The Wingham Advance, 1912-10-17, Page 6IIKAA#104.04•War....111444egfog.I00."4.46,4m0004,.-r,...s,soo,wriaingt..e.,TII.,--.1.0001141allaigem ..• _meow , 011010,4010,00.0.01% \ NOT IN THESE DAYS. Courier -Journal.) "Father," ea.id the yOung man, "I can. not tell a lie." "In that caee," eighed the em man, "I don't believe yOu will ever attract tulY nttention politeially," CONSISTENT PESSIMISM. (Washington Star.) "Are you going fishing' to -morrow morn- ing?" asked the rural. citizen. "No," replied the man from town. "So long as I can go flailing to -day 1 won't bother. I never yet fished without learning that they were biting fine yes - t Kele Y," 7 . . A SPECIALIST, (Louisvile Courier -Journal.) ".A. young man should learn to do one thing well. Thia is an -age of specialists. Ie your son conformmg to that rule?" "in a way. 1119 specialty is rolling eig- grettes." e • HE IS NOT SURE. (Kansas City ojurnal.) "John, am all right for the theatre?" "My dear, I hardly know what you consider all right, You have a dab or powder on each ear, but none on the tip of your nose." 4 NATURAL MISTAKE. (London Opinion.) "That young lady is angry with me. The episode happened at a reception. I couldn't see her face for her big hat." "And you mistook her for another young lady, ell? Nothing in that to a.et angry about." "I mistook her for a piano lamp." SUBURBAN POLITICS. (Now York Sun.) Mrs. Knicker-The Colonel is Out. for social justice. Mrs, Subbubs-Has he got any scheme to keep your neighbors from getting. your cook away for a dollar a month more? 4 THE REVISED MENU. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) "Here, waiter, what's the matter with your bill -of -faro? I can't fina any beef- steak on it." "Yes, eah. That's right, sah. Beef- eteolt comes under the general head of an 'extra' -three dollahs extra. Yes, sail." -- a UNPALATABLE. (Philadelphia Record.) /31obbs-A deliberate lie is often pretty hard to swallow. Slobbs-Well, the truth isn't always pleasant to the taste, either. 41. THE CHANGING SEASONS. .1.4e 11111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1311111111 *mum logni ma OW , Nog i Winsome Winnie i ... • • • INIWI IIIMI IOU MOM NMI PM maiimmimminimummit mnimmumnimmm CHAPTER L "You. have been. swill a. time away, Tredeaniek I" The la.dy epoke with a little aggrieved Ora°, and in tone of reproaeh, fie of those of a person so acoustomed to re- gard and coureideratian that the mere involuntary absence af her votaxies is resented as an approeeh to neglect, placing as she did so her tiuy feet, in their deinty black silk stookinge, and kid shoes, all rosetted and geldebuckled, reader, on her Yelvet-covered fender etool, to the warmth. of the crimson, - glowing fire. • "Hand me my large fan, please--thab black -bugled affair. Thank you"; and sne adjusted the black glittering to shade her pale smooth cheek from. the ardent glare, and. arramged her fine eaau- brie la.e-e-edged handkerehiel over her little, plump, white jewelled. hand to protect its faarness ale°. Same vain exacting beauty she doubt- less appeals, this fair daane. Hasty ju:dg,niente are elways unwise- nearly aiwaye inearreet. Madam Vivian had been a. beauty without 'doubt, and possessed a, beauty of her own yet -had been just as "Min and exacting as most yotmg, courted, flattered beauties are -no :more, no lees --and was as gracedully imperious, as selfesuiticient, solf-willed and aerlf-poe- sessed, as handsome haughty, wellebred, w„elleborn and. eveseldy elderly ,ladiesegele- erally are. Despite her dark brilliant eyes, her smooth fair cheek,. her scarcely lined brow her well -cut lige and white even teetli-all her own beauty, her own natural gift without a touch of art to aid it -and Madam Vivian of Rosm worthy was flityesix yeans od age, arid wore on. herr hair, which. was beautiful, lustrous, wavy and. silver-grey, a f claimed, her affection teed anxiet,y quite overemaing her ill-htunor. "My dear boy, you must not think of it1 Are there not your own room and. the study -- both with good fires, and warm and cosy? Stephen, dear, pray do not!" "Very well then, aunt, to please ygu," he said, going towards the door never- theless; "but I shall just have a look at the night." "Not on the cliffs -pray, Stephen„ not on the cliffs!" 'Ma,dam Vivian reiterat. ed. "Stephen, do you hear me?" "I hear you, dear aunt," he replied, with a kind of grave patience; "are you afraid that a capful of wind would take Me off my legs and blow me over Tregarthen Head?" ".A. capful of -wind do you call it." cried niu,da,m, indignantly, pointing her white hand to the widly-swaying boughs of the great elm outside, as their dark forms were visible against the lighter beekground of stormy, claudy sky, through which the faint moonliglat etruggliel dimly. "I have been out in a gale of wind before now, and I know one as well as you do, Captain. Treden- nick! Come and sit down. to chase this instant, under peril of my dtsplesisure-- Llanyon will send us up some tea pres. ently-and. forget your quarterdeck and dirty weather and. night evateb.e* for once." "My near aunt, I am. no MON, able to refuse compliance with any request of youns than my late uncle wee," amid her nephew; "and there was a glimmer of ridioule in the indlor's keen pleasant myes as he turned obediently, moved the little inlaid table in front of mad - not come homdght-how eould you ex. peet Llenyon? Ceme, ntephee, I al - wens lilto my green tea after ehees; m - deed, durieg a prolonged and, well -play- ed game, I like it to sip at iatervals while( I am playing; hut WO are' hardly in need of it tomieht." Madam Vivian was oue of thoze peo- ple who do not easily forgive. "Who ie 'Mies Winnie'r " Captain. Tredonnick Asked. "I never heard of that young lady before," "Oh, a little girl who coulee to read or play to me in the evening," maid Madam, intent on the exact flavoring of her tea, "Won't you try the lemon eseence, Treclenniek? it's a -vast im- provement. nhe'e a ince little creature, poor child." Tredenniek's eyee appeared te quee- tion, whilst he epoke ii•o word -he was, in trutb, at that moment ealoulsiAing the time of the tide, and. the probable poeition some homeward -hound -ves- sels of which he knew. "Not a very comforteble name, poor child," said madam, in reply to his look; "a step -mother, and a parcel of disagree- able children, you know, and poor Win- nie made a kind of drudge for them. the Pope himself would, have taken her altogether ae little companion, but her step -mother will place on the heads of the new Cac- hed the impertinence to tell me -to tell dinals Is the crown of a prince of the me," repeated madam, setting back her Church. It is chief among the insignia welneliaped head, with its trembling of the office of Cardinal. it is a small hat with two tassels on diadem of lace, and her full white throat -ethat Winnie could not be spared from the brim, Hanging from the hat on either side are five rows of tassels, each home! Her father mune te apologize, row symbolizing a step in the religious and tylen•ed nee to take Winule„ but I, of life of the Cardinal; priest, vicar, bis - course, refined." hop, archbishop, cardinal.. The red hat Stephen Tredenniek did not quite see is never worn after the first time aud the force or juetice of the "of couxse," is kept to be placed over the body of the but he merely asked: cardinal when he is deceased. "Vdhat is he?" The cartlintils' beretta is also made of "A coastguard officer. He has been red niatenal, It has three semi-eircular in the royal navy, and held the rank of mounts on top, with a cord loop in the lieutenant," replied Madera Vivian. ea"Ykoeui centre. It is worn on unofficial mica - really should taste this 'heavy liciously, Of course, only that she is a *ions. M Inard's Tredenniek; cook. always makes it de - gentleman's daughter, I would not make where. a eompanion et peer little Winnie, though ehe is such a clever little being -plays quite prettily, and sinnre a little, , r EC*1 pen, --gee "" FREE TO YOU. 7311::'r11170,14115.444tbitg;lartiitr:011,..(fl'ormtite=tV ing Maim/Picture Machines. finely decorated Tea 'Sala. Silverware. Accordions, Lovely Dressed Done and many other beautiful premium* given FREE for soiling oar bigh oleos Gold Embossed pie. tare Poet Cards at ()for 10o. Our cards are the very latest designs iu Floral, Birthday, Bentley, Views, Comies, dm, in artistic colors and of such superior quality that you will lia,ve no trouble sell- ing them. JUST SHOW THEM AND TAKE IN THE MONEY. You can *in any of these splendid premiums by selling ta3.00 worth and upwards, and lf you will write todayyou can also win one of the Extra Premium" we are giving to those who are prompt. Send us aour name and address, plainly written, and wre will forward you a peckage of cards and our big prin./num list. We get a groat many repeat orders from our oustomers, v ? BECAUSE OUR taa, Demi lop. Tore -to. PREMIUMS ARE THE BEST. COBALT GOLD PN RED HAT IS WORN ONLY ONCE. The red. hat which and leas neautifully-quite it natural am's easy chain and placed. thereon the splendidly carved chessmen which he ggt, poor ohild!" himself had brought home frown Canton Again Treennick did not see, under all the areumittauces, the force and juatiee as a gift. Common report would have it, indeed, that the late John Vivian, squire of the "of course," but said uothing; kind of diadem of black lane, all of Roseworthy, wish of St. Awen, the allusion to the coastguard servize sprinkled with glittering tremulous Cornwall, had carried the trait Of can- • sent hie mind off, through the stare and crescents of jet, to denote her jugal eaniability„ to which his nephew wild rknees of the bleak March night state of widowed mourning, although alluded, ao very far treat it had carried. on the Eugl•iith wain, the driving rain it dated 'back some 6eVen 7ewrIS before. him at length into the reign, of conjugsl and b.owling blast, to smegglers' adven- The person •adckeessed as Tredeneden slavery -but then 'corn:non report is al- tures ekirmishes,r2aptures and escapee, therefore was not that subservient, hum- • WayS slanderous. ' in th'e matey gloom of tropical nights blemainded and eoanewhat timid inne- Chess was Medical Viola -Ws favorite beneath the silver glory of the Southern vidual wlio had the unprinalleeen goon game; she delighted. as much. as elle ex- Crosse, and to the pirate's darker craft, (Rochester Herald.) celled in its intriguing, its deeply -laid like a. fell bird. of prey darting amidst fortune to be the Imenand of a flattexed, Shovelling coal into the furnace is a imperious beauty; nor was he her eon, Polley, its ambuscades, and well -won ve- the procoes which one never seems to forget, although hAs years numbered sccne twee- 'torten and it was her noast to say that Summer isles ot Basin lying in deek even though it is interrupted for a few ty-foux less than hers. ehe never met her match. on the feld purple spheres of sea. months when one feeds tickets to the ice- An unpatient clink or the ehina and man. 4tMy dea.r aunt," he mid, quietiy, "the of the chequered board, except in a , • - East India,man. Chittoor is rather clif- Tredenniok of Tregar en. silver resulting, in a, tiny chime brought THE INEVITABLE RESULT. ferent in &exacter from your little She certainly did meet her match, and him back with a. start to the reality ox Madam Vivian's richly furniehed draw- (Harper's Weekly.) Bluebell, in the days wheel you. Went her victory very often, in a, Tredennick of Tregarthen ; but then she could grace- ing"roonl all nreen, in different; shades has broken down." said Stubbs. "He favor of wind and. tide." fully yield the palm to those of her own and deptls of.hue, as regarded its up - "I am surprised to hear that Dubbleigh yachting, to go 'here and lehere by the used to have a splendid constitution." "Dear me Tredenniele, 1 .should think kindred, for she had. been a Tredenniek holstery and drapery of velvet andsatin gan ameeding it." I know thlt 1" said. Madam Vivian% of Tregarthen before she teme to rule damask, all aglow with the light of \MX- -So++ • rather petulantly. "But yoga have been over Squire Vivian's handsome house candles and blazing firelight, all glitter - "Yes," said Wigglethorpe, "but he be - CHEERFUL UNDER DIFICULTIES. swary a. very long time, 1 repeat -it ,and wall filled purse in Roseworthy. ing with bleek walnut woods and licavy (Chicago Tribune,) "I had, intended to go up to Tregar. dull gold frames (Madam Vivian liked is imager than the last. reen in her roome-it suited her com- eeenis to me that eaeh of .ymir voyages of emixte 1 • then this evening," Stephen Tredennick g the holdup man, "I'll stuff this handker- know there are no attraetions in, Theete , remarked, absently, •toying with a eap. plexion, and it did not tire her eyes, she The victim regarded it with a ghastly tured pawn, end oblivious of an awful eaid; ehe liked wannemilles and berg() "If you make any noise," threatened Ole black glittering f,an in Madam =Mee tO hiS bishop from Madam's hest fires; ,and she chose black walnut in chief in your mouth." land te make you hasten Inane' smile. reference to gayer and lese chaste Viveann hand, e,nn ene Nat* negmernen move. "It is too late now• 1 must g0 P "011, that's such an old gag!" lee pro- tested. lacie on her silvery hair stirred. and flut- up to -morrow. The Truscots are keep- . h I ese madam's pale, handsome num wibh a euxvings)-to the contemplainon of . The keen _expressieree'leliteeterereyea-of ' "Yes, keeping it together," Madam luivite roses of her cheeks, relieving it preach. stunt?" Stephen Tr'enennick, -captain of -the Rae.t replied,' •with a ,alight shrug; "It j's a ' the contemplation of her silvery waves oin nettled pallor end, eallownets--to • "I am sorry for it," said Ca,ptair. ine7dasn's jeweled. fingers, with sparks of • e• : • "No attractions antside the h.omeemy Tredennick, moving the pawn careless- rainbow fire on them as they 'timed STRONG IMAGINATION. dear aamt is kind. etnough,tonweleome a, ly; 'I should not like the old home to hither and thither amoimat the tea - la (Rochester Times.) poor sailor to." fall to ruins, even if I never lived in it." equipage; and then the wild storm and KItty-Gracleus, dear, and were you The Ostertpliments gaud taibtriaett.warnely "It would take full three thousand • rain drenching- the window.; outside, automobile? ed in quite paeifymg Madam \Ileum She pounds to rebnild and renovate," ob- ettddet. dim tittig very nervous when you guidde your first as they Were expeensed, neverth Cies* fall - white rabbit and thought it was a cow. fluttered. her fAn more impatiemay far a • . you are never going o e t liv there, it • el ' . "if "Hark)" said in•adarn, endilonly, drop- paisy-I ehould say so. I ran over a served. Madam, with another ellen; few momenta, glancing ti.thwani. it with does not matter, I ruppoee. If I had ping me sugar tongs with a deafening elash-"it eever ean be! Did you. not *-0.4 PAPA NEEDS HELP. (Exchange.) "So you are in the swim?" "Mother and the girls think I ana'but Indian/an. Chittooe, spankleil with a, perfect rum, you know. Stephen, o who has fallen overboard and. ought to be niearrn of amesement; emdethen, you intend that prewn to remain?" of shining hair, her rich lustreless trail - honeying for help." eephed. RS quietly as betfoxie: inc.- black silk, the dainty teatable, and my personal feelings are those of a man tered with au air of eniseey and re- ing the ouse faint hue, the last flueh of the onee ex - HER REASON. (Exchange.) Mrs. Angus -Don't you object to your hueband's spending most of his time at the ball game? Mre. Arden -No, dear; it takes his mind off the 'expensive fall suits I'm ordering. •-e. A POOR DIET. (Christian Register.) Lady of the House -You. say you have- n't had anything to eat to -day? Tramp -Lady, if you believe me, the only thing I've swallowed to -day is in- eults." UTILIZING THE ELEMENTS. (Washington Star.) "You didn't waste your time building ca.sties in the air?" "No." replied Mr. Dustin Stax. "I con- structed corporatione out of water." 4 S. UNEASY LIES THE HEAD. (Boston Transcript.) Briggs -Do you put your pocketbook uteder your ,pillow when you sleep in a hotel? Grigge-Never. You see, the first few nights the pocketbook would make my pillow, too high; theta after a, week or so there isn't enough in it to be anxious abont. PLEBEIAN. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) "tier husband's family was English, wasn't it?" "Yes, and very good stock, too. He claires relationship to Gladstone." "Gladstone e That should please his wife." "It doesn't. It hurt her pride (tread- Oneat Comtnoner.' " Nana of seaport towme; and assure g fully when she hettrd he was called, the your dear aunt, nay atquaintIthee with. and nwept corer the mansion fiercely, for herself. (Kingston Standardo "Exceseivelv limited -I should. think ecreaniing round the grouped chimneys, and flavoring the beverage very delicate- her dark eyes fleshing, a manner . „ whit& showed what deadly aervize the three thousand to spare, 1 erould do it hear a. knock and ring, Iredennic . dainty weapon might have one in the for the eake af the name of the Treden- "Certainly. I did," he replieel, in some days of her early ballroom camel . nieks of Tregarthen, but I have not. So surprise, ' 1 ust o as they win g0; "It can never be that child!" seid phen," ehe said, eltaxply anol. enoldenly; you are the last of the Tredenneeks, "you migIrt have other attractions, and and I dare say another half century will ' other homes to --welecarie yrrA, if you blot even the memory of theraeof fthe eared" , face of the earth." Ce I suppose m g , "It is your own fault entirely, )7 . t I Treden- "I dare 'say, S epe in • Yes, bu 0 no 'care, ar le „eac ravely. replied more quietly, a eenteain stern d411 ' g look coming into his lebid blue. eyeso "we "There goes your bishop!" cried. Ma- jeet, and yon know my anindr" dam, sharply, swooping down on the have said all we can eay on thattesube "Yes• you will never many troikas neglected piece. "What are you think - you m'eeb a. girl whocaa. you. can letWe'" ing of? You are playing very bedly to• night!" smid Madam Violent in Tether a sine -311 "1 shall not spend three thousand cer- tone, as of onela.horing under mit:011,51m- tinly," Stephen Tredennick said, taking pressed annoyance, "You only .sag. bleat ' the loss of the bishop very philosoptia for want of a better an.swee to imam cally, "but I certainly must spend a me, Stephen. It cannot be poneible ithett ferW pounds in making it weathertight, an. educated mem of thirty-two has no ' L ellen go up there to -morrow." other ideas on. the eubject of an eligible "It le sad to see it in the state it is wile tdmit the mere Jack Tar nekton of ' im" returned liadam, speaning hi mean - 'a girl to love!'" ing accents etill. "I Should like before "I regret to say -such, is the density I die to see the Tredennicks of Tregar- of nay ignorance and the 33aerow rainiled- ' then -dame once anore; but i never shall, ness of my obstinate determination," re- 1 1 stippoter but looking a little irritaned--othe neere up again. Captain Tredennick made, an - The unpleseant eubject was cropping turned Captain Tredennick, smiling fetill, rata" ,othor reekless naove, and turned Ins Jack -Tar notion is the very one for "Well," said madam, changing lder head. tovrarde the window. "Ah, the gale Is upon us sooner than witaettihella2tte bpeegrIntinniancgitylb°.irsenlf-willan43wed' . I*41"glit'" he said, the sough of the ., teens and the mournful sighing of the woman., "why eau You hot find thtn gir". night wind rising, as he spoke, into a, "Where am 1 to find her I don't midden ebrieking blest, that roaxed to lover? What le to hinder yam?" admire the black-eyed Susa.ns r ovely atbowe the thundering din of the erash- billows out by the headlaed orags, madam, irritably. "it could not be pos- eible! How slow Llanyon iti1" To alleviate hher impatience, Tredele nick had riF..,en and. laid. his hand ,m the lock when lie heard the hall door un. barred. and then shut haenly egaanst the storm, as sOine one rushed. in wieh an ejaculation. "It's Miss Winnie, madam," said the old butler, as Tredennick opened the drewing-room door; and at the seine momene a small muffled figure, apper- ently•dripping with wet, appeared "..n the brightly lit portal. "Winifred ! " e r died a m V iviae, .sharply-madaenn -imam wae very elear, and rather high-pitched, and could be very shrill and' eharp when site choee. "Yes, madam," mune in rather muffled up tones from the dripping figure. "What on -earth induced you .to come out on euch a night?" madam demanded, her fede emooth forehea,d lined with dis- pleasure. "In torrents of rain, derkness and storm, and at this hour, too! Did you imagine that I wanted to ba read to at nine o'clock in the evening?" "It was much earlier when I left:home, madam," the little wet bundled -up figure said humbly. "It wes only halfgeee seven when I left home, and the storm = overtook me -and I had to go errands besides." Madam compressed her well -cut pink lips, and poured out another •,:eip of tea * Liniment for sale every. AT THE OPERA. (New York Herald.) "My. but you do look stunning!" "What a. perfect love of a, gown:" "I want YOU to meet my husband!" "Is the family hack In town?" "There's that Mrs. Thbagamajig!" "Did you ever see such taste?" "The shortest one Is her husband!" "But it wrinkles in the eyelet!" "So goo dto be here, isn't it?" "Really. you don't say!" "What is Emily thinking of?" "He's sixty if he's a day!" "Mercy, my head is mplitting!" "He was to blame, I hear!" "Where are the Bigwads sittingr "Sh! Not so loud, my dear! "Isn't that ridiculous?' "Maybe they've had a spat!" "1 guess they're applauding Caruso:" "Heavens, isn't he fat?" "My, the curtain is faling!" "'Didn't that three hours fly?" "See you up at New Haven!" "Love to all! Dye. bye!" WRIST WATCH kLat. FREE' , .... ... .05-iete edeenereenne, ..... ... Vr!)..,4:,.. 6.1 %ff. :C4 I , s 14, • • .... A.17.W fr • "A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM." 1 I 11141.101 1.1, 1 A. I t 1 YEARCY MILKING RECORDS. ISSUE NO. 12, 191f? Avfording to rdport, No. 4, of the re. ; -- ----.---- ----d-----eng- ---.;--- et cord of peitormatice tor pure bred dairy HELP WANTED. breach of the federal department of ag- •WANTIeD, SPINNERni VOR 300Kr cattle, met issued by the live etock WY* herds have won, on. perfornaamee of milk sen Baseett muiee. Apple' to rigulture, uearly (AO ttows. Cauadien Iamited, kaingstdil, has been accomplished within the eie tic4oltti 85411dit)d. reror'ne4rivittkPlitdie Outrun-. tirodutalon. and. regular breeding, certh inetee of reeord of performanee. Tide ANTRD-eA, GOOD SkX:OND years that the tots have been in pro- ceeter stream &tem, Ont. geese. In an introductory paragraph thie re. WOoD TURNER. WANTIDD. of great benefit to the redeem of pure t•Z)-Zoicth „soi fereuce given to man able to handle %termer peaut ha\;:ti Stet. eel) port points out that while this work is bred stock, it Las au (welt wider in- 01 enetrIenta to H.Pel: 11.441cer L. Mr:4 fluence in furnishing to the owners of Untyoll'aartai Oat gee& herds reliable mid valuable infor- mation to goy= the selection of Wile to place at the bead of their horde. The thief aim of thIS W04:: 1$ stated to be to develop mid. perpetuete nigh produc- ing stranie of dairy stock under normal conditioes of mituagement and feeding. eddition to the eules and, regula- tions, stendexds for registratioe, etc., this report furnshes a complete index of the owners of qualified. eogether • with the record, age, ete., or eaoh suc- cessful animal. Anticipating a keen &- minal. from breeders and owners of both pure bred and grade heeds of dairy cat- tle, the Hon. Martin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture, has authorized .the print- ing of a large edition of ths report, wnich is dietributed by the publicatious branch of the Department ef Agricul- ture, Ottawa. It was in Boston. They were having a "difference." "After careful cogitation," said lie, "I: am firmly convinted that I diSplayed deplora.ble lack of discernment in choos- ing you as the partner of my joys and. sorrows." "You are correct," said he, "and 1 am sure that I must have been suffering. under a mental aberration to have given, an affirmative answer to your impas- sioned pleading." "I have realized," said 13artholornew, the four-year-old progeny, as he stepped from the nursery -"I have realized. for several years that my parental affilia- tions were uneongenial. might almost say distasteful. But I have deemed it my duty to eontinue as 'the tie that binds.' Now I must insist that unless you ehow to each other the courtesies due my immediate ancestors I. shall be forced to repudiate my rela,tionship." They embraced. Again a little child had wom-Brooklyn Life. A beautiful small size LADIES' W.A.T0}1 in handsome LEATliER BRA0ELET given FRES for selling only $4.50 worth of the loveli- est Christmas and New Year Cards and Folding Booklets at 3 for 5e. These are the very latest and most exclusive designe. Embossed and lithographed ht. ali the natural colors. .Appro- priate mottoes and verses. You juet show them and take the money. Many of our agent e men it dozen packages in. one house. Don't tides this wonderful chance. 'Write to day. You may uot see this advertise - meat again. corailf)drep&.:0201,0n, 1,1t0::rNotiCto0:0, WINDOWS ,,ItiNier souare. and these ere set in narrow strips the nearly roma', and averege fem. inches in Perhaps in no world are elnlellaS USed SS a substitute for windoW glass. These shells are flat, dIamteer. Tae edges are trimmed off, so e.s to teat e panes about three inches of. wood. The ehells ere of COVIIII0 trar.elucent rather than transparent, anti the result Is a euft, opalescent light, very agreeable in a euuntry where the glare nary glas were used. To ebtain the of the sky would be intolerable if ordin- Masimum window openings the sashes are made to slide horlzontaly onl wide Rills of hard aroed in a manner similar to that adopted by the Japanese. By this enoens-ooeuings as wide as 12 feet are p_bt*a_ined_.-1).7,7he New Manila" la the December Century. eteergeate.neee,.....eetatoteaearmag C H RCH ES Mt/ST EQUIP. London belles ie excessively lbnited." ' beating at its dosed doors and. windows, "Well, Winifred" -sugaring, ()reaming, Bee'. T. W. Neal wisely suggests that Sal" retorted madam, petular.te e as she the angles and gables, and burying it- ly, but without raisieg her eyes froin her employment -----"as you have been the ehurches ebouid be open every day in SaW .in her newphew' f th • eelf eyith long, tremulous wails in th ridiculous cmough to quit ya UT own the week. Btit, who \Vishes to .Ontertain of amusement at her anxiety. s ace e glimmer home, and came through darkness and himself in deserted cloister halls)? Will "N-0 den. - surging hurricane of sound of the wild. trnooli;ee =ATM offitty ithan now, if it aims your tirae in the emoky, grogg:g sonety leeflese 'woodland?, behind. "Cheek to your queen!" said. nia.dam. the ChUreh itot have to be equipped in a der it ehould be limited, when y ott spend dorm. until you are covered with mud net wor la. s ea a y needed. and wet from head to foot, for the very k yti ietnr eirt phis kind or work of a set of sailors, and go pokieig ehout Captain Tredenniek nuide a few fee- ble efforts to save the genie, but a move Ilbuda'bile purpoae of readine to me at an hour when I shall c'be going their 'snug cribs,' as they. call their out- of-the-way villas and oottageis that ere or two more placed it entirely in Muni - to bed -as you would ecarcely be - ....—nene A WILD.CAT MINE. kept like ship ca,bins, and :pith, imt ain's hands. it presentable for the next tWO hours -- (Exchange.) even ii. feartale housekeeper sore frotitneav, ."1 do not eall that a game, now- e you had better go down to cook and. get your clothes dried, and have some ner, to -day. "Oh, I beg your pardon, aurite' at' tid was merely intrrendered,". said she, , • Ile --I saw our old neighbor, :qr. Skin - She -Did you. What is he doing now? guishing her (Their way in pighe. "if he, laughing; "Martyn has a, renntrk- hot tea or something. Such an ideal I nen,w. is interested hi (iiio 01: those . able pretty houeekeeper, w;13.oin he you did not, welt to play, why did yeu - ara sure, Tredennick, you mired think wild -eat mining companies.- adores, and. a houseful of pret ty maid- :. not say so? Ring for tea, please, Ste- me a considerate woman to exiket a to neer for wild cats. young girl to conic mare than two miles She -The idea! I never knew you had sereariene /them" ' "Captain .'&1ttrtyn bad sense enough. "I really do not feel my head quite along the cliffs, ori Buell a ntglit aS thiS, he ennlalned, to reed to me! Positively'!" Madam • to marry, and marry Well, tt 10," fiid Clear to -night, nunt," (From the 1<alVas City Star.) .1 apologetieally; "my 111111d kept weeder- wa8 "And Stepltes Tredennick ',Las not ‘ ing all the time. 11.arki lt is a bad delieate tea over her cambric liandker- very angry, and. Spilled BOMO of her kATERARY INNISH. madam, shortly. 'rhe preeeeloue youugster took atter Mc seine enough to marry and., if lee every night for the Channel, arid no mistake!" 'hooky mother. -• ehief. "Shut the door, please, 'Winifred, "Papa," he sold, looking* up from the does, ie likely to marry ill," :retorted f..,lanyon, Madam. ViViall'S staid, grave . and go down to cook, itS I tOld you." weekiy brink review. "What le meant be. , the captain of the Chittoor, ri iing and ' butler, entered at thie juncture 'win). The little dark wet figure listened 'a, literary finish'?" . walking away to the windew. ale baff and quietly to the last word of the reproof, "Weli, sou," replien daddy, facetiously. "1 do not at tell doubt it," said V4Madtfill et;3:oiAlotl-afrnitct:giztl.afnCt,"r(tVI°ttgtdrieteen:laeliiallFVer poor ellen." '"..ella,t norhwester is blowinpr iwetty sugar, the tiny silver.stoppered bottle tIelervete;r:r1Wciliirtilgi "I suspect it Ion somethine to do with e ,e,, till:vdayt .11 en softly shut the door and stole a humiliating, ride over the hill to the , enattuY. stiff," Captain Tredenniek r h./larked of lemon essence, With. wfdeh elle al - (Chicago lteeoiealleraide eonvereationt as he dr•eve wane flavored her cup, and the little NOT RISKING INTERFERENCE. • presently, glad to ebange the st dije et of back 1 gle" :4'tilit*". • eiehlygnmeel ewer of eeelded crealia town to -night?" Llanvon had, beside the silver biscuit. "Why de you intIst on eteylim donn- , green damask eurtains, and 1m eke% MA "1 have reaeon to l)clicv a. that iny into the nu. y y ir "et etorm iti Itt-. dll irtV 6 a teeket. anether eolored die.. ti daughter is planning to elope with It weather in the channel to.night i 1 foar, „cook 0614 up 501)16 4ileavy,trike,, ms.,, yeung man who hae nenrly tie; teillitot be went on, talkirtit to hitt tselt, foe dam" he said, a, little apologetically, dollars in Ills own right." • Madam Viviart i'at with her h lead tetan- „sit ' . it is eery nie6, if you aud tlie . ... e rely eid. sleety, her little slippered loot , pl EASILY REMEDIED. tialtly beating the footstool; ' jowl, Nipi'l , Cityta,.itiv:Xlioanailloo_ t_o_trY it. Miss Wir" (Chleara) Record -Herald.) be et gale before midnight, If itink 1 Iv me ' t um "0 f it .only site has, not "It ulna be Modelle to bonnie to the go out and Mee a lookeesmoi ke my pi.`'0, ' (WI" ()i 8 ":, 4 t 11/4/ 1 1 hi "Yes, ' replied etre. niderietle, "but it on the cliffs - that 18. if it at In't be gut ''°11I s"' 8t11( - 'IA "I' allg lig' nebilitY," seal Mrs. (40itaiottc., 11OS itn drawbatka Nobleeee oblige, you oute" and he lallghed 'AS 11t built& te), clielessly----"it Wile Made (Or Mise Witt« knotte" /cave the room, ma then, and eook kindly condescends American ..ilumbina." 11.60 ana tone' ludani 13,1p4,,,,t ,erg.. thitttereal No, of murte tho *le t Ati vos, 1" know thfit, ruIrNut g.At this hour, Crin alWitys httlie that fixed by 1111ttitt* Stapheiti-1 theralsarkl 'to on* US it morisel. ant surel stiV: 11.re 414 (To be Contieued.) • 1.1 roc -4* • ,a&t,it KCIO Women's commonest ailment -ihe root of so much of their in -health -promptly yields to the gentle but certain astioa of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. 25c. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. I , • v. ...11====tifintraVZ.. . Maypole Soap FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast colors. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mix- tures. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c at your stealer's or postp'd with b'k. let "How to Dye' 105 from F. L. BENEDICT CO. Montreal 4%, • THE WIFE HE WANTED. (St. john Toregtaoh,) A man in lalgemont, S. D., who In ad- vertising in the newspapers fur a wire, vonclud.es hls advertisement as follows; "1 want hig, strong woman, Who is n good worker in the find at light work like plowing, digging potatoes and load- ing hay. So it 18 uo use for foolish, trifling girls tu answer this, for mean bueiness. Not necessary to be beautiful or "Very young." Ditithnore, Md. Nov, 11, 19Cea IYIINARD'S LINIMENT b0„ 3himited. Sirs, -d came 8,01'085 a bottle of your miN'AmDbs LINIMENT in the hands of one of the students at the University of Maryland, and he being so kinet as to let me use it for a, very bad sprain, whieh I obtained in araining for foot raees, and to say that it helped me would be put- ting it very mildly, and I therefore ask if you would let rue know of one of your agents that Is closest to Baltimore so that I may obtain some of it. Tha.nk- ins you in advance remain, Yours truly, W. C. leleCUMAN. 14 St. Paul street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P. S.-ICinclly answer at once, FIXED IT UP FIE-RiELF, (Buffalo Times.) In a wife desertion case in •Chicage Goodnow asked the plaintiff. Mre, Jones: husband died?" "Ever been married before?" "Yes; to 'William Blatch." "Ahl' sympatehtically. "Not that know of," is -4th.YerjwIlroZst *I see. Did you get divorce, or did he"NgeetithiVr"of us got a, divorce, sir. You see, sir," the woma.n explains, "I was married to 131atch all right and proper, minister and all; but 'Match wus just naturally no good, and left me. Thee thee young fellow came along and made love to me; and we decided to get mar- ried; but we didzi't etattt to go to any eergese. get wy old marriage certi- ficate, and serauhed out Tlatch' and wrote tn 'Jones,' and there we were rgtht l'8.1111, OF. • WOMAN SUFFRAGE. (Ottawa Journal.) It seems to be a fact that the average man, who has ,given the average amount of thomrht to the question of vvornan suf- frage ‘i:111 say, as Woodeow Willion says, that he is "on the fence." Nevertheless, the time appears to be coming when men muk. decide this questic- supported tv.: a is by litany intelei,tual and beautiful women, zind made mere apn:Aling by the undoubtra faet that v.omEn are rapidly en tering KS never befove In! the 8pheres or action with which Federal legislation has as mueb to do. NO HELL. (Montreal Gazette.) Rev. T, T. Sitelide, in a sermon, de- nounced Toronto'e Morality Department as being worse than useless, -especially with respect tu the censershlp of the the- atres. Inspector Kennedy, in reply, asks: "What eau the people expect when the pulpit is preaching that there Is ne hell? It is a deterrent to morality." The question eeems to be somewhat of a poser. BACK TO NATURE. (Guelph ereury,) Notwithstanding the feat that the mar- ket is flooded with baby foods end fade iind the papers' arid magazines are fall of 'hounding boys and girle Who have been retired on the venous tin Can pro, duets, the diectiesion bcforo tho Itterna- tiorod Congress ef ItYgieno SholArs that phymiciene ere thoroughly agreed that attended feeding, even of the InOst tifte order, cannot compare in the reeults te the natural food of the At least three timer; at4 many artificially fed in- fante perish Miring their firet year of 1116 lite of the ebildren that lave Inateenttl AVOrightnent, SEVERE ON MEN. (montrigti Gazette.) Why should net a woman who delib- erately destroys property in her senses be punished? A man in the same -circumstance:4 IN, and the pollee know how to handle him when he resists ar- rest. He Is also made to serve uut sentence. Refnsing to eat does not se- cure his liberty. in truth the law deals more severely with men criminals than It. does with those of the °posit° sex, MInard's LInlment#1ures Burns, Etc. 1 9 For information that lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Special Complaints that cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Institute, 201,3%265 Yonge Street„ Toronto. POSTED. (Exchange.) Wifey-lieriry, neet Is the diffnence between ellreet. taxa; ( n and indieee. tax- ation? Hubby-A/1y, difrerenee between your asking me m • etoney and going through my trou2era while I'm asleep. • ' vv:A: • • wkwat tuj,11""w"'" it!tr a 1 WHAT THE WOMEN LEARNED . • (Detroit Free Peese.) Although 1110 Detroa laalee do 11 tJ to have realizA iz they loAve really un eovery_d an e.•_,.sential point in the high Priers problrin \viten trte were Inv, sti- gating 111 their clot) nnq timr the rise of milk charges. They found uttt that the tarmert; recolve about too,' cent.4 a quart for their prodUot, that 1.110 eti14' Er MN!' IJI:VA to pay el;;Iit or nine t'ents and that the difference Is paid unt scum:where between the prt„duc,r and the consumer. SPOILING GOOD PAPER. (Philadelphia Record.) "Poetry ehould be written on one side of the paper, shouldn't it?" "That depends on the poetry," replied the editor, wearily. "Lots of it shouldn't be Written on either side." -.61. PILES C1RED AT ME By New Absorption Method If you suffer from bleeding, blind or protruding piles, sena me xe-,Ir address and I will tell you how to etrw yourself at home by the nett. absorptien treatment, and will also eend some of nth home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and perman- ent cure assured. Send no money but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs. 11I. Summers, Box 1'. 8, Windenr. Ont. AKE YOUR N TILE - -r ADIM WA.NTED TO DO PL(A.IN and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; geed pay; work sent any dietance; tehargee paid; send stamp for full particulars. National lerattureeaur- ins Co., Montreal. Q HOE FACTORY WOR,KEBS-11ANI) a.7 lasters on men's Goodyear welte and ell 'menu and boys' MelCa,y. Apply to C. Dayfoot & Company, Georgetown, Ont. WANTED -EXPERIENCED KNIT - tors for Lumberman, .1 en cies 4•1C, Mayo half hose machines. Apply King- ston Hosiery Co., Litnited, Kingstort, Ont. BENCH MEN. FOR HIGH CLASS cabinet work; stair work; nerd - woods. State experience and wages re- quired. 'Knight Bros., Burke Falls, Ont. wANTED-EXPER1E N C ED DINING room girls; highest wages; perms,- nent position. Apply Waldorf Hotel,. Hamilton. tau _ $4.60 TO $6.00 PER_12.000 HAND OR POWER • SENO FOR _ CATALOO E -FARMERS' CEMENT TILE MACHINE CO., . WALICRIIVILLE. ONT. i A , 1., 11,•.,tv..0.....,...C110etiliWittrieromoommoomons*wst . , • . ..o..~..................."ss...................roor,.............................e.............. .. .........................-...•,.., • ......-.............. ...—...........0 CAMINETMAICERS WANTED-WESata- ern Canada, Banbury Mfg. Co., Ltd., 13randon, 11/1an. " AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN and township, to sell a liousebold article, A money-maker to the right man. John Y. Nichol, Owen Sound, Ont. -^, fetOOD AGENTS CAN MAKE en ‘...1 weekly. Apply at once, Dalhousie Street, Toronto, Ont. Toronte, Canada. experience unnecessary; spare time ac- cepted. Niehole, Limited, Publishers, p-rAesljeSnOtatiCvOes1;IMelItbe ANIoDeallIPre sinonAYfor' er sex; rapid advancement; permanent; WHO AM 1 ANYHOW? I married a Widow' who -had a daugh- ter. 'My father vnited the house fre- quently, fell in love and married my etepel augh ter. Thu,i my father beeome 60n-in-laW, and my step-daughtee my mother, bemuse she was my liatheea Arife, My step -daughter had a son, be lvas, of eourse, my brother and at the same time my grandchild, for he wee TECH N ICA LLY TRUE. (13altimore American.) "Airs. Jinks always has knell geod time 'when 8110 geee allywhere. How does she manage te convey the impreselon :4tle is R. widow?" "She always Inakes alluelon to her Only spoure ao any late latehand.' " Dear lirrielado we are giViiig away FMB SAITO of these Lletattiful Setirtile99 SiLVERINE,,,PEPPER SHAKERS Do yon want °net It will only eost you a cent for a pott eael to Send fer it. You had better herd the post card to -day 11,S illO sgeWallit Will be enormoes, and our generogtty may wane. Vie do tbitt to quiekly advertise nr. Braln'S Famous LAU-Tonic Tablets the Meat bleed end Nerve Medicine, a, reliable remedy for Constipation, !Moven nesse flervotio Headache, Neuralcie, Ftneuntemem. 04.e. yygun uvifiloliuseettnudtuitsur suorcinmsmiasestnedialvtrion9se, plpealpnolyorWarlitit:nk,e‘rvedivdtliti is8eonit,21 boxte Of Dr. Stain's Leota.,Tento Teblets to introdure, among your friends and sell for nic. per box, With eani box you give a premium merlon 'which entitles the mireharer to receive Flues beautiful rico nevetery or eilverWare. This helps you eell the pills very rapidly. Return the $3.00 and We will )(end aOti 0. Salt Shaker. a companion teem to the one we seud atilt the pills, We will atleo fiend Towle Tablospolasa, 12 ihesepoolia and i sugar Shen. Ihese spooto are the artistio Ahell desigr with beetled edge, 'Reel' piece 10 eitarnived on the back la Mit lettera iSilverold," so that you know you are getting the genuine article. Twantyqbaavan Pleeas--count them. Twenty.. otter inebnerntuletepece3fpeBreasuhtiefnkleTe sisbyleovartesreth. akmeierogewhertitilorthyttolnir atelln pills °rat:40k EN CIVV-SUPPLY CO..1 beat. 400 itarantoi oat, FOR SALE. FOR SA.LE - USED SAWMILL EN - gine and sa,sh and door faetox7 machin.ery. John Y. Nichol, Owen Sound, Ont. cat :NAP IN SLIGHTLY -USED CA.RS-- we have a numbei of second -haul cars; some only slightly used; of Varloti* makes and styles; from two-passen.ger roadsters to seven -passenger touring; this Is the biggest chance ever otteeed in Toronto to buy a good car cheap, 17Q-176 Victoria. street, Toronto. ecntrai Automobile Exchange. OR SALE -BUSINESS STAND - . three-storey solid brick building, comprising three shops; plato glasst - fronts; ten-roorned dwelling above shops, bakery with improved cos,' oven in base- ment; all city eonveniencee; cornet. of: Dalhousie and Rubidge streets, Peter- boro'; inspection desired. Write 13 Wells street, Toronto. W ELL EQUIPPED PLANING NULL for sale, owner retiring. Drawer Powassan, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. w A N"rhaD, TO RIP( WOOD SLAIISa edgings and cedar posts; any quan- tity. Fa/tette, 9 Rderedale road, Torcento. virn. 'MAN, ARE You 1111.A:RNING III enough salary to support yourself or .family as you ought to.! If not mine to our office. We make_ real estate sales- men; teach them how to make frone q1,10 to Tee per day free; we don't care what your work is or your nationality; all eve want is men with brains and ammtion. 'Write or call during days or 7 to '%.1.g0 p. in. Suite H, No. lti King street west„ Toronto, Ont. cl END myrY csyrs FOR REST PER - O sonal expense bOok on market; keeps your accouats easily; agents wanted. Al- bert Supply Co., Itka Bank street, Ottawa,. Out, ENTRAT) TELEGRAPH * SCHOOL, to: Toronto, provides splendid feel/Ides for training for rally:ay appointments; our book, "Guided by the Key," explains fully; sent free on request. Write EARN WATCHMAKI.NG RIG KT. the soli of my daughter. My wire NiVali Twenty-flvo calle for every watch - Inv grandmother. bemuse she was my maker we can supply. Learn the bust- ...,••••••••••• mothern mother, I wee my wife's hue- . band and grandchild at the same time, o.nd as the hie -nand of a pereoe's grand- mother is gramlfuther, nwst be ma* own graild.ratheT. Dr. Hor.s.,e.'s. Indian. Root Pills cure many comment ailments which are very different, but which all arise from the tame cause -a system chemed with impurities. The Pills cauee the bowels to move regularly, streegthen atal stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the skin. These organe immediately throw off the accumulated impurities, and Bili- ousness,Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles,Hearlaches,Rheum- atism and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 45 Slave Doctors' Bills "via, Horn: o170 o; the tatit:ast mem FAT MAN FROM CINCINNATI, Cincinnati ever oredueed, says the .0opu., lar :Magazine, was at the ball „„,,,arne une aftereuon, when all the seats in the gyan0 t\tNi-oeift'e back the last rue*, resenting to Lhwie Ni 110 walked along tee passagetvay behind him a vast e•x- nanse ur black coat and tontsers. Allot. a little while Bunn wa. annoyed by teelleg somebedy butt into him. Look - 111(,' arotind he saw that he had been hit by a boy win) was carrying a tray full of pinger Ole bottles fled peculate. •°Seuee me, 811," Said the ht)2( the irott. giant. "I theught you wuz de en- traece; (Youth's Compaaiotto HE SUPREME TEST, 4111111°1:(i''CleeCicUesartaisidefd°1\i'lluras''n: Wald te the new summer hearder. ":11y 8011 ,Toe IN nes said pa Was more pati- 011.tqfitttadill ;),(0)11)1.,'''' she continued, "yeti eon figure for yourself how patient AMOS WWI t.111S. IMF 'Old 1101'8e, Dandy. noted get the 1`0111 W.Ilift1* his tail and keen It there off an' on for ten mile vvItht:u Antos getting mad." .-. • eeeeeeet • MIno.14.)3 Liniment Cures DandrAff, ness right and in. half the time of ap- prenticeship; reasouable tuition; twenty- two years' established; own building. Send for circular. Watchmakers' School, Wellesley street, corner Church, Toronto., Oat. TAINTED MONEY PUT: TO GQ0.11 (Niagara Falls, N. Y., Gazettee) Chicago has a citizen who pro.peses ta reduce the cest of liyine for about. '.3,51)M1 t.)r his townemen esteblishing pubila market where farmers -may sell an& heusekeepers may buy without 'the mid- dleman. This philanthropist made hie, money keeping a gambling -house, but her is putting. a part of his gains to good use. in eetablishing what be aptly ealls a. "basket hotiee" this Chleago gambler hi doing by private enterprise what every large city ought to do as a, municipal pro- position. WALL. STREET TtPSTERS.. (Leslie'a Weekleo Wall street is tlit home of the tipster, atm ewe aluaye find him, You do not heed to ask for lem. He emics you out In seductive folvertheitents, eircuters, letters Lula ail the ways of the shrewd trader. And thete are none shrewder than those who lime In Wall street. You win rind the tipsters in every btoker'e offat, Stand at the ticker for fevi inInuttli and hear them, as they COMO 1113 0110 After arlother, "This Is the Vow to soil," says one. Directly another aniwar.,, takes up the tape, serutinizes it rer a meowed, lase It down, and ex- ., -telliaolititiei,...ad"Aorg(aaelhttuiinsiee, ttole+11.))01.:tt*illi'l"tybuitt gao btoe valitniiviettatoricd 1,\I loll .16:Itrttleillite- Oltilte about the minima See how many you WM get trent hint. Not inany tins U9A4 nr111311.101; .11Alare8 a certain at*Oilht Of wiedom by mete realizing his own fool. lahnest, men— WHEN THEY'RE WANTED. Some fellows seem to have the USA that opportunity will surely know what poolroom to find them in. -Detroit Free , Acts Quickly on Corns, Sore Foot Lumps, Callouses It's a new wrinkle for Carns-a pain- less remedy that quWcly removes the corn. Don't doubt it, thisdis a dead sure) thing, lifts 'ma out quitne-roots and branches. No pain, no 'sear, no more salves or pads. Just; apply Petnam's• Palnlese Corti Extranton nete 0 bottle. Substitutee pay the dealer best, "Put- eam's" pays you lest bemuse it ride you feet of corns. Take no other thani Putnam's Peinless Corn and Wart ';c - tractor. Sold by druggists. • et BREAKFAST CONVENIENCE& A breakfast voneenienvo le a :diver toaet and egg rack. There ere hollowe) to hold four eggs and racks for six slices, of toast, with entail Sala and pepper pots: In the centre. '44+, Mlnard's 1,1411Ment Relieves Neutaleta Waists; With Plaited Seettons. Some waists are matte with plaited sections, not only on their fronts end becks, but aIso on their faleeves. , • ,—•••••••••11/1. 4- .7( .4 - sr.