The Wingham Advance, 1913-01-16, Page 3Arr..
tsttle4t/01Z has been asked:: " \Vital Da
peet atvtiwil or eding a dairy vow in
%tenter?" It ist tele of t1loS0
teat to 0, large eXtent im hard tfl answot.
give an, intelligeat reply it le inner -
tent to knes what kind et etrws are to
be fed. It might bo :aid that there are a
many kintlei of cows as there aro (Utley
berds, area, .e'ven aside from that
there are at thnee in tile sanie herd dii-
Mont cowe titat cannot be fed alike.
Tberefere, it Is neceseary to etudy the
owe iind avert= nun 111,PN each cm
elieposee or her feed. It will bo foUlui
that certain eows will profitiably con -
Nettle mere grain than others, Agaie,
other vows, will ptilize a greater percent-
age ot roughagee emit eomparatively lit-
tle grain; and 4otne relatively more grain
tine wee roughage. leo it can readily
be itee). that all &Donde upon the nature
of the cow. Where a man has a goal
(Airy eow he cannot more prettiablr
poke of his grain than by feeding it Our -
Jog the winter. It goes without ettYllng
thet this in the only practical manner to
market field erops.
Ierufesser C. Larsen, of the 13outh lea•
)(eta State College, says that es long as
a cow will return two PoUnde of n1j1
Lo r etteei inerease peund In the grain, the
additional grain le econoznicaly Tea, be-
eamie the two POnntis of nielk ate Worth
mare than the eine patina pr grain. W1t1.
the average eow, a cow S1i01.114, Ilave abOut
one Wind of gretin, for each aster pouted:3
ot inillethat she givele Auotitor good tette
10 te feed es Many pounds of grein a (3ay
ae a cow gtvee butter tat per Week. To
make nee of thee later rtile it Wont
be necessarY to have a tester gee test
the etellt. 'While to make use of the Corea
el' rule a person eould easily Weigh t'qe
inek. 4.entry cow should have o.11 tee
roughage :she Nvill eat. Good, sweet,
welaaired and well -kept "hay and a little
cora fodder are good roughagee. Silage
is, of eOurse, a good roughage. It is a
eueeulent food and keeps the dairy cow
Ili gc oo conditIon during the winter
menthe J.11 farmers, liewever, d iot
here dilage, cot% fodder is a good teed
but is dry and a, large percentage ot
We eted. and tt is unhandy to feed.
it 4s a bad mistake to permit a dairy
eow to run through MO snoWdrifts In
the eornstaelt fiele when the thermometer
regleters below zero, It is much better
to haul the corn fodder NMI() and feed
it Or the leeward and sunny side of a
barn ih a clean place, or else feed the
fodder in the barn, Shred it and feed It
during the winter.
In addition the dairyman simile not
foeget that the dairy cow sheltie at Pli
tintes have treeaccess to seet. Many
cows are lost every fall whielt might
belie been saved ia they had had plenty
O t at before them.
Tele kind ot grein that a diary cow
enotitt receive to a large extent depends
tenon the kind of roughage on band. BY
taking it for granted that most dairy
farmers have wild hay, corn fodder and
tinge as roughage, the grain fed ehould
be Such as oats, loran and oilmeal. All
of the roughages axe rich it the heat and
tat-preducing stibstancee (fat and car-
bo -hydrates), while the grain mentioned
- Is 'rich in the Milk and. mulele-preducing
subetances (Protein). This will then give
the cow that whicla we call a "balanced
ration." If the owner has roughages,
ouch as alfalfa, hay, clovet hay aria
then he an feed corn and a little
oatmeal. The grain ration, corn ix n fat
eteld heat producing substance, while clov-
er teee alfalfa hay are Mille beed musette,
producileg Ueda 'When, a terte starts tO
put on fat then he Should take eway
Itttlee of the corn and add a little oats
instead; while, if a cow tends to enema°
poor, end Is milking heavily, it is best
to inereaee the corn a. little and take
away a little of tbe oats or bran.
• Setne may claitie that oilzneal is too ex- .
pensiveto reed. This is perlibps true,
• comaderIng the kind of teed already
on bane, but It 'a good thing to teed
a.bout one peune_oe oilmeal a, deer to all
of the cows. The cinema' e.cte as• a
-conditioner. It keeps the bowels looso
and tends to make the cows looka
little glossier. The heavy mincers should
be fed two pounds of ollmeal daily.
A dairy cow should always receive a
Variety of feeds and be fed at regular
The feeder scion learns to adlust the
feedi3 for the particular cesve in the her&
Grain should alwaye be mound before
This is espeetally the casetie,the
ownee env eo hogs running after the
cows. As -Meth -as 20 per cent. of the
wain Is wasted by passing threuga the
digestive organs endlgested when fed
whole. Besides it takes energY to grind
-up the feed. • It is better to Atm+ that
energy for millc producing ,and do the
grindirie -r the eow. Also eve want a
good dairy cove to last as king as pos-
sible. If we compel her to be daily chew-
ing her bard dry grain her teeth and
stomach* are likely to give out early.
These are the two organs of a con° 'that
'usually give out first. By grinding the
feed We get fore out of the 'grain, tea*
the cow some energy and prolong 'bee
Ilfe. •
Commercial fertilizers are valuable in
truck growing where one knows the
flow to Cure
Horse Distemper
AO Experienced Horseman Solemnly
Declares Nothind 13 SO Sat1$11:C1,
ory as Nerviline.
Says Nerviline is rine Liniment
"After fifty yeare' experienee in rale-
ing horse+ I can eefely teetify that no
remedy game sueit good retiealtFl for an
all-round atable linimeut avi Nervlline."
Thugs on the -very ettrtiNt letter a
3. Evanston, who lives near Wellington.
"1: had a very valuable horse that took
dietemper a month ago, and was afraid
I was going to hee hint. Ills throat
ewelled and herd lumps developed. Ifis
nostrile inn and he hati terrible cough.
I tried 4liffereut remediee, but wale un-
able to relieve nty hove of hie pain and
euffering, till 1 etartedto1140 Nerviline.
mixed a ,bottle of Nervilino andsweet
oil ana rubbed the mixturei on the *mat
end thest three Valuta a day, veld you
would Rarcely Mimeo the Way that
hoes°, picked up. Nerviline eared him.
atto have, us...I etieriallue for colie
luereee eta eon -6, and ettrneetly ree0M-
IlltIlld it to every nutu that ia reteing
ror strain% sprain% sivellietp, eetiej
dietemper, voughe and Nide, hn linitaent
will prove so effieaelotte in the stable a%
"Stervitin0--itte good for man or beat,
for internal or external use. Whenever
there ie pain, Nerviline will eure it. Re-
fuse substitutes. Large size bottles, 50e.;
trial eize, 25e., at all dealers, or the
Catarrhozono Co., lauffalo, N, Y., and
Kingeton, Ont,
yearly inerease in young pigs keeps the
supply rapidly increasing from a small
beginning. Ile is a lucrative investment.
The secret of euccess in farming, as in
other industries, lies in finding a 1108
for everything. There Is no reason why
etch products as are waste of the or-
chard should be thrown away. There Is
it, and the bog Is a great help in putting
all sorts of feed to a profitable use. •
Dad Learns Just
Where He Stands
The hog is the mnst economical of ani-
mals. Of what O. horse eats 62 per old,
goes to. waste. 41 per cent. of the toed
coner- Ala by cattle is similarly lost) and
32 per cent of all that eueep take into
their stomachs. Only 12 per cent, of
What a pig eats Is wasted,. Jelfty-two per
cent. of the food eaten by a, hog veil
to make growth. A sheep utilizes only
26 per cent. of Its substance tor growing
which means, of course, the production
Of meateTnese figures are obtained iron 1
eaceiret experiments made by Government
experts who tind, as a result ef their
study, that the pig has evtaet they call
an "economlo superloreee even over ,
pOultry. That is to say,,t produces more
meat in proportion to its le e.glit, awl
the animal weighs more in proportion to ,
the amotue• er tood ttterietiseee. ilaghty-
tow per cent. of the carcass of a hog i
Is utilized as meat; of tbe beef animal
75 per cent. Thus it appears teat a
greater percentage •of tee p.s s avaeauto
for focal titan of any other domesticated
When the hives are well distributed In
a certain space their inmates rimy be 1
more eiesily handled, It seems to improve 1
their disposition, espeeially if there are
sortie treee or seruos about it. Robbing
10 not so prevalent, either, and the ale*
:lance of that always helps to make bees
better natured.
In nearly every case, in a horse, silky
and wavy hair on the legs indleatee
good quality of flinty bone underneath,
and the short, kinky tail indicates a
coarse, poor quality of bone underneath
needs ot the soils and supplies them in-
telligently. But before fertilizent are
need the soil motet be put in good trie-
e.hanical and physical•eondltion. Vertiliz-
ors can never be made to take the place
of good t)reparation o.nd ample eultiva-
that covering.,
The easlext way of giving tobaceo to
sheep afflicted of stomach worm Is to
with wilt, two parts of tobacto to
alt being about the right proper.
exact retative proportion 08 -
what on the kind of Lobito.
mixture is plated wbere
nailer access to it. They
le wary of it at first,
the tobacco, prob.
m nO rout in any
beee1!n o ealt
t the teleture
orae, any more
Unless be 1*
ff his feed
ei 24 ounces
ized eggs
a large
Iht On
' LOA.
fleeter IMAOftil
( l
34. WHEN IT CeMet
re MIMS(/' r
'lei* HOZ% paitUtiTT4
• f rem tiater:
The Dal
that nett
art $12e0 while m
ena eommeacial b
from el* to $414.
ha* a good traktir
Among the new naaterials particularly appropriate for childrenle wear
is heavy cotton, ratite. It is warm a tal "comfy" and yet can be launder. ,
ed easily. The little coat illustrated is white- cotton ratite with belt,
collar and cuffs of white rajah eil it. The toiler, made with ,long pleat-
ed reveres in front, is edged with bands of moleskin plush and the latie
White bonnet has a band of the sa ne plush on it.
The plush bands on the coat can be sewed on so that thee"' ean eaellY
be taken off and the rest of tbe gatment put in the tub when it looks
soiled. • Children's winter coats are s horter this year than last, and ii
some climates where it igt possible t hey ate \Vetoing the half hose even.
if their coats and bonnets are Wintr y effect.
And the reason they remain so..
On the whole, women wish to marry,
and if they don't it le because the men
don't ask them. Men are afraid of the
expenses of a houeehold, and. you cann.ot
wonder at it, when You eonsider what -
even a small. welt -managed one entails.
Take an ordinary middle-class family,
with a wife. three -children and three
servants. The men of that family is
supporting eight people not to speak of
the gardener and the dog. But even if
Wo taxed. bachelors into matrimony.
some women would etill die mewed., since
More women than men reach maturity.
So the American -preacher with the Ger-
man name (and. his like) should know
better than to jeer at the innocent vie -
tines of hunutri ignorance. Where scierece
can determine se; many more men will
be born than women, and then there will
be no "oltt n3aide," except from -ehoice,
40,370 a writer in the Lon ion Chronicle,
The people I want to build a gallowe
for are the fathers, who know they can
leave their girls no money, and yet do
not have them trained to earn a living.
If they bappen to =Try, well and good;
but if they fail, they recruit the ranks
of the incompetent. starve, pine and
Struggle, most heelless, most Unhappy.
In Prance, the system of giving every
girl a, dowry and arraneing a marriage
for her reduces Of; number of poor spin.
store, and is more humane and. inte112-
/pint than our want of system. Yet
hope our boys and girls will- continue
to ixtarry for love, and not by arrange-
Inent, anet that it Will beeollio a matter
of course to give a girl a trade in ease
she should need it either for next of
her life or to the end. In Engtand at
present money dors not play a pita.
mount oart in meet matches, aud that
is wholly desirable and to be praised.
• Both iti France and in °enmity girls
suffer unteld mortifieetions front Mgt.
!nee that they themselves eennt for less
then the. dowry., end that the meeriatte
raey be broken tiff if the fteateiet !lego.
tiatioee ao wrong. In reetend a girl
without a penny 'tete ten WW1
her win have teeeety etfers, ivhfle her
neighbor. the 1,041-aors ly're. •7 iteve
heard a girl with Moen Clammed a
ear.yetho wiehet to merry and never
had a, eitahee. Ste WAS rot defermed.
hut she wits shv fled rett'er aenete. Web
men were net attract P'1', 'Int the mor
ones she knew were nnt the kW to
ereeefeeer- hang their bats in a wifeie hell. I nut
Whom "(Writ 1:411116 141J4da Mititik '
it**. 044144 44400 *41.4e4e le le cev lei* . Day and Nig*, utuggailmkg tur 1
te roue Nil% te. Meat Wrong in tee 13SetteliNttl,
MOCI-LAVING COattaatall"13 latesit040. u44 OA erueetet. bailee tatee.e.
The ftrst Idigeouri natiotts.1 egg-littliejf . all a 1"111.4 41:14 1a44 1°4°' 4tlia T111141'7°114
A Prominent Publishing Moos 41t.04
ooutest at alountal4 Grove w tIvb-1,0 "rvo " ell'u'lr* glad a 1.1 1114
0 '
twit closed, brought Out sudie intAreetting
ftutte IsT4442 vmating »14 wo rose.00mo, 0111100.430.rukeitrWit.ft ts,127110 brerimas otartgo be Quickest Cure 11 Pr.
ta twat alld they Lestde 4. re., rued. la the delay ration. fed. If it Le -.4' "00 •
estatutial that a e.rige be rnade taust
eord ot ites eage p*r hen. 'vat 14eSit *Ingle effected Ana eeeetlealnet, Th
record, it etse tim year was made
itt he by a 'White( *mouth Itock.*Tbere were Ig,extri,aatrgens of the hen, like
We lame in the tontest and they laid a an4relly UPattt bY the 14079
VAAL oX Wi4144:1 04ide or oxli average uf 134
egg* per tune eannigiertog the tact that duet b
flew itee ration.
eeetted have ewe* tone of
Althea seiewer very wear for
r 411/4
Hektilttehed uever tome to t
use Dr, liautilttnee end: t
tha ttetitlattlers.
‘peadeht of the .7elriega
I well keapyte tar allete
is vurtehed for by the .444414tarlt, l':(1,.anager 44191 JetL 10"14e,
of the Poultry *Woo** Megeetate of sit litier40 tk leittnig:
more then a dozen pane were uot rose
tured itt the baginneag- of the contest sttiomtletPitsrilias4' t1,0144.41-1-11301 euuttnitill faningfield, 0 Mr 41 Cellander, who the Jewish. (Mewls esf Saftgel *Awe
bait Dr
and that some or the pens were made UP
the Ohief gave ttte
should be lighted, etre, dry and writee: . 0 better =eatable t . has rlOW beet le peerage
Of baile twit and three Years. Old, 4 geed trce front draughts, tatreful trast aamutonis Pille. We use them r
.. •
1_4 IA '•• • '
mantarelesely beed and from all clase-
merit, prept:r fuod, exercise, 3;." "I larly and know of Marvellous curets t the request of the Goveretitta4 teett
.414 n#breeaere t„jo everaeo aa geekier 11 and dr d utalitleee build- •
hen le verY Seed, and 'one "I" te a" InctS ere detrils 'which i neglected result rooted everythitig elee. They cleanse Mime Nieholas, to the 00^1140001144414
eraga commercial plant wituld be elect to
ettain year la year out Where large
blood, ettliiren digestion, help the etettle offieiale 'were doing ell in their 1e0W11
in low monetary returns..".4. A. Moeda- the whole system, net as st tanks on the the Timee, to the eit40 that tha
mots are kept. len, Port eiotet; 2,01noewel:no.Cenatilart Varna
aeh and make you feel etrong end well. to cause tranquility to ration
The feede lilted. at this contest were
Por headeehes, indigestion and atom. city,. This le art absolute faleeh
foroalu trOture WO pounds creaked Corn,
pdunde wieeat, 00 Pauhdo tato, Or Egg -laying centeete Mal bileezne POPIt" ach disordere I am eonfident thet the at the present moment the lite
etettaa feed in 4 mapper, 100 poundal wheat lar On this de Of the pond. rot' the prescription 1,4 D. Irentilten'e perty of no Jew, and the h
eWoatutoPj rcloprtifne114:1.11120141ipillgouateels jiIhrfiltiesti Mar Dit°Uienatlyeri:14te rilgVahb°uWtinit TO Clersheee*rtfutilutortn r-°umeto
Irreurid oat ei 00 PoWelit arstAlintrifif itritleglin, tilt Tadleny .,ive. iteevai,ni ve zilteleo,waotruesin! Being con1Posed: of natural vegetables irlf:ewiroifftisleettarst°4111nItikteheear°ellielti
itevettir Potnladist'abflr'011 gewtir-if plaliro seru6s; eli int 4".7 p"cro" sap" wrairnitee-"i, fh-0 ' remedies, Dr. liatailtOnts Pills postsees t.t.ration make no effort,t rest
403,0 hie eat, JO tauter; powderee eller. breeele'es 4 oek een he of little good. Un great power, yet they are barrel, ,
coal. eprouted crate Were ned. as greet% t eaoatra it znay he otter than the They aid all organe eonneeted- wit the r-he-e-Ttilli of Greene, Whet * IV*
work were; ewes p re to be good or DOar lavers. quenee, food Is properly di , the to mate •Tews, ' reeen irgaire an In.
•tia I concerned. ate and storekeepere sell Dr, ed. good treatment for them. Unfortu.
at . -"the lay ng eontestealtut these dr
tefit t 'only a few Arde are texted
les:sine teamed :from the year's - and We leaks? toes 'Which four or five fame -eh, liver and bowele. I cense, known for lie liheraliltf 44 bblisulbOtiP
far eXtiels other Varletleit, or Oteedewhigh bre.' Yard*, men Who trine nest, tha .iu kept f .
are in genetal use to far WI cg Drec1119- hate .' pore egfs than so ear reported. - r
That there la no veriety or breed which There ta Quite 4 fele pens in leadirnt blood, is pure and lug the botit• tervieW witli a deputat on of many
entvrainit! espcm
0 .1),tiedireturoreptdeapenyac
U and soi
11 ao some gird, creati titenillton's Brie, 25e per box, 5 for $1,
and resist* diatetee. . ' prom.). . Jews;
2 41 *lent Ralonikan he promise
the variety itself.
leer 9f egge it will produce than upon. tiid win enable •
Tbat tonne hen* Wive a born tendency a nook:
r er to be -
worse c f' -b -.1
teore aucceseful with
verage poultrer
:. Pr 4, or by mail kona the Catarrhozone Co.,
Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada.
-.a...4: lines& and good -will ir,
nately, although all reeognize tie
of the if,in
e kind -
That more depends upon the preeding ,
Isla eitizene, men and women still eon..
la lee tee world. aTo plant bee
• the anti-Jewish crusecle of the loesi
Greek press, the outrages against Jew-
to put on tat. The letter kind sbollIcl ,
he Milled out in eetablishing a teeing a etV -T
D._ . _A I 00,0t of the greateet whica has had the effect of stopping
of the Inale as to the number of egge -- ,ey has at Brown's Xing,
et buildtnir ls the finest etlt FOrf I Th t M Ic CI tt
ura 1 . a a
Harmful. es pre ea thine. The Jewish. community regarda
A the International Poul -
Your best layers iit preferente to the
feitteA yet It 'Will pay te breed from
-Ilarvels of their kind. the Oreek talk of friendship as merely
bluff. IsTothing whetever le done to
the otfspring win produce thee Upon the
. the two large Mete.
Which ouits you, best as to color, size and
That you sboula select the variety
It tor future develop-
Vleit the stock
The The vontdderation of tobateo and. its Mlle of these, tinned ruffians punished
(By a Physician.) keep the soldiery under control. Were
,,i.uwirilitneprrso, vemont.
MM. Vote make a mistake • leY , "aTtddear0de qualifications, ed. in. the smoke. -But there are other
llneeaontficl Tel l lei one. 8 dangers has heretofore been largely bate • or sent back to Greece, -the looting and
tumping from One breed to another try- 1.
theagbgrePedrindureepern8, ea -on -the amount of nicotine coutain- outrages would sipp*atitoltee-
Alva. and breed thern VP until:they sat- .
lefy teett as to quality tine productive- I
luktntttet dilrwevueir itjear)ettlieer alavY4Orra.g.o poultry. 1
I noreddureest;onof tobacco which must share A Bulgarian Jewish officer, Major
sibility, .A.reong theset are Tagir, has won the apniration of lits ..
t 0 pul ets and hens tbat lay in the le lever6eirty iellv
ouel a o ese compounds ad, dopuiriel:gAr janstka $1, c.'
v and fee and Alth h 11 1 tb
lets Olt lay earliest rn TIN, mid from oipterbioneei. ehairrizn inonoxid gas, prussic acid, fur- comrades and the praise of hie King s
..4„ for Ids brave defence of a positiort
map. to trap eeet Ala fioek in the fall and
Winter melitha and breed front the pule .4
.01 ilatIdb°1 and eome othens.
ene e commareiti mittedly are poieonous, their danger
Vouwtleds been Wade of some of these toxic pro«
able interest. expected to recover.
• The, official of the conunitte in Len -
tone ae are depends on the quantities in which they
hat hope like /sprouted oats as nrach the
tW°onileiticlIcilah5woine t editor ea• The fact that the action of certain t"I'lleet33'60.flictalnste wa.11:BBaunfine:tirr:ce(ajetr:th)°14
kinds of tobacco ha a been a,ttributed to
the prussic acid in their emoke has in-
eied, the Wurzburg pygi
"%ehreattn, to investigate the charge.
mast, Pref. X, about $5,000 • has been received . ftom
al lover Englend. This compares most
* found that the amount of this •
unfavorably with the ninny thoutiands•
nett and in Cona•n. ttnd the 'United
which have been raised on the coati. -
States. In fact, this is only another
calls a.
or better than anY other green. food, and
theY do well on it aids digestion arid
inoreatms egg productioll.
That a little moistened food is relished -
and will 'nightly Morena° egg produe-
That nearly high- producers lay thin
attelled eggs and that the germs are often
weak. A few high producers are able to
lay large nunther of eggs, fertilize them
• and put vitality into the cbicke,
That the elediterreneau tease can stand
More Protein and fatten -rig food than
the birde of the Ainee.ean. Asiatic or
length% classes. There is net, eo much.
danger of the Mediterranean becoialfig
tad Iat, and they require a tittle r fooe
than the other clematis mentifille4
That the egg Yield ate the Xeliterre,n4
are taken. Recent investigations have
* *
erm of ducts, an dthe results are of consider- don wlaich is collecting funds for the
produeea depeede sornewhet etee,
amount. runic acid formed The munity the "glory Ineth departed," as
There are sixteen Jewish M. re. the
that the Anglo -Jewish. Qom -
rate at which the tobacto is
WONDERFUL DISCO The 'lower the current of air
. • the cigar, • the snlaller .itt the
rn • I years WftS the far
e ill effects of slitelting.,OUld. aht
the bierden o .
la c for far as its Jewishness is concerned,
They'll Need Attlflolal Food This. b An eminent scientist, -the other dav •
If she has been. is Applied to a, wound ea:. a sore,.such In- English House, and no a
liteatottretredcia4e: orifY41:° g gu°s"
of the tact that they ere desalt> feather- Peva his opinion that the most wonde.i.:
k. Just think! As
entire tuna
small' tO aO40 t; "Thre%the effects...
ound, however, is too
'red thousand pounds every •year Etre That the Du' prose of properly teeding -
sell frenn fifty thousand to one hund- Yeee,°%:eeireeerea"le "
Not one speeies of microbe has been made by the London Lancet indieate reeene
tains the least nicotine, in the smoke
that the ordinary cheap eigaret con- erpment by airbqeuiletton
the ill-treittment of the Tarkish Jews,
4.e :flank eeedt r Z17;
very scare° article this fall. Dealers That if you give irQ
in this Product who usually b:uy and shFjter, !e:g and attert.iitien she will net
a hen reasonably good
elev is. ineured against blood poieon! pear to rest on nicotine. Investrattatatok• utt"ed
e •
Buckwheat nlioVnlielli-r4y E;eeins to be a les. '
e(.1,- have largtr cOnlbs and smaller hod- tfuilooliescryoroe.ri 74011'11.137e le
oon. as ti single thin levet 13am-Buk 'ea tl b
in getting their winter's supply. As.
having greater difficulty than usual hatad teoecili,ntl.g.tat thee of not to fed eggs into
Then again, • As Soon Os Zam-litrk and the pipe the most, the cigar occu. by the Greeks and Bulgarians. -
bees in a great many parts of Outer -
is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin pying an intermediate position. -
Assuming, then, that nicotine is, thee, cheats Council of l:Intetlan itlerehaittil
housibg and eare a4bearing af the restrictions agai
the Premier t roduce a
iies ?ego it to act on euggitton:tIttoof
t14 Donna providi
eargor het found that ,Zam-Bule does not kill!
lo depand on fall honey for their win- tee
wthrohig341114 '1391ualeC13 thrt;. 11Preofig* •
t word was
• ter's stores, this would indicate that ' on the number of eggs ,produese by a (Bs,.
-why ebildren are s I f i d r 'I
, it stops
tie I r en s o. eeten- essentially injurious substanee in tobar,4 • .
• ful to see that they are supplied with
artificial stores. The Provincial Ap- 13., lienS inust be fed, and fed liberal- Itzliiillne.-13Tulheytcare tuo
ecte winter eggs. c s ops heir nein, elothere amount. of tobacco consumed was 110 fe ' D
greater in -this form than in othets. . ii * *
the smarting, That is
spring unless the beekeepers are care- Wre
lotilt, but breeding le the most ithportant ase
in large quantities, of the things.
All they know is that ful form, provided that the
they also will be running short before
thing for the SelenCe iCe0a, s tthieuteringiaret would appear to be the
nicious form There has b it
for wintering bees: With the extreme cold weather almost Again. eks soon as Zanalink is- a i;
mint or o a ( iseased part, '
ti tl 1 This might be accounted for iu t b
the fads that the
inclulgeuca in tobacco. hang° in the compost
been. qu e
tit t
Place twenty. pout dit a water in. a here and fresh egg opproaching the six- plied to a w 1 t 1
enett i le skiii'S surface are the forna-pf the cigarette
par y ourth Ounia now a
'twist, Mil Morley Pettit, gives the sr,veleiya?juy eil5poencot eggs
ehoeld never forget this. . The general impression, hoivever, is
following directions for making feed • weNTBR EGG PRODUCTION'. -
cities, the
indulge in it when they would not smoke
boiler on tle stove anti bring to a. ty cent maric in the large
egg production is one -
so stimulated time new healthy tissue is
the Pelle b
makes it poesible for young persons to
granulated sugar, stirring thorough. try raisers.
uestion of winter e
lealthy tissue from below is Zam-I3 I 's cigars or pipes, that in older arson*
boil, then. stir in fifty pounds of best itelieh is important to 'all succesaful pout -
This is the bine of the year quickly formetl. This forming or freeit
up nearly, to a boil again. and stir in when a. few precautions and a little add- e
lemprtongeemotkinoatyviltedslomufttny secret of healing.
t p e sin ace and lit- it lends itself to over-indul encPe and
that the smoke maybelilialgdwith I
ly until full dissolved.; bring the syr.
giltre°t:+ The tissue th f uc
thtee teaspoonsful of tartaric acid man. . 4' rY ed is 'WI:Irked u to th
preciously dissolved in half a cup of
water. This makes a good thick syr- ef tho poultry houses and roosts have •erally mat
thoroughly cleaned and. it. Tbis 1
) s s w ty Zam-Buk cures are per -
s o f the diseased t i
,i us orm-
lest e above i it ti
tl d '
rr a. on, and therefore, that more of
le pro uets may be absorbed into the
• 1 e less
up, which will make the very best of 411,111te
not already been
eted this should be done at once. •
Purther investigations - Al old hens should also be marketed. mama.
., Nothing keeps down the egg production Only the oth r I M- kt. • 1
e tay i. ais eof 101 iou indicate that
winter stores for bees.
A good colony of bees will require so much as -overcrowdl quartexte nd D
of the
t has getc-a
clown to business. It amnia in Pieter
that in %pito of all the efforts -reteetlie
reftetimlaries, the new Douma. will be
more Libeittl than that which was dis-
solved because it was too Liberal to
please the Court entourage. In addition
to the Octobrists several peasant depu.
tis and priests are seceding from. the ,
Bight, not wishing to be led by the
ultra anti-Semites, and the President
of the new DOMTIO '19 much more Lib-
eral than that of the last Duma. Even
the Court is impressed by the Progree
sive successee. •• "
the moat injurious forme of smoking
thirty or more the, of this syrup tul. Toreover, the hen over wo yore 04 Jo
on the Zain.130k Company 'and told them
elOrimier avenue, Montreal, called. up -
are not those in which nicotine pre
less they are well supplied. with hone s an egg Producer, Twen- . veils, but those in which, there is a
tinnrofita.ble a
turfural is about lifty times as poi -
more eg • 4 that for ver t
ii their iehoUld d 1 feed eggs, 0 wenty-five years be haa
V, At this late date the only feeder fy-five young hens will My
take less care an leasthan flit , a martyr to eczema. Ills hands larger proportien of furfural.
to nee for QUitdpOr Wintered bees is Old hags As the pullete are the meenI- bweeerjel at one Eine so coverdd with sores
jtallre, IldralatwgaolviGellr tt.rhUeittnifsi ihe reek. foe winter egg produc-
receive special etten- that he had to sleep in gloves. Forte eonous as ordinary tobacco. There is
jar of syrup Is now placed --upside
holding the cheesecloth tight.. The an witn this 0 In view
priellelethoef . sr or
be.liandled acceraingba It is not 'tele° to To -day -over three years after his cure yields a minimum of furfural in • the
years ago Zetialluk was introduced to a probability that the leait harmful
cheesecloth, then sorew iiown the ring Viler: eililosulhiiiii ?voealva'y 11‘ite'aZEilicelitglel,
they should him, and in a few months it cured him. tohaeco will turn out to be that which.
down on the frames of the brood encourage puilete to lay earlier that t De- of a. disease he ha.d for twenty-fiye years emoke. '
cilaMber so arranged that the bees ()ember, as when -the cold weather sentas - 7
.11: is s.etill mired, and has had n t , . .
o race - Although the anatount of nicotine pres$
-ca.n Come up between th.e frames and. once stopped they are h rl tO a ainrt. ,Tah-e- I_
4ineri turn of the eczema!
in they are -very apt to stop 1 y ge ent in the cheaper grades of cigarettes
suck the honey from the cliteseeloth, pullets should be removeadcto thteir I
Air pressure will prevent the honey slowly placed zinnteeir. druggists sell Zam-Buk at SOc.
box, or we will send free trial box if furfural
lx practicable negligible, the am° t f
ou send this advertisement and a le. to account fee. the bad n °elf
runing otit any faster than it is tak-
Vetere, and
orli the amount of grain on
duarelyooinereased. 'Wbeat, corn an
en by the bees. Five. or six of these rets
P ( 1)Y return :postage.) Att. to cigarette -smoking.
jars can be placed on o'ne hive at teem, and there are noite better for • r
dress Zam-13uk Co., Toronto.
effects attribeted
mmon pain on almost ever stem to t
once and Warm packing placed around trY' All these grains are all tontli3ineld-
trOm the colony, 1.11 fe'w days tile peultryinen cannot 'do Vote'', than /Allow A. ouggestive despatch from Maine tells
Agrecultatal College Guelph farmers and
• theM to prevent the escape a ht In the 'deny rations fed at the Ontario
bees will have taken th in vogue there, narnelY one • of two bo) a, who, playing among .the
e a/rut) ale tit system
if that ts true, these) boys are
lucky boys. Ambergris is more precious
than gold, being* *worth about f300
Of couree, the story may not be true.
Ambergris is good material for romance.
ficambergris. The hum??
coast the other day,
feat, CIOVer alfalf aleaves aria man-•
4 • ;10.3ounciike,sancoarni,bbteiikelaAugmtlpalnhote size of a,
peck Ideas-
dOWIL and stored it in the Com 0, When part of corn and two of wheat for lireak-
the. jars can .be taken off and they gele for cremes' wi 1 a rehasli Of break-
packing fiXed doestie on the hives for test for e...-iver. addition to this -the
tvinter. fowls have eru - oats in the feed hop -
/1 Ontario Agricu• ltural College; grikato•tatlieL1111:6 a*rela ttntte 0ri1!
Vuelpii, is offering et, free Couree requires iittle.tiine, and la recognized
waives on . beekeeping lasting two throughout America as the leading ration The .poor sailer, wandering along the
-weeks, during January. Persons in- for egg production. It is one which is
A1.414141% beach, suddenly stubS tee Olt a musk-
terested in taking this course •should fortune Is made. And anybody ma.y do
ily pungent mete and realizes that his
easily applicable by every farmer.
TWo httedfuls of grain la tisual y suf-
write to the President of that Inetitu- ficient feed for a hen, Vitt the poultry it. All one needs Is a beach. Arnbergris
tion, asking for a Copy of. the pro.- man must uee.his owp,judgort in hand- - better than diamonds, -beeause there is'
hie,fiock. Close 'watch ulnesee,
in a short time, reveal the correct etwei- gIngs, no mines; no troUble of ameltingt
no ambergris trust, no ambergris dig-
gr;e1:augthy hen was watching the essential in the produc- make perfumery out of -but diamonds
titElexsortgiseeeeida. an Trile, it Isn't pod for anything but to
eorry for the girl, but am read that upbolsterer lay a, carpet. "Anybody cam
tioli of errs.• elt eraln filloutel 110 vt/trInti
4. such a thing ten litippen in this coun- itt slx to eiglat lathes Of stravv. Mengel*.
CONDUCIWITY OF ALUMINUM. , do thee," she sneered. "Pd jttst like to
The tonduetivity of aluminum isabout
00 per eent, of that of annealed copper.
Accordingly, au aluminum coeduetor
must be considerably larger it cross
sectional area than tt copper conduttor
if the two are to tarry the'same amulet
of turrent. Aluminum wire le always
coated with a thin oxide which eaves
as an insulator. This insulation is en-
ough, tteeording to some European man-
ufacturers, to permit a tieing bare al-
iitainunt wire in the toils of magnete. As
the oxide ite of inappreeiable thiek-
ness, a toil of fine wire thus eoestruct-
ea would be no bulkier, if as bulky, as
Et 'coil wound with ifieuittted copper
wire. K. Stratton, writing en this
subject in the Electrical World , states
that be has been unable to secure suf.
ficient irtsulation when depending etpon •
the aluminum oxide film as it naturally
neettre in the eoininercial prodett. In or-
der to inereafte thls oxide, tome Ettee0-
• tan manufactarere wet the coil and thin
beet it. This he thinise hardly sailielent,
• but be hat! ptoduced very etteteesful re-
sult a by palming the wire tie:neigh sod-
ium hydroxide', arid then drying the coil
lby reteeing 9 turrent through it.
lkeeton.--Marshall Heidi of North-
eli ha e a ben that is twenty-one yeert
old and still laying eggs. 7-fatelt'is sere
the hen le twentyetme beettuee her ego
lints *et the day Ms mother died.
"Dia you n to the theatrt3 leet
eight?" "1 ." "Miti what did et
sett" "A bow of eltiffon, roma biitee
Oren oostriete metede el hiseek Iteteee
a velvet ketet, and a (011
of hte."-e
shoilld be pla,ced en nage requiring ef-
see hire tty to lay an egg." felt on the part of t »ento kettell
v* 'been • at
reatr :thee%
* in 11, but
met y. ittlited
In compariaort with
?wry breeds her hettelrestst have base
Aridly neglected.
1114 hog JR a h1i1 1114i to tartilightile
land tiztd g000 Oh the (Tops
WI]! &Neve leave (Matt -
he commas.
I or **PS rt4pe 41 I dk''itt
lk re
tr///.h Solt ffat
• *4
"She spoke at great length."
aren't good for anything but to cut glass
with. They are scarce, and, therefore
valuable. And ambergris Is as scarce.
Ambergris has no romantic origin. A
Whale gets something the matter with
him --Indigestion, it may tbe, from some
asoltali of the deep -and the curious* al-
.1ohemy of nature takes the by-proddot of
the disorder, and rnakeh fabulous treasure
of it. But whales are notoriously healthY
and they are getting fewer every year,
being sublect to violent deaths rather
PACTS ,FOR THE. CUFtIOUS. than to attacks of dyspepsia. So`ember-
Theelongest stretch of railway in the alseoltilefapuste°dsgit.think that this rare
World without a turtle is la New Zea. subetance possessed medicinal propertie;
land, Who're there is a line of railway a Medieval doctors 'prescribed it to million -
part of which stretches for a. distance 'grolie)raYtirg °net! Irti:Irgriel=
of 130 miles in a, perfectly straight line, died of eating too freely of ambergrie.
rentarkable when it is taken into coil -
°aye the Christian lIerald. This fact is tatillditegi eggs. se. 0 t cl f odronensotilu' issotliflg innad. or. tpneet.irzal
• acikwfintrdeftearur-o Cnr
or poor hoy
sideratien, that New Zealand le o • ne of
the feiryittettl of youth -and to
the most diffieult countries in the world
for railway eonsteuetion, as it iS very lv)vtle7t:itiltinneftrued fliter into an Aladdin
utourttainous, necessitating sharp curvet geeti le evateglleagri°01,„lel 8sloare • ialb‘7.i.
and very heavy grades.
may nil Set out in searelt for l. -leve -
Tend Plain Dealer.
Alfalfa, perhape the oldest of all eul-
tivatea forage or hey plant, 'has had a Plaster Oasts,
Wesatory seam less interesting than that Those who have plaster casts that
of thee many nations which have ail- they wish to preserve may protect
issed it. Those nations have prospered them from duet by brushing them with
ilmost in direct 'proportion to whieli a preparation of White wax anr white
tthey have usetfit. The name "alfalfa" soap, half a teitepoonful of emit boil-
ed with a quart of rain r other ?loft -.........a.10,41401.4.•*.os
water. Use when cold, and when they THE HONORABLE COURE
COMes fecen the Arabs and meane "the
best fodder,' 'end in feet it appears to
are dried the casts may be wiped with c tochester Herald.)
a damp cloth without injury. To hard- All swill Lathes ef internatienal tele-
lutve originated in .1ttedia ne iir some at:l-
ire& point toweed Media as the pioe of alum water and bash with white troversy should bo at•bitrated, when they
Air: Sritiirt‘,Ilvtg•ItilfigegilZartitliteli teit?
jaeent 'eountry, as the folk -lore talee
from lands on different sides of thie en oasts brush with a etrong solution rennet 1 e eettled °litre:lee to the niu-
'Wax diseolved irt turpentifee. Put the tenpletst if the rnited ettatee Venereal!
The recent declarations of the Turk-
ish Ministers of the Interior and el-
nanee to the Chief Rabbi on the sub-'
ject of the circular prohibiting the
acquisitien of land in Palestine by
Jews, and -rho punishment of the offi-
cial reeponsible for it, do not appear
to be in good. faith. The heed of t
Land Office in Jerusalem lute
dismissed. The C.-vr ernment appar
believes that tt wate'e that divtilg
existence of the eiriftelar, of whiei
Chief Rabbi of Turkier ealetteiewl
The death has occurred. at Jeruealean
of Rabbi Ieetae Vinograd, tlie founder
of the Impute loofa rabbinical &mi.
nay, Tallith Haim. The rebbi was
tir.guiehed .as a profound. Talmedical
eeliolar. Itt 1881 he foundd the above
seminary. Thie seminary now has 400
stmlente On the roll.
The tTeWitat golonization Association
(J. O. A.) hag decided to, ereate aloanee•-•
ftmd for Jewieih artimane and enealt
tredesmen. The capital will at present
be 230,000 francs, with power to inorease
it to 1,500,000 francs. The headquarters
will be in Constantinople; with branches
in all the (remaining) Turkish pro:
A federation of all the Jewish societies
at the various continental univereitiee
• is now "on the taphe" This Was- deci
at it meeting heid by jewrisil universi
students in Berlin. All the jewieh stu-
dents' eoeieties in western Eirtope are
noW being written to for their opinion,
on the matter. The fact that such an
Idea. ehould even be propoeed is a. sign
of the remarkable wave of Jewish na-
• tional feeling that ie sweeping over the.
jewish "infelleetnale of Europe. This is
mainly the work of 'the Zionist, who
• arc raphily becoming a great power in
&Wish intellecitutl life. All the hike-
. werm Jews are rapidly becoming •eon-
verted to Chrietianity or drop out from
ewifik It gni 1.14 The only pertieipants
are the Zionists. Wit° are rapidly attain.
pre-eminenee in European Jowieh
•Ptittea (,(1 cireles.
Entire Warsaw Jewry i eavitittail
the 1te.w,4 that tint as imitatove who are
it the head of II Jewish emernemity
of IA.1111414, 'elver -eking step e to dielniee
• hem 0 jewi-li emumunal o11iee.4 the
• empl vee, 11M. Perez (the faitiOne att-
thor) lZedenitn, for aseisting the de-
feat I onti Semite nitlli1nte
at Oh" last Douniart eleetion.
whenet it earne.--Exeliange.
.Unlike that of old Ivory. , •
would repeal the eeneeselon to the ewe -
cast in a ettarm plate to deer after tieing
Tile man trho itliettys making CT- • white steamship linee. Thet 'aqua
ought to be clone, if our rumored eeeee
the latter, and it will have a look not
Patience ie sorrow's salve.--Chureltill.
and goOd faith are ill he preserved. And
erases wastes a lot of titne that he might eeeee............, . it MeV "tt 011 occur ta "Mr. Telt at tale
Use to ad.vantftge In making progres.-. •DAYS.
.trolt Fres Preen. -1 t [tire of the eoesartise
NV iff-01 cl Gotrox mede his motley In
-WO, 1 aftta Ace' that it hall
' re till influence on him,
1 boo,ght it hest
vette! yet/ eau tk• to the inns r .
bill. there unitel new be malting to Arbi.
traffie mere and mined their Indefensible
' time that if be 'had not weakly ale:fled
my boy; ittr:tot:evtt.tninotnoneriv
t eArtillflino
tpitr,•vAlltiltlAptrt aDi
Iker...-Th* roma is
Va6 plum color von
144. Motes
It 4.10, turn
etr. Tete