The Wingham Advance, 1912-10-03, Page 4L 4 .4.R] WINGRAM ADVANCE Yl.w.11111611116.011 - o Reinarkable Values We Want Your Trade KING BROS. OUR SEW STARE We are now settled in our new premises and extend to all a cordial invitation to visit us, whether to buy or not. We now have one of the finest and brightest stores outside the cities and IT BELONGS TO OUR CUSTOMERS FOR TRADING PURPO- SES AND WE WANT EVERY TRANSAC- TION TO BE PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE TO THEM. EVERYTHING NEW No old stock to show. Everything fresh, clean, up- to-date and the best quality obtainable. ALL GENERAL LINES Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Underwear, Staples, Clothing, Furs, Mantles, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Groceries. PRODUCE We want unlimited quantities of No. I Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Dried Apples and Onions, for which we will pay highest price, cash or trade. KING BROS. STANDARD PATTERNS ( COlt�B 1N THE DOMINION BANK MN EDMUND a. 0$LER, M.P.. PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PREStDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager Capital paid up Reserve Fund - - Totat Assets -, 44,700,000 -41 44,700,000 - *5,700,000 *70,000,000 A Complete Banking Service Every description of Banking business is transacted by Tats Domunbn BANK. Collections promptly made and money remitted without delaay. Advances made on Farmers' Sale Notes. Travellers` Checks and Letters of Credit issued. Savings Department at earth branch of the bank. $1. opens an account. WINGHAM BRANCH, N. EVANS, Manager. (.71/maq'actie'd)efewe: $T. THOMAS, ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The '"ldcal College -Holme" in which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music. fainting, Oratory. High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on Application to Principal. 42 BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the ap/pez4,1 Y. KC, A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W, Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 18 Vice -Principal WANTED! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in the West i Improved or unimproved. First -colas proper. ties for sale at IOW prices and on terms to suit. For particulars ar. 1 bookletivin description of � �' p tbo district,apply to C PA.,L^ 'G DA1 ra st Clever Women Know This. It's An Easy Matter ror Any Woman To Possess A Head Of Glorious Hair. i One bottle of PARISIAN Sage is all that is heeded to make the dullest looking hair lustrous and fascinating, But be sure to get PARISIAN Sage --imitations. won't do -for your own sake see that, the girl with Auburn hair is on every cn ton itnd bottle, PARISIAN Sage is a refreshing, in- vigovarting hair dressing. It banishers dandruff, stops scalp itch and falling hair and causes hair to grow abun- dan tl y. Side step preparations that contain poisonous Sugar of Lead or Nitrate of Silver ; there are many of them. They are dangerous. PARISIAN Sage can be secured at J. W. McKibbc+n'a3' and dealers every• where for only 50 tents a large bottle, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY n p o who is the solo head of a t`.ramily, or any y tnitl r3 over 18 years old. may home- stead n quarter Rection of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must, appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or SUb•ugenny for the district. ]entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions byl ' fatherrriOth- er, sou. daughter, brother or sister of intend• itsg homesteader. 1luties.-Six months' residence upon and cul- •tivation of the loosed in each of three years. A. homesteader root 'live within nine miles Of hi: hornestead on a gone of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother. on, daughter. brother or sister. In Certain districts a homesteader in good standing inky preempt a quarter -section along- side his henteattead. Price3.00 per acro. Dutios.•Must reside Upon the homestead or pre-emption six months inn each of six years from date of homeetend entry amending tke time required to earn homestead patent) and 'Ann atte fifty aortas extras. Ahomesteader who has exhausted his home= at ate a right ai ht and, Cannot Obtain a pre•enaptiett may enter for a purchased homeasted in certaindistrusts. Price 3 00 per acre. Dtie t. Mrrst side AIX months in each of three scans, crtltt- vate tiny aorta and erect a house worth $300. W. W. (OltY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthgrirerl, publication of thiol 6a. ireetiebilient Will not b paid for PRIZE LIST WINGHAM FALL FAIR. HORSES General Purpose -Brood Mare, Scott Bros,, W. R. Ferrier, A. K. Copeland ; Spring foal, Scott Bros,, Scott Bros. One -year-old Filly, Alex. McDonald, Sam'l Burchill ; Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, Levi Lott, John E. Fells, Miles McMillan ; Team in harness, Jas. Forster, ,W. Henderson, Scott Bros. Agricultural --Brood mare, McLeod Bros., A. Schmidt, S. Phillips ; Spring Foal, Fowler Bros,,,McLeod Bros,, W. J, Currie ; One -year-old Filly, Mc- Leod Bros, D. (:low, A. Schmidt ; One- year -old Gelding, W. J. Currie ; ' Two- year-old Filly or gelding, Win. Max- well, Geo. Cruickshank, J. Forster ; Three-year-old Filly or Gelding, Mc- Leod Bros., S. Birchall, Jno. Menzies ; Team in Harness, Dixon Bros,, W. Watson, Robt. Moffatt, HEAVY DRAUGHT, Brood Mare, Jno. Webster, Jno. Menzie & Son, J. Speir ; Spring Foal, J. Speir, J. Webster ; One -year-old Fil- ly, J. Mitchell, W. Taylor ; One -year- old Gelding, W. Taylor, J. Barbour; Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, A. Fitzpatrick, L J. Wright. J. Barbour ; Team. in Harness, Dixon Bros., W. McKenzie, J. Forster. SPECIALS. Chas. Knechtel's-For best yearling colts, heavy classes, Alex. McDonald, D. Clow, J. Mitchell; for best halter broken colt, year old, Alex, McDon- ald ; J, E. Ellis, special for colts, sired by "Signalman," David Clow ; Thos. Kew's special for beet team heavy horses, Dixon Bros, By J. W. King, for four best colts sired by "Mascot," -Fowler Bros., W. J. Currie, Jas. Speir, McLeod Bros. By the Society -$8 00 for the four best colts sired by the one heavy draught stallion -McLeod Bros., D. B. Anderson, W. J. Currie, Geo. Cruick- shank. Brood Mare and three of her pro- geny -W. J. Currie, A, Schmidt. By the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, for best animal shown'in Heavy Draught, Agricultural and General Purpose Horse Classes --Dixon Bros. Roadsters -Brood Mare, Bert. Arm- strong, Miles McMillan, Wm. Mc- Gregor ; Spring Foal, Scott Bros., Miles McMillan, Bert Armstrong ; One -year-old Filly, Scott Bros., Miles McMillan; Two-year-old Filly or Gelding, Scott Bros„ C. B. Wilkinson; Single Driver, W. A. McEvers, Jas. Hefferon, I. Gilmour ; Team in Har- nsss, J. H. Galbraith, Scott Bros., Jno. Menzie & Son, Carriage -Brood Mare, A. Schmidt ; Spring Foal, R. Y. Douglas ; One -year- old Gelding, Scott Bros. ;. Two-year- old Filly or Gelding, Jno. Mowbray, Fowler Bros., J. A. Brandon ; Single Driver, W. Henderson, Wrn. Fother- gill, Grant Bros. ; Team in Harness, 0. Hemingway, J. A. Brandon, J. H. McConkey. By the Canadian Bank of Commerce for best animal shown in Roadster and Carriage Horse Classes, W. A. Mc - Evers. CATTLE Shorthorns -Breeding cow - John Webster 1 & 2 ; Two-year old heifer, Wm. Fothergill, 1 & 2 ; year-old heif- er, Jno, Webster 1 & 2 ; heifer under 12 mos, J. Webster 1 & 2 ; Bali under one year, Wm. Fothergill ; over one year, John Webster. Grades -Breeding now, Wm. Max- well, Thos. Davidson & Son ; 2 year old heifer, Jno. Webster, J. Menzies & Son ; year-old heifer, Wm. Maxwell, Jno. Webster ; heifer calf, T. David son & Son ; Steer calf, Jas. Barbour, Jno. Webster ; year-old steer, John Webster 1 & 2 ; 2 year-old steer, Jno, Webster, Wm. Maxwell ; fat steer or heifer, John Webster ; Stock,steers 2 yrs, John Menzies. Jersey --Breeding cow --F. W. Angus 1 & 2. Holsteins -Breeding cow -D. B. An- derson. Herefords - Breeding cow, 11. T. Perdue 1 & 2 ; bull over 12 mos., H. T. Perdue 1 & 2 ; bull under 12 mos., H. T. Perdue 1 & 2 , heifer under 12 nibs. H. T. Perdue 1 & 2. Pulled Angus --Breeding cow, Geo, T. Robertson 1 & 2 ; bull over twelve months J, W. Bone ; bull under 12 G. T. Robertson, J. W. Bone ; heifer under 12 mos., J. W. Bone, G. T. Rob- ertson ; 2 year-old heifer, J. W. Bone ; yeareold heifer, Geo. T. Robertson 1 & 2. Herd of beef cattle, Geo, T. Robert- son, J. W. Bone. Best Dairy cow for town, D. 13, An- derson (special by CI. 13. Elliott, 'SHEEP. Leicesters-Ram, R. J. Sanderson ; Shearling ra,m, 11. J. Sanderson ; ram lamb, R, J. Sanderson 1&2 ; aged ewe, R. J. Sanderson, J, 13. Tyreman ; Shearlmg ewe, J. B. Tyreman, R. Sanderson ; evve iamb, J. 11. Tyre - min. Downs -Rath, Wm, Maxwell, Me - Ewen Bros. ; Sheaaa'ling ram, 0, G. Campbell & Son, A. IL Copeland ; ram lamb, McEwen Bros. 1 & 2; aged ewe, Wax. Maxwell, McEwen Bros, ; Shearling ewe, McEwerx 13ros., A. K. Copeland; etve lamb, Mc seen Bros, 1 & 2. Pa Sheep --McEwen J ros.r A. E. Copeland. Pen of Sheep 'McEwen Bros., R. S. Sanderson. PIGS. Perksbtres l3orar, Sag, Henderson 1 & 2; boar (young) Jas. Henderson, Jae. Alteon ; cow 1912,- Sae. Henderson 1 t# 2; breeding cow', Jae, Alton, Jar. Henderson, -...,-,1111... �� ,_ Yorkshires -Boar 1912, Jas. Alton ; boar, Thos, Itowsell, Jas, Alton ; sow 1912, Jas, Alton. Thos. Rowsell ; breed, Ing sow, Thos, Rowseli, Jas, Alton. Tainworl lis -Boar 1912, A Aim. strong 1 & 2; breeding sow, A, Arm- strong. POULTRY (OLD.) Andalusians---F, W, Angus 1 and 2 ; ducks, 0. G, Campbell & Son, D. B. Anderson ; Dorkings, Jas. Henderson, Jas. Alton ; Rhode Island Reds. Jas. Henderson ; Geese, Jas, Alton, 1 & 2; foudans, Frank Angus 1 & 2 ; Lang- shans, Jus. Henderson ; Brown Leg- horns, Jas. Henderson ; White Legh- orns, Jas, Henderson ; Minorcas, J. B Tyreman, Jas. Alton; Buff Orpingtons T'. W. Angus 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Rocks barred, Jas, Alton 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Rocks (other) J, 13. Tyreman, Jas. Henderson ; Wyandottes, D. B. Por- ter 1 and 2 ; Wyandottes (other) Jas. Henderson 1 and 2 ; any other variety, F, W. Angus, C. H. Taylor ; Pigeons, Cecil and Hugh Angus, W. Eacrett, CHICKENS. Andalusians, J, Henderson ; bantams, F. W. Angus ; Ducks, D, B. Ander-' son, P. Gibbons; Dorkings, Jas. Her - demon 1 and 2 ; Rhode Island Rede, F. G. Sperling, Jas, Henderson ; Hou- dans, F. W. Angus 1 and 2 ; Lang- shans, Jas. Henderson ; Brown Leg - horns, D. B, Porter ; White Leghorns, F, G. Sperling 1 and 2; Minorcas, 3, B. Tyreman 1 and 2; Buff Orpingtons, F. W. Angus 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Rocks barred, A. K, Copeland, S. Birchall ; Rocks (other kind) Jas. Hen- derson ; Wyandottes, D. 13, Porter 1 and 2 ; any other variety, D. B. Por- ter, Levi Lott ; Cockerels, D. B. Por- ter, S. Birchall. LEATHER. Double Harness, Thos, Kew, 1st and 2nd; single harness, Thos. Kew, lst and 2nd. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Timothy, J. K. Wise, Jas. Alton; clover, Thos, H. Taylor, J. W. Edgar; red fall wheat, A. Schmidt; white fall wheat, A. Schmidt, W. R. Ferrier; spring wheat, J. K. Wise, Jas. Alton; small white pea, W. R. Ferrier, J. K. Wise; other peas, J. K. Wise, Jas. Hen- derson; white oats, J. K. Wise, A. Schmidt; black oats, A. Schmidt, J. K. Wise; barley, J. K. Wise, A. Schmidt: other barley, J. K. Wise; - dent field corn, Thos. H. Taylor, Mrs. D. McIntosh; flint field corn, A. Schmidt, Thos. H. Taylor; best collection of grain and seeds in pint bottles by boys 16 years, Jas. Alton, A. Schmidt. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Small white Beans, James Hender- son, Wm. McGregor; large white beans, P. Gibbons, Jas. Alton; other beans, Jas. Henderson, Jas. Alton; red beets, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; other beets, A. Schmidt, James Henderson; field Carrots, A. Schmidt, Miss Mulvey; short table carrots, R. A. Graham, Jas. Henderson; intermediate table carrots, A. Schmidt, R. A. Graham; long man- gold-wurtzel, A. Schmidt, Jas. Hender- son; intermediate mangold-wurtzel, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; parsnips, A. Schmidt, R. A. Graham; winter radish- es, A. Schmidt, Geo. Orvis; sugar Man- gold, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; swede turnips, A.. Schmidt, Jno. Men- zies & Son; other turnips, A. Schmidt. otatoes-Rose type, Jas. Henderson, J. B. Tyerman; hebron type, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; long white type, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; round white type, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; col- lection of potatoes, Jas. Henderson; yellow onions, A. Schmidt, Jas. Hen- derson; red onions, A. Schmidt, R. A. Graham; white onions, R. A. Graham, A. Schmidt; dutch or top set onions, Geo. Orvis; onions grown from dutch or top sets, A. Schmidt, E. W. Orvis; other onions, A, Schmidt; red tomatoes, Jas. Henderson, A. Schmidt; tomatoes, A. Schmidt, A. K. Copeland; white plume celery, R. A. Graham; other celery, Jas. Henderson, R. A. Graham; early cabbage, Jas. Henderson, Thos. H. Taylor; winter cabbage, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; pickling cabbage, A. Schmidt, Jas. Henderson; citrons, J. B. Tyerman, A. Schmidt; cauliflower, A. Schmidt. cucumbers, Jas. Alton, A. K. Copeland; table corn, Thos. H. Taylor, A. Schmidt; muskmellow, Jas. Hender- son; pumpkin, Jas. Henderson, E. W. Orvis; sunflower, Jas. Henderson; squash or mammoth pumpkin, Jas. Henderson. A. Schmidt; collection of garden produce, Jas. Henderson, Mrs. D. McIntosh. FRUIT. I Apples, -Alexander, Jas, Henderson; green or yellow A. 0. V., A. Copeland, Fowler Bros.; Baldwin, Jas. Alton, W. R. Ferrier; Ben Davis, Jas. Alton, Wm. Maxwell; Blenheim, P. Gibbons; Wm. Maxwell Cayuga or 20 ounce, Wm. Max- well, ax -well, James H. Linklater; Crab Hyslop, Jas. Henderson; Crab A.Q.V., Jas. H. Linklater, W. J. Currie; Fameuse or Snow, Jas. H. Linklater, P. Gib- bons; Golden Russet, P. Gibbons, W. R. Ferrier; King, W. R. Fer- rier, Wm, Alaxwell; Maiden Blush, W m. Maxwell, J. 13, Tyerman; North- ern Spy, P. Gibbons, W. J. Currie; Ribson, J. B. Tyerman, A. Schmidt; R. L Greening, Jas. Alton, W. J. Currie; Roxboro Russett, P. Gibbons; Tolman Sweet, P. Gibbons, J. 13. Tyerman; Wagner, Jas. It Linklater; Wealthy, Fowler Bros., A, K. Copeland. Other Fruit. -Any other fall variety, A. Schmidt, Jas. Alton; Duchess D'Ang- ouleme, Jas. Alton; Blue Plums, Mrs. Burwash, Jas. Henderson; fellow Plnrns, Scott Bros„ Mrs. A. McCarroll; any other Plums, .Paas. Henderson, Mrs, Burwash;white Grapes, Jaas, Henderson; red G rapes,J as.Henderson;blue .or black Grapes,Jas,Mendersorer Collection Fruit. 5 varieties Apples, correctly named, most valuable for export, Jas. Alton, J. H, tinklater; 5 varieties Apples, or - reedy named desert, Jas. Alton J. W. Edgar; Collections of Apples, of Snow, , King slid Spy.Varletles, S. H. Linklater, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS, Bread, baked by girl under 16 years, Geo. T, Robertson, Mrs.. D, Mc- Intosh, Ena Jane Caslick; brown bread, A. Schmidt, A. IC. Copeland, Geo. Orvis; white bread, A, Schmidt, Theop, Finnen, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll; homemade buns, John Menzies & Son, Geo. T. Robertson, Theop Finnen; tea biscuits, Mrs, Alex. McCarrol, A, IC, Copeland; wens, F. Anderson, Mrs. D. McIntosh; bread dough cake, E. W. Orvis, Geo. Orvis; graham biscuits, Mrs, Alex. McCarroll, A.K. Copeland; John- ny cake, A. K. Copeland, E. W. Orvis; light layer cake, E, W. Orvis, John Menzies & Son; dark layer cake, Heloise Kennedy, Mrs, Alex. McCarron; fruit cake with eggs, E. W. Orvis, Heloise Kennedy. fruit cake without eggs, E. W. Orvis, Geo, Orvis; ginger bread, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll, Geo. T. Robert- son; apple pie, Geo. Orvis, W. R. Fer- rier; pumpkin pie, Geo. Orvis, Mrs. D. McIntosh; lemon pie, E.W. Orvis, John Menzies & Son; any other pie, Mrs, Alex. McCarroll, E. W. Orvis; dough- nuts, Geo, Orvis, E. W. Orvis; oatmeal cookies, Geo. Orvis, Mrs. D. McIntosh; oat cake, Mrs. D. McIntosh, Mrs. W. McKenzie; short bread. E. W, Orvis, Geo. Orvis; jelly, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis; maple syrup, A. K. Copeland, E. W. Orvis; maple sugar, A. Schmidt; honey in combs, Geo. Cottle, Jas. Hen- derson; extracted honey, Geo. Cottle, Mrs. Alex. McCarron; homemade wine, John Menzies & Son, Mrs. Alex, Mc- Carroll; collection preserved fruit, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll, E. W. Orvis; tomato catsup, Jas. Henderson, A, Schmidt; any other catsup, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis; sweet pickles. Mrs. Alex. Mc - Cerro', Jno. Menzies & Son; vegetable pickles, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol, A. Schmidt; fruit pickles, Mrs. Alex. Mc- Carrol, E. W. Orvis; mixed pickles, A. Schmidt, E. W. Orvis; mustard pickles, J. W. Edgar, Mrs. Alex: McCarrol; hen's eggs, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol, J. W. Edgar; 10 lbs. butter in crock, Theop. Finnen, F. Anderson; butter in pound prints, Mrs. D. McIntosh, F. Anderson, Jas. Alton; ornamental but- ter, Mrs. D. McIntosh, Jas. Alton; 5 lbs, butter in lb. prints made by girl under 16 years, Mrs. D. McIntosh, Geo. T. Robertson, A. Schmidt. By S. Gra- cey, $4.00 in goods for best 10 lbs. of butter in crock, Mrs. D. McIntosh. By T. Hall, $5.00 in cash for best 10 lbs. of butter in pound prints, 3. W. Edgar. Best eight articles of food suitable for a working man's supper, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol, J. W. Edgar. Best set five o'clock tea, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol. Best collection of baking, Mrs. D. McIntosh, Geo. T. Robertson, A. Schmidt. • PLANTS AND FLOWERS Cut Flowers. -Asters, P. Gibbons, A. K. Copeland; dahlias, Scott Bros., E. W. Orvis; gladioli, J. A. Morton, 'Mrs. Burwash; pansies, Scott Bros., A. K. Copeland; petunias, Scott Bros., Mrs, Burwash; phlox drummondii, iilrs, Burwash, Scott Bros.; phlox perennial, H. E. Isard, Mrs. Burwash; collection sweet peas, Scott Bros., Mrs. Burwash; stocks, Scott Bros., H. E. Isard; zin- nias, Jno.. Menzies & Son, Scott Bros.; marigolds, Mrs, Burwash, H. E. Isard; cemetery floral design, Mrs. Burwash, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol; indoor floral de- sign, Sirs. Burwash; basket of annuals, Mrs. Burwash, H. E. Isard; table bo- quet, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol, Mrs. Bur - wash; hard hand boquet, Mrs. Burwash, Mrs. Alex. McCarrol; tender hand ba- guet, Mrs Tamlyn, A. K. Copeland; double white geranium, W. J. Currie, H. E. Isard; single scarlet geranium, Mrs, Burwash; double scarlet geranium, A. K. Copeland, Mrs. Burwash; any other single geranium, Mrs. Burwash, H. E. Isard; any other double geran- um, W. J. Currie, Mrs. Burwash; begonia in bloom, Mrs. Burwash, H. E. Isard; fuchia in bloom, F. Anderson, H. E. Isard; collection ferns, Mrs, Bur - wash, H. E. Isard; hothouse plants, Mrs. Burwash; foliage plants, Airs, Burwash, H. E. Isard. LADIES' WORK. Fancy Apron, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Mrs. Tamlyn; kitchen Apron, Mrs. W. McKenzie, W. R. Ferrier; Mutton Holes, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Miss Livingstone; Case for Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, or Hand- kerchiefs, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Miss Livingtone; Centre piece, Miss Living- stoY,e, Miss Agnew; crocheted Counter- pane, Mrs, Tamlyn, Miss Mulvey; knit- ted Counterpane, A. K. Copeland, Eloise Kennedy; Ccrcheting Cotton or Silk, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Livingstone;Crochet- ing wool, Miss Livingstone, Miss Agnew; Collection of Leather Post Cards, Miss Livingstone; Coronation Work, George Orvis, Mrs. Tamlyn; stencilled Curtain:, Miss Mulvey, Miss Mulvey; Dresser or Stand Cover, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Mc- Carrol, plain Darning, Mrs. W. McKen- zie, Mrs. Tamlyn; Doylies, Miss Liv, ingstone, Miss Mulvey; mantle or side- board Drape, Miss Livingstone; Drawn Work, Miss Mulvey, Miss Livingstone; child's fancy Dress, Mrs. W. McKen- zie, Geo. Orvis; girl's cotton Dress, Mrs. Tatnlyn, E. W. Orvis; Delph Em- broidery, Mrs. Tamlyn;Eyelet Embroie- ery, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Agnew; jewel embroidery,Miss Li vingstone,Mrs. Tamlyn; Mt. Mellick embroidery, Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Tamlyn; Roman em- broidery, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Tam- lyn; embroidery on eotton or linen, Mrs. Tamly n Miss Agnew; embroidery on silk or satin, ,Miss Livingstone, Mae Lloyd; embroidery as applied to dress- making, Miss Agnew, Mrs. Alex, Mc- Carroll; embroidered pillow eases, Miss Agnew, Mae Lloyd; etching, Miss Liv- ingstone, Mrs. McKenzie; novelty in fancy work, E. W Orvis, Mrs, Tamlyn; fascinator, Mrs. Tamlyn, F, Anderson; drawn work five o'clock tea cloth, Eloise Kennedy, Alias ss AgnewW embroidered e red five o'clock tea cloth, Miss Agnew, Mrs. McCarroll; lace work live o'clock tea cloth, Mrs. Tamlyn, John Menzies & Son; al tion of handkerchiefs, S n c ZecE W 1 Orvis, Miss Livingstonle;Irish iace,Mies (Confirmed on Page 5) Another Bargain. Mr. A. I'.elly offers for sale his fine 166 acre farm adjoining the town of Wingham. This farm is in the very highest state of culti- vation, has good buildings and orchard and is all seeded clown except about 20 acres. Also 36 acres in Town Plot with house and barn. This place will be sold with the large farm or separate. A number of smaller places in Town Piot. All these will be sold at right prices as Mr. Kelly is going West. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER 1I, E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES --Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHONES- Residence, HONES--Osidence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Fye, Far, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --Office its Macdonald Block -- W INOHANM, General Hospital. (Under GovernmeL5 Inspection.) 'Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) --$4.9O to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion. -Address MISS L. MATTHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wtnghani, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan ab lowest rates. OFFICE :-1:3EAvER BLOCK, WINGHAM. DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, eta. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1830. Head Ofilco UUELP11, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. Gro, Stni:rrnN, Jc►zlrt DAVIDSON President. Secretary. nrrera'E & COSENS, Agents. Winghaln, Ont W. R. IIAMBLV, B.Sc., M,D,, C.11. Special attention paid to diseases of. Women and Children, having taken noatgradnate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medtcine, 00100 in the Kerr residence, be. tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Ohurch. Ali businessg iven careful attention. Phone 64. P. O. Box 118 H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lines: The Allan Line, the Canadian N'or• thorn, the Cunard and that Donald - AOC, Oobbtt $teltidtehip Lines, Ot'h /OSI Postro r on lwort, W,t G11`A 575, THURSDAY,, OCTOBER ,3, 1 91 2 11II lMI�snYtI �ti I •urr Iii liil wrimsommompotwimpopm TILE PROFIT S I AILING STORE WIN IIAM .AGENTS --- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL AGENTS -- HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS err & `: ird YOU may not know all about our Profit Sharing Scheme. Most people in Wingham and surrounding country do, Come in and we'll tell you all about it. USEFUL, HANDSOME PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY FREE This week we are in receipt of a shipment of Chinaware from Germany for our premium table. Think of it. 240 China Berry Sets, 7 Pieces. One nine inch Berry Bowl and six Fruit Sauces, gold stippled and pink and yellow rose decoration. Very pretty Chinaware. Every Set of this Handsome Chinaware absolutely Free. See these goods in our' north window this week. SPECIAL SALE OF, RIBBONS CONTINUED. For another week we will continue our big Ribbon Sale. All 15c and 20c Ribbons for only lOc a yard for one week. Get' your supply early. Take a look at our new Dress Goods. Newest weaves and styles, popular shades, and at prices to suit your pocket book. New styles in Ladies' Purses and Hand Bags. Correct styles in Ladies' Collars, Jabots and Frilling. FARMERS. -We want large quantities of good dairy butter and fresh laid eggs. Also dried apples, onions, white beans, potatoes, etc. See that your onions are quite dry before bringing thele to market. IY uiidli1144104IC 11616,I,L'Iiimb' 10.111 lei =" A GSt� !"""�•`-•_r,-��++-MY..•--� Ii�L ISI W IYNY io4to 1 fic y+..�anrwwrrc:l4#ftuwurl':'-I�•••�•. •.1111 L1i,iwbll..Y:�snMwruYlrlail,,R+i J.., d.J it it 1. 01. uu!'a..ww+a.:wl.d.+V.i 1 1 r.i. ,- 1ig• Our new Fall Goods have been arriving daily and are now ready for your inspection. New Fall Dress Goods in all leading shades in Whipcords, Diagonal Weaves, &c., from 50 cts. to $1.00 per yard. . VELVETEENS Tliis is also a Velveteen season. We have the leading shades in plain and Corduroy, navy, pur- ple, ruby, tabac and black. Popular prices -50 cts. to X1.00 per yard. Sweater Coats For Ladies and Children A large stock to choose from, with or wit1iout collars, all shades ; idso a few Blazer Coats, Aviation Caps, Motor Hoods and Scarfs. House Fmnishings A great assortment of Rugs of all kinds -Wool,. Tapestry, Velvet, Axtninister and Wilton's. 12 patterns of Linole s select from, m, ill a t old prices, noun WANTED.0 Butterf Eggs, s Etc. MIi M .� (Successor to T. A. MILLS) 'IIII01 aw sO WINGHAM