The Wingham Advance, 1912-12-05, Page 8GRAND TRUNK !MM
'I feints: good going P,ti, trains Dec. 9,
eV trains Dec. 10 and 11
Return limit Dec. 12
ACcount. "Pat Stock Show" Dec. 10-11
Proportionate rates from other points,
Tickets good going Dec. 9, 10, 11, 12
Return Limit Dec. 14
Ontario Provincisl Fair, Dec. 9 to 13
Proportionate rates from other points
in Canada.
Secure tickets and full particulars from.
nearest Grand Trutik Agent..
E. B. Elliott, Town Passenger & Ticket
Agent ; phone i, A, U. O'Neil, Station
Ticket Agent ; phone 50,
Standard and Tourist Sleeping, also
Compartment Observation Oars, via
Canada's Greatest Highway,
General Change of Time
October 27th, 1912.
J, H. BREMER, Agent, Wingham.
Winter Term From Jan. bth
does more for its students and graduates 5
than do any other similar schools. Cour-
ses are Up-to-date and instructors are ex-
perienced. Graduates are placed in good
positions. The three applications receiv-
ed today offer average salary of 311.33
per annum. Three departments—Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Write for free catalogue at once.
D. A. McLACRLAN - Principal
Winter Term From Jan. 2nd
./.4iiiii,TORONTO= ONT.
is well known as one of Canada's Best
Business Schools. Our graduates are in
STRONG DEMAND because' business
firms DHOW they render SUPERIOR
services. Sat'sfaotion follows superior
training but never follows inferior train-
ing. Get the best. You want it. We give
it. write for new catalogue.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste.
New Telephone
The Bell Telephone Company of Canada
is soon to print a new issue of its Official
Telephone Directory for the district of
Parties who contemplate becoming Sub-
scribers, or those who wish changes in
their present entry should place .their
orders with the Local Manager at once
to insure insertion in this issue.
Connecting Companies
Should also report additions and
changes in their list of subscribers, eith-
er to the Local Manager, or direct to
the Special Agent's Department, Mon-
The Bell Telephone Company
of Canada.
Santa Claus will be
with us again this
Xmas accompanied by
a real living Doll.
Watch this space for
further particulars.
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store
offer a GOOD INVEST-
ment and QUIOB
Write us before you decide to
soft MoAR VIxtxt B>I.'0
A pair of "Star" Hockey Skates,
double enders, with puck stop, guaran-
teed strong and rigid, given free to any
boy or girl who will sell 20 sets of our
Beautiful Xmas Post Cards at 10 cents
a set. Send us your name and we will
send you the oards to sell. When sold
send rss the money and we will send you
the Spates with all charges prepaid.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C.A. BLDG., '
Students assisted to positions. College
in. session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal 16 Ch rtee dAccco Accountant
One five horse power Stickney
Gasoline Engine, cheap.
One 2i. horse power Internation-
al Harvester Co. Gasoline
Engine, cheap.
One ten -inch Joliet Chopper in
good repair, very cheap.
One Gent's Bicycle (Cleveland)
only used 2 weeks, $30.
One E. & D. Bicycle, good as
new, $12.50.
A clean-up on new Covers,
Tubes, &c., at reduced prices.
C. A. BOGERT,`General Manager.,
Capital paid up 4;l1
Reserve Fund -
'Total Assets - =t` -
The Business Man's Bank
We number as customers of this Institution hundreds of
business houses who keep their accounts with us because they
receive a prompt and satisfactory Banking service. They appreciate
the fact that we accord the same careful considerp.tioti to all
business entrusted to our care—both large and small.
Heal Osffists
CAPITAL PAH) Uig: ..,.,.....r $ 900.000
Reserve and Undivided 8 500
n vided Plrtiflta,....., 3, ,
Total 1#.ssets....,.Y111/.11.Yr.Y,,..,.Y...Y..i! 45,000,000
r0 provide against a possible "ltainy Day" is
not the only reason for relttalatC faving. A.
bank aeeount gives you the feeling of independ-
Onoe and soourity that keeps your mind free from
worry--ihet makes you hewer able to meet the
world on an even footing and to take sadvantsge
of opportunities that coma your war.
Open your account att the Bank of Hamilton,.
where courteous efficient banking soothe is pro-
vided for the deposit of small, es well acs large,
0. P SM .' '
Or Does Everything You Eat
Distress You?
Experts declare that the reason
stomach disorders are so eommoa in
this country Is due to hasty and
careless habits of eating, Stomach.
troubles and run-down conditions also
usually go together,
John Lind, of Oneonta, N. Y., says:
"I have been troubled with a bad
stomach trouble for fifteen years, and
because so weak that I could hardly
walk or do any work.. My appetite
was very poor, and it seemed impos-
sible to get any relief. Since taking
two bottles of Vinol I find that it has
already made a remarkable improve-
ment in my health; my digestion is
much stronger, and I have gained in,
Vinol makes weak stomachs strong
became it strengthens and tones up
the weakened, tired and overtaxed
nerves of the digestive, organs, Vinol
is easily assimilated by the weakest
stomachs, and is delicious, to the taste,
Try p, bottle of Vinol with the
understanding that your money will
be returned if it does not help you.
,p, W. MoRibbon, Dreggist, Wingham.
After a period of discouraging de-
lays due to trifles unforeseen, the Cain
House was formally re -opened on
Monday last. Refitted and refurnish-
ed from top to bottom, this big build-
ing stands ;to -day one of the finest
hotels in Ontario outside of the cities.
To enter the . Gain House now and
walk through its corridors is to realize
to some extent the expense that has
been incurred and the efforts that
have been put forth to make it a fit-
ting place for the accomodation bf
the public.
The kindness of Mr. John Joynt in
donating 150 barreles of apples to the
poor of Toronto was much appreciat-
ed, They were distributed as follows
—House of Providence, 15 barrels ;
Methodist Deaconess (House, 15 bar-
rels ; Barbaro House, 5 barrels ; Girls
Rescue Home, 5 barrels ; Presbyterian
Deaconess Home, 15 barrels ; Anglican
Deaconess Home, 15 barrels ; Salva-
tion Army, 15 barrels ; the Baptist
Mission Church Richmond and Tecum-
seh streets, and the Fred Victor and
City Mission Society will distribute
the remaining barrels,
The first fine paid under the Local
Opt'op By-law in Lucknow since the
Warning was given in last week's
Sentinel was forthcoming to the ex-
tent of $20, plus $4 costs, from the
ockete of a Kinloss township man.
On Saturday last he went over to
Wingham got, gloriously full, came
back with a cargo both inside and out,
and stagged around in a manner too
obvious to be overlooked. Therefore
chief Cameron gathered him in. Late
in the evening after the effects of the
hot stuff had sufficiently subsided, he
was given a hearing before Magistrate
Graham, with the results stated.
This occurrence was most unfortun-
ate for the victim, but as an example
to other Iaw breakers, it was one of.
the most fortunate that could have
Sidney Cope, the Englishman, who
recently "borrowed" W. Farrish's
horse and buggy and "got lost" on his
way to Lucknow has been found. !I
file went an amazing distance astray.
Before he finally stopped he bad
reached Owen Sound, and from there
he went on to Meaford. He is now in
Goderich jail. It was a hint from
Chief Cameron that put the authori-
ties on the right track. The chief had
previously heard Cope say that be
had a sister in Meaford, and on the
strength of that the authorities went
and found him there. The horse and
buggy were recovered in Owen Sound;
Between the time of their departure
from Ashfield and their recovery by
he authorities they had changed own-
ers three times. It is also alleged that
in Owen Sound someone about Cope's
size and build forged a promisory
A Combination Moving Picture Ma-
chine and Magic Lantern, complete with
slides and one continuous film, given
f ee to any boy who will sell 40 sets of
Xmas. Cards at 10 cents a set. Send us
your name and we will send you the
cards to sell. When sold send us the
money and we will send you the Moving
Picture Machine with all charges pre-
paid. HOMER -WARREN CO., Dept.
167, Toronto,
Wilson & Brewer, managers of the
Sarah Gibney Stock Company, take
pleasure in presenting to local theatre-
goers this sterling company for an
engagement of three nights and the
ostial matinees at the Town Hata
here, commencing Thursday, Dec. 5.
The best available plays are offered,
elaborately mounted with all special
scenery and properties, and the ward-
robe worn, especially by the ladies of
the company, will be a delightful sur-
prise to the feminine contingent of the
audience especially. Last season this
company made an enviable record in.
the Canadian territory, having to
their credit the longest stock run ever
known in a city of 15,000 inhabitants
its the Dominion -twenty live weeks
in Berlin, Ont. This season the coin-
pany is playing on the road, carrying
besides the dramatic company clever
vaudeville novelties which are intro.
duced between the nets, making a
continuous performance with no
tedious waits, and the nubile may rest
assured that the specialties seen will
i clean, nothing suggestive or vulgar
e cher irl specialties or plays will ever
b tolerated with this company, whish,
h i.s done much to establish it as a
company of ladies and gentlemen,
eeterin to the stereo ecltf.
rn ! s Pleat of
comedyBand pretty std a S*
p y ge settings and
wardrobe are combined with strength
and dramatic ability to place this
organization in the frank ranks of
clean and legitimate amusement. The
opening play on Thursday will be
young Mrs, Winthop, Mies Sarah Gib-
ney, the company's leading wore an.
has a part in this play that would tax
the ability of any actress, running the
entire gamut of human emotion, and
is ably supported by Mr. Walter Wil..
son, leading man, and the other mem-
bete of the company, including Mr.
O. 11 Brewer, Mr. Jack Quinn,
Mr. Milburn Murray. Mr. Harry 1-fut.
rhino, Miss Adelaide Seoord, Mist
Vero, Densmore, Miss Thelma Seoord,
anrd Mester Jaok Wilson. The lowest
prices consius$ent with honest V-a1ee
Win prsxii1
Mr, John Currie pa'sed away on
Monday, Dec. 2nd at aitlexandra Ilos-
Mrs. Geo. Stewart. wife of our
florist, who was some days ago strick-
en with paralysis died on Monday,
Dec, 2.
Mr, Jas. Buchanan, sr,, owner of
the planing mill, was fast wait
stricken with paralysis, but hopes of
his.recovery are entertained,
Mrs, Cornish and sons Thos. returned
to their home at Ripley last week,
after a pleasant visit with thein
friends, Mr, and Mrs, E. Mitchell.
Any of our citizens, wbo had much
writing or sewing to do on Mondwv
had to light candles, or oil lamps, and
did have to wait until the list of the
month ft r the rihoi test day.
Mrs. Macdonald "Dundonald" Re-
g( nt of the General Brough chapter
of the I.O.D.E., has returned from at-
t nd'ng the funeral of Lady Norhetmer,
wbo died suddenly recently at her
residence "Glenedyth". Lady Nord-
heimer organized the "I. 0, D. E in
1900, and represented the Canadian
trhaptsr at the Coronation of II M.
Kirg George V and received in 1912
froui hint the title of "Lady of Grace."
Alfred Nicholson and his brother-
in-law, Jack Precious, lost their lives
last week in the St. Clair river while
on their scow laden with sand. A
steamer ran into the barge, the steer-
ing gears of the steamer being defec-
tive, consequently the barge sank.
Both men lived in Goderich for• years.
The funeral of the deceased men took
place on Tuesday, Dec. 8, from the
residence of Mr. Hogarth, Bayfield
Road. Rev. G. E. Ross, officiating.
The Sons of Scotland marched to.
Knox Church with piper Oraigie at
their bead, where the pastor, Rev. G.
E. Ross, delivered a very patriotic
sermon to the members of that socie-
ty taking for his text, "Andrew the
brotherly," John 1 :41. By request
Mr, Jas. Thompson sang before the
sermon "My Ain Countrie." At the
evening service Rev, Geo. E. Ross,
chose "The Conversion of Saul of
Tarsus," The anthem was "A song of
the night," the baritone solo being
rendered beautifully by Mr. James
Thompson. Before the sermon, Miss
Hildred McCall (formerly of Listowel)
sang beautifully, "Ye ones despised
and rejected."
The "Mock Trial" given under the
patronage of the I. 0. D. E, was a
success, Mrs. Burdette took the
character of plaintiff. Miss Hodge of
(the supposed niece of the plaintiff)
was a witness for the defendant who
was one of the bank clerks of town.
The jurymen were Sir J. P. Whitney,
Laurier, Borden and the others we
well known men of the town. 'V. M.
Roberts, C. E., was one of the prin-
cipal witnesses. Mr, Killoran acted
efficiently as Judge. The Colonel,
who organized the "Mock Trial" was
the plaintiff's counsel, and used his
oratory in her behalf, which turned
the tide in her favor. The court room
seats 400 people and it was filled,
many having to stand in a hall. The
tickets were 50 cents each. The
Wingham W. I, should have the
"Mock Trial."
Grey. c
Miss Cunningham of Holland is a
visitor with her cousin Mrs. James
Mrs. Robs. Pearson, spent a few
days of last week with her daughter,
Mrs, Vipond of Donegall.
Mr. Geo. Johnston, who was injured
by a fall recently is able to be around
again ; we hope the improvement
still continues.
Someone helped themselves to Mrs.
Frank Balfour's flock of turkeys one
night lately. taking 14 of the birds,
which were ready for market.
The auction sale of Mr. John White
which took place on Friday of last
week, passed off very successfully. a
large crowd and prices high. Mr.
arta Mrs. White purpose leaving short-
ly for their new home in Listowel.
The Poverty Social which was held
at Roe's church last Tuesday evening
vests a decided success, although the
weather was not all that could be
desired. The programme consisted of
old time songs and costumes. An ex-
cellent address was given by the Pas-
tor on "The beauty of small things."
The lunch consisted of ginger cake,
sandwiches and coffee, and was much
enjoyed. We hope the Leaguers will
put on such another in the near
Joseph McGratli, who has been out
West for the past few months, return-
ed home on Saturday night.
Miss Mildred Clegg spent Saturday
night and part of Sunday with he r
friend Miss Mabel McGuire.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed in the Presbyterian
Church last Sabbath, preparatory ser-
vice being held on Friday afternoon.
After an illness of about a month
Mr. Edwin Sperling passed away on
Saturday. Mr. Sparling Leaves a wife,
four sons and two daughters to mourn
the loss of a kind husband and father,
The funeral took piece on Tuesday
afternoon, service being held in the
Methodist Church.
We also have to report this week
the death of Mrs: E. Day, sr., wbo
died suddenly Saturday morning. Her
husband predeceased her just about
one year ago. Mrs. Day's remains
were laid to rest in the Gorrie cense-
tery on Monday afternoon. Rev, B. A.
Kinder conducting the service.
Our Reputation And Money Is
.Back Of This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine during
the trial, if our remedy fails to coin-
piotely relieve you of constipation.
We take all the risk. You are not
obligated to us la any way whatever,
if accept Our ur ofler. Could any-
be more fair to you P Is there
ariyreason why you should hesitate to
put our claims to actual test P
The most scientific, common-senrre
treatment is Enroll Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. They are very
pronounced, gentle and pleasant in
action, and particularly ;hgeeeable in
every way. The, do not cause diar.
rhoea, nausea, flatulence griping or
any inconvenience whatever. Rexall
Orderlies are pnrtiettlarly good for
children, aged and delicate peri; ons,
We urge yon to try Rexall Orderlies
at out risk. Two sizes, 10o and 25c.
RC:Me beer, you eat<i get Rexall Remo -
dies in this community only at our
store—Thee Rexall ,Store, J. W. Mo-
$f?,tY, DEC
,A 'Railroad King' Watch, stem wind,
stem set and guaranteed for one year,
given free to any bay who will sell 80
gets of Xmas Cards at 10 cents a set.
Send us your name and we will send
you the cards to sell. When sold send.
as the money and we will send you the
watch with all charges 'prepaid, ROM.
ER -WARREN 00., Dept, lee, Toronto
You Run. No Risk When You, Use
This Remedy.
We promise youthat, if your hair is
falling out and you have not let it go
too far, you can repair the damage
already done by using Rexall "93"
Hair . Tonic, with persistency, and
regularity, for a reasonable length of
time. Itis a scientific, cleansing,
antiseptic,, germicidal preparation,
that destroys microbes stimulates
good circulation around the Bair roots,
promotes hair nourishment, removes
dandruff and act to restore hair health.
It is as pleasant to use as pure water,
and is delicately perfiuned, It is a
real toilet necessity.
We want you to try Rexall ' 93"
Hair Toni:. with our promise that it
will cost you nothing unless you are,.
perfectly satisfied with its use. It
comes in two sizes, prices $50e and
$1. Remember, you can obtain Rexall
Remedies in this community only at
our store—The Rexall Store, J. W.
A Beautiful French Dressed Doll, 15
inches tall, with real eyelashes and eyes
that open and shut. given free to any
girl who will sell 30 sets of Xmas Post
Cards at 10 cents a set, Send us your
name and we will send you the cards to
sell. When sold send us the money and
we will send you the doll with all char-
ges prepaid. HOMER -WARREN 00.,
Dept. 100, Toronto,
The annual meeting of the share-
holders and patrons of the Bluevale
Cheese and Butter Company, Limited,
will be held in the Foresters' HH11,
Bluevale, on Wednesday, Dec. 18..h,
1912, at 1.80 p.m., for the election of a
Board of Directors and the trans-
action of any other business that may
come before the meeting. A dividend
of one dollar per share will be paid to
all shareholders on record at the Trea-
surer's office, Bluevale, imxuediately
after the close of this meeting.
John Burgess, Sec,
For S. S. No. 9, Turnberry. D o ties
to commence Jan, 1st next, Apply,
stating qualifications held and salary
expeoted. JOHN WRAY, Secretary
Glenfarrow P.O.
For Union S. S. No. 13, Howick and
Turnberry, holding a first or second
class certificate. State qualifications
and salary ; duties to begin January
3rd, 1913.
Wroxeter, P. 0., Ont.
In the Estate of Bridget McGlynn,
widow, deceased, notice is hereby given
pursuant to the Revised Statates of On-
tario, 1897, and Amending Acts, that all
persons having claims against the estate
of Bridget McGlynn, late of the Town-
ship of, Culross in the County of Bruce,
deceased, who died on or about the 14;h
day of September, 1912, are requested
on or before the first day of January,
1913, to send by post prepaid, or to de-
liver to J. K. McLean, Teeswater P.O.,
attorney for the executors of the said
deceased, their Christian, surnames and
addresses and descriptions and full par-
tionlars of their claims and statement
of their accoucits and the nature of their
security (if any) held by them duly
verified, and further take notice that
after the said first day of January, 1913,
the executors will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased amongst
the,parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which they
then have notice, and that the executors
will not be liable for the said assets or
any part thereof to any person or per-
sons, of whose claim notiee shall not
have been received by them at the time
of distribution,
Dated at Teeswater this 27th day of
November, 1912,
Anthony McGlynn } Executors
Patrick Lynet
BYstLAW NO. 17, 1912
A 13y -Law for the holding of a Public
meeting of the Elector's of the Township
of Turaberry° en the Foresters' Htr11,
Bluevale, on Monday the 80th day of
December, 1012, at the hour of 1 o'clock
p m., for the nomination of candidates
for the offices of Reeve and Oounoillors
for the year nineteen hundred and
loo it therefore enacted by the Muni.
oipal Clunefl ofthe Township of Turns
berry in °outwit assembled find it is
hereby enacted-•--Tbat a pttblio meeting
of the electors of the Township of Turn.
berry r~hall be held in the Poresterst
Hall, Eiuevale, on Monday the 30th day.
of December A.D. 1912, at the hour of
one o'oloek p.m., for the nomination of
candidates for the ofil es of Reeve and
Councillors to s'rve in the Munioipel
c ottncit of the Township of Turnberry
for the year one thousand trine hundred
and thirteen, and should a Poli be re-
geired, such Poll shall be opened on
Monday the lith day of January, else
thousand nioe hun Fred and thirteen, at
the hour of nine o'clock a.m.'
and shall
ran ain opeb. until five o'c lock ', and
no longer, in the following Polling Scab.
17ivisio ...
1 0. 1-�Itt Sohoel Kouee, Wirighata
Town Piot, Win. S. King, D. R. 0.
Benson Cruikshank. Clerk,
No 2 W-Iri Township Clerk's Ofiloe,
Eluevele, Sohn W. Xing, D R O ; SIM
Paul, Clerk,
No. 8--lir1, Soltoal Mousse, Scotian No.
0, Alex. McPherson, D. R, 0. ; Jas. T,
'l `ylie, Clerk.
h?o 4.In Sdhoo1 Houle, Seotiort NO.
8, D. ld',
Wallace,ce, D. . O. ; Arthur
Linooltt, Clerk,
/lits ale, Deoember
ft, 1912,
yOnle\ /ADAGIOS, 0i
Dant Imagine That You
.Need a Lot of Money
To Buy Real Estate
In Hamilton
We can sell you lots, with
a small payment and a
small amount each month..
Tell us - the amount you
have to invest and we will
tell you about something
that will make you a profit
from 20 to 50, per cent. on
your investment,
The west half of lot 30, Con. A,
Howick, comprising 50 acres, one mile
south of Wroxeter, good barn with, ce-
ment stabling, frame house, one acre of
orchard, two good wells ; thirty-five
acres under cultivations 5 acres low
pasture land, balance 10 acres timbered
swamp. Apply on premises to
fen' person who is the sole head of a family,
or any male over 18 years old, may home-
stead a quarter section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the
district. li;ntry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions by father. moth-
er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend-
ing homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A.
homesteader may live within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely
ownedand occupied by him or by his father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along-
side his homestead. Price $3,00 per acro.
Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or
pre-emption six mouths in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may enter for a purchased homested in certain
districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. --Must
side six months in each of three years, culti-
vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
New Almonds
Per lb. 50c
See Them
Sultana Raisins
Per Ib. 15c
Extra Choice
Good Quality
Per 1b. 1Oc
2 Is. for 25c
Per 1b. 25c
Very Tempting
Qrape Fruit
3 for 25c
peautifuf Fruit
Per Quart 15e
Long Keepers
Cluster Raisins
Only the best qualities kept
in stock. We do not touch
the cheaper grades.
Candes G Galtare
Cold Weather
Suggestions In Footwear
For Wornen
Beautiful Felt House
Slippers, in brown, cherry
and fawn, with ribbon
trimming. Price $1.25
per pair.
Sage and blue Felt Slip-
pers, with felt sole leather
' covered. Price 75c and
85c per pair.
Black felt laced Boots
and Congress light leath-
er sole. Price $1.25 per
For Men
Comfortable House Boots
all felt with felt sole
leather covered, buckle
in front, Price $1.25 per
felt Lined Heavy Boots :
All Felt Gaiters with
felt soles.
All Felt Slippers with
felt soles.
Very soft felt Slippers
with leather covered felt
Another List in "The Times"
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
--is a very personal matter. Every par*
titular dresser knows that. He wants to
have that distinguished look which only a
"tiobberlitl" tailored garment will give. Aside
from the modest price we ask—you get the
best i j1li In tailoring, lit ,ups style.
We show some ''class," ideas ip the ow
Cheviot Suitings that Win Ilat+t'et good