The Wingham Advance, 1912-05-02, Page 5• . THURSDAY, NAY 2, 191 2 sosemses n III II II II III II � I Vl ... 1 111 li II 14 k.Ill 11 lel I1I 1I III ,I 1/041001.01100081/001111 I .II I 1 YI 1.1 II II i III V. it II�.I •.,Mp II11I. 1 II I I l Let The Change Come. 111Y I. .1111111Y I I.- dl Will You? Will you give your order for a Spring Suitwithout seeing the 20th Century Brand models—the styles that set the pace for them all ? You are welcome to inspect them at any time whether you buy or not. If your tailor knows that you have seen the new 20th Century Brand garments be will do his best to equal them and that will be to your advantage. ][cGoe & Campbell CLOTIfIElts (Z .ME.N'S FURNISHERS I II I. • i KEEP YOUR EYE' ON PATTERSON'S JEWELRY ....STORE WINDOW..... Three Big Three Hour Window Sales Commencing Saturday the 20th, Saturday the 27th, and Saturday May the 4th FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK P. M. $1000 worth of swell up•ta-date Jewellery to be sold for $500 at each sale. YOU will twee the goods ticketed in the window—Bine riguret , regular price—Rid Figures„ sale price. It will ,pay you to keep tab on these hours, as positively noth- ing will be sold out of the window before or after the hours mentioned, G. PATTERSON ME GREAT WATCH DOCTOR OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL WINGHAM At last there la a prokpet t of the date for holding the nanuicipal elec., . , tions in Ontario being changed. The rr►trnicif►ail committee of the Lr'gi:laal- ture has decided to report favorably the bill to ctr►u)ge the date of polling T to the first Monday in December. It is to be hoped it will be carried into 'I tvwv, Ontario is the t my province i1 the Dominion that has ire limn'- I el w1.el' et on camaaigns in the height of the Christmas twin on, when the spirit of peal e on earth and good wi 1 to men should prove 1. It is also the lbu lest time of the year, as ever - boi;s"s mind is occupied 1viih otl.ell things than wunieipr1 elections, The eivre e would r'esnit in the securing of the serriccs of better men fo.' the office and create a wider inter a it in municipal affairs, • Prospects For Apples. ank W. Evans, manager for Hula, on of the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company, says the prospects for a good crop of apples are excellent, - The trees in their orgbards are all 4 I covered with good healthy buds. In their operations in this Province last year the Company expended over one million dollars -in rentals, work on or. chards, plant at Grimsby, etc. Uufor. tunately 1911 was a bad season for or• chardists and the outlay greatly ex- ceeded the receipts, but then that was extraordinarily lean year and the lily e may not occur for a long time. In the eight townships extending from Col- borne to Exeter the Company has one hundred and twenty orchards under lease and on the pruning, scrap- ing and -plowing there was a large out- lay last season,— [Clinton News -Re- cord. Ontario Prison System. The Montreal Witness (Liberal) has kind words to say of Ontario sys- tem of Prison Reform, and among other things says "Instead of penning up her wrongdoers to pine and grow • flabby morally as well as physically in in -door cells, she gives them invig- • orating, manly, outdoor work to do. Legislative provision has been made whereby municipalities can put cer- tain classes of offenders, especially those who offend through drink, on industrial farms. This is an excel- lent beginning, hut it would probably b3 better if a considerable district could be set apart by the province, somewhere remote from the homes and haunts of the inmates, where a variety of industries could be carried on, and which should be absolutely protected against the inroads of drink." A. L. HAMILTON IS AGENT IN WINUHAM FOR ANTI URIC PILLS. We have the agency for Wingbam Anti -Uric Pill, Sageine .flair Tonic, Rheutuo the GREAT Rheumatic Cure, we guarantee these preparations on a money back basis. A. L. Ramilton, druggist, The Humble Earthworm. The humble earthworm is one of _ man's best friends. The farmer and the gardener could not spare him. In but rowing through the soil the worms render it more porous and permeable to gases, not merely by virtue of their air spaces formed, but by reason of the fact that the soil is thus continual- ly kept in gentle motion, Again, the soil passing through the bodies a worms is excreted in a finer condition, being ground by attrition through the intestines. Darwin estimated that no fewer than 15 tons c f soil 'annually pass through the bodies of worms for every acre. Worms materially aid in producing soluble salts of iron in the soil when other agencies fail. The iron is eventually given back to the soil in a more soluble condition, and presumably is one which can be direct- ly absorbed by plant roots. BADLY ULCERATED LEG. Zam-Buk Cured Her When So Bad She Bad To Use Crutches. For varicose sores, bad leg, or chron- ic ulcers, Zam'Buk is without equal as a healer. A proof of this is just to - _ hand from Montreal. Mrs. T. Ed- wards, of 16.1 Amherst St , writes : "Some time ago a bad sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it, but it pot so had that I could hardly walk. • I Bent for our doctor, and he told n as that I would have to lay up with the wound. At the end of that time the ulcer healed a little, but I could only move about by using crutches, • "The sore then broke out badly, and the doctor told me that the only thing that would cure it would be an opera- tion, and. that I should have to lay up for a year, This, I knew, was impos- sible, as I had a family to attend to. "My Ron had aired a bad not on his finger by using Zam.Bak, and he IV- vised ill ? to give t his bairn a trial. I did tlo, and in less a an a week's titian it gave me wonderful relief. It stopp d the pain, which had been so bad that, tttany nights I dict not get a wink of sleep. In ail very short time the wound was so much better that I had no more sleepless nights, and Was also able to move about and do my Work. I perse- vered with Zorn -Rule, with the result that the wound is now perfectly cured and .the limb is as sound and strong as ever, To any person fluttering from ulcerated sores I would say, 'try lain= link r " Zarn-Euk is just no good for piles', abscesses, belle, scalp envoy, 'blond poison, festering wounds, cuts burns, amidst bruises, ewrna, etuptions, and all other injuries and diseases. Ali druggists and stores Me. box, or Z a tw 13uk Co , Toronto, foe rrice. Refuse harmful rubstitutea and in'titatiuns. Have you tied lam -Balt Soap f tic tablet, THE WING IAM ADVANCE A Woman of Few u)' Words XU,car'r'y . live, m0'it sturtt north, Mount Forrest, Ontario, writes "Your i ewdds' for kidney, bladder avd titonaacilt, ouhle has given me great re. lief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and Matter than I have /alto tor years and I give your 11G PILLS all the praise, for they are the best I have ever tried." At all dealers, 1'5 and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill Co., Sr, 'L'aornue., Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phorpixonol will make_ you a new man. Price 813 a box, or two for ti. Mailed to any address. The Scoboll Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. 1.14511 Office. HAMILTON CAPITA(. PAID UP 1 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000 Total Assets 44,000,000 171RANQE is Zurope's banker, For a country .' to acquire that position, her people must he remarkable thrifty. The people of France aro excest tonally so—they begin to save la their youth, Iti'o matter how small their Income, a portion is regularly set apart for future need. In old age they enjoy the fruits at their thrift. They aro a happy nation. The opening of a savings account is the best way to acquire that habit of saving with- out which no Ability to earn can insure you against possible misfortune. 0. P. SMITH AGENT W.1NGAM 1) 1 ...Irk 7•1.1111••••l.I•1•11111111a • on't let repairs eat up your profits Whether they represent actual cash outlay, or only the time of yourself and your help, repairs are waste just the same, When you make an improvement—no matter how small its cost may be—let it be permanent. Then it is a real investment, some- thing on which you can realize in cash should you decide to sell your property; and something that will pay you constant dividends in convenience, sightliness and comfort as long as the farm remains your own. Concrete Improvements Are Permanent They last as long as the very hills themselves. They do not require experts to, build them. Their first cost, in most cases, is no more than for inferior materials. Aren't you interested in the subject of permanent, modern farm improvements Then write for the book that describes hundreds of them "WHAT THE FARMER CAN DO WITH CONCRETE" It Isn't a Catalogue. Every one of its 160 handsomely Illustrated pages is Interest- ing and instructive. They tell how to mix concrete, how to place It, what can be done with It. The book was printed to sell for 50 cents, but we have a copy for you, free. Your name and address on a postal will bring this book TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE Mail the post..ard to -day. The book will come to you by Send eYour$ook -Y+ ..-w.Yip .es, .w wawa. ...w... a.... return mail. Address CANADA CEMENT CO., Ltd. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING • MONTREAL, P.Q. ';; Lt-'1'14.j3.4tS4.:::411;e1r11445::51.6/' y trr' 'nmc�?fI PORTLAND e, Great Stool Reducing Sale FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Commencing Saturday, day the 4th Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25c Currants, 3 lbs. for 25c Good Dates, per lb. 7c Prunes, per lb. 10c and 12c Dried Peaches, per lb . ,17c Griffin Seedless Raisins ...,..lOc and 13c Gr:fn Seeded Raisins, lb. pkgs ...11c Redpath Gr. Sugar, 15 lbs. for $1.00 CANNED GOODS Maple Leaf Salmon, 25c for ..,.... ,.,..22c Derby Salmon, 20c for .........18c Autumn Leaf Salmon, 18c for 16c Cern, lOc for ........................... 8c Peas, 13c for,..,..r..r..,,,,...... i........11 e French Peas, 150 for ,12c Finnan Haddie, 13e for..., .11c Eggo Baking Powder, 25e for 200 ran brand Baking Powder, 10c for80 Cow brand Baking Soda, Sc for.... 40 Daily's Pure Mustard, 100 for...,80 Corn Flakes, 3 for ....,.....t . 25e Gusto, 3 for ............. . .. 25c Macarona, 15e for lbe Jelly Powders, 1Oc for ........,.,... 8c Corn Starch 100 for ...1............ .... 8c SOAPS Comfort Soap, 6 for 250 Sunlight Soap, 6 for ..,.•............250 Lifebuoy Soap, 6 for .. . 25c Canada's Best, 7 for 25c Sailor Boy, 12 for. 25c Naptba Washing Powder, 5 for....,3c Silent Parlor Matches, 3 for 10c Gold Dust, 25c pkg for , 20c Gold Dust, 10e pkg for 7c Gold Dust, 50 pkg for .. 40 Lye, 100 for 8c Borax, 5c for . , 4c SHOE POLISH 100 bottles for .'. 813 2 in 1 for 8c Bonita, 10c for 70 5c boxes for . , 30 Stoop Stove Polish, 10c for 8c Black Knight, 10c for 8c Rising Sun, So for ................rr...■!r 4o Vanilla Fxtraet, 10c for .... 80 Lemon Extract, 100 for. t•OSS4 . • .. • 1011 Sc Allother flavors, each.; ...... ............ Gc Pickling Splay, 10c size for............. 70 Pickling Spice, 5c size for..... 4e MRS. GItISDAi.E •r • 6 House- Cleaning Time Is Here and we are here with all that's necessary to brighten up your home in CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, RUGS, CURTAINS, BLINDS, WINDOW POLES, ETC. LINOLEUMS A large stock of new patterns, comprising block and floral designs in pretty shadings ; widths -2, 21, 3, 3* and 4 yds. New Patterns in Floor Oilcloths—all widths and colorings. RUGS Are here in all sizes and new patterns, comprising Tapestry, Brussels Velvet, Wilton's and Axminsters ; prices the lowest. Curtains and Curtain Material in all the new weaves— Madras, Art Muslin and Fish Net ; special value at, per yard, 25c. WINDOW SHADES. --A large stock of Hees make, plain and lace trimmed ; see our leader, 3 x 6, with lace, for 50c. low .4 . .I H. El hard & Co1 Coins out of Business Having decided to go out of business, my entire stock must be disposed of within the next 15 days. Everything will be sold at ridiculously low prices. Just one instance Best Cleveland Coil Spring Wire—$2.00 per 100 lbs. I have 8 Squares Galvanized Siding at $2,50 per square. All accounts must be paid within 15 days. . GUS. A. SCHMIDT One Door North of Dudley Holmes' Law Office OF INTEREST TO EVERY MAN WHO VALUES HIS DOLLARS Savings that are really worth while are constantly being effected by our customers, You can do the same if you join the crowd and go to the shop of quality and supply your clothing furnishings and shoe needs. Our ambition is to sell the best goods posible at the lowest prices possible. Our aim is to give our customers the biggest values possible to produce. Every one who buys here once becomes a satisfied customer of this store. STYLISH NEW HATS You'll appreciate the difference when you see our spring lines—prices $x.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. SROBINS s87,AORRCIEA Opposite the Presbyterian Church.