The Wingham Advance, 1913-06-12, Page 6URS AY', URZ X2, X9I3 110111111 Ii MM.,nOW " W. G. Patterson's IS THE PLACE TO BUY JUNE WEDDING GIFTS We have the newest and swellest goods ever shown in Wingham dor June .Wedding Gifts. All kinds of Diamond Rings from $10.00 to $300.00. You can save 20 per cent. on Diamond Rings by buying them here, and a large stock to choose from. All kinds of Pearl Dings from $3.00 to $50. All kinds of newest styles in Luck Wedding Rings. A large stock of the newest styles of Pearl Necklets, Pearl Pendents and Brooches. A large stock of all the newest kind of. Jewelry at right prices. For Cut Glass and Silverware we have got them all beaten. W. G. Patterson The Great Watch Doctor. MI „I, ,11.11, . • It means cement of the higheit possible quality'. -: , It means cement tested by experts whose authority is final at all our knolls. It means cement acknowledged by engineers, architects and hundreds of thousands 'of farmers to fulfil every requirement of scientifically made Portland cement. It means a cement that it absolutely reliable, whether used for a great bridge or for a cou¢rete watering trough..,,�You cau use e`s'i Canada C with complate confidence that your concrete `work will be thoroughly satisfactory, You ought to have this confidence in the cement you use, because you have not the facilities for testing its qualities. such its are at the disposal of the engineers in charge of big contracting jobs. - eA fac., These engineers know that when cement has passed the testa matte upon it at Canada Cement mills. it will pass all their tests. • And this same cernent is sold to you for your silo, your foundation*, your feeding -floor, �Fur milk house or your watering -trough. Tted according to the directions in our free book "'What a rennet can clo with Concrete,'' Corneae t i FF book, it riot only tellt you how to mix Cement ether fent w ahtfaototq► results, Write for the and pIae cor piste bt wr'U is surliest snorer of user for it on your hue, ower, Ono of them Valuable 10 you.,. sexingfor the boo irou do not hula 414 iliahtiet obligation, Vere ss Camden G.lwwsnt Niter in Your Neighborhood Addressi Farmers` A%nfirralion Jurrau Ceirkada,4,,Cement ..,Company .._ tr eal t� Montreal L lt; r. Y:'t�`.��.......u........�y;�i-..:G':.JE'X,�."-""+%lY" ::Yi:,Y'L�.�.�G='Ylt. :.::T,.Y'+''_.-•_'!,^11.'. TH WINGRAM ADV AiNOE Shall We. nave The Scott Act? Allan, Seek., May 20, 1018 To the Editor of the Advance,. Dear Sir c• ---Will you be kind enough to again allow me space that I .may reply to Mr. J. R. Beattie, To begin with, I would draw Mr. Beattie'e at- tention ,to the factthat, indulging in vague personalities and hurling mean- ingless epithets at an opponent dose not constitute. argument. Mr. Beattie seems to know something about the Royal N. W, Mounted Police. Well, I don't know much about them, only that I know there is only one kind of Mounted Police here, the�R. N. W. M, P., and I also know that I have eeen several of the force, and I have never seen one on horse back yet, And judging from what I have seen of them, they are ready to go after law- breakers of every description. Mr. Beattie makes frequent use of the term "swivel headed, cranks," apply- ing this epithet to the Temperance people in general, I myself in parti- cular, While the term is meaningless, or at least is so in Mr. Beattie's esti- mation, still on second thought (and second thoughts are often the best) it has a more far-reaching meaning than perhaps Mr.: Beattie is aware. It means the organization, which is after the people who are so swivel headed, that they cannot distinguish between the sidewalk and the 'gutter, or a lamp -post and a dear convivial friend, and they are trying to cran. k them back into the paths of rectitude and sobriety, usually much againat 1l1r. Swivel Hea'd's desire or inclina- tion. Next. Mr. Beattie says, that those who join in the ery, "Abolish the bar," when one of their own falls, are like hen's teeth (a wonderful an d convincing answer) and like "swivel headed crank", hard to interpret. If Mr. Beattie examines a hen's anatomy, he will find a mass of grit inside the gizzard. This is the hen's teeth, and if the class of people referred to are as numerous and as easily found, they are a nutnerous class indeed. Thank you, Mr. Beattie, you just hit it that time. Next, Mr. Beattie challenges me to prove my stand from the New Testament, With the greatest of plea- sure, Mr. Beattie, Referring to the miracle of water turned to wine, there ie no hint that our Savior tasted it him- self, neither is there any hint that those who drankit got drunk, It is also healthful and there is no word to prove that it is alcoholic wine which is referred to, and we have every reason to believe it was not, because the governor of the feast was not drunk, and more, you cannot point out a single text showing that Christ ever drank wine of any kind, I did not say He, did not, mind you. Now, for "drunken" turn to Matthew 21;49,& Luke 12;45, and see what a wicked servant did. Read These. 5:2, 6, '7, and see who are the children of light and who the children of the night. Now note particularly 1 Cor. 5 :11 ; 6 : 10. I will quote those two passages "But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a DRUNKARD, or an extortioner, With such a one no not to eat, "1 Cor. 5 :11 "Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the King- dom of God, 1 Cor. 6:10. A pretty select bunch are they not, Mr. Beattie and notice, "They shall not inherit the Kingdom of God," Now can you blame the children of the Kingdom for doing all in their power to help the drunk- ard, because, as I said before, you can- not preach to a drunken man, so he is the most hopeless of the whole bunch, enumerated above. Read also Rev, 17 :2; 18 :3. I could quote you num- erous texts in the Old Testament but time and space forbids, You say you are in favor of good, clean Moral suasion. So am I and every other leg- itimate means. And I would suggest that .you head a Moral suasion cam- paign in Wingham, You also tell me that it is the swivel headed cranks who are to blame for the hedging about of the sale of Liquor. So bewit. I understand this is a country where the majority rules. If so, the laws are in accordance with the wishes of the majority and it is just as reason- able to•call any body of people who are in a majority, meaningless names as the temperance people. Every gentle- man will submit to the will of the majority even if their views do not agree with his. If the laws which' those people have forced on us are so iniquitous as you say, why does not thl august body of patriots -who repre- sent the liquor traffic rise up in their might and bring more pressure to bear on the weak, vacillating government, who, as Mr, Ra,nsford says, will do anything to hold their seats, If your cause is right it will prevail. You have scripture for that. If your cause is wrong you are not adding to your own dignity by calling the other side names. The govern- ment will always respond to the call of a majority and quite right. That IS what they tj.re there for, So you see when you revile a majority, you revile the Government whieh is the ,youth piece of the majority, Sincerely yours, A Swivel -Headed Crank. J, T, Holmes. Dr. de Van's Female Palls A reliable French regulator; kite. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating thb generntivet portion of the female system, Refuse Dr'. all cheap imitations, D. de Van's 'are sold at tfke box, orihree fore 0. ailed to any addes . s Aoolbell Omit Ons., Bt, VAtw►riaew, On% J31ectrlc Restorer for Men sties phenol rOetores every nerve ern the l�ody� to its proper tension; restores vj, andvitality. Yrotuaturre dewy o. nct all staxual averted at once, P phonic 11 iam-Azi Price a box or tW Eo f►rlt�lon�� is eoo�.n Ara 1 . Public School Report For May, Sr. 3rd -total $53.--N. McLean 780, A. Baker 748, A, Williamson 738, 0. McTavish 728, 0, Newman 702, V. Schaefer 098, N. Drummond 088, F. Robinson 085, H. McDonald 080, T. Nichols 676, E, Currie 671, C. Isard. 609.. 0. Angus 666, V, Davidson 657, W, Walker 055, L. Bell 642, A. David- i son 037,1t. Mills 635, E. Scott 016, Sturdy 010, 0, Smith 595, G. Allen 1 587, E. Cook 575, R. Forsyth 575, T, 1 Murch 559, J. Christie 549, H, Angus 546, P. Johne 542, B, Dear 535, M. Piper, 519, E, Huffman 518, V. Strick- er 515, M, Austin 497, I, Hewer 447, J. Sell 446. L. Zurbrigg 443, H. Mann 443, L. Stevens 3654R, Hewer 340. Jr, 3rd --total 775.-J, Dobie 587, E. Hamilton 581, H, Aitcheson 57$, 0, Baker 516,-S. Brown 491, E. Musgrove 484, P, Joynt 432, L. Sturdy 894, R. Anderson 373, M. Allen 363, A. Imlay 360, G. Fryfogle 327, Jr. 3rd -Sr. division. Total 850,- L. Jarvis 770, H. Angus 743, T. Sand- erson 740, V. Hamilton 715, J. Saint 711, F. Dobie 700, E. Angus 696, M. Robertson 676, 0. Lloyd 673, M. Pass- more 667, 3, Cosham 664, S. Locke - ridge 648, 0. Merkley (345, E. John- ston :842, 0. Adams 596, S. Robinson 584, A Bloomfield 573, R Smith 555, S Bell 544, A Kennedy 541, V. John- ston 539. F Hinscliffe 533, 0 Wild 505. O Pocock 500, H Showers 460, R Nichol 455, L Casemore 279. Jr. 3rd --Jr,,. division. Total 675 -- 0• Holmes 619, A. ThomaR 603; 0 Hardy 564, A Williamson 552. 0 Hutton 535, W Ourrie 508, A Taylor 486, H. Gannett 468, A Galbraith 449, H Hamilton 447, J Davidson 415, W Aitcheson 410, 0 Bell 373, G Scott 245. Sr. 2nd -Sr, section. Total 971.---0 Cruikshank 862, M Robertson 843, A Vickers 840, I Reid 839, K Wilkinson 833, M Reid 823, C Pocock 793, A Blackhall 787, N Huffman 768, 0 Robertson 766, J Allen 730, J Luttoii 727, 0 Dickson 725, I Day 697, V Hill 692, B Stevens 671, M. Walker 646, W McNevin 640, 8 Donaldson 639, R Sanderson 638, M , Dalgleish 828, I Simmons 601, D Lynett 543, E Rintoul 525, 0 Stapleton 486. Sr, 2nd -Jr. section. Total 769.- 3 Vanstone 705, D Fells 702, Laura Ellacott 672, E 4ew:072, E Hart 672, 00„ Zurbrigg 657, A Anderson 641, H Mills 631, K Hutton 622, V Joynt 620, Lillian Ellacott 618, H Carruth 615, M Johns 601, A Sturdy. 535, F Spar- ling parling 520, M Carruth 483, N Varey 442, Jr, 2nd -Sr. class, Total 400.-D Perrie 389, 0 Henderson 374, A Baird 370, W Angus 363, H. Wilson 462, I Bell 359, R Williams 356, G McRitchie 350, F Piper 341, W Ellacott 340, V Forler 332, N Morden 330, J Ard 327, L Johnston 316, R Clark 300, A'Gould 297, R Barrett 286, 5 Holmes 210, 0 Hingston 208, M Sell 205, 'N Shiells 201. Jr, 2nd -'-Jr, class, Total 400.-F ;Frost 387, M Oosens 384, H Williams 875, M:Redmond 372, N Isard 370, G Fixture 352, L Bell 348, M Vanstone 348, E Wild 337, N Clark 335, L Camp- bell 328, A Irwin 325, A Scott 318, 5 Robinson 317, 5 Harrison 315, D Piper 297, R Madigan 290, A Brown 281, M Dennis 283, J. Templeman 281, K. Donaldson 119. Dept. 7 -Sr. divison. Total 375- -A Forgie 374, E Rogers 854, A Williams 352, F Pocock 345, 0 Mason 340, M Pilon 338, V Amsbury 336, G Bisbee 325, C Lockman 319, D Cloakey 318, E Taylor 316, C Hinscliffe 314, 0 Dobie 309, L Sanderson 307, W Brooks 305, A Carruth 270, C Boyce 265, G Bower 254, J Mann 213, E Gibson 207, E, Stevens 198, 0 Casemore 170. Dept, 7 -Jr. division. Total 315- R Brown 310, L Zurbrigg 310, J John- ston 310, R Holloway 309, G Jenkins 309, E Currie 307, E Varey 306, I Lutton 305, V Bell 305, G Simmons 304, B Boardman 301, D Thomas 297, C Cooke 296, V Robinson 295, F Ald- ington 294, M Angus 293, W Lockridge 292, 0 Cruickshank 287, T Vickers 284, H Aldington 281, G McTavish 267, J Hayles 195, J Casemore 182, A Cloakey I09. Primary Dept, -4th class. Total 800-K Cruikshank 775, V Robertson 775, 0 Donaldson 750, A Williamson 750, S Hutton 725, B Joynt 600, M Hendricky 600, V- Dennis 575, 0 Coutts 525, J Carr 510, l3 Aitcheson 405, 0 Pattison 455, M Holloway 375, M Schaefer 350, P Alcorn 340, 0 Hardy 320, W Sturdy 265, G Arde 225, D Lavis 120, W Olark 00, J Cook 30. Primary Dept. -3rd class, Total 650-L, Hanna 500, T. Stricker 590, I7 Lloyd 530, 0 Tennant 495, M Hill 470, W Merkley 420, Q Simmons 360, E Forgie 350, 0 Showers 815, B Jarvis 315, E Lynett 300, F Bell 295, J Oar- ruthers 260, L Kaiser 220, W Bailey 85. Primary Dept. ---2nd class. -L Hera man, W Hendricky, J Amsbury, M Tennant, F Hart, K Carter, D Dobie, J McRitchie, L Hicks, H Caslick, A Field, A Hamilton; A Doyle, Q And- erson, I Aldington, W Kew, E Black- hall, N rixtu' e, T I ar4, F Angus, E Wolfe, M Fel11, T Saint, 11 Wildes, lL Ellacott, M Swanson, V Finley, G Lediet, H Lynett, D Cross. Forst Woman Judge, The first woman judge on the con. tinent has been appointed in Chicago, Miss Mary M. Bartelixne, who will have charge of delinquent girls in the Ohieago Juvenile Court, Formerly all cases against delinquent gide were heard in the open court, with results that In !many eases were most regret. table. Miss Bartelme will act some. what as an aesistan1 to Judge Pluck. ney of the Juvenile Court. Her ap- pointment is surely a move in the right digestion, 1111 .. +., mM''q °".. wmpo wr .p ! i �9.n M I, �, �:ie p�, 1p P11,,R,N.. i,l i.• ' i..�gani�u-.n Cranbrook. Smaldon of Sandusky is here on a business trip, Mr, Cochrane of Wingham deliver ed an auto. to R. McDonald last week. Dr. W. Cameron of Palmerston visited at the home of his father, Jas, Cameron. • Mrs, G. Campbell anddaughter of Milestone are visiting her parents, Jacob and Aire, Long. Mr. and Mrs. Savage and children of Hoquium, Wash., are visitors at the home of 0, Michel, On Sunday morning in the Presby- terian. Church Mr, Wm, Canneron gave a very interesting account of those taking part at the great Congress in Toronto, Pordlyce. Mrs'. Chas. Milner is at present visit- ing at Mr. Geo. Tisdale's. Mr. S. Taylor and Mr. Havens are at present operating the grader on the 10th. concession, Mr, and Mrs. R. Taylor and family from Auburn visited at his brother's Wm. Taylor's this week. Mr. John Craig of Whitechurch is at present cutting wood. with the cir- cular saw for Daniel Martin. A few of the nobs from the 9th, concession spent an enjoyable evening on the 10th concession one night re- cen sly. Mr. 0. F. Martin our wind mill en- gineer over hauled - Mr. E, Haine's wind mill one day lately and it is now running fine. , Mr, John Martin returned from Toronto in an auto with Mr. Steven- son, and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mr. Stevenson were on a tour to Goderich. Lower Wingham, Mrs. David Welsh is we regret to say very i11 at present. Mr. Geo. Kendall has been improv- ing his property by a new wire fence and iron gate. Mr. DeWitt Holmes, our chicken king, has almost one hundred chickens with more to follow. Mr. Howard Finlay has completed the veneer cement work of his house and the carpenters are busily engaged. The school. children, who have been annoying Mr, Thos, Gray of late, will be disciplined unless they cease such pra;:,tices. Councillor Well/wood has had a new roof and a coat of white paint with green trimmings put on his house. The artist is Mr. Charles Potter. Miss Sutherland is seriously ill at the home of Mr. Geo. Wilson. Mise King, nurse, is in attendance. We hope to soon learn of her recovery. Mr. Geo. Shrigley of Lower Wing - ham, who bas been in the employ of Mr. Geo. Orpen of Toronto.. for some months, is visiting his family while recovering from an attack of car- buncles. Ex -Reeve, Wm. Cruikshank, is quite i11 in the Wingham general hospital,. having•undergone a serious operation. Mr. Cruikshank has been ailing for some time and his many friends hope for speedy recovery. CURE DANDRUFF FOR 50c.' THAT'S It's easy, and you take no cHBAP risk. Go to J. W. Mc- . ENOUGH Kibbon the druggist today, and get a large 50 cent FOR bottle of PARISIAN Sage, ANY ONE the germ killing hair re- storer. If it does not cure dandruff in two weeks J, W. McKibbon will give you your money back. PARISIAN Sage is a pleasant, daint- ily. perfumed tonic and hair grower. , It is guaranteed to stop falling Bair or itching of the scalp, and to cure all dis- eases of the scalp and hair. PARISIAN Sageb., : many imitators ' -get the genuine. 'Isle R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Canadian makers. Inauguration Of Grand Trunk Lake And Rail Route Service Be- tween Eastern And Mest- ern Canada. Commencing Saturday, June 7th, Westbound, and on each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday thereof.,er, the Grand Trunk Railway will operate a special ''Steamship Lxprese," leaving Toronto 10.45 a.m., stopping at Hamilton, 'Brantford, Paris, Word- stock, Ingersoll, London, and Strath- roy, arriving Sarnia Wharf 4.00 p.ir i making dirt: ct connection with the Northern Navigation Oompany'e pala- tial steamers leaving Sarnia Wharf 4.15 p m. for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,, Port Arthur and Fort William:. Steamer leaving Sarnia Wharf Mon- days does not call at Port Ai there. On the arrival of the Steam r at Fort William special trains of the highest standard will leave that point at 4 45 p m. arriving Winnipeg 7.45 a.m. next morning. The service afforded by this route is the finest in every respect and included Parlor and Parlor -Cafe service between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf, excellent service on the boats of the Northern Navigation Company, including the "Ramonic," the finest and fastest paw,. enger haat on the Gr. at L;ike,,, 8, an dard Sleeping cars (Meer vie - Lower and roper Berths), ), O umt Sleeping Care (Berths Fe ee), ►ng Car and Ooaehc•t+ on the' Greed Tru+ k Pacific between Fort ' 'alliant and Winnipeg. Theough Sleeping (,rtr,- between Fort William and Edmonton commencing June 16.b. A special train will run the reverse way -from Sarnia Wharf to 'r ixo ato commencing Sunday, Jure 8;h, and each Ttnesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter, The first Lae h ued train having direct steamer connection leaves ,Senile, on I+''s iday, dune 18. roll particulars, reservations on steamer or train may he obtained on application to Grand Trunk Agent', or write 0. E. Rornintg, District Pas- senger agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Elliott ,Town Passenger and Tioket Agent. Ph -one 4, VV. lr, B Mat `Station 'Ticket Agent, Phone retw. -:4,04,y,,ivz/- ;Aka Lac() (4rates on the Right Pd irwiritiippn 1.111 •"0.+n011111 This is only one of the • many ati- ec vantages of the Sun- A shine Furnace. Pay our agent a visit or 1,vx•itei foe the Sunshine book- let. It shows you why it pays to install this furnace. it r London 4 3ar, 1 Note the three su each of which will as long as the 90 one surface 2,frate. gentle rocking is us all that's required but clinkers happening to f are ground up by 'the �� sive teeth of the four gra with very little effort. grate bars are so structed that a volume air passes freely to all p►a of the fire. e urn.ace Toronto Montreal Winnipeg ancouver St. John, 14 Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton Sold by R. R. Mooney. 1 ThePropriefaryorPa entlfedieine,j. AV,regetablePreparalionfo:As. rstkelt aetSintogm1haehFsoanoddandiRe.stiolaf1 1 AA s AO 3 ti Promotes Diges(ion,Ciieirful tress and Rest.Containsueili�¢r; 0piunt.Morphitte norMiuera1E hI®T NAR C O TIC.. •.. =1 RecpeofOldPr.S9ldll1ZPIJTdiE11 .'lnnptrin &e& ,stLr..reatta .I1echd1cSIts- Rarsint- lartonule,fetao, 115rnt Stal Clarified,STut�!o�t• • liktrzypenFlar . Aperfect Remedy foredrislipa• - Hon. SourStomach,Diarrhoeai Worms.Convu1sions,Feverish- ness and LOSS OFSLEEP, Fac Simile S�ig�nature of i THE CENTAURCAMPAl1Y• • lytONTREAL&KEW Y0fl1 Por Infants and Midi the Kid*LH Always Bough Bears the Signature l For 0 Thirty Yep tt Exact Copy of Wrapper. . Dr. Arthur Kew Osteopathist Wingham -:- Ontario COR. MINNIE and PATRICK STREETS PHONE 176. P. 0, BOX 244. Dr. Arthur Kew of Pittsburg, Pa., will spend the summer (three to five months) in Wingham. He will •receive a few patients to treat while he stays here. Osteopathy is very successful with many ca es,that do not re- spond to medical treatment. Al- so cures weaknesses which sub- ject a person to frequent acute attacks. Why not try a few treatments 7 Write or phone for iuforruation} ..........,,,........,„_......... POPULAR S'TALL.ION. Tho Imnorted Clydesdale Sta'Iion. Mascot, No. 4578, Vol. 14, 0.11,A,, Canada, will make ties following route during the N.-asont-- MovDAY,•--Loave Geo. T. Robertson's sale stable and pro,ceds to Wc.i toy Lcggatt's near Whiteohurcti for noon; thence to Leask Me - Gee's, eon. 10, hast Wawauosh. for night. TUESDAY -To R -bt. • out,es't con. 10, East t awanosh, for noon ; then to his o wn stable, Wingham, for night. 1VEDNEWDAar.--1'o Jos. Smith's, con. 8. Turn - berry, for noon : thence to James T.'Wylie's, con 0, Turnberr' f r night. , �r,xet- I1VnsDAX 'l • o Tho* Mo1111ohnel s, er gravel, for noon; thence r, Xing Edward Hotel stables Wroxeter. for night. t FxtinAy,---'iso John :MicNaughtors's. can 2 Turriberry. f r noon ; thence to J. `W, Fine's, B1uevale, for night. SATs imAY,--To E. B. Junking', B}uevale road, for noon, thenen to his own stable, Wing - ham, whore he will remain until the following Monday morning. J. W. SING, Proprietor. PERCH ERON STALLION 11TI'. P4.1lCIIEno `'1'.1LT.1ON.r1:ZLNL•'L,I1. {885; J, Jcz•'netill w +s lrt e 1 l►g .'.ir (",1trL`trA.ilt, T'ra'ce, and wo-1 imported by z;:sttt hr,la, b,e t ti4tt�v,.- nosh in 101, foaled -Agri• lt+tlt, 1919. Tie is a , beautrful l.orno of Clark dapple gray with light, mane and tail ; he is a thick horr:e with good hcavy muselcs and the best of feet and list bs, stands 13 Lruids high, will mato over a ton horse,a,disiseiic c±alFt,iter. Sire, (t'nniplgtnyrx-l:obion t5Gti73) Dam, 1', sca ins (GJ020). l,,t S 4 t Y Mo. .3o.y, will leave hitt o � n k,table lot 'ir, con. J, and proceed to Ales, ltintours, ?ordy,'e, for noon, wet t,'► St. Helots to Tote EVethee.i•ad for night. Toil -day, to Wolter Lot's. \Vhit ecdtureh for noon, :anti abut; boial..1- 1'y to Zet1 d ar,1 to 110 own Atanio lite remain till Filthy ;n.0 if.„. 1'rltl.y nn'rnin; to 1101- grttve and to 11c t'!, .1, 11 i on N 5; It lint` l%to1•t'i 4 for noon, I;. at 0 -Sun.. r ►,t:.•.r.'..or,ru 1 !I) .r *Ivo, Xeres, 3rd lined 't+i.r,'t,a, f. ' Tri .!it. L tnrday to Witigahatn to Le; ar.l's 1L.te1 stable* for two and to his own stable and rttnain till Monday morning, TarmAs.-•'ro InAtre, $I1 Al. Partite easing balm April 1st, 1914. will be refunded *100. SCOTT B1; Prop. , note I8 tlla 011, • THC CCNTAUti COMPANY, NCW VC The Up-to-d- BAKERY We have ,� .?e.: .oft.. n equip sell and sanitary Wq.• use the best and materials obtainable. rakes and goodies are fresh and good. Give trial. Call and inspe z,. bakery. F. CARTE OVER 66 EXPE CiOPYR Anyone sending a sketct, And des quickly ,r5certatn our opinion fro Invention is prohnbly patentable. tions etrletiy confdential. IIRNDD00 bent free. Oldest -agency for socur patents taken through Munn epeciaL notice, without charge, inti $iUflc Mute A handsomely illustrated weekly. cniation of any ticientino journal (�. M ra ar,postage an:td:>., $>3,Aw a $e , i) re newsdealer's. MUNN & Co 361Broadwhy, Branch Unice. 625 F $t.. WVaeltir l�l MESEEfC!il S' EX( Each 'Tucmlay, until Oct Winnipeg and Return . tdmouton and Return (1; l.er Points ii prat Return Limit, two rx noM 1•:sEI')1(E R s, 'I .It M1 leaf p.m. ea( h Tuesday, May to Aug Best Train to take. • Upper Lakes Steamers leave Port %ZeNicoll day, W ednesdays, T hursday t for Sault Ste Zasic, Port A William. � ., ► '� , ' o . ' ► til c , 1 , itlx 1 7. h l e lit t 1 t ll 141cN;mall on 't'Jnt!n•f d tys, will Sout,d, le ruing that point 10 30 p t Steanriship Expl leave Toronto12.43 p m. C11t FaiP; inl;• divert connection 'Kith tit McNicoll. (Wtrtlral change et Urne Gr ant, ,vIttlajettlr, A ,�