The Wingham Advance, 1912-10-03, Page 81 11 1111 II. VIII III 1 1 111 un WINNJPEG PROPERTIES Offer a GOOD INVEST. moat and QUICK TURNOVER. Write us before you decide to invest. Ne PERCY GREEK 1500 mo.e..nauxurt 137...ea Wxrrrl„xn ccs. MAN. it SUMMER SCHOOL Students may enter any day. Open tho entire Year. Now is a good time to en- ter. Largest trainers in Canada. Grad- uates get best positions. Thousands etudyln at home. School of Isaac kit - man. The London Business College en- rolled more students during the past year than all other colleges in the city • combined. There must be a reason. Tho only school in the city affiliated with the Commercial Educators Asso- ciation of Canada. 'Write, phone or call to investigate. SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, President. '0)-3) ...04`,fir-$11ir.******iP***•rf•; BlYtho �� Ihucb few Mr. has. 13'arr of (Inw s,ntia New fek Ontario, is visiting relatives in l this locality, TIEE W .R, N, ,A. - A D" A '" V :SPECIAL BARGAINS e w Special music next Sunday evening in the Methodist Church, Messes, Chapman and Brown of Toronto will again assist the choir, Special Evangelistic services began on Sunday, &pt. 29, in the Gorrie Methodist Church, conducted by Rev. H. T. Crossley, Song Sermon Evan gelist. An interesting time was &pent in the Baptist Sabbath School last Sun day afternoon. Ib was Rally Day IN..,.. FARM FOR SALE:. One hundred acres, being lot 13, con. 2, Morris, all cleared except about three acres ; no waste land. Good frame house, barn and shed with basement stables. A good orchard, well, telephone, Church and School half a mile distant be sold, as the proprietor wishes to give up farming. .Apply on the premises to J. JERMYN, Bluevale P. 0. fft m m ri CIIINAWARJ3ft m .10 fi MARSHALL'3 T at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store m M COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that ti Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Aot, by his Honour the Judge of the County Court of the Conn. ty of Huron, at the Township Gerle's Mee, Bluevale, on the 16th day of 0c� tober, 1912, at 1 o'clock p. in., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Turnberry for 1912. Dated Bluevale, Sept. 11, 1912. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. eeivice, and the special programme was profitable and interesting. Mr. A. O. Chapman of Toronto added to the pleasure of the hour by renderi e. couple of solos. 16 The oldest health resort known to then — one of the most wonderful springe ever discovered. Ib is con- veniently located, easy of access and is surrounded by the best associations, Ite medicinal properties are truly miraculous. For further information see John 4 ;14. . Afro. . Vvett1aufte:n visited bee dangle- lee ter, Mrs, Geo. Wambold in Berlin, t past week. Ourtownsman Mr, Elate Livia stone not irnprovipg as well m hi is s Wall fee xiends wish, Mr, L. Bell received a new roller for his chopping mill last. week. The use for this mtiehine is to crush the oats for noise feed instead of grinding them. Mr,, A. 13, Carr irnade his last ship- ment of plums on Friday- last, mak- as ets ak- askets this seasor? The price this year Was extreme] low, in some cases not realizing eve 4 cents per basket profit. ng Mr. Jas. Anderson, ane of our tons , r C 0 ]V1 I N G PROF, DOREN@fEND SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS POMPADOURS CURLS PUFFS, ETC. of TORONTO WILL 13E AT T$E BRUNSWICK HOTEL WINGHAM -- FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 with a targe and var. red stock of the new- est Parisian, London and New York Crea• tions in Hair Goods. Ladies with thin hair will be in- terested in our improved Transforma- tions. The new designs in Curls are vary dainty and attractive. We invite your inspection of these goods. Uo onwend's Sanitary P trid,M, 7011°.:7atent Toupees strutted that only the wearer will know that it is not their own hair. They give the protection necessary to physical health. Adjust themselves as readily as your own hair would, Light, strong, made in any style, Shade or shape. The only Sanitary and Patent Toupees manufactured. Do not fail to call and see them. DORENWEN'D CO. OF TORONTO. LTD. THE HOUSE OP QUALITY HAIR GOODS 103405 YONGE ST, A unanimous call was tendered by St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, Cal- gary, to Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., the popular and successful pastor of Melville .:hurcb, Brussels, for the past 0 years, Salary offered is $2500. St, Paul's is a new congregation, now en- gaged in the erection of a fine new church, the basement of which has al- ready cost $20,000, In the Methodist church last Sun- day, Rev, Dr. Rutledge gave two good sermons, and the excellent choir h rendered excellent music. In the w morning, Mr. Brown of Toronto sang a solo that the congregation appreciated very much. In the even- 1a • respected and upright citizens died suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John McMillan on Sunday even ing ; funeral will take place on Thum day, Further particulars next week. Mr, Alex. McGowan, of the second eon. of Last Wawanosh, finished threshing on Saturday, He reports the grain generally, as good. On weighing a bag of oats as they cane from the (machine, it tipped the scales at 118 lbs., which is an exceptionally good weight. Mr. McGowan had over 800 bushels of this class of oats. The corporation is busy getting the waterworks pipes put in. They have engaged a ditching machine from (Brussels to do the excavating for the pipes, It is certainly a marvel how fast they can get along, even although they run against a great number of logs and timbers that have been buried under the ground for many ears. y Salem. Miss Gilmer from Carrick visited er sister, Mrs. Ed. Bennett, Iast eek. Mrs. Green visited her daughter, Mrs. Thos, Johnston, near Fordwich, st week. ing, in addition to a floe anthem rend- ered by the choir, Mr. A. 0. Chapman b sang a solo, "I heard the voice of la Jesus say," and a ,male quartette con- sisting of Messrs. Brown and Chap- fr tear of Toronto, Messrs. Hill and w -Guest, rendered a very fine quartette. ed The whole service was helpful and the Js assistance rendered by the visitors very much appreciated. ed . M A large crowd from this neighbor- ood attended Wingham Fall Fair st Friday. Mr. and Mrs, John Bush visited fends in the neighborhood of Tees- ater last week. Mr. and Mr's, Albert Galiaher visit - the la,tter•'s mother, Mrs. John clues, near Lakelet, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph .Biggins attend - the funeral of the latter's cousin, r. Ballagh, of Teeswater, last Fri- 49460.%"•"•"pelr Personate Barry rixter spent last week in Paris. Mr. Thos. Stone of Weston is visit- ing friends in town. Miss Aggie Weir of Turnberry has returned from the West. Miss Lillie Deyell of Gorrie spent Sunday with her parents in town. Mr. A. Schaefer visited his son in Palmerston and friends in Hanover, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walley of Seaforth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott last week. Miss M. E. Douglass of Markdale was one of the judges of Ladies' work, at the Fail ].+'air. Mrs. W. T. Riddell of Auburn was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chris. Anderson, last week, Mrs. Dinsley and Miss Norma left this week` for Detroit, where they will spend the,winter . Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Greer will oc- cupy! resi- dence on Patrisckystreet forthewin- 'I ter, Apples Wanted ! I This Is No Mistake iWe will pay from 20c to 25c Iper bag for peeling apples. IKEEP US RUNNING I _BROWN WILFORD i A. M. KNO Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass for wedding presents, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Ladies' and Cents' I3rush Sets, Ebony Brushesin all shapes and styles, Leather Hand Bags and Purses, I3ooks and Stationery. piton 65A OPPOSITE NATIONAL 11OT WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mr. Moore, the smiling clerk at J. A. Mills, returned from his holidays Last week. They all like to bear him smile and see him back again. Thos. Groves bas returned from the West. The poor harvest weather was unfortunate for those who went West expecting to put in two months' work. Tom reports snow in . some places. A WINNING PAIR. By special arrangement we are able to offer our own paper along with The Weekly Mail and „Empire, the two together, from now till January b let, 1913, for 35 cents, or from now S till January ist, 1914, for $1 65, _ t This is an opportunity for getting the two most valuable papers for R the homes and firesides of this dis- . P trict, and we are hopeful that the ll full value of this unprecedented offer ZV will appeal in the most practical O way to all within the limits of our ti circulation, The Weekly Mail and Empire is o known to be one of the best town and ha country papers published in Canada. D and its special department devoted h to agriculture, horticulture, dairy- se ing, poultry -raising and stock breed- . e ing, renders it invaluable to the rural P1 and farming interests. en Its magazine Section contains the ed best of the current literature of to- 3i day, its scientific and legal oolumne al supply information on practical sub- de left$ and problems; while the news of section gives the latest happenings of as Canada and all the world. co To the people of this community - ad the merits of our own paper are well do known, so surely the best local paper and the great metropolitan weekly— da Mr. Wilfred Weir left last Tuesda for Toronto Dental College, aft spending his holidays with frien around here, Seeing this splendid range places you under no obliga- tion to buy. We guarantee the "Pandora"" just as willingly asMeClary people because we know its peace -,peace -,tions just as thoroughly, no WINGI1AM MARKETS. Wheat -•(new) OOc to 00c, Oat, -4O to 40 roes, I3Peas-717050 arioy---7500 toto $0$110 rats, Hay -412,00 to $13.00 a toll ,Sutter -25 to 25 ets, Eggs--- 25 to 25 cts. Potatoes --504 to OOe per bush. Live Iogee-$8 2, For full Toronto market reports see page 2. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, lot 9, con. 6, in the Township of Turnberry, 100 acres of first-class laud, in good lo. cality and near school. Eighty acres ander cultivation, balance pasture and bush, ]3arre 46x66, silo 12x28 ; largo frame house, and good orchard ; three never -failing wells and cistern ; Rural Mail and telephone, 8 5 IRWIN ELLIOTT, Sole By R. R. MOONEY Uowick Boundary. Wedding bells are ringing again.. Mr. Ira and Miss E. Neil spent Sun- day last with friends in Wroxeter. Mrs, T. Gowdy of Carrick spent a few days with friends on the B line. What makes Mr. J. Fitch smile these days ; it is that bouncing baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. T. Me:llichael called on Mr. and Mrs. W, Gathers on Sunday Iast, Mrs, Jas. Underwood is on the sick list this week; we hope soon to hear of her recovery. Miss Nellie Langley spent a few days last week with friends near Mount Forest. Miss E. Gathers of Toronto spent a, few deal; last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. J. Ostlers, con, 15. Y Mr. and Mrs. F. Ballagb, from near er Teeswater, spent Sunday with the ds tatter's parents, Mr. and Mre. Galla- way. Quite a number from around he attended the services in Wroxet Methodist church last Sunday ; al the tea on Monday evening. Do not forget the anniversary se vices here next Sunday, Oct. 0. Re L A. McKilvey, a former pastor, wi at 11 a.m, and 7 p,m. Sunda School will be held at 9 30 a.m. 0 the Monday evening following, a low supper will be served in the basemen from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be a goo programme provided for the evenin Coyne and enjoy a good time. Biuevalc. Mrs. -Spears is visiting friends at Clinton. re Miss H. Longley of the lath con, er entertained the ladies of the Ladies' so Aid of Salem Church on Tuesday of this week. r- Mrs. E. Doubledee and daughter of v Harriston spent a few days last week 111 at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Y Doubledee. I Mrs. D. Gallaway of the 15th con., who we are sorry to say has been suf- d fering from rheumatism for some g, time, left on Monday for Detroit ; we sincerely hope the change rfH.y restore Mrs. Gallaway, that she will be able to return in a short time, ranch bene- fitted. Her daughter, Mrs, H. Johann of Belmore accompanied her. S. Paul shipped a carload of hogs this week. Duff & Stewart received a car of Lehigh Valley Coal this week. The Misses Ritchie of Wroxeter visited Mrs. Wm. Maxwell this week, Mrs, Mason moved to Toronto this week ; she will reside with her daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Oasemore of Manistique, Mich., are visiting friends here. Children's day was observed in Knox Church last Sabbath. Rev. W. J. West, M. A., delivered a splendid address to the children and parents and the praise service was all that could be desired. The- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Knox Church next Sabbath, Rev. R. McEachern of Whitechurch will conduct prepara- tory service on Friday at I0 30 a.m. and at Ladies' at 2.30 p.m. WIitechurch. The 4S�h anniversary of the Pres- yterian congregation was held on unsay last. The church was filled o its capacity at each of the services. 1'he preacher for the occasion was the ev. Dunn of Ridgetown, a former astor. His many friends were de- ghted to hear his message, and to elcome him back to the community. n Monday evening, Mr. Dunn gave a ketch of Scottish Characteristics, Ir. Dunn has been a diligent student f history and brings from hie store - use things "new and old." Mr, onald McGregor of Toronto won the earts of the large audience with his lections of music. On several oc. asions the congregation was so well eased that he had to respond to the cores given. The selections render - were of such a choice nature, and ven with such ability that the an- versary services were brought to a, lightful coneIusion, Misa Griffin Winghani showed marked ability accompanist. The finances of the ngregation were augmented by the clition of nearly two hundred (ears. the two together at little more than the price of one should mean many new subscribers. Send all orders to the office of this paper. A peculiar freak of electric fluid ie reported frena the Brantford road where lightning struck and melted the brass knob on an iron bed, but never disturbed the sleeping children. ALGONQUIN NATIONAL PARK. The autumn in Algonquin National L'arrk of Ontario IS one of the most beautiful seasons of the whole year, and splendid aecotnrriadation at the ighland Inn" to offered at reason. able rates for all those who desire to forget the over -refinements of eivi- c lizatiou and seek the solace of nature. People go to Algonquin Park because f they love nature, fresh air, high altitude, simple living and fellowship with kindred spirits. The ,ion le i excellently kept in the got d old £ash- a toned waywhich puts a personal relationshp between the inti-keepetr and guests. Altitude 2.000 feet above n tea level. Write to Mr, %Vin.�►t>Ltrll, t Manager, The "Highland Inn, Al- . g oingi d i r Ont., for all Portion- a Idem« : 1 Turnberry. The following is a report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 0, Turnberry, for the month of Septern. bete 5th cease---Rhb bict Powell. Sr. ADJOURNED COURT OF REVISION'. Notice is hereby given that an Ad. journed Court of Revision will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by his Honor, the' Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday, Oo. tober 18th, 1912, at 10 a in., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' Lost of the Municipality of the Town of Winghanr for 1912, Dated this 10th day of Sept., 1912. JNO. F. GROVES Town Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. Part of lot 16, and east half of 17, con. 1, Culross, containing as per Crown deeds 128 acres. This farm has never been worked out, a large part always in pasture, and of late years nearly all in pasture. About 40 acres of beech and maple bush and fen acres of mixed tim- ber are on the land. The soil is first- class; no encumbrances, and the pur- chaser can get immediate possession There is a good brick house with slate roof, and a new barn. J. SMITH 2 5 Glenannan P. O. DEBINTURES FOR SALE. Sealed tenders will be received by the Municipal Calmed of the Township of Tttrnberry at the Clerk's office, Eine- vale, up to the 21st day of October next, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the salts of deben- tures to the amount of $10,00:1, bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum, and to run 20 yearn. Payments to be made annually nt an (qual rate each year at the Bank of Hamilton, Winghaui. Any further information can be obtained from the Reeve, T. K. Powell, Esq , or from the Clerk at his office, Bluevale. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. Dated, Bluevale, Sept. 24th, 1912. EAST WAWANOSI1 COURT OF REVISION. 4th—(freer Wylie, James %Vylie, Les" lib flat, Jr. 4th-•-•-Dot�oth ► McTavish, of George Fralick, Alvin Wray, Cecil it Mines, Sanderson Breen. Sr. 3rd— EI Verna Elliott,. Leonard Mcrkley. Jr. t3 3rd—Geo. Wylie, 11azel Vrinstone, dt Jean Wylie. Sr, 2nd---Grahme Wray. de Jr, 2nd Florence Bra sha,w, Sane Ve.netone. Pt. 2nd ---Jennie I.+ralick, or Irene Markley, George Dose, Margaret Mu MOTawislr. '..Thal attendance foe Sept. 203 Average attendance 1O.—Mae, R. llogg, teacher. Notice is hereby given that a Court Rnvisiou will be held, pursuant to le Ontario Voters' Viet Act, by hie onor, the Judge of the County ourt Of the County of ,Huron, in In- tstry Iiltll, ]Blyth, nt 0 a rn. on Tues- ty, October 1.i, 1012, to hear and termino complaints of errors and niasians in the Voters' List of the nicipality of the Township of East 'Vawanosh for 1012 Dated this day of Sept., 1.012. A.L11•', P()ltTERIIELT). Township Clerk. "Whygare we so late ? asked the .� passenger. "Well, tit," replied the FARM FOR SAI„ F. onductor, "the train in front *al behind, and this train was behind be ore, besides." A paste for filling in crack in floor n trade like ordinary paste of flour rid water, only thinner. To each rivart of water add a teaspoonful o lune. When the paste boils, tear up t wepn.perr, in small pleees, and stir here into it until the mixture Ie like utty, ?rens Into the cee.oks while tilt Warm, but not 'boiling hot, and cave to barccen. Being south half of lots 54, 55, cote. 1, Morris, coutaing, 100 aures. On the farm are a good frame house, 22 x 30 ; s kitchen, 28 x 221. ; wood shed, 20 x 80 ; been, 38 X60; straw shod, 30 x40 ; lean 16x30;; stone wall with good stabling f Hader barn, Two never -failing wells and good orehnrd. Only quarter of mile to school and one mile to ehureh and postoffice. Price $4,(300. Deed may be aeon on application to proprietor-. Walter L. Breekentirigo, Jainettown P O g OCT. 7to to NOV. 9th to all stations Chalk River to Schreiber in - 1 dative, and to bosh hunting points in Quebec and New Brunswick. # OCT, 17th to NOV. 9th ; to all stations Sudbury to the Soo, Mr clock ito Sharbot Lake, Oohxwater to ;3ncibury, _ and on the Lindsay and Bebcaygeon Branch i Return Limit Dec. 121h, 1912. LAez sk for free copies of "Sportsman's Map" and "Open seasons for Game and Fish. J. 1I. DEEMER, Agent, 'Winghazn. it .. .,I .II 1 IIIMPIIIMINMOSENVOIMIttiniftillillat SINGLE FARE FOR llUNTERs Colonist Excursions SEPT. 25th to OCT. IOth Spokane, Wash. Nelson B. G.'- }$47. Vancouver, B. C. Portland, Ore., etc, , . , . , San Francisco Los Afgales frexico City f$47.45 One-way Second -Class from WIN-QIE[AM Proportionate rates from all stations in Ontario to above and other points in Ari- zona, British Columbia,, California Idaho, Mexico. Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Washington. HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP OOINO DATES October 7 to November 9 TO POINTS IN TEMAGAMi, ETC. October 17 to November 9 to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bas, Penetang. Midland, Lakefield, Severn to North I3ay t inchasivo, Arsnylc to Coboconk inclusive, Lindsay to iialiburton inclusive, Madawas- ka to Parry Sound inclusive. Ail tickets valcd for return until Thursday, December 12 h, 1012, except to points reached by steamer lines Tuesday, November 12th. Full particulars, tickets, etc„ from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A,. 1t. DUFF .D.P.A., Toronto, Ont. ' CH RTSTTE5S� GROCERY PRONE 69 THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF BESTS a (a) The Best that a store may keep, (b) The Best t.he.t good judgment, experience, knowledge of food quaxity and that money can buy, Isn't there a great big difference between these two Bests ? we SELL TWE BEST OBTAJNABLE Try ng for your groceries. We offer no other inducement than Foods that will be remembered by their quality long after the price is fore - gotten. Bring or Phone Your Orders Tea and Coffee a Specialty vitr TETE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO REP 7 VE 4. v MAXWELL'S OLD STAND OPPOSITE BANK II AMILTON Wfl SHALL ntil (.LEASED TO HAVE OtTR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC( GEM ALLY VISIT rJ$ TIIERE LADIES' AND GENTS' TAX- ; LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION OVARAN. TEED E. C. WHITE ' 4°`**x'"4'4+ art THURSDAY, OCTOBER ."i, 19:0 This Is Our Famous Veal Calr Farm Shoe Wivehout any exception we believe this to be the best value in any farm shoe you can buy. It is made of heavy Canadian calfskin and we guarantee it not to get hard and to wear equal to home-made. You have to pay $4.00 per pair for a good home-made shoe. This shoe we sell at $3.00 and you thereby save $1.00. We sell hundreds of pairs of this shoe every season and we stand back of every pair and although we sew rips on all shoes we sell free of c6rge, we do not remember of having as yet to sew a rip on a pair of these. If you want an extra good shoe—something that will turn the water, keep soft and pliable and give real satisfaction ASK FOR OUR CANADIAN CALF FARM SHOE Light 'Weight, $2.75 ;. Heavy Weight, $3.00 per pair. Other Farm Shoes as low as $1.50 per pair. illis (So C o. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR LADIES "Hamilton Carhartt" Company of Detroit and Toronto, manufatur- ers of Overalls, are giving away FREE a coupon with every pair of Overalls purchased here, which en.titles you to a guess on this beautiful automobile, which they are giving away, valued at $2500, twenty-five horse power ; we want everyone wearing Carhartt Overalls, all guaranteed or your money refunded. Ladies and gentlemen coming to the Wingham Fall Pair—we invite you to come and look through our big display of ladies' children's and men's ready-to- wear garnaents. ALL KINDS Or PRODUC WANTED. CO. SPECIAL A.TTENTION GIVEN' TO MAIL OltkItS 4 4