The Wingham Advance, 1913-07-17, Page 111 . - . .1 -i -,g1- - , - - --",.4:, . . 14- ; I 1 4". 14111,1 , 41 1, ,I ,,I I I -_ 1� 41ST YEAR, Do 4951 r, ." 0 I . I ".� I .1 A '! . . RS]D A'V JUty 170 19130 0V.�U80R1VT19r; 1 $1:00 xna;w,; WNGRAM, OIT.,U &ASI . 1 50 I . EMOMAL PARAGRAPHS. Plainly about what It conceives to be crippling ,of the Liberal party in the '''' F ' ' ' - 1 - . .. .- i- � I ."I'll-, I I 1- , ''. ".., , .­... I I I OVAL I I I p , .�, � '�l . I . — the motive of The Christian Guardian North they contest. The editor of " ENTRANCE RESULTS. LUCKNOW CELEBRATION. Successful High SChool Students . . in printing, during the North Grey The Guardian knows that in coupling local BUMS I —Narrow party spirit is one of bye,election, An editorial denouncing the name of Air, .Rowell with that of To pass each -candidate bad to tfxke' One of the most s Lowor School Rosults. , � successful Orange , . . . . � N the greatest handicaps against whicli this paper as 41a liquor organ," it is The Globe in this connection it is doing 40% on each subject and 607, of total oelebrations ever held in Lucknow Wear Greer's 840es and Rubbers, A I �. V t .� Canada has had to struggle and Is still 00y Wr that The Guardian's aalcle exactly as Sir James Whitney did In marke, Pass 390; honours 487. was that of last Saturday, Upwar4e The results of the Lower School Ex- . . I � - . ' . - ?� ) struggling. should be reproduced. Here it Is, the Legislature during the last session. L I week . a I I ,.,* . * * * "A Liquoii ORGANY." It knows that Mr. Rowell rose in his Elighest aggregate, K. Pringle of Of 5000 People were in attendance, and AmInations were published last Mrs. Jae. Walker had 'slight stroke . I —It is real funny to sea so wnany . , Wingham Public School, who obtain. only the failure of the 0, P. Ry. to pro, And Wingham High School made' a of paralysis last week. The Advance I I place and stated that he - * t editors over j-)yed about the rain. - The "Our esteemed contemporary, The Was neither & ed 581 Ilighest in each subject,. �vldp promised�addttlonal train accom hopes that she will speedily recover. . " � . , o- splendid showing, Of 28 recommend- . I Hile Globe, of this city, is, as everyone stockholder nor a director of The Globe, Reading, H. Kennedy, F, W�Iker, dation prevented the attendance of ed candidates, �6 were sace,essful. and Tenders are being asked for, for the �, " I I � . I fact of the matter is the only Ii knows, the organ of the Liberal party The liberal leader has no more control equal 45; Writing, 0. King 42; ,9pell. , probably 1000 more. For the reason three obtained Honour Standing, construction o - i I I I they touch water is when they get '. a . f a drill hall for Wing- � 10, I . I — in Ontario, In i.ts editorial columns it ove.rtbeadvertising�policyofTbeGilobe ingt A Walker, K. Pringle, 50 each; just stated Howick was not represent. The successful students are 11 , ham, See advt. on page 3 of this I � , caught In the rain. than The Christian Guardian has I I I � * * * has for many years been. strong in its that of The Mail and Empire, 9 over Written. Reading, K. Pringle 05; ed at was originally expected. How. Cora Gilkinson, (honours), Mabel issue. I i , , 1� � expressions of temperance sentiments Why, Arithmetic, Lens Coultes, 10D; Gram- ever, a special train from Listowel on Gilkinson (honours), Chrissy Miller . k ' —The Bank Act and that sub,Jdy slid convictions, and the consistent therefore, should The Guardian con. mar, K, Prlug')e 90; Geography X the south and Xincardln'e on the north (honours), Elmer -Aitken, Margaret Mr. A. -L. Posliff has secured the -9 � ' . principaiship of the Wingbarn Publ'a - I . I of $15,000,000 to McKenzie and Mann, friend of all movements of reform. It tinue the Ignoble method of attack Raxwoll, 07; Composition, K. Pringle brought in an immense number of Aitken, Marion Allen, Florence' Bar- School. We wish him success In his0 1 making the rich richer and the poor is the advocate, the enthusiastic Advo- launched by Sir James Whitney ? 07,,-' people, and About twenty lodges took ber, Gordon Buchanan, Nor kQ Ipoorer seem to be the two weak Why does The Guardian pretend tl !V I man . Icate, of the llabolish�the-barll policy of lat """From Wingbam Public School 25 part In the procc-selon. The heavy Butcher, John Campbell, Laura Our- new position, RQ41C, ".I .points of the last Dominion r,eBOon,, the Liberal party in Ontario politics. during its entire existence as a paper were recommended to try, 32wrote vain that fell in the forenoon, while rie, Mary ' .,. , Currie, Kathleen Gibbons, The Wingham lacrosse team played i, However there was a slight improve- It believes that Mr. Rowell, because of The Globe has been publishing liquor and 27 pa'ased ; 5 with honours. Kath. discouraging at the time, -was the best Mabel leard, Gordon Jefferson, Metha in Orangville on the 12th of July, the 0 11I . e �, ,a . . . ..went in the former and the public thestand advertisements in A "quiet, aecratir 11 I .!04g2a_�F11 d, -which he has taken in this ' teen Pringle took 2ad highest marks in thiug that could have happened, for it McPherson, Ann& MeRitthie, Grace result being a victory for Orangeville '- . �__ f `0<1.1Iwere safeguarded better in this sub. matter, should 1�ave the support of way and has now come out 14brazenly" Past Huron, laid thedust on the streets and it Plunkett, Norman Radford, May by a score of 10-0. -sidy than in any former one. every thoroughgoing temperance man when the facts are that for years . brought in large nu bers of farmers Robertson* Nor& Smitb, Norman ' ** *In the Province. Mr. Rowell'u way is the liquor advertising in The Globe WINORAINI . who would otherwisme have been busy Stonehouse, ElmerTaylor, Jean Webb Weregret to learn that Mr. ThoEi. exall elery— Y30NOURS , Gregory is slivering from a slight The Pioneer and the Globe really the quickest and surest way of getting has been a declining factor? Why in the hayflelds. Splendid music was Elmer Wilkinson, Annie Wilson.stroke of paralysis but we hope for say that you cannot be a temperance rid of the drink evil, and therefore The does The Guardian dodge the North Armstrong Harryv No. 17 H. Wawa. f urnisheLl throughout the afternoon by NORMAL SCH'OOL RESULTS. . _, worker and a Oonservative too, The Globe supports it, and cla I Grey issue? Cad it be that this pillar nosh. . his speedy recovery, an� ims that all Lucknow and Kincardine pipe bands,Advance *ill give a reward to anyone who sincerely desire the abolition of of righteousness, Which denounces The Bone Gertrude, Na. 8, H. Wawanosb. and by Wixigbam brass band, w There - were seven High School Rev. R. H. Croly was operated on at.1 who can cite anythne when the that evil must stand with it. Globe for inconstituency, lacks the Ooultes Lena M., No, 7 Morris. hich students at the Normal Schools during the Hospital on Monday morning for Iron Tonic Editors of those papers and N. W. '68-a far, so go �od. Of the consistency courage to say the few plain words that Campbell Jean, No. 7, Morris. Lucknow people now believe to be one the session of 1912-13, and all were goitre by Dr, Kennedy. His many(One of the famous Rexall Reme.r of the best of its size in Huron county. suciessful in their final examinatione. friends wish him: a speedy recovery, Rowell - were temperance advocates and sincerity of our contemporary in would indicate the duty of the temper. Kennedy Heloise, Wingliam P. S. . Throughout the day�, their was neither They are as follows :-. dies of which there 'I's one for when such policy would embaras nce Methodists of North Grey next Maxwell Japk, Wingbam P. S, , . I 0 all these matters of wbIch we speak a ., excitement or disorder to mar the Jas. Bowman M. P. was in town on every ailment,ve nothingto say that would, Monday, and by raising 96 side irsi P. S, pleasure of Lwyone, and hotel FJoreace Aitchison, Norman Geddes, Monday last. We understand he was ,. their political pArty. It has been we bg sue Pringle Kathleen, Wingbam seeks to cover up its own cowardice? Rintoul, Olive, Wingbarn P. S. An (11 Lizzie Johns, Luella Shaw, Gertie arranging about having the town This is a "Good Tonic",Liberalism first,,temperance second, cast a refleIction anywhere or upon restaurant accommodation was ample Stewart, Mary Stewart, Beth Welsb. '***anyone, � Walker Pred C., Wingbam P, S. for the needs of all. clock placed on the tower of the post Nerve Restorative,Blood Builder Wilburn Louie, No. 4 Turnberry.Holland, within whose art.ft is' the "But we would expect a paper that * At I o'clock the various lodges office. and Purifier.site of the Great Peace palace, where. takes such a high stand, and calls upon ,NORTH GREV ELECTION. P.,iss gathered in Queen's park; thence, 0%01%0%0%.I*fto%#,%^01%^P.0%01-01-0%-----P~ 'the flague tribunal for preserving u5 to follow it on high mora1 ground-, I- I s John, Wingharn P. S. with the various bands playing their A Garden Party under the auspices Removes that "TireJ Feeling." i Angu. "*^I of the women's Institute, Bluevale,peace wilt hold its v,ittings, has made to be consistent and sincere through- Bosnian John, No, 8Morris best, and to the sound of drum and .0 "iersonals $1.00 Per Bottle. arrangements for securing a lot of out. Therefore$ when we took up The Cameron, Conservative, elected by a Blackball Bertha, Wingham P. S. fife, -the procession marched down Iwill be held on the school grounds on � majority of 278. ." Friday July 1. Proceeds tbe ntee. every bottle to give dreaduoughts. The blow will be hard Globb of last Saturday morning and Christie Nettle, Wingham P. S. Campbell street to Lucknow's natural Miss Viols, Schaefer spent last w'e'ek devoted to the Bluevale cemetery. satisfaction or we refund your on Mr. Carnegie. It, looks as if the found it, to contain. a f ull-page adver- North Grey has spoken, in a very Chamney Lena, No. 7 R. Wawanosh, stadiun3,* Caledonian Park. At the in Bayfield.t � Hollanders, who best see the peace tisement of the beeir that made Mil. decided manner, and has thrown back Cassels Mark$ Wingliam F. S. Ispeaking which followed, Dr. Spence, On Wednesday of this week, Mr. money. .Mr, K. H. Crane is contemplating"10P.- machine when it is working, still waukee famous, we confess to a sonse the slander against the Premier and Cantelon Gertie, Wingliam. P. S. Secrdtary of the local lodge, presided holiday soon, AFrank Prast of Hanover commenced NO CURE — NO'PAY. �� think a policeman needs a club. of shock and sore disappointment. the Provincial 'Secretary into the Curtis Grace, No. 4 Turnberry as chairman. Short and effective the building of the new reservoir for,I, I.I. INot but what The Globe bag published teeth of those who made it. Once Dore Rileen, Wingham P. S. speeches were delivered by Reeve Mr. S. Wright of KincArdine spent the town. The street work is progres- liquor advertisements before. IC has only since 1886 when the present Diamond Carrie No, 4 Turnberry. . Sunday in town, I­�' REVEREND OLOBE. con Murdoch, who welcomed the orange- sing favourably in all departments, ' � done that for years, but usually in a stituency Nyas formed has North 1011lis Bertha, No. 3 E. Wawanosh and men and all visitors of the .R . day to Mies Margaret Steele spent SundayIs if it Grey returned a Conservative, Six I .11 i , Hon, W. .T.. Hanna passed through . somewhat quiet, secretive- way, . Morris. town; by A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., At her home near Teeswater. 'on ".'_ town on Monday on his way home The reverend. Editor of the Globe were rather ashamed of it. But this, times has a Liberal been returned. GraBby Myrtle, No, 8 Morris. Wingbam; J. J. Hunter and S. E. Mrs. D. A. McLaughlin of Chathara from Owen Sound, He was accom.DRUGOIST & OPTICIAN becomps very bitter and wasty when brazen, let-priocipal-be-hanged. way of Mr. Rowell together with Proudfoot, Holmes Patrick,"Wingliam. P. S. Duyzers of Xincardine; Rev. Hibbert is visiting her father, John Elder. panied by his friend Hugh Clark M. P. Ihe Is offered any advice, Because the -doing it shocked Lis, as we are -sure it Anders8n,- Macdonald. Clark, Elliott. Hines Donna, Wingham P. S. of Wingham, and Rev. Durrant of biesers Ed. Small and Walter Gould whom he had been visiting at Kin- �. * . " 04�pChristian Guardian, the Official Journ- did a multitude of the readers of the and Marshall, all members of the Haugh Nina, Wingham, P, S. I Ashfield, John Joynt of Lucknow, and have returned borne from the West. cardine. rh4i " ': 14ftr1r* al of the Great Methodist Body in paper, ILegislature, addressed theelectors in 11art Etta, Wingham P. S. the chairman of the day. A tremend- a Thelma Sadler of Detroit is the Mr. A. H. Musgrove M. P. P. return -Canada, draws the Globe's attention "When we add to what we ,have al- behalf of Mr. McQaaker, Mr. Camer- Hamilton Sarah, Wingham P. S. . ous burst of applause greeted Mr Mis,tto its inconsistency In Posing as a ready said about The Globe'd gener�j on was assisted by MessrFl. Lucas, Isard Herb Henry, Wingbabi P. S. Musgrove's utterance regarding home' guest of her aunt, Mr@. Alex. Porter. -ed from North Grey on Saturday in E.vesj'glj( tested free and glasses'sup,o pffed atreasonable 'k temperance advocate and 'at the same attitude towards the drihking evil the Hearst, Duff, McGarry, Musgrove and Isard Clara, Wingharn P. S. I rule in Ireland. On the platform with Master. Walter Schaefer is spending time to attend the Orange demonstra- prtces, time for the sake of filthy lucre is fact that its editor-in-chief is a minister Hart; whilst the Ron. W. J. Hanna Jacques Wilfred, No. 7 Turnberry & the other speakers was John Me- a few weeks with his sister in Berlin. tion at Lucknow. He addressed nine : . 1�- Iadvising young men, for their healtb't3 of the Presbyterian Church,- an earn_ spoke once, In All about fifty meet- B. Wawanosb. Donagb, the patriarch of Huron Colwell Brock of Dundas is spending meetings in that riding, and did yeo- ( sake to drink intoxicants, through est preacher and upholder of every Inge were held'and the issues of the Johnston Charlie No. 8, Morris. Orang(men. He is So years of age, A couple of weeks at his parental home man service for Mr. Cameron and the . . Government cause. �q,-"'i'v, ., 'M ., _:� �', 'r ""R, I & al -3 fXadvertisements, the Rev. Editor madly good cause, and that Mr. Rowell, t�e day were fully discussed. Kennedy Florence, No. 10 Kinloss and for 71 years has been a loyal here. . . .r, ��,f� � .-�- ItI " I I Ir =7 ­ 1) . r 'i"I L �-J i. ;,� qattacks the Guardian in a vicious and Itader of the "abolish-the-ba'r`, Policy, Every municipality in the riding is Moore Frank, Wingbara P. S. membe", r,,&-*bav,1y=erg,- s�61ft.­ �Uff -AW; Spender Balser of B A Raspberry Supper, under the Aus- � a �;Z .�l - - L t4 _�I . . uff alo, N. Y. . 01.- VP 1�"" " �- . ,i-_., .Munchristianlike manner. Calls it and a foremost layruan of the Metho- tinder Local Option, except the town MolTat Frances, W ingbam P. §e--. -- - -' -both consideratioill he w ' a prize is vi4iftig -At +.ba,, JW Xr� F. pices of the Ladies' Aid of the Metho. � I I . 1� ,t ­ - u 6 on M4 - of. . -I ,, \14- k%� , names, dodger, etc. Sneeringly refers dist Church, was for years a director of Meaford, where there are three MaRitobie N9rr-2;.-.-xa, V�vagfijm' P, S. offered by Lucknow Lodge, , Roderus. .,li.qt Chureb, T6eswater, will be held in ,_� . .1, , Teesvih Park on Thursday, July A�. J.vw - -:-"f - - to it as a"pillar of righteousness." of The Globe Printing Company, we licensep. Mr. Rowell blames the liqpor _'M_..cRA_v,-,V"_e Donald, No. 17 E. Wawa. OLher prize winners were as fOl- The Misses Viola Hubbard and Is -24th. Ical programmeReprimands a church paper because are surelyjustified in feeling sorely interest, bat how ca. -Am;j-e-xJ3-1-9_,in t5e nosb. lows; -Lodge me0ching in the most abet Simmons, are visiting friends in .1 11 : 11. a .itwas not using its influence to elect disappointed, and in expressing that drop in §��611:16R strong temper. McCrelght Earl, No. 7 Turnberry and orderIymapner (oumber of members Brus�els. will b pro P_fXA in at- - I I I �_ -­ . I len.T4WerIT-Vaid-dIdate in Nom Vvy. - . not considered), M, aple Grove Lodge Miss 11 ­ - : __+ ­�V­ ` "'Mm.0plutment as strongly as we Ownsh of t e Reform vote E. Wawanosb. ' .; tendan �can. a ip, e. Admb and lo�eujts. . . Irene Wright, of Chesley, is - `Z-1-- We are indeed sorry that a one-time "Of cour's­6-8-0M0',�fih; 0"'t'he-ii-e- ers feom 151 to 67. 1 1 -). 7, Turnberry and 1,044. Best dressed lodge, Wingham. I Oa Tuesday e about thirt- -1z' ' , Norman Eliza, Nc � , *;pendlng a few weeks with, Miss Nettle y I -Presbyterian clergyman should thus in the city did just as The Globe dtd, The London Free Peass says :-,,The R. Wawanosb. Lorage carrying beat banner, Belfast, girl friends oft YissJean Bone met at Vanalstine. � )f M. Itinsult our Methodist brethren. The but that is another matter, with result of the bye -election in NorthNethery Abner, No. 17 E, Wawanosh Lodge with greatest numbers in pro- the home o - fl� 1q. Ponder and gave 1*-4t'kA and Morris. -cession, Wingham. Best fifer and Miss Ad& Roderus of Rochester, her a miscellaw,ous shower, prior to a Methodist Church has had and still which we are not now dealing. 'What 'Grey yesterday is a remarkable answerhas a greater mission than electing The Globe has done has been far- to the Rowell policies and pleas for Pettypiece Jamieson, No, 10 Kinloss. drummer, Parcy and Emerson, of Rip- N. Y., is visiting at her parental happy event 'hich takes place next .1 ,. home in town. w '., . 1_��'. , Globe candidates. John IvVesley was reachingly hurtful to the temperance support. Sir James Wfiitney and his Paterson Victoria, Wingham P. S. ley. Best brass band in attendance, ' week, A pleasant evening was spent . 1 .4 I1.q# not concerned about the success of a cause, it has been utterly upworthy c!f Government emerge from it with an Pomeroy H. Patience, No. I Howick, Wingbaw. Miss Walter, who wias formerly by all and Miss Bone was the recipient Ipolitical party but his heart burned its record and avowed policy, and it dndoreation, that is striking evidence Rath Roxalena, No. 13 i. Wawanosh. About 500 tickets were sold at Wing- milliner at Miss Reynolds, is visiting ofmany beautiful presents. -nd money are both within for the salvation of soule. has injared its iufluence and standing of the confinued confidence of the, Renwick Clark H., No. I °Howick. ham for Lucknow. Mrs. J. J. Elliott. The following, who are pupils Of Time a.This "Political parson" who sometimes with many who were heretofore its people in tboir administration." Smith Miriam, Wingham P. S, I . � MissiLillian Moffat of the Wingham Miss SparlingA. T. 0. M. have success- worth saving, and both canpreaches cannot'Use' Lbe Presbyterian best friends. And, worst of all, it hag, The Mall and Empire says:-I'Mr.Smith Rent, Wingham P. S. . 1. Hospital Staff is spending her holidays fully passed examinations at the To- be saved by coming directlt Church either for the furtherance of hurt the chances of succmss of Mr- i)1cQ,m)�-L, was all that could be de. Scott James R., No. $ B. Wawanosh, Assisting The Orphans with friends in Hamilton. ronto Conservatory of mnsic. Inter - -, bis political ambitions, it too has a Rowell's policy"for the abolition of the Scott Grace 113, No. 8 E. Wawanosh. The Loyal True Blue lodge in town ' here with your Foptwe,ai sired a.,� a candidate of his party, per- Mrs. Alex. Bird and family of mediate Piano, Honors, Miss Lavinaholier work to perform, bar almost past redkoning," Schaefer Walter, Wlngbai� P, S. is steadily increasing in membership Pearen, Primary Piano, Honors, WalltS. ;sona1y estimable, widely known ih . Paisley are the guests of her father,The following is the editorial from The Globe dct,ires to say. that the the y !ling, and well liked; he was the Stewart Elsie, No. 7 Turnberry & E. and the members are doing a good Provincial Officer Phippen. Miss Annie Spence, Miriam Smith,- * Globe in fi�ll, to properly see the article of The Guardia.ii -Is neither str mgest man his party could put in work in giving their assistance to, Mrs. J. Sutherland and MissMargar- Chasing around after "job the A Wawanosh. Pass, Rea Currie, Miss Pearen camemanread it caeefully;- mote nor less than a covert, unfair , 1, field," Simpson Oalvin, No. 17 E. Wawanosh -wards the support of the Orphans' witbin. four marks of the highest taken lot' � $ et McMurchy, of Ripley, spent the ancl "bargain Shoes"and un-minly attack on Mv.,N, W, & Morris. Rome at Picton, Odt. This week week -end with friends in town. at the conservatory this year in Inter -IV A GUARDIAN MAT DODGES. - The riding heard all Mr. Proudfoot Shaw Wilma, No. 4 Turnberry. about s takes time and it always costs +1 Rowell, calculated to iDjare ihe Lib ixty dollars is being forwarded _. ;' (rirom "The Globt�,") P'l had to say -more than he had said in Turvey Laura., No. 8 Morris. I anage Mrs. T. H. Barr and Miss Dora Barr .mediate piano. Miss Sparling will re - I eral p)rty And its leader by the 1w I to the Secretary of the Orpb of Clintlon visited for a few days with open her classeg Ist Sept. and will pre- more money at the whid-up. Am Important Provincial election is tation of motivesrtbat die writer la"k. I thm House,. more .than be would �wear Wilson Currie, Wingharn P. S. Board from the lodge here","as a result pare pupils for Toronto or London I to progre,qs in North Grey, in which the courage to charge" openly. Tae -for.4e would swear to nothing -be. Webb Vera, Wingbain P. S. of donatious collected recently, and the formers sister Mrs. S. Brown. Conservatories. We save you money, for ,* � ' fore the committee, and it has decided Wilburn 10, enbst, No.Turnberry.r"''o one of the outstanding issues is the Globe has pubTshed N11ior advevdse- . fl-ig pins sold on the 12�h. The mew- Dr. Kennedy returned on Saturday*abolition of the sale of liqtior in hotels ments for sixty-nitie ye&rs. For sl:gty- against him." Walla,ce William, No, 3 Turnberry. hers are very grateful to the Orange. from Rochester, Minnesota, where he instance, on our Men's $3.00 "IQ the eatOPaign the tissue of info- McL%ughlIn Evelyn, Wingliam P. S. men and friends -who contributed to as been visiting the Mayo Olinice ,! and clubs throughout Ontario, The nine years it has been a ste�tdy and . 11 0 Get Parnel's Bread at Christie's. and $4.00 Shoes, our Women's candidate of the Liberal party, Mr. uncomprising supporter of terl,per. representation presented a song ap. Regulation 7, the fund to help in the rescue and sup Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Thompson and BOARD WANTED.—Apply at Mrs. $2.00 or $3.50 Shoes our �." Taugher's, Francis St., at once. . ; 11 Mc4tiaker, is a temperance man who ance reforro. No advertiser of liquor pearance when placed side by side port of orphan or neglected Protestant children qf Seaforth spent Sund i ith4 has done much work toward ridding has ever been able to say that by his with the Goveroment's long and WROXErER ay w WOMAN WAINTP1,D $1.50 Misses Shoes or our childrev. the formers sister, Mrs. R. Webb. -Capable of tak- V PASS ing charge of invalid woman.41, North Grey of salo=4. He annmricea patronage of The Globe's colunins he brilliant record of solid achievement." ED- Children's Shoes at $1.00 or that if elected he will give bis hearty has swayed by A, hair's breadtb. The __ , Abram Hilda, No. 13Howick and Knox's Sale of Watches, Jewelry, Xiss Maud Tisdale, St. Augustine, (juire at Advance Office. — Turnberry Silverware ane Out Glass continued to visited her cousins Mre. Bosman and p(,RSA LIL-Good Art Huron Coal $1.25.It support to Mr. N. W. 3-owell in his Globe's policy of opposition to the "t ' to July 19bb. . Misses Gladys and Velma Brooks. Heawr Apply at Advance Office.. campaign for the abolition of the sale evils of t'he drink traMr-, Of the daily Fire �t Beach Cottqe. Black George, No, 14 Howick. I. '.W a A fire that at one tir 0 Bradnock Harold, No. 7 Howick, � ....... Mrt. Langhorn and children of Ham. LOST -Gold Masonio, Charm. Find- Then, you'll save time by 1of I'quor over he bar throughout Ont- papers published in the important , n.e threatened to Clegg Vernon, No. 18 flowick, Wingham Ploneer.Gone, . _�­­ , ,er please leave at Advance Office bu in, do serious damage broke out about one 11ton ate the guests of Mr. and Mrs. yg them and not trying f ario, centres of population in Canada, only flastie Gladys,No. 14 Howick. One of Wingbam's oldest pioneers Wm. Holmes. The ladies are sisterp. where 6uitable reward is offered. t. On the other side In this North Grey one -The Montreal Witness -has je- o'clock, Moaday1norning, in the tot. in the person of Mr, Thos. Netterfield, to match them for the price— contest is an e9timable citivn of 0 weri fused to publish liquor advertisements. tage on the Reach occupied by Ur C ing Oora" N" 7 Howick. O,y L Mrs. Montgomery and children ofFou SALH'.-A Limited amount ofr, I , ;Moff-it George, No. 10 Morrie, paseed away on Saturd last in his - fre,,.,h., cream. Apply to Mrs. Robert for you can't. Everything in Sound, Mr, Cameront who fought Notwithst.%nding a most urgent appeal G. ,ya.nStone of Wingham, Umber 70th year,,'Last Thursday, in com- Detroit are visiting the former's Beattie,,against local option, and who if electc-d from the publisher for the support Of smoldering in the gr4te and falling on Munro Donald, No. 14 Howick. 1. I parents# Air. and Mre. Thos. Bennett, Footwear for everybody, at � ann Alma M., No. 14 HowickPany with his daughter, Mr.o. Those Slaughter Prices in Watches, Jewel. ,. will support a Government that not friends of moral reform The Witness the floor, started the blaze, Mr. Van- Drummond, he left for Thessalon to Mrs. Stoddard and Miss M.ulveney, ry, Silver Ware, Out Glass, etc., to time aid' money saving prices. only refuses to aboli8b� the bar, but was- left to die in the ditch while the Stone, who had come �p from Wing- Strong James, No, 4 Howlek. visit his daughter, Mrs, Fleron, and who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. July INh at Knox's, .that has handicapped and hobbled the priest and l6vite passed by on the hana. on Saturday, was awakened by Turner Hvpe)yn, No. 2 Turnberry. arrived there on Saturday,. He had R S, McGee, have returned to Alpena, Prices in Watches and Jewelry . . __/advocates of temperance reform by the other side, Mr. DougAll's party to the smell of sm'oke, and was able to Wheeler Janet A., No. 2 Turnberry. just been with his daughter a short Mich' never heard of before in Wingham at -paFsage of a law provialng that no prolong the� life of a metropolitan extinguish the flame before alval r, out) W1011 time when he suddenly expired. The Miss $tell& Nlethery.of Saskatoon is Xnox's to July 10.b.d cordff good body wood, near Prin- Vae r � mqnicipality in Qatario shall abolhh Paper that would come up to the of thq fire brigade with A � , e reel, Ho"40uns HARDWOOD FOR SALE. -One blind,. Ve body arrived in Wingliam on Monday spending the vacation with her pax- en" -Of hs vote is ob- standard (d The Christian Ouardlan A strong wind was bloWhig "At the Sothern Evelyn, No. 17 Howick. and the funeral took place on Tues- ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Netheryk g e's Tannery. Price reasonablo. All its b4r until a three retsined in approval of that course, has been a losing one. It would be in- tIme,:and Mr. ,vanstone and family !P488 day from the residence of his son -in. Morris, kinds of coal in stock and arriving THE SHOB MAN 0 0 Ve8i weckly.-R. J. OA1,;Trt,LWT,The Whitney Gorernment has thus teresting to learn h'�w many good were fortunate in being able to get A.1bre h,t r , No. CA Howick law, Mr. Thop. McLean, Sbuter St., Mrs. E. Wells returned to Llstowel declared th;%t throughout Ontario Christ'lan people within the territorial the firb under control before any Downey Emerson,146. 0 How!ok. under the auspices of the L. 0, Lodg6 on monaayo after spending a few Dr. 11 P. Parker Osteopath and forty-one persons who want the open field of The Witness chose that papoI r .great damage was done.- f Kincardinc Gadke Violet, No, 2 Howtek, of which he been a member for many weeks with friends In Wingharn and Eye Speeialist, at kr. J. Stalker% A SxAr.-A lot of 100 -gallon casks, bar r4ay prevent fifty-nins who ot,if et be -Muse it kept out liquor advevtlse-�, Review. . I.Xing Pratik, No, 0 t1owlek. years. ,,-Ae was botn In Belturbet# Tuesdays 11.80 a. in. to Wednesday maple and oak, at $1.00 each for sale . - II . Turnberry. 11 a m, - Leather Works, to the bar from closing It. mentst and theatre noti'A�s, abd horse- , golteo Nellie 13, No. 0 Howilok Oounty' Cavans Trelaodo In the year at Pringle's Glove &Mrs, L, Dunford atc! daughter of Ur, A, L. Hamilton. Druggist, Trimmed and un*tirlinmed Millinery As between the two candidates and raelngreports. The Witness hits given Killed In Runaway 4adford lDrnest, No. ly aowick. 183$, coming to thia c6untty 01th big - Portage La, Prairie, Man., are visiting wishes all those who have not yet at give away prices for the following � .the two politics One would Imagine up the fight, and there ii not no.w in In 9, runaway hecident SaturdAy Wade ge4trice, No, 17 11owick, parents at the age of 13 years. They . ,so Me. paid their accounts, to kindly pa,y� few weeka. Come e013� and get first tb . the former's parents, Mr. and Mi, o.t the orgAn of the Methodist any Oanadian city a newspaper that morbing, Mrs. John Bowles, aged Wilson George, No. 17 Howitk. settled at Delta., and 40 years ago Alr, Gillivray, thein a,t his residence, Choice at Mrs. Green's,Chqrch wot;ld tot leave its readers dOeS not PkIlAt liquor Advertisements, thirty-tevoli years', who resi4ed about Wright Morence, No, 2, Howick. Notletfield came to Wingliam whero - OH. �JHTRRY 0A1U',TAXING.-I am pre. SATURDAY CLOSING. -On fttUrdayq throt h6 resided up to the tirne of his deatbi: Mr. akia Mrs. Jae. M Kerr of Tor6n. pared to care for cemetery lots at $1,00 afto!% May ist, we close out works at 1ghout North Grey In doubt Most of these papars, Liberal and Coift-two miles south of Lucknow, sqstalried W40-8TJN4 e vsiting relatives I ­ Tot the editorial columte of The servati've alike, are In favor of the fatal ilb,l'urieo, Her h4eband, who . fie was a member of the Englishto ar i n town. Mr. PAr setmon. Orders left with Town 12 oclock. Partift having bides or . ­ . .Chrittlan Guardian are silent on this further restriction of the liquor traMi-, &avve milk for the Paramount Oheesp .pubile School Gradilation . 0burob, In his younger days hawm Kerr was formerly in partnershipivith Clerk receive 'prompt attention, R. sheep skins to sell will bear this in great Is8ue. No word of liglit and Soma like The Globe, favoi the aboll- :r+aeotory, was starting qu� abo pAss his brother John Kerr here. Deyell, Phone 32 on 617. mind, Wo Pay highest cash price for I qb 4 a stone ramon by trade abd In politics Mr, Z B. Walker, manager Of the 1yesight, Specia- bides, sheep skins and tallow. --W. D. - olteloc�, in the worni.og pp �'q rLg' la� Hibbert Norma, No, 7 Howlcl�j 0. R. Wilkinson,, Hlea4ng Is spoken to the Mothodiatti of tion of the bar, others are for !Io I I "' q � a st%unoli Conservative. 13o leaves to , list, E'dward St., Wingliam, Is curing Pringle,North Grey. The Gnardian evidently minion-w(do prohlJohnston'Veta, No. 7 Howlc�.bition. * Are tboy W , Bank of Commtreet Is away 1pt:,*fben Mrs. Bowles Moqnted tljp .8.6, �raourn Ilia loss five daughtera, Mrs. T. on 1118 difficult cases of defective vision after WANTRM—GIOS for our Knittin -Aaeg not care a brass fa,rthing whether all "utterly un%vbytby of their reeor vv&go,� .I / holidays and Is being relieved by Mrb others, have failod, I recognize that room-, will pay while learpin ; gool a _� with hfn� to ride to tl�e pastqrp - , -1. ___ ­ - - McLean and Mrs. T. Drutrimond, t6wim�i Af r. AleQuaker oomesdown. to (Itieen's And avowed policy" P Do such 'Of deld, 16 game unado4otable way tlip Airs, Vieran, Thesoldon, Mts, Glanville,' D. L, Blackwood, Toronto, . m tuccess can only be attained home run by Company. GooT wages, tjPark to vote for tho, plogngof the bitre them as are Uber&I in'politics and Are horsesiopic filght a04 commenced to Llqoor Stolea, Alberta, and miss m, nattorneid, To. Miss Bas816 Konpedy Is away, on it ,,O.ax yolle 9atit,faction. DIMoult Apply b letter or person tio the of Ontario or Mr. Cameron eomesto publ!604 in the largo,Qntarl' ' vlonaay night A larg6 ronto 1 tvvo sones William, and Thos "vo weeks' tripwith bor grandmother, cases avicl childron a opeciality, Suf Clintou Wnitting Co,o Ltd,,, Clinton, � 0 cities riln away. Mts. j3owle6 . ferers attended At their own home it Ont. Jumped at At 9, late hour I : , Macay of Satoh, and Miss desred, Alladvice ftee and natief4c.rwe that the three-fifthe lia,ndicap shall "hurt tbo chances of aucceat of ,Ile. WAS`thtoWn VOVA the waggon, The bhrvel of UqWr Was Aolen front of Washington Territory.* His Wife NorA Xefinedy in visiting In Seaforth, tion guaranteed.Folt SALUI.-Dlitekamith Shop Ift3k-)rewairk on tho atatllt6 book, 10well'a Pollidy for the abolition of the �usblndo C111191119 to W9 toat, wAs 010 864efer's hotel, Provincial Woer whowasformerlyMissMargaretGreon, Miss Sennio Hogg, who has been . . � " I I .1''W ft. it) footiposts, two Atorey,gooa frame The only plime tit I lie tomperance Isgue bar put reckoning"? evexitolly to bring the horea i4nder flhippe,a wag bailod on the owe And pre-deteased him 13 years ago. Tho vlgitibg at Mr. G. Phippen's, Lower '---'--'----'- ------- ­- --------- -- — -_ buildingo. Would be suitable for Im. tha,t does grc,utly concern The Ottatd- If thoy are alt i1naer the sara6 con, tontro'l. Ueturnino he foqwd life w'fo otter a dsty's ardl. on a rAf t ,along the fAmily have the 6ympatby of the cow- Wingfimushas gone to Ustowel whom ,w 1.� ,. ,,, .:_�', ,_- - , 'mvu __:: ____ WJan Its tho (Itiestion whelber & oneular � demnAtion wlly d , I ... I - lement housa and w6rk-ahop, with A1, 1�h4 Chrlstf4n lying uncorlacI0118 *ItI4 betAtIll crosh- Maitland 11ver, lie located tbo barrel MnTIRY Iti their Aad bereuvement. she to the gue8t of Mr, Mt -Donald, ull line of.Hlaitkismith and woodwork n 0) th ,keeptimisil Values in womdn's toolm, alao baudmaw, circular rip mwt �,V.,�I I �....:: e""�!oa'Ite1,A� .1, � 11 I " L I.W, F L I how - A r A _i 0 . ;�n_� of c I ,�,,r , ere Etc venirag, Ill i bewspaper which aavocates temper. Outudian 'not dono I ova all on e4 in Ott the tOAdWAY, NefighborLt) - _-"W -"_".1W& -"."� , Principal of the High Scho6l'there, " , " Lu"" ' of.1 otle of the figlAnds in the porld, with - __L:1 . I 40 -, _ I Pumps and Oxford& turnitiglMh, emery stones with attach. an". tvform In its editoriad columnA that the public will k W the wbole wino warn eummoned, molste4, in "p. itomt 01h(,r , bo bag novo ZZAT99. The 03altor left on Friday for Ottaw,l It"cl our Ad. on last patit. inent for SAW gumming And many I w , . art vvhleh should refu-0 to print 11(pior w1viwime. truth P , Baoaase It woul : tot suit the 1 -Ting hall ,baok to her own hou�e* lot ell tip 4nd la following up clues, ,,am,,,. to attewl tho Moscato Gt%ndf Loiget �. other oxtieles too bumoroug to mph. � ,", mentS in 10 k1lettising eolamniv. As, purpoos for 0111ch The � UUM&U'a hr, Wher#, dospito medicM attega,uto the WhIdh will btlug the guilty Parties to - j, I _In W16ghaw, Ott sundity Ife. B. A. Mmmond. keproeentative WILLIS & COW I flora. May be "en nn lot 17, con. 4f d Ily 13,.b. John A. James, aged 46 ftow Wingh&m Lodlo, acarompanled , , - , . 'Horrid or apply to -solo cloik:r, MO. I I . by urc ".&MMOtta" le t ou Monday. - , ,. 'i . . ..... , 001 0 I 1,6, NNO, , " '' J, ..' � HW , VM6 The Globe Pmposes to bpeak *dry . 0416 seems to hotviok,�e. written-ths died an hour later, % 660vtotion. . years. . . I -1k � I . I it I .3 0 1 4 . . -A , 1 # # , i 1, 1� I . I 41 • � ,p I " ! I . . " .. —ft L 21 - - - -