The Wingham Advance, 1912-10-24, Page 6WHY?
Loulsea-Wby do you tbiolt the witIone
Wants to marry ageht?
jullae-She keepe her en dark and her .
hair light.
(Boston Transerint.)
She (e0Y1Y)-tiow aid you come to pro-
Theee to me?
etreet car. darling.
ten- eeesses-------t
et unite.)
Abel .Pa, wbat gave You the dyspep-
Adam -The woman tempted me, and L
did eat.
(Washington Star.) •
"How did you breee that boy of his
practice of breaking, windows?"
"Easilee I told him nobody eel such
things except little gerls who were learn-
ing to be militant suffragettes."
(Philadelphia Record.)
Illobbe-Gotrox Is always talking about
his fortune. How did he make it, tiny -
tejobbs-In egget.
Blobbs-Welle perhaps that is some-
thing to crow about.
(Chicago Record-Heralete
°Did your daughter take tee count?"
"No, the count took the count when he
told my husba,nd that we ought to
\\Ulm; to pay S2,000,000 for the honor oi
having our family identified with his."
leyer-I have no trouble keeping awake
during tho sermon.
Byer -How do you•monage it?
Dyer -By plosing golf,
6 I '
.... _
= =
i W insome Winme 1
.... xv T • •
"Did you ever kuow anything. $0 pre- drowned rat, Captain Stephen, sir."
postegous?" said Madam, angrily, to Miss Trewhella, coughed again to drown
T.reelanniek, "The idea of the girlie the vulgar simile, but Mrs. Grose went
attempting such a thing, and that ab- on persistently, the fat pleasant smile
; omineble step -mother of hers and her beginning to widen into a laugh, "No
, stupid father to allow herl That is the wonder, elleh a terrible soaking night
wonst of Winnie; Ishe is eo excessively as this, She hadn't a dry thread on,
stupid -silly, you know -a childish etin her -had you, MSS Wined°, dearie? We
pidity without an idea of discretion or had to teke every stitch off her, poor
lodgment. I ant really ecxeedingly pro- child; and she has nothing on now only
voked with Winnie. She will ron over —" Mrs. Trewhella eouglied as if she
here in all weathere -glad to get awey would break a blood -vessel, and darted
from her wretched honae, I suppose; but a look of dignified horror at the eoolt
then I shall have the blame if anything -"only some things of mine and Miss
happene to her. Just imagine, if that Trewhella's, air," continued the cook
(New York Herald.)
Sntith-Theie doesn't seem to be any
closed season for game in New York.
Jones -No; and they are always hunt-
ing for the mart higher up.
"Too bad Mrs. Smartleigh alweys has
such abominable weather for her after-
noon teas!"
"Yes; she never pours but it rains."
jones-What's the matter tvith Poor -
ley? He's been going with Miss Budd
for same time. Hasn't he got the sand
to propose? •
Brown -Oh, yes, but not the "rocks" to
get married.
__ea -tee
(Louleville Courier -Journal.)
" elle, should I advertise?"
"Well, here Is an exemple; Amerie•
Wil.:!11't named after Columbus, who dis-
covered it, but after Americo Vespucci,
who first advertised it."
(Boston Transcript.)
"I've tried to propose to Mabel a dozen
times and hanged if I can do it. I've
slumped every time,"
"And she let you slump?"
"My boy, you are courting the wrong
(Christian Register.)
Aunt Dorothy -How many command-
ments are there, Johnny?
Johnny (glibIy)-Ten.
Aunt Dorothy -And now suppose you
were to break one of them?
Johnny (tentatively) -Then there'd be
; 4
(Niagara Falls, N. Y., Gazette.)
Chicago policeman who took a half dol-
lar bribe from a peddler has lost his job
and earned the contempt that every New
York cop must feel for a eheap piker.
She -Do you believe a man knows when
he is in love?
He -Yes, and he doesn't 'mow anything
(Woman's Horne Companion.)
'Twixt years and men is surely seen
A parallel full islet;
The years seem tong when they are lean,
And short when they are fat.
Burnham -What's the reason eney're
holding up my insnranee?
Adjuster -There's a suspicion that your
fire was not accidental.
Burnham -But this- is fire Insurance,
net accident insurance.
child were blown over tlae cliffs, or
Tregarthen Head -she livea half a roile
beyond Tregarthen what a state I
should be int Aeeueed of her ontimely
end, I dare say, by all her friends and
"She does not seem to have many,
poor little lassie!" commented Captain
Tredennick, commiseratingly.
"No, indeed," said Madam Vivian,
self-eomplamently, ignoring Any eeemed
meaning in his words; "she is always
running after me-eeems almost to
cling to me, poor child!"
Madame leas fond of her faithful lit-
tle protegee, pitied her poverty and
frieralleesnoss, recognized the "poor
child's" natural gifts and social attrac-
tions, yet she sat there composedly
drinking her high -flavored costly bey-
era,ge and languidly tasting the morsels
of rich cake on her plate, luxuriating
in the cosy warmth and elegance ehe
loved, while the "poor ehild" had been
peremptorily banished, cold, wet, and
weary as she was, and bidden to seek
what rest and restoration she could
find from the hands of servants. Mad-
am was utterly unconscious of any tur
kindnees. Passing through the homage
oe her flattered girlhood to the more
slavieh homage of her indulged impel --
ions wifehood, she had ndver felt what
it was to love another better than her-
self --never felt one touch of that
Love born of sorrow,
Which like sorrow is true -
which makes the true heart beat so
tenderly for another's heart grief. She
had never known one throb Of self-sac-
rificing passionate affeetion. beneath
her childless breast.
(Menisci° 131aettere
"Emil, you should see our new shop -
girl: Her fine ,delicate face framed in
masses of golden Inter-"
"Only yesterday you called her a red-
headed peasant girl!"
"Yes, but my wife was with me then."
O 1 a
(Niagara Falls, N. Y., Gazette.)
Depopulation of ,shoe-potishing •parlors
by the rush to war lends a new meaning
to Torn Moore's line: "To Gree,ce we
give our shining blades."
(Buffalo Express.)
"How did you get out of fighting a duel
with that foreign cotant?"
"When he sent his friends to demand
satisfaction, I explained to him that
since the pre -convention campaign °peri-
od in this count* it'evae rio longer coo-
aidered an insult to call a man a liar."
(Washington Star.)
"Can't sonaething be den° to make this
hunting trip less dangerous?" asked the
timid men,
"Well," replied the guide, "if you want
m real good time, you just let me take
along a fete packs of ramie and the re-
freshments, and forget to take along the
guns and cartticlges."
(Clevelazid Plain Dealer.)
"Tha t ttensatIonal Mrs. Garbler hew
been out shooting deer in Colorado witt
"Did she eheot any?'"
"Meretr: IloW elle to hit
them "
She invariably alined at tile
ea -t§
Eneouraged by emccees In the siren
touns, a. buddihe teenager decided t,
take Mat A Sappho eoinpo.ny for a tour 01
the ;30('011(1•Clat3f1
"TO play it right 'up will have te car-
ry our oan stairway,' his stage manager
told hen.
"Stairwey nothing," replied fee men.
;leer, "this is going to be n teem,"
eht an eleeaters"
equably, proceeding to butter the toast;
"and we are a -making of her a hit com-
"Indeed, so see," said Captain Ste-
phen, looking pleased; "there is no fear
for anyone in these comfortable quar-
ters, Mrs. Grose. Don't let ine disturb
you, beg," he went on, moving nearer
to the fire as Miss Trewhelle, glided
away with a profound and graceful curt-
sey, He meant to shake hands with the
little girl, and warn her to avoid travel-
ling by Tregarthen Head any more on
dark etormy evenings like th.U., "I can-
not tell how you could manage to keep
your feet along that cliff road over the
Head in much a gale," he WS,S saying,
when his notice became attracted to the
young girl's hair.
That it was thick, and dark, and hang.
ing in diellevelled masses over lier shout-
ders he had seen at filet, but not until
the blazing firelight and hie immediate
proximity revealed it to him did he per.
eeive its lustrous, wavy abundance, the
buxnished golden light on the wealth of
ripples and tresses, naturally. curling
from the effects of the late wetting and
sudden hot drying, and its great length.
.A0 she sat, it fell below her waist, and.
in silkin xnasses in her lap.
With honest, siraple, admiring surprise,
with not a spice of sailor gallantry in
his gray eyes, he laid his hand lightly
on. the little bowed head by his side.
"My dear eihild, what beautiful hair
you have 1" he said.
She looked up in trick astonishment,
her quiet, rather plain face lighting up
strangely with pleasure, and, a pair of
very dark, deep-eet eyes seeking his most
Stephen Tredenniek did not reneem- Stephen Tredenniek had read -as who
ber or know of this, and make her the has not ?-the beautiful and touelling
allowance which must be made for story.. of ".The Child of the Marshalsete;"
those placidly self-satisfied, prosperous- and. m this moment there flaahed across
lived, cold, untried natures. He waa sur- his memory the scene where the wretch -
prised and displeased; and the remem- ed woman, who yields to "Little Dor-
brance of the desolate, humble little rit's" tender pleadings for a few words
figure drove all other considerations as they encounter each other ixi dreary
out oef his head. Itiando netreets, starts back from the
He was very (Aleut ror a tong time, first lhok into the pitying eyes with
until Madam, impatiently abandoning the wind cry, "You are a woman!"
all further attempts at conversation, for, a.t the ..first glance of the dark, ex -
pushed her cup aside, and. betook; her- preseave, wistful, inquiring eyes up-
turned to his face, he had almost start -
Emit to the perusal of one of "Meidie'e
lest." ed back and uttered a like exclamation.
"You are tired, dare say, 'Dream- lie had. taken her to be a girl about
nick," she said. eurtly; "pray do not fourteen. Very young as she teadouea.
stand on any ceremony. I shall retid for edly was, and smell and 'slight her
an hour or so." form, there was a strong brave pas-
oddly chl-fa,ellioned, and young and help -
lees in the ridiculously long traiiing
dree3 and, elnievl-on the auxigus
body, the sad little month, the down -
met eyelids, and the rich beauty of hoe
luxuriant hair, at Yarianee in ite
wealth of loveliness with that quiet
grave face, boaating of no faireteue nye
it% intelligence, gentleness, and woman-
ly purity. "Poor little he Jeaid,
pityingly to himself -"poor dear little
As if answering hie thoughte, Mrs.'
Grose; tho worthy, rotund eook, re-
sponded affectionately to the question.
"Indeed, Captain Stephen, sir, there's
not many yho could help being fond of
my poor little 3/fiss Win:We,"
And on the spot a queer idea flitted
through Captain Tredennick's mind -
that if this poor little glrl belonged te
hitn in any way, how fond of her lit
should be -it would be euch a pleasure
to take care of a meek, gentle ereatiere
like her!
A full hour and a half after-
wards - that is, at twenty min-
utes to twelve - Captain Ste-
phea Tredennick, who had glutted
Madam Vivian's§ soeiety at half -past 9
oeelock, fatigned and unsocial in humor
was sittiug before the etudy fire, smok-
Ing, with as little notion of, OT Ci.)4Ive
fOT, Tetirilla to rest as he had had at
dinner time. Madame Vivian did not
know it, fortunately,
Busily and dreamily ,,es the minutes
slipped by and lengthened into half-
hours, Captain Tredenniek'ss mind went
over a variety of subjects, whilst the
odorous clouds of tobaceo smoke '16,0Y4
wreaths of misty fancies around him,
and the soft rustle of a falling cinder
from the red fire alone broke the hushe
ed silence.
From the Chittoor, her eargo and in-
surance money, his thoughts wandered
to his friend, Captain IVIartyn, of the
Indus, the required repairs of the old
house of Tregarthen, the gale, the chan-
nel sotuidings, the sunken rocks off Tre-
garthen Head, and poor little Winnie
"Poor little lass! I have no doubt
that .she has rough water to make her
way through," he muttered c,ornmiserat-
ingly-"a careless • father, an unkind
step -mother, and a shoal of young step-
brothers and step -sisters; and she made
a patient little drudge for all. A nice,
gentle girl -pretty, rather, I think -
beautiful hair, like a inermeidtt-poor
childt-one of those meek patient little
women that seem made for strong hear-
ty fellows to pet and take care of."
. And here Captain Tredenniek's mind
traYelled over his list of acquaintances
to try and recall the memory of some
strong hearty fellow whom he could
conscientiously reeommend to himself as
the life-long lover anr protector of a
"meek, patient little woman."
"An honest, warm hearted sailor
now," he said musingly; "they make
good husbands, generally speaking, only
their wives have little of their com-
pany. leet me see. Martyn now, only
he's married two years ago -nice little
woman, too -somewhat like Winnie
Caerlyon, think -a girl couldn't find
a better man or braver officer than
Martyn. Let me see."
Some sudden thought seemed. to strike
the captain of the east Indianman Chit-
toor. With a very sober face he laid
his pipe aside, arose, and surveyed him-
self in the nearest mirror for a length-
ened spece of time, until a grim smile
replaced the cornea gaze. He shook
his head at his own reflection, turned
"We eomfertoble to tete ene'e landelnd
t•ittleg tltewe After einner to enjoy his ci-
ear,. ond then there In somethlag rather
soothing pout the Weenie of a good ei-
elle too,'
t .0ort't rare anything about thr
renefort of' it or the arena; but as long
es my lite:bend smokes it will bo eney to
fell hini how tit Innen! when be ineiSts
'that WO have .get te teeteeleilte."
"Very well„ aunt," he replied, end, sionate, -womanly soul looking through away, and left the room.
bidding, her good night, quitted!, the }those eyes -there were womanly sor- "Stephen Tredennick, my lad," said
room. row and womanly endurenee In the he, tinning in the same cynical amused
CHAPTFilt II. lines around her gentle, firm mouth. fashion as he went, "you've been dream -
They softened, and the face grew very ing-dreanung m your chair, my lad.
A uarter •of an hour afterwards, Cap -
d • lieh ' th • k I t You had better wake up now, and turn
tain tephen Trendnick, instead of bo- y ng 81 q
happiness and innocent vanity whieh his
bag ensconced in the well -lighted, well -
words had called forth, but she drew
vrarnaed bachelor rooms which were give
her hear away from his touch,' and a
en up for the nonce to him and tobae-
in a certain .air of womanly dignity replied
co -smoke, was prowling about,
blush. ..
state of dire uneertainty, though the girlish
itloomy, draughty paesages and rooms "My hair was quite wet, air, and had
est the lower regions of Roseweerthy to be all dried," she said, pushing it
House, and in close proximity to tha back almost out of sight.
cellars and pantries. "And it's none too dry yet tha.t you
"I really must satisfy myself,"' he should put it avray like that, Milts Win -
muttered self -apologetically -"I real- nie," interposed Mrs. elrose, rather
ly must know if my aunt intendh. send, mischievously. "Captain Tredennick
ing that poor little girl home alcnig the never saw finer hair than that in his
cliffs through such a gale and rain as • life. Now did you, eir?"
thie. The poor ehild is safe for eteuglis en), 1 do not think I over dm," he
and colds long enough, I dare a:ey. I replied, smiling courteouely---“that is,
really should. not wonder if she were what 1 was allowed to see of it."
made to return as she came. 1 IA tender Ile paused a raoment, waiting to
at aunt Vivian! I really never would
e catch the girl's eye, but the kept her
face turned away, and. he thought tie
edness and progressive search
;heart-. saw her low white brow Imit in an un -
Here Captain Tredenniek's kind -
easy frown.
him up to a closed door, beneath which
shone a light, and through whic ti came "Good -night, Mies -Mise--" he said
eonfusedly, 'believing that he had forgot -
the sound of women's yokes.
"I beg your pardon -would e P011 be ti_eettnrda.naane whieh, in fact, he had never
kind enough to tell me," he bega n, with 'I
a true gentlemanly courtesy to snrvants "My name is Winifred Caerlyon, sir,"
aDd especially women servants, as he she vottehesefed quietly, barely glaxieng
gently knocked, and, being bidden. to at,_him, and, .the.n loolcing away again.
enter, pushed the door ajar. `The captain is wiuting to leld you
The room, a small, cosy, hunilgytfugt goodtnight, Miss Winnie., my dear," re-
nished parlor, with a bright fire, ze. sing- Ino_insttroanete.d Mrs. Grose in a very urgent
fume of tea, toast and, cake, was ee?ident- unSheare rose instantly Obedieneey. it
ing tea -kettle, and a moet fragrant per- . u
ly that comfortable sanctum of ttle fe- troubled Stephen Tredennick, though he
male chiefs of the kingdom below ittairs, could not have told why, to see that
"the housekeeper's room;" nor hait Cap- quick humble obedience, to hear her
tain Tredennick any difficulty in recog- hasty "I beg your pardon, eir," and see
nizing these personages in the prirt I, gen- the timid flush lo. her cheeks as kshde
teel, silk -attired lady's maid anti. the ' placed her small, hard, labor -mar e
rosy, rotund, white-aproned cook. bend. in his. a.
"Would you tell ine if the littl e girl Not as Stephen Tredennack, the sailor
-that poor little body who tame here who wanted to be kind to another sail -
a while ago through the storm— e" or's daughter, did she regard. him, but
He stopped; for the eook had ris en at as the great gentleman, Tredenntek, but
the sound of his voice, and, cur tsied, Tregarthen-the ftworite nephew and
toasting fork in hand, smiling in tl le di- heir of her grand patronees.
rection of the little arm -chair opposite A thought like this crossed his mind,
the lady's maid. as hie fingem: warnily pressed th.ost
"Oh, there she 1st" said Captain Tre- poor ellin girlish °nee, roughened from
dennielc, much relieved, when, at lint stitching, and ?narked with the inevi-
glance in the direction of the cook : had table sears and seratches of conatant
indicated, he perceived a small fi game, household work.
huddled in a bright flaring -colored i thaw] "Poor ehildd Poor little giril" he
and a rather bundled -up -looking cosi hittle, ejaculated, mentally. "Gootli-hight,"
resting in a $oft little, shabby -pill owed said he, kindly, "1 hope you. will he
chair by the bright fireside I am . glad none the worse for your wetting; it
to see you are being eorafortably tialten Wile ratioli too severe a night for a
care of,' he added, pleasantly. "1: vraS young lady to venture Out."
afraid that you might have been fc polish Something ha the fliekering light of a
enough to venture home by the eliffs : aareasete ameie en her lips, arid an frivol -
this Wild night -you will not attern pt it, ; tintary turn of 'her head towards Mre.
The little figure half rose horn . her : tpoGrizotliien,gvelieer that worthy woman: was
I hope?"
Seat, trying to arrange her combo. +some - vine. it,3'
out tea, Re she etild, "1 do not
drapery, which evidently belonged to a Tenth Of poor Winnie Ca,erlyoree daily
were a revelation to him of
far larger and taller person, and hold- nee.
ing the gay erirason-and-yellow thawl
tightly around her. "X•ol indeca, my deer," &tittered Mrs.
'Oh, no sir, thank you," she said I, and ',,dc7 miwttelet aletsetitgnIll'e, autiNr 1 Yh°Optire tAttitilal
a timid fludh rose over her small,. -pale take it heartte Mize Winnle is having
Into your berth properly."
-se e twee. mem et t eteee •i .", ',ewe\
blinding headaches -all venish when you take
Na-Dra-Co Headache VVaters
They do not contain phentieetire
morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug.
250. box at your Drugglsre. 43
alaroaat.rtntiti 4 Cilt041Q41. co. or CMIAIDA.LIOPTIC1114
(Howard County Woe) News.)
If a Man Is really looking for a wife ins
stead of tt *misty butterfly, an heirese or
a chorus girl, we beartily reeornnaend. for
his consideration a telepleorte For .
even temper. patience, promptness and
meekneee, telephone girls have the world
beaten. They are girls with practical
ideas and common senso; they are girls
Wile Will help you save your money and
Make you an all-round bousewife, We
have never seen one that wasn't neat
and clean, and they would very probably
be the most orderly housekeepers you
could get. -And ono of their greateet
'virtues; is their ability to oontrol thelr
tongues. They are accustomed to beret'
quarreled et and Demeaned, yet they are
not moved te outeurot therebY. We
know they are sometimes imposed upon
and are sleidorn rated et their true worth.
If you aro In need of a go'od wife, get
telephone girl.
_ -
A.beautiful small size LADIES' WATCH in
handsome LE.A.THER BRACELET given
FREE tor selling only $4:51): worth of the levee,
est Christmas and tiew Year Cards sued Folding
Booklets at 3 fore°. These are the very_latest
and most exelusive deeigns. Embos04 and
lithographed in all the natural colors. A.ppros
Prises mottoes and verses.
You just shoW them aud take the money.
Many of our agents sell a dozen packages In
oue house. Don'tiniss this wonderful chance,
Write today. You may not see this advertise -
mem again. COBALT GOLD PEN CO.,
Dept. 200, Torento.Ont.
(New York Herald.)
England occupies her usual place in the
picture, as she did during the hosallities!
between Turkey and Italy, unwilling
through timidity, and by selftahness, and
eelfisaness, aided by both, to rise to the
(Detroit Free Frees.)
According to tee report, German le -inch
suns have a probable life of 220 rounds
and thelr 14 and le inch guns 200 rounds',
The probable life or the American 14-irteli
Eau is 150 ronnds, a showing vastly sus
Parlor to that of the Britieh guns, which
are good for about 60 rounds, but greatlY
below the reoord •of the Krupp outeut.
Even more Important le the statement
that the new 14 -inch Krum? gums obtain
an initial velocity of 3,000 foot seconde
and a =pet° energy of 27,650 znetrio tone
whereas the American guns have an int
Itial velocity ot Qnly 2,600 foot becoude
and 20,320 metric tette muzzle energy.
These are !netters taa,t would prebebly
count largely' in war.
e •
Mitlardre Liniment Cures Burma Etc.
By adding the left -overs of kidney,
beaus, peas or cold potatoes to flaked
salmon and mixing all with a good
dressing, an excellent salad may be
To si=er is to boil slowly; if the
liquor throws up bubbles above its sur-
face It is boiling at a gallop, and will
harden any meat that is cooking in it.
Fasten a wire hook to the handle of
a grape basket. Hang over line when
hanging out 'clothes and push along
before you, thus saving much time.
A clothes tree on which to hang un-
finished garments a, great conereyance
in a sewing room.
A. favorite dish at a certain tea room
consists of pate shells filled with a mix-
ture of chicken livers and mushrooms
in u cream sauce.
When powdered sugar gets; hard, run
it through the food chopper. This is
an easier way of breaking up the hunps
than using a rolling -pin.
To thicken gravies for pot roasts or
stews, put a piece of brown bread in
with the meat. When you go to make
the gravy rub it up for the thickening,
occasion, to rise to her interests in Egypt
and India. Sthe has not great states -
Men as in the days of Palmerston and
Disraeli, and her leaders are frightened
by the fetich of the leCoharnmeds.n sub-
jects of the Empire.
It is a bugaboo fostered by dull tradi-
tion. India. Is not all Mohammedan, and
the Mohammedans dare not rise.
An English fleet at the Dardan.elles, a
firm Showing of the mailed fist, an insist-
ence on the reforms for which the Bal-
kan States and areece are fairly ablaze
would bring to the sele of England in the
Mediterranean Italy, with her navy on
hand, to support a just cause.
Thus England would be able to make!
her demonstration at Constantinople
without any necessity for weakening her
Channel fleet, held as a guard against
Germany, and with England's adherence
the Triple Alliance would be smashed
and Germany's influence would be nulli-
Bet instead of peacemaker, England
drifts, missing- her great opportunity.
The cold, leaden -hued dawn of the
wild. March morning wits just breaking
over the etormy sea, where the dark,
lowering horizon blended in mist with
the level waste, the dismel gray of the
tossing angry waters; the gloom of
dreary samenees relieved only by the
deadly whiteness of the fierce breakers
frothing and surging around the buried
forms. of the dark rock Titans, whose
cruel minieters they were, wreathing
their stony brows, their murderous,
iron -nailed. name, with the trophiee of
their pitiless warfare -trailing lengths I
of gleaming sea weeds, shell encrusted,
torn from ocean hom•es afar, loxes and
grassea of other land& helplesely drifted
out to sea, wreaths of cruthed blos-
soms which had bloomed. scores of miles
away from that barren headland and its
wild shore. Ties! there bad been more
preelotts gifts given by the fieree white
crested waves to the cruel jaws and pith
lees rending of those black, jagged, shin-
ing rocks lying in the lap of their ocean
mistress. Many a fair human growth,
a brave young forgA tree et teeder
vine, a frail sweet rose, had been the
doomed blossoms of the. fatal wreaths
for the adorning of the Black Reef of
Tregarthen Head.
"There is not a work spot, with the
wind inshore, between this and the
Goodwins," and Captain Trettenniek,
*hutting up his glees as he spoke, after
a brief survey of the coast line, button-
ed his thick peaja.cket closer and turn-
ed towards Tregarden Head.
He had been up and out with. the
first rays of light, quitting, the house by
a singly barred. entrance, which faeten-
ed with a spring loek and could be open-
ed only from the inaide.
"Still, it should have been inade safe
with the drop bolt," said the captain
as he pas,sed through; "lubberly work
that, to leave a door unfasteued all
night in such gale!"
For no one, of eourse, WAS awake or
tetirring at this hour Peeve himself. The
shuttered windows, the drawn blinde,
and sto.okelese ehhnneys prochoriel the
feet from the outtede, if there had beee
any. doubt in his mind.
The gale had not exhauseed ibielf yet,
and. raged on almost as wilily as on 0'0
previots night, whilst the nngry !coking
eoppery -hued roams of cloud out on the
murky western horizon, streaming up
athwart, bhe tvild grey sky in wieialike,
tootaxedeiven wreathe, gave dreary net
suranee of its eoutiaueftee; and bitterly
cold and raw etreck the chimp March
morning air even to the sailor's hardy
lungs and weatherbeaten face, es h.o
quitted the shelter of the wooded
grounds of Itooeworthy for the bleak,
exiliTehdadeligkretabd.nt a few penes in thia
direction when he eatee to a dead stop,
yott gggte gazing ahead; and even for A. moment
faee up to the very roots of her :hair. .
"Since YZ have eomet •Madare. Vivian Aloe 411.ierr Leamti.inni*jui.,r ilittleo, Pgarelelgr'tehetegege tee his hand mechanieally fumbled with his
I am to stop to-mght at Rosewo et hy; 1-t,'.§,----e-e,-,---eaa-i fronlolindr Altailv' t 0 Littnt glaeS-A8 if his keen eyesight rrould have
and Airs. Grose, the cook, sttid le tiss '1'" -- ----' hitt ' - " - -2' '' ! deeelved him! For it needed no tele-
Trewhella have been eeey kind to bo.e, Ttedenniek. "'Weise; liee drest deed.
she, 8irtiled tt little smile of shy; g irl- end ru) 6e'ithe5 4Y114,1 Y(Yalvnialm.SIWZ:r„ / thO slight dark figure standing in a
ee scope to discern plainly and reeognize
ish fun at her big; shawl and titaill ng de"' v" 1 °ear Ine ' '1'18 '''`Lew‘'"'""' sheltered turn of the road.
"Not at all, Miss Witnie deer," inta sr- yoteve etoed on my corti dretelfulf And,
beeides, it waS after Madam's tea time
, dentick in 'hie amazement, with a soft
elcirts. "Neptune!" excleimed Captain Tre-
pesed Iliss Trewhalla, with a elnite el wbelt 61w "311°-ftild M155 Winthe whietle-"here ie the little inermaidt°
ottug 6. docen't mied havirig it Amen here with
Short eough and depreeetory r.Vhe little dark figure turned hastily
"Yoer dress Vag perfeetly wet throttpl, 1, her V-tt/r °id rtlin"--4(1 Y611' Ile"? ,1 at the sound of advaneing ieestetepte
you know-ucrfectly wet, sfr,'f Mae* ed4 . lIttr'ea her When 4511 W418311 It'' InClIttil and the shy, quick flueli Mounted to het
ea, turning to Captain Tredinniek with i 1 olds Captain Tredeilhiek, eireeeritheti her face as Oaptain Trodonnielc camo up
pelitely explanatory air; 4,g/ta oi * °till box littolliut watt living."' whining.
eourse we had te resort to rormedies td "Arid of eontse Yen $446 VerY Vita ttf "'Pon toy word, you are early abroad,
prevent poor Miss Winnie from. catching herl'' UR utterN1 tho 1v6rds ita 114 sto6d• Nile* Winuio Caorlyont" he laughed.
cold, pdor child." holding her hand still if! his, looking "Are you comb out to taste the salt
; Indeed., rs,), :qrs. nroso rat 114 UtitIti dortvn from hie fivo foot eleven of trow- aprayt It blow4 right in one's fate sif
a. broad,, humorous smile Oh her rolend 1 online height and strength on. the sten. hityas bite rmks."
ied, shirting -face; °alit %taigas Avetae..;tii, Or 'little womanly figure, looking ita
(To be Continued.)
, , aypo e oap
Gives nch glowing
colors, fadeless in sun
or suds. Dyescotton,
silk, wool or mixtures.
Use , it yourself at
.. home. No trouble-
• no muss. 24 colors-
!' will give any shade.
- Colors10e,black 15c,
at your dealer's or
postpaid with booklet
"How to Dye" from V io6
F. L. BEtire:DICT & GO. Montreal
NSSW..1.V../.........0.,n. • .tr.tteAreTtaVet.704,rs-r.ertvor.,,,wm-"rtrammel,
(West minst er Gazette.)
A. contemporary paper has recently
drawn .a.ttention, on the occasion of the
Kaiser's attendance at the StVillS manoe-
uvres, to the consid.erable number of for-
eign names In the Swiss army list. Far
more remarkable, however, is the number
of Scottish namee in the Prussian, and
more especially in the Deitch army. The
exploit of Campbell of Craingnish, of the
Bismarck Cuirassiers, who captured a
French eagle in tho cavalry charge at
Mars -la -Tour, in the Franco-Prussian
war, is well known to military fame. It
is not so generally known that perhaps
the znajority of the °Moors of the Dutch
army are of Scotch descent and pawtym-
reviltssons and "..klacclotiald$!, Patti -
sons a,ntl''Grahanis bristle in the army
list. It is even more remarkable that
these Scotch patronymics are practically
confined to the army. The training of
the Thirty and the Seven Years' ,vars
seems almost to have ms,de of them a
Dutch fighting elan.
Sorest Corn Removed
Without Pain, Quickly
No wonder Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor sells so well. You sea it is
different from any other rememdy you
have ever used. Does not merely relieve
tile -pain temporarily, but is guaranteed
to remove the meanest, serest corn or
callous no matter how long it dine both-
ered you. Get a 25c bottle of "Put-
nam's" to -day and. prove it. The name
tells the story-Putnam's Painless. Corn.
ethadugeWstaar, Extractor, which is meld It.y
THE FLY pas -r.
(Vancouver Sun.)
Iowa, ubder the State pure foed
intends prosecuting vigorously all 100C-
ers,butchers and others who expose food-
stuffs to flies. It le held that food Ito
exposed is adulterated, and therefore
areenable to the act. This is certainly
true, and, united with the higher claim
of retnitaelon, furnishes abundant reason
for the utiversal proseeution ot this vital
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
- 4.4Y .44etcg
1.0NEDYErmALL Mom=
DYX, oast coo buy -.1•1114 you don't *von htero to
i know whet KIND of Cloth your Coods are made
a -So Mistakes are Yu:possible,
, Send for rree Color Card, Story Boohlet, unci
Boolciet giving results of Dyeing over other colors.
• The JOIINSON.RICIllii1DSON Limited. 1
Montreal. Cunadu.
(Chatham htewro
Swearieg allegiance to a flag is An int
Anne° of fla.e-worship gone mad. The
flag at hest is"ofily an emblem, aed these
who seek to instil patriotism into achool
children by requiring that they vow feal-
ty to a, few ahreds of buriting have littl•
conception of Whet true citizenship and
gentiles: loyalty are..
During tho season 1012.13, the Oeed
BA7rrouhltQutret11:111;e4tcetsati DefrPt::tr:tertotharg0ei
sronples of seeds of grasees, clovera and
venal crops. alio ha$ been the policy
of this Braneli since the pawing cd the
Seed Control A.ot.
As a guide to growers, dealers an4
Otlitra who desire to have samples teat -
ed for purity, grading and germination,
a leaflet of instructione has been prepay -
ed, Under twenty-three numbered pare.-
geaphs there are described, among other
things, how to prepare pack and ad-
dress samples of fieetIS C.f various kind*:
Useful notee are given on qualities af-
fading the value ef seed. It is pointed
out that injut7 to wheat from frost or
dampness is usually apparent in the
color and ehrurikeu condition of the
grain, While a hulled kernel of sound
oats is usually semi...transparent and
not 'brittle, a frosted kernel is dark and
mealy, particularly at the tip, and le brittle. Instructious are given
for cleanine grass and clover seeds, but
growers w11060 fame are not clean are
recommended to sell their seed in, Lit
uncleared 'condition to a wholesale mer-
chant who hae epecial power cleaners,
Peroons who desire to have seed tested
may procure a copy of this cirenler by
applying for It to the publications
branch of the Department of Agricul-
ture, Ottawa,
(Buffalo, News.)
It is spoken of by certain contemporar-
lee as a serious predicament that the
social term next winter v. -ill be the short-
est that society has known since
Aslt Wednesday is February iith end
Easter comes on March 21rd, so that
between Christmas and the beginning of
Lent, a terra. o:' only six weeks, all the
bane and va
r,cor4 cnitetiainnicuis or
oleo, must be pulled ntf, with the dread.-
ful result that E.or,,ial leaders will
find that in'ey ale mixed. up in conflitt
of dates.
It is stated as one consolation or 111,311F-
1.11'.3 of relief that there will not be an-
other seeson af3 short until after the year
teen. Even the nearest appruaco 1,) it
was thirty years ago when Easter ca?ne
cm the leth elureh, but nothleg eo
early as the. same day in 1656 has been
known since.
No doubt the greater part of the world
win manege to worry along even with
ehort nocial season as many con-
temporaries mourn.
9 0 0 0
For information that will lead
to the discovery or whereabouts of
the person or persons suffering from
Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis-
ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary
'troubles, and Chronic or Special
Complaints that cannot be cured
at The Ontario Medical Institute,
263._2615 Yorif.1:e Stree4 Toronto. '
Mirtardie Liniment Co., Liraited,
Gents, -A metope:tier of Ours cured a
very bad eaae of dietenarper in a Val-
uable horse by the use of MINARD'S
Yours truly,
(Vancouver Province.)
He says In effect that if the young wo-
man of to -day continues as she is going
there will be no human family to worry
about. no ig• caaelng in these remarks
particularly wall welato-do girls tvlio are
brought up in an environment whica
makes for intelligenee, education end
more or less of culture, and who go to
college from homes that have alwaye
stood for the best blood of the country.
• D Ile d sit 'Al
Of these 5,oung women, 1. a 1
"These women are splendidly endowed,
physically and mentally. Thee esve
physical beauty unsurpassed and every 47 13;.-0.4 .."13.....4-31.4,..:(cl....*A- Ilk
equipment of brain hut,. 1,ouy 1.) „„.s, .1 ..,..,1
them polae and charm, Kit they prorer to .-.1 gflirr
earn, say 1.2tv a year and live indcpen.q.
entry_ to marrying a men whose earning
capacity le scarcely more than her own.
The life of US$ modern young 'English-
woman, independent of marriage, is ideal
from tier new standpoint, which takes
not the slightest notice of the race and
its nature."
ISSUE NO, 48, 1919!
wArr,rxr), Melt .11)41ett.
sou eh histeeett mate. ApplY 1*
Kingston leosiery (ea., Limited, Kangetete
xenon. given to man able to handle
either shaper or trim se.W. Steady Jet
to good man. Reply, with partiouiare
of experience to Licidey,
Grevenifurst, Ont.
•••••••• -
1.1 BNCII 17,011 MASS
-A-, cabinet worlt; steir work; flare -
weeds. State experience apd wages re -
Aldred. Knight Bros., Ituree Faille Out.
WANTE te--Ver. Ple R OtID miqui(.1
room girle; bigheat wages; porrativ,
nent position. ApplY Waldorf Hotel.
• •
sm. and townewp, to sell a houseboat
article. A. money-maker to the right
John Y. Niceol, Owon 2401110-1
sion ler local representatieete eith-
er sex; rapid adveneement; permanentl
experience unnecessery; spare time ac-
cepted. Nichola, Limited, Publisher'',
Toronto, Canada.
Air moat Cr CLEVr-PUICX.01;4115' -- NOW
01 and second hand eccessories, rePalee
every make; special attention to country
customers; state your requirements, Mot-
or Cytile Exchange, 433 Pareittneent street,
ta 'poste, applee, cherries, best verietiee
full bearing; eommodious brick bandana -el
electric light, ten mtnuteet wane to
Dunda,s. Price $39,000, and terms, 501u4
exubange- Owner, Box lee, Dundsta Ont.
gine and sash and door factory
roechinery. John T. Nichol, Owen
Sound, Ont.
•OPPV••••• •••••••••••••••*•••••
Jeti CYllgrain°AfLrartr-mr. aziKet prAirepte
Address B. 3. Armstrong, Grimeby, Ont.
edgings and cedar posts; any g11211 -
tity. leizette, D Edgeciale road, Toronto.
though salary to support yourzeit
-family as you ought to? If not come to
our office. We make real °slant sales-
men; teach them how to make from. ele
to ee0 per day free; we don't care what
your work is or your nationelity; all
want 1$ men with brains and amnitiote
'Write or e,a11 during days or 7 to S.20 p.
m. Suite H, No. 16 King street west,
Toronto, Ont.
sonal expeese book on market; keeps
your aecounts easily; agents wanted. Al-
bert Supply Co., 102 Bank street, Ottawa,
+ Ont.
Dr. Aedl Emil Gibson in the "Dietetic
Hygienie Gazette" diseusses the value
of ruit as food. There are, he says, two
questions to be considered in relation to
fruit as an element ot cliet-the biologic
and the phy.siologlc, the racial and the
typical, the predispoeitions arising from
native traits end environments, and the
intolerance to certain foodstuffs clue to
ties. Prizit does not combine well with
other foodstuffs; suer, a diet invitee gee-
tric and. intestinal troubles. Fruit, in or -
dei to be thoroughly enjoyed. and do the
inoilt good, must Le eaten alone. elven
then fruit must be atlininietered with
care. eae to the choice of ruit, if the
digestion he weak, the apple, the pear,
grape or orange, eorresponaing to nude
aisle and selLiOftt (3.t tilt; year, are the:
seeest awl most readily tolerated of ;1?;
fruits. Dr, OilAtni -thinks that as meat
was netessary 'or tlie attainment hy
forte of arine of material emcees, so ;t4
1:121lit eisentia,1 to the conquests of a sute
sequent humanity on a moral seale.
To All actomen: I will send free with
full instructions, my home treatment
which poeltively cures Leucoarlioca, Ul-
ceration, Displacements, Falling of the
Paintul or Irregular Perloaa 'Uter-
ine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths, ai-
r:0 Hut Flushes., rgerV041srlei, ltela210110.1y,
in the Head, Pack or Bowels, '<M-
iley and Bladder troubles, where eaused,s. peculiar to OUP Sex. Y011
00/1t1I1110 treatment at home at II
(nett of only ahout le cents a week. My
book, "Women's Own 3,Iedical Adv4ser,"
also sent free on request. Write to -day.
Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box IT. 5,
Windsor, Ont.
e -v -e
On a recent trip to Germany, Dr.
Harvey Wiley, the governmentet pure- -
food expert heard aa allegory with
reference to the subject of food adul-
teration wIoeh, he eontends should
cause ,Ameeicans to congratulale them-
selves that things am SO well ordered
in this respect 311 the United States.
The G arm any allegory wa s substan.
aa followe:
Four fliee, which had made their way
into a certain pantry, determined to
have a feast.
One flew to the eugar and ate heart-
ily; but soon died, for the sugar was
full of white lead.
The second chosh the flour as his
diet, but he fared no better, for the
flour WAS 1041d.ed -with plaeter of Paris.
The third sampled the syrup, but his
rox legs were preoently raised in the
air, for the eerup Wail colored with
annual dyee,
The fourth fly, seeine all his friends
rlead, determined to end his life also,
and drank deeply of the fly-poleon
which he found in a convenient ealleet,
He is still alive and in good health,
That, too, was adulterated.-"Lippin-
He -If ehould propose, would you
say "Yes," would. you propoeee-Los
Dales Herald.
ta Toronto, provide% splendid fa.cilitiese
ler training for rail way appointments;
our book, "Cluided by the Xey," explain*
fully; sent free on request. Write
in Twenty-five calls for every watch-
maker we Nth supply. Learn the busi-
ream right end in half the time of ap-
prenticeship; reasonable tuition; twenty-
iwo years' established; own blinding.
;tend for circular. 'Watchmakers' School,
Wellesley street, corner Church, Toronto,
The Hamilton
Daily Times
Only $2.00 Per Annum
Twice -a -Week
$1.00 Per Annum
To New Subscribers
Hamilton, Ont.
Send for Sample Copies
(Toronto News.)
The books of twelve two -cent stamp*
issued by tae post office at twenty-five
cents have proved a great cOnVealetios
to the public. What is there to prevent
the department putting out a, booit
twenty -tour one -cent stamps at the Sarnef
price? This suggestion is worth his eer-
ious consideration. Books of one-eent
etamps would have a good. sale In all
cities and towna.
Liniment Cures Dandruff,
• • , . .
(Montreal Gazette.)
The Lecke-equine Railroad has Issued
a, notice to the effect that any,employee.
caught drinking Intoxicating liquors eith-
er on duty or off duty will be dismissed.
This is in line with the actIon la.ken by
Beveral other railroads. The day when(
a man could get Intoxicated and still hold
his position and chance of promotion hsus
passed. Industry itaworkieg to make tt
sober world.
JusT SO.
(Victoria Times.)
There Is no mistaking why suffragette);
Want the vote. Mies 13arbara. Welie did
not pet the cart before the horse when
she said, on landing at Montreal, "Wo-
men claimed the freriehise because they
aad a. right to it." She addeta as a mere
afterthouge, "We also want to exert en
influenee on legislatisei In regard to sub-
jects -such as public hecith and social
queetions, which, we thine, more import-
ant than cortitnerce, and the things that
tnen think most important." Ilicklental-
IY the battle le ter the redreesing of see -
Jet wrongs, but first, laet end in the mai-
die, for vomen's "riglite."
4 • -----
Minardis Liniment for sale every.
..... +-
(Chicago ribuTnee
A. girl weet in search of a job the other
day, The inanutacturer of an es -
1 tablishment manufacturing ladies'
offered her $8 m day. The ehop
was on tho fifth floor Of a
Modern loft building. The girl loolcs
ed Mit of the nearby window into the
street below -and tleelined the offer. eAlui
went tti work in a dingy shop sewing
ovetalle for $0 a week. The overall eitoo
Was lecated oe the first floor .
In. declining' the better job paying SS a
week the girt 'WO influerteed by Whet she
had reed about a certain fire in a ebirt
*Wet. fattere in New York where 147
girls eleeing the flarnee jumped front the
ninth floor into their death In the street
beleW. She would work for titi a week
- sine be Peeve" the earth than to safety.
rt is a wasto of time for a, man to
Make a fool of himself when it is so *as,.
to get a woman to do it for hiro..-Cht*,
*go ;Neves,
The best premiums and hlggest values ever offered. Gold arret
FREE TO IfOilie Sliver Watehee_Gera set Rings and Brooehee laughteeprodlue.
leg efeelog Picture Machines. allele decorated Tea Sets, Silverware, Actordioos, Lovely Dreagod
rolls end many other hettutiful prernions given FREE tor selling our high ewe Gold Etneoseed Pict
Ilieirtew7,ecioCrneicrese, 4taet.tivitnorstrtittitOcuoriocam ctlayladaorfatiuttigvutopryedisbort,esqutalditryitgashat iynourwiejrneli.utievoir)natio eetro,nelbeielitoerit
tict premium list. We get a great matey repeat orders from our costomere
tiend 215 your Milne WO OddreFIN pin,1111Y Written' find WO will fOrWitid yOu 5 p.tekaets of cards and oar
trig Iti:41:ami Can win any of those splendid pretniams he setting $3.00 worth end It:vie:ye:18u, (tt.ecn(14,.tuifseeteotvani:
write todayyou can else wig one of the Eelre Premieres vet are glvieg to three eho are prompt.
niereeltliela ARE ran EtST. conALY GOLD vsiN CO. tient lok Vorooto. IrWe
" W,'
Dear Pretend, we are giving away 101IVEI TEEM;
SAND of these Beautiful Seamless
De you 'Want one? It will only eostyou A eent, fot a nett eard to
send for it. Yoe had better send the post raid toelay ns the demand
will be etternietiat end our generosity roay wane. We do th15. to qtaeltle
!layettes° Dr. Breen's Fernous Laxaeronle Tablets, the Great Biwa
and Nerve Medicine. a reliable remedy for CenetiOation.
nese, NorvotIa Headache, Nauratgloit fittountAttani..k.a.
you will send ug your name and addreSs, %mien, ne *tit scut
you tho DeAullitn Bearniese glivarlria Peppqn S hemp and alto II
bOxes Of Dr. Brain's Laxa.Teolo Tablets to ilitfOtillOO albOng Vous-
friends and sell for%e. per box. with each box, you give a premium
coupon which entitles; the purebaser to reecive FR Eir: beautiftd Piece
ievveleryor silverware. This helps you sell the pills veryrapidly.
Reuun tbe t $.00 and vie win Nod you gait Eiliaketr, honlpaltlaa
nteee to the Orits we send With the pills. We 4.180 _ttena yeti Vb.
Tableaotiose, 12 Tostapoone and i StAtter Itte$0$170ofts
AtO the Artistic then design with beaded hdge. Eoeh lotheA is stern
on the baek in eut tetters "Sirvetoid," Ito that Vti hem yon aro get
the genuine artlele. Tweeigeseetot Pleoes-eount thetn. INYisitivA
doyen Placa. of Beautiful Tableware, and We send Coln all. We.
inemberthe Pepper Shaker. le yenta tO keep whether you sell *OS
Pi" °Lit°111U4 CITY SUPPLY CM. bird* 400 Toasts, OvIt.