ducats Children. L _4 �—
..,; v.,;>; ¢:: ; cscapin;; into the
'a,•:..\`' ::rz In the matter of this guardianship 4—
/ idea, we challenge the voters of thin chi th —means rt
, :r,�. • •. '��; t•rr:cc the cooking
"<.' :::` •:'':`••`" count to take a look around them and baking powers from the same amount of fuel as
y Education Department Provides for given by the ordinary range. t
and consider the character of some of
see [his patented feature, rhe ventilated oven and many onccr 1h
r Tuberculosis Da in Schools, on
z• ;4�' :•;+.:.• •' •{'` the men who are in a self appointed ° Y exclusivones before buyinD your range.
Prlda 28th November -
way r :a, : ,� •• way attempting to et theirselpes tip Y,
as their guardians. the best test of a
man is how does he use ower ? That Loudon Toronto 1loutreal lfJinnipeg Vnutou•rer '
P With a view to bringing the Anti-
z� ' ^,: :' :;::•;3�.. is the supreme test of manhood. How g g St. dohs Hamiiiou %nighty Saskaicoa Edmonton
Tuberculosis movement home most 333 -
does he treat those within his control?
forcibly to the children in whose hands
The greater the man, the grander the the ultimate success of the movement
,tan, the more careful he is in the use ties, the Ontario Dapartment of Ed -
Yon will be pleased with our values and assortment of Fur Sets, of power—the tenderer be is the near- ucation has authorized the setting Sold in Wingham by R. R. Mooney.
Odd Stoles, Muffs, Fur and Far Lined Coats. It is noteworthy that or just, the greater the more merciful, apart of Friday, November 28th, for a
we carry a large stock of reliable Furs, and that we bave unusual the grander the more charitable. Be- special campaign in the schools of Ont -
good values, buying only from reliable firms, and we GUARANTEE
fore beginning to submit yourselves to
Oat -
all Furs bought here. We invite you to come and inspect our stook cele, The exercises which immediate -
before buying. We take special orders for anything we do not carr the control of another man find out '
y g, p y g y ly-proceeds the Tuberculosis Sunday '
in stock and can give you prompt attention, what manner of a man he is. Ascer- Sermon, in the churches of Ontario
rain how he treats his wife or his will be conducted by Principals, Teach• BANK
children, his neigbbors, his poor era, Members of School Boards, prom -HE DOMINION
debtors, his servants, and you will be inept: educationists, medical men and
able to form an idea as to whether you these in public and private life who OR EDMUND D, OSLER M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VICE-PRESIDENT.
would `Tike to have such a man forareinterested in checkin the spread
BR0,S0 your guardian, g P C. A. BOGERT, General Manager_
of the disease. The children will be
This Asdo iation is against the ring urged to assume their share of the
I in the nose idea. It favors the liberty work which lies chieflg,in the care
PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 71 of the individual as long as the rights they take to avoid contracting or Trust Funds Should Be Deposited
of otbers•are not interfered with. carrying Consumption, simple rules of
Respectfully, In a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank. Such funds are
Huron County Bu: pest Men's Ass'n., health will be impressed upon them, safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates.
John Ransford, President and some idea given of the terrible
havoc which the scourge plays in our When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may
Wm. Jackson, Secretary,national life. An outline of Lecture be noted on the cheque issued, which in turn becomes a receipt
on Tuhsrculosis is being aupplied to or voucher when cancelled by the bank.
4r a -
the Teachers on apphcatron to the
Officers of the National Sanitarium
Now is the time to see about that new Range.
Association, 347 King Street West,
r W
i n 1.
r -
in •'�'
• •
A Range that
So uniformly successful has OR-
Support Jubilee Proposal.
pP p
Imperial Exhibition in 14117 is bein
P g
warmly supported in official financial
wall gave you entire
RINE been in restoring the victims of
your money will be refunded, ORRINE
and while posing as the mediums of
public opinion are the organs of these
interests. The trade of these houses
has grown enormously in these cities
where these dailies circulate, but in FA ill N G HAI R
Beautiful hair makes every woman the other cities and smaller placeE
bountiful Dad all who desire to mak•
the beet of their appearance should pav where there are g•tod local newspapers, many People Have A Simple Way
a visit to Prof. Pembor who will be in they have not made the same gains,
Wingham at the Brunswick because the local newspapers are Of Stopping It—They Use
Hotel, Tuesday, Dec. 2nd well edited and are loyal to their local Parisian Sage,
merchants, refuse to carry the advertia•
-with a very large stock of the latent Ing of the hig city, store. The only WAY It was eangerbond of Paris who
styles in flair (foods, styles to suit in which the bigdailies can make head- first discovered that dandruff and fel.
,every individual. Ladies should rice ling hair were caused by a microbe,
our Transformations, Banes, Pampa• way is by cutting Choir prices, They And note that 'Pari;.ian Sage, the
doura, Switches, Fronts, Eto. A free get $3 to $5 a year in Montreal, Toron- remedy that kills the dandruff germ,
,demonstration to all. to and Winnipeg, but sell in other is sold in every town in Canada, the
cillos at 60a to $1 a year. This does people of this country have awakened
to the fact that dandruff is unneces•
�. 1 not pay for the white paper on which nary; that failing hair and itching
t these newspapers are printed, but the scalp can be quickly stopped, and that
S"11, heavy deficits are wade up by subsidies the people who use Parisian Sage will
1 . t never grow bald.
,t c through big advertising contracts and To every reader of rho Advance who
Gentleman Who Are Bald �° °J3� 1i in other ways, and by, the lots poatal wishes to eradicate offensive dandruff,
ro rates. The merchants and newspapers stop frilling hair and have an immacu•
The Piember Lightweight Ventilated N -a. outside of these three big centres lately clean scalp, free from itchiness,
Totipeo, which 19 the most natural stub• ,y J, W. McXibbon says he will sell Pari.
stitate for one's own hair over pro- - ahcaild set together and insist that no elan Sage in a Targe fifty cent bottle
dnood, Prof, Pomber will also diagnose tie" paper should have the privil'90 with a guarantee to refund the money
free of Charge all cases of scalp trouble. of . e plaile which has a lower sub- It not satisfied. It Is Is an ideal,
Do not fail to call and get any hifor• "or ion price outside than in the daintily perfumed hair dressing, free
station y'ott may r.'quire pertaining to from grease and stickiness that will
the hair, oe� a tri rvliiCh It le published or put life and beauty into dull faded
a l hone or wribeand Prof. Pembor will call at your w oh sells at lose than the cost of the hair and cause it to grow lustrouq and
Ladles W110 oanuot c , p luxuriant.
home, Ilow6 nbtlr the date- Tuasdxy, Daaembor god- Brunawlok Hotel. p or used. ,
Uen you em to a dealer's
store to hear a Phonograph
bicn,; sure you hear an Edison
. Phonograph
If you do not hear an Edison you do not hear a phono-
graph. There is only one Edison and only one Phonograph
bearing his name. The Edison Phonograph is Mr. Edison's
own personal achievement. He invented it and he per-
fected it. He is responsible for its clear, lifelike musical
Records—the Blue Amberols, unbreakable, playing four
minutes and lasting a lifetime. He has produced the
indestructible diamond reproducing point, that never needs
changing. He has recently
perfected this new cabinet
model—a thing of beauty
in itself and a marvel of
musical perfection. o
Hear this new model. Hear the
new BlueAmberolRecords, em-
bracing everything worth while
in the field of songs and instru-
mental music.e6c• • • •
'TRADE MARK' ,y Edison Amberols Vl
• Cabinet Maho¢any or Golden Oak. Diamonri
wtt�l� Paint Reproducer: Powerful 5pnn� Motor.
Playa Blue Amberol Records
Edison Phonographs and Rrxords are sold by
and points East thereof:
THURSDAY, Noyrl =R 20, 1913
25 Per Cent.
For the next ten days
we are offering our en-
tire stock at from 15 to
Z 5 per cent. off regular
Fit and finish guaran-
You are cordially invited
to call. Inspect our stock,
have a friendly chat and
get acquainted, whether
you wish to buy or not.
Pressing and dry lean -
ing a specialty.
Ladies' and Gents' Tailor.
We are looking for the largest
Fall business in our history. We
cannot explain to you how ready
we are, because there is so much
to tell, so many lines to deal with
that space- will not permit, but
come and see.
Overcoats and Suits.
A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats. 1.50 to select from.
Sweater Coats
For Men, Women and Children, all at moderate
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.'
The Shoe section is now in first-class shape. Many
new fall lines have been added this week. Vire
buy no seconds in Rubbers. \6'e keep none but
the best.
Blankets and Comforters.
We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets,
I t x4 and 12x4, at the old prices. A sp!endid stock
of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sires. Special
value in Comforters.
We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden
City and° Universal, all give the best of satisfaction.
Also have Bran, Shorts and Feed.
Second Day
TIIROV011 Ec,TIP�II+.NT: omgartmenf-Library.Observation Car. Standard Bleeping •
Car, Tourist eeping Oat, Dining G ir, First Class Coaches, Colonist Car.
.A.NCO �.J V ER E 1116
LEAVE TORONTO - . 10.20 p.m.1 DAILY (Successor to `r, A. MILLS)
THROUGH ICQtT1PMR14T : Compartrner.t-I.rftrary Obsnrvatian car. atandani Sleeping
Vara, Tourist Slac; pig Car, Dining Oar, First Glass Loathe.' Colonist Car.WINGHAM
-. - 4 _
P'artlouliifrom Canadian I'anillo Agdnt.a or •write'M- lt. 141VI;I'Ii1, ii.P.:i.,
Toronto. � H. �viilia. uptown mgdriltaon�e x. I.I. HatlDitlr. ttta
tioq agent, phone 7....
the "Drink Habit" into sober and use.
Now is the time to see about that new Range.
ful citizens, and so strong is our con-
fidence in its curative powers, that we
The movement to celebrate Canada's
want to emphasize the fact that OR-
Jubilee by an international, or inter -
• •
A Range that
RINE is sold under this guarantee.
If, after a trial, you get .no benefit,
Imperial Exhibition in 14117 is bein
P g
warmly supported in official financial
wall gave you entire
your money will be refunded, ORRINE
cost only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free
and business circles here.
satisfaction. It is to
Booklet. J. W. McKibbon, Druggist.
Expressions of approval have been
received from Lord Strathcona, Lord
.save 50 per cent• in fuel and give
Desborougb, Earl Grey, Sir Thomas
Skinner, Mr. A. C. Smithers, chair -
Mail Order Houses Buy News-
man of the Grand Trunk Railway,'116r.
better results.
Burbidge, manager of Harrod's Stores,
Sir Trevor Dawson, of Maxim Vickers,
and also by three hundred leading'
This Range is different in construction from any others
(From Tha Dry Goods Review)
manufacturers in London, Liverpool,
Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield,
and while the old time makes of stoves and ranges bake
The big departmental stores contin.
Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Hull, Bristol,
from the top the Supreme bakes from the bottom. Every
ue to extend their interests in or con-
Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Bel -
trol of the daily newspapers in Toron-
fast. Many of these manufacturers
Range given on thirty days' trial. If you are not perfectly
to, Montreal, and Winnipeg. A large
state that they are considering the es -
satisfied it does not Cost anything to make the trial.
interest in, if not the control of,
tablishment of Canadian branclies.
another Toronto daily has just been
There is every prospect that Aus-
acquired. This makes three dailies in
tralia will make a representative dis•
which these mail order houses are
play, the Commonwealth desiring ti
financially interested. In Montreal it
promote the closest posaible relations
came out in legal proceedings recently
with Canada.
Alex. Young
that one of the oldest daily papers
there passed some months ago into the
Mr. Leonard Palmer, who recently
returned from a consultation with the
hands of the chief owner of a rising
government and other authorities in
mail order house which aims to mono.
Canada, and who is now organiz•ng
polize the trade in Eastern Canada.
the project, says of course it will rest
There are now nine dailies in Toronto,
with Canada to decide the exact form
Montreal and Winnipeg, which are
the exhibition will take, and whether
known to be owned, or controlled by,
It will be held in Montreal, Toronto,
the big store and financial interests,
Ottawa, Winnipeg or Vancouver,
and while posing as the mediums of
public opinion are the organs of these
interests. The trade of these houses
has grown enormously in these cities
where these dailies circulate, but in FA ill N G HAI R
Beautiful hair makes every woman the other cities and smaller placeE
bountiful Dad all who desire to mak•
the beet of their appearance should pav where there are g•tod local newspapers, many People Have A Simple Way
a visit to Prof. Pembor who will be in they have not made the same gains,
Wingham at the Brunswick because the local newspapers are Of Stopping It—They Use
Hotel, Tuesday, Dec. 2nd well edited and are loyal to their local Parisian Sage,
merchants, refuse to carry the advertia•
-with a very large stock of the latent Ing of the hig city, store. The only WAY It was eangerbond of Paris who
styles in flair (foods, styles to suit in which the bigdailies can make head- first discovered that dandruff and fel.
,every individual. Ladies should rice ling hair were caused by a microbe,
our Transformations, Banes, Pampa• way is by cutting Choir prices, They And note that 'Pari;.ian Sage, the
doura, Switches, Fronts, Eto. A free get $3 to $5 a year in Montreal, Toron- remedy that kills the dandruff germ,
,demonstration to all. to and Winnipeg, but sell in other is sold in every town in Canada, the
cillos at 60a to $1 a year. This does people of this country have awakened
to the fact that dandruff is unneces•
�. 1 not pay for the white paper on which nary; that failing hair and itching
t these newspapers are printed, but the scalp can be quickly stopped, and that
S"11, heavy deficits are wade up by subsidies the people who use Parisian Sage will
1 . t never grow bald.
,t c through big advertising contracts and To every reader of rho Advance who
Gentleman Who Are Bald �° °J3� 1i in other ways, and by, the lots poatal wishes to eradicate offensive dandruff,
ro rates. The merchants and newspapers stop frilling hair and have an immacu•
The Piember Lightweight Ventilated N -a. outside of these three big centres lately clean scalp, free from itchiness,
Totipeo, which 19 the most natural stub• ,y J, W. McXibbon says he will sell Pari.
stitate for one's own hair over pro- - ahcaild set together and insist that no elan Sage in a Targe fifty cent bottle
dnood, Prof, Pomber will also diagnose tie" paper should have the privil'90 with a guarantee to refund the money
free of Charge all cases of scalp trouble. of . e plaile which has a lower sub- It not satisfied. It Is Is an ideal,
Do not fail to call and get any hifor• "or ion price outside than in the daintily perfumed hair dressing, free
station y'ott may r.'quire pertaining to from grease and stickiness that will
the hair, oe� a tri rvliiCh It le published or put life and beauty into dull faded
a l hone or wribeand Prof. Pembor will call at your w oh sells at lose than the cost of the hair and cause it to grow lustrouq and
Ladles W110 oanuot c , p luxuriant.
home, Ilow6 nbtlr the date- Tuasdxy, Daaembor god- Brunawlok Hotel. p or used. ,
Uen you em to a dealer's
store to hear a Phonograph
bicn,; sure you hear an Edison
. Phonograph
If you do not hear an Edison you do not hear a phono-
graph. There is only one Edison and only one Phonograph
bearing his name. The Edison Phonograph is Mr. Edison's
own personal achievement. He invented it and he per-
fected it. He is responsible for its clear, lifelike musical
Records—the Blue Amberols, unbreakable, playing four
minutes and lasting a lifetime. He has produced the
indestructible diamond reproducing point, that never needs
changing. He has recently
perfected this new cabinet
model—a thing of beauty
in itself and a marvel of
musical perfection. o
Hear this new model. Hear the
new BlueAmberolRecords, em-
bracing everything worth while
in the field of songs and instru-
mental music.e6c• • • •
'TRADE MARK' ,y Edison Amberols Vl
• Cabinet Maho¢any or Golden Oak. Diamonri
wtt�l� Paint Reproducer: Powerful 5pnn� Motor.
Playa Blue Amberol Records
Edison Phonographs and Rrxords are sold by
and points East thereof:
THURSDAY, Noyrl =R 20, 1913
25 Per Cent.
For the next ten days
we are offering our en-
tire stock at from 15 to
Z 5 per cent. off regular
Fit and finish guaran-
You are cordially invited
to call. Inspect our stock,
have a friendly chat and
get acquainted, whether
you wish to buy or not.
Pressing and dry lean -
ing a specialty.
Ladies' and Gents' Tailor.
We are looking for the largest
Fall business in our history. We
cannot explain to you how ready
we are, because there is so much
to tell, so many lines to deal with
that space- will not permit, but
come and see.
Overcoats and Suits.
A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats. 1.50 to select from.
Sweater Coats
For Men, Women and Children, all at moderate
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.'
The Shoe section is now in first-class shape. Many
new fall lines have been added this week. Vire
buy no seconds in Rubbers. \6'e keep none but
the best.
Blankets and Comforters.
We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets,
I t x4 and 12x4, at the old prices. A sp!endid stock
of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sires. Special
value in Comforters.
We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden
City and° Universal, all give the best of satisfaction.
Also have Bran, Shorts and Feed.
Second Day
TIIROV011 Ec,TIP�II+.NT: omgartmenf-Library.Observation Car. Standard Bleeping •
Car, Tourist eeping Oat, Dining G ir, First Class Coaches, Colonist Car.
.A.NCO �.J V ER E 1116
LEAVE TORONTO - . 10.20 p.m.1 DAILY (Successor to `r, A. MILLS)
THROUGH ICQtT1PMR14T : Compartrner.t-I.rftrary Obsnrvatian car. atandani Sleeping
Vara, Tourist Slac; pig Car, Dining Oar, First Glass Loathe.' Colonist Car.WINGHAM
-. - 4 _
P'artlouliifrom Canadian I'anillo Agdnt.a or •write'M- lt. 141VI;I'Ii1, ii.P.:i.,
Toronto. � H. �viilia. uptown mgdriltaon�e x. I.I. HatlDitlr. ttta
tioq agent, phone 7....