The Wingham Advance, 1912-10-03, Page 3eseeeseseaeteateeseeteseeieeseasoil..t7es„, teekbeediebseareeseasseseeeseeaseeseseesse Great Removal S Commenced Oct. 1, 1912 OUR new building will soon be completed when we will be in a, position to earry hundreds of pianos and organs 00 our floors and will not be compelled to saerifiee them for want of spaee, have, however, some 75 instruments whieh we want to dispose of and offer THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 0 Space will not permit us to ten you all about them, but below we give you a partial list. If you do not see what you want write us 41t once, WE HAVE IT, Don't delay, This sale may only last 1 week. THORNTON ORGAN Low top,walnut ease; stops •,t,, **** • DOMINION ORGAN—Half high top, walnut ease, 6 stops $17.00 BELL ORGAN High top, 8 stops,. couplers, knee swells, ete, $22.50 'THOMAS ORGAN—Walnut ease, high top, 9 stops, knee swells and couplers $25,00 UXBRIDGE ORGAN—Fancy walnut case, high top, $2750 4 sets reeds, Vox Humana couplers ..,. HAIY/ILTON ORGAN—High top, fancy walnut ease, with , large mirror, 11 stops, couplers and knee swells $30.00 DOMINION ORGAN -6 octave, high top, -walnut case, 10 stops $40.00 $65.00 m.eludmg Vox Humana couplers and knee swells BELL ORGAN—Piano ease, 6 octaves, 11 stops, fancy mirror; regular $125 BELL O1GAN-6 octaves, piano ease, French burl walnut, 11 stops, 6 sets reeds, used only. 3 months; was 4,9 $140, nw o ........... „ 41) PIANOS Mead Square—Beautiful mahogany case, 6 octave, good tone, only Collard & Collard—Mahogany case, 6 octave, octagon legs, fine praetiee piano . $60.00 Stoddart Square.—Rosewood case, 61/2 octave, octa- gon legs, full plate; regular $100, for 65.00 0.00 $50.00 Dunham Square—Ebony case, full oeta.ve, overstrung cp iao Ai 1 bass, metal plate, an excellent practice piano .. 4,0/ 10,UU Weber Square—Ebonized case, full octave, overstrung, fancy carved legs. This tone in an upright piano would be worth $300; our price $96 00 Herald Square—Rosewood ease, 7 1-3 octaves, overstrung bass, serpentine front and fancy carvings; a beautiful piano at a cheap price Reintzman 84 Co.—Ebonized case, full octave, overstrung bass; has all the tone of the Grand. pianos now being sold by Canada's greatest piano firm Weber Upright—Colonial design,- 7 octaves, fancy rosewood case, beautiful tone „.,........$165 Haines Bros. Upright—Cabinet Grand size, full octave, with metal plate; has been put in A-1 condition and is offered at $200 rionainion Upright—Walnut case, Colonial design, full octave, overstrung bass, repeating action; original $450, now S ECI One carload, 16 Weber Upright Pianos have been forwarded just one month too soon for us. These are direct from the factory. DESCRIPTION New improved scale. 'Full iron plate. Double veneered in handsome figured mahogany, burl walnut and mission. designs. Exquisitely hand -carved Pilasters and Trussts. Full-length swing- ing music desk. Three pedals. Sustaining pedal. Rolling fall, continuous hinges throughout. Trichord Overstrung scale. Elastic repeating action. Ivory keys, 7 1-3 oetsves. Patent noiseless pedal action. DIMENSIONS Height, 6 f t. 6 in, Width, 5 ft, iy2 ins. Depth, 2 ft. 3 ins, Regular .$400.00 ON EASY TERMS eieestAteeeeeseitedee- eadna Every used. instrument has been oVerbetuied by our own Work, men and is guaranteed. We have Many more instruments that will be ready- for shipment next week. Tell us what you want and we Will try to satisfy you. A Small payment down and a little each month is all that is required to own one of these great batsgairs. Teele;ie'4*1 YE OWE FIRME Het man i Co. PRESENT ADDRESS LIMITED 71 KING STREET EAST HAMILTON, ONT. (NORTH SIDE) Vormosiossersisseemiss RECRUITS FOR ZIONISM, onnism that looks with love, but not - Conspicuous Ohang e in Attitude of Some Jewish Organizations. A remarkable change has recently tome over the attitude oc smeral public 'bodies and 0118 Of NVA.rti tile widespread movement known am Zionism, The Allianee .1,,,raelite of Pari;, wlikh luta alwity% hitherto opposed tho move - Mont. has shangoa its attitude and the Israelite of ( ineiunati have In tecent ones renounced the:r fOrlilor tie attitude and dtJ,tredat103.1, A Ott - 1,0414; fliCr11‘51f,tTn fAIN` /IA Zioni$111. the two hi Ltta-cf, i.he reason for the change i$ 14-1vet e:th s4t.1e fty; !lh.be pipe! Liam wiiite Zioniato 14'4'Im rurtly pelat.eal and tinned on roe Ii',• idtl tn by its founder, the late lir, tieril, they wHe oPpoeell to ii. Ls tiorkt 1,40dd-red any t,f .Ttes both futile tit{d'111P,11,11. 11111, `,1 ie contended by those' org..ris1 latt. tetit't eou- grcsa the pt:4 a! of Zioniqin was rract lea liy bo viva, led they fed thpro. orti at 1iW t t., tAT.teegi the sympatity they have hu.44 t. tr..rnaged to °matfett' 00 SIleCOesfitily wt % Cie sentimeotal Zi - with desire, toward the land of the fathers. It will be difficult to prove the coact tion that the, late Congress made any such fundamental change in tho prin eiples of Zionism. It recognize(' that in pie pont eondition of Turkey the Immediate epplieetion of 11e, Iterzl's ideas wonld be impracticable, but so far as we NAIL] diseern. the final elm of the AltiVelnellt, AR interpieti d by the (1011. gress, remalited the same, and Zionism /emainsU4 national as it et er was. PV111111)1 A more eomph te explanation fit the tematkable volte fnee made by Illeae itatriials as well as by the Alliance is the d'kelneay that 'they have mad° that 1.110 /Wirt' itiC111 Niirits of the young - Pr generation ale 0)10.4 without excep- tion ZioniAtio in tpirii and that if they kept up the:i. at tit-nle maptelitimi they mould find 111Ptilgt.l‘t.e -tort in the Inrob, Tlehrew. 0.4.4 • IN SPITE Orr IT, esee 'Flee II4N.o,'2,") The 1.ireiavfne 1.( lauler-.Totatent moues with epprovel tins $0,111fr that natiens ttre et ft 14 4t i'- 1,..,1 i 4 tu f by legisla- tree, Quite hive Generally thev ac- quire tt.er neeeeettry isles:Sings 111 litOtte it. -^',"47:41"-ArsoruralSOMOIIIAPOOMAlle*ViNAPII*410111SIR-77-1W7-7c,,,- 10 Terrible Itching Got Little Sleep tetteneei lett it lirr.TieleM AXING, sest a reminder tit what is pod pra in tjio ofu'p flf eretun for buitermalttng RI. Wm eetteoti, tine to a certain extent this wilt epees` to erenin used for other 1'u1p0p;c6, vi i' tf.proWlye tho thto11143104L8 thAW11 front rt (emelt. seuseu'e expeen menial awl,. by -George 11. Barr, cniet or the 'wry Division, Department of AK - riven tire, ot La 11"11.: "AA ordinary eellur is len 0. good Vlim, an weien to 1“,,Vp (Timm. eCrsean most he eooled to 55 degreee and held at tittle temperature to be dee livered to tile cretimery every other ouy irt a esveet contlitieu. Settiug• the cream e.une in Water, or in water end ice, is tile won ntethod of eooling. nCreent delivered only twlee 0. week must be yenned immediately after' eltim- ming to 48 or 49 :lee:revs and held at tliat teuiperat ure, "A refrigerator 15 not a good place in wilieii to eool cream as a /11411C W1111 Wat- er end lee, ."rtie !allure,' ripening et gathered cream ttt the creamery 1\111 not PrOduce batter with good keeping qualities. "The time of ten per rent, of elean-flave cared starter Improves flavor and iteepleg quality of the nutter. "Butter made froni Paeteurized cream without a starter has better flavor a.rut better keeping quality Uteri butter made front rasv Crealll to whleh a good starter nee been added, espevially ' schen 1110 etettan le tainted. "Pasteurized cream with ten per cent. Of a starter added gave the best-flavorea and best -keeping butter, 'Cleanlineue and low temperature aro the two most Important essentials in the prodaction or finesflavored butter with good keeping quality. -Farmers' Ativo. cattle Ext,Eura GOOD PRICES YOB WIN- TER APPLES. In attempting to forecast the level or values likely to prevail for any crop ilket apples, the crop prospect Is the then ritc. tor to eonisider, In doing this we must - Irot ignore the abundance or scarcity- or other fruite capable of substitution tor Annlem in whole or in part, The general average condition of the Canauran apple crop may be deecribed as fair, growth baying been good and Insects not natur- ally troublesome. The August fruit erep report rated early apples 69 per cent,, the general average ter the country be - in 65. To date of writing, conditions had not materially changed inee the issuance of that report, European pros.. peete were below the average, the crop Jreing decidedly short in England and Germany, the two ehief apple importing countries. Later advices indicate that the wet weather in Britain will in all likelihood mean a further diminution in th eapple crop. Europe, therefore, should eurnish a very gooc.1 market for Canad- ian anislee this fall, In the Prairie Pro» vences markets should be good, provided the wheat harvest encie satisfactorily4 lepon the general subJeet of price pros- pects we oft:tote the opinion of a prom!? nent fruit -grower in a fairly good posi- tion to Judge: FEEDING LA.141135. The New Mexico Agricultural Experi- ment Association ha.s beeu making some tests with feeding lambs, in which they found that with alfalfa lay alone, from ale to 120 days were requirea to prepare limbs for the home market. Tile use of about one-fourth pound of grain per head per day reduced the feeding period by ten days. Tho use ol une-half pound of grain reduced it twenty days, while with the heavy grain ration of a pounct Per head per day the feeding periott neea be only from 70 to Se days. The lignt (one-fourth pound) grain ration gave as great but not as rapid gains as dtct the medium or one -halt pound ration. The more grain fed, the greater was the cost of gain.—Farmers' Advocate, THE GERMAN DIRIGIBLE. (Montreal Witnese.) Glermany hats just put on the stocke another Zeppelin, to be nigger ond faster than anything yet attempted. The announcement Is made with as much pride as was ree.ntly the announcement of the naval people of the United States that if they were only going to build one battleohip this year it would be :the biggest over," or the kaimilar and more reeent announcement from England that nee new battleship is being deeigned to carry fourteen -inch guns, a thing never before attempted. The world hears whenever a Zeppelin le launched into the air. It ale() hears whenever cite meets with an accident, and the c<)m- mon belief is that every Zeppelin 11 at ever went up met with such n, catas- trophe as completely deetroyed her, and that each new monster dirigible launched is made to take the places of the last one smashed. This is far from the case. Almost all that Lave gone up, exeept the first, are still in commieeion, and a number of them ure on regular passenger routes. Their stieceee has been such as seemed even to cautious scientists inapossible. Their rate is almeet equal to tha fe of the aeroplanes, while they earr5, ears in whieh are dining and. lounging Towne for as many as forty paseengere. The aunouneement that the new one is to have a speed of fifty miles an hour, and be able to make a suetained flight of sixty houre-not all the time et top speed—shows.l.iow near we are epproach- lag the tithe when paseengers who ean paY the price will float through the air over the ocean. To "give the devil lie due," there Is no doubt that the epirit of war has been' a strong incentive to thie rapid advance. 4 - CARRIED ITS PROOFS. A commission in an Eastern State In- vestigeting Jail conditions requested let- tere trout the prismaers. They told the prisoners not to be afraid to give them the facts about conditions. The first letter opened was very eio.enent, It oentaiaed a number of live inseete. The board hasn't opened any snore envelopes yet, -Washington Herald. The woman who is fond of shopping eau always make a dollar look liko DS cents. Every naaleil credit would be improv- ed by paying his bills as promptly as he pay* a grudge. "I wonder if she cares for me at MI?" "Has she given you no sign " Onee 1 sew her setting the (dock back when 1 ceene t.o eall,"-Louisville Cour- ier -Journal. "Little on, X would swim the ocean to be at your side:" "How niee of you, .Ittek; when aro you eotning to see meagain'?" "Wednesday night, If It doesn't rain." e -------- MOST LIKELY. 1I1oebester Heraltln .k man out wept traded Plq *wife A, 102110 010 other etas. It may turn out that the woman pa the leiter of that bargain. undeistand you seal I Was a, nut. Billy -Well, let'play I'm a soli*. rel, I I, T, Williams. Until Cutieura Remedies Cured Those who have sultered long and hopee ieesly from torturine Oda eruptions will real with interest this letter from Air. T, Willlem% 115 Pacific Ave., Winnipeg (dated Jan, 14, 1011); "The Cutienra nernediee certainly ilId worlc ftni4y, ani 188 thankful ass there its such a remedy, arid that 1 tried it. About three mamba ago a terrible itching com- ravened on my body. / multi not Understand R. It gradually grew WO4SO and covered a large portion of my body. There was also a Plight eruption of the skin, sort of a rash. suffered greatly with the itching and at night time I had little sleep, I tried oneor twos remedies which did no good, and then tried Cutieura Soap, Ointment and Re- solvent, In about ten days I was completely cured." Pinore than a generation the Cutieura Remedies have afforded the speediest and Inost econfemical treatment for itching, burn - leg, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp hu- mors, of young and old, $old by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal sample of Cutieura Soap and Ointment, with 32-p, book on the care of the ekin and treatment of its aftectioile, send a postal to the Potter Drug it Chem. Corp., sole props, 51 Colum- bus Ave., Boston, U. 5. A. IN POULTRY WORLD FATTENING OHIORMai. Being requested to give my experi- ence with the fatteeing of chickens, 1 will try to tell you jut how I have done it, and hope it may prove a bene- fit to malty of your readers. There le no better place than the farm for thee operatioes, because here are to be had all the eesentiale nacos- Sary ior suceessful 'fattening, namely, chickens, milk, grain; dean, airy Bur- roundiege; aml last, but by no means least, quietness, I use the ordinary crates introduced by the Dominion Poultry Stations some years ago. They are made in different SiZeS, The MOS1 useful size is 11 feet long, 20 invitee high and 18 inches wide, divided into ti vompartmeete. Hach compartment holds four or five birds, according to eize. The frame le covered With laths., running lengthwise, for top, back and bottom, trnd horizontally fo front, so that the birdsean eat with greater eomfort fromtheir troughs. Iloa crates arc set about one and one -hall feet from the ground, and rov fatten- ing on a large scale, ere arranged with the feeding troughs faeing eaeli other for the convenience of the feeder, They should be placedin a eool, dry place, such as nn open .she<1. in the beginning of the 5e88021. 1 fattened A crate of birds, which took a finit prize out in the open with only a shelter 'front the EMIL It is very important to have plenty of air and light. Ai 11 grow( colder one must conduct operations inside some building, 1 cOmmenee fattening about the last week of September. • Any good, growthy chickens fatten well, but Rocks and Wyandottes are much preferred because of their unifor- mity. Some of the large breeds do not fatten smoothly; their bones are always prominent, no matter how fat one may ways appreeiated no matter of what gbreetedt.hem. However, a large bird is al - Before planing hirde into crates always duet well with sulphur, which has never failed me in eradicating lice. I prefer birds weighing 4 to 5 lbs., but often. use smaller ones, 1 pay on a eeale, the price changing according to weight of birds, from 4 to 5 lbs, beteg .011.0 That when yots put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the poxes and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of anal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude alves are) into your child's blood by way of the stomach ? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. Use always the pure herbal Asences provided' in Zatn-Buk. Zatn-Buft contains no trace of any animat oil or fat, and no poisonous mineral color- ing matter* Eton% Start tO finish It Is purely herbal. It will heal sorts, ulcers, tbse,es- nes. eruptions, varicose ulars, cutsburns and bruises more quickly than say ether known preparation. It is arititepilco quickly stops the smarting al st sore or cut, tures piles, inflamed sores and blood-polsontag. It is a -combination of healing cowerand scientific purity. Ask those who ftave proved it. tt li4tle/0u ana atom too box or Xant.Hu6) Co., Toronto, for prill, marl BE YOUR linte est ripe, lighter lAnde at a cent per rum], lees. I feed only twiee a day, morning and night, and wily 0.t 1411101 tte they will eat up elean, never allowing any food to stand before them ; then dean out their troughs and give them water. They get gravel twiee a week. The best food mixture 1 o'er need vonsisted of 3 parts good nate, 1 part barley and 1 part buck- wheat, ground fine and wet with skim milk until it is neither ermnbly nor sloppy, 'hnt just between, 'lave the milk eiesere sweet or always white (dee it disagrees with the birds, I feed no Other kind of food from first to last, and give them food from the find (lay they are crated. I sometimes find it »eeptisary to let some birds have a week or ten days run In the farnoyard after buying them, in order to get their eystems in prime emiditioa before eonfining them to the crates, Ati nitwit of the SUCV011,6 de1e./145 on getting good, vigorous stock. 1 keep them in the crates, as much of the euceess depends on getting good, vigor- ous stock. 1 keep them In the meat% from two to three weeks, aceording to how fat they were when yet in, aml during this time they ehould [Lain a pound each, There is no advantage in keeping them crated longer thee three weeks, If the birds are not fat then, OJ) e has failed on some one or nore points, sand must try again on a new crateful, as these cannot stand longer eonfinernent in the crates. A pound of gain ean be pet on for about 10 cente at the present prices of grain, not coun- ting the price of skint in killing, after having starved until crops are onpty, the heads about on inoh off the necks without breaking the skin, pluck Immediately, and then set them in a natural sitting position on a 'shelf about fi or 10 inehes wide With tail against back of ehelf and head' hanethg down in front, placing a brick on the back, which shapes birds in a uni- form way. 1 pack them next morning in boxes, which hold one dozen, laying them with breast up and tails towara the outside of box, Different sizes of boxes are used for different sizes of birds. Always one dozen to a box. Have never fed more then about 400 et a time, end these were always easily attended to in one hour, night and mere... ing, by one man, aside from the water ing at noon and the cleaning of pens. -- W. Marquis in Farmer's Advocate. STOP I READ! AND CONSIDER NEVER FAILS TO CURE 368 13readway, Winnipeg, Man., Messrs„ The Sanol ManufajeLtiulTen8gt.11 Gentlemen.-leor eonte sears past 1 had suffered with tree Itatitteas. About eight- een months ago 1 ree teethe olve.12, Uteri of these ereaess, ..en t Was uedeVed to bed by the meals., , et, er tending me, 1 _received consiof, but alter a A, few weeke Ito .thie .4 again. It was then thet 1 to Li.,y "S.,1101." Ur WI11011 1 had buth read and .,.. After takdng two bottles I felt s metelt better, and my condition rapicuy 1111nroVed. When .1. had taken the con- tents ot eight betties I felt better than 1. had done for some years, tor my kidney trouble had entirely left me It is now about three itionthe sinee I Meshed with tile intalleine and 1 ant 011- 14 1)0 beet ut health. I inteud te 41844 yun la the course of a few days to melte arrangements fur send- ing eight or ten bottles to Thy In'Oiller in England, alio is anxious to benefit by your we nth, rt ul remedy. I am, gentlemen, Yours truly, G. Henry Wages. ilamilton, Ont., Aug. 17th, 1912. The Sante 1 anu Lecturing Co., Winnipeg, Alan. eDer Your Salmi has cured my husband and son. 1 might tell you oue or our best doctors in our eity had prepared him for an operation, so I thought I would see what Sanol would do. I Lad tto faith in it, but to our surprise it tnasie a well man of nine I am sure We icad. tell (100tOrS to see him; all gave him treatments, with no result, but our doctor said the opera- tion was the only thing Whichhe would not etand. Thanking you for your patience a.nri trouble with him, and I will always etand for Sena I might tell you my hueband is in his eightieth year, Yours truly, Mrs. Wilson, 141. Malls Street East, Hamilton, Oat, a WL is the positive cure for Gall Stones, Kid- ney alai Bladder S..ones, Kidney Trouble, Gravel, Lumbago, Ailments of Uric Acid origin, Over 1,100 complete cures re- ported in six months. Price, *1,50 eve' bottle, frOM t111.184c1,Sfts. Booklet free to sufferers. The San ol alarm tactu ring Co., or Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. .Another sure oure 18 S'anol's Ant1,Dia- hetes for Diabetes. AS SEEN FROMTE PLATFORM. ete-.1.1 When the frost 18 4)11 the punkins and the testate 5 in the snok,:ks, Then the r1.11.41‘; Lontertainer starts to gather in tee rooks, For the Leeture Circuit's open and he needs use oail to preach, Fox' the public thirsts for knowledge at a hair dollar eaehe In his evening (nettles and "dicky" ho goes through his littte stunt With that paraaox "inn: Pulimee looking on from out in frunte 0 the scene is full ef humor as you'll very neeinly see If you'll 0111Y oe observant for a while and come with see. There's The 'Woman With a Baby and The Fellow 'With a Vitb$, Here's a Slimy Delegation From The Local lerewning Class; There's The •L'uan Wbo Hates A11 Lec- tures with The Man Who e eerone Le Snooze, And The Woman Late in Coming with the Man With Squeaky Shoes; There's The Callow Youth Who' l Ner- vous, there's Another \The Must Dose, And There, s One (0, cuss his picture) Al- ways Trumpets On His Nose: There's The Man Who Laughs Too Tardy ancl The Man Who Laughs Too Soon. There's a Deaf One 'With a Trumpet and The Couple Came To Spoon. There's The Preacher And His Family and the Deacons In a Row, There's The Man W.ho lIonere "Loud- er"! When The Speaker's Voice le Low; `There's The Burgess and The Banker Who Controls The Village Pelf, And The Man in Black Who 'Used To Do Some Leeturing Himself"; There's The Woman With The Asthma and Another Xrone To Sneeze, In a seat remote and thetant sles the Callow 'Village Tease - There's The Village Elocutionist, a coy and flirty thing, Who Can Simply Tear The Inwards Out or. "Curfew Shall Not Meg." When the frost in on the punkins and the fodder's In the shooks, And the Public Entertainer starts to gather in the rocks, Where the nrieee range from fifty down to twenty-five Writ' ten, There's a heap of difficultiet arid Soiree tronblew now and then; There's some punk hoteland diluters end some via Stage Route jumPet And It host of thing's undreathed of keep the "talent" in the dumps; 33ut the speaker would be happy if he thonaht his little stunt Were halt as entertaining as the and. lenee in front. TAK1140 OVP WEIGHT. 1). \Valle. llaeehorse yon are too honey, Oat )'OU take eomethieg off? Jockey -1'm wearing iny lightest suit end haven't tasted food all day. Owner—Then, for goodness Sake, go tied get shaved.---Tit.-Bits. Muggins -My husband is the meet unreasonable 180.14.MTS. IA het hite he done now? Mrs, Muggins. Well. I've boon at him for six months to buer some flew furniture for the drawing room, and whet do. WOU think lie told nte laftt night be had inst paid thousands of dollars for an old ANA on. the Stoek Ilsehange, Inimficf.49404950Prei I z -,r, sgt, t.s re slartwers-s-as,vsorms.ssk-sossp.s, Airmalcsimiciacparpaglokopm, 1. ANY brand's of Baking Powder contain alum, which is an injurious acid. The higreclients ahnn baking powder are never printed on the label. a ,CS:401 •R% *IfITESTLIGOTE5' Magic Baking Powder contains no alum and is the only baking powder made in Canada that has all the ingredients plainly printed on the label. EW,GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT, WINNIPEG MONTREAL Let Your Chickens Many amateur chicken farraers are tied down to the home for fear the chickens will have to go hungry if there Is- no one around to feed them. One brainy chicken farmer devieed this fountain feeder, which the chick- ens operate, His chiekens have food when they want it, and never is there too much left on the ground to get mouldy and cause ill-healtli among the flock and never an evening is there any grain on the ground to tempt rats. The device is a galvanized iron sup- ply fount which Is filled with grain and which has at Ito base a, revolving toothed wheel mounted. on extremely oensitfve, though very strong and dur- able, bearings. A light shaft extentle down from this wheel to a cylinder made of wire mesh, 'This cylinder is filled with grain also, but the mesh is eo close it cannot fall out. The machine Is so mounted that the cylinder is just the height of a chicken's head, The chickens see the grain in. the cylin- der and peck at It. The slightest touch on the cylinder cauees the wheel to revolve and this throws the grain out against an inverted cone which seaters it It over the ground. As soon as the wheel stop e revolv- OUR PRECISE ARTIST 4Ani --- t 11 II to .... , ...., t4 Iss4tts4 to° 1 mi.! ,,0111 I 1 :mut% "‘" 46%,,, .... Coming to the point. THE UNICORN. Among the pictures and descriptione of the visit of the King of England to India you have probably noticed every- where the British coat Of arms, 1,vhich is popular described as a lion and 0. trai• corn, fighting for a crown. Every one knows what a lion is, and one can see a specimen any day at the zoblogical park, but did you ever stop to ask yourself where you could find such an animal as a unicorn? People once believed there really was eneh an animal end a writer hi' the time of Qtteen Elizabeth mentions having seen the horn of this famous animal at the Queen's eoUri„ the specimen being vab tied at $50.000 of American money. This has since been shown to be the spires: born or tusk of a. softies of porpoise relin ed a arwal. . The unicorn 44-0.5 supposed to live in the jungles of India, in Arabia or in Moroeeo, and the story was that no per. 8011 in man's clothing could approaeh it, yet it was sometime) captured by stria- egem, but only at the risk of the hun- ter's life. Aceording to tradition, the hunter would disguise himself as a woman and saturate lus dress with a powerful per- fume, Ire would then lie down quietly and would wait for days or weeks in some place that the unicorn was sup- posed to fgrequent and if one happened to pass that way be would be attracted I))' the odor and would linger abont un- til it fell asleep. lf the hunter than had sufficient strength And courage to graap it firmly by the horn with both hands and put his whole weight upon it, the horn would always be torn out and the Win corn would flee in terror from its ter - mentor. This accounts for the fact that the animal itself was never cap- tured, only the horn. As anything front tmeh far off lands as India and Arabia were readily believ- ed in those dap, it Ante not difficult 'to pass off the twit( of an unkuown nett for the horn of a unicorn, and one doubted that the two animals in the British coat of Arnie were reel beings. mwrieS 1.41GH SPEED ticoAmp(oN Is the Washer tor 3 Wonsan In the first place, Maxwell's "Champion" )1 the only washer that oan be -worked with a Crank handle et the sitle es well ss with the top lever. just suit your own convenience. **other MAxweti fa/Awe-Laver mid anoe,W heel *r. so sg.:ours t y Adjusted AndworkupeoehsPeed that the washer runs Wong even when you hays stoppod Woridat the liver. There's no doubt about Max*elrsiChemplonl being ths eesiost runni aft wesher et the tnaricet. WrIta for ne\V Must- rstedbooklet Ityourdeitiee does not itandie Maxwell 'a __''Citftnetore washer., NAM ibl**VELt & SOIL Moursitat. 02 41,S. "ilosrit etscurtiAg° NITalttr %Igor' Aso" NTAINs NOM - Feed Thefnselves yo Mrs i0,(11V I ON QL,• , ,n, • .t••• :•TA:7:7" - • Ing, and the weight of the grain stops it very quickly, the supply is shut of until another chicken pecks at the cylinder. WORK AND WORRY WEAKEN .WOMEN New Health and Strength Obtained by the Use pf Or. Williams' Pink Pills. rt is useiese to ten a hard-working woman to take life easily and not to worry, Every woman at the head of a home: every girl in offices, shops and factories, is subject to more or lees \4'01'l1, Theee cannot be AVOW - ed. lint it ie the duty of e.verr wo- man and every girl to save her strength AS 11111011 as possible and to build up her system to meet any un- ustuti demands. Ifer future health dependupon It. To guard against 0. breakdown In health the blood ntuet be kept riele red and pure. Nothing can keep the blood in this eondition so well as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. - They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to lietlese peo- ple. Women cannot always reat • when they should, but they eau keep . their strength and keep disease away by tile OCCA1,11011111 118e of ihe Wil - lime' Pink Pille, Or If a breakdown bas CO/Tle unexpeetedly they can ob- tain new health through this same :niedieine. Mrs,. AT. Thomas, River street. Toronto, sayer: "For several . years 1 was almost a constant -in- linable to do my housework and spending much of my time in bed. My nerves seemed worn nut and 1 was so run down that all my friends thought I was in e hopeless decline. I was as pale as a corpse; W0.14 so bloodless that if 't eut finger it would not bleed; my limbs were swollen far beyond their nsuel see. At the lest exettion my heart would palpitate violently, and I fre- gneetly Iu1d fainting WM under treaement by good doctors, but it did me no good. Then one _day nty husband brought home 801116 Dr. Willie ate' Pink Pills and 1 began taking them. The' seemed to go to the root of the trouble, and 131 the eourso of a few weekthe improve- ment they were makings' was ()tette Gradually as I continued tak- ing the pills the :swelling of ray limbs disappeared.: the weak spells game less and Jose frequently; My ap- petite greatly improved, anti finally T was ecnupletely enred and able to do my homework- with ease, Later, my deughtee Elmo seemed to be trou- bled with anaemia, and -we ga,v0 !ler the Pills. with the attme good resu1ts.5' Wier suffer in any way when you con begineuring yourself to -day -with Dr. William' 'Pink Pills, Sold by ail medleine dealers or by mail at 50 eents bo :v or sir boves for $2.50 -from The Dr. William' Medieine CO.f Broeloltle. Ont. a • • THE CROW IN LEGEND. It is difficult to state the average life of a crow, but it Is certain that ite tele of years is much In °mosso of Its merits, for it can scarcely be said to attain to a good elei age, and even in Ite senility It is still ripe tor mischief. For the crow in eit ages has reached a bed 0821- 214:8(40. et Is frequently mentioned in legendary lore. According to Itemize mythology its color wee originally white, and It owes its inteek plumage to A.eseu- Janine, for his mother, the nymph, Cor- ohis, had a qUarrel with Mee father, Apollo, who so far lost leis tamper-.pro.bemy he had the worst or tbe arentment -as to kill the tinfertnnate nyraph Unon the epot. Apollo had the grace, to motsrn hie rash act, and he determinekthet the crow :should mourn, too, ane 40 be changed Its white feathers into black, and the CrOW wae niade to "put on sul- le'Allibisiao°rkowtheGlihatellia."Iltvt.a.!Ys been fabled to have the gilt Of speech, and It was eon. secratecl to Apollo on aecount of ita gift of propehoy. The AUtture wetelted its flight MI 4, means of divination. if it flew to the right It WiLti IX most favor- able omen, while if it turned. to the left It Wee a plain Indieatien that dleasitee awaited the enterprise. Pliny ante com- ments upon the Jou life of the emu, mid states that It a made it8 appeare,rtape unon the lor, side it Was a happy wag- urr. He save that Re criers were eit (11(ettOt't of coming rain, and that ite Cites were valuable as 1h441/18, The Latin seems to hove been a more worthy and better behaved bird then his Indian brother, who Is an incorrigible thief and misettier-ineker and an unmitigated mils- enete Aecordtier to 111. Perekliend, fun end honor's mere eald to the (Tote 8)11 tile raven bv the /Winans and the 1)Ignie lento. and he gave the following trance- tioite In nroor or his stet:emelt: And etomaae eertermea fahereI rites to the raven, that player leading the 10C1:14,410)/• 0/1 the eliouldcrs or tWo Etbitereittne. Around the efeese , of Myris toninlehree of the erase end itis, made of Veltrahlt StOte, NNere 1,4011000, G101* 41EWSPIPPOPAPOO A Baltimore man /lac committed sui- cide. leaving 11 note saying that he ryas hounded to death by a yellow newepaper. Returns show that only 70 per ent. of the electors voted at the last general elections. The women eould not do nitwit , worse, We are told that five thoneentl tors abetained from voting at last 117.1i- . eral eleetion. The women veuld not Jut'* e done worse than that, eeset Dr. Rieliter, of Berlin, says CIermatty is not hankering for war with Britain. In feet, she is anxious to stave it off tee long as possible. But the eeare only eeetvls the more. Detroit propOss to erect n, $200,000 pieees . garbage ineinerating plant. With rover- . ed wagonsand auto trucks to eolleet the rubbish and take it to the incinera- tor Detroit hopes to become a clean Pity. The Michigan Industrial Accident Board offieially rates the life of the average laborer as being worth Ife2,750, provided he earns $15 a week. The loafer, 1VP suppose, is only fit for the boneyard. The Ontario farmers should be eneour- Igoe to plant trees. There would. 1)0 foyer disastrous floods ant fre91t9t0 11 there were more trees. Trees beautify lXe land, -;c -ape and would put money iu the farmers' pockets later on, JP,* MI'S, Mary Leigh's five years' sojourn, in an Irish jail has been enit short. Pump -feeding had reduced. her to death's door, and, 11044' a physical wreck, he wits bundled nut of doors to shift for herself. This in the twentieth eentury. A Toronto automobile owner Was fin- ed $50 for having a license number on hie machine which "WAS not supplied by the Provincial Department, The govern- mental one had been destroyed and an -- other one just as good put in its place, but it laid him op4e.....,n to the filo, The story of Ottawa's neglect to pro- vide pure drinking water for the popula. tion 19 almost unbelievable. Defective intake pipes allowing sewage to flow an. to them was apparently consid.?red of no importance, with the result that donne of people died through drinking the im- pure water.. p g over the dif- defenne:Til.ae::---is.sa.tlevhlteeT-ieeietiefittettoofiric.iaart:our Recorder o treal, in dealing with the e o passenger being eject- ed fro i s stated that neither o n motorman had the g hands on a passe ge o o m nlese in self. ficulty by making the conductor a spec- ial constable. There are twenty people in Detroit under indictment for trafficking in white slavery. The Free Press says of thie: "The conviction of thoee who may be guilty of the offences eharged cannot fail to have 'a deterrent effect upon traffickers in human beinge who in the past have been in the habit of ma:sing Detroit a distributing point for waree inieorted iroit Canada or the old world, and bound ultimately to interior cities, particularly to Chieago." Moving pictures have been made part of -the eurrieulum in one of the parochial schools of Chicago. Once a week the school authorities will show pictures free to their pupils. The object is to get the children of thie particular school away from the in.fluenee of the niekel theatre, wlekth is declared. to be bad, both from the moral and sanitary stand- point. Why cannot the Chicago author- ities improve the conditions of these theatres? The films can be eensored anti the buildinge made sanitary. Jee-er Only siX, American cities of more than 100,000 population have adopted the corn - mission form of government, and Oak- land, the largest of these, has, but little (11;teToft.1) r15010seTe cities QtliteapapZiree; the 100,000 chess, but the vrtet majority of (bent are what would be Palled minieipalitiee of the third (lase, end many would not eVell attain tide rank. How ever, the city of Netv Orleatte has re- ceittly adapted commission government, and it will 11014' he seen whether this forrn of government ie euitable to lenity pity. Mrs. SS Tallmrst, of Los Angeles, Cal., who is ht. Detroit, says that in Los Angeles at the last election 70,000 wo- men voted and hardly a single ballot caet by them W1113 thrown out because cif mutilation. They knew how to vote ae well as did the men, She says "Now we are organizing eivie soeietiee and pro. pose to support eertnin re,- gardltee of party. We want equal gualtliaw.hip for th ehtld. We also 40.114 woman phrieiane in institationt Miele there are women patiente, med. ally in inqctue neylinee." But the women intiere mey ehjeet. ()n the itend nf,eteeinher, 1862, Preeie dent T,ineole i-eited his preliminary pro. chnoetion of the emeneipatien tf Vie eeethern 'i0\0,:, to take effeet en see 1-1 a 111144 OnlaTIOiNtiOn 4%4' .1 hl..1,* ire Mem of the war, \Wh- ine te Per th 111t1 PrAte41- 40111 e " r.tiounrunt objcet is to 1%, l'it:eu ;Ind net either 1.n t..t4 NV 41, -An I rti,1111 4-11% thrt 1 1.111,1 W41110141 tz eng aliv elate, 1 veedd de it it T KM" it by fief, ,di th 548414. I AVOlild 40 it, and* it 1 eould do it by fleeing cAme and 4044- othens alone. 4 wonld 814t1 do that."