The Wingham Advance, 1912-12-26, Page 7L"'i -Ai &4 betwe011 boun(t with cotbon b Q4 rmy �vent tD bed i=0diAtoly and did not SUIP 11 ToiLs""le, upon itili - arrivel h(,,, r. n4 wlion It mamhed do-Nvu to 4 dinnitlr 01brating the fiftieth alInlWN-117 01 VJQ U Kttut RAW Their NyaT Tomulc4is Hoie Con'llll 11 Good Will Nogoti-lte Without Her Prisoner's as Mien eight mileg rLAVity, %% rts objective, Wilo Left Store. CUTT. I 6 THE hVT V -4i Ali 4qGuests of Honor At Lord Mayor's Luncheon. tioui by the OttOWS-1, OWN'- I to Cf J ofor t1le f of afi!c.'a: here t i -i that tbQ ot the Torkih ttitude toward of the fact that t * lie to GremO till-litll io much to the ad-valit- ,eni ge of 1vrkey t1w TitilxtWi (-IoN - exceptional oondi- awith 1 DINED. Loudoil, Dee, The eace pleni- potenilaxle.q of Titrl:ey of the Bl- ) , alli"- of honor tit ,lTin,cheon f-h-cii by the Lord Mayor of Ijor.don t the flouse �011dkay. Tito iii-cluded llreralex As�lultll, Sir of the Tho Loril a heart welcolve to the pvce 0�ea hill - C, -f ellihirlilcr fTatiMa-etion. V1101IL be felt if they s4iould a i-i6ue and it for glm!koy, Vcnizelo-, for (4rveeti, alid Dr. Daneff for rm-)1iod. Tho, lat-tor, rvfc�rrin- to the grofltneGs of 1.01vololl, aid: ailto fortify let(. wination to in olir 11" - AI'STRIA STILL Dec. preparation(i coll- tit,nuo ithout (if bv,n been collverted into fortfflva- I ""WO T011`30-- D"hROWN I. Toronto Four -year-olds Go Through Ice. pro- 1row �ole in the ice IeLl to the efli,-20rory of the lifelef-S body of ared four, and "llorton, it.'. ­o grod four yeani, in a pond at Wli,e,n taken fmni t1lo the tbo<l- werei quilo cobl, that life harl beell iny tit 3-0 min- IW ­i. Dv, orni-i Oodfr­y, 'ML.L.A., of .1 1 to ill ther to restare Ole t,,vo M4 of 110 of the bodi(--, ivlw-n they 11ttle hor to &avp tho boy. It wai only e,r ana that be so -en ,ibo,,,(- the -water. and her rra Nvo,i on eo r e ca etue �Vl,t$ V.) Ivy(c. y 41 day In an ofiort to find the slayero JnitedState9W0lDCD Lower of josopll. I.I. Logue, dianiond broker, . . . . . . Egg Prices, who yesterday Nvas stabbed and beat- ien to kleath lu his offiCe It' 010 Mc .—Tho P"IccSo Of VIcker Thcatre Building, !R the IlQalt n 0 V ,Ire �itill vouibig� donor the (loy; t i ii di tri t. nee is attached import, by the collilli by the police to tAe 4rresta last night thll vc)gt The i to re-tuop of Clyde Stratton, the ex -convict and oagile plavcd on gitive from the Columbus, Ohio, at a d0zell, The fu itentlary, E dward I-lampdon, arrest 1,01. tj .j pen by ed with Stratton, and two women, ciahning to be the wite of 11amp- -;ld for 2: I The pi den ilild the other claiming to be the wife of "Toronto Jim" Johnson, a te blower now serving, a two-aty, N 4W s, year terra In the pen� ot e b;jlrr Itentiary. ro N The Identification of the men was dif ferelit lxlrts dramatic, and, the police believep Carnal, fomer D19, positive, by" A the co,antry. trict Attorney of 11111 County, M 011, dc,,-,too's club wom tana. Carnal saw two men rushing Dec.. where the erkile The,), out of the building iitt M was committed at about the time the -is slain. � TJnfamil. -aann-act to 113 dlamolid broker w. �enbi it dozon Ill their Thirty iar with the downtown, district, Car- 110 of tht pro(Rwt. 111,011-1101a the nal had ,7andered into the theatre ('01114 be pill,chn,sed building, believng he was enterin- to tell beaper thoWl the the First National 13- ank Building, w1d by the re* 43 be, -ii F where he had business. -11q 'r lail grocer. His description of the tWo luen lea Vile to the lirrest of Stratton and Hainp. 1,b,.trg,aiTi clay of the Chi- den* in a north side flat about twelve h -ch I 1.0 hours later. Both womon undor ar� tell egg% it liaid that rest are blondes, and a, blonde -",oman ABOVE, OVERHEAD WIRES AND POLES ON THE "ELECT RIC , has beon seen oil many occasions Lf tile a TA I of bnUer, nl(,, j,egvt,nb1o4 will be in Logue's office. FA R M.11 BELOW, WILLIAM 8 -1 L, T11 E ELECTRICAL FARMER, AND Tho motive for the crime pu-zzled Two iio-rHOUSE PLANTS GIVEN AN EQUAL START, rHE 'ONE the police for a tirae, but early to- ON THE LEF*r STIMULATED BY ELECTRICITY. day Captain 11alpin gave it as his it an electric current can stliau- ranning Underground, , these bein WILL AID "Y"E A C E opinion that the robbery had actuat. late and strengthen the vitality of placed at a depth of about a foot an� ed tho crime. Jewels and money of the human body, why should it not 9, half beneath the surface and fron probably $3,000 were said to be miss- IOU,.ish and nurture phant life with .10 to 20 feet apart, while the ove Foreign Ambassadors Plan ing. The police said nothing could equal success? head wires are strung about a foo be learned in the man's life that This is the question 11.71111am Stahl, apart. It Is along these wires tha to Help lNegotiations. would cause him to be murdered for an Evanston, 111, electrician-gardner, morning and evening the electrica reveng ng current is turned on from the mat 'o. us%ed—and nswered by electrify! __ Efforts will be made agaiii to -day to his little farm, I -Ie ralsod a sories of switchboard, energizing the soil, an London, Dee. 23.— Th nxiOUAY photograph finger prints found on crops of bean.9, tomatoes, beets, pota- making it especially productive, papers In the safe and on the door toes, corn, melon4, and others garden The power Is supplied by the cit fruit, each nd every oue of which a1c.!otric at fro i $2.5 awa-ited Ottoman oollrieT has avrived of the vault. None could be found 1-1 11 froln (,Xii6tantillople, -benrin froslk Ill' yesterday which -was not smeared, CQ.mG to mat urity several weeks to $4 per acre for tho crop season C� ahead of those on his neighbors' The electrical treatment—is starte struction�3 to the Turldsh fpeae pleni- This, In the opiniou of the police farms. Ke even planted a second crop just when the plants begin to com ,ap ,, e potelitleries. '. view of tile fore t of finger print expert, rendered them u. late In the summer and brought It to out of the ground, and Is continue t'lle.ge ilytl%1.G4,r)nS tolegTitI)JI.ed f roul. Con, less for purposes of i(jentification. a successful harvest after the frost until the crops are about ready t stantinople, it io feared tht their con- Mrs. Loge, the wjdow, told the had killed off nearly everything else be harvested. tents are likoly to precipitate trollNe. Polle'D that her husband did not have There is th,.tt any fortuno and did not oarry any on thes urrounding farms. Moreover, The ori�inal cost of the Installc the vegetables grown on Stabl's farm tion. of the electrical machinery 1 the foreigil. Ainbasaador.i liera d-liring insairance. She was unable to g1vo were of a c31ze and flavor that Yio not excessive, nd the cost of th t' the police any motive for thc-crin'10. neig-b-boring farmer equalled. current is more than offset by th their "conversa-tioni" niadle tho neeL,,P1_ 111r, electrical farm does not differ saving on the COSL Of manual labo sary to interyeiia with the hope of irk U ('T in 'Plliearance from other farms save for while the farm inust be plowe rupture of the peae I ,IAN TREATY in th-e poles set in the f lelds which and otherwise tended in the ordinar they have tried to the eop- might bo mistaken for climb -Ing poles way, the gross amount of tinio iing, the allied Pkilkaii for viries were it. not for their unus- pended on it considerably less tha Ove r tial helaht nd the wires connecting that lven to tho ordinary farm b the Tu rk,s -on the qucfAloyl 6i tbe futur' Chinese Are Roused t o m. cause of the speedier growth and ha of Adrianople. Thero 1s, also network ol wires vesting of the crops. The peace lvere ll received Mongolian Pact. in dion-ce ta-day by Kill, Ucorge -at NV110 in few cordial word ille envo* 1VI his hope filt sile- ys w cess Nvould U Says Defence Counsel In Dynamite Trial. Dec. tile -AiNlee- I Namars. brothers and Orile E. Mc- Mantgal, the self confessed dynamit- ers, ww) in the name of or unions committed crinies against which civ- Ilization revolts but Ili which labor unions took no part, Chester 1-1. Crum, +­ +he Jury in the dynamite Pekiu, 23.­Tbo tering of Ille Russo-Mon-oliau Troaty of Nov. 3 re piiblislied here. The Chinese regilAt thein its fr more comprehensive thar. the Manehurian agreements, fin- ally led to the Russo-Jpaneso The fetiturcs to which the Chinese particit- larly object s infringin China's sover- eignty are the right they give R118sia, to Fend ConsuN ind Consular guard to all Allong, lian ports, nd to establish po9t offices. The treft;ty_ lso cords to Russian Bubjects frecdom to trado, establish inaupfactories, buy larid, to arrug,� concession"t for 1111ning, fihing nd for- csfry and for the navigation of VIO TIV- c 'floNi,illty illto r-ansian terrItory. ,rs MONKS SAVE Fi(INCE ALICE, 4A THAW lu WED In 1900 Ilarry 'Lrdl.mv shot and hille sianfoaxi Nvilite in Now York. Th Cuuntess of Ya,rinouth canio to tdi country for the tTial nd 61t with Former Countess of Ye,a - brotbc-,� diaring Vilat fllilows e-vmt. n-iouth Is ngaged. E ill 6KItred a m2l of Yuriaouth. The ca Tioni the r mig be,trd in With the (I V*T(-h the 10(3t hi finalleial Titti;jul,gr, pa., Doc. 23--Crd,� wero !!I t1g) 111, to -day by Wllitncy, o,f 13ojtoll, aniloillicing the cliagellient HANGMAN WILL QUIT JOO. Of her pon, Genffrey IN'. Whit'UT, tO despatell: rthur Cal Alk -c af tar I Jj%.f r (late for the iliat there i,� not living, in b hg(j not boell (4(4, 11mb it-, prb- job nd that lie is go to cluit it 11 Yi'll Spring 'he rv%tor <)f 1W:hjt11()y ic, t i, retainer of $750 it ytar alowed Pla .0 ail-�l a sister 0, ThIM I`V'llibll"Y Ja it now receive.Fv ouly tho foea pa -ba)*er and brokor ftlid tl lllPlnb0T Of 011e him by plfleriffi rd out of zrc of Ole bc&t-kuown ktllille 4, lie has ree-eired )eSer tha "16U LjL5 t -Ile i'Luder 'conspiracy trial to -day, rested the re- 110 plloiiff�i of 013 citi t o i e bin r In 'sponsibility ior the series of explos- St. Bernard Priests Rescue'd I -Tile of llee l. nd in fl, It i4 thou�glit tbat the two children jo,113 of ill 1003 Nvs notable which the forty defendants are 1 had gone on to 1,p pond to dcharged with haVID9 caused. Mr. Servia's Heir.. by ao-ine- 4 0 r "A $URNING, sErTHIW- boy ran t4fanipiug Ili-, foot b Krum, associated with *United States hitielentq. Amon, theeo was the TMt HELLJ Th c., tv"A 4he ice. 'i'lle Jef all(I 110 , ,�Ienator John W. 1�ern, as counsel 9witmr1and. Dee, 23, — th1t. TA-idal Irarty sid pithered went throug1l. To ll for the defence, told tho Jurors the sta-v of how Crown Alc.,;utuder in CWwaTy BipiS00111,1 di'llrell alld t110 nd v P lZing t,ue rarl. forward and hold oxit her hft go ernment hall failed to show that clerg-ynian was re-dy to to hm. Bot be wat+ too for ber. President Frank M. ityau and other Of Servia res,-,uecl from doath 0 fol,m the corenin the and ere while trillill" bell, collsi1111ilig hinumn beines,' who a Th,e ice broke off1clls of the Ironworkers' Union Al!lhno sn(m-6 laA whil,er, lay mer the eettlQmcnt. rf, w, fed info it in ti maTinerwhioli r (I row, n (A had violated the federal statute pro- bimself for eorvice with the arnay lit the tIlrakT, th, 11b4 'tit nilting fortimes f il All)ert 'WO young hibiting the carrying of explosives on rN fiteld, bs just been inadc known bv the eaTl met J11im stit,ond pnt passen-ger trains and that the govern- Governor Uoo. W, Doll abbot of -Lliz St. Bernard brkle went to live ill the Rel-HOTA 1111111. L - t oil, to play. -,i in P -ve _n at S�Ivm- ment had based its charges chiefly on of t,7011. The inonks and the dNne were on Gioa, Fingland, but soon rumor.3 11ey to-(Ily 9, stn ement in d avenue the admissions of the dynamiters. ce of III'.; -action lasb 31elonday in im watab in the St. Bernard Pas,i, o ble bebm�an the two, 09,1)06allY OvOl' Then tllwy d1sappeareQ, ,it is not within the power of the to 310 State When N4e irl dall not mrtlx�ar wi usuml federal government to ProsecutO the oil bad nigllite,, when on'e of the inoncy matte7s, 1,cached this country. CON,erca two ineli oiereotne hi the snow at Iter p(,. l,A coillilvv oil, acts of intimid.ation committed a- n and half ulied by the driting flkca, thi, mother becanx, it r, zz i o -ainst employers of non. union labor," M . . I M The re-ou were to the mongtery 8'he eent Artlinr, te -ion, 12, to said Mr, Kern, "These dofendants, ed with conspiring to carry and re%fiorod to tousciowsix&s, whtni lool�-. for ILIA Arthur met Dawson are chaT,, ainst the fed- they told the moniv-3 tliev -s%reva Prinee lfawkp ml Emc.if Ford, and at;.ked prohibited explosives ag Alexander nd h1,3 ad jutant, . flivni 10o help eral law,. and it has not been shown that they did so conspire or that they captain. Vonio time ,Alter wan<14 np, 0jout foi met together specifically with a,view Tbe prinee., in explaining his singular j.*!,o i�oyA raii footprints in the tu)i of Thc(+e Ind from of violating that law-" PO(dUon to flie nbbot, said that he, ort 6,tretA to the pov.d. 'Urpon It has been charged here that local be-ing a czoldie�ef an(I expecting early sor. authorities throughout the country viec in the fiold, aec-irna to immen hi,, to the edge nf tile 1X)l1d ill failed to do their duty in connection body b c.�posllrc wtili theae explosions, but t1lat does cluntAances, aud had therfore ulldex. riaNvite an(i 1,ord tr,(,-,l to alk 110t BmPower the fedbral government taken cliibing o,, They to prosecute for those offences." The abbot latelya letter frain 011t oil .0, prince, wlitten in Gaying that to. fli hame qain Ile And 1liAj nnd notifie:l Corr and IMPRIAL HOUSE n1n. With tho Did of it fenct, 110=1 a Pike GOf,,1PC-:RS ANQ WILSON CONFER. to the two bod- .Wide C I &4ort\ ho got thoni ru-oore lie vv Xs Question of Empire ornpers and Morrison were with the . ..... foteM to ivadl up to Ili nock in ico D lid President-elect for nearly an hour. watc,r, Parlial-nent R,aised. Wheli theV Camn frnrn foci ^fftnt% Gompers talked freely of tho confer- 1, If F",'T E Dtx% 23.—In the, IT011ock of once. ARMY to -day Mr, Norton Griffiths, 'Ve dismsed,11 he said, "eoustrqc tivo legislatioA which s4all accord to Anqiiltli if \n the workin people the opportunity introdue ing the bill of reform of the for the uplift alld betterment and the 2 Ifoug,3 of T.ords he ivot Y. Al Three Left In IN 11cl introduce a rlfruts of associat'loA accoided to all toil' rneasure for the reation of a 1101180 of other voluntarY assoc1iitions of the bany March. tQr, whose meanbers an Imperial charac country, particularly to ssociations V� Hilould, be setect-od froin amoDg those in organized not for profit. We talked y., Dec. the Dritif4h Dile-, and Doinliniom, ovor N4 of leislation to secure tho limitation and regulation ot the Issuance of In- seivi Nvho had a P1 ca 1111P0.1.1al fiuch House to de0berate jrliotiotis and to provide trials ja In- midAb of Imporiii) vollecill with a direct rvi snorbimv snowc(torm vjc,�v .10 Ill -MA 19103 y ol(1oek tbi4 Thoy and th-o Daminimla K1t.LF,0 13Y HIS BVLL. 2�. rni!04 flurii�q 00 (Alor hanv state- oil allorint f preuiattira Ms yet &Y 11(,rhaps the hon. cyf Deer, ollth alive vill pt.t dolvil the qlle�tioll for 'leading tll(', anime -o drinU. 11il yLail, evbanqt�d till of th,�Tll- reenvered fro badly- and tbe allhilal t run Tr-NDER RAMMED LINER. at hNi. 114.� took refrige bl. it ditell, whero )io i8-ivi iramplod to doAth. 110 undor It! : - I A i over ixty N eavi of ag of hou She 11"14 hor boois 3�1 IV )a L 1) r,- -FOXP.S P611 CANAOA. ...... IlreAA of Trolan(l. -for tho doAor to 1)0.%rA No. forty qbo W at 10 o'eloek, and %vtteened 110" oxt.q from of ShIpPM it (itialitity of All 611 Nvhteh iirrivoil 6n the stpoalVihill Yukoll q y for it fitrin in 11rince A11,101t THAWt 111111wr and ll� hor foet. tAaril b -11L -A nre number df silver a 'L003 Of Y"ArlilOu fb(y�(� of Oraff and Pr*. illy ckwl, Wil -1 'A OTo Sitter of tho Notorious Iqarey ThaW a lid FON1101' COun wh!Ml t1w Owner V, hlv. to� ()tfl,%t4l 01111 ill, in.. Who Will Marry Again. fluill ilail to ho A. (".4 t I till %V111 1)0 11old, I Alho �� - ------ Ths doath 4a uarrad Pf Xr. 10 Ulte4tuoua oi qumls raA4, DaA_m.,, KID Vho in 141F1 offwal AtO 01 010 f 110Y rode 011 010 f0tpj Old ounbry News I swift, e rs of age, %%-(vi to Av Cervitude tit lxe4q uize* WAN110" oil .01. 11,101 offi,nee fig, rried ivoiman iinfit at lieffit4d oil 9'. 71, phimlwr, wbo of 'Nor- t 111,1 preliou-4y convieteit of P�oilllng, at dw ))'IV lhlerj of tO 00 h1to (!(-I,. p five pettal servitude for utior. tile -()141 oal�oll A navl cotirt-inartLil at Portsmol�th (11stribution of passod spntmice of six monthiil 4etention are told eonoorn- 11pon of olti bueltet, about whiell 5th B, , I)erby, al r011ery for striking it At th-o weitin- of t4o 1`111�1'e-sergeant aboard the cruirer In, Ileep oi the Co-oporative Society, a divi(lead l'illeible, 118tied SlUlte'lles Of 2i 0(1- in -the i; wilo deel,;Lred, Mw Oeor Martin, an ex-ba-admaster who of t1w, faniiiiar refralu, 11ONY net proM for t1io quart,r 11141 8(krrfQ in the ariny, an(I who b.1d U110 T�iltiol)41 Is 4il - been f(mud g-Alty of anti littering to have the brolcon by lernilina The ('11111TOl. of .. wIli(,h Sir a stolen cheque, wn,s ii�t' the )vfanehenter that tho Oaketl Bucket" , I'Loblinson. gk,ea to IN'ork-son, was ABizes swntenced to three years' penal vazi,lefl off by fioineotio shortly after by the Blihop of Soutb- , rvi t1l Poem beeftille iftlaolls. well, (Imighter of Flianitil, Wood- on strikl -Alfre,l I'Parinan Grilwha,r, a SuDdr. author, used, to tell about the (106ded to fil (10134flildll"t land wotor encrincer, was oil Tue,.3dav 4 In n real old of the Bad. tho aboliflon o; lal;or, glrauto(j ,I nis-1 froln ilis NVUe �Ix . cl.)T- ,,round of ber aduRary wi'th i% Ivillell over tho liollaollold oil at n forra. the day it L, Ared. There. 1i no oth. f0rd, whil, 111", 11�,pn tkiegeAl j;)r 8anderlaild V1,211r,' gaillst hom a C '34'L the world so onshria L'l%500 er Nvill vtmly' 4h. At. S trohn ArLbur Ilipley, 3""Vell il'o krolkj("ll g0ljlt_t�, of ro. 19, Pleaded guilty io .111 alt wles, elliploying lllellk P&,talilt npon , girl age(I and the trea.-;ured uhalices of t1w five yearsi, at, firwo llover awill:elled the 11ni. tl(�Cidpd to to Barwiley, oil inly i10 . lie was sontonced alld poptilar interest Rttahle(l, by W" ft to fifteen raolftha: imprisonme-ot, tit 11a,rd the "old oaken, buchet thitt Irang in the non-11111oll 111ell. labor. The firildao- unre.-4 t ClAiln).3)y Itis In siltenco of three nlonth6 ip remilted Ill. tho sliJ)11iitthlg to tray.ler blie second division on a Live,qm ol girl. owners of a "lied-alo demanding which, student suffracrette, who pleaded guilty SLLWITTLLS I1,AT 01,11OKENS. nion, W -1111c holida r) (,, other thinp compriK ne%y to Puttin- it �estruetive substince in a ying at a northern old- scale of pay. Jll.%tice Coloridg�, t NVOrld Seaport whore k3eagvIle are to be At a weethig tit 'Noweastle of Nor- Assize n -s, tielivered an impre,,Ailve qeen in %,,,,ry largre ilumbers, i told tliumberianh comoners nd ininers' a story that to nio seeined alinost lixered- re1?TC8f_3lA-Mt1VQ6 ftn Ild nineo in agea. of Thi, Dowager Countess of n, )Cr Vent. N111fi a_ to, ible (.;,ayq it correqondent). t Nvas that r 1101 tho Anna �Oio on 1)9 08 - this ,suminer theseagullr, Nvere bad. oil M.onday nPxt. ly ofz for food, with flio result that The tArilcp of l%reterR emploved in the, tiltP-of X'019.740. filese bird,3 swarilled around the fowi� of the White tar line� Olinpic Sent a gift of game to houric., 0.11d, 110 content with feasting on at 11'arlaild & Wolff% yrd, Be -l- (,, (I T ' 11coth, Nyho i's' dletri- the fowl" food, tile ilell.11our3es ta.,st. termnated when the m(m reitlllied blitiINT it the pool- by the ineditun alld llejpe'l. to �sevcral of the work, their deniands lialn.,- bee)i of the Salvation Ariny's soulal ingtitu- chickeilr3, four out of oil(, broo(I beizirt 0d; tion. carried off by those b 1 M. I liavpe' About. one thows%nd inen anfl. women Queen Alexandra eent three df ' bor again aild itgain geon sea employed by Memrs. Avery, Lindited, amilla broalrfast baqset limin& for eb1bition at the ,ard that Ladles, 1,Zennoi 4ssociation SlloNv, at With fOW1.3, but iiever before lit we'lu-1111irr maebino ina nufeturers rfl;e. Three hundreil te Royal I-Iortieultural 11%1i, lvestmiri- thepe birde were -respoiksible for the dis illrhalli, are oil r appearance of the left work on account of the alleged TIQ- ster, with 531 entrieS. of a eolleaue, and eter-da-, seven hinitli-ed others. .Johicd them. Sir George Woinbwell, of Nowburgh A CRIMEA SURGEON. The of 1c.,lington ha4 coidirilled Prior, Yorkshire, attained his 80th r Dr. George Whitefield Sparko, of West, eight convict,) in Holloway jai' irthday on Monday. 1�0 and Emrl Tred- f fic- t Hill) T\Iansfield, who practised in the 'A churt-li for Finns has 1)een ereotet) ogar ttre -6ne only wtviivurs of the o t town from 1856 until his retirement ten at I-Torfieferry ron'd, Stepney, tt a cost em who took part in the famous carge YR,lni ago, died at his re6idence ou Sun- of :C1,800, of the Lirht Brictilde, in which Sir lit the ge of 83, The synod of Cork, Cloyno and Rnss Geore wlls taken prisoner, but e,r,cap- ]I(, was one of the founders of the or. eected Dr. DoNw;e, Bishoj) of N-Alale, L, d. 110,31litl at .11-1allsfield Vroodlioiw, to OW vileallb of Portliukl v;11I open. i0 $ y aild hi bis young, days acted ae :Dj-. J. . viokir of t. the autumn ex-hibition and sale of the 0 ant .surgeon to the 39th Regiment nd Aline's, who waG it Sollth Royal fadustrica Association, . the Royal Artillery in the Crimoan War. Lomlon pli bLforu Grdination, �3 to, be held unqer tho patronage. d Ile wiw Mansfields oldest doctor. The was been pres,ented to flic rectory of of the 'King and Queell, -,it the Mechall.- G funeral took place on Tuesday, St. ics, 11all, Nottingham. d The Groat ContrAl Railivity (G1rimsby 0 Captain W. H. ITood, th well-k-wrm NEW BATTLEST11111S. FiAh Doel�) bill was mad tfdrd tilile ill nautical writer, died at Liverpool. , the 110116t, af conirolln. The I -Ion. William Strutt, sur - The 13rit-ish GGverninent has dofinite. A new be . . vivin- Boll. df Lord Rayleigh, hao died s IV Placed the order for two battlei-hips kuown the '.*Q"! VIVII, Cor1)&__Vfh0G0 M n ,it Alton, flants, twenty-six. (3 ,�Ith Clyde flie Fair- nienibens are pled,"fell to abstain froi 0 6041pally, Glasgow, and John any inilitalit action hias Just been forin- The Rev. David Landtibo ouoh, LL.D., r Brown, Cldaba,lik nd Sheffield. e(l, of Kilmarnoek, diet! nrgui shad natur- d The veiisels re to be of 27,OW tos it if, po.R-Siblo tht i-hre wi]l be a alis, ailtiquary ad botani.%t, bas died y and tre to have turbine, Labor for t the t Karniarnmic ged 11 dey0lopilig 00,000 horse -power, Tic%t c-14�etion. This statemen was milde Albort Lovatt, head of the firin e- 91V2119 -them 6peed of 25 knots. Tb by Kr. Smith, aftOr ineeting, ey of Lovatt anil Lovtt, art pottery r- Nvill ei'vlt 15-inell le'run,4 all round 01 01C Yorkshire A�;,(4ociat!011 ',It ero, Langley iNIM, DOTbyshire, ild. Lon- alld Avill be flip, most costly don , hm dle a the age of 03. .4 desigiled. Alderman Lowis Williams, the Brecon - and pan,%icr, axe ill full Woom in shire gent for the Marqnis Canidl,�rz, ell ar, oi,�,,,_,Cp ,RS . , q at Charlton and died suddenly at flic, Castle Hotel, 0 So cerloll�3 is t-ile sllol,tarpe df , * Ditrill- th,o part to -a months 143 peo- durino. the rent audit of the eetate. unior 1)1e ben killkl by motor onini-4tw-s Gfficors in flio writeg a ll.,tvl cer. in lJondon, say return raaf1c to '116 of flij Ro. C. W. N. Ilne, fitt1wr of 'r "NzPolldent, that it beell (10c'de(t 'to London C-01"ItY 11r. C. . Cutliffe 113-ne, t1he ei-eator oF invite Yrmout1l Port C01111111FAollenz; lmve 0 d red -1, Captaill Kettle. 110 in '1113 eighty- %, Re��ervP Officeys ill to crry out extens- Becond ym. I, the -inerehant servke, r" ovF;truction of the 41101114 It 'Yar. �t of ji<,ar- Willia T. l. prorafri- Yavy� lieuten, ntG T111111b" noW 'ton, at it err 111011t), 11CI CIO I(,..; t it r )I felver tbnu a year ago, although Inol'a ly ent '[Tlqt,(,r agricultiirMt and jutIg-D at. sbows, die(i t Belfast on ton, illave The III's tit IltIon hve brated tioir golden weddillp, 114111g been (11tring, tho pa%t M had done, much to further the bty in the nort of at 11L 18021. weeks in llo Illelit of I- Thov seve,, ql)rl 16 to , tal during the "L\rr. if. Dixon, of fStumporlowellall. le ver .507. for Ynftny (IrifLer 1, S firn, of Dixon nad ocouTrad '.It A YarnioiiLh I 1.11 tile Ilel-rilig i�li-ffo 'Silkstonp , and the oldest magiatrate in the -- y oil fJ11r;7l(V ri- Nhen -it fall of roof partially ing" 1011,011 lably cit� died Rt tdic a�gfo of 92. nliner nallicd Frank Drallr,- fOl' brotfier of -of Ifoylnnd C3=ion. Draw3- 'lie fie] d (8 Ai hur ones, t field dead Nynan has api3roved the bmtowa' died "Itt -Adinit squaxe, t. ohntJ IV, ood, W The of th niqu recovere(I fro -111 of the Albert 111)011 0. ITe ad been managger buso, at near York, I'le.11,ti I ii, of t1l9 !1'kott4.r1h to 1\ry. Jilorbes Roberton and 'Mr. Ja=6 River e Mile has been identified aci that of 000"9,0 flii�l at all explosion t Wcl(!Il. c.3 Thonipson, 35, who lived ill 1allivick In -4tpXil The dc�,ttll il�,Is tkon plce, t Nor - le street. York. (,,Ilbert OlyNviLLI ISInith, Jj-). t-Ilop of Mr. Richard Jones, tilrillill.9 IS006 NwIN execi.11(41 Ill th III 14 prvl%ion merolmnt, t the are df lltVe t4kCIA II&I'll* nlLllY1QV Of 1114 1 It' by T,or over forty I -e, whore a mi-mber (if cinotnit aythA-3 Pro- her tllrWlt With. . t lie hd been of ille vitied the fi4hoTfG11c Nvilli --il OnA dc blation, 0 'df 11ov. Wrig-lit I %Ilts by the dozell. no are licede(I by the 4�omlissloulilg of eIli, rell -it at her coun. ell ty 'd , N shil)3. Twelve inonths aga only 4s (it, - t..V-,, ilo-ilki-e has beerL dcklillcd by tile yil. known ininioter, forl-nerly of r �l t Re StocRport, aii(l 'J. stroyer(i lVere in full conimision in hollie lesilen Guardians oil the grolin 'hat the waters; thol-0 now 711, and 40 mme the� ebildren wonki be'disGatisficd. dicil at Ilvie-1 Lead. b-ro Pt -k fonr have The death ha(i t�ii;oii place at Bribtan ill be been hat�ched by Walls 10cat- of Mr. Arthur Broomfield eres- vd there. 1.1;!.s is the Huglish a -a- cent, Filey, nlember of the Filey Coun- tullill it i,4 tho ArIlStya4"'In 81)rillonl nd cil nd Board of Gurdians. He was I. "Yolt ennld rowl ol-0.1lukry ti,113 1-3 to be tho re,,,.joli of the or t -,Ile Itoyal Lodgyo of Freemnsonxi �lirough -10a llwipltal 813r- -con Itt an ilique.4t, tt Weatinintor oil 643. plurnber, rushed Aiderinan Lewi Williams, Tustice o4 ras '1131oad, 1)oliee sta, the. peiee �,Vr the eounty and barough porter, �fllo Was knoce'd (101V31 by Into the Newtolla t1oll, Belfast, Nviti, blood strearning from of Brctt)ll) all(I it former "Mayor of the p and fl.,,vCt-ur&L1 itis c%kiffl. At cl t n - toto point oi� I the fr I cture, Said* the doo. the throat nd ft blood- town, died sud(lenly there, NvIdle ra a stained JIC COILipsed actlig as local kgrent t the tor, tho kkull waf.T only 1-64"11 Ptrt Of aTl IT in the station and died lwfM Medical rent of the arquis of Camdell. thik hwtpad uf 1 -4th )f till illell. rdA v6rdlet of Accident -0 Death, OXO The galc NvIlivh over trhe 17nited recelitl left inany dentlis an(I ?I N r BUSINESS IS 6001) inuch (laniage In its walcC. 'bere Nvore N 0 T E,'�. allil iti Ireland, and it 4tcainer was sunk Ali for zf,'15,000 1.4 boin 111fule - November Bank Statement M In, 014, 11nglItill clinnol, five llve,�, it is by tho Boavl of ,Nranageniciit of the JCV- being lost, Shows Prosperity, top liospital for Women, magistrat(,,i have I - robibit the Xhe, de4itll-rate in the 95 great town 13 ed by .1, ) aj�l;ity to P of and Wall),q last tioll of t w ". Linger to the nDec. prosper- aqvI 15 pr 1,000, villit petl re,-,. These pleturee which deal now Vj,cc_Chancllor o I'lleffivl(I 0116 finn.11cial conditions aro h1dicated in 0 f 5 �Vitjl the life of roused tiniv�rsity 3xvIr, If. A. L, Yisher, littelld- 801110 opprigition,, it being oontended that the ovellibr bank ataterilent i5eue(l to- ed the Cfoitrt dinner of the Ullivilr8itY metureo 01, Rjl�`h I sacred natnre should (lay, but there are severa.l. noteworthy (nid inado a SPON11 0 be on the elne watogrill)h% dorea6es. and ideals Uf flie z� gon(j 9o,3oil(1 rop of ripe Vietoria It i.,4 evident tilat considerable of tho plu III% ling lklaelcby, ,vilich were called Wit cian, 7 111111ani trept, 110 010-11 I'll), NVAO lit 00 of mouth have been returne('� as tWS fert- rol ' x1irii1r, an Tilt) uhith eon oi turo slowa an increaeo of Iroll an(I tei'4 Worlc.� IT11011 , ()f t)io report Illisted lie fell from 11, 'it (listaiwo cif Orr -at Corilard, Suffolk, lias just 0 tell nlillion (Jollar,� over Octobtr. feet, lie clicl oli his ar I rival t 6e, III tile NVest Siiffolk Regiment. Depogita payable On Ilave (Ic- Tho �\vife of it Outh Shield -1 era,sm by Inillion, all(I those, Pay - The inquest oil the, b(AwS of ArAy who is 'Oollneetvd. with tho Wox*ers1 able after 'notim by tive million, I Aliv,, eation A;i,4o6ation, hali 10MIC(I tO Call loans in 110Ve fallen off ell at tl�o ag�l t)i C13, by ovol. t%v�) ilifflions, current loats Ati A new of 04 110011 11111(10 t tho.qe wert� 11111rdore.4 licar by About five. Illillionq io r, outq�(Jtt (if four 14undre(I (11. o1wrationci. Ali mitpitt, of Liabilitim 011-14 (bly all(l ilpstg Ono iC4 The old tild worn <,.Olortl Af 1.116 1"Al 1164,1211,402A At tle llfill.,11 onil 1n(l 3r(l bil,ti(Iliolis of -th4� 1)urhain - of antl Distriet Itql�e Light Illfhtry hve Jowxd it refiting # .4-+ oil NV. , Nvitlli�l House, of Dqtv-� BIG WAR LOANS. mag Nvi I of bers" of A Yi,wollth mall. W110 f11(',1 MA noti- eill ktttJt(J 1880, ftlitt palil hii; creklitol-8 in fiOtA fillitileicl4 4in(I invetors to. expoct ill hit1 llow tlwila 4 1)*.,,r tho e()lll11lg t(AA111ng %'00,000,- V1111ti 4114, 11.1a Ida repayinent living oqtxal 00i) N�rith whieh to VI)aIr the loGam stril-01k. Oil tll 1�v I -11A of 1� to :Q l."i N 010 C. cav Nvv nml O)IN 11I..-Nilizatiou -lie to t1l(I In(11111- Oxfor(t of ill awl Italy. Tiw 1101NOS- (livd I'll t the' cm, (it t4w war stt. Mr. 'Sidney , Olvell, ITniv-prmity in . V of Tudian wbo wa ill his $175,0MMOt i. baaiti of rix-kn- n drtxp(�r, of ing tli(,k foot that 1.ht%re aro 1,MO" 'mm of a A rivettor ngill,X whoill Nvljo %11(tib. 34)(00M 11111 - ter, f0l fmill t1lo 1,50, )(Ji , ro (N 14,� holi'm ill Itogeflb or(ler was nulde at sluirtAv 1�0- thy -fifty fept Vourt t11,,tt I,*, a na $40,601) M O)A LW-f4rill.14 t, &11 V 14