The Wingham Advance, 1913-11-06, Page 44 Yon will be pleased with our values and assortment of Fur Sets, Odd Stoles, Muffs, Fur and Fur Lined Coats. It is noteworthy that we carry a largo stock of reliable Furs, nod that we have unusual good values, buying only from reliable firms, and we GUARANTEE all Furs bought here. We invinte you to come and inspect our stook before buying. We take special orders for anything we do not carry in stocks and can give you prompt attention. KING - BIROS* PRODUCE WANTED PRONE 71 Special In THE 1kN G H .A, ,k D V A N C E Ttlbx"Dky, NoyrmDER 6t 19x3 1 Good Roads Commission, States tl.a. way enact legislation along almilalr liner=. Tbo �r C BRONCHIAL SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Ot A I AIR NURSE powers to the different counties an. 4 thorizing them to build and maintain replationa provide � WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. Whooping ticularlq during the last half century, been slaughtered in great numbers in for a division of the county alta I=i SRS% uC,Aought The Ontario Good Roads CoK mission vmen with special restrictions applied " "'" W PRONCH17U CATARRH ;1'gi.b$ weeta in Ottawa today to hear pug- gestions of intoreyted parties on all each, Provision ismade fcr a germ eral flve•year closed season for cortaiu ;Doctors Feared kung Troublo, IF 40010*6 points of good .road making, including species such as the ssndhill and Restored to Health by Vinol. MA planning, building, tnaintainiug and whooping cranes, curlew, jpd a nom. command from $15.00 to $35.00 weekly. � feeders are constructed. In this way financing. It Is composed of Mr. 0. A. ber of bbore birds, and, to general,the The medical profession does not be, ttrtart.uHso ern lliagt'ath, chairman, l!f r. A. X. Rankin, Closed seasons have been carefully de. y Heys that lung troubles ares Inherited, . Asimple, eataand s!laet1re treatment for prom. X L A , Frouteu%Q, and Xr. W. A No- fined, but it person lnay inherit a Weakness ghlaltroubles,avotdlnedrugs. VaparimaCroentano ugrsthepa rexysmsotwhoopin`Cough"drellaves Lean, chief engineer highways branch gHoweFer, it is veer AnixPd that thr or tendency to them. Mrs. Kato Kate Heckman, Springfield, spasmodic Croup at GDCe. Itle a SOON 40 auHererq Theairca inetheantieopticvapor$ of Ootarlogovernment; This commis. sion composed able and problem is an international one, and the American Ohio, says: ",A, few years ago I was dwith every breath, 0mathino catty: loothesthgmore threat andptapathgcouQh,gsaurtnQ ,vertu! 'lathes It is Invaluable .of painstaking men, was appointed by the Whitney Game Protective all(, Propagation Association is actively in a, very bad ?run-down condition, and the physician told neo I had consumit• to mothers with younaohlldrgn, SSnylpoetalfor dcscrlpktrgboq>Step Government to QvOlve some practical for Ontario engaged in an effort to interest Cana- tion. X tried another physician, and ALi- ottuagl%T&. Try oErao1.ENH R ANTIS PTIChTH11 ANTISEPTIC Tinian 01, plan making a good -roads province province and facilitating communion- diau authorities in this very impor- t tut matter, Protective tegistation he told i0e I had ulcers on ray Tight y got lung I quit the physicians And A c coat. Tatkyd aAni l ote cion between the countrydistricts and In is little started on 'Vivol.' Today I am or cut' 'fitstOr roe ARRIVE WINNIPEG - - s,25 a,n,, } either country of use unless giving information concerning safety us, os.Instamps. v the cities and towns, As it is under- aorresponAing protection is provided perfectly healthy, that its, W)tY, I Vapo Crosoiene Co. st)od suggestions are in order and will be welcomed by the in the other. The willingness of On. rand, recommend 'Vinol'." Viuol soothes and heals the lnsam• t itc.rthOtSt.,N.Y. �eeinont''elah C.�lidlna commissioners. The Citizen suggests for consideration taria to cooperate with the United States in this matter is shown by the ed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens thefgllowing points; The citizen under- fact that, for years, it has had on its the digestive organs and giros the fleeted in increased land values not in stands, the present commisaion'a du- ties end with the report which it sub- mits to the next meeting of the Legis- statute books A law giving the Lieut. enant Governor in Council power to forbid the "bunting, patient gtrengtbL to throw off in. cipient pulmonary diseases. Try, a bottle of Vinol with the un- HOUSE Tourist Slopping Car: Dining Car, First Class Coaches Colonist Car. ��� LOT lature. The Citizen feels sure from shooting or sale of an y migratory game which may at derstanding that your money will be established at coal mines in Canada for the prevention of certain classes of Particulars from Canadian Pacific .Agents or write M. G. MURPHY D.P.A., C.P. Ity.. Toronto. W. H. Willis. up town agency, phone 47. J. H. Beomer. station ascent, phone 7, ed to the commission for careful eon- mine accidents, this is the first decid- the personal of the commission, that any time be in danger of extinction, returned if it does not help you. - its suggestions will be of such a practical nature that the government for the same period and in the same manner as the same is at any time 1, Walton McKibbon, Druggiet, Winghow,��� Sale will adopt them. On their adoption, forbidden in any two or more of tl e a permanent paid non-partisan com- United States of America, one of such mission of three members should be States being New York, Pennsylvania Am formed to carry, out these plana. Two or Michigan." Mr. Wm. Carruthers offers for of these members bhould be appointed Each province provides for the prc- by the provincial government and one tection of game within its own borders, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH Bale his flue property on Catha- of them by the provincial leader of but, in the case of migratory game, WEST LAND REGULATIONS rine street, consisting of a seven - the opposition. Unless nqn-partisan it involving as it does international ANY AA IVit person who is the sole head of afamily, will sooner or later be used by one Dol- itical questions, legislation by the Domi- any mala over i8 Ycars old, may home - stead a quarter sootier of available Dominion land In Manitoba, roomed, brick veneered house party or the other as an election machine, and so injure its usefulness pion Government is also required if of. q $cient protection is to be extended to Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands agency or Sub -agency for the and three lots. There is a stable to the public. The federal district this h6portant national resource. dietrict. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father moth- on the premises, also a. variety commission of Washington, D. C., is er, son, daughter, brother or sister of Intend - nominated by both the chief political ME -+h-a int homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul- Of fruit trees and berry bushes. y parties, and is non-partisan, The pro- vincial commission should build per. C . Safety First. tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least so acres solely A most dpsirable property for a enanent highways to connect all the owned and au him or by his father, mother, son,, daughter, r, brother or sister. retired farmer and will be sold principal towns and Cities in the pro- Pince, These highways can be $n- The '� afety first" movement embraC- In certain districts a homesteader in good ataudinghmay pre-empt a quarter -section along- aide his omestead. Price;3.00 right, anced b lou term provincial bonds. y g P es ever branch of industry, and has, as its object, the reduction of the num- per acre. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years Enquire on the promises The interest and r,inking fund for these bonds should be raised by her of accidents among industrial g from date of homestead entry (includin the time required to earn homestead patentraad cultivate fifty of at the office of --- a provincial tax on land value' land workers, It may be said to consist of acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- in the towns and cities connect P arta. The first deals with the use stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homested in certain ed by these highways, the rate being fixed by the provincial govern- based the of all kinds of safety appliances and y PP the second, with the prevention of ac- cidents by the education and cooper- districts. Price 3.00 per aore. Duties. --Must aide six months in each of three years, culti• veto fifty acres and erect a house worth f300. W. W. CORY, Ritchie cosens- ment, on estimates of the commission, collected by 'tion of the employees. In Canada, the Deputy of the Minister of the interior,permanent themunicipalities interested when col- Provincial Factory Inspection Acts and N.B.—Unauthorizod publication of this ad•��la vertisement will not be paid for, �S�ml+; SND INSDRANCI; lecting their own taxes and turned Mine Regulation Acts, to a certain ex - over in due course to the provincial tent, deal with the former, but as pet, treasury. little has been done by corporate en- Toe t7itieen would suggest that if the terprise with regard to the latter, I 0 '.. it towns and cities build these highways, The movement originated with the ,r-- the agricultural districts benefitted should pay for their maintenance—the United States Steel Corporation, and, up to the present time, it owes its ef- THE DOMINION B maintenance, of course, to be attended fectiveness and achievements almost to by the provincial commission, L,tnd values of the agricultural dis- entirely to corporate enterprise. The co operation of the men has also been OR 90MunD s. ostAR, M.P., PRESIDENT. W, D. MATTHEwa. V109-1PRESIDINT. triets should be taxed for this main- obtained to amarked extent, chiefly by C.,A. 80gERT, General Manager. tenance, the rate being fixed by the the formation of "Safety First" com- mittees on which the men ate represen- 1_ This Bank offers Farmers provincial government based on the estimates of the permanent commis- ted and which make suggestions can- a• complete and satisfactory banking service. yion the municipalities collecting the ' P g cerning the work. Rewards are given Sales Notes collected on favorable terms:, and advances nerds tax when collecting their own taxes, when suggestions are adopted and, in gg p on such notes at reasonable rates. , and forwarding the proceeds to the the case of the Sceel Corporation, the The Savings Department is a sale and convenient depository provincial exchequer, whiuhwould pay majority of the most useful hints have come. from the employees. The— « for your money. interest at current rates is paid on deposits of it out as required to the perms• $ret" olio has also been ado ted one dollar and upwards. 00000000CSQQ0000000t3tXi000Clel sent road commission. The act au- P y li One dollar opens an account In the Savings Department. Dining - Room Suites. The Main Rooms in the Horne. Buffett « $21.00 Table 12.50 EXACTLY AS CUTS a g thorizing this procedure should include by many of the Uanadian and Ameri- Ot A I AIR NURSE powers to the different counties an. 4 thorizing them to build and maintain can railways and has been the means i making f omang a marked n the k d di i i � WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. A. ticularlq during the last half century, been slaughtered in great numbers in f bid b I=i both Canada and the United States. feeders, of a fixed standard of con• accents, urin hteen number oei g g struction, to these main highways, and months of its operation on the Chica- 4 3 to collect the necessary revenues for go and Northwestern railway there COURSE in Nnraing which the Roches - ter Nurses Institute j such a purpose by a tax on the land has been a reduction of 51i per cent. - values of the county in which these of the injuries. In the casts of the command from $15.00 to $35.00 weekly. � feeders are constructed. In this way Steel Corporation a reduction of 4$ per cent. in the annual lose from accidents � J� �`j' H j' � � T � � � �y rr PACIFIC � � � a comprehensive good roads scheme to sixty, and give Diploma when Course ii Completed. Write today for Free WALKER'S entirelydies disappeared, The great rail- Way linen 'erose the prairies have Booklet, ROCHESTER NURSES INSTITUTE 1has can be put in operation. over the en- been effected. Financially this 742 INSTITUTE BLDG., 1 tire province immediately and financed represents a saving of over $�,000,00o BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG without handicapping industry In the to the country, and at the same time, and points East thereof slightest. These good roads will a gain in working time to the eon. GATE CITY E X P' a` E 85� such a large increase in the Caineuo of o Paay. 300,000,00 w 00 0 cubic wiles of water. all lands, especially thosa adjoining, In Germany and in the United Commencing October 26th or in the same district as the good States, National Safety Bureaus and LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p.m. DAILY roads, that land values alone should Museums have been established for ARRIVE WINNIPEG - - s,25 a,n,, } pay for them. Improvements can al. giving information concerning safety Second Dar Wage be replaced at the cost of the appliances and for exhibiting the THROUGH EQTIPMENT: Oompartment Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Car, Tourist Sleeping Cat, Dining Car, First Cass Coaches, Colonist Car. tabor and materials, sat that good setae' - a Skin Trouble roads will not add to their value in It is pleasing to note that in July the ( �j EXPRESS VAN ''V VE,R PRE, S'S rho slightest; but every dollar of ex- Canadian Copper Company appointed LEAVE TORONTO - - 10.20 p.m. penditure on good roads will be re- a safety engineer in connection with a DAILY fleeted in increased land values not in "safety $rat" policy for their mining and metallurgical Although ARRIVE VANCOUVER - 11.30 p.m. THROUGH EQUIPMENT: Compartment Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Cars, only the country districts through plante. Tourist Slopping Car: Dining Car, First Class Coaches Colonist Car. which the run but in the towns and y well trained rescue corps have been GENERAL CHANGE OF TIME OCTOBER 26th. cities into which they run. These suggestions are respectfully commend• established at coal mines in Canada for the prevention of certain classes of Particulars from Canadian Pacific .Agents or write M. G. MURPHY D.P.A., C.P. Ity.. Toronto. W. H. Willis. up town agency, phone 47. J. H. Beomer. station ascent, phone 7, ed to the commission for careful eon- mine accidents, this is the first decid- sideration. ed step in the "safety first" movement - two among metal mines In Canada, # � protectioll of Mi oaf^ (i J .-�'t j NWA / 6 a.7 81118. 6S.UFRUML7 Now is the time to see about that new Range. A► Range that will give you, entire satisfaction. It is guaranteed to -06 sage 513 per gent. in fuel and give tf better results. i 0 This Ita>uge is different in constrnotion from any others i and while the old timo makes of stones and ranges bake P from the top the Supreme bakes from the bottom. Every Mango given on tbirtY days' trial. If you are not porfectly satisfied it does not cost anything to make the trial. "I Ath the another of twelve children. I I saw tho big Pore getting smaller. I haver a bfrda, which o not remain pernian- ocerie of Huron far a considerable 'took a bad lett at tiro birth of my last child. thankful heart today. etltly In any of the States. Thebo length of time about 40 years ago, hAv,- I wawo Who live nothing with a doctor attend. Mrs. Stitt, 282 X. Vi>eaten lid., regulaticne were prepared and became Ing dharge at Giorrie Arid tither plaoos Alex. Young Ing 1Mo who loos nothing but treat thin kind Weat'foronto, _ of *kin dlmMe Six week4 ago I heard of 3'ho euros of 1), D, D, are pawl bolfaf, All law on October let. By this law the in the dlo3Bd�. Oae son Rev. i I%Vardo )), D. D, Aa I udeii to tbar nay Ir at bight drugttist'l have this ""thing, 0.60M)g wa5h protection of Migratory s c D. it D. a T can't g mam I applil.d a bottle and a�tao the ef9lsient D. D. D. Skin Soap. P g atory ge,me bird$' in halt, just bean Oppolatta to the parish � !r �k i� r 6 D Dwas I can't n �ol�� A►��lw�` w w �, WIN1CTlX141�l W 1 vett the ease a ItavW Come to nrr and ate will mail you the first tall the United Btatad is knAde a £®doral of (;aurtrlght, Ont, The deceased twee b. I rover need to, 11.01 rtith the sin, sirs irofito tIn the guaraYtt" that It w l atW1 an a erne i ,reedy fon with dif zinas5 pirWm ti a tion, And • Aalda n i$ ati suer etio church worker and well vyfi � Wt s1>e z�nw my i.g i+l rn 1 q tits itC h at Cyto' or yWur mosey refttudai, question, p provlttlo g 1tt1N'ati tiy, t tt4a9ts tY1`r the laleatrad U, 17, , f. �. DN'Nir bfu,t$ist, Vnii'sh4m, wide for oa•operAttoo uritis any ref the knowkl to the olergymou of 'Oatario. .STYLES ;;!: ists" That become some one else may not boow Come you, When you .heave your nleU*7 .�'e with us you got your clothes made to your oven person -4 allty f Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Pressing and Dry Mean. ing a Orval Taylor Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. ONE DOOR NORTH OF KNOX'S JEWELRY STORE COLD WEATHER NEEDS We are looking for the largest Fall business in our history. We cannot explain to you how ready we are, because there is so much to tell, so many lines to deal with _ that space will not permit, but come and see. I Overcoats and Suits. A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. r 5o to select from. Sweater Coats For Men, Women and Children, all at moderate prices. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. The Shoe section is now in first-class shape. Many new fall lines have been added this week. We buy no seconds in Rubbers. VATe keep none but the best. Blankets and Comforters. We have a lame stock of Flannelette Sheets, 11x4 and 12x4, at the old prices. A splendid stock of Wool Blankets, in all dualities and sizes. Special value in Comforters. FLOUR, We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City and Universal, all give the best of satisfaction, .Also have Bran, Shorts and Feed. Phone 89 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WAN'T''ED. 4 W- .. I%P' 1 --A ".j Ot A I AIR NURSE �-- - •- ,& Migratory game birds have, par- Earn $15 to $35 Weekly. ` - -- .-- -- - ticularlq during the last half century, been slaughtered in great numbers in THE THE DEMAND FOR TRAINED both Canada and the United States. 14 10 Over increasing and Doctors will not assume responsibility without To ouch an extent has this gone on A Trained Nurse. The ROME STUDY 4 that some species, notably wild pig" COURSE in Nnraing which the Roches - ter Nurses Institute eons and some of the cranes, have gives 6tudents ap- peals to thousands. Their graduates been exterminated. The countless command from $15.00 to $35.00 weekly. thousands of pigeons, which even 50 The Rochester Nurses •Institute will pears ago darkened the sky while thoroughly train any ono from. 18 years making their migratory flights have to sixty, and give Diploma when Course ii Completed. Write today for Free WALKER'S entirelydies disappeared, The great rail- Way linen 'erose the prairies have Booklet, ROCHESTER NURSES INSTITUTE opened up for settlement the finest 742 INSTITUTE BLDG., FURNITURE STORE duck -breeding grounds on the eon- di:ent, and the result has been their ROCHESTER, N. Y. practical extermination In certain 0000 �Q 00000000 3F3i'i�1C'O OOMO e. Aside side from their value for sport, a The ocean Is estimated to contain -- *--+�•--•..�..... large number of species of migratory 300,000,00 w 00 0 cubic wiles of water. birds prey upon Injurious Insects and About of this volume consists of This Woman no Knows s are, therefore, of great econotnle lm- That this salt in solutioo. �'r portanceo constitutes suf- Word bag been received of the death How �f'� �t� a ■ +a D.Cures ficienG reason for their preservation goes without saying. of Itev. Elward Softly, one of the olaest clergymen of the Anglican V �.! �t✓u r Last N6rbb, the Dephrtment of Ag- church in Ontario. Mr. Softly, wink - a Skin Trouble 11 rfcuiture at Washington Wats given authority by the Sensate House was in his 83rd year, died in Glrimsby* and of Oat„ ors Monday, Ire was well known Reptokentative$ of the UbIted States, as it writer of thtoiogical books And •lbtter to formulate) regulations proscribing had been on the superannuated list for ITMA is just rceblve,ioronto. neverexpected xphe t oerr d a fire. I only lyhg � b 1).1). to and fixing Massed soasono for &arae About 20 years. Hb labored in the Di- "I Ath the another of twelve children. I I saw tho big Pore getting smaller. I haver a bfrda, which o not remain pernian- ocerie of Huron far a considerable 'took a bad lett at tiro birth of my last child. thankful heart today. etltly In any of the States. Thebo length of time about 40 years ago, hAv,- I wawo Who live nothing with a doctor attend. Mrs. Stitt, 282 X. Vi>eaten lid., regulaticne were prepared and became Ing dharge at Giorrie Arid tither plaoos Alex. Young Ing 1Mo who loos nothing but treat thin kind Weat'foronto, _ of *kin dlmMe Six week4 ago I heard of 3'ho euros of 1), D, D, are pawl bolfaf, All law on October let. By this law the in the dlo3Bd�. Oae son Rev. i I%Vardo )), D. D, Aa I udeii to tbar nay Ir at bight drugttist'l have this ""thing, 0.60M)g wa5h protection of Migratory s c D. it D. a T can't g mam I applil.d a bottle and a�tao the ef9lsient D. D. D. Skin Soap. P g atory ge,me bird$' in halt, just bean Oppolatta to the parish � !r �k i� r 6 D Dwas I can't n �ol�� A►��lw�` w w �, WIN1CTlX141�l W 1 vett the ease a ItavW Come to nrr and ate will mail you the first tall the United Btatad is knAde a £®doral of (;aurtrlght, Ont, The deceased twee b. I rover need to, 11.01 rtith the sin, sirs irofito tIn the guaraYtt" that It w l atW1 an a erne i ,reedy fon with dif zinas5 pirWm ti a tion, And • Aalda n i$ ati suer etio church worker and well vyfi � Wt s1>e z�nw my i.g i+l rn 1 q tits itC h at Cyto' or yWur mosey refttudai, question, p provlttlo g 1tt1N'ati tiy, t tt4a9ts tY1`r the laleatrad U, 17, , f. �. DN'Nir bfu,t$ist, Vnii'sh4m, wide for oa•operAttoo uritis any ref the knowkl to the olergymou of 'Oatario. .STYLES ;;!: ists" That become some one else may not boow Come you, When you .heave your nleU*7 .�'e with us you got your clothes made to your oven person -4 allty f Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Pressing and Dry Mean. ing a Orval Taylor Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. ONE DOOR NORTH OF KNOX'S JEWELRY STORE COLD WEATHER NEEDS We are looking for the largest Fall business in our history. We cannot explain to you how ready we are, because there is so much to tell, so many lines to deal with _ that space will not permit, but come and see. I Overcoats and Suits. A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. r 5o to select from. Sweater Coats For Men, Women and Children, all at moderate prices. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. The Shoe section is now in first-class shape. Many new fall lines have been added this week. We buy no seconds in Rubbers. VATe keep none but the best. Blankets and Comforters. We have a lame stock of Flannelette Sheets, 11x4 and 12x4, at the old prices. A splendid stock of Wool Blankets, in all dualities and sizes. Special value in Comforters. FLOUR, We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City and Universal, all give the best of satisfaction, .Also have Bran, Shorts and Feed. Phone 89 PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WAN'T''ED. 4 W- .. I%P' 1 --A ".j