The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-20, Page 3THURSDAY, NO'4rEM6EIk T 9 T 3 A year ago he couldn't eat Today he can eat three square meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them, 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3 • Chamberlain Msdicieo Co., Toronto 40 (41, a I • . I ' BEST II Asthma Catarrh ' WHOOPING COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS E.TABLISHEO 1073 A simple, safe and effective treatment for bran. phial troubles, without dosing the stomach with drugs. Used with success for thirty years. Tho air carvylng the antiseptic vapor, inspired with every breath. makes breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, and stops the Cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene is invaluable to mothers with young children and a BOON to sufferers front asthma. Send us postal for descriptive booklet. ALL DRUGGISTS. Try CRESOLRNE ANTISEPTIC THROAT TABLETS for the irritated throat. They are simple, effective and antiseptic. Of your druggist or from us, 10c. In stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. 62 Cortlsadt St., N.Y. Leeming Mlles Building Montreal, Can. 4 BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson 1 1 FURS We manufacture all kinds of _ . Fire Garments and can sell . sets of Furs from $5.00 to $15.00 cheaper than any other place. The genuine stuff. All furs guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Old Furs repaired to newest styles. Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. Joseph Graf FORMOSA wa 1 Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $48,000,000. BANK OF HAMILTON Working for Others THE man who looks in - 1 to the future and pic- tures himself the owner of a business, will live to learn that his visions will always bo dreams unless his foresight has shown him the need of saving. Saving is not a habit that should be started "sometime," but one that requires immediate action. As many days as you post- pone opening a bank ac- count, jag that many more days will you bo working for others. One dollar will open a savings account with this bank, and the highest rate of current interest will be credited every six months, C. P. SMITH AGENT WINGHAM JTBAL 6 STRATFORD. ONT. Students may enter our classes at any time. Those who eater now will have an advantage over those who cannot outer till the Now Year. Our courses in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments aro thorough and practical; We offer you advantages not offered else- where in the province. Get our free cata- logue and seo it it interests you. D. A. MCLACHLAN - Principal ,,Iv+r.s+v�nnr•w�N I "Only Double Track Railway between Toronto and Montreal, and Toronto and other principal cities in Canada. Also Double Track and Solid Trains between Montreal and Chicago ; also bo- tween Ontario points, New York and Pniladelphta, via Niagara Falls," SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEPERS Full particulars. berth reservations, etc.. from Grand Trunk Agents, or write C.15. Horning, District Passenger A gent,'Coronto, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 50. a • 4 HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD.HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 In the seclusion of your own home let me select, fit and show you how to wear a Spirella Corset It adds beauty to your figure, subdues irregulari. ties; a basis for correct, tasty, becoming dress. The flexible, unbreak- able. non -rusting .5 Spirella Boning vl found in no other corset - positively retains its shape; admits of frequent laundering. The Spirella Corset is hygienic, comfortable, modish. To know sus pi -erne comfort and tasty, correct dress wear one. Phone or send post card MRS. ISAAC DAVIDSON, Patrick St., Wingham. Box 276. Read rho Spplrelio advorttaementn In Ladle.' Homo Journal, Delineator, Designer. Now Idea and Vogue. Ji THEE IWTNtGHAM ADVANCE RAILWAY TIME -TABLE Traips leave Wiuglfam stations dally as follows G. T. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Pointe: -Passenger, 0 45 a,m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p,m. TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.86 a. m. ; passenger, 3 80 p m. TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger, 11 60 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas-. stinger, 9.15 p.m. C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: -Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 3.06 p.m. TO TEESWATER : - Passenger, 12.50 p.m.; passenger, 10.32 p.m. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 4 Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J, W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal • rola h.Y,.YIEftM.in It ii us l _ - +."'ail..'44, . r6+xti:b'1�p.ptt eJt ir.ii i lI h nonan Lo i.5t ,, l ul 11•111 d n I. Underwear For Wornpn and Children The height of luxury in underwear at a moderate price. Perfectly knitted to fit the form, and will retain its shapeliness. Your dealer sells Peerless Underwear sS' //i4"' • rr •%%�t4 %%j% /45/"y j /slip i .Gwa THE PEERLESS UNDERWEAR CO., LTD., • HAMILTON CANADA 2 This label, on every bag, iden- tifies Canada Portland Cement. MAKE certain of complete success in your concrete work by always using CANADA Portland CEMENT We are supplying Canadian farmers with the highest quality of Portland Cement it is possible for human skill to make. We have reduced the price of Canada Portland Cement until it is within your teach foc practically every purpose. It is the only building material that is not increasing in cost. Be sure to ask for Canada Cement, in bags. Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal If von have not received a fru, copy of "What the farmer can de with Concrete,'",cor'itr our I,iJsrmatien Department and get ant4 li't a complete practical concrete eiiiyclopedia. 4 yob,• 1, 1u1:9, e•.la :;4(°i;N�ta' 1.. ..t'-pt,o't*It l4 i.••'L�, The Maple Sugar Industry. It may surprise many to learn that the maple sugar and syrup chop in Canada is worth about two million dollars per year, in the Province of Quebec the industry has maintained a strong foothold, more especially in those counties that contain more or Less rough and rocky land. In On- tario it also bulks large, and in New Brunbwick and Nova Scotia consider- able quantities of sugar and syrup are made each spring. During recent years the industry has ehown signs of decline, and in order to encourage its improvement the Hon. Martin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture, has authorized the pre paration of a bulletin which should give it considerable support. One cause of the decline is given as the poor quality of much of the goods made. On the authority of extensive dealers it is estimated that fully sixty per cent of maple products do not grade above No. 4, and that this vast amount has to be Bold for not more than half the price per pound of No. 1 goods, of which about 10 per cent. ie made. On this account it is pointed out in the bulletin that makers are losing each year on quality alone, fully one million dollars. The bulletin goes fully into the subject of syrup and sugar making, describing clearly the necessary equip, ment and ite operation, and gives useful information on marketing. An interesting section describes the mak- ing of sugar vinegar and the collection and preparation of sugar sand which constitute two valuable by products of sugar making. The work, which is from the pen of Mr. J. B. Spencer, B. `3. A., editor of the Publications Branch, is gotten up in very attractive form, containing many beautiful illustration portraying sugar making scenes, ancient and modern. To show the appearance of sugar and syrup of different grades, plates of samples of each are present- ed in natural colors. This work, which is designated "The Sugar mak- ing Industry in Canada," will be sent free to those who apply for it to the Publications Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa, Home Buttermaking. ituslimmsmealiossusw Qvrn OS YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4TENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our oHn se whether ah invention �CCCCCa probably ppatfy s, .Communlea. tions srictconfidential.AN01Konroma sent free. Idlest rapa£atens taken huh MunnCo. eys Special tunics, without charge, in te Scien1Ifit American. A haqndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest olr. euletion of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, Pie a year, postage prepaid. Hold by an newsdealer,. MUNE co.38teroadway, New York Brenn e. 826 ll' St.. Washington. D. WANTED GOOD LOCAL AGENT at once to represent file OLD AND RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. Market reports invariably quote creamery butter higher than dairy butter which is the designation given to that which is made on the farm. It is unfortunate that circumstances at times make it impracticable for dairy farmers to patronize a creamery, When this can be done, not only are the profits, as a rule, increased, but much hard work is taken away from the overburdened members of the fam- ily. There is no good reason why butter made in the home dairy should not be as fine as that made in a creamery where cream produced under all man- ner of conditions has to be made up. All that is necessary is the carrying out of a well established system in feeding the cows, caring for the milk and cream and the churning and put- ting up of the butter. In order to teach the proper method of carrying out these various operations, there has been prepared, under the direction of the Dairy and Cold Storage Commis- sioner at Ot'awa, a bulletin entitled "Buttermaking on the farm," written by Mr. Geo. H. Barr, Chief of the Dairy Division. This work, which may be secured free from the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture, ex- plains the common defects of dairy butter as well as the conditions that are necessary to produce fine flavoured cream, It then deals churning, wash- ing, salting, working and packing but- ter, and considers the modern neces- sary utensils and their care. These are shown in clear illustrations. This bulletin, which is No. 17 of the Dairy and Cold. Storage series, con- cludes with the following recommen- dations: -"Keep good cows, feed them liberally, keep them comfortable and clean when in the stable, skim a rich cream and keep it cool, churn at a tem- perature that will give a flaky granule in the butter; use clean, pure water for washing butter not more than three degrees colder or warmer than the buttermilk. Put the butter up in neat, clean, attractive packages, and keep everything in and about the dairy clean and attractive." - 1 Nature's Cure -All. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE & COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR . Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, -Office In Maodonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D.I3 O,A., F.S.D, OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic; Diseases treated. Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. HAMBLY, B,Sc., Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Soientifio Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. A11 business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 Lemon juice will : Prevent diphtheria, Cure sore throat or cough. Cure a felon, Drive away a sick headache, Cure malaria. Beautify the complexion. Make the hair fluffy. For sore throat, gargle with pure, undiluted, unsweetened lemon juice. For a cough or cold, mix equal parts of lemon juice and strained honey and take a teaspoonful every hour. For sick headache, mix one part lemon juice and two parts boiling water, and sip a teacupful as hot as possible every two hours, For malaria mix the juice of half a lemon with two tablespoonfuls of water and a little sugar, and drink throe times a day. For a felon, cut off the end of a lemon, stick the finger into the hole and bind it on. Let it stay for a day or two when it will be ready to lance, For the complexion, mix equal parts of rose water hind glycerine and clip a cut le, son into third and rub the face with it.' After it dries, rub with'oold oceans, ' DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES -Corner Patrick and Centre streets PLIONEs- Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. 13:onnedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. .Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT' G. REDMOND (Eng (Long. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J-. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RILSIDENOE-DOR. PATRICK & FRANCIS Office Phone 170. Residence Phone 182, Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Li£r, Areident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WIN(11-IAM General hospital. (Under Governntol.b Inspection.) Pleasantly Mitiated. lioantifnllyfurnishned Open [rpeggyiioldphhylanRates all (vrhichnu-board 4oorrueirding t locationf 10 $15.00 Ffurther nforms tion--bddroea il MISS L. MATIBEWS )lupdrintondant, Hox ASS, Wingham, Orap, 1. • 3 D. B±LL Music Emporium Wingham - Ont. Carries a complete line of High tirade Musical Instruments of every description. Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono- graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian ' and American. Wo wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell yon anything that produces music, at prices and terms to suit the purchaser. Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before purchasing from travelling agents. We aro here permanently and you can see the instrument you are buying, Give us a chance to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. WATCHES ALL KINDS DIAMOND RINGS FINE ASSORTMENT A. M. KNOX JEWELER - OPTICIAN OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL. SI ■ yJ dSt * ads ■ 11-4. 1 r hada Headquarters For Xmas Gifts at Patterson's Jewelry Store We have the largest and best selected stock ever shown in the County of Huron, suitable for Xmas gifts, such as - PEARL PENDANTS PEARL SUNBURSTS PEARL RINGS PEARL TIE PINS DIAMOND RINGS SIGNET RINGS CAMEO RINGS CAMEO BRACELETS CAMEO BROOCHES' CAMEO NECKLETS SILVER WA RE CUT GLASS CLOCKS WATCHES UMBRELLAS TOILET SETS MANICURE SETS HAND BAGS LEATHER GOODS STERLING SILVER GOODS 20% saved on Diamond Rings ; large stock of Bracelets; Watches from $3.00 to $50.00. G. THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAM ONT.