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The Wingham Advance, 1913-01-01, Page 5
'u l sDAY, ANUARY 1913 r kE W G 11 A 1lVi AD`" -A On000000000000000000060000 000000000000000000000400000 �e J. K. Irwin Stock K. Irwin Stock Selling out Selling out the J. Sale opens on Saturday, Decen�'r �Utstock into to turn Money we must haves Goods you a'aot. We kuow have,t do nd we haveteutN WINGHAM HALF PRICE S 1.4 $20,000 STOCK OF J. K. IRWI ,IN THE NANDS DF THE MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE COMPANY, The Bar�a n Event of the Season Every Dollars worth of the entire stock must be slaughter- ed in thirty days. We have instructions to clear out the Entire Stock regardles of cost. Everything goes at a price—half-price or less. Positively no reseeve. 'r tD�Ce� tock must into Money we must have, Gooayou�hat e haof velt do any one dwe havetcut The whole be by Jan.20thThe wholes turned cash pANGER AF"fEA GAtPPE Ties in Poor Blood, Cough and Worn -Out Condition. East axlMr, and. Ms, Hugh i lliday of Lie' towel and Miss Mary Maon of f1umilton were visitors at t1a 'ladies par -ental home, having come to attend tine uneral of their father, jeter Masor. The following are the nominatio'suri pneumonia aro for the townshp of E. Wawanosltlrlppe, pie iY, Reeve --J. N, Cambell, 0ouncillor�agreatly to be feared at this season. R, Buchanan, W. J. Curre, R. W. To prevent grippe from being fol- lowed by ether pleurisy' or pneumo- Irwin, Joeph Stonehouse. All eleettd >Clia, it is important to chive the last byacclamation. traces of it out of the systemOur advice is to take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron prepara tion without oil, stnd get your trength and vitality back quicklYW. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., ays; Grippe left me weak, run-down and with a severe cough from which I suffered for a long time. 1 tried different remedies, but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took which I received great The last meeting of the Council for 1013 was hld on Dec. 15th. Members at1 preent. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted on motion of Bchanan and Sonehouse. Report of Dr. Stewart, M. 0.11., also report of the Secretary of the local Board of Health, received and read. CurrieIrwin — That the quAetian of widening the road soth of the Z �t- land bridge be deferred for the present benefit. My cough is almost entirely and that the same be brought up and gone and I am strong and well again.dealt with at the next meeting of Try Vivol with the certainty that QUuncil--carried. if it does not benefit you we will give rthe Colback"your lmoneY. lector be allowed time till Feb. 1t J, Walton McKibbon, Druggist, Wingham net to return his roll for the balance of taxes remaining as yet unpaid --carried, %The following accounts were ordered to be paid :--R. Scott, gravel, 80 ct.; °' A. Porterfield, gravel, $1; R.. Xmas iigravel $2 50; A. Quinn, gravelling cons. 2 and 3 $1; Wm, Kebue, work iti iti • m on sideline 86 and 37 con. 1 $1; J. �ecO 'at101' S to Potter, farm bridge on$10; R. B. McGowan, far>in bridge on ;"the Toll drain $10; R, C, McGowa, T • insel and Paper y frm bridge on the Toll drain $10; tie iti j��Q11S Dan McGowan, farm bridge on the Garlan , , t Tolldrain $10 Fred Toll, farm bridge !�! on the Toll drain $10; Fred Toll, tile iii Pen1a17ts,las5 and work on the Toll drain $11.50; F. Marhall, file and work on the 1'01 iii in$10J. McMurchie, hall rent lotsO1 IIOalCourt purposes 1912 and 1913, 1• � •gym'. Div.$15; Chairman Board of Health ser- tiiAll im�portede Better see M vices rendered in 1913, $61; J. Mc- iii�;our stock before buying. m$night, levy far Auburn Boss la Meleeiti its!! $11.25; Ale. Strachan,phone assessment $1136; Corporation m A Re ' m of Blyth, telephone assessment $819; iii 10. MRobrts, Engineer's fees on the Dingwall drain, $22 05; Judge Doyle, . fees on the Currie, Fear & S^all>;er Sc, 10c, 15c and 25c Store$12 , appeals, , stock into money this short time. That's what R'ewn. Everyone from far and ; F,Anderson, extra work . �C114** ,*E*: E•?3" ?3334•'1' ' on the Toll drain debentures $�1; Jas. Dow, work on sideline 30 and 31 con, 11, $10,80 ; T. H. Taylor, cleaning out what w e ditch ,8 Harrison's hill con. 6 $3.60 ; J. ►S �ek into money in short from anal. McDowell, cleaning out ditches on O b'ochergill'e hill con. 0, $7 ; J. Grigg, I.33 sham half. One will be as good as two. the prices lessfurnishing tile and putting in drain life time to buy at your own prises. con. a $5; J. J. Kerr, putting in cul- vert con, 13, $z fly ; J. J• Kerr, gravel - wind to turn goods into money t d' a registered mortg++go, whrch $Ker ; A. McDougall, Who Our business is to C��►��? ®u� stocks U f duced sit tho timo of sale there will be of ling onsame'10$1; McKinnon Bros., � th o d f to by public auction by Franlc � AUCTION SALE of valuable property in the Township of Turnberry. nt ower of sale con - will be acne inp=o Mc- Connell, c- fare or sa ,onn , +t is ownon Saturc ay e sato'clock , . rcol or ,antraA ct; of land and premises situate, lying and V�' a are.—Our C ell dnctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel in 50 • t have been hired to sell without reserve every , T of Wingham in tire County of Huron Cutting bill 12Cons.and 13, $31; W. up estates � this 3 0 days. �Q� .i the 3 •d day of January A. D. 1914 Anderson, insp. same, $0 ; 1?, Gibbons, W In } tin • 2 ro m the fol owing property • have a rea "�o t,r d '1GULAlt that certain pa drawing and graveland puttangk �n this store by fan. loth. We agreed9 $10; stock , thegoods awes h Turaitc, ' rn the culvert sed tile n 36 and 37 con. What that means—well �� give �� ppHuronand 1' ovmceof UntaiioWm j[{,obtnson fixing app know and Three in the Seventh Concession Marnoch river g • bill, and come here expecting to find every word of the bargains on this Read ev y not be disappointed. ten. times as many more. You will Chicks 15c, Turkeys 20c, Geese 14e. ° Eggs 450, Butter 28c, • money than it cost the man that made them. of goods for less mo y 8 Dig up your $$, now is the time they count. 0. Put a team in the sleigh and bring the family out. Get busy ; that means you. A few prices on Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries and Crockery. 25 to 40 per cent. off all Furs Fur Ccats. 40 ger. cent. off Rain Coats 25 • - ce � off all Cut Glass. Get your supply 1_ '011 1.111,1 „r^ er-' being in the Township ofandroach at bounty of> being corn osed of those pans of lots number3 $1.; «.'alla,ee the ur dogs, 2c ; said Township of Turnberry described as bridge, of follows that is to say—Commenein at the Potter, sheep fixing e ro destroyed e n Prairie po•t planted between lots Three and Four in Geo. Orvis, the said Conaes•ion at the youth -west corner o a road, front two chsins and of said lot three; thence Easterly along the $3 40 ; Roy J. Adair, work t n seventy-one linksl to the Prairie road, $46,50 ; McKinnon Bros. spring ere © side or the lot, eight chains and seventy five links more or le -s to the river llaitlaLd ; thence Westerly along the river down stream, five chains more or less to the West side of lot three aforesaid; thence southerly along the © side of the lot, four chains more or less to the E3 lace of beginning ; again commove ng at the © 8 iuth•east angle of the said lot number Four; i thence Werterly along the front of said lot to C,3 the west Sithe thprcof ; thence Northerly along © 1 he West side of said lot, six chains and fifty links ore or less to the river Mainland; r hams more or less to the Las ek ; thence Northerly paries 220 1 n s m thence i sterly along the river up the rsbidem, twenty y e then Southerly alongthe said U said lot limiur t t Easterly of beg n rintgr'saiettrfirstly described poarc. the containing one a re and three rods mor•+ or loss and s5id sec mdly described parcel contain- ing nine acres and ihrec rods more or less. This property is situate on a gaol grovel road about five males fr in the Town of W ing- ` Wro a Wroxeter. There aretonsthe properiyllaa gond r e brick house and a good frame btable with stone-fmrndation. ; Tho p operty will be sub- ,lr ��1.E Ten Per Cent of the gravelling on Prairie road, $ ' • f3 ; Wm. Anderson, inep, gravelling on Prairie rood, $20; W. C. Salter, re- pairing road and bridge on Et,stern bourdary, $2 ; J. Ferguson, repairing road on Eastern boundary, 75' ; Frank Gutteridge, tile, $55.76; Cut riP tile and work on Northern boundary, - $5 ; W. J. Peaks, putting in cul v er t rep. bridge and gravelling on W. Boundary, $57 50 ; Wm. Wald(n, gravel and gravelling cons 4 and 5, $75 ; J. E Ellis, pt. salary as collects r $5q; J. N. Campbell, fees as reev, , $75; J. Stonehouse, councillor's fees, $50 ; W. J. Currie, councillor's fees, $50 ; R. Bucbanan, rr �,nt!il1oi'H fE'eP, arca t R W. It win, councillor's ftes, Happy and Prosperous New Year To All LADIES' WEAR STORE Great display of useful New Year (lifts for Ladies, Misses and Children. Make your selections early, chile stock is complete. STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT Silk waists silk belts, lace collars, cuff and Silk collar sets,fancy frilling, ladies' silk um- brellas, dessing saeques, kimonos, collars, handkerchiefs—fancy embroidered or i.tialed, sweater coats, motor scarfs, back combs, side combs, barretts, hair bands, bags, purses, satin underskirts, fancy it s, mufflers, ribbons, kid gloves. Prices. Furs ofa ll kinds at special ,New Y VACUUM CLEANERS.—What better or more useful present for the home than a Vacuum Cleaner.We have both "Cadillac"both hancl and electric cleaners in stock. The does the work thoroughly, it combines all the uses of the carpet sweeper and vacuum cleaner in one operation. Our cut price and New Year Bargain will be WI4eQt1 for this guaranteed hand cleaner. MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful New Year Presets for Men and Boys. Silk ties, handkerchiefs, gloves, Silk m.uf- flers, braces in fancy boxes, armbands, garters, cuff links, sweater coats, hockeey caps, hockey shoes, fancy slippers,, um- brellas , fancy socks, fur lined gloves, collar ro,.. boxes, fur caps, fur lined coats, fur coats. WANTED.—Large quantities of Fowl, Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. Highest prices paid. 4711 -44 'OA 4k7/` k7/' .0 .PO 4.1• 4.7.• arl OA.7fr V..rr 4V OA w .ofr 4.70 4.7fr 4t• .Vo .V OA .TA Vi 4,1fr OA' r Ire Ur d.� d.� .4. �.� IAA ILA d.� ��� d.. d.� d.� 7-.i d..• +.- Wits ••1 11.•-.10.47.10-•.410-•-.11.0.1116.6.11.•4 er 10 iritrerret I1:1, % .sf Sri, I rI.AN, I • errAA II .rer►°•a/AA I IAA IAA ie. terN* Wits ���•�I►� L� d.� d.� �.� d►� I. "ill ;. GILLETTE _sikS• 4 :o. • SAFETY RAZORS _ OP FOR XMAS 3i: PRESENTS ... .41 Young ladies •--- do you 0, know that a Gillette Safety dii Razor makes a very useful ►d,`r �;r, Xmas present for father, arc brother or some other girls' .epbrother. Le .Yr `f f" Also our stock is complete 1.. ��� ssnt1 1 •